)" >
			<img alt="<?php 
                    echo _AC("del_this_subgroup");
" src="themes/<?php 
                    echo $_SESSION['prefs']['PREF_THEME'];
/images/delete.gif" />
                    $subgroup_checks = $this->checksDAO->getChecksBySubgroupID($subgroup['subgroup_id']);
                    if (is_array($subgroup_checks)) {
                        $num_of_checks += count($subgroup_checks);
                        dispaly_check_table($subgroup_checks, 'gsg_' . $subgroup['subgroup_id']);
                // end of foreach $named_subgroups
            // end of if $named_subgroups
        // end of foreach $named_groups
    // end of if $named_groups
    // display "none found" if no check is defined in this guideline
    if ($num_of_checks == 0) {
        echo _AC('none_found');
// end of if (isset($this->row))
        // display named subgroups and their checks
        $named_subgroups = $guidelineSubgroupsDAO->getNamedSubgroupByGroupID($group['group_id']);
        if (is_array($named_subgroups)) {
            foreach ($named_subgroups as $subgroup) {
                echo _AC($subgroup['name']);
                $subgroup_checks = $checksDAO->getChecksBySubgroupID($subgroup['subgroup_id']);
                if (is_array($subgroup_checks)) {
                    $num_of_checks += count($subgroup_checks);
                } else {
                    echo '		<p class="subgroup">' . _AC('none_found') . '<br/><br/></p>';
            // end of foreach $named_subgroups
        // end of if $named_subgroups
    // end of foreach $named_groups
// end of if $named_groups
// display "none found" if no check is defined in this guideline
if ($num_of_checks == 0) {
    echo _AC('none_found');