function get_state() { $this->db->select('User_Status as Sp, User_Current_Time as CT'); $this->db->from('user'); $this->db->where('User_ID', $this->get_data('id')); $query = $this->db->get(); if ($query->num_rows() > 0) { $status = $query->row_array(1); $date = mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', now('Asia/Manila')); $diff = date_diff(new DateTime($status['CT']), new DateTime($date)); if (!$this->input->cookie("DTMSUserData")) { echo "no_cookie"; } else { if ($this->input->cookie("DTMSUserData")) { $data = json_decode($this->encrypt->decode(get_cookie("DTMSUserData")), TRUE); if ($status['Sp'] == 1) { echo "suspended"; } elseif ($status['Sp'] == 0) { echo "activated"; } else { echo $data["state"]; } } } } }
public static function time_ago($timestamp) { $now = new DateTime('now'); $from = new DateTime(); $from->setTimestamp($timestamp); $diff = date_diff($now, $from); if ($diff->y > 0) { $message = $diff->y . ' year' . ($diff->y > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { if ($diff->m > 0) { $message = $diff->m . ' month' . ($diff->m > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { if ($diff->d > 0) { $message = $diff->d . ' day' . ($diff->d > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { if ($diff->h > 0) { $message = $diff->h . ' hour' . ($diff->h > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { if ($diff->i > 0) { $message = $diff->i . ' minute' . ($diff->i > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { if ($diff->s > 0) { $message = $diff->s . ' second' . ($diff->s > 1 ? 's' : ''); } else { $message = 'a moment'; } } } } } } return $message . ' ago'; }
public function deactivate_expired_listing() { $this->load->model('properties_listing_model'); $this->load->model('users_model'); $activated_lists = $this->properties_listing_model->find_all(array('activate' => 1)); if (!empty($activated_lists)) { foreach ($activated_lists as $activated_list) { # last query here $current_date = new DateTime(); $activate_date = new DateTime($activated_list->activate_time); $diff = date_diff($activate_date, $current_date, TRUE); $total_diff = $diff->format('%y') * 12 + $diff->format('%m'); $expire_duration = $activated_list->deactivate_duration; if ((int) $total_diff >= $expire_duration) { $activated_list->activate = 0; $activated_list->save(); $user = $this->users_model->find_one(array('id' => $activated_list->user_id)); echo $activated_list->ref_tag . " is deactivated \n"; $data['ref_tag'] = $activated_list->ref_tag; $this->_send_email('deactivation', $user['email'], $data); echo "Notification sent to " . $user['email']; } } } }
function duration(&$hrs) { $time = ceil(time()/3600)*3600; $now = new DateTime("@$time"); $poh = new DateTime("@".($time-$hrs*3600)); $age = date_diff($poh,$now); $hrs = "$hrs (".($age->y?"{$age->y}y, ":"").($age->m?"{$age->m}m, ":"").($age->d?"{$age->d}d, ":"")."{$age->h}h)"; }
public function age() { $bd = $this->patient->getOriginal('dateOfBirth'); $diagDate = $this->schedule->getOriginal('diagDate'); $age = date_diff(date_create($bd), date_create($diagDate))->y; return $age . ' ปี'; }
public static function getLeaveDays($start_date, $end_date) { $start = new DateTime($start_date); $end = new DateTime($end_date); $diff = date_diff($start, $end); return $diff->d; }
public function niceDate($date, $preciseDate = false) { $dates = explode(' ', $date); $jours = explode('-', $dates[0]); $heures = explode(':', $dates[1]); if ($date > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) { $date_a = new DateTime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $date_b = new DateTime($date); $interval = date_diff($date_a, $date_b); $intervalFormat = explode(':', $interval->format('%d:%h:%I')); $str = $intervalFormat[0] > 0 ? $intervalFormat[0] . ' ' . __('day') . ($intervalFormat[0] > 1 ? 's' : '') . ' ' : ''; $str .= $intervalFormat[1] > 0 ? $intervalFormat[1] . 'h' : ''; $str .= $intervalFormat[0] == 0 && $intervalFormat[2] > 0 ? $intervalFormat[2] : ''; if ($preciseDate && $dates[0] == date("Y-m-d")) { $str .= ' (' . __('Today at') . ' ' . $heures[0] . 'h' . $heures[1] . ')'; } elseif ($preciseDate) { $str .= ' (' . $date_b->format('d/m/Y') . ')'; } return __('in') . ' ' . $str; } elseif ($dates[0] == date("Y-m-d")) { $text = __('Today at'); return $text . ' ' . $heures[0] . 'h' . $heures[1]; } elseif ($dates[0] == date('Y-m-d', time() - 3600 * 24)) { $text = __('Yesterday at'); return $text . ' ' . $heures[0] . 'h' . $heures[1]; } else { $wording = $this->jour_semaine_court[date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $jours[1], $jours[2], $jours[0]))] . ' '; $wording .= $jours[2] . ' ' . strtolower($this->month[intval($jours[1])]) . ' ' . $jours[0]; return $wording; } }
function verbatim_date($date) { $dt = new DateTime($date); $dt = new DateTime($dt->format('Y-m-d')); //only date we need $dt_now = new DateTime("now"); $dt_now = new DateTime($dt_now->format('Y-m-d')); //only date we need if (!function_exists('date_diff')) { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/date_diff_legacy.php'; $interval = date_diff($dt, $dt_now); } else { $interval = date_diff($dt, $dt_now); } if ($interval->y == 0 && $interval->m == 0 && $interval->d == 0) { // return array("Today","0x649812"); return array($dt->format('d M'), "0x649812"); } else { if ($interval->y == 0 && $interval->m == 0 && $interval->d == 1) { // return array("Yesterday","0x000000"); return array($dt->format('d M'), "0x000000"); } else { if ($dt->format('Y') == $dt_now->format('Y')) { return array($dt->format('d M'), "0x000000"); } else { return array($dt->format('d M Y'), "0x000000"); } } } }
public function userViewAction($id) { $user = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFUserBundle:User')->find($id); $numberfollows = count($listFollows = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Follow')->findByFollowing($user)); $numbervideos = count($listVideos = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Video')->listVideos($user)); $duelwins = $user->getDuelWins(); $allChallenges = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Challenge')->findall(); $userChallenges = array(); foreach ($allChallenges as $challenge) { //get the vidéos for every challenge $listChallengeVideos = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('BFSiteBundle:Video')->videoForChallenge($challenge, $user); if (!empty($listChallengeVideos)) { array_push($userChallenges, $listChallengeVideos); } } $listDuels = $user->getDuels(); //retrieving the service $info = $this->container->get('bf_site.rankinfo'); $rankinfo = $info->rankInfo($user); $duelRankInfo = $info->duelRankInfo($user); //calculating the age of the user. $interval = date_diff(new \Datetime(), $user->getBirthday()); $age = $interval->y; //here we create an array with all the informations for the profileTop $profileTopInfo = array('followscount' => $numberfollows, 'videoscount' => $numbervideos, 'age' => $age, 'duelwins' => $duelwins); $lists = array('listVideos' => $listVideos, 'listFollows' => $listFollows, 'listDuels' => $listDuels, 'userChallenges' => $userChallenges); $rank = array('rankinfo' => $rankinfo, 'duelrankinfo' => $duelRankInfo); return $this->render('BFAdminBundle:User:view.html.twig', array('lists' => $lists, 'user' => $user, 'rank' => $rank, 'profiletop' => $profileTopInfo)); }
function timeDifferance($dateTime1, $dateTime2) { $call_start = new DateTime($dateTime1); $call_end = new DateTime($dateTime2); $interval = date_diff($call_start, $call_end); return $interval->format('%h hour %i min %s sec'); }
function dateDifference($date_1, $date_2, $differenceFormat = '%a') { $datetime1 = date_create($date_1); $datetime2 = date_create($date_2); $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); return $interval->format($differenceFormat); }
public static function diff($from, $to) { $datetime1 = date_create($from); $datetime2 = date_create($to); $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); return $interval->format('%R%a days'); }
static function exp_encode($days) { $datetime1 = date_create('1970-01-01'); $datetime2 = date_create($days); $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); return (int) $interval->format('%a'); }
public static function compareDate($one, $two) { $datetime1 = date_create($one); $datetime2 = date_create($two); $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); return $interval->days; }
/** * Creates a new Events entity. * */ public function createAction(Request $request) { $entity = new Events(); $form = $this->createCreateForm($entity); $form->handleRequest($request); // On récupère la date de début et de fin d'évènement afin de les comparer $startEvent = $form->getViewData()->getStart(); $startEvent_string = strftime("%A %#d %B %Y à %k:%M", $startEvent->getTimestamp()); $endEvent = $form->getViewData()->getEnd(); if ($form->isValid()) { // On détermine la différence entre les heures et les minutes $diffTime_min = date_diff($startEvent, $endEvent)->i; $diffTime_hour = date_diff($startEvent, $endEvent)->h; // Si la durée de l'event est inferieur à une heure, alors, on le met à une heure automatiquement if ($diffTime_min <= 59 && $diffTime_hour == 0) { date_sub($endEvent, date_interval_create_from_date_string($diffTime_min . 'min')); $entity->setEnd($endEvent->modify('+1 hours')); } $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager(); $user = $this->container->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser(); // On se protège de la faille XSS $entity->setTitre(htmlspecialchars($form->getViewData()->getTitre())); $entity->setResume(htmlspecialchars($form->getViewData()->getResume())); $entity->setDateAjout(new \DateTime()); $entity->setIdUser($user); $this->colorEvent($entity); $em->persist($entity); $em->flush(); return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('agenda_homepage')); } return $this->render('AgendaBundle:Events:new.html.twig', array('entity' => $entity, 'form' => $form->createView(), 'startEvent' => $startEvent_string)); }
function datediff($date1, $date2) { $date1 = date_create($date1); $date2 = date_create($date2); $diff = date_diff($date1, $date2); return $diff->format("%a"); }
function task_select(&$state, &$HTML, $rec = -1) { if ($rec < 0) { //checking returned if (!isset($_GET["row"])) { return; } $rec = $_GET["row"]; //get row number } task_list($state); //restore the record list if (!array_key_exists($rec, $state->records)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid task id " . $rec, true); } $record = $state->records[$rec]; if ($record[1] != "") { $inactive = new DateTime($record[1]); $diff = date_diff($state->from_date, $inactive)->days; if ($diff < $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE]) { $state->columns[COL_INACTIVE] = $diff; $state->columns[COL_AGENT] = "task"; } $record[0] .= "<br>(inactive as of " . $record[1] . ")"; } $state->task_id = $rec; $state->msgStatus = ""; $HTML .= "cell = document.getElementById('TK_" . $state->row . "');\n"; $HTML .= "cell.innerHTML = '" . $record[0] . "';\n"; }
/** * Store the block booking. Booking is per court and date. * First step is to find out if block booking is repeat - see if a Finish date has been entered, Create a booking for each date, ie every Thursday etc. * Else just create a block booking for the selected date and court. * - if cancelled booking data send out email to user, with a booking which has been removed by an administrator. * @param StoreBlockBookingRequest $request * @return Redirect */ public function store_block_bookings(StoreBlockBookingRequest $request) { if (!null == $request->input('finish_date')) { $diff = date_diff(date_create($request->input('date')), date_create($request->input('finish_date'))); $dates = []; $cancelled_booking_data = []; $dates[] = $request->input('date'); for ($i = 1; $i <= $diff->days / 7; $i++) { $week = '+%s week'; $date = strtotime(sprintf($week, $i), strtotime($request->input('date'))); $dates[] = date('Y-m-d', $date); } foreach ($dates as $date) { $cancelled_booking_data[] = $this->create_block_bookings($request, $date); } } else { $cancelled_booking_data[] = $this->create_block_bookings($request, $request->input('date')); } if (!empty($cancelled_booking_data)) { session()->flash('booking_data', $cancelled_booking_data); //with array of emails dates and booking info - go to a get request - create session with cancellation data. return redirect('email/admin-booking-cancellation'); } session()->flash('flash_message', 'Your booking was successful'); return redirect('administrator/block-bookings'); }
public function getTimeDifference($otherDate) { $date1Timestamp = date_create($this->dayOfBirth); $date2Timestamp = date_create($otherDate); $diff = date_diff($date1Timestamp, $date2Timestamp); return $diff; }
/** * * @param type $post * @throws Exception */ public function fetchProducts(&$post) { $interval = date_diff(new \DateTime($post['FromDt']), new \DateTime($post['ToDt'])); $this->datediff = $interval->days; if ($interval->days > 30) { throw new Exception('Maximun period per request 30 days.'); } getHotelDestination($post); $roomRequest = getRoomType($post); //find max pax room type request. $a_maxpax = array(); foreach ($roomRequest as $item) { //15389 if ($item['adults'] == 2 && $item['children'] > 0 && $item['rqbed'] == 'N') { throw new Exception('Not support case 2ad+1ch extrabeds=N'); } $a_maxpax[] = $item['adults'] + $item['children']; } $i_maxpax = max($a_maxpax); unset($a_maxpax); $query = "SELECT \r\n hotel.SpHotelName,\r\n hotel.SpHotelCode,\r\n hotel.CommRate,\r\n hotel.CommType,\r\n hotel.CommCurrencyCode,\r\n hotel.MarkupRate,\r\n hotel.MarkupType,\r\n hotel.MarkupCurrencyCode,\r\n (CASE(hotel.CommType)\r\n WHEN 'PERCENT' THEN (\r\n product.Base_AmountAfterTax * (1-(hotel.CommRate / 100))\r\n +\r\n CASE(hotel.MarkupType)\r\n WHEN 'PERCENT' THEN (\r\n hotel.MarkupRate / 100\r\n )\r\n\t END \r\n *\r\n\t CASE(hotel.CommType)\r\n\t WHEN 'PERCENT' THEN (\r\n product.Base_AmountAfterTax * (1-(hotel.CommRate / 100))\r\n )\r\n\t END\r\n\t\t\t)\r\n END) as Base_AmountAfterTax,\r\n \r\n product.RestrictionStatus,\r\n product.RestrictionArrival,\r\n product.RestrictionDeparture,\r\n product.`start`,\r\n product.`end`,\r\n product.BookingLimit,\r\n product.SetMinLOS,\r\n product.SetMaxLOS,\r\n product.SpRoomCode,\r\n product.SpMealType,\r\n product.SpRoomName,\r\n product.Base_NumberOfGuests \r\n FROM \r\n " . _SUPPLIERCODE . "_sitec_hotels hotel\r\n INNER JOIN (SELECT\r\n Base_AmountAfterTax,\r\n av.RestrictionStatus,\r\n av.RestrictionArrival,\r\n av.RestrictionDeparture,\r\n av.`start`,\r\n av.`end`,\r\n av.BookingLimit,\r\n av.SetMinLOS,\r\n av.SetMaxLOS,\r\n prod.IdConfigs,\r\n prod.SpHotelCode,\r\n prod.SpRoomCode,\r\n prod.SpMealType,\r\n prod.SpRoomName,\r\n rate.Base_NumberOfGuests \r\n FROM\r\n " . _SUPPLIERCODE . "_sitec_products prod,\r\n " . _SUPPLIERCODE . "_sitec_avails av,\r\n " . _SUPPLIERCODE . "_sitec_rates rate \r\n WHERE\r\n rate.Base_NumberOfGuests >= " . $i_maxpax . "\r\n AND av.`start` BETWEEN '" . $post['FromDt'] . "' AND '" . $post['ToDt'] . "' \r\n AND rate.`start` BETWEEN '" . $post['FromDt'] . "' AND '" . $post['ToDt'] . "' \r\n " . $this->queryFilter($post)->roomcatg . $this->queryFilter($post)->mealtype . "\r\n AND av.HotelCode = prod.SpHotelCode \r\n AND av.InvTypeCode = prod.SpRoomCode \r\n AND av.RatePlanCode= prod.SpRatePlan \r\n AND rate.HotelCode = prod.SpHotelCode \r\n AND rate.InvTypeCode = prod.SpRoomCode \r\n AND rate.RatePlanCode= prod.SpRatePlan \r\n AND av.`start` = rate.`start` \r\n AND av.`end` = rate.`end` \r\n AND av.IdCL956supplierconfigs = prod.IdConfigs \r\n AND rate.IdConfigs = prod.IdConfigs \r\n ) product\r\n ON hotel.SpHotelCode = product.SpHotelCode AND hotel.IdConfigs = product.IdConfigs\r\n WHERE hotel.SpCityCode = '" . $post['DestCity'] . "'\r\n AND hotel.SpCountryCode = '" . $post['DestCountry'] . "' " . $this->queryFilter($post)->hotel . "\r\n ORDER BY\r\n product.SpRoomCode,\r\n product.SpMealType,\r\n product.`start` \r\n ASC"; $rs = $this->db->query($query); if ($rs === FALSE) { throw new Exception('database was down,please try again.'); } if ($rs->num_rows() == 0) { throw new Exception('No rate results (From : ' . $post['FromDt'] . ', To : ' . $post['ToDt'] . ')'); } $this->filterResults($post, $rs->result_array()); //free result memory. $rs->free_result(); }
/** * Reads data for an event. * @param [String => Mixed] $opts * @return [String => Mixed] * @override AttemtStarted */ public function read(array $opts) { $end = (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($opts['attempt']->timestart); $start = (new \DateTime())->setTimestamp($opts['attempt']->timefinish); $duration = date_diff($start, $end)->format('P%YY%MM%DDT%HH%IM%SS'); return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['recipe' => 'attempt_completed', 'attempt_result' => (double) ($opts['attempt']->sumgrades ?: 0), 'attempt_completed' => $opts['attempt']->state === 'finished', 'attempt_duration' => $duration]); }
public function getTable() { $u_s = json_decode($this->session->userdata('u_s')); $tbName = $this->getNowTableName(); $datetime1 = date_create($this->input->get('date_start')); $datetime2 = date_create($this->input->get('date_end')); $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); $count_table = $interval->format('%m') + 2; $where = "city_id=" . $u_s->city_id . " AND create_date BETWEEN '" . $this->input->get('date_start') . " 00:00:00' AND '" . $this->input->get('date_end') . " 23:59:59'"; // total $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count_table; $i++) { $date = new DateTime(date("Ym", strtotime($this->input->get('date_end')))); $date->sub(new DateInterval('P' . $i . 'M')); $tbName = 'log_' . $date->format('Ym'); $str .= (strlen($str) > 0 ? ' UNION ' : '') . " SELECT `id`, `city_id`, `create_date`, `icmp`, `web_service`, `cpu`, `mem` , `sess` FROM " . $tbName . " WHERE " . $where; } $query = $this->db->query($str); $total = $query->num_rows(); // real $str = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $count_table; $i++) { $date = new DateTime(date("Ym", strtotime($this->input->get('date_end')))); $date->sub(new DateInterval('P' . $i . 'M')); $tbName = 'log_' . $date->format('Ym'); $str .= (strlen($str) > 0 ? ' UNION ' : '') . " SELECT id, city_id, create_date, icmp, web_service, cpu, mem, sess FROM " . $tbName . " WHERE " . $where; } $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * from (' . $str . ') as a' . " ORDER BY " . $this->input->get('sort') . ' ' . $this->input->get('order') . ' LIMIT ' . $this->input->get('limit') . ' OFFSET ' . $this->input->get('offset')); $ary_ret['rows'] = $query->result_array(); $ary_ret['total'] = $total; return json_encode($ary_ret); }
/** * таймдайн лента * * @uses ApiController::_userId * @uses Controller::request * @return void */ public function get_timeline() { if (!isset($this->_controller->request->data['start_date']) or !isset($this->_controller->request->data['end_date'])) { throw new ApiIncorrectRequestException(); } $startDate = str_replace('T', ' ', $this->_controller->request->data['start_date']); $startDate = str_replace('Z', '', $startDate); $startDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($startDate)); $endDate = str_replace('T', ' ', $this->_controller->request->data['end_date']); $endDate = str_replace('Z', '', $endDate); $endDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($endDate)); $this->_controller->ApiTimeline->set(array('start_date' => $startDate, 'end_date' => $endDate)); if (!$this->_controller->ApiTimeline->validates()) { throw new ApiIncorrectRequestException($this->_controller->ApiTimeline->validationErrors); } if (strtotime($startDate) > strtotime($endDate)) { throw new ApiIncorrectRequestException(); } //ограничение запроса $daysDiff = date_diff(new DateTime($endDate), new DateTime($startDate))->days; if ($daysDiff > 30) { throw new ApiIncorrectRequestException(); } $result = $this->_controller->ApiTimeline->getTimeline($this->_userId, $startDate, $endDate); $this->_controller->setResponse($result); }
function field_input_audit() { global $_STATE; $errors = ""; foreach ($_STATE->fields as $name => $field) { if (($msg = $field->audit()) === true) { continue; } $errors .= "<br>" . $name . ": " . $msg; } if ($errors != "") { $_STATE->msgStatus = "Error:" . $errors; return false; } $diff = date_diff($_STATE->fields["Close Date"]->value, COM_NOW(), true); if ($diff->m > 2) { $_STATE->msgStatus = "The Close Date is suspect - proceeding anyway"; } if (!array_key_exists(strval($_POST["selAccounting"]), $_STATE->accounting)) { throw_the_bum_out(NULL, "Evicted(" . __LINE__ . "): invalid accounting id " . $_POST["selAccounting"]); //we're being spoofed } $_STATE->accounting_id = intval($_POST["selAccounting"]); //Should check to see if inactive is greater than any timelogs? foreach ($_STATE->fields as $name => $field) { $field->disabled = true; } return TRUE; }
function dateDiff($s, $t) { $datetime1 = date_create($s); $datetime2 = date_create($t); $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2); return $interval->format('%R%a days'); }
public function getage($birthday) { if (function_exists('date_diff')) { $now = date_create("now"); $birthday = date_create($birthday); if ($now < $birthday) { return "* 岁"; } else { $interval = date_diff($now, $birthday); return $interval->format("%y") . " 岁"; } } else { $year_diff = ''; $time = strtotime($birthday); if (FALSE === $time) { return '*'; } $birthday = date('Y-m-d', $time); list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $birthday); $year_diff = date("Y") - $year; $month_diff = date("m") - $month; $day_diff = date("d") - $day; if ($day_diff < 0 || $month_diff < 0) { $year_diff--; } return $year_diff . ' 岁'; } }
public function check_due_date($date) { echo $date; $query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM rent_details')->result_array(); //exit(); foreach ($query as $key) { $due_date = $key['rent_due_date']; $rent = $key['rent']; $id = $key['id']; $rent_balance = $key['rent_balance']; $new_rent_balance = $rent_balance + $rent; $new_date = date_create($due_date); date_add($new_date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("30 days")); $new_rent_due_date = date_format($new_date, "Y-m-d"); echo $new_rent_due_date; $date1 = date_create($date); $date2 = date_create($due_date); $diff = date_diff($date1, $date2); $dif = $diff->format("%a"); if ($dif == 0) { if ($new_rent_balance <= 0) { $this->db->query("UPDATE rent_details SET rent_due = '0' WHERE id ='" . $id . "'"); # code... } else { $this->db->query("UPDATE rent_details SET rent_due = '" . $new_rent_balance . "' WHERE id ='" . $id . "'"); } $this->db->query("UPDATE rent_details SET rent_balance = '" . $new_rent_balance . "' WHERE id ='" . $id . "'"); $this->db->query("UPDATE rent_details SET rent_due_date = '" . $new_rent_due_date . "' WHERE id ='" . $id . "'"); } else { //$this->db->query('UPDATE rent_details SET rent_due = '0''); } } }
/** * Obtenemos una fecha en formato amigable. * @return string */ public function fuzzy() { // Obtenemos diferencia de tiempo. if (method_exists($this, 'diff')) { $diff = $this->diff(new DateTime("now")); } else { $diff = date_diff(new DateTime('now')); } if ($diff->invert) { $key = __('en %s', FALSE); } else { $key = __('hace %s', FALSE); } if ($diff->y != 0) { return sprintf($key, $this->pluralize($diff->y, __('año', FALSE))); } if ($diff->m != 0) { return sprintf($key, $this->pluralize($diff->m, __('mes', FALSE))); } if ($diff->d != 0) { return sprintf($key, $this->pluralize($diff->d, __('dia', FALSE))); } if ($diff->h != 0) { return sprintf($key, $this->pluralize($diff->h, __('hora', FALSE))); } if ($diff->i != 0) { return sprintf($key, $this->pluralize($diff->i, __('minuto', FALSE))); } return sprintf($key, __('instantes', FALSE)); }
public function displayAction($slug) { $session = $this->get('session'); /** @var $reservation \AppBundle\Entity\Reservation */ $reservation = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Reservation')->findOneBySlug($slug); if ($reservation == null) { return $this->redirectToRoute('find_reservation'); } if ($reservation->getSessionId() != $session->getId()) { return $this->redirectToRoute('find_reservation'); } $diff = date_diff($reservation->getPickupDateTime(), $reservation->getReturnDateTime()); $hours = $diff->h; $hours = $hours + $diff->days * 24; $hours = $hours + $diff->i / 60; $canceled = false; $confirmed = false; if ($reservation->getStatus()->getStatus() == "Canceled") { $canceled = true; } if ($reservation->getStatus()->getStatus() == "Confirmed") { $confirmed = true; } $isPaid = $reservation->getPaid(); return $this->render('AppBundle:default:status.html.twig', array('reservation' => $reservation, 'hours' => $hours, 'canceled' => $canceled, 'confirmed' => $confirmed, 'paid' => $isPaid)); }
function test_date_diff() { $dt1 = date_create("2010-08-02"); $dt2 = date_create("2010-08-30"); $interval = date_diff($dt1, $dt2, true); return date_interval_format($interval, "%d"); }