/** * @param wdcal_local $localization * @param string $baseurl * @param int $calendar_id * @param int $uri * @return string */ function wdcal_getEditPage_str(&$localization, $baseurl, $calendar_id, $uri) { $server = dav_create_server(true, true, false); if ($uri > 0) { $calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_WRITE); if (!$calendar) { $calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_READ); $calendars = array(); } else { $calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE); } if ($calendar == null) { return "Calendar not found"; } $obj_uri = Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::loadCalendarobjectById($uri); $vObject = dav_get_current_user_calendarobject($server, $calendar, $obj_uri["uri"], DAV_ACL_WRITE); $component = dav_get_eventComponent($vObject); if ($component == null) { return t('Could not open component for editing'); } /** @var Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime $dtstart */ $dtstart = $component->__get("DTSTART"); $event = array("id" => IntVal($uri), "Summary" => $component->__get("SUMMARY") ? $component->__get("SUMMARY")->value : null, "StartTime" => $dtstart->getDateTime()->getTimeStamp(), "EndTime" => Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::getDtEndTimeStamp($component), "IsAllDayEvent" => strlen($dtstart->value) == 8, "Description" => $component->__get("DESCRIPTION") ? $component->__get("DESCRIPTION")->value : null, "Location" => $component->__get("LOCATION") ? $component->__get("LOCATION")->value : null, "Color" => $component->__get("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR") ? $component->__get("X-ANIMEXX-COLOR")->value : null); $exdates = $component->select("EXDATE"); $recurrentce_exdates = array(); /** @var Sabre\VObject\Property\MultiDateTime $x */ foreach ($exdates as $x) { /** @var DateTime $y */ $z = $x->getDateTimes(); foreach ($z as $y) { $recurrentce_exdates[] = $y->getTimeStamp(); } } $notifications = array(); $alarms = $component->select("VALARM"); foreach ($alarms as $alarm) { /** @var Sabre_VObject_Component_VAlarm $alarm */ $action = $alarm->__get("ACTION")->value; $trigger = $alarm->__get("TRIGGER"); if (isset($trigger['VALUE']) && strtoupper($trigger['VALUE']) !== 'DURATION') { notice("The notification of this event cannot be parsed"); continue; } /** @var DateInterval $triggerDuration */ $triggerDuration = Sabre_VObject_DateTimeParser::parseDuration($trigger); $unit = "hour"; $value = 1; if ($triggerDuration->s > 0) { $unit = "second"; $value = $triggerDuration->s + $triggerDuration->i * 60 + $triggerDuration->h * 3600 + $triggerDuration->d * 3600 * 24; // @TODO support more than days? } elseif ($triggerDuration->i) { $unit = "minute"; $value = $triggerDuration->i + $triggerDuration->h * 60 + $triggerDuration->d * 60 * 24; } elseif ($triggerDuration->h) { $unit = "hour"; $value = $triggerDuration->h + $triggerDuration->d * 24; } elseif ($triggerDuration->d > 0) { $unit = "day"; $value = $triggerDuration->d; } $rel = isset($trigger['RELATED']) && strtoupper($trigger['RELATED']) == 'END' ? 'end' : 'start'; $notifications[] = array("action" => strtolower($action), "rel" => $rel, "trigger_unit" => $unit, "trigger_value" => $value); } if ($component->select("RRULE")) { $recurrence = new Sabre_VObject_RecurrenceIterator($vObject, (string) $component->__get("UID")); } else { $recurrence = null; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["start"]) && $_REQUEST["start"] > 0) { $calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE); //$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_WRITE); $event = array("id" => 0, "Summary" => $_REQUEST["title"], "StartTime" => InTVal($_REQUEST["start"]), "EndTime" => IntVal($_REQUEST["end"]), "IsAllDayEvent" => $_REQUEST["isallday"], "Description" => "", "Location" => "", "Color" => null); if ($_REQUEST["isallday"]) { $notifications = array(); } else { $notifications = array(array("action" => "email", "rel" => "start", "trigger_unit" => "hour", "trigger_value" => 1)); } $recurrence = null; $recurrentce_exdates = array(); } else { $calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE); //$calendar = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $calendar_id, DAV_ACL_WRITE); $event = array("id" => 0, "Summary" => "", "StartTime" => time(), "EndTime" => time() + 3600, "IsAllDayEvent" => "0", "Description" => "", "Location" => "", "Color" => null); $notifications = array(array("action" => "email", "rel" => "start", "trigger_unit" => "hour", "trigger_value" => 1)); $recurrence = null; $recurrentce_exdates = array(); } $postto = $baseurl . "/dav/wdcal/" . ($uri == 0 ? "new/" : $calendar_id . "/" . $uri . "/edit/"); $out = "<a href='" . $baseurl . "/dav/wdcal/'>" . t("Go back to the calendar") . "</a><br><br>"; $out .= "<form method='POST' action='{$postto}'>\n\t\t<input type='hidden' name='form_security_token' value='" . get_form_security_token('caledit') . "'>\n"; $out .= "<h2>" . t("Event data") . "</h2>"; $out .= "<label for='calendar' class='block'>" . t("Calendar") . ":</label><select id='calendar' name='calendar' size='1'>"; $found = false; $cal_col = "aaaaaa"; foreach ($calendars as $cal) { $prop = $cal->getProperties(array("id", DAV_DISPLAYNAME, DAV_CALENDARCOLOR)); $out .= "<option value='" . $prop["id"] . "' "; if ($prop["id"] == $calendar_id) { $out .= "selected"; $cal_col = $prop[DAV_CALENDARCOLOR]; $found = true; } elseif (!$found) { $cal_col = $prop[DAV_CALENDARCOLOR]; } $out .= ">" . escape_tags($prop[DAV_DISPLAYNAME]) . "</option>\n"; } $out .= "</select>"; $out .= " <label class='plain'><input type='checkbox' name='color_override' id='color_override' "; if (!is_null($event["Color"])) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= "> " . t("Special color") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<span id='cal_color_holder' "; if (is_null($event["Color"])) { $out .= "style='display: none;'"; } $out .= "><input name='color' id='cal_color' value='" . (is_null($event["Color"]) ? "#" . $cal_col : escape_tags($event["Color"])) . "'></span>"; $out .= "<br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_summary'>" . t("Subject") . ":</label>\n\t\t<input name='summary' id='cal_summary' value=\"" . escape_tags($event["Summary"]) . "\"><br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_allday'>Is All-Day event:</label><input type='checkbox' name='allday' id='cal_allday' " . ($event["IsAllDayEvent"] ? "checked" : "") . "><br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_start_date'>" . t("Starts") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<input name='start_date' value='" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_php($event["StartTime"]) . "' id='cal_start_date'>"; $out .= "<input name='start_time' value='" . date("H:i", $event["StartTime"]) . "' id='cal_start_time'>"; $out .= "<br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_end_date'>" . t("Ends") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<input name='end_date' value='" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_php($event["EndTime"]) . "' id='cal_end_date'>"; $out .= "<input name='end_time' value='" . date("H:i", $event["EndTime"]) . "' id='cal_end_time'>"; $out .= "<br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='cal_location'>" . t("Location") . ":</label><input name='location' id='cal_location' value=\"" . escape_tags($event["Location"]) . "\"><br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='event-desc-textarea'>" . t("Description") . ":</label> <textarea id='event-desc-textarea' name='wdcal_desc' style='vertical-align: top; width: 400px; height: 100px;'>" . escape_tags($event["Description"]) . "</textarea>"; $out .= "<br style='clear: both;'>"; $out .= "<h2>" . t("Recurrence") . "</h2>"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='rec_frequency'>" . t("Frequency") . ":</label> <select id='rec_frequency' name='rec_frequency' size='1'>"; $out .= "<option value=''>" . t("None") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='daily' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "daily") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Daily") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='weekly' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "weekly") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Weekly") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='monthly' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "monthly") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Monthly") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='yearly' "; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "yearly") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Yearly") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "</select><br>\n"; $out .= "<div id='rec_details'>"; $select = "<select id='rec_interval' name='rec_interval' size='1'>"; for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) { $select .= "<option value='{$i}' "; if ($recurrence && $i == $recurrence->interval) { $select .= "selected"; } $select .= ">{$i}</option>\n"; } $select .= "</select>"; $time = "<span class='rec_daily'>" . t("days") . "</span>"; $time .= "<span class='rec_weekly'>" . t("weeks") . "</span>"; $time .= "<span class='rec_monthly'>" . t("months") . "</span>"; $time .= "<span class='rec_yearly'>" . t("years") . "</span>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Interval") . ":</label> " . str_replace(array("%select%", "%time%"), array($select, $time), t("All %select% %time%")) . "<br>"; $out .= "<div class='rec_daily'>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Days") . ":</label>"; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->byDay) { $byday = $recurrence->byDay; } else { $byday = array("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"); } if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() == 0) { $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> "; } $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='MO' "; if (in_array("MO", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Monday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='TU' "; if (in_array("TU", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Tuesday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='WE' "; if (in_array("WE", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Wednesday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='TH' "; if (in_array("TH", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Thursday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='FR' "; if (in_array("FR", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Friday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='SA' "; if (in_array("SA", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Saturday") . "</label> "; if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() != 0) { $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_daily_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_daily_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> "; } $out .= "</div>"; $out .= "<div class='rec_weekly'>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Days") . ":</label>"; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->byDay) { $byday = $recurrence->byDay; } else { $days = array("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"); $byday = array($days[date("N", $event["StartTime"]) - 1]); } if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() == 0) { $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> "; } $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='MO' "; if (in_array("MO", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Monday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='TU' "; if (in_array("TU", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Tuesday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='WE' "; if (in_array("WE", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Wednesday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='TH' "; if (in_array("TH", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Thursday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='FR' "; if (in_array("FR", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Friday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='SA' "; if (in_array("SA", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Saturday") . "</label> "; if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() != 0) { $out .= "<label class='plain'><input class='rec_weekly_byday' type='checkbox' name='rec_weekly_byday[]' value='SU' "; if (in_array("SU", $byday)) { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> "; } $out .= "<br>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("First day of week:") . "</label>"; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->weekStart != "") { $wkst = $recurrence->weekStart; } else { if ($localization->getFirstDayOfWeek() == 0) { $wkst = "SU"; } else { $wkst = "MO"; } } $out .= "<label class='plain'><input type='radio' name='rec_weekly_wkst' value='SU' "; if ($wkst == "SU") { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Sunday") . "</label> "; $out .= "<label class='plain'><input type='radio' name='rec_weekly_wkst' value='MO' "; if ($wkst == "MO") { $out .= "checked"; } $out .= ">" . t("Monday") . "</label><br>\n"; $out .= "</div>"; $monthly_rule = ""; if ($recurrence && ($recurrence->frequency == "monthly" || $recurrence->frequency == "yearly")) { if (is_null($recurrence->byDay) && !is_null($recurrence->byMonthDay) && count($recurrence->byMonthDay) == 1) { $day = date("j", $event["StartTime"]); if ($recurrence->byMonthDay[0] == $day) { $monthly_rule = "bymonthday"; } else { $lastday = date("t", $event["StartTime"]); if ($recurrence->byMonthDay[0] == -1 * ($lastday - $day + 1)) { $monthly_rule = "bymonthday_neg"; } } } if (is_null($recurrence->byMonthDay) && !is_null($recurrence->byDay) && count($recurrence->byDay) == 1) { $num = IntVal($recurrence->byDay[0]); /* $dayMap = array( 'SU' => 0, 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6, ); if ($num == 0) { $num = 1; $weekday = $dayMap[$recurrence->byDay[0]]; } else { $weekday = $dayMap[substr($recurrence->byDay[0], strlen($num))]; } echo $num . " - " . $weekday; */ if ($num > 0) { $monthly_rule = "byday"; } if ($num < 0) { $monthly_rule = "byday_neg"; } } if ($monthly_rule == "") { notice("The recurrence of this event cannot be parsed"); } } $out .= "<div class='rec_monthly'>"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='rec_monthly_day'>" . t("Day of month") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<select id='rec_monthly_day' name='rec_monthly_day' size='1'>"; $out .= "<option value='bymonthday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th of each month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='bymonthday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday_neg") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last of each month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='byday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th #wkday# of each month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='byday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday_neg") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last #wkday# of each month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "</select>"; $out .= "</div>\n"; if ($recurrence && $recurrence->frequency == "yearly") { if (count($recurrence->byMonth) != 1 || $recurrence->byMonth[0] != date("n", $event["StartTime"])) { notice("The recurrence of this event cannot be parsed!"); } } $out .= "<div class='rec_yearly'>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Month") . ":</label> <span class='rec_month_name'>#month#</span><br>\n"; $out .= "<label class='block' for='rec_yearly_day'>" . t("Day of month") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<select id='rec_yearly_day' name='rec_yearly_day' size='1'>"; $out .= "<option value='bymonthday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th of the given month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='bymonthday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "bymonthday_neg") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last of the given month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='byday' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th #wkday# of the given month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='byday_neg' "; if ($monthly_rule == "byday_neg") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("#num#th-last #wkday# of the given month") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "</select>"; $out .= "</div>\n"; if ($recurrence) { $until = $recurrence->until; $count = $recurrence->count; if (is_a($until, "DateTime")) { /** @var DateTime $until */ $rule_type = "date"; $rule_until_date = $until->getTimestamp(); $rule_until_count = 1; } elseif ($count > 0) { $rule_type = "count"; $rule_until_date = time(); $rule_until_count = $count; } else { $rule_type = "infinite"; $rule_until_date = time(); $rule_until_count = 1; } } else { $rule_type = "infinite"; $rule_until_date = time(); $rule_until_count = 1; } $out .= "<label class='block' for='rec_until_type'>" . t("Repeat until") . ":</label> "; $out .= "<select name='rec_until_type' id='rec_until_type' size='1'>"; $out .= "<option value='infinite' "; if ($rule_type == "infinite") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Infinite") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='date' "; if ($rule_type == "date") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Until the following date") . ":</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='count' "; if ($rule_type == "count") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Number of times") . ":</option>\n"; $out .= "</select>"; $out .= "<input name='rec_until_date' value='" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_php($rule_until_date) . "' id='rec_until_date'>"; $out .= "<input name='rec_until_count' value='{$rule_until_count}' id='rec_until_count'><br>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Exceptions") . ":</label><div class='rec_exceptions'>"; $out .= "<div class='rec_exceptions_none' "; if (count($recurrentce_exdates) > 0) { $out .= "style='display: none;'"; } $out .= ">" . t("none") . "</div>"; $out .= "<div class='rec_exceptions_holder' "; if (count($recurrentce_exdates) == 0) { $out .= "style='display: none;'"; } $out .= ">"; foreach ($recurrentce_exdates as $exdate) { $out .= "<div data-timestamp='{$exdate}' class='except'><input type='hidden' class='rec_exception' name='rec_exceptions[]' value='{$exdate}'>"; $out .= "<a href='#' class='exception_remover'>[remove]</a> "; $out .= $localization->date_timestamp2localDate($exdate); $out .= "</div>\n"; } $out .= "</div><div><a href='#' class='exception_adder'>[add]</a></div>"; $out .= "</div>\n"; $out .= "<br>\n"; $out .= "</div><br>"; $out .= "<h2>" . t("Notification") . "</h2>"; if (!$notifications) { $notifications = array(); } $notifications["new"] = array("action" => "email", "trigger_value" => 60, "trigger_unit" => "minute", "rel" => "start"); foreach ($notifications as $index => $noti) { $unparsable = false; if (!in_array($noti["action"], array("email", "display"))) { $unparsable = true; } $out .= "<div class='noti_holder' "; if (!is_numeric($index) && $index == "new") { $out .= "style='display: none;' id='noti_new_row'"; } $out .= "><label class='block' for='noti_type_" . $index . "'>" . t("Notify by") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<select name='noti_type[{$index}]' size='1' id='noti_type_" . $index . "'>"; $out .= "<option value=''>- " . t("Remove") . " -</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='email' "; if (!$unparsable && $noti["action"] == "email") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("E-Mail") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='display' "; if (!$unparsable && $noti["action"] == "display") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("On Friendica / Display") . "</option>\n"; //$out .= "<option value='other' "; if ($unparsable) $out .= "selected"; $out .= ">- " . t("other (leave it untouched)") . " -</option>\n"; // @TODO $out .= "</select><br>"; $out .= "<label class='block'>" . t("Time") . ":</label>"; $out .= "<input name='noti_value[{$index}]' size='5' style='width: 5em;' value='" . $noti["trigger_value"] . "'>"; $out .= "<select name='noti_unit[{$index}]' size='1'>"; $out .= "<option value='H' "; if ($noti["trigger_unit"] == "hour") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Hours") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='M' "; if ($noti["trigger_unit"] == "minute") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Minutes") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='S' "; if ($noti["trigger_unit"] == "second") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Seconds") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='D' "; if ($noti["trigger_unit"] == "day") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Days") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='W' "; if ($noti["trigger_unit"] == "week") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("Weeks") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "</select>"; $out .= " <label class='plain'>" . t("before the") . " <select name='noti_ref[{$index}]' size='1'>"; $out .= "<option value='start' "; if ($noti["rel"] == "start") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("start of the event") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "<option value='end' "; if ($noti["rel"] == "end") { $out .= "selected"; } $out .= ">" . t("end of the event") . "</option>\n"; $out .= "</select></label>\n"; $out .= "</div>"; } $out .= "<input type='hidden' name='new_alarm' id='new_alarm' value='0'><div id='new_alarm_adder'><a href='#'>" . t("Add a notification") . "</a></div>"; $out .= "<script>\$(function() {\n\t\twdcal_edit_init('" . $localization->dateformat_datepicker_js() . "', '{$baseurl}/dav/');\n\t});</script>"; $out .= "<br><input type='submit' name='save' value='Save'></form>"; return $out; }
/** * @param Sabre_DAV_Server $server * @param int $id * @param string $with_privilege * @return null|Sabre_CalDAV_Calendar */ function dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id(&$server, $id, $with_privilege = "") { $calendars = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, $with_privilege); $calendar = null; foreach ($calendars as $cal) { $prop = $cal->getProperties(array("id")); if (isset($prop["id"]) && $prop["id"] == $id) { $calendar = $cal; } } return $calendar; }
/** * */ function wdcal_print_feed($base_path = "") { $server = dav_create_server(true, true, false); $ret = null; $method = $_GET["method"]; switch ($method) { case "add": $cs = wdcal_print_feed_getCal($server, DAV_ACL_WRITE); if ($cs == null) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } try { $item = dav_create_empty_vevent(); $component = dav_get_eventComponent($item); $component->add("SUMMARY", icalendar_sanitize_string(dav_compat_parse_text_serverside("CalendarTitle"))); if (isset($_REQUEST["allday"])) { $type = Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE; } else { $type = Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ; } $datetime_start = new Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime("DTSTART"); $datetime_start->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", IntVal($_REQUEST["CalendarStartTime"]))), $type); $datetime_end = new Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime("DTEND"); $datetime_end->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", IntVal($_REQUEST["CalendarEndTime"]))), $type); $component->add($datetime_start); $component->add($datetime_end); $uid = $component->__get("UID"); $data = $item->serialize(); $cs->createFile($uid . ".ics", $data); $ret = array('IsSuccess' => true, 'Msg' => 'add success', 'Data' => $uid . ".ics"); } catch (Exception $e) { $ret = array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => $e->__toString()); } break; case "list": $weekstartday = isset($_REQUEST["weekstartday"]) ? IntVal($_REQUEST["weekstartday"]) : 1; // 1 = Monday $num_days = isset($_REQUEST["num_days"]) ? IntVal($_REQUEST["num_days"]) : 7; $ret = null; $date = wdcal_get_list_range_params($_REQUEST["showdate"], $weekstartday, $num_days, $_REQUEST["viewtype"]); $ret = array(); $ret['events'] = array(); $ret["issort"] = true; $ret["start"] = $date[0]; $ret["end"] = $date[1]; $ret['error'] = null; $cals = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_READ); foreach ($cals as $cal) { $prop = $cal->getProperties(array("id")); if (isset($prop["id"]) && (!isset($_REQUEST["cal"]) || in_array($prop["id"], $_REQUEST["cal"]))) { $backend = wdcal_calendar_factory_by_id($prop["id"]); $events = $backend->listItemsByRange($prop["id"], $date[0], $date[1], $base_path); $ret["events"] = array_merge($ret["events"], $events); } } $tmpev = array(); foreach ($ret["events"] as $e) { if (!isset($tmpev[$e["start"]])) { $tmpev[$e["start"]] = array(); } $tmpev[$e["start"]][] = $e; } ksort($tmpev); $ret["events"] = array(); foreach ($tmpev as $e) { foreach ($e as $f) { $ret["events"][] = $f; } } break; case "update": $r = q("SELECT `calendarobject_id`, `calendar_id` FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `id`=%d", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($_REQUEST["jq_id"])); if (count($r) != 1) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } try { $cs = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $r[0]["calendar_id"], DAV_ACL_READ); $obj_uri = Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::loadCalendarobjectById($r[0]["calendarobject_id"]); $vObject = dav_get_current_user_calendarobject($server, $cs, $obj_uri["uri"], DAV_ACL_WRITE); $component = dav_get_eventComponent($vObject); if (!$component) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } if (isset($_REQUEST["allday"])) { $type = Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE; } else { $type = Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ; } $datetime_start = new Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime("DTSTART"); $datetime_start->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", IntVal($_REQUEST["CalendarStartTime"]))), $type); $datetime_end = new Sabre\VObject\Property\DateTime("DTEND"); $datetime_end->setDateTime(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s", IntVal($_REQUEST["CalendarEndTime"]))), $type); $component->__unset("DTSTART"); $component->__unset("DTEND"); $component->add($datetime_start); $component->add($datetime_end); $data = $vObject->serialize(); /** @var Sabre_CalDAV_CalendarObject $child */ $child = $cs->getChild($obj_uri["uri"]); $child->put($data); $ret = array('IsSuccess' => true, 'Msg' => 'Succefully'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } break; case "remove": $r = q("SELECT `calendarobject_id`, `calendar_id` FROM %s%sjqcalendar WHERE `id`=%d", CALDAV_SQL_DB, CALDAV_SQL_PREFIX, IntVal($_REQUEST["jq_id"])); if (count($r) != 1) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } try { $cs = dav_get_current_user_calendar_by_id($server, $r[0]["calendar_id"], DAV_ACL_WRITE); $obj_uri = Sabre_CalDAV_Backend_Common::loadCalendarobjectById($r[0]["calendarobject_id"]); $child = $cs->getChild($obj_uri["uri"]); $child->delete(); $ret = array('IsSuccess' => true, 'Msg' => 'Succefully'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo wdcal_jsonp_encode(array('IsSuccess' => false, 'Msg' => t('No access'))); killme(); } break; } echo wdcal_jsonp_encode($ret); killme(); }
/** * @return string */ function dav_content() { $a = get_app(); if (!isset($a->user["uid"]) || $a->user["uid"] == 0) { return login(); } $x = ""; try { if ($a->argv[1] == "settings") { return wdcal_getSettingsPage($a); } elseif ($a->argv[1] == "wdcal") { if (isset($a->argv[2]) && strlen($a->argv[2]) > 0) { if ($a->argv[2] == "new") { $o = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr("/dav/wdcal/", "caledit"); $ret = wdcal_postEditPage("new", "", $a->user["uid"], $a->timezone, $a->get_baseurl() . "/dav/wdcal/"); if ($ret["ok"]) { notice($ret["msg"]); } else { info($ret["msg"]); } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/dav/wdcal/"); } $o .= wdcal_getNewPage(); return $o; } else { $calendar_id = IntVal($a->argv[2]); if (isset($a->argv[3]) && $a->argv[3] == "ics-export") { wdcal_print_user_ics($calendar_id); } elseif (isset($a->argv[3]) && $a->argv[3] == "ics-import") { return wdcal_import_user_ics($calendar_id); } elseif (isset($a->argv[3]) && $a->argv[3] > 0) { if (isset($a->argv[4]) && $a->argv[4] == "edit") { $o = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST["save"])) { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr("/dav/wdcal/", "caledit"); $ret = wdcal_postEditPage($a->argv[3], $a->user["uid"], $a->timezone, $a->get_baseurl() . "/dav/wdcal/"); if ($ret["ok"]) { notice($ret["msg"]); } else { info($ret["msg"]); } goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/dav/wdcal/"); } $o .= wdcal_getEditPage($calendar_id, $a->argv[3]); return $o; } else { return wdcal_getDetailPage($calendar_id, $a->argv[3]); } } else { // @TODO Edit Calendar } } } else { $server = dav_create_server(true, true, false); $cals = dav_get_current_user_calendars($server, DAV_ACL_READ); $x = wdcal_printCalendar($cals, array(), $a->get_baseurl() . "/dav/wdcal/feed/", "week", 0, 200); } } } catch (DAVVersionMismatchException $e) { $x = t("The current version of this plugin has not been set up correctly. Please contact the system administrator of your installation of friendica to fix this."); } return $x; }