Esempio n. 1
 if ($_GET['disabled_invites'] == 'yes') {
     $Where[] = 'ui1.DisableInvites = \'1\'';
 } elseif ($_GET['disabled_invites'] == 'no') {
     $Where[] = 'ui1.DisableInvites = \'0\'';
 if ($_GET['disabled_uploads'] == 'yes') {
     $Where[] = 'ui1.DisableUpload = \'1\'';
 } elseif ($_GET['disabled_uploads'] == 'no') {
     $Where[] = 'ui1.DisableUpload = \'0\'';
 if ($_GET['join1']) {
     $Where[] = implode(' AND ', date_compare('ui1.JoinDate', $_GET['joined'], $_GET['join1'], $_GET['join2']));
 if ($_GET['lastactive1']) {
     $Where[] = implode(' AND ', date_compare('um1.LastAccess', $_GET['lastactive'], $_GET['lastactive1'], $_GET['lastactive2']));
 if ($_GET['ratio1']) {
     $Decimals = strlen(array_pop(explode('.', $_GET['ratio1'])));
     if (!$Decimals) {
         $Decimals = 0;
     $Where[] = implode(' AND ', num_compare("ROUND(Uploaded/Downloaded,{$Decimals})", $_GET['ratio'], $_GET['ratio1'], $_GET['ratio2']));
 if (strlen($_GET['uploaded1'])) {
     $Upload1 = round($_GET['uploaded1']);
     $Upload2 = round($_GET['uploaded2']);
     if ($_GET['uploaded'] != 'buffer') {
         $Where[] = implode(' AND ', num_compare('ROUND(Uploaded / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)', $_GET['uploaded'], $Upload1, $Upload2));
     } else {
         $Where[] = implode(' AND ', num_compare('ROUND((Uploaded / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) - (Downloaded / 1024 / 1024 / 1023))', 'between', $Upload1 * 0.9, $Upload1 * 1.1));
Esempio n. 2
function projSetCalc()
    global $projSettlement;
    global $projSettlementPeriods;
    global $monthlyChargebackPerc;
    global $companyInfo;
    global $thisdate;
    global $cnn_cs;
    global $pSKey;
    global $pSAllCompanys;
    $userid_val = intval($companyInfo['userId']);
    $dateadded_time = strtotime($companyInfo['date_added']);
    $dateadded = getdate($dateadded_time);
    $dateadded_time += ($companyInfo['cd_paystartday'] + $companyInfo['cd_paydelay'] - $dateadded['wday'] - 1) * 60 * 60 * 24;
    if ($companyInfo['cd_payperiod'] < 1) {
        $companyInfo['cd_payperiod'] = 7;
    $datejump = 24 * 60 * 60 * $companyInfo['cd_payperiod'];
    $fdaysback = $companyInfo['cd_payperiod'] + $companyInfo['cd_paydelay'];
    $tdaysback = $companyInfo['cd_paydelay'];
    $chargeEachMonth = $dateadded_time + 24 * 60 * 60 * 30;
    $startdate = $dateadded_time;
    // Start Info
    $weekbasedate = 932832000;
    $balance = -$companyInfo['cd_appfee'];
    if ($datejump < 24 * 60 * 60) {
        $datejump = 24 * 60 * 60 * 7;
    if ($startdate > $thisdate) {
        $balance = 0;
    $monthlyChargebackPerc = "";
    $matching = 1;
    if (date_compare(time() + $fdaysback * 24 * 60 * 60, $thisdate, "LE")) {
        $thisdate = time() + $fdaysback * 24 * 60 * 60;
    for ($i = $startdate; date_compare($i, $thisdate, "LE"); $i += $datejump) {
        // For each Pay Period
        $Net = "";
        $payment_made = false;
        $curMonthStamp = intval(date("ym", $fdate));
        if (!isset($monthlyChargebackPerc[$curMonthStamp])) {
            $ch_year = intval(date("Y", $fdate));
            $ch_month = intval(date("m", $fdate)) + 1;
            if ($ch_month > 12) {
                $ch_month = 1;
            $qry_details = "SELECT COUNT(`amount`) as cnt, SUM(`r_chargeback`) as sum FROM `cs_transactiondetails` as t WHERE (`userId` = '{$userid_val}') AND `td_is_chargeback` = '1' AND `cancellationDate` between '" . date("Y-m", $fdate) . "-01 00:00:00' and '{$ch_year}-{$ch_month}-01 00:00:01'";
            $rst_details = mysql_query($qry_details, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Cannot execute query");
            $monthlyChargebacks = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst_details);
            $qry_details = "SELECT COUNT(`amount`) as cnt FROM `cs_transactiondetails` as t WHERE (`userId` = '{$userid_val}') AND `transactionDate` between '" . date("Y-m", $fdate) . "-01 00:00:00' and '{$ch_year}-{$ch_month}-01 00:00:01'";
            $rst_details = mysql_query($qry_details, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "<BR>Cannot execute query");
            $monthlyTotal = mysql_fetch_assoc($rst_details);
            if ($monthlyTotal['cnt'] <= 0) {
                $monthlyChargebackPerc[$curMonthStamp]['ch_perc'] = 0;
            } else {
                $monthlyChargebackPerc[$curMonthStamp]['ch_perc'] = $monthlyChargebacks['cnt'] / $monthlyTotal['cnt'];
            $monthlyChargebackPerc[$curMonthStamp]['ch_pentalty'] = $monthlyChargebacks['sum'];
        $fdate = $i - 60 * 60 * 24 * $fdaysback;
        $tdate = $i - 60 * 60 * 24 * ($tdaysback + 1);
        $weekid = floor(($i - $weekbasedate) / (7 * 24 * 60 * 60));
        $projPayPeriod = "";
        $projPayPeriod['br'] = "<br>";
        $projPayPeriod['timestamp'] = $i;
        $projPayPeriod['date'] = date("l, F j, Y", $i);
        $projPayPeriod['rollover'] = $rollOverAppliedNext;
        $projPayPeriod['monthlyfee'] = 0;
        $projPayPeriod['wirefee'] = 0;
        $projPayPeriod['startdate'] = date("l, F j, Y, ", $fdate);
        $projPayPeriod['enddate'] = date("l, F j, Y, ", $tdate);
        $projPayPeriod['balance'] = 0;
        $projPayPeriod['invoice'] = "";
        $projPayPeriod['pay?'] = 0;
        $projPayPeriod['rollover?'] = 0;
        $projPayPeriod['ih_inv_ID'] = -1;
        $projPayPeriod['Net'] = 0;
        $projPayPeriod['weekid'] = $weekid;
        $projPayPeriod['matching'] = $matching;
        if ($matching > 4) {
            $matching = 1;
        $rollOverAppliedNext = 0;
        // Roll over for next round
        $payment_made = false;
        $inv_details = "";
        $sql = "select * from `cs_invoice_history` where `ih_weekid` = '{$weekid}' AND `userId`='" . $userid_val . "'";
        $inv_details = mysql_query($sql, $cnn_cs) or dieLog(" Cannot execute query. {$sql} Error:" . mysql_error());
        if ($invoiceInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($inv_details)) {
            $payment_made = true;
            $balance = 0;
            $rollOverAppliedNext = 0;
            $projPayPeriod['balance'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_balance'];
            $projPayPeriod['monthlyfee'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_monthlyfee'];
            $projPayPeriod['wirefee'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_wirefee'];
            $projPayPeriod['rollover'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_rollover'];
            $projPayPeriod['Net'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_net'];
            $projPayPeriod['timestamp'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_date'];
            $projPayPeriod['pay?'] = 0;
            $projPayPeriod['ih_inv_ID'] = $invoiceInfo['ih_inv_ID'];
            $projPayPeriod['invoice'] = "Payed on " . date("m-d-y", strtotime($invoiceInfo['ih_date_payed']));
            if ($projPayPeriod['monthlyfee'] > 0) {
                $chargeEachMonth = $i + 24 * 60 * 60 * 30;
        if (!$payment_made) {
            if (date_compare($i, $chargeEachMonth, "GE")) {
                // If a month has passed, charge monthly fee
                if ($chargeEachMonth < time()) {
                    $balance -= $companyInfo['cs_monthly_charge'];
                    $projPayPeriod['monthlyfee'] = $companyInfo['cs_monthly_charge'];
                    $chargeEachMonth = $i + 24 * 60 * 60 * 30;
                } else {
                    $chargeEachMonth = 1.0E+19;
            $Net = calcNet($fdate, $tdate);
            $projPayPeriod['Net'] = $Net;
            $balance += $Net;
            $projPayPeriod['balance'] = $balance;
            $rollOverAppliedNext = 0;
            if ($balance >= $companyInfo['cd_rollover'] && $balance > 0) {
                $projPayPeriod['balance'] = $balance - $companyInfo['cd_wirefee'];
                $projPayPeriod['wirefee'] = $companyInfo['cd_wirefee'];
                $balance = 0;
                $projPayPeriod['invoice'] = "Not Payed";
                $projPayPeriod['pay?'] = 1;
            } else {
                if ($balance != 0) {
                    $projPayPeriod['invoice'] = "Rollover";
                    $projPayPeriod['rollover?'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $projPayPeriod['invoice'] = "No Balance";
                $rollOverAppliedNext = $balance;
        $keyval = intval(date("ymd", $projPayPeriod['timestamp']));
        if ($pSKey == 'weekid') {
            $keyval = $projPayPeriod['weekid'];
        if ($pSAllCompanys) {
            $projPayPeriod['invoice'] = "";
        $projSettlement[$keyval] = $projPayPeriod;
        $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate))]['txt'] = "Starts ->";
        $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $tdate))]['txt'] .= "<- Ends";
        $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate))]['matching'] = $matching;
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate + $datejump))]['txt'] = "Starts ->";
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $tdate + $datejump))]['txt'] .= "<- Ends";
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate + $datejump))]['matching'] = $matching;
    if ($matching > 4) {
        $matching = 1;
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate + $datejump * 2))]['txt'] = "Starts ->";
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $tdate + $datejump * 2))]['txt'] .= "<- Ends";
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate + $datejump * 2))]['matching'] = $matching;
    if ($matching > 4) {
        $matching = 1;
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate + $datejump * 3))]['txt'] = "Starts ->";
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $tdate + $datejump * 3))]['txt'] .= "<- Ends";
    $projSettlementPeriods[intval(date("ymd", $fdate + $datejump * 3))]['matching'] = $matching;
    if ($pSAllCompanys) {
        $projSettlementPeriods = "";
    return $projSettlement;