Esempio n. 1
function getstr($string, $length, $in_slashes = 0, $out_slashes = 0, $bbcode = 0, $html = 0)
    global $_G;
    $string = trim($string);
    $sppos = strpos($string, chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(0));
    if ($sppos !== false) {
        $string = substr($string, 0, $sppos);
    if ($in_slashes) {
        $string = dstripslashes($string);
    $string = preg_replace("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\](.*?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", '', $string);
    if ($html < 0) {
        $string = preg_replace("/(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\r|\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])/is", ' ', $string);
    } elseif ($html == 0) {
        $string = dhtmlspecialchars($string);
    if ($length) {
        $string = cutstr($string, $length);
    if ($bbcode) {
        require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/class/class_bbcode.php';
        $bb =& bbcode::instance();
        $string = $bb->bbcode2html($string, $bbcode);
    if ($out_slashes) {
        $string = daddslashes($string);
    return trim($string);
Esempio n. 2
 function getdata($style, $parameter)
     global $_G;
     $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter);
     $uids = !empty($parameter['uids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['uids']) : array();
     $aids = !empty($parameter['aids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['aids']) : array();
     $catid = !empty($parameter['catid']) ? $parameter['catid'] : array();
     $startrow = isset($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : 0;
     $items = isset($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
     $titlelength = isset($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40;
     $orderby = isset($parameter['orderby']) && in_array($parameter['orderby'], array('dateline', 'picnum', 'updatetime')) ? $parameter['orderby'] : 'dateline';
     $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
     $list = array();
     $wheres = array();
     if ($aids) {
         $wheres[] = 'albumid IN (' . dimplode($aids) . ')';
     if ($bannedids) {
         $wheres[] = 'albumid NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')';
     if ($uids) {
         $wheres[] = 'uid IN (' . dimplode($uids) . ')';
     if ($catid) {
         $wheres[] = 'catid IN (' . dimplode($catid) . ')';
     $wheres[] = "friend = '0'";
     $wheresql = $wheres ? implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '1';
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_album') . " WHERE {$wheresql} ORDER BY {$orderby} DESC";
     $query = DB::query($sql . " LIMIT {$startrow},{$items};");
     while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $list[] = array('id' => $data['albumid'], 'idtype' => 'albumid', 'title' => cutstr($data['albumname'], $titlelength), 'url' => "home.php?mod=space&uid={$data['uid']}&do=album&id={$data['albumid']}", 'pic' => 'album/' . $data['pic'], 'picflag' => $data['picflag'], 'summary' => '', 'fields' => array('uid' => $data['uid'], 'username' => $data['username'], 'dateline' => $data['dateline'], 'updatetime' => $data['updatetime'], 'picnum' => $data['picnum']));
     return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list);
Esempio n. 3
 public function viewthread_modoption()
     global $_G;
     if (!$_G['adminid']) {
         return false;
     $usergroupsfeedlist = unserialize($_G['setting']['qqgroup_usergroup_feed_list']);
     if (empty($usergroupsfeedlist) || !in_array($_G['groupid'], $usergroupsfeedlist)) {
         if (self::$util->isfounder($_G['member']) == false) {
             return false;
     $tid = $_G['tid'];
     $title = urlencode(trim($_G['forum_thread']['subject']));
     $post = C::t('forum_post')->fetch_all_by_tid_position($_G['fotum_thread']['posttableid'], $_G['tid'], 1);
     include_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
     $content = preg_replace("/\\[audio(=1)*\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/audio\\]/ies", '', trim($post[0]['message']));
     $content = preg_replace("/\\[flash(=(\\d+),(\\d+))?\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/flash\\]/ies", '', $content);
     $content = preg_replace("/\\[media=([\\w,]+)\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/media\\]/ies", '', $content);
     $content = preg_replace("/\\[hide[=]?(d\\d+)?[,]?(\\d+)?\\]\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\[\\/hide\\]/is", '', $content);
     $content = strip_tags(discuzcode($content, 0, 0, 0));
     $content = preg_replace('%\\[attach\\].*\\[/attach\\]%im', '', $content);
     $content = str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', $content);
     $content = urlencode(cutstr($content, 50, ''));
     include template('qqgroup:push');
     return trim($return);
function processCollectionData($collection, $tf = array(), $orderby = '')
    if (count($collection) <= 0) {
        return array();
    require_once libfile('function/discuzcode');
    foreach ($collection as $ctid => &$curvalue) {
        $curvalue['updated'] = $curvalue['lastupdate'] > $tf[$ctid]['lastvisit'] ? 1 : 0;
        $curvalue['tflastvisit'] = $tf[$ctid]['lastvisit'];
        $curvalue['lastupdate'] = dgmdate($curvalue['lastupdate']);
        $curvalue['dateline'] = dgmdate($curvalue['dateline']);
        $curvalue['lastposttime'] = dgmdate($curvalue['lastposttime']);
        $curvalue['avgrate'] = number_format($curvalue['rate'], 1);
        $curvalue['star'] = imgdisplayrate($curvalue['rate']);
        $curvalue['lastposterhtml'] = rawurlencode($curvalue['lastposter']);
        $curvalue['shortdesc'] = cutstr(strip_tags(discuzcode($curvalue['desc'])), 50);
        $curvalue['arraykeyword'] = parse_keyword($curvalue['keyword'], false, false);
        if ($curvalue['arraykeyword']) {
            foreach ($curvalue['arraykeyword'] as $kid => $s_keyword) {
                $curvalue['urlkeyword'][$kid] = rawurlencode($s_keyword);
        if ($orderby == 'commentnum') {
            $curvalue['displaynum'] = $curvalue['commentnum'];
        } elseif ($orderby == 'follownum') {
            $curvalue['displaynum'] = $curvalue['follownum'];
        } else {
            $curvalue['displaynum'] = $curvalue['threadnum'];
    return $collection;
Esempio n. 5
 function init($attach, $type = 'temp', $extid = 0, $forcename = '')
     if (!is_array($attach) || empty($attach) || !$this->is_upload_file($attach['tmp_name']) || trim($attach['name']) == '' || $attach['size'] == 0) {
         $this->attach = array();
         $this->errorcode = -1;
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->type = $this->check_dir_type($type);
         $this->extid = intval($extid);
         $this->forcename = $forcename;
         $attach['size'] = intval($attach['size']);
         $attach['name'] = trim($attach['name']);
         $attach['thumb'] = '';
         $attach['ext'] = $this->fileext($attach['name']);
         $attach['name'] = htmlspecialchars($attach['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
         if (strlen($attach['name']) > 90) {
             $attach['name'] = cutstr($attach['name'], 80, '') . '.' . $attach['ext'];
         $attach['isimage'] = $this->is_image_ext($attach['ext']);
         $attach['extension'] = $this->get_target_extension($attach['ext']);
         $attach['attachdir'] = $this->get_target_dir($this->type, $extid);
         $attach['attachment'] = $attach['attachdir'] . $this->get_target_filename($this->type, $this->extid, $this->forcename) . '.' . $attach['extension'];
         $attach['target'] = getglobal('setting/attachdir') . './' . $this->type . '/' . $attach['attachment'];
         $this->attach =& $attach;
         $this->errorcode = 0;
         return true;
Esempio n. 6
 function getdata($style, $parameter)
     global $_G;
     $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter);
     $uids = isset($parameter['uids']) && !in_array(0, (array) $parameter['uids']) ? $parameter['uids'] : '';
     $startrow = isset($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : 0;
     $items = isset($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
     $titlelength = intval($parameter['titlelength']);
     $orderby = isset($parameter['orderby']) && in_array($parameter['orderby'], array('dateline', 'replynum')) ? $parameter['orderby'] : 'dateline';
     $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
     $datalist = $list = array();
     $wheres = array();
     if ($uids) {
         $wheres[] = 'uid IN (' . dimplode($uids) . ')';
     if ($bannedids) {
         $wheres[] = 'doid NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')';
     $wheres[] = " status = '0'";
     $wheresql = $wheres ? implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '1';
     $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('home_doing') . " WHERE {$wheresql} ORDER BY {$orderby} DESC LIMIT {$startrow},{$items}");
     while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $datalist = array('id' => $data['doid'], 'idtype' => 'doid', 'title' => cutstr(strip_tags($data['message']), $titlelength, ''), 'url' => 'home.php?mod=space&uid=' . $data['uid'] . '&do=doing&doid=' . $data['doid'], 'pic' => '', 'summary' => '', 'fields' => array('fulltitle' => strip_tags($data['message']), 'uid' => $data['uid'], 'username' => $data['username'], 'avatar' => avatar($data['uid'], 'small', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']), 'avatar_middle' => avatar($data['uid'], 'middle', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']), 'avatar_big' => avatar($data['uid'], 'big', true, false, false, $_G['setting']['ucenterurl']), 'dateline' => $data['dateline'], 'replynum' => $data['replynum']));
         if ($titlelength) {
             $datalist['title'] = cutstr(strip_tags($data['message']), $titlelength);
         } else {
             $datalist['title'] = strip_tags($data['message'], '<img>');
         $list[] = $datalist;
     return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list);
Esempio n. 7
function getrss($catid)
    global $_SGLOBAL, $_SCONFIG;
    $rssarr = array();
    $attacharr = array();
    if (empty($_SCONFIG['rssnum'])) {
        $_SCONFIG['rssnum'] = 10;
    $sql = "SELECT si.itemid, si.uid, si.username, si.subject, sn.*, si.dateline, FROM " . tname('spaceitems') . " si INNER JOIN " . tname('categories') . " c ON si.catid = c.catid LEFT JOIN " . tname('spacenews') . " sn ON si.itemid = sn.itemid WHERE si.type='news' ";
    if (!empty($catid)) {
        $sql .= " AND si.catid='{$catid}' ";
    $sql .= " ORDER BY si.dateline DESC LIMIT 100";
    $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query($sql);
    while ($items = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) {
        $othermsgarr = array();
        $items['message'] = cutstr($items['message'], 255, 1);
        if (!empty($othermsgarr)) {
            $items['message'] = implode('<br>', $othermsgarr) . '<br>' . $items['message'];
        if (!empty($items['hash'])) {
            $attacharr[] = trim($items['hash']);
        $rssarr[$items['itemid']] = $items;
    return $rssarr;
Esempio n. 8
 function Adddesign()
     $id = jget('id', 'int');
     $data = array();
     $data['name'] = cutstr(trim($this->Post['plugin_name']), 40);
     $data['identifier'] = cutstr(trim($this->Post['identifier']), 40);
     $data['version'] = cutstr(trim($this->Post['version']), 10);
     $data['copyright'] = cutstr(trim($this->Post['copyright']), 80);
     $data['description'] = cutstr($this->Post['description'], 100);
     $data['directory'] = $data['identifier'] . '/';
     $oldidentifier = jget('old_identifier');
     if (empty($data['name'])) {
     if ($oldidentifier == $data['identifier']) {
         $is_exists = false;
     } else {
         $is_exists = jtable('plugin')->info(array('identifier' => $data['identifier']));
     if ($is_exists != false || empty($data['identifier']) || !preg_match("/^[a-z]+[a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9]+\$/i", $data['identifier'])) {
     if (empty($data['version'])) {
     if (empty($data['copyright'])) {
     $result = jtable('plugin')->update($data, array('pluginid' => $id));
     $this->Messager("插件设计完善成功", 'admin.php?mod=plugindesign&code=design&id=' . $id);
Esempio n. 9
 function init($file, $type, $attachdir)
     if (!is_array($file) || empty($file) || !$this->is_upload_file($file['tmp_name']) || trim($file['name']) == '' || $file['size'] == 0) {
         $this->file = array();
         $this->errorcode = 2;
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->type = $this->check_dir_type($type);
         $this->attachdir = BLOG_ROOT . '/' . $attachdir;
         $file['size'] = intval($file['size']);
         $file['name'] = trim($file['name']);
         $file['thumb'] = '';
         $file['ext'] = $this->fileext($file['name']);
         $file['name'] = htmlspecialchars($file['name'], ENT_QUOTES);
         if (strlen($file['name']) > 90) {
             $file['name'] = cutstr($file['name'], 80, '') . '.' . $file['ext'];
         $file['isimage'] = $this->is_image_ext($file['ext']);
         $file['filedir'] = $this->get_target_dir($this->type);
         $file['filepath'] = $file['filedir'] . $this->get_target_filename() . '.jpg';
         $file['target'] = $this->attachdir . '/' . $this->type . '/' . $file['filepath'];
         $file['imgurl'] = $attachdir . '/' . $this->type . '/' . $file['filepath'];
         $this->file =& $file;
         $this->errorcode = 0;
         return true;
Esempio n. 10
 function getdata($style, $parameter)
     global $_G;
     $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter);
     $fups = isset($parameter['fups']) && !in_array(0, (array) $parameter['fups']) ? $parameter['fups'] : '';
     $orderby = isset($parameter['orderby']) ? in_array($parameter['orderby'], array('displayorder', 'threads', 'posts', 'todayposts')) ? $parameter['orderby'] : 'displayorder' : 'displayorder';
     $titlelength = isset($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40;
     $summarylength = isset($parameter['summarylength']) ? intval($parameter['summarylength']) : 80;
     $startrow = isset($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : 0;
     $items = !empty($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
     $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
     $sqlban = !empty($bannedids) ? ' AND f.fid NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')' : '';
     if (empty($fups)) {
         if (empty($_G['cache']['forums'])) {
             $fups = array('0');
         } else {
             $fups = array_keys($_G['cache']['forums']);
     $ffadd1 = ", ff.icon, ff.description";
     $ffadd2 = "LEFT JOIN `" . DB::table('forum_forumfield') . "` ff ON f.`fid`=ff.`fid`";
     $query = DB::query("SELECT f.* {$ffadd1}\r\n\t\t\tFROM `" . DB::table('forum_forum') . "` f {$ffadd2}\r\n\t\t\tWHERE\r\n\t\t\t" . ($fups ? "f.`fup` IN (" . dimplode($fups) . ") " : "1 ") . "\r\n\t\t\tAND f.`status`='1' AND f.`type`!='group'\r\n\t\t\t{$sqlban}\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY " . ($orderby == 'displayorder' ? "f.fup, f.`displayorder` ASC " : "f.`{$orderby}` DESC") . " LIMIT {$startrow}, {$items}");
     $datalist = $list = array();
     $attachurl = preg_match('/^(http|ftp|ftps|https):\\/\\//', $_G['setting']['attachurl']) ? $_G['setting']['attachurl'] : $_G['siteurl'] . $_G['setting']['attachurl'];
     while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
         if (!empty($data['icon'])) {
             $data['icon'] = preg_match('/^(http|ftp|ftps|https):\\/\\//', $data['icon']) ? $data['icon'] : $attachurl . 'common/' . $data['icon'];
         } else {
             $data['icon'] = 'static/image/common/forum_new.gif';
         $list[] = array('id' => $data['fid'], 'idtype' => 'fid', 'title' => cutstr($data['name'], $titlelength, ''), 'url' => 'forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=' . $data['fid'], 'pic' => '', 'summary' => cutstr($data['description'], $summarylength, ''), 'fields' => array('fulltitle' => $data['name'], 'icon' => $data['icon'], 'threads' => intval($data['threads']), 'posts' => intval($data['posts']), 'todayposts' => intval($data['todayposts'])));
     return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list);
Esempio n. 11
 public function listtitle($db, $cid, $length, $limit, $parentclass)
     $sql = 'select * from `article` where';
     if ($parentclass) {
         $sql1 = 'select `cid` from `class` where isfinal=1 and parentclass like \'' . $parentclass . '|' . $cid . ',%\'';
         $result = $db->_query($sql1);
         if ($result->num_rows) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $result->num_rows; ++$i) {
                 $class = $result->fetch();
                 $sql .= 'or cid=\'' . $class['cid'] . '\' ';
             $sql = substr($sql, 2);
         } else {
             return '暂无内容';
         $sql .= 'order by aid desc';
     } else {
         $sql .= ' `cid`=\'' . $cid . '\' order by aid desc';
     $result = $db->_query($sql, $limit);
     if (!$result->num_rows) {
         return '暂无内容';
     $listtitle = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < $result->num_rows; ++$i) {
         $article = $result->fetch();
         $article['title'] = cutstr($article['title']);
         include ABSPATH . TPLPATH . 'listtitle.html';
         $listtitle .= $listtitle_html;
     return $listtitle;
Esempio n. 12
function getstr($string, $length, $in_slashes = 0, $out_slashes = 0, $censor = 0, $bbcode = 0, $html = 0)
    global $_G;
    $string = trim($string);
    if ($in_slashes) {
        $string = dstripslashes($string);
    if ($html < 0) {
        $string = preg_replace("/(\\<[^\\<]*\\>|\r|\n|\\s|\\[.+?\\])/is", ' ', $string);
    } elseif ($html == 0) {
        $string = dhtmlspecialchars($string);
    if ($censor) {
        if (!class_exists('discuz_censor')) {
            include libfile('class/censor');
        $censor = discuz_censor::instance();
        if ($censor->modbanned() || $censor->modmoderated()) {
    if ($length) {
        $string = cutstr($string, $length);
    if ($bbcode) {
        require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/class/class_bbcode.php';
        $bb =& bbcode::instance();
        $string = $bb->bbcode2html($string, $bbcode);
    if ($out_slashes) {
        $string = daddslashes($string);
    return trim($string);
Esempio n. 13
 function spacecutstr($str, $length)
     $bbcodes = 'b|i|u|color|size|font|align|list|indent|url|email|code|free|table|tr|td|img|swf|payto|float';
     $str = shtmlspecialchars(cutstr(strip_tags(preg_replace(array("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\](.+?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", "/\\[quote](.*)\\[\\/quote]/siU", "/\\[({$bbcodes})=?.*\\]/iU", "/\\[\\/({$bbcodes})\\]/i", "/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i"), array("[b]***[/b]", '', '', '', ''), $str)), $length));
     $find = array("/http:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\\/\\-_+=.~!%@?#%&;:\$\\()|]+?\\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp)/is", "/(\n|\r|\r\n){2,}/", "/\\s{2,}/");
     $replace = array("<img onload=\"if(this.width>320) {this.resized=true;this.width=320;}\" src=\"\\0\">", "\r\n", '');
     $str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $str);
     return trim(nl2br($str));
Esempio n. 14
function showlistrowphoto($value)
    global $_G, $BASESCRIPT;
    $mlist = '';
    $value['url'] = 'store.php?id=' . $value['shopid'] . '&action=album&xid=' . $value['albumid'] . '" target="_blank"';
    $imgurl = getattachurl($value['subjectimage'], 1);
    $value['subject'] = cutstr($value['subject'], 15);
    $mlist = "\n\t<li>\t\t   \n\t\t<div class=\"b\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><a href=\"{$value['url']}\" rel=\"internal\" title=\"{$value['subject']}\">\n\t\t\t<img class=\"fit129\" src=\"{$imgurl}\" rel=\"\" height=\"128\" width=\"128\" /></a>\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n\t\t<div class=\"w\" style=\"margin-top:5px; \">\n\t\t\t<div id=\"flExpand\" style=\"height:75; line-height:20px;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"div_subject_{$value['itemid']}\" style=\"position:absolute; display:none;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input id=\"input_subject_{$value['itemid']}\" style=\"height:20px; border:#ccc 1px solid; padding:1px;\" name=\"subject['{$value['itemid']}']\" onblur=\"edit_photo_subject({$value['itemid']}, this.value);\" value=\"{$value['subject']}\" />\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<a id=\"label_subject_{$value['itemid']}\" href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"start_edit_photo_subject('{$value['itemid']}');\" style=\"display:block; height:30px; line-height:30px; text-decoration:none;\" rel=\"internal\" title=\"{$value['subject']}\">{$value['subject']} &nbsp;<img src=\"static/image/ico_edit.png\" /></a>\n\t\t\t\t" . lang('photo_albumid') . ': ' . $value['title'] . "<br />\n\t\t\t\t" . "<div><a href=\"" . $BASESCRIPT . '?action=batchmod&operation=setalbumimg&albumid=' . $value['albumid'] . '&photoid=' . $value['itemid'] . "\">" . lang('setalbumimg') . "</a></div>" . "\n\t\t\t\t<input class=\"checkbox\" style=\"\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"item[]\" value=\"" . $value['itemid'] . "\" checked />" . lang('select') . "\n\t\t\t\t<span></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</li>\n\t";
    return $mlist;
Esempio n. 15
 private function _userReportType($res, $rtype, $rid, $message)
     global $_G;
     if ($rtype == 'post') {
         $tid = UserReport::getTidByPid($rid);
     $fid = intval($_GET['fid']);
     $uid = intval($_GET['uid']);
     $message = WebUtils::t(rawurldecode($message));
     $default_url = array('user' => 'home.php?mod=space&uid=', 'post' => 'forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=' . $tid . '&pid=', 'thread' => 'forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=', 'group' => 'forum.php?mod=group&fid=', 'album' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=album&uid=' . $uid . '&id=', 'blog' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=blog&uid=' . $uid . '&id=', 'pic' => 'home.php?mod=space&do=album&uid=' . $uid . '&picid=');
     $url = '';
     if ($rid && !empty($default_url[$rtype])) {
         $url = $default_url[$rtype] . intval($rid);
     } else {
         $url = addslashes(dhtmlspecialchars(base64_decode($_GET['url'])));
         $url = preg_match("/^http[s]?:\\/\\/[^\\[\"']+\$/i", trim($url)) ? trim($url) : '';
     if (empty($url)) {
         $res = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'report_parameters_invalid');
     } else {
         $urlkey = md5($url);
         $message = censor(cutstr(dhtmlspecialchars(trim($message)), 200, ''));
         $message = $_G['username'] . '&nbsp;:&nbsp;' . rtrim($message, "\\");
         if ($reportid = C::t('common_report')->fetch_by_urlkey($urlkey)) {
             C::t('common_report')->update_num($reportid, $message);
         } else {
             $data = array('url' => $url, 'urlkey' => $urlkey, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'message' => $message, 'dateline' => TIMESTAMP);
             if ($fid) {
                 $data['fid'] = $fid;
             $report_receive = unserialize($_G['setting']['report_receive']);
             $moderators = array();
             if ($report_receive['adminuser']) {
                 foreach ($report_receive['adminuser'] as $touid) {
                     notification_add($touid, 'report', 'new_report', array('from_id' => 1, 'from_idtype' => 'newreport'), 1);
             if ($fid && $rtype == 'post') {
                 foreach (C::t('forum_moderator')->fetch_all_by_fid($fid, false) as $row) {
                     $moderators[] = $row['uid'];
                 if ($report_receive['supmoderator']) {
                     $moderators = array_unique(array_merge($moderators, $report_receive['supmoderator']));
                 foreach ($moderators as $touid) {
                     $touid != $_G['uid'] && !in_array($touid, $report_receive) && notification_add($touid, 'report', 'new_post_report', array('fid' => $fid, 'from_id' => 1, 'from_idtype' => 'newreport'), 1);
         $params['noError'] = 1;
         $res = $this->makeErrorInfo($res, 'report_succeed', $params);
     return $res;
Esempio n. 16
 public function upload($upload, $newfilename = '', $allowtype = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'))
     //$upload['tmp_name'] = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $upload['tmp_name']);
     $typeallow = (array) $allowtype;
     try {
         if (!is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name']) || $upload['size'] == 0) {
             $this->error = 501;
             throw new Exception($this->errormsg[$this->error]);
         } else {
             if ($this->usedate) {
                 $uploadpath = $this->path . date('Ymd') . '/';
             } else {
                 $uploadpath = $this->path;
             $this->upload['size'] = intval($upload['size']);
             $this->upload['name'] = htmlspecialchars(trim($upload['name']), ENT_QUOTES);
             $this->upload['ext'] = $this->fileext($upload['name']);
             if (!$this->filetypecheck($typeallow)) {
                 $this->error = 503;
                 throw new Exception($this->errormsg[$this->error]);
             $this->upload['localname'] = !$newfilename ? date('Ymd') . cutstr(md5($this->upload['name']), 20) . '.' . $this->upload['ext'] : $newfilename . '.' . $this->upload['ext'];
             if (strlen($this->upload['name']) > 90) {
                 $this->upload['name'] = cutstr($this->upload['name'], 80, '') . '.' . $this->upload['ext'];
             $this->upload['pathdir'] = $uploadpath;
             if (!helper_file::checkdir($this->upload['pathdir'])) {
             $this->upload['path'] = Uoke_ROOT . $this->upload['pathdir'] . $this->upload['localname'];
             if (move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $this->upload['path'])) {
                 $this->error = 0;
             } elseif (copy($upload['tmp_name'], $this->upload['path'])) {
                 $this->error = 0;
             } elseif (is_readable($upload['tmp_name']) && ($fp_s = fopen($upload['tmp_name'], 'rb')) && ($fp_t = fopen($this->upload['path'], 'wb'))) {
                 while (!feof($fp_s)) {
                     $s = fread($fp_s, 1024 * 512);
                     fwrite($fp_t, $s);
                 $this->error = 0;
             } else {
                 $this->error = 502;
                 throw new Exception($this->errormsg[$this->error]);
             $this->upload['path'] = str_replace(Uoke_ROOT, '', $this->upload['path']);
             return $this;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this;
Esempio n. 17
function spacecutstr($str, $length)
    global $_DCACHE;
    include_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './forumdata/cache/cache_post.php';
    $bbcodes = 'b|i|u|color|size|font|align|list|indent|url|email|code|free|table|tr|td|img|swf|payto|float' . ($_DCACHE['bbcodes_display'] ? '|' . implode('|', array_keys($_DCACHE['bbcodes_display'])) : '');
    $str = dhtmlspecialchars(cutstr(strip_tags(preg_replace(array("/\\[hide=?\\d*\\](.+?)\\[\\/hide\\]/is", "/\\[quote](.*)\\[\\/quote]/siU", "/\\[({$bbcodes})=?.*\\]/iU", "/\\[\\/({$bbcodes})\\]/i", "/\\[attach\\](\\d+)\\[\\/attach\\]/i", "/\\[media=(\\w{1,4}),(\\d{1,4}),(\\d{1,4}),(\\d)\\]\\s*([^\\[\\<\r\n]+?)\\s*\\[\\/media\\]/i"), array('', '', '', '', '', "\\5"), $str)), $length));
    $find = array("/http:\\/\\/[a-z0-9\\/\\-_+=.~!%@?#%&;:\$\\()|]+?\\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp)/is", "/(\n|\r|\r\n){2,}/", "/\\s{2,}/");
    $replace = array("<img onload=\"if(this.width>320) {this.resized=true;this.width=320;}\" src=\"\\0\">", "\r\n", '');
    $str = preg_replace($find, $replace, $str);
    return trim(nl2br($str));
 public function get_resideprovince_by_ip($ip)
     require_once libfile('function/misc');
     $location = cutstr(str_replace('- ', '', convertip($ip)), 4, '');
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $district = DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM %t WHERE level=1 AND (usetype&2>0) AND name LIKE %s', array($this->_table, $location . '%'));
         if (!empty($district)) {
             return $district['name'];
     return NULL;
Esempio n. 19
 public function doMobileDetail()
     global $_W, $_GPC;
     $id = intval($_GPC['id']);
     $item = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename('business') . " WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => $id));
     if (empty($item)) {
     $content = strip_tags($item['content']);
     $content = cutstr($content, 50, true);
     include $this->template('detail');
Esempio n. 20
 function get_child_list($tree_id = 0)
     $three_arr = array();
     $child_sql = "SELECT id,content,cid,rank FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "quick_content WHERE cid = '{$tree_id}' ORDER BY rank";
     $res = $this->db->fetch_all($child_sql, 'id');
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $three_arr[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
         $three_arr[$row['id']]['alt'] = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", htmlspecialchars($row['content']));
         $three_arr[$row['id']]['content'] = cutstr($row['content'], 20);
     return $three_arr;
Esempio n. 21
function shy9000_famehall_updateCache()
    $query = DB::query("SELECT g.groupname, g.grouppic, m.uid, m.gid, m.value FROM " . DB::table('mingrentang') . " m, " . DB::table('mingrentanggroup') . " g WHERE ORDER BY m.uid");
    while ($famehall = DB::fetch($query)) {
        $return[$famehall['uid']][] = $famehall['groupname'];
        $return2[$famehall['uid']][] = $famehall['gid'];
        $return3[$famehall['uid']][] = cutstr($famehall['value'], 40);
        $return4[$famehall['uid']][] = $famehall['grouppic'] ? $famehall['grouppic'] : 'def.gif';
    require_once libfile('function/cache');
    writetocache('famehall_cache', getcachevars(array('_FHCACHE' => array('gname' => $return, 'gid' => $return2, 'js' => $return3, 'pic' => $return4))));
    return $return;
Esempio n. 22
 function add($qids)
     $time = $this->base->time;
     $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM " . DB_TABLEPRE . "question WHERE `id` IN ({$qids}) AND status=6");
     $addsql = "REPLACE INTO " . DB_TABLEPRE . "recommend (`qid`,`cid`,`title`,`description`,`image`,`url`,`time`) VALUES ";
     while ($question = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) {
         $src = getfirstimg($question['description']);
         $strip_titile = cutstr($question['title'], 45);
         $strip_desc = cutstr(strip_tags($question['description']), 70);
         $addsql .= "(" . $question['id'] . "," . $question['cid'] . ",'{$strip_titile}','{$strip_desc}','{$src}','" . $question['url'] . "',{$time}),";
     return $this->db->query(substr($addsql, 0, -1));
Esempio n. 23
 function _fetch_data($block_id)
     global $_G, $postlist, $config, $authorid, $new_window, $tid, $hott;
     $db = DB::object();
     $tablepre = $db->tablepre;
     $limit = $config['show_limit'] > 0 ? $config['show_limit'] : '6';
     $only_lz = $hott[$block_id]['only_lz'] ? ' AND uid=' . $authorid : '';
     $date_limit = $config['date_limit'] == 0 ? '' : ' AND dateline>' . ($_G['timestamp'] - $config['date_limit'] * 86400);
     $query = DB::query("SELECT blogid,subject FROM {$tablepre}home_blog WHERE blogid>0 {$only_lz}{$date_limit} ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0,{$limit}");
     while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $hott_block[] = array('link' => "home.php?mod=space&do=blog&id={$thread[blogid]}", 'link_info' => $new_window, 'subject' => cutstr($thread['subject'], $config['max_text']));
     return (array) $hott_block;
Esempio n. 24
 public function fetch_by_id($id)
     $value = self::fetch($id);
     $cloud = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . DB::table('connect') . " where bz='{$value['bz']}'");
     $value['access_id'] = authcode($value['access_id'], 'DECODE', $value['bz']) ? authcode($value['access_id'], 'DECODE', $value['bz']) : $value['access_id'];
     if (!$value['cloudname']) {
         $value['cloudname'] = $cloud['name'] . ':' . ($value['bucket'] ? $value['bucket'] : cutstr($value['access_id'], 4, ''));
     if ($value['bucket']) {
         $value['bucket'] .= '/';
     $data = array('id' => $value['id'], 'fid' => md5($cloud['bz'] . ':' . $value['id'] . ':' . $value['bucket']), 'pfid' => 0, 'fname' => $value['cloudname'], 'ficon' => 'dzz/images/default/system/' . $cloud['bz'] . '.png', 'bz' => $cloud['bz'] . ':' . $value['id'] . ':', 'path' => $cloud['bz'] . ':' . $value['id'] . ':' . $value['bucket'], 'type' => 'storage', 'fsperm' => $value['bucket'] ? '0' : perm_FolderSPerm::flagPower($cloud['bz'] . '_root'), 'perm' => perm_binPerm::getGroupPower('all'), 'flag' => $cloud['bz'], 'iconview' => 1, 'disp' => '0');
     return $data;
Esempio n. 25
function build_cache_announcements()
    $data = C::t('forum_announcement')->fetch_all_by_date(TIMESTAMP);
    foreach ($datarow as $data) {
        if ($datarow['type'] == 2) {
            $datarow['pmid'] = $datarow['id'];
            $datarow['subject'] = cutstr($datarow['subject'], 60);
        $datarow['groups'] = empty($datarow['groups']) ? array() : explode(',', $datarow['groups']);
        $data[] = $datarow;
    savecache('announcements', $data);
Esempio n. 26
 function _fetch_data($block_id)
     global $_G, $postlist, $config, $authorid, $new_window, $tid, $hott;
     $db = DB::object();
     $tablepre = $db->tablepre;
     $limitforum = $config['disallow_fid'] ? ' AND fid NOT IN (' . dimplode(unserialize($config['disallow_fid'])) . ')' : '';
     $limit = $config['show_limit'] > 0 ? $config['show_limit'] : '6';
     $show_group = $config['show_group'] ? '' : ' AND isgroup=0';
     $date_limit = $config['date_limit'] == 0 ? '' : ' AND dateline>' . ($_G['timestamp'] - $config['date_limit'] * 86400);
     $query = DB::query("SELECT tid,highlight,subject FROM {$tablepre}forum_thread WHERE displayorder>-1 {$limitforum}{$date_limit}{$show_group} ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 0,{$limit}");
     while ($thread = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $hott_block[] = array('tid' => $thread['tid'], 'link' => "forum.php?mod=redirect&tid={$thread[tid]}&goto=lastpost#lastpost", 'link_info' => $new_window . $this->_sethighlight($thread['highlight']), 'subject' => cutstr($thread['subject'], $config['max_text']));
     return (array) $hott_block;
Esempio n. 27
 function getdata($style, $parameter)
     global $_G;
     $parameter = $this->cookparameter($parameter);
     $titlelength = !empty($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40;
     $startrow = !empty($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : '0';
     $items = !empty($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
     $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
     $bansql = $bannedids ? ' AND appid NOT IN (' . dimplode($bannedids) . ')' : '';
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB::table('common_myapp') . " WHERE flag>=0 {$bansql} ORDER BY flag DESC, displayorder LIMIT {$startrow}, {$items}";
     $query = DB::query($sql);
     while ($data = DB::fetch($query)) {
         $list[] = array('id' => $data['appid'], 'idtype' => 'appid', 'title' => cutstr(str_replace('\\\'', '&#39;', $data['appname']), $titlelength, ''), 'url' => 'userapp.php?id=' . $data['appid'], 'pic' => '', 'picflag' => '', 'summary' => '', 'fields' => array('icon' => '' . $data['appid'], 'icon_small' => '' . $data['appid'], 'icon_abouts' => '' . $data['appid']));
     return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list);
Esempio n. 28
 function getdata($style, $parameter)
     global $_G;
     $type = !empty($parameter['type']) && is_array($parameter['type']) ? array_map('intval', $parameter['type']) : array('0');
     $titlelength = !empty($parameter['titlelength']) ? intval($parameter['titlelength']) : 40;
     $summarylength = !empty($parameter['summarylength']) ? intval($parameter['summarylength']) : 80;
     $startrow = !empty($parameter['startrow']) ? intval($parameter['startrow']) : '0';
     $items = !empty($parameter['items']) ? intval($parameter['items']) : 10;
     $bannedids = !empty($parameter['bannedids']) ? explode(',', $parameter['bannedids']) : array();
     $time = TIMESTAMP;
     $list = array();
     foreach (C::t('forum_announcement')->fetch_all_by_time($time, $type, $bannedids, $startrow, $items) as $data) {
         $list[] = array('id' => $data['id'], 'idtype' => 'announcementid', 'title' => cutstr(str_replace('\\\'', '&#39;', strip_tags($data['subject'])), $titlelength, ''), 'url' => $data['type'] == '1' ? $data['message'] : 'forum.php?mod=announcement&id=' . $data['id'], 'pic' => '', 'picflag' => '', 'summary' => cutstr(str_replace('\\\'', '&#39;', $data['message']), $summarylength, ''), 'fields' => array('starttime' => $data['starttime'], 'endtime' => $data['endtime']));
     return array('html' => '', 'data' => $list);
function build_cache_announcements()
    $data = array();
    $query = DB::query("SELECT id, subject, type, starttime, endtime, displayorder, groups, message FROM " . DB::table('forum_announcement') . "\r\n\t\tWHERE starttime<='" . TIMESTAMP . "' AND (endtime>='" . TIMESTAMP . "' OR endtime='0') ORDER BY displayorder, starttime DESC, id DESC");
    while ($datarow = DB::fetch($query)) {
        if ($datarow['type'] == 2) {
            $datarow['pmid'] = $datarow['id'];
            $datarow['subject'] = cutstr($datarow['subject'], 60);
        $datarow['groups'] = empty($datarow['groups']) ? array() : explode(',', $datarow['groups']);
        $data[] = $datarow;
    save_syscache('announcements', $data);
Esempio n. 30
 static function addFeed($uid, $username, $url, $where, $action, $event, $desc, $images = array())
     $feed = array();
     $feed['icon'] = 'thread';
     $feed['title_template'] = '<b>{username} 在{where}{action}了{event}</b>';
     $feed['title_data'] = array('username' => $username, 'where' => $where, 'action' => $action, 'event' => $event);
     $feed['body_template'] = '<br>{message}';
     $feed['body_data'] = array('message' => cutstr(strip_tags(preg_replace("/\\[.+?\\]/is", '', $desc)), 150));
     $feed['images'] = $images;
     $addfeed = uc_feed_add($feed['icon'], $uid, $username, $feed['title_template'], $feed['title_data'], $feed['body_template'], $feed['body_data'], '', '', $feed['images']);
     if ($addfeed > 0) {
         return $addfeed;
     } else {
         self::$lastAction = 'addfeed';
         self::$lastErrorCode = $addfeed;
         return FALSE;