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if ($_POST['officeID'] == 1) { if (!url_id() || !db_grab('SELECT longDistanceCode FROM users WHERE id = ' . url_id())) { //user doesn't have a long distance code but needs one if (!($code = db_grab('SELECT l.code FROM ldcodes l WHERE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users u WHERE u.longDistanceCode = l.code AND u.is_active = 1) = 0'))) { error_hande('out of codes', 'the intranet is out of long distance codes to assign to new users, such as for ' . $_POST['firstname'] . ' ' . $_POST['lastname']); } else { $_POST['longDistanceCode'] = $code; } } } } $id = db_save('users'); if (getOption('channels')) { db_checkboxes('channels', 'users_to_channels', 'user_id', 'channel_id', $id); if (admin() || url_id() == user()) { db_checkboxes('email_prefs', 'users_to_channels_prefs', 'user_id', 'channel_id', $id); } } if ($_SESSION['is_admin']) { if (!empty($_POST['is_admin'])) { //is admin, so delete permissions db_query('DELETE FROM users_to_modules WHERE user_id = ' . $id); db_query('DELETE FROM users_to_modulettes WHERE user_id = ' . $id); } else { //handle permissions updates db_query('UPDATE users_to_modules SET is_admin = 0 WHERE user_id = ' . $id); $modules = array_checkboxes('modules'); foreach ($modules as $m) { if (db_grab('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users_to_modules WHERE user_id = ' . $id . ' AND module_id = ' . $m)) { db_query('UPDATE users_to_modules SET is_admin = 1 WHERE user_id = ' . $id . ' AND module_id = ' . $m); } else {