function dhNetworks() { static $networks = null; if (null === $networks) { $networks = dhQuery("SELECT n.id_networks\n , n.netname\n FROM networks n\n WHERE n.id_users = '" . dhUID() . "'"); } return $networks; }
function dhConfig($name) { static $config = array(); if (sizeof($config) == 0) { $data = dhQuery("SELECT, c.value\n FROM config c"); foreach ((array) $data as $row) { $config[$row['name']] = $row['value']; } } if (isset($config[$name])) { return $config[$name]; } else { return null; } }
<?php $root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); include_once "{$root}/config.php"; include_once "{$root}/common.php"; if (!dhIsLogin()) { dhRedirect('index'); } if (dhHasGet('n')) { $id = dhGet('n'); $networks = dhQuery("SELECT n.id_networks\n , n.netname\n FROM networks n\n WHERE n.id_networks = '{$id}'"); if ($networks) { $network = array_shift($networks); $netname = $network['netname']; dhQueryDelete('networks', "id_networks = '{$id}'"); if (dhConfig('useModRewrite')) { dhRedirect('networks'); } else { dhRedirect('networks', array('delete' => $netname)); } exit; } } dhRedirect('networks');
function dhQueryDelete($table, $where) { return dhQuery("DELETE FROM {$table}\n WHERE " . dhWhereSQL($where)); }
<?php $root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); include_once "{$root}/config.php"; include_once "{$root}/common.php"; if (dhIsLogin()) { dhRedirect('index'); } $loginFail = false; if (dhIsPost()) { $name = dhPost('name'); $pass = dhPost('pass'); $isValid = dhValid(array('name' => 'required', 'pass' => 'required')); $pass = md5($pass); if ($isValid) { $data = dhQuery("SELECT u.id_users\n FROM users u\n WHERE = '{$name}'\n AND u.pass = '******'"); if ($data) { dhLogin($data[0]['id_users']); dhQueryUpdate('users', array('login' => time()), "id_users={$data[0]['id_users']}"); dhRedirect('index'); } $loginFail = true; } } dhTheme('login');
<?php $root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); include_once "{$root}/config.php"; include_once "{$root}/common.php"; if (!dhIsLogin()) { dhRedirect('index'); } if (dhHasGet('action')) { switch (dhGet('action')) { case 'add': include_once "{$root}/networks-add.php"; exit; break; case 'edit': include_once "{$root}/networks-edit.php"; exit; break; case 'delete': include_once "{$root}/networks-delete.php"; exit; break; } } if (dhHasGet('n')) { $networks = dhQuery("SELECT n.id_networks\n , n.netname\n , n.created\n , n.modified\n FROM networks n\n WHERE n.id_networks = '" . dhGet('n') . "'"); if ($networks) { $network = array_shift($networks); } } dhTheme('networks');
<?php $root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); include_once "{$root}/config.php"; include_once "{$root}/common.php"; if (!dhIsLogin()) { dhRedirect('index'); } if (dhIsPost()) { if (dhValid(array('netname' => 'required'))) { $netid = dhPost('netid', 0); $netname = dhPost('netname', 'WORKGROUP'); dhQueryUpdate('networks', array('netname' => $netname), "id_networks = '" . $netid . "'"); if (dhConfig('useModRewrite')) { dhRedirect('networks', array('n' => $netid)); } else { dhRedirect('networks', array('edit' => urlencode($netname))); } } } if (dhHasGet('n')) { $netid = dhGet('n'); } $networks = dhQuery("SELECT n.id_networks\n , n.netname\n FROM networks n\n WHERE n.id_networks = '{$netid}'\n AND n.id_users = '" . dhUID() . "'"); if ($networks) { $network = array_shift($networks); } dhTheme('networks-edit');