} $the_active_site_template = CI::model('core')->optionsGetByKey('curent_template'); $the_active_site_template_dir = TEMPLATEFILES . $the_active_site_template . '/'; $the_template_url = site_url('userfiles/' . TEMPLATEFILES_DIRNAME . '/' . $the_active_site_template); $the_template_url = $the_template_url . '/'; if (defined('TEMPLATE_URL') == false) { define("TEMPLATE_URL", $the_template_url); } if (defined('USERFILES_URL') == false) { define("USERFILES_URL", site_url('userfiles/')); } if (defined('USERFILES_DIR') == false) { define("USERFILES_DIR", USERFILES); } if (defined('MODULES_DIR') == false) { define("MODULES_DIR", USERFILES . 'modules/'); } if (defined('LAYOUTS_DIR') == false) { $layouts_dir = TEMPLATES_DIR . 'layouts/'; define("LAYOUTS_DIR", $layouts_dir); } else { $layouts_dir = LAYOUTS_DIR; } if (defined('LAYOUTS_URL') == false) { $layouts_url = reduce_double_slashes(dirToURL($layouts_dir) . '/'); define("LAYOUTS_URL", $layouts_url); } else { $layouts_url = LAYOUTS_URL; } $this->template['layouts_dir'] = $layouts_dir; $this->template['layouts_url'] = $layouts_url;
// post-submit callback function save_post_showResponse(responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) { //document.getElementById('edit_frame').contentWindow.location.reload(); // alert('status: ' + statusText + '\n\nresponseText: \n' + responseText + '\n\nThe output div should have already been updated with the responseText.'); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> <? $url_to_module = dirToURL(dirname(__FILE__)); $url_to_module_static = $url_to_module. '/static/icons/' ; ?> <form action="" method="post" id="save_post_form"> <input name="id" id="post_id" type="hidden" value="<? print $form_values['id'] ?>" /> <input name="content_type" type="hidden" value="post" /> <mw module="admin/content/title_and_body" id="<? print $form_values['id'] ?>" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <script> $(document).ready(function() { //$("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script>
$layout = $this->load->file($the_active_site_template_dir . 'layouts/' . 'default_layout.php', true); } else { header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error"); show_error("Layout file {$content['content_layout_file']} is not readable or doesn't exist in the templates directory!"); exit; } } } } } } if ($content['content_layout_name'] != '') { $this->template['content'] = $content; $layout_dir = TEMPLATES_DIR . 'layouts/' . $content['content_layout_name'] . '/'; $this->template['layout_dir'] = $layout_dir; $this->template['layout_url'] = reduce_double_slashes(dirToURL($layout_dir) . '/'); $this->load->vars($this->template); $layout = TEMPLATES_DIR . 'layouts/' . $content['content_layout_name'] . '/index.php'; $layout = $this->load->file($layout, true); // } // p($page); //if ($content ['content_layout_file'] == '') { //} //} else { // $this->load->vars ( $this->template ); // $layout = $this->load->file ( $the_active_site_template_dir . 'affiliate_site_1/default_layout.php', true ); //} if (trim($content['content_filename']) != '') { if (is_readable($the_active_site_template_dir . $content['content_filename']) == true) { $this->load->vars($this->template);
function upload($to_table, $to_table_id = false, $queue_id = false, $collection = false) { $user_id = user_id(); if (intval($user_id) == 0) { exit('Only logged users can upload!'); } if ($to_table != false) { $to_table = $this->guessDbTable($to_table); } $target_path = MEDIAFILES; $uploaded = array(); if (empty($_FILES)) { //return false; } if (!empty($_FILES)) { foreach ($_FILES as $k => $item) { $target_path = MEDIAFILES; $filename = basename($_FILES[$k]['name']); if (strval($filename) != '') { $filename = strtolower($filename); $path = $target_path . '/'; if (is_dir($path) == false) { @mkdir($path); //@chmod ( $path, '0777' ); } $the_target_path = $target_path . '/original/'; $original_path = $the_target_path; if (is_dir($the_target_path) == false) { @mkdir($the_target_path); //@chmod ( $the_target_path, '0777' ); } $the_target_path = $the_target_path . $this->url_title($filename, $separator = 'dash', $no_slashes = false, $leave_dots = true); if (is_file($the_target_path) == true) { $filename = date("ymdHis") . basename($_FILES[$k]['name']); $the_target_path = $original_path . $this->url_title($filename, $separator = 'dash', $no_slashes = false, $leave_dots = true); } if (stristr($the_target_path, '.exe') or stristr($the_target_path, '.php') or stristr($the_target_path, '.pl') or stristr($the_target_path, '.cgi')) { exit('This file type is not permited due security measures!'); } if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$k]['tmp_name'], $the_target_path)) { if (is_file($the_target_path) == true) { $upl = array(); if (is_readable($the_target_path) == true) { $fn1 = $this->url_title($filename, $separator = 'dash', $no_slashes = false, $leave_dots = true); //exit (); $upl['filename'] = $fn1; $extension = substr(strrchr($fn1, '.'), 1); $extension_lower = strtolower($extension); switch ($extension_lower) { case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': case 'png': case 'bmp': $target_path_pictures_folder = MEDIAFILES . 'pictures/original/'; $target_path_pictures_folder = normalize_path($target_path_pictures_folder); $target_path_pictures_file = basename($the_target_path); $target_path_pictures_new = $target_path_pictures_folder . $target_path_pictures_file; //p($target_path_pictures_new); rename($the_target_path, $target_path_pictures_new); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($target_path_pictures_new); $status = array(); $status['done'] = 1; $status['width'] = $width; $status['height'] = $height; $status['url'] = dirToURL($target_path_pictures_new); $statuses[] = $status; //$status = json_encode ( $status ); if ($to_table == false) { return $status; } $upl['status'] = $status; $upl['type'] = 'picture'; break; case 'flv': case 'avi': case 'mov': case 'f4v': case 'afs': $target_path_pictures_folder = MEDIAFILES . 'videos/'; $target_path_pictures_folder = normalize_path($target_path_pictures_folder); $target_path_pictures_file = basename($the_target_path); $target_path_pictures_new = $target_path_pictures_folder . $target_path_pictures_file; //p($target_path_pictures_new); rename($the_target_path, $target_path_pictures_new); $upl['type'] = 'video'; break; default: $target_path_pictures_folder = MEDIAFILES . 'files/'; $target_path_pictures_folder = normalize_path($target_path_pictures_folder); $target_path_pictures_file = basename($the_target_path); $target_path_pictures_new = $target_path_pictures_folder . $target_path_pictures_file; //p($target_path_pictures_new); rename($the_target_path, $target_path_pictures_new); $upl['type'] = 'file'; break; } $uploaded[$k] = $upl; } } } } } } if ($to_table == false) { return $status; } if (trim($_POST['embed_code']) != '') { $embed_item = array(); $embed_item['embed_code'] = $_POST['embed_code']; if ($_POST['screenshot_url']) { $target_path_pictures_folder = MEDIAFILES . 'pictures/original/'; $newfilename1 = date('YMDHis') . basename($_POST['screenshot_url']); $newfilename = $target_path_pictures_folder . $newfilename1; $this->url_getPageToFile($_POST['screenshot_url'], $newfilename); $embed_item['filename'] = $newfilename1; } if ($_POST['original_link']) { $embed_item['original_link'] = $_POST['original_link']; } if ($_POST['type']) { $embed_item['type'] = $_POST['type']; } if ($_POST['media_type']) { $embed_item['type'] = $_POST['media_type']; } if ($_POST['media_name']) { $embed_item['media_name'] = $_POST['media_name']; } if ($_POST['media_description']) { $embed_item['media_description'] = $_POST['media_description']; } $uploaded[] = $embed_item; } if (!empty($uploaded)) { global $cms_db_tables; $table = $cms_db_tables['table_media']; $media_table = $table; foreach ($uploaded as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { $media_save = array(); foreach ($item as $item_k => $item_v) { $media_save[$item_k] = $item_v; } $media_save['media_type'] = $item['type']; $media_save['filename'] = $item['filename']; $media_save['to_table'] = $to_table; if ($collection != false) { $media_save['collection'] = $collection; } if (intval($to_table_id) != 0) { $media_save['to_table_id'] = $to_table_id; } else { if (strval($queue_id) != '') { $media_save['queue_id'] = $queue_id; } } //p ( $media_save ); $this->saveData($table, $media_save); } } // if (intval($to_table_id) != 0) { $this->mediaFixOrder($to_table, $to_table_id, 'picture'); } if (trim($to_table) != '' and trim($to_table_id) != '') { $cache_group = "media/{$to_table}/{$to_table_id}"; $this->cleanCacheGroup($cache_group); } $this->cleanCacheGroup('media/global'); $this->cleanCacheGroup('global'); return $uploaded; } else { return false; } }
//p($thumb); ?> <a href="<? print $orig; ?>" title="<?php print addslashes($pic['media_name']); ?>" alt="<?php print addslashes($pic['media_description']); ?>" > <img src="<? print $thumb; ?>" /></a> <?php $i++; endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php else : ?> <? $skin_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/skins/'.$skin.'.php'; $skin_file = normalize_path($skin_file ,0); $skins_url =dirToURL(dirname(__FILE__).'/skins/').'/'; ?> <? if(is_file($skin_file)): ?> <? include($skin_file); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?>