function auth_time($time) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $L; if ($MOD['auth_days'] && $DT_TIME - $time > $MOD['auth_days'] * 86400) { dalert($L['auth_time'], $MOD['linkurl']); } }
function auth_time($time, $type = 0) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $L; $second = $type ? 600 : 86400; if ($MOD['auth_days'] && $DT_TIME - $time > $MOD['auth_days'] * $second) { dalert($L['auth_time'], $MOD['linkurl']); } }
function strip_key($array, $deep = 0) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if ($deep && !preg_match("/^[a-z0-9_\\-]{1,}\$/i", $k)) { dhttp(403, 0); dalert('HTTP 403 Forbidden', DT_PATH); } if (is_array($v)) { strip_key($v, 1); } } }
function property_check($post_ppt) { global $post; include load('include.lang'); $OP = $post['catid'] ? property_option($post['catid']) : array(); if (!$OP) { return; } foreach ($OP as $v) { if ($v['required'] && !$post_ppt[$v['oid']]) { $msg = lang($v['type'] > 1 ? $L['fields_choose'] : $L['fields_input'], array($v['name'])); defined('DT_ADMIN') ? msg($msg) : dalert($msg); } } }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); login(); require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; $MG['sendmail'] or dalert(lang('message->without_permission_and_upgrade'), 'goback'); require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php'; if (isset($preview)) { $title = isset($title) ? trim(stripslashes($title)) : ''; $content = isset($content) ? trim(stripslashes($content)) : ''; include template('send', 'mail'); exit; } if ($submit) { captcha($captcha); $email = trim($email); if (!is_email($email)) { message($L['sendmail_pass_mailto']); } $title = trim(stripslashes($title)); if (strlen($title) < 5) { message($L['pass_title']); } $content = trim(stripslashes($content)); if (strlen($content) < 10) { message($L['pass_content']); } clear_upload($content); $content = dsafe(save_local($content)); $content = ob_template('send', 'mail'); $DT['mail_name'] = $_company;
//dalert($L['not_file'], $linkurl); } } if (isset($mirror)) { include DT_ROOT . '/file/config/'; if (isset($MIRROR[$mirror])) { if ($local) { dheader(str_replace(DT_ROOT . '/', $MIRROR[$mirror]['url'], $localfile)); } else { if ($DT['ftp_remote'] && $DT['remote_url']) { $fileurl = str_replace($DT['remote_url'], $MIRROR[$mirror]['url'], $fileurl); } dheader($fileurl); } } else { dalert($L['not_mirror'], $linkurl); } } else { if ($local) { if ($MOD['upload'] && filesize($localfile) < $MOD['readsize'] * 1024 * 1024) { $ext = file_ext($localfile); if (!in_array($ext, explode('|', $MOD['upload'])) || in_array($ext, array('php', 'sql')) || strpos($localfile, './') !== false) { dheader($fileurl); } //Safe $title = file_vname($title); $title or dheader($fileurl); if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Chrome') !== false) { $title = convert($title, DT_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); } if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Firefox') !== false) {
<?php require '../../../'; require ''; $_REQUEST['code'] or dalert('Error Request.', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . $DT['file_login'] . '?step=callback&site=' . $site); $par = 'grant_type=authorization_code' . '&code=' . $_REQUEST['code'] . '&client_id=' . BD_ID . '&client_secret=' . BD_SECRET . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode(BD_CALLBACK); $rec = dcurl(BD_TOKEN_URL, $par); if (strpos($rec, 'access_token') !== false) { $arr = json_decode($rec, true); $_SESSION['bd_access_token'] = $arr['access_token']; dheader('index.php?time=' . $DT_TIME); } else { dalert('Error Token.', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . $DT['file_login'] . '?step=token&site=' . $site); }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); login(); require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php'; isset($item) or message(); $names = $L['type_names']; isset($names[$item]) or message(); require DT_ROOT . '/include/type.class.php'; $do = new dtype(); $do->item = $item . '-' . $_userid; if ($submit) { if ($MG['type_limit'] && $type[0]['typename'] && count($type) > $MG['type_limit']) { dalert(lang($L['type_msg_limit'], array($MG['type_limit'])), 'goback'); } $do->update($type); dmsg($L['op_update_success'], '?item=' . $item); } else { $head_title = lang($L['type_title'], array($names[$item])); $types = $do->get_list(); foreach ($types as $k => $v) { $types[$k]['style_select'] = dstyle('type[' . $v['typeid'] . '][style]', $v['style']); } $new_style = dstyle('type[0][style]'); include template('type', $module); }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); login(); require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; $MG['homepage'] && $MG['style'] or dalert(lang('message->without_permission_and_upgrade'), 'goback'); require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php'; require MD_ROOT . '/style.class.php'; $do = new style(); $user = userinfo($_username); $domain = $user['domain']; if ($itemid) { $do->itemid = $itemid; $r = $do->get_one(); $r or message($L['style_msg_not_exist']); if ($r['groupid']) { $groupids = explode(',', $r['groupid']); if (!in_array($_groupid, $groupids)) { message($L['style_msg_group']); } } if ($action == 'buy' && $r['fee']) { $currency = $r['currency']; $months = array(1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24); $unit = $currency == 'money' ? $DT['money_unit'] : $DT['credit_unit']; if ($submit) { in_array($month, $months) or message($L['style_msg_month']); $amount = $r['fee'] * $month; if ($currency == 'money') { if ($amount > $_money) { message($L['money_not_enough'], $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'charge.php?action=pay&amount=' . ($amount - $_money));
$db->query("INSERT INTO {$DT_PRE}validate (type,username,ip,addtime,status,title,editor,edittime) VALUES ('mobile','{$username}','{$DT_IP}','{$DT_TIME}','3','{$mobile}','system','{$DT_TIME}')"); message($L['send_mobile_success'], $MOD['linkurl']); } message($L['send_mobile_code_error']); } else { $DT['sms'] or message($L['send_sms_close']); $fee = $DT['sms_fee']; if ($submit) { is_mobile($mobile) or message($L['send_mobile_bad']); $r = $db->get_one("SELECT userid FROM {$DT_PRE}member WHERE mobile='{$mobile}' AND vmobile=1 AND userid<>{$_userid}"); if ($r) { message($L['send_mobile_exist']); } if ($fee && $_sms < 1) { $fee <= $_money or message($L['money_not_enough'], $MOD['linkurl'] . 'charge.php?action=pay'); is_payword($_username, $password) or dalert($L['error_payword']); } $auth = random(6, '0123456789'); $content = lang('sms->sms_code', array($auth, $MOD['auth_days'])) . $DT['sms_sign']; $sms_code = send_sms($mobile, $content); if (strpos($sms_code, $DT['sms_ok']) !== false) { if ($fee) { if ($_sms < 1) { money_add($_username, -$fee); money_record($_username, -$fee, $L['in_site'], $_username, $L['send_mobile_record'], $mobile); } else { sms_add($_username, -1); sms_record($_username, -1, $_username, $L['send_mobile_record'], $mobile); } } $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET auth='{$auth}',authvalue='{$mobile}',authtime='{$DT_TIME}' WHERE username='******'");
} if ($MST['vmobile'] && $MG['vmobile']) { $V['vmobile'] or dheader('validate.php?action=mobile&itemid=1'); } if ($MST['vtruename'] && $MG['vtruename']) { $V['vtruename'] or dheader('validate.php?action=truename&itemid=1'); } if ($MST['vcompany'] && $MG['vcompany']) { $V['vcompany'] or dheader('validate.php?action=company&itemid=1'); } } if ($_credit < 0 && $MST['credit_less'] && $action == 'add') { dheader('credit.php?action=less'); } if ($submit) { check_post() or dalert($L['bad_data']); //safe $BANWORD = cache_read('banword.php'); if ($BANWORD && isset($post)) { $keys = array('title', 'tag', 'introduce', 'content'); foreach ($keys as $v) { if (isset($post[$v])) { $post[$v] = banword($BANWORD, $post[$v]); } } } } $MYMODS = array(); if (isset($MG['moduleids']) && $MG['moduleids']) { $MYMODS = explode(',', $MG['moduleids']); }
<?php require '../../../'; require ''; $success = 0; $DS = array(); if ($_SESSION['token']) { $c = new SaeTClientV2(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY, $_SESSION['token']['access_token']); $ms = $c->home_timeline(); $uid_get = $c->get_uid(); $uid = $uid_get['uid']; $me = $c->show_user_by_id($uid); if (isset($me['error'])) { dalert('API Error:' . $me['error'], $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . $DT['file_login']); } if ($me && isset($me['screen_name'])) { $success = 1; $openid = $me['id']; $nickname = convert($me['screen_name'], 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET); $avatar = $me['profile_image_url']; $url = $me['url']; $DS = array('token'); } } require '../';
$_userid = isset($_dauth[0]) ? intval($_dauth[0]) : 0; $_username = isset($_dauth[1]) ? trim($_dauth[1]) : ''; $_groupid = isset($_dauth[2]) ? intval($_dauth[2]) : 3; $_admin = isset($_dauth[4]) ? intval($_dauth[4]) : 0; if ($_userid && !defined('DT_NONUSER')) { $_password = isset($_dauth[3]) ? trim($_dauth[3]) : ''; $USER = $db->get_one("SELECT username,passport,company,truename,password,groupid,email,message,chat,sound,online,sms,credit,money,loginip,admin,aid,edittime,trade FROM {$DT_PRE}member WHERE userid={$_userid}"); if ($USER && $USER['password'] == $_password) { if ($USER['groupid'] == 2) { dalert(lang('message->common_forbidden')); } extract($USER, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, ''); if ($USER['loginip'] != $DT_IP && ($DT['ip_login'] == 2 || $DT['ip_login'] == 1 && IN_ADMIN)) { $_userid = 0; set_cookie('auth', ''); dalert(lang('message->common_login', array($USER['loginip'])), DT_PATH); } } else { $_userid = 0; if ($db->linked && !isset($swfupload) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Flash') === false) { set_cookie('auth', ''); } } unset($destoon_auth, $USER, $_dauth, $_password); } } if ($_userid == 0) { $_groupid = 3; $_username = ''; } if (!IN_ADMIN) {
$userid or msg('请选择会员'); $db->halt = 0; if (!$_founder) { if (is_array($userid)) { foreach ($userid as $uid) { $do->userid = $uid; $user = $do->get_one(); if ($user['groupid'] == 1) { dalert('您无权删除管理员', '?file=logout'); } } } else { $do->userid = $userid; $user = $do->get_one(); if ($user['groupid'] == 1) { dalert('您无权删除管理员', '?file=logout'); } } } if ($do->delete($userid)) { dmsg('删除成功', $forward); } else { msg($do->errmsg); } break; case 'move': $userid or msg('请选择会员'); $gid = isset($groupids) ? $groupids : $groupid; if ($gid == 1) { msg('操作失败! 如果需要添加管理员<br/><a href="?file=admin&action=add">请点这里进入管理员管理...</a>'); }
if ($job != 'guestbook') { $content .= '<br/>' . $L['content_from']; } if ($job == 'guestbook') { $type = 3; } else { if ($job == 'price') { $type = 2; } else { $type = 1; } } if (send_message($username, $title, $content, $type, $_username)) { dalert($L['msg_home_success'], '', 'parent.window.location=parent.window.location;'); } else { dalert($_userid ? $L['msg_home_member_failed'] : $L['msg_home_guest_failed']); } break; case 'next': $itemid or dheader($MOD['linkurl']); check_name($username) or dheader($MOD['linkurl']); $user = userinfo($username); $domain = $user['domain']; if ($domain) { $DT['rewrite'] = intval($CFG['com_rewrite']); } $r = $db->get_one("SELECT itemid FROM {$DT_PRE}sell_5 WHERE username='******' AND itemid>{$itemid} AND status=3 ORDER BY itemid ASC"); if ($r) { dheader(userurl($username, 'file=sell&itemid=' . $r['itemid'], $domain)); } dheader(userurl($username, 'file=sell', $domain));
$do->login($username, '', 0, true); message($L['send_check_success'], $MOD['linkurl']); } else { if ($DT['mail_type'] == 'close') { message($L['send_mail_close']); } if ($MOD['checkuser'] != 2) { dheader(DT_PATH); } if ($submit) { captcha($captcha); check_name($username) or message($L['send_check_username_bad']); $user = userinfo($username); if ($user) { if ($user['groupid'] != 4) { dalert($L['send_check_deny'], DT_PATH); } if ($user['password'] != dpassword($password, $user['passsalt'])) { message($L['send_check_password_bad']); } $email = trim($email); if ($email && $email != $user['email']) { is_email($email) or message($L['send_check_email_bad']); $r = $db->get_one("SELECT userid FROM {$DT_PRE}member WHERE email='{$email}'"); if ($r) { message($L['send_check_email_repeat']); } $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET email='{$email}' WHERE username='******'"); } else { $email = $user['email']; }
$post['total_fee'] = $charge * 100; $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $DT_IP; $post['notify_url'] = DT_PATH . 'api/pay/' . $bank . '/' . ($PAY[$bank]['notify'] ? $PAY[$bank]['notify'] : 'notify.php'); $post['trade_type'] = 'NATIVE'; $post['product_id'] = $itemid; $post['sign'] = make_sign($post, $PAY[$bank]['keycode']); $rec = dcurl('', make_xml($post)); #log_write($rec, 'wxr', 1); if (strpos($rec, 'code_url') !== false) { $x = simplexml_load_string($rec, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); } else { if (strpos($rec, 'return_msg') !== false) { $x = simplexml_load_string($rec, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); dalert(convert($x->return_msg, 'UTF-8', DT_CHARSET), $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'charge.php?action=record'); } else { dalert('Can Not Connect weixin', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'charge.php?action=record'); } } ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=<?php echo DT_CHARSET; ?> "/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> <title>微信支付<?php echo $DT['seo_delimiter']; echo $DT['sitename']; ?> </title>
} if ($could_emailcode) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET vemail=1 WHERE username='******'"); } if ($could_mobilecode) { $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET vmobile=1 WHERE username='******'"); } if (!get_cookie('bind')) { session_destroy(); } $forward = 'goto.php?action=register_success&username='******'&auth=' . encrypt('LOGIN|' . $username . '|' . $post['password'] . '|' . $DT_TIME, DT_KEY . 'LOGIN') . '&forward=' . urlencode($forward); dalert('', '', 'parent.window.location="' . $forward . '"'); } else { $reload_captcha = $MOD['captcha_register'] ? reload_captcha() : ''; $reload_question = $MOD['question_register'] ? reload_question() : ''; dalert($do->errmsg, '', $reload_captcha . $reload_question); } } else { $COM_TYPE = explode('|', $MOD['com_type']); $COM_SIZE = explode('|', $MOD['com_size']); $COM_MODE = explode('|', $MOD['com_mode']); $MONEY_UNIT = explode('|', $MOD['money_unit']); $mode_check = dcheckbox($COM_MODE, 'post[mode][]', '', 'onclick="check_mode(this);"', 0); $auth = isset($auth) ? rawurldecode($auth) : ''; $username = $password = $email = $passport = ''; if ($auth) { $auth = decrypt($auth, DT_KEY . 'UC'); $auth = explode('|', $auth); $passport = $auth[0]; if (check_name($passport)) { $username = $passport;
case 'delete': $MG['delete'] or message(); $itemid or message(); $itemids = is_array($itemid) ? $itemid : array($itemid); foreach ($itemids as $itemid) { $do->itemid = $itemid; $item = $db->get_one("SELECT username FROM {$table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if (!$item || $item['username'] != $_username) { message(); } $do->recycle($itemid); } dmsg($L['success_delete'], $forward); break; case 'refresh': $MG['refresh_limit'] > -1 or dalert(lang('message->without_permission_and_upgrade'), 'goback'); $do->_update($_username); $itemid or message($L['select_info']); $itemids = $itemid; $s = $f = 0; foreach ($itemids as $itemid) { $do->itemid = $itemid; $item = $db->get_one("SELECT username,edittime FROM {$table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $could_refresh = $item && $item['username'] == $_username; if ($could_refresh && $MG['refresh_limit'] && $DT_TIME - $item['edittime'] < $MG['refresh_limit']) { $could_refresh = false; } if ($could_refresh && $MOD['credit_refresh'] && $MOD['credit_refresh'] > $_credit) { $could_refresh = false; } if ($could_refresh) {
function dmail($mail_to, $mail_subject, $mail_body, $mail_from = '', $mail_sign = true) { global $DT; if ($DT['mail_type'] == 'close') { return 'close'; } $sendmail_from = $mail_from ? $mail_from : $DT['mail_sender']; $mail_from = "=?" . strtolower(DT_CHARSET) . "?B?" . base64_encode($DT['mail_name'] ? $DT['mail_name'] : $DT['sitename']) . "?= <" . $sendmail_from . ">"; $mail_subject = stripslashes($mail_subject); $mail_subject = str_replace("\r", '', str_replace("\n", '', $mail_subject)); $mail_subject = "=?" . strtolower(DT_CHARSET) . "?B?" . base64_encode($mail_subject) . "?="; if ($DT['mail_sign'] && $mail_sign) { $mail_body .= $DT['mail_sign']; } $mail_body = stripslashes($mail_body); $mail_body = chunk_split(base64_encode(str_replace("\r\n.", " \r\n..", str_replace("\n", "\r\n", str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", str_replace("\n\r", "\r", $mail_body))))))); $mail_dlmt = $DT['mail_delimiter'] == 1 ? "\r\n" : ($DT['mail_delimiter'] == 2 ? "\n" : "\r"); $headers = ''; $headers .= "From: {$mail_from}" . $mail_dlmt; $headers .= "X-Priority: 3" . $mail_dlmt; $headers .= "X-Mailer: Destoon" . $mail_dlmt; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $mail_dlmt; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=" . DT_CHARSET . $mail_dlmt; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $mail_dlmt; if ($DT['mail_type'] == 'smtp') { $host = $DT['smtp_host'] . ':' . $DT['smtp_port'] . ' '; if (!($fp = fsockopen($DT['smtp_host'], $DT['smtp_port'], $errno, $errstr, 30))) { $errmsg = $host . 'can not connect to the SMTP server'; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } stream_set_blocking($fp, true); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != '220') { $errmsg = $host . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } fputs($fp, ($DT['smtp_auth'] ? 'EHLO' : 'HELO') . " Destoon\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 220 && substr($RE, 0, 3) != 250) { $errmsg = $host . 'HELO/EHLO - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } while (1) { if (substr($RE, 3, 1) != '-' || empty($RE)) { break; } $RE = fgets($fp, 512); } if ($DT['smtp_auth']) { fputs($fp, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 334) { $errmsg = $host . 'AUTH LOGIN - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } fputs($fp, base64_encode($DT['smtp_user']) . "\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 334) { $errmsg = $host . 'USERNAME - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } fputs($fp, base64_encode($DT['smtp_pass']) . "\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 235) { $errmsg = $host . 'PASSWORD - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } $mail_from = strpos($DT['smtp_user'], '@') !== false ? $DT['smtp_user'] : $DT['mail_sender']; } else { $mail_from = $DT['mail_sender']; } fputs($fp, "MAIL FROM: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $mail_from) . ">\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 250) { fputs($fp, "MAIL FROM: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $mail_from) . ">\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 250) { $errmsg = $host . 'MAIL FROM - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } } foreach (explode(',', $mail_to) as $touser) { $touser = trim($touser); if ($touser) { fputs($fp, "RCPT TO: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $touser) . ">\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 250) { fputs($fp, "RCPT TO: <" . preg_replace("/.*\\<(.+?)\\>.*/", "\\1", $touser) . ">\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); $errmsg = $host . 'RCPT TO - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } } } fputs($fp, "DATA\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 354) { $errmsg = $host . 'DATA - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } list($msec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime()); $headers .= "Message-ID: <" . date('YmdHis', $sec) . "." . $msec * 1000000 . "." . substr($mail_from, strpos($mail_from, '@')) . ">" . $mail_dlmt; fputs($fp, "Date: " . date('r') . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "To: " . $mail_to . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "Subject: " . $mail_subject . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, $headers . "\r\n"); fputs($fp, "\r\n\r\n"); fputs($fp, "{$mail_body}\r\n.\r\n"); $RE = fgets($fp, 512); if (substr($RE, 0, 3) != 250) { $errmsg = $host . 'END - ' . $RE; if (defined('TESTMAIL')) { dalert('Error:' . trim($errmsg)); } log_write($errmsg, 'smtp'); return $errmsg; } fputs($fp, "QUIT\r\n"); return 'SUCCESS'; } else { if ($DT['mail_type'] != 'mail') { ini_set('SMTP', $DT['smtp_host']); ini_set('smtp_port', $DT['smtp_port']); ini_set('sendmail_from', $sendmail_from); } return @mail($mail_to, $mail_subject, $mail_body, $headers) ? 'SUCCESS' : ''; } }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); if ($DT_BOT) { dhttp(403); } require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; check_group($_groupid, $MOD['group_compare']) or dalert(lang('message->without_permission'), 'goback'); $DT_URL = $DT_REF; $itemid && is_array($itemid) or dalert($L['compare_choose'], 'goback'); $itemid = array_unique($itemid); $item_nums = count($itemid); $item_nums < 9 or dalert($L['compare_max'], 'goback'); $item_nums > 1 or dalert($L['compare_min'], 'goback'); $itemid = implode(',', $itemid); $tags = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE itemid IN ({$itemid}) ORDER BY addtime DESC"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { if ($r['status'] != 3) { continue; } $r['editdate'] = timetodate($r['edittime'], 3); $r['adddate'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 3); $r['stitle'] = dsubstr($r['title'], 30); $r['stitle'] = set_style($r['stitle'], $r['style']); $r['userurl'] = userurl($r['username']); $r['linkurl'] = $MOD['linkurl'] . $r['linkurl']; $tags[] = $r; } $head_title = $L['compare_title'] . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $MOD['name']; include template($MOD['template_compare'] ? $MOD['template_compare'] : 'compare', $module);
$js .= 'window.parent.SetUrl("' . $saveto . '");'; $js .= 'window.parent.GetE("frmUpload").reset();'; } else { if ($from == 'attach') { $js .= 'window.parent.GetE("txtUrl").value="' . $saveto . '";'; $js .= 'window.parent.window.parent.Ok();'; } else { if ($from == 'file') { if ($moduleid == 2 && $fid == 'chat') { $js .= $pr . '("word").value="' . $saveto . '";'; $js .= 'window.parent.chat_send();'; } else { $js .= $pr . '("' . $fid . '").value="' . $saveto . '";'; if ($module == 'down') { $js .= 'window.parent.initd(' . dround($do->file_size / 1024 / 1024, 2) . ');'; } } $js .= 'window.parent.cDialog();'; } } } } } dalert('', '', $js); } else { $errmsg = 'Error(9)' . $do->errmsg; if ($swfupload) { exit(convert($errmsg, DT_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')); } dalert($errmsg, '', $errjs); }
} $max = $tmp; } else { in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp')) or file_del($f); } } if ($htm) { dalert('', '', 'parent.Upsuccess("' . $htm . '");'); } else { dalert('系统未在压缩包内找到HTM文件'); } } else { dalert('解压缩失败,请检查目录权限'); } } else { dalert($upload->errmsg); } break; case 'read': if ($word && in_array(file_ext($word), array('htm', 'html'))) { $data = file_get(DT_ROOT . '/file/temp/' . $word); if ($data) { if ($charset) { $data = convert($data, $charset, DT_CHARSET); } if (preg_match("/<body[^>]*>([\\s\\S]+)<\\/body>/i", $data, $m)) { $data = trim($m[1]); } $data = str_replace('<![if !vml]>', '', $data); $data = str_replace('<![endif]>', '', $data); $data = str_replace('<o:p>', '', $data);
} $post = array(); $post['content'] = $word; $post['type'] = 'reply'; $post['openid'] = $openid; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['misc']['type'] = $type; $post['misc'] = $post['misc'] ? serialize($post['misc']) : ''; $post = daddslashes($post); $sql = ''; foreach ($post as $k => $v) { $sql .= ",{$k}='{$v}'"; } $db->query("INSERT INTO {$DT_PRE}weixin_chat SET " . substr($sql, 1)); dalert('', '', 'window.parent.chat_show(2);'); break; case 'load': $openid or exit; $chatlast = $_chatlast = intval($chatlast); $josn = $debug = ''; $i = $j = 0; if ($chatlast) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}weixin_chat WHERE openid='{$openid}' AND event=0 AND addtime>{$chatlast} ORDER BY addtime DESC"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}weixin_chat WHERE openid='{$openid}' AND event=0 ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT 20"; } $lists = array(); $result = $db->query($sql); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { if ($r['type'] == 'reply' && $r['editor'] != $_username) {
function banword($WORD, $string, $extend = true) { $string = stripslashes($string); foreach ($WORD as $v) { $v[0] = preg_quote($v[0]); $v[0] = str_replace('/', '\\/', $v[0]); $v[0] = str_replace("\\*", ".*", $v[0]); if ($v[2] && $extend) { if (preg_match("/" . $v[0] . "/i", $string)) { dalert(lang('include->msg_word_ban')); } } else { if ($string == '') { break; } if (preg_match("/" . $v[0] . "/i", $string)) { $string = preg_replace("/" . $v[0] . "/i", $v[1], $string); } } } return addslashes($string); }
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); if ($DT_BOT) { dhttp(403); } login(); require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; SELL_ORDER or dalert(lang('message->without_permission'), 'goback'); require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php'; include load('misc.lang'); include load('member.lang'); include load('order.lang'); if ($submit) { $ids = ''; if ($post) { $add = array_map('trim', $add); $add['address'] = area_pos($add['areaid'], '') . $add['address']; $add = dhtmlspecialchars($add); $buyer_address = $add['address']; if (strlen($buyer_address) < 10) { message($L['msg_type_address']); } $buyer_postcode = $add['postcode']; if (strlen($buyer_postcode) < 6) { message($L['msg_type_postcode']); } $buyer_name = $add['truename']; if (strlen($buyer_name) < 2) { message($L['msg_type_truename']); }
fields_check($post_fields); } if ($CP) { property_check($post_ppt); } if ($FD) { fields_update($post_fields, $table, $do->itemid); } if ($CP) { property_update($post_ppt, $moduleid, $post['catid'], $do->itemid); } $do->edit($post); set_cookie('dmsg', $L['success_edit']); dalert('', '', 'parent.window.location="' . $forward . '"'); } else { dalert($do->errmsg); } } else { extract($item); } break; case 'delete': $MG['delete'] or message(); $itemid or message(); $itemids = is_array($itemid) ? $itemid : array($itemid); foreach ($itemids as $itemid) { $do->itemid = $itemid; $item = $do->get_one(); if (!$item || $item['username'] != $_username) { message(); }
case 'last': if ($_message) { $item = $db->get_one("SELECT itemid,feedback FROM {$DT_PRE}message WHERE touser='******' AND status=3 AND isread=0 ORDER BY itemid DESC"); if ($item) { dheader('?action=show&itemid=' . $item['itemid'] . ($item['feedback'] ? '&feedback=1' : '')); } } dheader('?action=index'); break; default: if ($MG['inbox_limit']) { $r = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$DT_PRE}message WHERE touser='******' AND status=3"); $limit_used = $r['num']; $limit_free = $MG['inbox_limit'] > $limit_used ? $MG['inbox_limit'] - $limit_used : 0; if ($limit_used >= $MG['inbox_limit']) { dalert($L['message_msg_inbox_limit'], '?action=empty'); } } $status = 3; $name = $L['message_title_inbox']; if ($_message) { $do->fix_message(); } $condition = "touser='******' AND status={$status} " . $condition; $messages = $do->get_list($condition); $systems = $do->get_sys(); $color_select = ''; foreach ($COLORS as $v) { $color_select .= '<option value="' . $v . '" style="background:#' . $v . ';"> </option>'; } break;
login(); require DT_ROOT . '/module/' . $module . '/'; if ($_groupid > 5 && !$_edittime && $action == 'add') { dheader($MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'edit.php?tab=2'); } $MG['homepage'] && $MG['news_limit'] > -1 or dalert(lang('message->without_permission_and_upgrade'), 'goback'); require DT_ROOT . '/include/post.func.php'; $TYPE = get_type('news-' . $_userid); require MD_ROOT . '/news.class.php'; $do = new news(); switch ($action) { case 'add': if ($MG['news_limit']) { $r = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$DT_PRE}news WHERE username='******' AND status>0"); if ($r['num'] >= $MG['news_limit']) { dalert(lang($L['limit_add'], array($MG['news_limit'], $r['num'])), 'goback'); } } if ($submit) { if ($do->pass($post)) { $post['username'] = $_username; $post['level'] = $post['addtime'] = 0; $need_check = $MOD['news_check'] == 2 ? $MG['check'] : $MOD['news_check']; $post['status'] = get_status(3, $need_check); $do->add($post); dmsg($L['op_add_success'], '?status=' . $post['status']); } else { message($do->errmsg); } } else { foreach ($do->fields as $v) {
function split_sell($part) { global $db, $CFG, $MODULE; $sql = file_get(DT_ROOT . '/file/setting/split_sell.sql'); $sql or dalert('请检查文件file/setting/split_sell.sql是否存在'); $sql = str_replace('destoon_sell', $db->pre . 'sell_' . $part, $sql); if ($db->version() > '4.1' && $CFG['db_charset']) { $sql .= " ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=" . $CFG['db_charset']; } else { $sql .= " TYPE=MyISAM"; } $sql .= " COMMENT='" . $MODULE[5]['name'] . "分表_" . $part . "';"; $db->query($sql); }