public function del_menu($appid, $appsecret) { $arr = $this->get_access_token($appid, $appsecret); if ($arr['access_token']) { $ACCESS_TOKEN = $arr['access_token']; $url = "" . $ACCESS_TOKEN; $arr = curl_https($url); //$arr = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),1); return $arr; } else { return $arr; } }
function Login($user, $pwd) { $url = ''; $data = '{"sign":"0d721cf76c3b9615e652e9f6122d60d5","username":"******","clientInfo":{"appVersion":"5.0.4","channelId":"262810","deviceId":"00000000-650a-e532-0d38-091f4bb985a8","hardwareModel":"m1 note","os":"android","systemVersion":"4.4.4","versionCode":"201520601"},"password":"******"}'; $response = curl_https($url, $data, 20, null, FALSE); // echo $response; $temp1 = json_decode($response, true); if ($temp1['msgCode'] == 100) { // echo "<br>aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa<br>"; $id = $temp1['result']['member']['memberId']; $realname = $temp1['result']['member']['memberName']; $token = $temp1['result']['token']; $userlevel = $temp1['result']['member']['memberTypeName']; mysql_query("update user set id='{$id}' , realname='{$realname}' , userlevel='{$userlevel}' where username='******'"); // echo "<br>登陆成功"; // echo "<br>".$token; $reult['token'] = $token; $reult['user'] = $user; return $reult; } else { // echo "<br>123123123123123123132<br>"; mysql_query("update user set info='fail' ,failnum=failnum+1 where username='******'"); } }
* @param Array $header 请求时发送的header * @param int $timeout 超时时间,默认30s */ function curl_https($url, $data = array(), $header = array(), $timeout = 30) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // 跳过证书检查 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, true); // 从证书中检查SSL加密算法是否存在 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout); $response = curl_exec($ch); if ($error = curl_error($ch)) { die($error); } curl_close($ch); return $response; } // 调用 $url = ""; //$url = ""; //$data = array('name'=>'fdipzone'); $data = array(); $header = array(); $response = curl_https($url, $data, $header, 5); echo $response;
<?php include_once './common.php'; $xxx = curl_https("", true); var_dump($xxx); exit; $xxx = file_get_contents(""); var_dump($xxx); exit; $h = getstr($_GET['h']); $hash = substr($h, 0, 7); $email = $_SGLOBAL['db']->getone("select email from " . tname("open_email_reg") . " where hash='" . $hash . "' and addtime>'" . ($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - 24 * 3600) . "' and used=0"); include_once './source/function_user.php'; if (is_email($email)) { $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT uid,username,state FROM " . tname("open_member") . " where email='" . $email . "'"); $user = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query); if ($user) { updatetable(tname('open_member'), array('email_valid' => 1), array('uid' => $user['uid'])); $backurl = $_SGLOBAL['db']->getone("select backurl from " . tname("open_email_reg") . " where hash='" . $hash . "' and addtime>'" . ($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - 24 * 3600) . "'"); $backurl = empty($backurl) ? 'user.php' : $backurl; $setarr = array('uid' => $user["uid"], 'username' => addslashes($user['username']), 'password' => md5($user["uid"] . "|" . $_SGLOBAL["timestamp"])); //清理更新在线session insertsession($setarr); $cookietime = 0; $cookietime = 3600 * 24 * 15; //设置cookie ssetcookie('auth', authcode($setarr["password"] . ' ' . $setarr["uid"], 'ENCODE'), $cookietime); ssetcookie('loginuser', $user['username'], $cookietime); ssetcookie('_refer', ''); //标记这个登录码使用次数 $used = $_SGLOBAL['db']->getone("select used from " . tname("open_email_reg") . " where email='" . $email . "' and hash='" . $hash . "' and addtime>'" . ($_SGLOBAL['timestamp'] - 24 * 3600) . "'");