 * Custom validation function to check user name duplicate
 * This is just for the example admin panel
 * @param $value    (string) Name to check
 * @param $id       (string) uid if any
 * @return boolean  TRUE for no duplicate; FALSE for duplicate
function validate_checkDuplicateUsername($value, $id = 0)
    $value = strtolower($value);
    if (empty($value)) {
        return true;
    $sql = 'SELECT uid FROM ' . db_prefix() . 'user WHERE LOWER(username) = ":value"';
    if ($id) {
        $sql .= ' AND uid <> :id';
    $sql .= ' LIMIT 1';
    $args = array(':value' => strtolower($value), ':id' => $id);
    if ($result = db_query($sql, $args)) {
        return db_numRows($result) ? false : true;
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
function i18n_setLanguage($lang)
    global $common_language;
    if ($lang == 'C') {
        setcookie('synchrotronLanguage', '', 0, $auth_path);
    $db = db_connection();
    sql_addToWhereClause($where, 'WHERE', 'code', '=', $lang);
    $query = db_query($db, "select id from languages {$where};");
    if (db_numRows($query) > 0) {
        list($common_language) = db_row($query, 0);
        $common_language = intval($common_language);
Esempio n. 3
function processProviderAssets($assets, $packageBasePath, $provider, $providerId, $config)
    global $verbose;
    $metadataPath = $config['metadata'];
    if (empty($metadataPath)) {
        $metadataPath = 'metadata.desktop';
    $recreateCategoriesFile = false;
    $categories = array();
    $db = db_connection('write');
    foreach ($assets as $asset => $path) {
        if ($verbose) {
            print "Processing {$providerId} {$asset} at {$path}\n";
        if (!is_file("{$path}/{$metadataPath}")) {
            if ($verbose) {
                print "No such thing as {$path}/{$metadataPath}, perhaps it was deleted?\n";
            deleteAsset($providerId, $asset);
        $metadata = new INIFile("{$path}/{$metadataPath}");
        $plugin = $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name', 'Desktop Entry');
        if (empty($plugin)) {
            print "No X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name entry in {$path}/{$metadataPath}\n";
        $packageFile = $metadata->getValue('X-Synchrotron-ContentUrl', 'Desktop Entry');
        $externalPackage = !empty($packageFile);
        if (!$externalPackage) {
            $packageFile = createPackage($plugin, $path, $packageBasePath, $config);
        if (!$packageFile) {
            deleteAsset($providerId, $asset);
        $category = $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category', 'Desktop Entry');
        if (empty($category)) {
            $category = 'Miscelaneous';
        if (isset($categories[$category])) {
            $categoryId = $categories[$category];
        } else {
            sql_addToWhereClause($where, '', 'provider', '=', $providerId);
            global $db_type;
            if ($db_type == 'postgres') {
                sql_addToWhereClause($where, 'and', 'name', 'ILIKE', $category);
            } else {
                sql_addToWhereClause($where, 'and', 'name', 'LIKE', $category);
            $query = db_query($db, "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE {$where}");
            if (db_numRows($query) < 1) {
                unset($fields, $values);
                sql_addIntToInsert($fields, $values, 'provider', $providerId);
                sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'name', $category);
                db_insert($db, 'categories', $fields, $values);
                $query = db_query($db, "SELECT id FROM categories WHERE {$where}");
                $recreateCategoriesFile = true;
            list($categoryId) = db_row($query, 0);
            $categories[$category] = $categoryId;
        sql_addToWhereClause($where, '', 'provider', '=', $providerId);
        sql_addToWhereClause($where, 'and', 'id', '=', $plugin);
        $query = db_query($db, "select * from content where {$where};");
        if (db_numRows($query) > 0) {
            // just update the field
            sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'version', $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version', 'Desktop Entry'));
            sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'author', $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author', 'Desktop Entry'));
            sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'homepage', $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website', 'Desktop Entry'));
            //FIXME: get preview image from asset dir! sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'preview', <image path>);
            sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'name', $metadata->getValue('Name', 'Desktop Entry'));
            // FIXME: i18n
            sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'description', $metadata->getValue('Comment', 'Desktop Entry'));
            sql_addIntToUpdate($fields, 'category', $categoryId);
            sql_addRawToUpdate($fields, 'updated', 'current_timestamp');
            sql_addScalarToUpdate($fields, 'package', $packageFile);
            sql_addBoolToUpdate($fields, 'externalPackage', $externalPackage);
            db_update($db, 'content', $fields, $where);
        } else {
            // new asset!
            unset($fields, $values);
            sql_addIntToInsert($fields, $values, 'provider', $providerId);
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'id', $plugin);
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'version', $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version', 'Desktop Entry'));
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'author', $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author', 'Desktop Entry'));
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'homepage', $metadata->getValue('X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website', 'Desktop Entry'));
            //FIXME: get preview image from asset dir! sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'preview', <image path>);
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'name', $metadata->getValue('Name', 'Desktop Entry'));
            // FIXME: i18n
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'description', $metadata->getValue('Comment', 'Desktop Entry'));
            sql_addIntToInsert($fields, $values, 'category', $categoryId);
            sql_addScalarToInsert($fields, $values, 'package', $packageFile);
            sql_addBoolToInsert($fields, $values, 'externalPackage', $externalPackage);
            db_insert($db, 'content', $fields, $values);
    if ($recreateCategoriesFile) {
  * Get the number of rows in the query result
  * @return int Returns the number of rows in the result set.
 public function getNumRows()
     if ($this->result === null) {
     if ($this->result) {
         return db_numRows($this->result);
     return 0;
Esempio n. 5
function db_quickQuery($db, $query, $noResultsError = false, $debug = 0, $profile = 0)
    $results = db_query($db, $query, $debug, $profile);
    if (db_numRows($results) > 0) {
        return db_row($results, 0);
    } else {
        if ($noResultsError) {
            print_msg('ERROR', "db_quickQuery(...)", "0 rows returned on the following query:<BR><PRE>" . $query . "</PRE>");
    return false;
Esempio n. 6
if ($pagesize > 0) {
    $limit = "LIMIT {$pagesize}";
if ($page > 0) {
    $offset = 'OFFSET ' . $page * $pagesize;
if (empty($sortMode) || $sortMode == 'new') {
    $orderBy = 'ORDER BY c.updated DESC';
} else {
    if ($sortMode == 'alpha') {
        $orderBy = 'ORDER BY c.name';
        // FIXME: i18n
    } else {
        if ($sortMode == 'down') {
            $orderBy = 'ORDER BY c.downloads DESC';
/* else if ($sortMode == 'high') {
    ratings are not supported
} */
$items = db_query($db, "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.version, c.updated, c.created, c.author, c.homepage, c.downloads, c.preview FROM content c LEFT JOIN providers p ON (c.provider = p.id) WHERE {$where} {$orderBy} {$limit} {$offset};");
printHeader($totalItemCount, $pagesize, $page);
$itemCount = db_numRows($items);
for ($i = 0; $i < $itemCount; ++$i) {
    list($id, $name, $version, $updated, $created, $author, $homepage, $downloads, $preview) = db_row($items, $i);
    printItem($id, $name, $version, $updated, $created, '', $author, $homepage, $downloads, $preview);
Esempio n. 7
function vertColumnsFromQuery($theQuery, $callback, $columns = 3)
    $max = db_numRows($theQuery);
    $rows = ceil($max / $columns);
    for ($currentRow = 0; $currentRow < $rows; ++$currentRow) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; ++$i) {
            unset($key, $value);
            if ($currentRow + $rows * $i < $max) {
                list($key, $value) = db_row($theQuery, $currentRow + $rows * $i);
            $callback($key, $value, $i + 1, $columns);
Esempio n. 8
function db_canAccessApi($addr)
    $slashed_ip = addslashes($addr);
    $old_time = time() - 60 * 15;
    db_query("INSERT INTO accesses (address) VALUES ({$slashed_ip})");
    $results = db_query("SELECT COUNT({$slashed_ip}) < 60 FROM accesses WHERE address = p_addr AND ts > {$old_time}");
    return !db_numRows($results);
  * Generate a slug of human-readable keywords
  * @param string        $string     Text to slug
  * @param string        $table      Table name to check in. If it is empty, no check in the table
  * @param string|array  $condition  Condition to append table check-in, e.g,
  *   `fieldName != value` or `array('fieldName !=' => value)`
  * @return string The generated slug
 function _slug($string, $table = '', $condition = null)
     $specChars = array('`', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '\\^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '=', '+', '{', '}', '[', ']', ':', ';', "'", '"', '<', '>', '\\', '|', '?', '/', ',');
     $table = ltrim($table, db_prefix());
     $slug = strtolower(trim($string));
     $slug = trim($slug, '-');
     # clear special characters
     $slug = preg_replace('/(&amp;|&quot;|&#039;|&lt;|&gt;)/i', '', $slug);
     $slug = str_replace($specChars, '-', $slug);
     $slug = str_replace(array(' ', '.'), '-', $slug);
     if (is_array($condition)) {
         $condition = db_condition($condition);
     while (1 && $table) {
         $sql = 'SELECT slug FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE slug = ":alias"';
         if ($condition) {
             $sql .= ' AND ' . $condition;
         if ($result = db_query($sql, array(':alias' => $slug))) {
             if (db_numRows($result) == 0) {
             $segments = explode('-', $slug);
             if (sizeof($segments) > 1 && is_numeric($segments[sizeof($segments) - 1])) {
                 $index = array_pop($segments);
             } else {
                 $index = 1;
             $segments[] = $index;
             $slug = implode('-', $segments);
     $slug = preg_replace('/[\\-]+/', '-', $slug);
     return trim($slug, '-');