public function getHtmlForUrl(UrlRequestObject $urlRequestObject) { $steam = $GLOBALS["STEAM"]; //current room steam object if (isset($object) && (int) $object != 0) { $current_room = steam_factory::get_object($steam->get_id(), $object); } else { $current_room = $steam->get_current_steam_user()->get_workroom(); } //current room steam object //$current_room = ($object != 0)?new steam_object($object):$steam->get_workroom_user($steam->login_user); $current_room_path = $current_room->get_path(1); $current_room_data = $current_room->get_attributes(array(OBJ_NAME, OBJ_DESC, OBJ_LAST_CHANGED, "bid:tags", "bid:presentation", "bid:collectiontype", "bid:description"), 1); $current_room_creator = $current_room->get_creator(1); //check if user may write in this folder $write_allowed = $current_room->check_access_write($steam->get_current_steam_user(), 1); //get inventory and inventorys attributes if allowed to $allowed = $current_room->check_access_read($steam->get_current_steam_user(), 1); $result = $steam->buffer_flush(); $write_allowed = $result[$write_allowed]; $allowed = $result[$allowed]; $current_room_path = $result[$current_room_path]; $current_room_data = $result[$current_room_data]; $current_room_creator = $result[$current_room_creator]; $current_room_creator_name = $current_room_creator->get_name(); $current_room_display_name = str_replace("'s workarea", "", stripslashes($current_room_data[OBJ_NAME])); if (isset($current_room_data[OBJ_DESC]) && $current_room_data[OBJ_DESC] != "") { $current_room_display_name = $current_room_data[OBJ_DESC]; } $current_room_display_name = str_replace("s workroom.", "", $current_room_display_name); $current_room_display_name = str_replace("s workroom", "", $current_room_display_name); $current_room_display_name = preg_replace("/.*'s bookmarks/", "Lesezeichen", $current_room_display_name); if ($allowed && $current_room instanceof steam_container) { $inventory = $current_room->get_inventory("", array("DOC_MIME_TYPE", "DOC_LAST_MODIFIED", "CONT_LAST_MODIFIED", "OBJ_LAST_CHANGED", "bid:tags", "bid:presentation", "bid:collectiontype", "bid:hidden", "bid:doctype", "bid:description", "DOC_EXTERN_URL", "OBJ_CREATION_TIME")); } else { $inventory = array(); } if (sizeof($inventory) > 0) { $hascontent = true; } else { $hascontent = false; } //get head mounted content if needed $head_mounted = $current_room_data["bid:presentation"] === "head" && is_array($inventory) && isset($inventory[0]) && $inventory[0] instanceof steam_document; if ($head_mounted) { $tmp_content = new doc_content($steam, $inventory[0]); $head_mounted_content = $tmp_content->get_content($config_webserver_ip); } //****************************************************** //** Display Stuff //****************************************************** //template stuff $contenttemplate = new HTML_TEMPLATE_IT(); $contenttemplate->loadTemplateFile($this->getExtensionPath() . "ui/taggedfolder.template.html"); $contenttemplate->setVariable("FOLDER_ID", $current_room->get_id()); $contenttemplate->setVariable("FOLDER_NAME", $current_room_display_name); //$contenttemplate->setVariable("FOLDER_PATH", PATH_URL . $current_room_path . "/"); //$contenttemplate->setVariable("FOLDER_ICON", (($current_room_data["bid:presentation"] === "index")?"$config_webserver_ip/icons/mimetype/folder_closed_index.gif":"$config_webserver_ip/icons/mimetype/folder_closed.gif")); $contenttemplate->setVariable("FOLDER_LAST_CHANGED", date("d.m.Y H:i", $current_room_data[OBJ_LAST_CHANGED])); if (sizeof($inventory) == 0) { $contenttemplate->setCurrentBlock("no_content"); $contenttemplate->setVariable("LANGUAGE_NO_CONTENT", gettext("LANGUAGE_NO_CONTENT")); $contenttemplate->parse("no_content"); } return $contenttemplate->get(); //set menu to write mode, if the user's access rights allow so and the user is not the guest user if ($write_allowed && $steam->get_login_user()->get_name() != "guest") { //$tpl->set_var("MENU",derive_menu("contentframe", $current_room, $current_room_path, 2)); } //display directory //$content = false; $tnr = array(); foreach ($inventory as $item) { $tnr[$item->get_id()] = array(); $tnr[$item->get_id()]["creator"] = $item->get_creator(1); $tnr[$item->get_id()]["writeaccess"] = $item->check_access_write($steam->get_login_user(), 1); if ($item instanceof steam_document) { $tnr[$item->get_id()]["contentsize"] = $item->get_content_size(1); } if ($item instanceof steam_link) { $tnr[$item->get_id()]["link_object"] = $item->get_link_object(1); } } $result = $steam->buffer_flush(); $creators = array(); $linktargets = array(); $accessresult = array(); $sizeresult = array(); foreach ($inventory as $item) { $creators[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["creator"]]; $accessresult[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["writeaccess"]]; if ($item instanceof steam_document) { $sizeresult[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["contentsize"]]; } if ($item instanceof steam_link) { $linktargets[$item->get_id()] = $result[$tnr[$item->get_id()]["link_object"]]; } } steam_factory::load_attributes($steam, $creators, array(OBJ_NAME)); // If you want to use further Methods of caching e.g. PHP PEARs Cache_Lite // insert caching mechanisms in here... // below this, the steam connector is no longer used... $tags = array(); foreach ($inventory as $item) { if (!$item instanceof steam_trashbin) { $itemname = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_NAME); $itemdescription = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_DESC); $itemmimetype = $item->get_attribute(DOC_MIME_TYPE); $lastchanged = $item->get_attribute(DOC_LAST_MODIFIED); if ($lastchanged === 0) { $lastchanged = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_CREATION_TIME); } // set display name if ($itemdescription != "") { $object_display_name = $itemdescription; } else { $object_display_name = stripslashes($itemname); } $owner = $creators[$item->get_id()]->get_name(); $bidDescription = $item->get_attribute("bid:description"); $bidTags = $item->get_attribute("bid:tags"); if (!$bidDescription) { $bidDescription = ""; } if (!$bidTags) { $bidTags = ""; } foreach (explode(" ", $bidTags) as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag); if (strlen($tag) > 0) { if (!in_array($tag, $tags)) { array_push($tags, $tag); } } } $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_ID" => $item->get_id(), "OBJECT_NAME" => $object_display_name, "OBJECT_NAME_GREY" => $object_display_name, "OBJECT_FILENAME" => stripslashes($itemname), "OBJECT_LAST_CHANGED" => date("d.m.Y H:i", $lastchanged), "bid:description" => $bidDescription, "bid:tags" => $bidTags, "OBJECT_OWNER" => $owner)); if ($show_hidden) { if ($content == false && $head_mounted) { $tpl->parse("OBJECT_NAME", "head_mounted_name"); } else { if ($item->get_attribute("bid:hidden")) { $tpl->parse("OBJECT_NAME", "grey_name"); } } } else { if ($item->get_attribute("bid:hidden")) { continue; } } //parse correct Properties symbol $access = $accessresult[$item->get_id()]; $tpl->parse("ITEM_PROPERTIES", $access ? "item_properties_on" : "item_properties_off"); $visible = false; // render a steam_document if ($item instanceof steam_document) { //derive mimetype $mimetype = derive_icon(array("object" => $item, "name" => $itemname, "bid:collectiontype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:collectiontype"), "bid:doctype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:doctype"), "mimetype" => $itemmimetype)); //derive size $size = $sizeresult[$item->get_id()]; $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => $size > 1048576 ? round($size / 1048576 + 0.05, 1) . " MB" : round($size / 1024 + 0.5) . " kB", "OBJECT_ICON" => $mimetype)); //care for documents not to be displayed in the browser if ($itemmimetype === "text/html" || $itemmimetype === "text/plain" || $itemmimetype === "text/css" || $itemmimetype === "text/xml" || $itemmimetype === "application/" || $itemmimetype === "image/gif" || $itemmimetype === "image/jpg" || $itemmimetype === "image/jpeg" || $itemmimetype === "image/png") { $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "document"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); } else { $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "nb_document"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); } $visible = true; } else { if ($item instanceof steam_link || $item instanceof steam_exit) { $linked_object = $linktargets[$item->get_id()]; if ($item instanceof steam_link) { if ($itemdescription != "") { $name = $itemdescription; } else { $name = $itemname; } if ($linked_object instanceof steam_document) { $size = $linked_object->get_content_size(); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => $size > 1048576 ? round($size / 1048576 + 0.05, 1) . " MB" : round($size / 1024 + 0.5) . " kB")); } else { $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => "")); } } if ($item instanceof steam_exit) { if ($itemdescription != "") { $name = str_replace("s workroom.", "", stripslashes($itemdescription)); } else { $name = str_replace("'s workarea", "", stripslashes($itemname)); } } //derive mimetype $mimetype = derive_icon(array("object" => $item, "name" => $itemname, "bid:collectiontype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:collectiontype"), "bid:doctype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:doctype"), "mimetype" => $itemmimetype)); $tpl->set_var(array("LINK_OBJECT_ID" => is_object($linked_object) ? $linked_object->get_id() : -1, "OBJECT_NAME" => $name, "OBJECT_ICON" => $mimetype)); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "link"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } else { if ($item instanceof steam_docextern) { $url = derive_url($item->get_attribute(DOC_EXTERN_URL)); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_LINK" => $url, "OBJECT_ICON" => "./icons/mimetype/www.gif")); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "www-link"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } else { if ($item->get_attribute("bid:doctype") != "") { $icon = array("bid:doctype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:doctype")); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_ICON" => derive_icon($icon))); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "folder"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } else { if ($item instanceof steam_messageboard) { $icon = array("object" => $item); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_NAME" => stripslashes($itemname), "OBJECT_NAME_GREY" => stripslashes($itemname), "OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_ICON" => derive_icon($icon))); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "folder"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } else { if ($item instanceof steam_container && !$item instanceof steam_user) { $icon = array("object" => $item, "bid:collectiontype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:collectiontype"), "bid:presentation" => $item->get_attribute("bid:presentation")); $icon = derive_icon($icon); $lastchanged = $item->get_attribute("CONT_LAST_MODIFIED"); if ($lastchanged === 0) { $lastchanged = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_CREATION_TIME); } $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_ICON" => $icon, "OBJECT_LAST_CHANGED" => date("d.m.Y H:i", $lastchanged))); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "folder"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } } } } } } //parse javascript mark/unmark if ($visible) { $tpl->parse("MARK", "mark", 1); $tpl->parse("UNMARK", "unmark", 1); } $content = $content || $visible; } } // if(!$content) $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "no_content"); natsort($tags); $tagString = implode(" ", $tags); $tpl->set_var(array("TAGS" => $tagString)); $_SESSION["tags"] = $tagString; out(); //Logout & Disconnect $steam->disconnect(); function out() { //parse all out global $tpl; $tpl->parse("OUT", "content"); $tpl->p("OUT"); } }
$icon = array("bid:doctype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:doctype")); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_ICON" => derive_icon($icon))); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "folder"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } else { if ($item instanceof steam_messageboard) { $icon = array("object" => $item); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_NAME" => stripslashes($itemname), "OBJECT_NAME_GREY" => stripslashes($itemname), "OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_ICON" => derive_icon($icon))); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "folder"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } else { if ($item instanceof steam_container && !$item instanceof steam_user) { $icon = array("object" => $item, "bid:collectiontype" => $item->get_attribute("bid:collectiontype"), "bid:presentation" => $item->get_attribute("bid:presentation")); $icon = derive_icon($icon); $lastchanged = $item->get_attribute("CONT_LAST_MODIFIED"); if ($lastchanged === 0) { $lastchanged = $item->get_attribute(OBJ_CREATION_TIME); } $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_SIZE" => "", "OBJECT_ICON" => $icon, "OBJECT_LAST_CHANGED" => date("d.m.Y H:i", $lastchanged))); $tpl->parse("ITEM_LINK", "folder"); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "item", true); $visible = true; } } } } } } //parse javascript mark/unmark
$tpl->parse("BUTTON_LABEL", "text_button"); break; case "html": $tpl->set_var("MIME_TYPE", "text/html"); $tpl->parse("TITLE", "text_title"); $tpl->parse("CONTENT", "text_form"); $tpl->parse("BUTTON_LABEL", "text_button"); break; case "link": $tpl->parse("TITLE", "link_title"); $tpl->parse("CONTENT", "link_form"); $tpl->parse("BUTTON_LABEL", "link_button"); break; case "delete": foreach ($names as $item) { $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_ID" => $item->object->get_id(), "OBJECT_ICON" => derive_icon(array("object" => $item->object, "name" => $item->arguments[OBJ_NAME], "bid:doctype" => $item->arguments["bid:doctype"])), "OBJECT_NAME" => $item->arguments[OBJ_NAME])); $tpl->parse("DELETE_FORM_ROW", "delete_form_row", 1); } $tpl->parse("TITLE", "delete_title"); $tpl->parse("CONTENT", "delete_form"); $tpl->parse("BUTTON_LABEL", "delete_button"); break; default: $tpl->parse("TITLE", "error_title"); $tpl->parse("CONTENT", "error_form"); $tpl->parse("BUTTON_LABEL", "error_button"); break; } //parse all out $tpl->parse("OUT", "content"); $tpl->p("OUT");
} //parse out doc content or appropriate link if ($item instanceof steam_document) { $content = new doc_content($steam, $item); $tpl->set_var("DOCUMENT_CONTENT", $content->get_content($config_webserver_ip)); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "document", true); } else { $attributes["object"] = $item; $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_ID" => $item->get_id(), "OBJECT_NAME" => stripslashes($item->get_attribute(OBJ_NAME)))); //parse out link if ($item instanceof steam_docextern) { $url = derive_url($item->get_attribute(DOC_EXTERN_URL)); $tpl->set_var("OBJECT_LINK", $url); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "link", true); } else { $tpl->set_var(array("OBJECT_NAME" => $item->get_attribute(OBJ_NAME), "OBJECT_ICON" => derive_icon($attributes))); $tpl->parse("DOCUMENTS", "folder", true); } } } //Logout & Disconnect $steam->disconnect(); out(); function out() { //parse all out global $tpl; $tpl->parse("OUT", "content"); $tpl->p("OUT"); exit; }
$tpl->set_block("content", "nextpage", "DUMMY"); $tpl->set_block("content", "noresults", "DUMMY"); $tpl->set_var(array("FORM_NAME" => "bid_search", "FORM_URL" => "index.php", "PREVIOUSPAGENUMBER" => $previouspage, "NEXTPAGENUMBER" => $nextpage, "DUMMY" => "")); if ($haspreviouspage) { $tpl->parse("PREVIOUSPAGELINK", "previouspage"); } else { $tpl->parse("PREVIOUSPAGELINK", ""); } if ($hasnextpage) { $tpl->parse("NEXTPAGELINK", "nextpage"); } else { $tpl->parse("NEXTPAGELINK", ""); } if (sizeof($page) > 0) { foreach ($page as $key => $value) { $icon = derive_icon(array("name" => $value["OBJ_NAME"], "bid:collectiontype" => $value["bid:collectiontype"], "bid:doctype" => $value["bid:doctype"], "mimetype" => $value["DOC_MIME_TYPE"])); $tpl->set_var(array("OBJ_NAME" => $value["OBJ_NAME"], "OBJ_ID" => $key, "OBJ_DESC" => $value["OBJ_DESC"] != "" ? $value["OBJ_DESC"] : "-", "USERFIRSTNAME" => $value["USER_FULLNAME"], "USERLASTNAME" => $value["USER_FIRSTNAME"], "LASTCHANGE" => date("d.m.Y - H:i:s", $value["OBJ_LAST_CHANGED"]), "CREATED" => date("d.m.Y - H:i:s", $value["OBJ_CREATION_TIME"]), "OBJ_ICON" => $icon)); if ($value["isuser"] == true) { $tpl->parse("ENTRIES", "userresultentry", true); } else { if ($value["isgroup"] == true) { $tpl->parse("ENTRIES", "groupresultentry", true); } else { $tpl->parse("ENTRIES", "resultentry", true); } } } } else { $tpl->parse("ENTRIES", "noresults"); } $tpl->parse("OUT", "content");