Esempio n. 1
	function resetConfigValue($fieldName)	{	
		//get the default value
		list($qh, $num) = dbQuery("SELECT $fieldName FROM $CONFIG_TABLE WHERE config_set_id='0';");
		$resultset = dbResult($qh);
		//set it
		dbQuery("UPDATE $CONFIG_TABLE SET $fieldName='" . $resultset[$fieldName] . "' WHERE config_set_id='1';");
Esempio n. 2
function getDailyTimes($month, $day, $year, $id, $proj_id)
    include "";
    list($qhq, $numq) = dbQuery("select timeformat from {$CONFIG_TABLE} where config_set_id = '1'");
    $configData = dbResult($qhq);
    $query = "select date_format(start_time,'%d') as day_of_month, trans_num, ";
    if ($configData["timeformat"] == "12") {
        $query .= "date_format(end_time, '%l:%i%p') as endd, date_format(start_time, '%l:%i%p') as start, ";
    } else {
        $query .= "date_format(end_time, '%k:%i') as endd, date_format(start_time, '%k:%i') as start, ";
    $query .= "unix_timestamp(end_time) - unix_timestamp(start_time) as diff_sec, " . "unix_timestamp(start_time) as start_time, " . "unix_timestamp(end_time) as end_time, " . "end_time as end_time_str, " . "start_time as start_time_str, " . "{$PROJECT_TABLE}.title as project_title, " . "{$TASK_TABLE}.name, {$TIMES_TABLE}.proj_id, {$TIMES_TABLE}.task_id " . "FROM {$TIMES_TABLE}, {$TASK_TABLE}, {$PROJECT_TABLE} " . "WHERE {$TASK_TABLE}.proj_id={$PROJECT_TABLE}.proj_id AND " . "uid='{$id}' AND ";
    $query .= "{$TASK_TABLE}.task_id = {$TIMES_TABLE}.task_id AND " . "((start_time >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 00:00:00' AND start_time <= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 23:59:59') " . " OR (end_time >= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 00:00:00' AND end_time <= '{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 23:59:59') " . " OR (start_time < '{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 00:00:00' AND end_time > '{$year}-{$month}-{$day} 23:59:59')) " . " order by day_of_month, start_time";
    list($my_qh, $num) = dbQuery($query);
    return array($num, $my_qh);
Esempio n. 3
				<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="table_body">
					<tr class="inner_table_head">										
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">First Name</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">Last Name</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">Access</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">Login Username</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">Email Address</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">Phone Number</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading">Bill Rate</td>
						<td class="inner_table_column_heading"><i>Actions</i></td>

list($qh,$num) = dbQuery("select * from $USER_TABLE where username!='guest' order by last_name, first_name");

while ($data = dbResult($qh)) {
	$firstNameField = empty($data["first_name"]) ? "&nbsp;": $data["first_name"];
	$lastNameField = empty($data["last_name"]) ? "&nbsp;": $data["last_name"];
	$usernameField = empty($data["username"]) ? "&nbsp;": $data["username"];
	$emailAddressField = empty($data["email_address"]) ? "&nbsp;": $data["email_address"];
	$phoneField = empty($data["phone"]) ? "&nbsp;": $data["phone"];
	$billRateField = empty($data["bill_rate"]) ? "&nbsp;": $data["bill_rate"];
	$isAdministrator = ($data["level"] >= 10);

	print "<tr>\n";
	print "<td class=\"calendar_cell_middle\">$firstNameField</td>";
	print "<td class=\"calendar_cell_middle\">$lastNameField</td>";
	if ($isAdministrator)
		print "<td class=\"calendar_cell_middle\"><span class=\"calendar_total_value_weekly\">Admin</span></td>";
		print "<td class=\"calendar_cell_middle\">Basic</td>";	
  * returns true if there is a record under that username in the database
 function userExists($username)
     require "";
     //check whether the user exists
     list($qh, $num) = dbQuery("select username from {$USER_TABLE} where username='******'");
     //if there is a match
     return $data = dbResult($qh);
Esempio n. 5
//print "<PRE>$data[date]\n$data[time]\n$data[log_message]\n$data[title]\n$data[client]\n$data[first_name]\n$data[last_name]</PRE>";
<title>Task Info</title>
include ("");
<body width="100%" height="100%" style="margin: 0px;" <? include (""); ?> >
<table border="0" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" valign="center">

  list($qh, $num) = dbQuery($query);
  if ($num > 0) {
    $data = dbResult($qh);

				<table width="100%" border="0" class="section_body">
							<span class="label">Project:</span>
							<span class="project_title"><?php echo stripslashes($data["projectTitle"]); ?></span>
							&nbsp;<span class="project_status">&lt;<?php echo $data["projectStatus"]; ?>&gt;</span>
							<span class="label">Task:</span>
Esempio n. 6
	function clockoff($timeString) {
		//import global vars
		global $contextUser, $year, $month, $day, $task_id, $proj_id, $Location;
		global $destination, $clock_on_time_hour, $clock_off_time_hour,
					 $clock_on_time_min, $clock_off_time_min, $clockonoff;
		global $log_message, $log_message_presented, $fromPopupWindow;
		//check that we are actually clocked on
		$querystring = "SELECT start_time, start_time < '$timeString' AS valid FROM $TIMES_TABLE WHERE ".
									 "uid='$contextUser' AND ".
									 "end_time=0 AND ".
									 //"start_time >= '$year-$month-$day' AND ".
									 //"start_time <= '$year-$month-$day 23:59:59' AND ".
									 "proj_id=$proj_id AND ".
		list($qh,$num) = dbQuery($querystring);		
		$data = dbResult($qh);
		if ($num == 0)
			errorPage("You are not currently clocked on. You must clock on before you can clock off.", $fromPopupWindow);	
		//also check that the clockoff time is after the clockon time
   else if ($data["valid"] == 0)
			errorPage("You must clock off <i>after</i> you clock on.", $fromPopupWindow);

		//do we need to present the user with a log message screen?    
		if ($log_message_presented == false)
		//now insert the record for this clock off
		$log_message = addslashes($log_message);
		$querystring = "UPDATE $TIMES_TABLE SET log_message='$log_message', end_time='$timeString' WHERE ".
									 "uid='$contextUser' AND ".
									 "proj_id=$proj_id AND ".
									 "end_time=0 AND ".
									 //"start_time >= '$year-$month-$day' AND ".
									 //"start_time < '$year-$month-$day 23:59:59' AND ".
		list($qh,$num) = dbQuery($querystring);
		Header("Location: $Location");
Esempio n. 7

// Connect to database.
$dbh = dbConnect();
$contextUser = strtolower($_SESSION['contextUser']);

//define the command menu

//Get the result set for the config set 1
list($qh, $num) = dbQuery("select locale, timezone, timeformat, headerhtml, bodyhtml, footerhtml, " .
		"errorhtml, bannerhtml, tablehtml, useLDAP, LDAPScheme, LDAPHost, LDAPPort, " .
		"LDAPBaseDN, LDAPUsernameAttribute, LDAPSearchScope, LDAPFilter, LDAPProtocolVersion, ".
		"LDAPBindUsername, LDAPBindPassword, weekstartday " .
		"from $CONFIG_TABLE where config_set_id = '1'");
$resultset = dbResult($qh);

<title>Timesheet.php Configuration Parameters</title>
include ("");
<script language="Javascript">

//store the current LDAP entry method in this variable
var currentLDAPEntryMethod = 'normal';

function onChangeLDAPEntryMethod() {
Esempio n. 8

															<td width="30%">
																<div class="project_task_list">
																	<a href="task_maint.php?proj_id=<?php echo $data["proj_id"]; ?>"><span class="label">Tasks:</span></a>&nbsp; &nbsp;<br>
			//get tasks
			list($qh3, $num_tasks) = dbQuery("select name, task_id FROM $TASK_TABLE WHERE proj_id=$data[proj_id]");
			//are there any tasks?
			if ($num_tasks > 0) {
				while ($task_data = dbResult($qh3)) {
					$taskName = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", $task_data["name"]);
					print "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\"\"task_info.php?proj_id=$data[proj_id]&task_id=$task_data[task_id]\",\"TaskInfo\",\"location=0,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=550,height=220\")>$taskName</a><br>";
				print "None.";
Esempio n. 9
     print "<td width=\"14%\" height=\"25%\" valign=\"top\" class=\"calendar_cell_middle\">\n";
 print "\t<table width=\"100%\">\n";
 // Print out date.
 /*print "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><tt><A HREF=\"daily.php?month=$month&year=$year&".
 $popup_href = "javascript:void(0)\"\"popup.php" . "?client_id={$client_id}" . "&proj_id={$proj_id}" . "&task_id={$task_id}" . "&year={$year}" . "&month={$month}" . "&day={$day}" . "&destination={$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" . "\",\"Popup\",\"location=0,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=420,height=310\") dummy=\"";
 print "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">";
 print "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><A HREF=\"daily.php?month={$month}&year={$year}&" . "day={$day}&client_id={$client_id}&proj_id={$proj_id}&task_id={$task_id}\">{$day}</a></td>";
 print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"{$popup_href}\" class=\"action_link\">" . "<img src=\"images/add.gif\" width=\"11\" height=\"11\" border=\"0\">" . "</a></td>";
 print "</tr>";
 print "</table></td></tr>";
 $data_seen = 0;
 // If the day has data, print it.
 for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
     $data = dbResult($qh, $i);
     //Due to a bug in mysql with converting to unix timestamp from the string,
     //we are going to use php's strtotime to make the timestamp from the string.
     //the problem has something to do with timezones.
     $data["start_time"] = strtotime($data["start_time_str"]);
     $data["end_time"] = strtotime($data["end_time_str"]);
     if ($data["start_time"] < mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) && $data["end_time"] > mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year) || $data["start_time"] >= mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) && $data["start_time"] <= mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year) || $data["end_time"] >= mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) && $data["end_time"] <= mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year)) {
         // This day has data in it.  Therefore we want to print out a summary at the bottom of each day.
         $data_seen = 1;
         $todays_total_sec = 0;
         //print out client name if its a new client
         if ($client_id == 0 && $last_client_id != $data["client_id"]) {
             $last_client_id = $data["client_id"];
             $clientName = $data["organisation"];
             print "<tr><td valign=\"top\" class=\"client_name_small\">{$clientName}</td></tr>";
Esempio n. 10
	//different (unique) TASKS
	//which has an array of DAYS (7) which has
	//and array of size 4: 
	// -index 0 is task entries array for tasks which started on a previous day and finish on a following day
	// -index 1 is task entries array for tasks which started on a previous day and finish today
	// -index 2 is task entreis array for tasks which started and finished today
	// -index 3 is task entries array for tasks which started today and finish on a following day

	$structuredArray = array();
	$previousTaskId = -1;
	$currentTaskId = -1;

	//iterate through results
	for ($i=0; $i<$num5; $i++) {
		//get the record for this task entry
		$data = dbResult($qh5,$i);

		//Due to a bug in mysql with converting to unix timestamp from the string, 
		//we are going to use php's strtotime to make the timestamp from the string.
		//the problem has something to do with timezones.
		$data["start_time"] = strtotime($data["start_time_str"]);
		$data["end_time"] = strtotime($data["end_time_str"]);
		//get the current task properties
		$currentTaskId = $data["task_id"];
		$currentTaskStartDate = $data["start_time"];
		$currentTaskEndDate = $data["end_time"];
		$currentTaskName = stripslashes($data["taskName"]);
		$currentProjectTitle = stripslashes($data["projectTitle"]);
		$currentProjectId = $data["proj_id"];				
Esempio n. 11
$proj_id = $_REQUEST['proj_id'];

//define the command menu
$commandMenu->add(new TextCommand("Back", true, "javascript:history.back()"));

$dbh = dbConnect();
list($qh, $num) = dbQuery("select proj_id, title, client_id, description, DATE_FORMAT(start_date, '%m') as start_month, ".
			    "date_format(start_date, '%d') as start_day, date_format(start_date, '%Y') as start_year, ".
			    "DATE_FORMAT(deadline, '%m') as end_month, date_format(deadline, '%d') as end_day, date_format(deadline, '%Y') as end_year, ".
			    "http_link, proj_status, proj_leader from $PROJECT_TABLE where proj_id = $proj_id order by proj_id");
$data = dbResult($qh);

list($qh, $num) = dbQuery("SELECT username from $ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE where proj_id = $proj_id");
$selected_array = array();
$i = 0;
while ($datanext = dbResult($qh)) {	
	$selected_array[$i] = $datanext["username"];

<title>Edit Project</title>
include "";
<body <? include (""); ?> >
include "";
Esempio n. 12
				<table width="100%" border="0" class="section_body">
						<td valign="center">
							<span class="project_title"><?php echo stripslashes($data_task["name"]); ?></span>
							&nbsp;<span class="project_status">&lt;<?php echo $data_task["status"]; ?>&gt;</span><br>
								<? echo stripslashes($data_task["description"]); ?>
						<td align="left" colspan="2" align="top">
							<span class="label">Assigned persons:</span><br>
			//get assigned users
			list($qh3, $num_3) = dbQuery("select username, task_id from $TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE where task_id=$data_task[task_id]");
			if ($num_3 > 0) {
				while ($data_3 = dbResult($qh3)) {
					print "$data_3[username] ";
			else {
				print "<i>None</i>";
Esempio n. 13
if ($action == "delete") {
    dbquery("delete from {$USER_TABLE} where uid='{$uid}'");
    dbquery("delete from {$ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE} where username='******'");
    dbquery("delete from {$TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE} where username='******'");
} else {
    if ($action == "addupdate") {
        //set the level
        if ($isAdministrator == "true") {
            $level = 11;
        } else {
            $level = 1;
        //check whether the user exists, and get his encrypted password.
        list($qh, $num) = dbQuery("select username, password from {$USER_TABLE} where uid='{$uid}'");
        //if there is a match
        if ($data = dbResult($qh)) {
            //has the username changed
            if ($data["username"] != $username) {
                //update the assignments
                dbQuery("UPDATE {$ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE} SET username='******' WHERE username='******'username']}'");
                dbQuery("UPDATE {$TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_TABLE} SET username='******' WHERE username='******'username']}'");
                dbQuery("UPDATE {$PROJECT_TABLE} SET proj_leader='{$username}' WHERE proj_leader='{$data['username']}'");
            if ($data["password"] == $password) {
                //then we are not updating the password
                dbquery("UPDATE {$USER_TABLE} SET first_name='{$first_name}', last_name='{$last_name}', " . "username='******', " . "email_address='{$email_address}', phone='{$phone}', bill_rate='{$bill_rate}', " . "level='{$level}' " . "WHERE uid='{$uid}'");
            } else {
                //set the password as well
                dbquery("UPDATE {$USER_TABLE} SET first_name='{$first_name}', last_name='{$last_name}', " . "username='******', " . "email_address='{$email_address}', phone='{$phone}', bill_rate='{$bill_rate}', " . "level='{$level}', " . "password={$DATABASE_PASSWORD_FUNCTION}('{$password}') " . "WHERE username='******'");
        } else {
Esempio n. 14
//print "<p>there were $num3 results</p>";
//we're going to put the data into an array of
//different (unique) TASKS
//which has an array of DAYS (7) which has
//and array of size 4:
// -index 0 is task entries array for tasks which started on a previous day and finish on a following day
// -index 1 is task entries array for tasks which started on a previous day and finish today
// -index 2 is task entreis array for tasks which started and finished today
// -index 3 is task entries array for tasks which started today and finish on a following day
$structuredArray = array();
$previousTaskId = -1;
$currentTaskId = -1;
//iterate through results
for ($i = 0; $i < $num3; $i++) {
    //get the record for this task entry
    $data = dbResult($qh3, $i);
    //Due to a bug in mysql with converting to unix timestamp from the string,
    //we are going to use php's strtotime to make the timestamp from the string.
    //the problem has something to do with timezones.
    $data["start_time"] = strtotime($data["start_time_str"]);
    $data["end_time"] = strtotime($data["end_time_str"]);
    //get the current task properties
    $currentTaskId = $data["task_id"];
    $currentTaskStartDate = $data["start_time"];
    $currentTaskEndDate = $data["end_time"];
    $currentTaskName = $data["taskName"];
    $currentProjectTitle = $data["projectTitle"];
    $currentProjectId = $data["proj_id"];
    $currentClientName = $data["clientName"];
    //print "<p>taskId:$currentTaskId '$data[taskName]', start time:$data[start_time_str], end time:$data[end_time_str]</p>";