Esempio n. 1
function create_rows($maps, $startsn = 0)
    global $TWMAP3URL;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($maps); $i++) {
        if ($maps[$i]['gpx'] == 1) {
            // 產生瀏覽連結
            $gpx = sprintf("<span id='icon_mapshow' onclick=\"map_action('mapshow','%s?goto=%d,%d&show_kml_layer=1')\"></span>", $TWMAP3URL, $maps[$i]['locX'] + $maps[$i]['shiftX'] * 500, $maps[$i]['locY'] - $maps[$i]['shiftY'] * 500);
        } else {
            $gpx = "";
        $rows[$i]['sn'] = $i + 1 + $startsn;
        $rows[$i]['date'] = preg_replace("#\\.\\d+\$#", "", $maps[$i]['cdate']);
        $rows[$i]['title'] = sprintf("%s <span id='icon_save_link' onclick='map_action(\"view\",%d);'>%s</span>", $gpx, $maps[$i]['mid'], $maps[$i]['title']);
        $rows[$i]['x'] = $maps[$i]['locX'];
        $rows[$i]['y'] = $maps[$i]['locY'];
        $rows[$i]['grid'] = sprintf("%dx%d", $maps[$i]['shiftX'], $maps[$i]['shiftY']);
        $rows[$i]['pages'] = $maps[$i]['pageX'] * $maps[$i]['pageY'];
        if (map_file_exists($maps[$i]['filename'], 'pdf')) {
            $rows[$i]['pagetype'] = '<img src="imgs/pdf_icon.png" width="32px" alt="PDF" />';
        } else {
            $rows[$i]['pagetype'] = determine_type($maps[$i]['shiftX'], $maps[$i]['shiftY'], 1) == 'A4R' ? '<img src="imgs/a4r.png" width="20px" alt="橫印" title="A4橫" />' : "";
        $rows[$i]['version'] = $maps[$i]['version'];
        $rows[$i]['size'] = humanreadable($maps[$i]['size']);
        $button_class = 'class="fg-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all"';
        $op = array();
        $op[] = sprintf("<span id='icon_delete' title='永久刪除'\n\t\t\tonclick=\"map_action('del',%d)\"></span>", $maps[$i]['mid']);
        // 如果地圖已經過期
        if ($maps[$i]['flag'] == 1) {
            // 看看是不是澎湖
            if (strstr($maps[$i]['filename'], 'v3p')) {
                $ph = 1;
            } else {
                $ph = 0;
            if ($maps[$i]['gpx'] == 1) {
                $param = sprintf("mid=%s&title=%s&filename=%s", $maps[$i]['mid'], $maps[$i]['title'], $maps[$i]['filename']);
                $op[] = sprintf("<span id='icon_recreate' title=\"mid=%d 重新產生\" \n\t\t\t\t\tonclick=\"map_action('recreate_gpx','%s')\"></span>", $maps[$i]['mid'], $param);
            } else {
                $param = sprintf("x=%d&y=%d&shiftx=%d&shifty=%d&title=%s&version=%d&ph=%d", $maps[$i]['locX'] / 1000, $maps[$i]['locY'] / 1000, $maps[$i]['shiftX'], $maps[$i]['shiftY'], $maps[$i]['title'], $maps[$i]['version'], $ph);
                $op[] = sprintf("<span id='icon_recreate' title=\"mid=%d 重新產生\" \n\t\t\t\t\tonclick=\"map_action('recreate','%s')\"></span>", $maps[$i]['mid'], $param);
        } else {
            $op[] = sprintf("<span id='icon_recycle' onclick=\"map_action('expire',%d)\" title=\"清理空間\"></span>", $maps[$i]['mid']);
            $op[] = sprintf("<span id='icon_save' onclick=\"map_action('view',%d)\" title=\"mid=%d%s 檢視下載\"></span>", $maps[$i]['mid'], $maps[$i]['mid'], $maps[$i]['keepon_id'] ? ",keepon=" . $maps[$i]['keepon_id'] : "");
            $op[] = sprintf("<span id='icon_browse' onclick=\"map_action('link',%d)\" title='外部連結'></span>\n", $maps[$i]['mid']);
        $rows[$i]['op'] = implode("\n", $op);
        $td[$i] = array($rows[$i]['sn'], $rows[$i]['date'], $rows[$i]['title'], $rows[$i]['x'], $rows[$i]['y'], $rows[$i]['grid'], sprintf("%s %s", $rows[$i]['pages'], $rows[$i]['pagetype']), $rows[$i]['version'], $rows[$i]['size'], $rows[$i]['op']);
    return $td;
  public function init() {

    $type = determine_type();

    $query1 = array(
      "request" => "getselection",
      "type"    => "query",
      "layer"   => $type["type"],
      "idfield" => $type["field"],
      "query"   => $type["field"] ." in ('" . select_value() . "')"

    $url = WMS_URL . '?' . http_build_query($query1);
    $error_reporting = intval(ini_get('error_reporting'));
    error_reporting($error_reporting & ~E_WARNING);
      $xml = file_get_contents($url);
    if($xml == "") {
      // if failed to grab xml feed, then run the generic error handler
      throw new DataServerException("$url is experiencing problems");

    $xml_obj = new DOMDocument();
    $extent = $xml_obj->firstChild->firstChild;

    if(!$extent) {
      //IMS server does not seem to be able to find anything

    $bbox = array();
    foreach(array('minx','miny','maxx','maxy') as $key) {
      $bbox[$key] = (int) $extent->getAttribute($key);

    self::$server_BBox = $bbox;
Esempio n. 3
    if ($ret === FALSE) {
        cli_error_out("無法建立 {$outpath}");
$outfile_prefix = sprintf("%s/%dx%d-%dx%d-v%d%s", $outpath, $startx * 1000, $starty * 1000, $shiftx, $shifty, $version, $ph == 1 ? "p" : "");
$outimage = $outfile_prefix . ".tag.png";
$outimage_orig = $outfile_prefix . ".orig.tag.png";
$outimage_gray = $outfile_prefix . ".gray.png";
$outtext = $outfile_prefix . ".txt";
$outsvg = $outfile_prefix . ".svg";
$outsvg_big = $outfile_prefix . ".svg2";
$merged_gpx = $outfile_prefix . ".gpx2";
$outpdf = $outfile_prefix . ".pdf";
$stage = 1;
// 決定哪一種輸出省紙
$type = determine_type($shiftx, $shifty);
// add version 3
if ($version == 1) {
    if ($ph == 1) {
    $g = new STB($stbpath, $startx, $starty, $shiftx, $shifty);
} else {
    $g = new STB2($tilepath, $startx, $starty, $shiftx, $shifty, $ph);
if (!empty($log_channel)) {
    cli_msglog("setup log channel " . md5($log_channel));
if (!empty($g->err)) {
Esempio n. 4
 public function run($job, &$log)
     global $out_root, $site_url;
     $workload = $job->workload();
     $todo = unserialize($workload);
     $uid = 1;
     $limit = 20000;
     $puid = WWWRUN_UID;
     $cmd_make = realpath(__DIR__ . "/../cmd_make2.php");
     $version = 3;
     $trk_label = 0;
     $wpt_label = 2;
     $shiftx = $todo['shiftx'];
     $shifty = $todo['shifty'];
     $startx = $todo['startx'];
     $starty = $todo['starty'];
     $xx = $startx * 1000;
     $yy = $starty * 1000;
     $ph = $todo['ph'];
     $gpxfile = $todo['gpx'];
     $keepon_id = $todo['id'];
     $title = trim($todo['title']);
     echo "Doing id={$keepon_id} title={$title}\n";
     // 1. 檢查是否已經處理過 keepon_id
     $map = keepon_map_exists($uid, $keepon_id);
     if ($map !== false) {
         if (!isset($map['mid']) || $map['mid'] == 0) {
             kcli_msglog("keepon_id: {$keepon_id} uid: {$uid} exists but return " . print_r($map));
         $ret_url = sprintf("", $map['mid'], $map['locX'], $map['locY'], $map['shiftX'], $map['shiftY']);
         kok_out($keepon_id, "已經產生過", $ret_url, $map['cdate']);
         $log[] = "{$keepon_id} 已經產生過";
     $block_msg = map_blocked($out_root, $uid);
     if ($block_msg != null) {
         kerror_out($keepon_id, $block_msg);
         $log[] = "{$keepon_id} 無法 block";
     $outpath = sprintf("%s/%06d", $out_root, $uid);
     $outfile_prefix = sprintf("%s/%dx%d-%dx%d-v%d%s", $outpath, $startx * 1000, $starty * 1000, $shiftx, $shifty, $version, $ph == 1 ? 'p' : "");
     $outimage = $outfile_prefix . ".tag.png";
     $outgpx = $outfile_prefix . ".gpx";
     $svg_params = "";
     // 終於可以把 gpx 存起來
     // if ($inp['gps'] == 1 ) {
     @mkdir($outpath, 0755, true);
     if (!copy($gpxfile, $outgpx)) {
         kerror_out($keepon_id, "{$outgpx} 存入上傳檔案失敗");
         $log[] = "{$keepon_id} {$gpxfile} {$outgpx} 存入失敗";
     $svg_params = sprintf("-g %s:%d:%d", $outgpx, $trk_label, $wpt_label);
     $cmd = sprintf("php %s -r %d:%d:%d:%d -O %s -v %d -t '%s' -i %s -p %d %s", $cmd_make, $startx, $starty, $shiftx, $shifty, $outpath, $version, addslashes($title), "localhost", $ph, $svg_params);
     $output = array();
     exec($cmd, $output, $ret);
     if ($ret != 0) {
         kerror_out($keepon_id, implode("\n", $output));
         $log[] = "{$keepon_id} 產生錯誤" . implode("\n", $output);
     // 限制數量
     if (map_full($uid, $limit, 0)) {
         $files = map_files($outimage);
         foreach ($files as $f) {
         kerror_out($keepon_id, "已經達到數量限制" . $limit);
         $log[] = "{$keepon_id} 已達數量限制";
     $type = determine_type($shiftx, $shifty);
     $outx = ceil($shiftx / $tiles[$type]['x']);
     $outy = ceil($shifty / $tiles[$type]['y']);
     if (file_exists(str_replace(".tag.png", ".gpx", $outimage))) {
         $gpx = 1;
     // 檢查是否重新連線
     $mid = map_add($uid, $title, $xx, $yy, $shiftx, $shifty, $outx, $outy, "localhost", $outimage, map_size($outimage), $version, 1, $keepon_id);
     if ($mid === false) {
         // 防止錯誤發生需要重跑
         kcli_msglog(implode("|", array($title, $xx, $yy, $shiftx, $shifty, $keepon_id)));
         kerror_out($keepon_id, "新增錯誤");
         $log[] = "{$keepon_id} 新增錯誤";
     // 最後搬移到正確目錄
     map_migrate($out_root, $uid, $mid);
     $okmsg = kcli_msglog("done");
     $ret_url = sprintf("%s%s/show.php?mid=%d&info=%dx%d-%dx%d", $site_url, $site_html_root, $mid, $xx, $yy, $shiftx, $shifty);
     kok_out($keepon_id, "done", $ret_url);
     $log[] = "{$keepon_id} 產生完畢";
Esempio n. 5
function get_info($f)
	global $descr;
	if(!isset($_REQUEST['type'])) $_REQUEST['type'] = determine_type($f);
	if(isset($_REQUEST['file'])) $f = clean($_REQUEST['file'], true);
	if($f == lang('My computer'))
		$_RESULT = array(
		'name' => 'details',
		'filename' => htmlspecialchars($f),
		'dir' => false,
		'type' => lang('System folder'),
	}else if(in_array($_REQUEST['type'],array(tDIR,tFILE)))
		if(!@lstat($f)) return null;
		$ext=pathinfo($f); @$ext=strtolower($ext['extension']);
		$imgext = array('jpeg','jpe','gif','png','jpg');
		if(preg_match('/Darwin/is', PHP_OS)) $imgext = array_merge($imgext, explode(' ','pdf doc docx ppt pptx xls xlsx tiff tif bmp mov avi mpg mp4 tga psd svg eps key pages html'));
		//echo $f;
		$real_link = $link_raw = @is_link($f) && function_exists('readlink') ? readlink($f) : false;
		if($link_raw !== false && $link_raw[0] != '/') // not absolute link
			$link_raw = abs_path( dirname($f).'/'.$link_raw );
		'name' => 'details',
		'filename' => htmlspecialchars(basename($f)),
		'filename_encoded' => rawurlencode($f),
		'fullpath' => $f,
		'link' => $link_raw !== false ? htmlspecialchars($real_link) : false,
		'link_raw' => $link_raw,
		'md5(filename)' => md5($f),
		'dir'  => d_is_dir($f),
		'type' => (d_is_dir($f) ? false : get_type($f)),
		'changed' => ((@$t=filemtime($f)) ? date('d F Y, H:i',$t) : false),
		'size' => ( (d_is_dir($f) && !SHOW_DIRSIZE) ? (/*no subdirectories*/!empty($GLOBALS['files']) && sizeof($GLOBALS['dirs'])==0 && !empty($GLOBALS['sz']) ? show_size(true,true,$GLOBALS['sz']) : false) : show_size($f)),
		'size_bytes' => d_filesize($f),
		'thumb' => ($img ? '<div style="padding-bottom: 10px;" align="center"><img src="system/preview.php?file='.rawurlencode($f).'&size=small" align="center"></div>' : false),
		'id3' => (($img && d_filesize($f) < 15*1024*1024 && @$sz=getimagesize($f)) ? 'Dimensions: '.$sz[0].'x'.$sz[1] : ''),
		'owner' => get_owner($f),
		'group' => get_group($f),
		'rights' => d_get_rights($f, false),
	}else if($_REQUEST['type']==tDRIVE)
		'name' => 'details',
		'filename' => !empty($_REQUEST['name']) ? $_REQUEST['name'] : $_SESSION['DIR'],
		'type' => $descr[$_REQUEST['icon']],
		'dir' => false,
		if(!empty($_REQUEST['fs'])) $_RESULT['fs'] = $_REQUEST['fs'];
		if($s = disk_free_space($f)) $_RESULT['free']=show_size(true,true,$s);
		if($s = disk_total_space($f)) $_RESULT['total']=show_size(true,true,$s);
	return $_RESULT;