//     GNU General Public License for more details.
//     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//     along with this program in a file named LICENSE.txt .
require_once "visitor_common.php";
// get the info of this user..
$query = "SELECT * FROM livehelp_users WHERE sessionid='" . $identity['SESSIONID'] . "'";
$people = $mydatabase->query($query);
$people = $people->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$myid = $people['user_id'];
$channel = $people['onchannel'];
$isnamed = $people['isnamed'];
// get a channel for this user:
$onchannel = createchannel($myid);
// get department information...
$where = "";
if (!isset($UNTRUSTED['department'])) {
    $UNTRUSTED['department'] = "";
if (!isset($UNTRUSTED['printit'])) {
    $UNTRUSTED['printit'] = "";
if ($UNTRUSTED['department'] != "") {
    $where = " WHERE recno=" . intval($UNTRUSTED['department']);
$query = "SELECT * FROM livehelp_departments {$where} ";
$data_d = $mydatabase->query($query);
$department_a = $data_d->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$department = $department_a['recno'];
Esempio n. 2
// get the info of this user..
$query = "SELECT * \n          FROM livehelp_users \n          WHERE sessionid='" . $identity['SESSIONID'] . "'";
$people = $mydatabase->query($query);
$people = $people->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
$myid = $people['user_id'];
$channel = $people['onchannel'];
$isadminsetting = $people['isadmin'];
$timeof = date("YmdHis");
if (empty($UNTRUSTED['what'])) {
    $UNTRUSTED['what'] = "";
if (!empty($UNTRUSTED['selectedwho'])) {
    $pairs = explode("__", $UNTRUSTED['selectedwho']);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($pairs); $i++) {
        $selected = $pairs[$i];
        $whatchannel = createchannel($selected);
        $query = "DELETE \n              FROM livehelp_operator_channels \n              WHERE user_id=" . intval($myid) . " \n                 AND userid=" . intval($selected);
        $timeof = date("YmdHis");
// open up layer directory and get list of layer invites:
$dir = "layer_invites" . C_DIR;
$handle = opendir($dir);
$i = 0;
$count = 101;
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
    if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && preg_match("/layer/", $file)) {
        $imageurl = $file;
        if (is_file("{$dir}" . C_DIR . "{$file}") && !preg_match("/.txt/", $file)) {
            $parts = explode(".", $file);
Esempio n. 3
if ($UNTRUSTED['what'] == "send") {
    $pair = explode(",", $UNTRUSTED['channelsplit']);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($pair); $i++) {
        $split = $pair[$i];
        $array = explode("__", $split);
        $saidto = $array[1];
        $channel = $array[0];
        if ($saidto == "") {
            $channel = -1;
        $query = "UPDATE livehelp_users set status='request' WHERE user_id=" . intval($saidto);
        $query = "INSERT INTO livehelp_messages (message,channel,timeof,saidfrom,saidto) VALUES ('" . filter_sql($UNTRUSTED['comment']) . "'," . intval($channel) . ",'{$timeof}'," . intval($myid) . "," . intval($saidto) . ")";
        if (!empty($UNTRUSTED['askquestions'])) {
            $whatchannel = createchannel(intval($saidto));
            $now = date("YmdHis");
            $query = "UPDATE livehelp_users set isnamed='Y',askquestions='N',chataction='{$now}' WHERE user_id=" . intval($saidto);
            // add operator answer call.
            // generate random Hex..
            $txtcolor_alt = get_next_color_ordered("clients");
            // generate random Hex..
            $txtcolor = get_next_color_ordered("operators");
            $query = "DELETE FROM livehelp_operator_channels WHERE user_id=" . intval($myid) . " AND userid=" . intval($saidto);
            $channelcolor = get_next_color_ordered("backgrounds");
            $query = "INSERT INTO livehelp_operator_channels (user_id,channel,userid,txtcolor,txtcolor_alt,channelcolor) VALUES (" . intval($myid) . "," . intval($whatchannel) . "," . intval($saidto) . ",'{$txtcolor}','{$txtcolor_alt}','{$channelcolor}')";
            // add to history:
            $query = "INSERT INTO livehelp_operator_history (opid,action,dateof,channel,totaltime) VALUES ({$myid},'startchat','" . date("YmdHis") . "'," . intval($whatchannel) . ",0)";
Esempio n. 4
             $questiondata = $mydatabase->query($sqlquery);
             $question_row = $questiondata->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
             if ($l != 0) {
                 $datamessage .= "<br>";
             $datamessage .= "<b>" . $question_row['headertext'] . "</b><br>" . urldecode($dataset[1]);
     if ($datamessage != "") {
         $timeof = rightnowtime();
         $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO livehelp_messages (saidto,saidfrom,message,channel,timeof) VALUES (" . intval($myid) . "," . intval($UNTRUSTED['who']) . ",'" . filter_sql($datamessage) . "'," . intval($UNTRUSTED['whatchannel']) . ",'{$timeof}')";
 if (empty($whatchannel) || $whatchannel == 0) {
     $whatchannel = createchannel($UNTRUSTED['who']);
 // generate random Hex..
 $txtcolor_alt = get_next_color_ordered("clients");
 $txtcolor = get_next_color_ordered("operators");
 $sqlquery = "DELETE FROM livehelp_operator_channels WHERE user_id=" . intval($myid) . " AND userid=" . intval($UNTRUSTED['who']);
 $channelcolor = get_next_color_ordered("backgrounds");
 $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO livehelp_operator_channels (user_id,channel,userid,txtcolor,txtcolor_alt,channelcolor) VALUES (" . intval($myid) . "," . intval($whatchannel) . "," . intval($UNTRUSTED['who']) . ",'{$txtcolor}','{$txtcolor_alt}','{$channelcolor}')";
 // add to history:
 $query = "INSERT INTO livehelp_operator_history (opid,action,dateof,channel,totaltime) VALUES ({$myid},'startchat','" . date("YmdHis") . "'," . intval($whatchannel) . ",0)";
 $timeof = rightnowtime();
 if (!empty($UNTRUSTED['conferencein'])) {
     $channelcolor = get_next_color_ordered("backgrounds");
         if (!empty($dataset[1])) {
             $fieldid = str_replace("field_", "", $dataset[0]);
             $query = "SELECT * FROM livehelp_questions WHERE id=" . intval($fieldid);
             $questiondata = $mydatabase->query($query);
             $question_row = $questiondata->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
             $datamessage .= $question_row['headertext'] . "<br><font color=000000><b>" . urldecode($dataset[1]) . "</font></b><br>";
     if ($datamessage != "") {
         $timeof = rightnowtime();
         $query = "INSERT INTO livehelp_messages (saidto,saidfrom,message,channel,timeof) VALUES (" . intval($myid) . "," . intval($who) . ",'<br>" . filter_sql($datamessage) . "'," . intval($whatchannel) . ",'{$timeof}')";
 if (empty($whatchannel) || $whatchannel == 0) {
     $whatchannel = createchannel(intval($UNTRUSTED['who']));
 // generate random Hex..
 $txtcolor = "";
 $lowletters = array("0", "2", "4", "6");
 for ($index = 1; $index <= 6; $index++) {
     $randomindex = rand(0, 3);
     $txtcolor .= $lowletters[$randomindex];
 // generate random Hex..
 $txtcolor_alt = "";
 $lowletters = array("2", "4", "6", "8");
 for ($index = 1; $index <= 6; $index++) {
     $randomindex = rand(0, 3);
     $txtcolor_alt .= $lowletters[$randomindex];
        $pageurl = $pageurl . "&department=" . intval($UNTRUSTED['department']);
    $url = $pageurl . $querystringadd;
    $urlforchat = str_replace("&&", "&", $url);
    include "themes/{$theme}/chatwindow_large.php";
} else {
    // get the info of this user..
    $query = "SELECT * FROM livehelp_users WHERE sessionid='" . $identity['SESSIONID'] . "'";
    $people = $mydatabase->query($query);
    $people = $people->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $myid = $people['user_id'];
    $channel = $people['onchannel'];
    $isnamed = $people['isnamed'];
    $department = $people['department'];
    // get a channel for this user:
    $onchannel = createchannel($myid, $department);
    // get department information...
    $where = "";
    if (!isset($UNTRUSTED['department'])) {
        $UNTRUSTED['department'] = "";
    if (!isset($UNTRUSTED['printit'])) {
        $UNTRUSTED['printit'] = "";
    if ($UNTRUSTED['department'] != "") {
        $where = " WHERE recno=" . intval($UNTRUSTED['department']);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM livehelp_departments {$where} ";
    $data_d = $mydatabase->query($query);
    $department_a = $data_d->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
    $colorscheme = $department_a['colorscheme'];
 * Auto invite users based on identity of user
 * @param array  $identity   array containing session/user information.
 * @param string $status current status of the user.
 * @param int $department that user is on.
 * @global object $mydatabase mysql database object.
 * @return bool true if invited
function autoinvite($identity, $status = "", $department = 0)
    global $mydatabase, $dbtype, $CSLH_Config, $isavisitor;
    if ($status == 'invited' or $status == 'wentaway' or $status == 'chat' or $status == 'operator' or $status == 'stopped' or $status == 'request') {
        return false;
    // make list of ignored visitors:
    $ipadd = explode(",", $CSLH_Config['ignoreips']);
    $ignoreme = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ipadd); $i++) {
        if (!empty($ipadd[$i])) {
            if (preg_match("/" . $ipadd[$i] . "/", $identity['IP_ADDR'])) {
                $ignoreme = true;
    if ($ignoreme) {
        return false;
    // if this is a Visitor:
    if ($isavisitor) {
        // see if any online operator in this department has autoinvite on:
        $sqlquery = "SELECT isonline \n                FROM livehelp_users,livehelp_operator_departments \n                WHERE livehelp_users.user_id=livehelp_operator_departments.user_id\n                 AND livehelp_users.authenticated='Y'\n                 AND livehelp_users.isoperator='Y'";
        if (intval($department) != 0) {
            $sqlquery .= " AND livehelp_operator_departments.department=" . intval($department);
        $sqlquery .= " AND livehelp_users.auto_invite='Y' AND livehelp_users.isonline='Y' LIMIT 1";
        $tmpdata = $mydatabase->query($sqlquery);
        // someone is online invite the user:
        if ($tmpdata->numrows() != 0) {
            // get users track record:
            $sqlquery = "SELECT camefrom,user_id FROM livehelp_users WHERE sessionid='" . $identity['SESSIONID'] . "' LIMIT 1";
            $res = $mydatabase->query($sqlquery);
            $user_info = $res->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);
            $camefrom = $user_info[0];
            $user_id = $user_info[1];
            $pathstuff = explode("?", $camefrom);
            $camefrom = $pathstuff[0];
            $camefrom = str_replace("http://", "", $camefrom);
            $camefrom = str_replace("www.", "", $camefrom);
            $sqlquery = "SELECT location from livehelp_visit_track WHERE sessionid='" . $identity['SESSIONID'] . "' ORDER BY whendone DESC";
            $footprints = $mydatabase->query($sqlquery);
            $visits = $footprints->numrows();
            $foot = $footprints->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);
            $pathstuff = explode("?", $foot[0]);
            $pageurl = $pathstuff[0];
            $pageurl = str_replace("http://", "", $pageurl);
            $pageurl = str_replace("www.", "", $pageurl);
            // time online:
            $query = "SELECT whendone from livehelp_visit_track WHERE sessionid='" . filter_sql($identity['SESSIONID']) . "' Order by whendone LIMIT 1";
            $page_trail = $mydatabase->query($query);
            $page = $page_trail->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
            $later = $page['whendone'];
            $timeon = timediff($later, date("YmdHis"));
            $sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM livehelp_autoinvite WHERE ";
            $sqlquery .= " (department=0 OR department=" . intval($department) . " ) ";
            $sqlquery .= " AND (visits=0 OR visits<={$visits}) ";
            $sqlquery .= " AND (seconds=0 OR seconds<={$timeon}) ";
            $sqlquery .= " AND isactive='Y'";
            // print $sqlquery;
            $data = $mydatabase->query($sqlquery);
            if (!empty($pageurl) && $data->numrows() != 0) {
                // look for match for page and camefrom:
                while ($row = $data->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) {
                    $comment = $row['message'];
                    $typeof = $row['typeof'];
                    $page = $row['page'];
                    $refpage = $row['referer'];
                    $socialpane = $row['socialpane'];
                    $thisuserid = $row['user_id'];
                    $excludemobile = $row['excludemobile'];
                    $onlymobile = $row['onlymobile'];
                    if (empty($refpage)) {
                        $refpage = ".";
                    if (empty($camefrom)) {
                        $camefrom = ".";
                    if (empty($page)) {
                        $page = ".";
                    if (empty($pageurl)) {
                        $pageurl = ".";
                    // panel invite:
                    if ($socialpane == "Y") {
                        $sessiondata = "tab=,nvoks,drdwm&nvoks=Eric&openPop=Eric&drdwm=Eric&";
                        $query = "UPDATE livehelp_users set sessiondata='{$sessiondata}' WHERE user_id=" . intval($user_id);
                    // if match:
                    if (preg_match("/" . $refpage . "/", $camefrom) && preg_match("/" . $page . "/", $pageurl)) {
                        // if we are looking only for a specific user_id
                        if ($thisuserid == 0 || userisonline($thisuserid)) {
                            $whatchannel = createchannel($user_id);
                            $timeof = date("YmdHis");
                            $channel = $whatchannel;
                            if ($user_id == "") {
                                $channel = -1;
                            if ($typeof == "layer") {
                                $sqlquery = "UPDATE livehelp_users set status='DHTML',sessiondata='invite=" . filter_sql($comment) . "' WHERE user_id=" . intval($user_id);
                            } else {
                                $sqlquery = "UPDATE livehelp_users set status='request' WHERE user_id=" . intval($user_id);
                                $sqlquery = "INSERT INTO livehelp_messages (message,channel,timeof,saidfrom,saidto) VALUES ('" . filter_sql($comment) . "'," . intval($channel) . ",'{$timeof}',0," . intval($user_id) . ")";
                            return true;
                        // end user_id match
                    // end preg match
                // end loop of auto results
            // end of if auto found.
        // end of if someone is online.
        // this is an operator:
    } else {
        // maybe auto invite inactive people .. but that seems like too much work...
        return false;
    return false;