public function getPerson($id)
     $person_row = db_get_user($id);
     // get facebook data
     global $facebook;
     $fb_userdata = $facebook->api('/' . $id . '?fields=id,name,first_name,link,gender,location');
     if ($person_row == False) {
         $this->createPerson($id, $fb_userdata['name']);
         $person_row = db_get_user($id);
         if ($person_row == False) {
             return Null;
     // create person object and fill its data
     $person = new Person($person_row);
     $person->fb_link = $fb_userdata['link'];
     $person->fb_logoutURL = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(array('next' => getAbsoluteBaseURL() . '/logout.php'));
     $person->gender = $fb_userdata['gender'];
     $person->first_name = $fb_userdata['first_name'];
     if (array_key_exists('location', $fb_userdata)) {
         $person->location = $fb_userdata['location']['name'];
         $location_data = $facebook->api('/' . $fb_userdata['location']['id']);
         $person->geo_location = array("lat" => $location_data['location']['latitude'], "long" => $location_data['location']['longitude']);
     		$fb_feed_response = $facebook->api('/'.$id.'/feed?limit=1&access_token='.$person_row['access_code']);
     		try {
     			$person->status = $fb_feed_response['data'][0]['message'];
     		} catch (Exception $e) {
     			echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
     return $person;
 public function getPerson($id)
     // we use the previous function to get all the books and then we return the requested one.
     // in a real life scenario this will be done through a db select command
     //$allBooks = $this->getBookList();
     //return $allBooks[$title];
     $person_row = db_get_user($id);
     if ($person_row == False) {
         return Null;
     // get facebook data
     global $facebook;
     $fb_userdata = $facebook->api('/' . $id);
     // create person object and fill its data
     $person = new Person($person_row);
     $person->fb_link = $fb_userdata['link'];
     $person->gender = $fb_userdata['gender'];
     $person->first_name = $fb_userdata['first_name'];
     		$fb_feed_response = $facebook->api('/'.$id.'/feed?limit=1&access_token='.$person_row['access_code']);
     		try {
     			$person->status = $fb_feed_response['data'][0]['message'];
     		} catch (Exception $e) {
     			echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
     return $person;
function send_response($username, $authorize = false)
    $GET = $_SESSION['get'];
    $rpfA = $_SESSION['rpfA'];
    $rpep = $GET['redirect_uri'];
    $state = isset($GET['state']) ? $GET['state'] : NULL;
    $error_page = isset($GET['redirect_uri']) ? $GET['redirect_uri'] : OP_INDEX_PAGE;
    $response_mode = get_response_mode($GET);
    try {
        $client_id = $GET['client_id'];
        $response_types = explode(' ', $GET['response_type']);
        $scopes = explode(' ', $GET['scope']);
        $prompts = explode(' ', $GET['prompt']);
        $is_code_flow = in_array('code', $response_types);
        $is_token_flow = in_array('token', $response_types);
        $is_id_token = in_array('id_token', $response_types);
        $offline_access = $is_code_flow && !$is_token_flow && in_array('consent', $prompts) && in_array('offline_access', $scopes);
        $issue_at = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T');
        $expiration_at = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T', time() + 2 * 60);
        $response_params = array();
        if (!$authorize) {
            throw new OidcException('access_denied', 'User denied access');
        $rpfA['session_id'] = session_id();
        $rpfA['auth_time'] = $_SESSION['auth_time'];
        $confirmed_attribute_list = get_all_requested_claims($rpfA, $GET['scope']);
        if ($is_code_flow) {
            $code_info = create_token_info($username, $confirmed_attribute_list, $GET, $rpfA);
            $code = $code_info['name'];
            $fields = array('client' => $GET['client_id'], 'issued_at' => $issue_at, 'expiration_at' => $expiration_at, 'token' => $code, 'details' => '', 'token_type' => TOKEN_TYPE_AUTH_CODE, 'info' => json_encode($code_info));
            db_save_user_token($username, $code, $fields);
        if ($is_token_flow) {
            $code_info = create_token_info($username, $confirmed_attribute_list, $GET, $rpfA);
            $token = $code_info['name'];
            $issue_at = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T');
            $expiration_at = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T', time() + 2 * 60);
            $fields = array('client' => $GET['client_id'], 'issued_at' => $issue_at, 'expiration_at' => $expiration_at, 'token' => $token, 'details' => '', 'token_type' => TOKEN_TYPE_ACCESS, 'info' => json_encode($code_info));
            db_save_user_token($username, $token, $fields);
        if ($offline_access) {
            while (true) {
                $refresh_token_name = base64url_encode(mcrypt_create_iv(32, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
                if (!db_find_token($refresh_token_name)) {
            $fields = array('client' => $GET['client_id'], 'issued_at' => $issue_at, 'expiration_at' => $expiration_at, 'token' => $refresh_token_name, 'details' => '', 'token_type' => TOKEN_TYPE_REFRESH, 'info' => json_encode($code_info));
            $fields['expiration_at'] = strftime('%G-%m-%d %T', time() + 24 * 60 * 60);
            db_save_user_token($username, $refresh_token_name, $fields);
        // Handle response_type for code or token
        if (isset($GET['state'])) {
            $response_params['state'] = $GET['state'];
        if ($is_token_flow || $is_id_token) {
            if (isset($token)) {
                $response_params['access_token'] = $token;
                $response_params['token_type'] = 'Bearer';
                if ($offline_access) {
                    $response_params['refresh_token'] = $refresh_token_name;
                $response_params['expires_in'] = '3600';
        if ($is_id_token) {
            $client_secret = null;
            $nonce = isset($GET['nonce']) ? $GET['nonce'] : null;
            $c_hash = null;
            $at_hash = null;
            $ops = null;
            $auth_time = null;
            $acr = null;
            $idt_claims = array();
            $sig = null;
            $alg = null;
            $enc = null;
            $client_secret = null;
            $jwk_uri = null;
            $db_client = db_get_client($client_id);
            if ($db_client) {
                $sig = $db_client['id_token_signed_response_alg'];
                if (!isset($sig)) {
                    $sig = 'RS256';
                $alg = $db_client['id_token_encrypted_response_alg'];
                $enc = $db_client['id_token_encrypted_response_enc'];
                $client_secret = $db_client['client_secret'];
                $jwk_uri = $db_client['jwks_uri'];
                $jwks = $db_client['jwks'];
            if (isset($rpfA['claims']) && isset($rpfA['claims']['id_token'])) {
                if (array_key_exists('auth_time', $rpfA['claims']['id_token'])) {
                    $auth_time = (int) $_SESSION['auth_time'];
                if (array_key_exists('acr', $rpfA['claims']['id_token'])) {
                    if (array_key_exists('values', $rpfA['claims']['id_token']['acr'])) {
                        if (is_array($rpfA['claims']['id_token']['acr']['values']) && count($rpfA['claims']['id_token']['acr']['values'])) {
                            $acr = $rpfA['claims']['id_token']['acr']['values'][0];
                    } else {
                        $acr = '0';
            if ($sig) {
                $bit_length = substr($sig, 2);
                switch ($bit_length) {
                    case '384':
                        $hash_alg = 'sha384';
                    case '512':
                        $hash_alg = 'sha512';
                    case '256':
                        $hash_alg = 'sha256';
                $hash_length = (int) ((int) $bit_length / 2) / 8;
                if ($code) {
                    $c_hash = base64url_encode(substr(hash($hash_alg, $code, true), 0, $hash_length));
                if ($token) {
                    $at_hash = base64url_encode(substr(hash($hash_alg, $token, true), 0, $hash_length));
            $requested_id_token_claims = get_id_token_claims($rpfA);
            if ($requested_id_token_claims) {
                $db_user = db_get_user($username);
                if ($db_user) {
                    $idt_claims = get_account_claims($db_user, $requested_id_token_claims);
                } else {
                    throw new OidcException('access_denied', 'no such user');
            $id_token_obj = make_id_token(wrap_userid($db_client, $username), SERVER_ID, $client_id, $idt_claims, $nonce, $c_hash, $at_hash, $auth_time, $ops, $acr);
            log_debug('sen_response id_token_obj = %s', print_r($id_token_obj, true));
            $cryptoError = null;
            $id_token = sign_encrypt($id_token_obj, $sig, $alg, $enc, $jwk_uri, $jwks, $client_secret, $cryptoError);
            if (!$id_token) {
                log_error("Unable to sign encrypt response for ID Token %s", $cryptoError);
                throw new OidcException('invalid_request', "idtoken crypto error {$cryptoError}");
            $response_params['id_token'] = $id_token;
        $url_parts = parse_url($rpep);
        $origin = sprintf("%s://%s%s", $url_parts['scheme'], $url_parts['host'], isset($url_parts['port']) ? ':' . $url_parts['port'] : '');
        $salt = bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv(16, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
        log_debug("ss = sha256(%s%s%s%s).%s", $client_id, $origin, $_SESSION['ops'], $salt, $salt);
        $session_state = hash('sha256', "{$client_id}{$origin}{$_SESSION['ops']}{$salt}") . '.' . $salt;
        $response_params['session_state'] = $session_state;
        if ($is_code_flow) {
            $response_params['code'] = $code;
        if ($_SESSION['persist'] == 'on') {
            $username = $_SESSION['username'];
            $auth_time = $_SESSION['auth_time'];
            $ops = $_SESSION['ops'];
            $login = $_SESSION['login'];
            $_SESSION['lastlogin'] = time();
            $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
            $_SESSION['auth_time'] = $auth_time;
            $_SESSION['ops'] = $ops;
            $_SESSION['login'] = $login;
            $_SESSION['persist'] = 'on';
        } else {
        send_auth_response($rpep, $response_params, $response_mode);
    } catch (OidcException $e) {
        log_error("handle_auth exception : %s", $e->getTraceAsString());
        send_error($error_page, $e->error_code, $e->desc, NULL, $state, $response_mode);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        log_error("handle_auth exception : %s", $e->getTraceAsString());
        send_error($error_page, 'invalid_request', $e->getMessage(), NULL, $state, $response_mode);
Esempio n. 4
function authenticate_reviewer($dbh, $username, $password)
    $uinfo = db_get_user($dbh, $username);
    if ($uinfo) {
        if ($uinfo['scope'] === 'LOCAL' && !empty($uinfo['password']) && $uinfo['password'] === $password) {
            return $uinfo;
        } else {
            if ($uinfo['scope'] === 'LDAP' && auth_ldap_user($username, $password)) {
                return $uinfo;
            } else {
                return null;
    } else {
        return null;
function db_get_account($username)
    return db_get_user($username);
function handle_webfinger_discovery()
    $principal = $_REQUEST['resource'];
    $service = $_REQUEST['rel'];
    if (!$principal && !$service) {
        log_error('Discovery : no principal or service');
        header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
    if ($service && $service != '') {
        log_error('Discovery : invalid service');
        header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
    $providers = db_get_providers();
    if ($providers) {
        foreach ($providers as $provider) {
            array_push($hosts, $provider['issuer']);
    if ($principal && substr($principal, 0, 5) == 'acct:') {
        $principal = substr($principal, 5);
    $at = strpos($principal, '@');
    if ($at !== false) {
        if ($at == 0) {
            // XRI
            header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
            log_error('Discovery : principal is a XRI');
        // process email address
        list($principal, $domain) = explode('@', $principal);
        $port_pos = strpos($domain, ':');
        if ($port_pos !== false) {
            $domain = substr($domain, 0, $port_pos);
        $domain_parts = explode('.', $domain);
        $server_parts = explode('.', OP_SERVER_NAME);
        // check to see domain matches
        $domain_start = count($domain_parts) - 1;
        $server_start = count($server_parts) - 1;
        for ($i = $domain_start, $j = $server_start; $i >= 0 && $j >= 0; $i--, $j--) {
            if (strcasecmp($domain_parts[$i], $server_parts[$j]) != 0) {
                header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
                log_error('Discovery : email domains do not match');
    } else {
        // process URL
        $pos = strpos($principal, '#');
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $principal = substr($principal, 0, $pos);
        $parts = parse_url($principal);
        if (!$parts) {
            log_error('Discovery : unparseable URL');
            header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
        $host = $parts['host'];
        $port = $parts['port'] ? ':' . $parts['port'] : '';
        $issuer = OP_PROTOCOL . "{$host}{$port}";
        if (isset($parts['path'])) {
            if ($parts['path'] == '/') {
                $principal = $issuer;
            } else {
                $principal = substr($parts['path'], 1);
                log_debug("principal = %s", $principal);
        } else {
            $principal = $issuer;
    if (!in_array($principal, $hosts) && !db_get_user($principal)) {
        log_error("Discovery : no such user or host\nprincipal = %s hosts = %s", $principal, print_r($hosts, true));
        header('HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request');
Esempio n. 7
function process_login($login_info, $username, $password, $sitename)
    if (is_array($login_info)) {
        // if an array is returned, then login was successful
        $bapi = $login_info['binding'];
        $sessionID = $login_info['sessionID'];
        $accountID = $login_info['accountID'];
        $isAgency = $login_info['isAgency'];
        if ($isAgency == true) {
            print_agency_login_form($username, $password, $sitename, "", $sessionID, $login_info['accounts']);
        } else {
            $dbh = open_db();
            if ($dbh) {
                $rc = db_save_user($dbh, $username, $password, 'BRONTO', 'REQUESTER', $sitename);
                if ($rc == false) {
                    display_warnbox("Unable to save user information (user="******",sitename=" . $sitename . ")");
                $rc = db_save_session($dbh, $sessionID, $username, $accountID);
                if ($rc == false) {
                    display_warnbox("Unable to save session information (id=" . $sessionID . ",user="******")");
                if (db_update_user_last_login($dbh, $username) == false) {
                    echo "Unable to record login date/time.";
                // Confirm that user information is available.
                $userinfo = db_get_user($dbh, $username);
                if (empty($userinfo['firstname']) || empty($userinfo['lastname']) || empty($userinfo['email'])) {
                    print_user_info_form($sessionID, $userinfo);
                } else {
                    if (print_message_select_form($bapi, $sessionID) == false) {
                        display_errorbox("Unable to connect to Bronto API.");
                        print_request_login_form($username, $password, $sitename);
            } else {
                display_errorbox("Unable to connect to database.");
                print_request_login_form($username, $password, $sitename);
    } else {
        if ($login_info === false) {
            // if "false" was returned, then login was unsuccessful (incorrect username, password, or sitename)
            display_errorbox("Invalid username, password, or sitename.");
        } else {
            // otherwise, "null" is returned, meaning no connectivity to Bronto API
            display_errorbox("Unable to connect to the Bronto API server.");
        print_request_login_form($username, $password, $sitename);
Esempio n. 8
function db_auth_local_user($dbh, $username, $password)
    $uinfo = db_get_user($dbh, $username);
    if ($uinfo && !empty($uinfo['password']) && $uinfo['password'] === $password & $uinfo['scope'] === 'LOCAL') {
        return $uinfo;
    } else {
        return null;