Esempio n. 1
function cryout_setting_contentmargins_fn()
    global $temperas;
    echo __('Margin top: ', 'tempera');
    cryout_proto_field($temperas, "input4str", "tempera_contentmargintop", $temperas['tempera_contentmargintop'], ' px ');
    echo "<div><small>" . __("The margin between the content and the menu. It can be set to 0px if you want the content area and menu to join.", "tempera") . "</small></div><br><br>";
    echo __('Padding left/right: ', 'tempera');
    cryout_proto_field($temperas, "input4str", "tempera_contentpadding", $temperas['tempera_contentpadding'], ' px');
    echo "<div><small>" . __("The left/right padding around the content. Should be set to 10px or less for designs without a content color.", "tempera") . "</small></div>";
Esempio n. 2
function cryout_setting_contentmargins_fn()
    global $nirvanas;
    echo __('Margin top: ', 'nirvana');
    cryout_proto_field($nirvanas, "input4str", "nirvana_contentmargintop", $nirvanas['nirvana_contentmargintop'], ' px ');
    echo "<div><small>" . __("Set the margin between the content and the menu. It can be set to 0px if you want the content area and menu to join.", "nirvana") . "</small></div><br><br>";
    echo __('Padding left/right: ', 'nirvana');
    cryout_proto_field($nirvanas, "input4str", "nirvana_contentpadding", $nirvanas['nirvana_contentpadding'], ' px');
    echo "<div><small>" . __("Set the left/right padding around the content area. Only works with Boxed layouts.", "nirvana") . "</small></div>";