/** * 生成API的token * @access public * @param string $prefix 请求应用接口名 * @return string|boolean */ public function apiAccessToken($prefix = '') { $token = create_uuid($prefix); $second = 7500; $start_time = time(); $end_time = $start_time + $second; $data = array('token' => $token, 'expires_in' => $second, 'expires_start' => $start_time, 'expires_end' => $end_time); $id = M('api_token')->add($data); if ($id) { return $token; } else { return false; } }
public function action_gif() { header('Content-Type: image/gif'); //header('P3P: CP=CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR'); if (!empty($_COOKIE['r'])) { exit; } setcookie('r', 1, time() + 1); if (empty($_COOKIE['UUID'])) { $uuid = create_uuid(); setcookie('UUID', $uuid, strtotime('+1 year')); } else { $uuid = $_COOKIE['UUID']; } $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ip = get_client_ip(); $ua = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $allowed = array('domain', 'url', 'title', 'referrer', 'sw', 'sh', 'lang'); $params = array_intersect_key($_REQUEST, array_flip($allowed)); array_unshift($params, $time, $uuid, $ip, $ua); include APPPATH . 'media/1.gif'; error_log(implode("\t", $params) . "\n", 3, "D:/tmp/a_" . date('Ymd') . ".txt"); exit; }
if ($sel_region == -1) { $sel_region = $default_region; } if ($sel_region != "0") { $code3 = $sel_region; $adm3 = sqlValue("SELECT `name` FROM `nuts_codes` WHERE `code`='" . sql_escape($sel_region) . "'", 0); } else { $code3 = null; $adm3 = null; } sql("INSERT INTO `cache_location` (cache_id,adm1,adm3,code1,code3) VALUES ('&1','&2','&3','&4','&5')", $cache_id, $adm1, $adm3, $code1, $code3); // update cache last modified, it is for work of cache_locations update information sql("UPDATE `caches` SET `last_modified`=NOW() WHERE `cache_id`='&1'", $cache_id); // waypoint erstellen setCacheWaypoint($cache_id, $oc_waypoint); $desc_uuid = create_uuid(); //add record to cache_desc table $desc = userInputFilter::purifyHtmlString($desc); $query = "INSERT INTO `cache_desc` (\n `cache_id`,\n `language`,\n `desc`,\n `hint`,\n `short_desc`,\n `last_modified`,\n `uuid`,\n `node`\n ) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, NOW(), :6, :7)"; $db->multiVariableQuery($query, $cache_id, $sel_lang, $desc, nl2br(htmlspecialchars($hints, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')), $short_desc, $desc_uuid, $oc_nodeid); setCacheDefaultDescLang($cache_id); // insert cache-attributes for ($i = 0; $i < count($cache_attribs); $i++) { if ($cache_attribs[$i] + 0 > 0) { sql("INSERT INTO `caches_attributes` (`cache_id`, `attrib_id`) VALUES ('&1', '&2')", $cache_id, $cache_attribs[$i] + 0); } } // only if no approval is needed and cache is published NOW or activate_date is in the past if (!$needs_approvement && ($publish == 'now' || $publish == 'later' && mktime($activate_hour, 0, 0, $activate_month, $activate_day, $activate_year) <= $today)) { //do event handling include_once $rootpath . '/lib/eventhandler.inc.php';
/** * 6 months from last * @param type $rs */ private function archiveGeocache($rs) { /* @var $db dataBase */ $db = \lib\Database\DataBaseSingleton::Instance(); $statusSqlQuery = "REPLACE INTO cache_arch (cache_id, step) VALUES ( :1, :2 )"; $archSqlQuery = "UPDATE caches SET status = 3 WHERE cache_id= :1 "; $logSqlQuery = "INSERT INTO cache_logs (cache_id, uuid, user_id, type, date, last_modified, date_created, text, owner_notified, node) VALUES ( :1, :2, '-1', 9,NOW(),NOW(), NOW(), :3, 1, 2)"; $db->beginTransaction(); $db->multiVariableQuery($statusSqlQuery, (int) $rs['cache_id'], $this->step["ARCH_COMPLETE"]); $db->multiVariableQuery($archSqlQuery, (int) $rs['cache_id']); $db->multiVariableQuery($logSqlQuery, (int) $rs['cache_id'], create_uuid(), tr('autoArchive_12')); $transactionResult = $db->commit(); if ($transactionResult) { $this->sendEmail($this->step["AFTER_SECOND_MAIL_SENT"], $rs['cache_id']); } }
} // if it is first log "cache mooved" then move start coordinates from table caches // to table cache_moved and create log type cache_moved, witch description // "depart point" or something like this. //$count = mysql_result($result, 0); $is_any_cache_movedlog = mysql_result(sql("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `cache_moved` WHERE `cache_id` ='&1'", sql_escape($cache_id)), 0); if ($is_any_cache_movedlog == 0) { $tmp_move_query = sql("SELECT `user_id`, `longitude`, `latitude`, `date_hidden` FROM `caches` WHERE `cache_id` ='&1'", sql_escape($cache_id)); $tmp_move_data = mysql_fetch_array($tmp_move_query); // create initial log in cache_logs and copy coords to table caches $init_log_desc = tr('log_mobile_init'); $init_log_latitude = $tmp_move_data['latitude']; $init_log_longitude = $tmp_move_data['longitude']; $init_log_userID = $tmp_move_data['user_id']; $init_log_date = $tmp_move_data['date_hidden']; $init_log_uuid = create_uuid(); sql("INSERT INTO `cache_logs` (`id`, `cache_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `date`, `text`, `text_html`, `text_htmledit`, `date_created`, `last_modified`, `uuid`, `node`)\n VALUES ('', '&1', '&2', '&3', '&4', '&5', '&6', '&7', NOW(), NOW(), '&8', '&9')", $cache_id, $init_log_userID, 4, $init_log_date, $init_log_desc, 0, 0, $init_log_uuid, $oc_nodeid); $last_id_4_init_log = mysql_insert_id(); // print $init_log_longitude; exit; sql("INSERT INTO `cache_moved`(\n `cache_id`,\n `user_id`,\n `log_id`,\n `date`,\n `longitude`,\n `latitude`,\n `km`)\n VALUES (\n '&1',\n '&2',\n '&3',\n '&4',\n '&5',\n '&6',\n '0'\n )", sql_escape($cache_id), $init_log_userID, $last_id_4_init_log, $init_log_date, $init_log_longitude, $init_log_latitude); $dystans = sprintf("%.2f", calcDistance($init_log_latitude, $init_log_longitude, $wspolrzedneNS, $wspolrzedneWE)); } else { // $log_date - data+czas logu // calculate distance from piervous $ostatnie_dane_mobilniaka = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("\n SELECT\n `id`,\n `user_id`,\n `log_id`,\n `date`,\n `longitude`,\n `latitude`,\n `km`\n FROM `cache_moved`\n WHERE `cache_id` = '{$cache_id}'\n\n ORDER BY id DESC\n LIMIT 1\n ")); // jeśli beżący (właśnie wpisywany) log jest ostatnim, // dystans zostanie wpisany do bazy. w przeciwnym wypadku // zmienna zostanie zastąpiona w if-ie $dystans = sprintf("%.2f", calcDistance($ostatnie_dane_mobilniaka['latitude'], $ostatnie_dane_mobilniaka['longitude'], $wspolrzedneNS, $wspolrzedneWE)); // check if log date is beetwen, or last if ($log_date <= $ostatnie_dane_mobilniaka['date']) {
function savequery($queryid, $queryname, $saveas, $submit, $saveas_queryid) { global $usr, $tplname; global $error_empty_name, $nosaveastext, $saveastext, $error_queryname_exists; $displayform = $submit == false; $error_no_name = false; $error_duplicate_name = false; // ok ... checken, ob die query uns gehört und dann speichern $rs = sql("SELECT `user_id` FROM `queries` WHERE `id`='&1' AND (`user_id`=0 OR `user_id`='&2')", $queryid, $usr['userid']); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) { echo 'fatal error: query not found or permission denied'; exit; } mysql_free_result($rs); if ($saveas == false) { if ($displayform == false && $queryname == '') { $displayform = true; $error_no_name = true; } else { // prüfen ob name bereits vorhanden $rs = sql("SELECT COUNT(*) `c` FROM `queries` WHERE `user_id`='&1' AND `name`='&2'", $usr['userid'], $queryname); $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); if ($r['c'] > 0) { $displayform = true; $error_duplicate_name = true; } } } else { if ($saveas_queryid == 0) { $displayform = true; } else { // prüfen ob saveas_queryid existiert und uns gehört $rs = sql("SELECT `user_id` FROM `queries` WHERE `id`='&1' AND (`user_id`=0 OR `user_id`='&2')", $saveas_queryid, $usr['userid']); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) { echo 'fatal error: saveas_query not found or permission denied'; exit; } mysql_free_result($rs); } } if ($displayform == true) { // abfrageform für name $tplname = 'savequery'; if ($error_no_name == true) { tpl_set_var('nameerror', $error_empty_name); } else { if ($error_duplicate_name == true) { tpl_set_var('nameerror', $error_queryname_exists); } else { tpl_set_var('nameerror', ''); } } tpl_set_var('queryname', htmlspecialchars($queryname, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); tpl_set_var('queryid', htmlspecialchars($queryid, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); // oldqueries auslesen $options = ''; $rs = sql("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `queries` WHERE `user_id`='&1' ORDER BY `name` ASC", $usr['userid']); if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) { tpl_set_var('selecttext', $nosaveastext); tpl_set_var('oldqueries', ''); } else { tpl_set_var('selecttext', $saveastext); while ($r = sql_fetch_array($rs)) { if ($r['id'] == $queryid) { $options .= '<option value="' . $r['id'] . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars($r['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>' . "\n"; } else { $options .= '<option value="' . $r['id'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($r['name'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</option>' . "\n"; } } mysql_free_result($rs); tpl_set_var('oldqueries', $options); } tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; } $rs = sql("SELECT `options` FROM `queries` WHERE `id`='&1'", $queryid); $r = sql_fetch_array($rs); mysql_free_result($rs); // ok, speichern if ($saveas == true) { sql("UPDATE `queries` SET `options`='&1', `last_queried`=NOW() WHERE `id`='&2'", $r['options'], $saveas_queryid); } else { sql("INSERT INTO `queries` (`user_id`, `last_queried`, `name`, `uuid`, `options`) VALUES ( '&1', NOW(), '&2', '&3', '&4')", $usr['userid'], $queryname, create_uuid(), $r['options']); } tpl_redirect('query.php?action=view'); }
function notifyOwner($cacheid, $msgType) { // msgType - 0 = cache accepted, 1 = cache declined (=archived) global $stylepath, $usr, $octeam_email, $site_name, $absolute_server_URI, $octeamEmailsSignature; $user_id = getCacheOwnerId($cacheid); $cachename = getCachename($cacheid); if ($msgType == 0) { $email_content = file_get_contents($stylepath . '/email/activated_cache.email'); } else { $email_content = file_get_contents($stylepath . '/email/archived_cache.email'); } $email_headers = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n"; $email_headers .= "From: {$site_name} <{$octeam_email}>\r\n"; $email_headers .= "Reply-To: {$octeam_email}\r\n"; $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{server}', $absolute_server_URI, $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', $cachename, $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', $cacheid, $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{octeamEmailsSignature}', $octeamEmailsSignature, $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheArchived_01}', tr('cacheArchived_01'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheArchived_02}', tr('cacheArchived_02'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheArchived_03}', tr('cacheArchived_03'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheArchived_04}', tr('cacheArchived_04'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheArchived_05}', tr('cacheArchived_05'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{Cacheactivated_01}', tr('Cacheactivated_01'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{Cacheactivated_02}', tr('Cacheactivated_02'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{Cacheactivated_03}', tr('Cacheactivated_03'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{Cacheactivated_04}', tr('Cacheactivated_04'), $email_content); $email_content = mb_ereg_replace('{Cacheactivated_05}', tr('Cacheactivated_05'), $email_content); $owner_email = XDb::xMultiVariableQueryValue("SELECT `email` FROM `user` WHERE `user_id`= :1 LIMIT 1", '', $user_id); if ($msgType == 0) { //send email to owner mb_send_mail($owner_email['email'], tr('viewPending_01') . ": " . $cachename, $email_content, $email_headers); //send email to approver mb_send_mail($usr['email'], tr('viewPending_01') . ": " . $cachename, tr('viewPending_02') . ":\n" . $email_content, $email_headers); // generate automatic log about status cache $log_text = tr("viewPending_03"); $log_uuid = create_uuid(); XDb::xSql("INSERT INTO `cache_logs`\n (`id`, `cache_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `date`, `text`, `text_html`, `text_htmledit`, `date_created`, `last_modified`, `uuid`, `node`,`encrypt`)\n VALUES ('', ?, ?, '12', NOW(), ?, '0', '0', NOW(), NOW(), ?, '2', '0')", $cacheid, $usr['userid'], $log_text, $log_uuid); } else { //send email to owner mb_send_mail($owner_email['email'], tr('viewPending_04') . ": " . $cachename, $email_content, $email_headers); //send email to approver mb_send_mail($usr['email'], tr('viewPending_04') . ": " . $cachename, tr('viewPending_05') . ":\n" . $email_content, $email_headers); // generate automatic log about status cache $log_text = tr("viewPending_06"); $log_uuid = create_uuid(); XDb::xSql("INSERT INTO `cache_logs`\n (`id`, `cache_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `date`, `text`, `text_html`, `text_htmledit`, `date_created`, `last_modified`, `uuid`, `node`,`encrypt`)\n VALUES ('', ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), ?, ?, ?)", $cacheid, $usr['userid'], 12, $log_text, 0, 0, $log_uuid, 2, 0); } }
function create_uuid($prefix = "") { //可以指定前缀 $str = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)); $uuid = substr($str, 0, 8) . '-'; $uuid .= substr($str, 8, 4) . '-'; $uuid .= substr($str, 12, 4) . '-'; $uuid .= substr($str, 16, 4) . '-'; $uuid .= substr($str, 20, 12); return $prefix . $uuid; } if (isset($_GET["artist"]) && strlen($_GET["artist"]) > 0) { $value = trim($value); $GLOBAL_TYPE_PARAM = "d7bd83313b5b444"; $GLOBAL_TIANLAI_KEY = "6ae993829ca5410e888f5e97b73ee4a810bb242149fd46ada5777edf587b4225"; $rawr = '{"common":{"talkdeviceid":"3e3fb9ac4463b26204698da6c2e737b36","uuid":"","reqkey":"' . create_uuid() . '","updatechannel":"2","apiversion":"3.2.0","devicetype":"Android","userid":0,"imei":"1eb4acb9813301ef","systemversion":"21","login":0,"clientversion":"3.3.9","nettype":"wifi","resolution":"720X1280","language":1,"clienttype":"Android","channel":"TLKG01","imsi":null,"model":"AppRuntimeforChromeDev","product":"KALAOK"},"maxSize":100,"firstSize":0,"type":2,"keyWord":"' . $value . '"}'; $request = base64_encode($rawr); $sign = md5($request . $GLOBAL_TIANLAI_KEY); $url = "http://sns.audiocn.org/tlcysns/content/search.action?request=" . $request . "&sign=" . $sign . "&type=" . $GLOBAL_TYPE_PARAM; $html = file_get_contents($url); ?> <ul data-role="listview" data-split-icon="gear" id="searchlist" data-split-theme="a" data-inset="true"> <?php $ret = json_decode($html, true); if (isset($ret["songs"])) { foreach ($ret["songs"] as $idx => $song) { mysql_query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `songs` SET `id` = {$song['id']},`name` = \"{$song['name']}\",`artist`=\"{$song['artist']}\",`imageurl`=\"{$song['singer_image']}\";"); echo "<li><a href=\"order.php?songid=" . $song["id"] . "\" data-rel=\"dialog\" data-transition=\"pop\"><img src=\"" . $song["singer_image"] . "\"><h2>" . $song["name"] . "</h2><p>" . $song["artist"] . "</p></a></li> "; }
tpl_set_var('message_end', ''); tpl_set_var('message', $message_wrongext); tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; } // Datei zu groĂź? if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > $maxpicsize) { $tplname = 'message'; tpl_set_var('messagetitle', $message_title_toobig); tpl_set_var('message_start', ''); tpl_set_var('message_end', ''); tpl_set_var('message', $message_toobig); tpl_BuildTemplate(); exit; } $uuid = create_uuid(); // datei verschieben und in DB eintragen move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $picdir . '/' . $uuid . '.' . $extension); /* * [EN] add EXIF (GPS info) to image * * [PL] dodanie tagów EXIF (kordów) */ if ($type == 2) { //PHP EXIF Library require_once 'lib/pel/gps.php'; // pobranie danych EXIF z obrazka $exif = @exif_read_data($picdir . '/' . $uuid . '.' . $extension); // sprawdzenie czy są już wpisane kordy if (@(!isset($exif["GPSLatitude"]))) { // addGpsInfo(file,description,comment,artist,make,model,longitude,latitude)
$date_alg = $start_date_alg; $dStart = new DateTime($dataMax); $dEnd = new DateTime($date_alg); $dDiff = $dStart->diff($dEnd); $securityPeriod = 0; if ($titled_cache_period_prefix == "week") { $securityPeriod = 7; } if ($titled_cache_period_prefix == "month") { $securityPeriod = 28; } if ($dDiff->days < $securityPeriod) { exit; } $queryS = "\n select\n top.cacheId, top.cacheName, top.cacheRegion, ifnull( nrT.nrTinR, 0) nrTinR,\n top.RATE, top.ratio,\n top.cRating, top.cFounds, top.cNrDays, top.cDateCrt\n\n from\n (\n SELECT caches.cache_id cacheId , caches.name cacheName, adm3 cacheRegion,\n user.user_id userId, user.username userName,\n\n round((r.rating/f.nr_founds) + DATEDIFF(caches.date_created, :1 )/5000,4) RATE,\n round((r.rating/f.nr_founds), 4) ratio,\n\n r.rating cRating, f.nr_founds cFounds, caches.date_created cDateCrt,\n DATEDIFF(caches.date_created, :1 ) cNrDays\n\n FROM `caches`\n\n JOIN\n (\n SELECT lcaches.cache_id cid, count(*) rating\n FROM `caches` lcaches\n INNER JOIN `cache_logs` ON `cache_logs`.`cache_id` = lcaches .`cache_id`\n JOIN cache_rating ON `cache_rating`.`cache_id` = `cache_logs`.`cache_id`\n AND `cache_rating`.`user_id` = `cache_logs`.user_id\n where\n `cache_logs`.`deleted` =0 AND `cache_logs`.`type` =1\n and cache_logs.date_created < :1\n\n group by 1\n )\n as r ON r.cid = caches.cache_id\n\n JOIN\n (\n SELECT fcaches.cache_id cid, count(*) nr_founds\n FROM\n caches fcaches\n JOIN cache_logs ON cache_logs.cache_id = fcaches.cache_id\n\n where\n cache_logs.deleted=0 AND cache_logs.type=1\n and cache_logs.date_created < :1\n\n group by 1\n )\n as f ON f.cid = caches.cache_id\n\n JOIN user ON `caches`.`user_id` = `user`.`user_id`\n JOIN `cache_location` ON `caches`.`cache_id` = `cache_location`.`cache_id`\n left JOIN cache_titled ON cache_titled.cache_id = caches.cache_id\n\n WHERE\n `status` =1\n AND `caches`.`type` <>4 AND `caches`.`type` <>5 AND caches.type <>6\n and f.nr_founds >= :2 and caches.date_created < :1\n and cache_titled.cache_id is NULL\n\n ORDER BY RATE DESC, founds DESC, caches.date_created DESC\n LIMIT 30) as top\n\n left join\n (\n select adm3 cacheRegion, count(*) nrTinR from cache_titled\n JOIN cache_location ON cache_titled.cache_id = cache_location.cache_id\n group by adm3\n ) as nrT on top.cacheRegion = nrT.cacheRegion\n order by nrTinR, cFounds DESC, cDateCrt, RATE DESC\n "; $s = $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryS, $date_alg, $titled_cache_nr_found); $rec = $dbc->dbResultFetch($s); $queryL = "\n SELECT i.id logId\n FROM\n (select cache_logs.id, cache_logs.cache_id from\n cache_logs\n where\n cache_logs.cache_id = :1 and\n cache_logs.id =\n (select id from cache_logs cl\n JOIN cache_rating ON `cache_rating`.`cache_id` = cl.`cache_id`\n AND `cache_rating`.`user_id` = cl.user_id\n where cl.cache_id = cache_logs.cache_id\n ORDER BY length(cl.text) DESC LIMIT 1 )\n ) as i"; $s = $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryL, $rec["cacheId"]); $recL = $dbc->dbResultFetchOneRowOnly($s); $queryI = "INSERT INTO cache_titled\n (cache_id, rate, ratio, rating, found, days, date_alg, log_id)\n VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8)"; $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryI, $rec["cacheId"], $rec["RATE"], $rec["ratio"], $rec["cRating"], $rec["cFounds"], $rec["cNrDays"], $date_alg, $recL["logId"]); $queryLogI = "INSERT INTO cache_logs\n (cache_id, user_id, type, date,\n text, text_html, text_htmledit, last_modified , okapi_syncbase, uuid, picturescount, mp3count,\n date_created, owner_notified, node, deleted, encrypt,\n del_by_user_id, last_deleted, edit_by_user_id, edit_count )\n VALUES ( :1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8 , :9 , :10, :11, :12, :13, :14, :15, '0', '0', NULL , NULL , NULL , '0' )"; $SystemUser = -1; $LogType = 12; //OCTeam $ntitled_cache = $titled_cache_period_prefix . '_titled_cache_congratulations'; $msgText = tr($ntitled_cache); $LogUuid = create_uuid(); $dbc->multiVariableQuery($queryLogI, $rec["cacheId"], $SystemUser, $LogType, $date_alg, $msgText, '1', '1', $date_alg, $date_alg, $LogUuid, '0', '0', $date_alg, '0', $oc_nodeid); unset($dbc);
function save_file($filename, $desdir, $tmpfile) { if (is_required_type(file_exten($filename))) { do { $upload_file = create_uuid(""); $upload_file .= "." . file_exten($filename); $new_file_name = $upload_file; $upload_file = $desdir . $upload_file; } while (file_exists($upload_file)); if (move_uploaded_file($tmpfile, $upload_file)) { return $new_file_name; } } }
if (($status_old == $STATUS['READY'] || $status_old == $STATUS['TEMP_UNAVAILABLE'] || $status_old == $STATUS['BLOCKED']) && $status == $STATUS['ARCHIVED']) { // generate automatic log about status cache $log_text = tr('archived_cache'); $log_uuid = create_uuid(); sql("INSERT INTO `cache_logs` (`id`, `cache_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `date`, `text`, `text_html`, `text_htmledit`, `date_created`, `last_modified`, `uuid`, `node`,`encrypt`)\n VALUES ('', '&1', '&2', '&3', NOW(), '&4', '&5', '&6', NOW(), NOW(), '&7', '&8','&9')", $cache_id, $usr['userid'], 9, $log_text, 0, 0, $log_uuid, $oc_nodeid, 0); } if (($status_old == $STATUS['TEMP_UNAVAILABLE'] || $status_old == $STATUS['ARCHIVED'] || $status_old == $STATUS['BLOCKED']) && $status == $STATUS['READY']) { // generate automatic log about status cache $log_text = tr('ready_to_search'); $log_uuid = create_uuid(); sql("INSERT INTO `cache_logs` (`id`, `cache_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `date`, `text`, `text_html`, `text_htmledit`, `date_created`, `last_modified`, `uuid`, `node`,`encrypt`)\n VALUES ('', '&1', '&2', '&3', NOW(), '&4', '&5', '&6', NOW(), NOW(), '&7', '&8','&9')", $cache_id, $usr['userid'], 10, $log_text, 0, 0, $log_uuid, $oc_nodeid, 0); } if (($status_old == $STATUS['READY'] || $status_old == $STATUS['TEMP_UNAVAILABLE'] || $status_old == $STATUS['ARCHIVED']) && $status == $STATUS['BLOCKED']) { // generate automatic log about status cache $log_text = tr('blocked_by_octeam'); $log_uuid = create_uuid(); sql("INSERT INTO `cache_logs` (`id`, `cache_id`, `user_id`, `type`, `date`, `text`, `text_html`, `text_htmledit`, `date_created`, `last_modified`, `uuid`, `node`,`encrypt`)\n VALUES ('', '&1', '&2', '&3', NOW(), '&4', '&5', '&6', NOW(), NOW(), '&7', '&8','&9')", $cache_id, $usr['userid'], 12, $log_text, 0, 0, $log_uuid, $oc_nodeid, 0); } //display cache-page tpl_redirect('viewcache.php?cacheid=' . urlencode($cache_id)); exit; } } elseif (isset($_POST['show_all_countries_submit'])) { $show_all_countries = 1; } //here we only set up the template variables //build countrylist $countriesoptions = ''; //check if selected country is in list_default if ($show_all_countries == 0) { $rs = sql("SELECT `short` FROM `countries` WHERE (`list_default_" . sql_escape($lang) . "`=1) AND (lower(`short`) = lower('&1'))", $cache_country);
//foreach(array($oldOwnerId, $usr['userid']) as $key => $user_id){ // $params = array(); // $params['user_id']['value'] = $user_id; // $params['user_id']['data_type'] = 'string'; // $db->paramQuery($sql, $params); //} // put log into cache logs. if ($isCachePublished) { $logMessage = tr('adopt_32'); $oldUserName = '******' . $absolute_server_URI . 'viewprofile.php?userid=' . $oldOwnerId . '">' . getUsername($oldOwnerId) . '</a> '; $newUserName = '******' . $absolute_server_URI . 'viewprofile.php?userid=' . $usr['userid'] . '">' . getUsername($usr['userid']) . '</a>'; $logMessage = str_replace('{oldUserName}', $oldUserName, $logMessage); $logMessage = str_replace('{newUserName}', $newUserName, $logMessage); $sql = 'INSERT INTO cache_logs(cache_id, user_id, type, date, text, text_html, text_htmledit, date_created, last_modified, uuid, node) VALUES (:1, -1, 3, NOW(), :2, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW(), :3, :4)'; $db->multiVariableQuery($sql, $_GET['cacheid'], $logMessage, create_uuid(), $oc_nodeid); } $db->commit(); $message = tr('adopt_15'); $message = str_replace('{cacheName}', getCacheName($_GET['cacheid']), $message); tpl_set_var('error_msg', $message . '<br /><br />'); tpl_set_var("error_msg", ""); $mailContent = tr('adopt_31'); $mailContent = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $mailContent); $mailContent = str_replace('{userName}', $usr['username'], $mailContent); $mailContent = str_replace('{cacheName}', getCacheName($_GET['cacheid']), $mailContent); mb_send_mail_2(getUserEmail($oldOwnerId), tr('adopt_18'), $mailContent, emailHeaders()); } } if (isset($_GET['accept']) && $_GET['accept'] == 0) { // odrzucenie zmiany