Esempio n. 1
 function processSubmit()
     // Get the submitted data
     $table = gp('gp_table_upd', '');
     // Get the flat table def
     $table_dd = dd_TableRef($table);
     $tabflat = ArraySafe($table_dd, 'flat');
     $row = aFromGP('gp_upd_');
     // Build a WHERE clause
     $where = array();
     foreach ($row as $col => $val) {
         if (ArraySafe($tabflat[$col], 'primary_key', 'N') != 'Y') {
         $where[] = $col . " = '" . $val . "'";
     $where = implode(' AND ', $where);
     // Build a SELECT
     $sql = "SELECT skey\n                 FROM " . ddTable_IDResolve($table) . "\n                WHERE " . $where;
     $records = SQL_AllRows($sql);
     if (count($records) != 1) {
         echo "Invalid or non-unique key supplied\n<br>";
     // Well, we haven't failed yet, let's add the skey before the update, just to be safe.
     $row['skey'] = $records[0]['skey'];
     $skey = $records[0]['skey'];
     SQLX_Update($table_dd, $row);
     if (Errors()) {
         echo hErrors();
     } else {
         echo "Update Successful.  <a href=\"?gp_page={$table}&gp_skey={$skey}\">View Record</a> <br>\n";
Esempio n. 2
 function hMover()
     // Get the parent table, and the "left" side, which is us
     $dd = ContextGet('drilldown', array());
     $tpar = $dd[0]['page'];
     $tleft = $this->table_id;
     // The right side we *assume* is the other parent table
     // of us that is not the drilldown source.  Get it?  It breaks
     // of course if this table has more than one parent
     $tables = array_keys($this->table['fk_parents']);
     $tright = array_pop($tables);
     // if > 1 parent, this won't work
     $dd_right = dd_tableref($tright);
     // Get match expression for left-hand side
     $matches = $dd[0]['parent'];
     $pmatch = '';
     foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
         $ileft = $key;
         $imatch = SQLFC($value);
         $pmatch .= $key . "='" . $value . "'";
     // Do an insert if coming through as ajax
     $sqins = '';
     if (gpExists('moveradd')) {
         if (gp('moveradd') != '0') {
             $row1 = array($dd_right['pks'] => gp('moveradd'));
             $row2 = $dd[0]['parent'];
             $rowi = array_merge($row1, $row2);
             SQLX_Insert($this->table_id, $rowi);
         } else {
             $tab = $this->table_id;
             $cols = $this->table['pks'];
             $colr = $dd_right['pks'];
             $sqins = "insert into {$tab}\n                   ( {$cols} ) \n                  SELECT {$imatch}, {$colr} \n                    FROM {$tright}\n                  WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n                    SELECT * FROM {$tleft}\n                     WHERE {$tleft}.{$key} = {$imatch}\n                       AND {$tleft}.{$colr} = {$tright}.{$colr})";
     // Do a delete if coming through as ajax
     $sqldel = 'hi';
     if (gpExists('moverdel')) {
         $sqldel = 'moverdel exists';
         if (gp('moverdel') != '0') {
             $sqldel = "delete from " . ddTable_idResolve($this->table_id) . " where skey=" . SQLFN(gp('moverdel'));
             //echo "echo|$sq";
         } else {
             $sqldel = "delete from " . ddTable_idResolve($this->table_id) . " WHERE " . $pmatch;
     # Pull the source table, the right-hand side
     # KFD 6/9/08, make left hand side sort by description
     #             if present.
     $vright = ddTable_idResolve($tright);
     $vleft = ddTable_idResolve($tleft);
     $ob = $dd_right['pks'];
     $ljoin = '';
     $lob = '';
     if (isset($dd_right['flat']['description'])) {
         $ob = 'description';
         $ljoin = " JOIN {$vright} r ON {$vleft}." . $dd_right['pks'] . '=r.' . $dd_right['pks'];
         $lob = ' ORDER BY r.description';
     $sq = "SELECT " . $dd_right['pks'] . " as pk\n                 ,description\n             FROM " . ddTable_idResolve($tright) . "\n            WHERE description <> ''\n            ORDER BY {$ob}";
     $rows_right = sql_allrows($sq, 'pk');
     # Left side table.
     $sq = "SELECT {$vleft}." . $dd_right['pks'] . " as pk,{$vleft}.skey\n             FROM " . ddTable_IDResolve($this->table_id) . $ljoin . ' ' . " WHERE {$pmatch} {$lob}";
     $rows_left = sql_allrows($sq, 'pk');
     // Convert the left hand side into options
     $ahl = array();
     foreach ($rows_left as $row) {
         if (isset($rows_right[trim($row['pk'])])) {
             $ahl[] = "<OPTION " . ' VALUE="' . $row['skey'] . '"' . '>' . $rows_right[trim($row['pk'])]['description'] . '</option>';
     // Convert the right hand side into options
     $ahr = array();
     foreach ($rows_right as $row) {
         if (!isset($rows_left[trim($row['pk'])])) {
             $ahr[] = "<OPTION " . ' VALUE="' . $row['pk'] . '"' . '>' . $row['description'] . '</option>';
   <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
        <b>Selected Values</b><br/><br/> 
        <select size=20 style="width: 250px"
     echo implode("\n", $ahl);
     <td style="padding:10px; vertical-align: top">
        <button onclick="formPostAjax('&gp_xajax=1&moveradd=0')"
              >&lt;&lt; All</button>
        <button onclick="formPostAjax('&gp_xajax=1&moverdel=0')"
              >All &gt;&gt;</button>
        <b>Available Values</b><br/><br/> 
        <select size=20 style="width: 250px"
     echo implode("\n", $ahr);
     $this->h['Content'] = ob_get_clean();
     if (gpexists('gp_xajax')) {
         echo 'mover|' . $this->h['Content'];
         if (errors()) {
             echo "|-|echo|" . asErrors();
     } else {
         $this->h['Content'] = '<div id="mover">' . $this->h['Content'] . '</div>';