Esempio n. 1
function deleteDirR($src) {
	//recursive copy of directory

	if (substr($src,0,-1)!='/') $src.='/';

		$d = dir($src);
		while($entry=readdir($d->handle)) {
			if(is_dir($d->path.$entry)) {
				if(strlen($entry)>2) {
				} else {
					if($entry[0]!='.') {
					} else {
						if(strlen($entry)>1&&$entry[1]!='.') {

				if ($entry!='.' && $entry!='..') {
			} else {
Esempio n. 2
function showBladePacks($type)
    if ($_SESSION['adminType'] == 'user') {
    if (isset($_GET['bladeinfo']) && isset($_GET['blade']) && $_GET['bladeinfo'] == 'show') {
        $bladeName = stripslashes($_GET['blade']);
        if (file_exists(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $bladeName . '.xml')) {
            showBladePackInfo($bladeName . '.xml');
    global $bladeList, $razorArray;
    $activeBlades = $razorArray['active-bladepack'];
    $xmlList = array();
    $descTxt = lt('Description');
    $optTxt = lt('Options');
    // generate list of xml files and get data //
    $fileList = readDirContents(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR);
    foreach ($fileList as $foundFile) {
        $getFileExt = explode('.', basename($foundFile));
        $fileExt = end($getFileExt);
        if ($fileExt == 'xml') {
            $xmlData = file_get_contents(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $foundFile);
            $bpDetails = new BPCONTROL();
            if ($bpDetails->getXmlData($xmlData, $foundFile)) {
                // read xml data and remove file
                $tempVar = explode('.', basename($foundFile));
                $bladeID = reset($tempVar);
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['title'] = $bpDetails->name;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['version'] = $bpDetails->version;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['description'] = $bpDetails->description;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['author'] = $bpDetails->author;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['class'] = $bpDetails->className;
    // process form data //
    if (isset($_GET['do'])) {
        $do = $_GET['do'];
        $blade = $_GET['blade'];
        if (in_array($blade, array_keys($xmlList))) {
            if ($do == 'activate' && !in_array($blade, $activeBlades)) {
                $activeBlades[] = $blade;
                echo MsgBox(lt('Blade Pack Activated'), 'greenbox');
                $razorArray['active-bladepack'] = $activeBlades;
            if ($do == 'deactivate' && in_array($blade, $activeBlades)) {
                $activeBlades = array_diff($activeBlades, (array) $blade);
                echo MsgBox(lt('Blade Pack Deactivated'), 'greenbox');
                $razorArray['active-bladepack'] = $activeBlades;
            if ($do == 'delete' && $blade) {
                // remove the bladepack permanently
                if (file_exists(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $blade . '.xml')) {
                    $xmlData = file_get_contents(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $blade . '.xml');
                    $bpRemove = new BPCONTROL();
                    if ($bpRemove->getXmlData($xmlData, $blade . '.xml')) {
                        // read xml data and remove file
                        if ($bpRemove->getXMLName() && $bpRemove->getBFName()) {
                            if (deleteFile(RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $bpRemove->xmlName, false) && deleteFile(RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $bpRemove->bladepackName, false)) {
                                if ($bpRemove->getDIRName()) {
                                    deleteDirR(RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $bpRemove->folderName);
                                // remove from active blades //
                                if (in_array($blade, $activeBlades)) {
                                    $activeBlades = array_diff($activeBlades, (array) $blade);
                                    $razorArray['active-bladepack'] = $activeBlades;
                                MsgBox(lt('Blade pack removed sucessfully'), 'greenbox');
                            } else {
                                MsgBox(lt('Remove error, all files could not be deleted'), 'redbox');
                        } else {
                            MsgBox(lt('Could not remove bladepack, XML data incorrect'), 'redbox');
                    } else {
                        MsgBox(lt('Could not remove bladepack, could not get XML data'), 'redbox');
                } else {
                    MsgBox(lt('Could not remove bladepack, XML file not found'), 'redbox');
    // end //
    // scrub xml list clean //
    $xmlList = array();
    // re-generate list of xml files and get data //
    $fileList = readDirContents(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR);
    foreach ($fileList as $foundFile) {
        $getFileExt = explode('.', basename($foundFile));
        $fileExt = end($getFileExt);
        if ($fileExt == 'xml') {
            $xmlData = file_get_contents(getSystemRoot(RAZOR_ADMIN_FILENAME) . RAZOR_BLADEPACK_DIR . $foundFile);
            $bpDetails = new BPCONTROL();
            if ($bpDetails->getXmlData($xmlData, $foundFile)) {
                // read xml data and remove file
                $tempVar = explode('.', basename($foundFile));
                $bladeID = reset($tempVar);
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['title'] = $bpDetails->name;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['version'] = $bpDetails->version;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['description'] = $bpDetails->description;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['author'] = $bpDetails->author;
                $xmlList[$bladeID]['class'] = $bpDetails->className;
    // sort xml data using xml compare function to sort by title //
    uasort($xmlList, "xmlCmp");
    // output text and table for blades installed //
    $bladeerDescTxt = lt('Blade Packs are sets of blades, each blade can be allocated to a socket to add extra functionality to the base system. The base system is capable of using many blades, even allocating more than one to a single slot. Use the manager to activate and deactivate your blade packs.');
    $delConfirmMsg = lt('Are you sure you want to permanently delete the blade pack from the system') . '?';
    echo "<h1>" . lt('Installed Blade Packs') . "</h1>";
    echo "<div class='contentwh'>";
    echo "<h3>" . lt(ucfirst($type)) . "</h3>";
    echo "<p>{$bladeerDescTxt}</p>";
    $t = "<table class='tableViewBlades'>";
    $t .= "<tr class='tableTitle'><th class='twenty'>" . lt('Blade Pack') . "</th><th class='auto'>{$descTxt}</th><th class='ten'>" . lt('Version') . "</th><th class='ten'>" . lt('Author') . "</th><th class='ten'>" . lt('Control') . "</th></tr>";
    foreach ($xmlList as $bladeName => $bladeInfo) {
        if (strtolower($bladeInfo['class']) == $type) {
            if (in_array($bladeName, $activeBlades)) {
                $Lable = makeLink("?action=blade{$type}&do=deactivate&blade={$bladeName}", "<img class='deactivate' src='theme/images/subtract.gif' alt='" . lt('Deactivate') . "' />");
            } else {
                $Lable = makeLink("?action=blade{$type}&do=activate&blade={$bladeName}", "<img class='activate' src='theme/images/add.gif' alt='" . lt('Activate') . "' />");
            $desc = $xmlList[$bladeName]['description'];
            $name = $xmlList[$bladeName]['title'];
            $version = $xmlList[$bladeName]['version'];
            $author = $xmlList[$bladeName]['author'];
            $removePack = makeLink("?action=blade{$type}&do=delete&blade={$bladeName}", "<img class='deactivate' src='theme/images/trash.gif' alt='" . lt('Delete') . "' onclick='return confirm(\"{$delConfirmMsg}\");'/>");
            $info = makeLink("?action=blade{$type}&bladeinfo=show&blade={$bladeName}", "<img class='edit' src='theme/images/alert.gif' alt='" . lt('Info') . "'/>");
            $t .= "<tr><td>{$name}</td><td>{$desc}</td><td>{$version}</td><td>{$author}</td><td>{$Lable} {$removePack} {$info}</td></tr>";
    $t .= "<tr class='tableFooter'><th class='twenty'></th><th class='auto'></th><th class='ten'></th><th class='ten'></th><th class='ten'></th></tr></table></div>";
    echo $t;
    // end //