if ($ds['draw'] == "AREASTACK") { $ds['draw'] = "AREA"; $ds['stack'] = ":STACK"; } else { if (preg_match("/^LINESTACK([0-9\\.]*)/", $ds['ds_draw'], $m)) { if ($i == 0) { $data['draw'] = "LINE{$m['1']}"; /// FIXME $ds['draw'] } else { $ds['draw'] = "STACK"; } } } $cmd_graph .= ' ' . $ds['draw'] . ':' . $ds_name . '#' . $colour . ':"' . $descr . '"' . $ds['stack']; if ($ds['line'] == TRUE) { $colour_line = darken_color($colour); $cmd_graph .= ' LINE1.5:' . $ds_name . '#' . $colour_line; } $ds_unit = strlen($ds['unit']) ? $ds['unit'] : ''; // Unit text per DS if (isset($ds['num_fmt'])) { $num_fmt = $ds['num_fmt']; } // Numeric format per DS if (in_array("lst", $data_show)) { $cmd_graph .= " GPRINT:" . $ds_data . ":LAST:%" . $num_fmt . "lf" . $mag_unit . $ds_unit; } if (in_array("avg", $data_show)) { $cmd_graph .= " GPRINT:" . $ds_data . ":AVERAGE:%" . $num_fmt . "lf" . $mag_unit . $ds_unit; } if (in_array("min", $data_show)) {
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage graphs * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ $ds_in = "INUCASTPKTS"; $ds_out = "OUTUCASTPKTS"; $colour_area_in = "AA66AA"; $colour_line_in = darken_color($colour_area_in); //$colour_line_in = "330033"; $colour_area_out = "FFDD88"; $colour_line_out = "FF6600"; $colour_area_in_max = "cc88cc"; $colour_area_out_max = "FFefaa"; $graph_max = 1; $unit_text = "Packets/s"; $args['nototal'] = 1; $print_total = 0; $nototal = 1; include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/graphs/generic_duplex.inc.php"; // EOF
<?php /** * Observium * * This file is part of Observium. * * @package observium * @subpackage graphs * @copyright (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited * */ $scale_min = "0"; $rrd_filename = get_rrd_path($device, "bgp-" . $data['bgpPeerRemoteAddr'] . ".rrd"); $ds_in = "bgpPeerInUpdates"; $ds_out = "bgpPeerOutUpdates"; $colour_area_in = "AA66AA90"; $colour_line_in = darken_color($colour_area_in, 1); $colour_area_out = "FF660090"; $colour_line_out = darken_color($colour_area_out, 1); $colour_area_in_max = "FFEE99"; $colour_area_out_max = "FF7711"; $graph_max = 1; $unit_text = "Updates"; include $config['html_dir'] . "/includes/graphs/generic_duplex.inc.php"; // EOF