function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); //每次显示的时候清除缓存 if (is_dir("./admin/Runtime")) { deleteCacheData("./admin/Runtime"); } $this->cate_list = get_items_cate_list('0', '0', '1', 'collect_miao'); }
function clearCache() { set_time_limit(0); $i = intval($_REQUEST['id']); if (!$i) { $this->error('操作失败'); } else { import("ORG.Io.Dir"); $dir = new Dir(); switch ($i) { case 1: //更新全站缓存 is_dir(CACHE_PATH) && $dir->del(CACHE_PATH); is_dir(DATA_PATH . '_fields/') && $dir->del(DATA_PATH . '_fields/'); is_dir(TEMP_PATH) && $dir->del(TEMP_PATH); if (is_dir("./index/Runtime")) { deleteCacheData("./index/Runtime"); } if (is_dir("./admin/Runtime")) { deleteCacheData("./admin/Runtime"); } //Api缓存 is_dir('./Apicache/') && delCache('./Apicache/'); break; case 2: //后台模版缓存 is_dir(CACHE_PATH) && $dir->del(CACHE_PATH); break; case 3: //前台模版缓存 is_dir("./index/Runtime/Cache/") && $dir->del("./index/Runtime/Cache/"); is_dir("./index/Html/") && $dir->del("./index/Html/"); break; case 4: //数据库缓存 is_dir(DATA_PATH . '_fields/') && $dir->del(DATA_PATH . '_fields/'); is_dir("./index/Runtime/Data/_fields/") && $dir->del("./index/Runtime/Data/_fields/"); break; case 5: //Api缓存 is_dir('./Apicache/') && delCache('./Apicache/'); break; default: break; } $runtime = defined('MODE_NAME') ? '~' . strtolower(MODE_NAME) . '_runtime.php' : '~runtime.php'; $runtime_file_admin = RUNTIME_PATH . $runtime; $runtime_file_front = ROOT_PATH . '/index/Runtime/' . $runtime; is_file($runtime_file_admin) && @unlink($runtime_file_admin); is_file($runtime_file_front) && @unlink($runtime_file_front); $this->success('更新完成', U('Cache/index')); } }
//Inserting to greeting card subscription table. Free geeting card subscription for 30 days $query = "REPLACE INTO photo_search (number,circle,channel,expiry,medium,status,pricepoint,subscribed,pre_sent) VALUES ('{$msisdn}','{$circle}',9,DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL 30 DAY),'5','1','0','2',0)"; mysql_query($query) or trigger_error(mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR); if ($operator == "airtel") { $total_return = "Congrats. You won a free 30day subscription to Mobile Greeting Cards. Dial *321*552# (tollfree) to send customized Greeting Card to your loved ones. Happy Gaming :)"; } else { $total_return = "Congratulations.!! You Won. Happy Gaming :)"; } //if it is dictionary game then giving the dictionary meaning of that word if ($category == 'dic') { $total_return .= "\nThe meaning is : " . ucfirst($gdict); } if (!empty($arCacheData["ga"])) { unset($arCacheData["ga"]); } else { if (deleteCacheData("ga" . $msisdn)) { echo "<br>Record Deleted"; } } } else { //calculating how much point yet to score $remPoint = 100 - $point; if ($operator == "airtel") { $total_return = "The level {$level} is successfully completed\nYour point is : {$point} \nYou need " . $remPoint . " more points to win the prize."; } else { $total_return = "The level {$level} is successfully completed\nYour point is : {$point} \nYou need " . $remPoint . " more points to win."; } //Updatin status,time,level and point in temp table $query = "update game_data set level={$level},Points={$point},status=2,hit_time='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' where id={$gameid}"; if (mysql_query($query)) { echo 'Record updated in game_data';