public static final function create_textarea($enablewysiwyg, $id, $name, $text, $cols = '80', $rows = '15', $addtext = '', $required = false) { if ($required) { $addtext .= ' required="required"'; } return create_textarea($enablewysiwyg, $text, $id . $name, 'cms_textarea', $name, '', '', $cols, $rows, '', '', $addtext); }
function EditAsArray($adding = false, $tab = 0, $showadmin = false) { global $gCms; $config = $gCms->config; $contentops =& $gCms->GetContentOperations(); $templateops =& $gCms->GetTemplateOperations(); $ret = array(); switch ($tab) { case 0: array_push($ret, array(lang('title') . ':', '<input type="text" name="title" value="' . $this->mName . '">')); array_push($ret, array(lang('menutext') . ':', '<input type="text" name="menutext" value="' . $this->mMenuText . '">')); array_push($ret, array(lang('parent') . ':', $contentops->CreateHierarchyDropdown($this->mId, $this->mParentId))); array_push($ret, array(lang('template') . ':', $templateops->TemplateDropdown('template_id', $this->mTemplateId))); array_push($ret, array($this->Lang('multiplealbumtemplate') . ':', $this->TemplateDropdown('album_template', $this->GetPropertyValue('album_template')))); array_push($ret, array($this->Lang('Albums') . ':', $this->AlbumsSelect('albums', $this->GetPropertyValue('albums')))); break; case 1: array_push($ret, array(lang('pagealias') . ':', '<input type="text" name="alias" value="' . $this->mAlias . '">')); array_push($ret, array(lang('active') . ':', '<input type="checkbox" name="active"' . ($this->mActive ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '>')); array_push($ret, array(lang('showinmenu') . ':', '<input type="checkbox" name="showinmenu"' . ($this->mShowInMenu ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '>')); array_push($ret, array(lang('metadata') . ':', create_textarea(false, $this->Metadata(), 'metadata', 'pagesmalltextarea', 'metadata', '', '', '80', '6'))); array_push($ret, array(lang('titleattribute') . ':', '<input type="text" name="titleattribute" maxlength="255" value="' . cms_htmlentities($this->mTitleAttribute) . '" />')); array_push($ret, array(lang('tabindex') . ':', '<input type="text" name="tabindex" maxlength="10" value="' . cms_htmlentities($this->mTabIndex) . '" />')); array_push($ret, array(lang('accesskey') . ':', '<input type="text" name="accesskey" maxlength="5" value="' . cms_htmlentities($this->mAccessKey) . '" />')); if (!$adding && $showadmin) { global $gCms; $userops =& $gCms->GetUserOperations(); $ret[] = array(lang('owner') . ':', $userops->GenerateDropdown($this->Owner())); } } return $ret; }
public function GetBlockInput() { if (!$this->GetBlockProperty('oneline')) { return create_textarea($this->GetBlockProperty('usewysiwyg'), $this->content_obj->GetPropertyValue($this->GetBlockProperty('id')), $this->GetBlockProperty('id'), $this->GetBlockProperty('auto_resize') ? 'AdvancedContent_textarea' : '', $this->GetBlockProperty('id'), '', $this->content_obj->GetStylesheet(), $this->GetBlockProperty('cols') ? $this->GetBlockProperty('cols') : 80, $this->GetBlockProperty('rows') ? $this->GetBlockProperty('rows') : 15, '', '', $this->GetBlockProperty('cols') || $this->GetBlockProperty('rows') ? 'style="' . ($this->GetBlockProperty('cols') ? 'width:auto;' : '') . ($this->GetBlockProperty('rows') ? 'height:auto;' : '') . '"' : ''); } else { return '<input id="' . $this->GetBlockProperty('id') . '" type="text"' . ($this->GetBlockProperty('style') != '' ? 'style="' . $this->GetBlockProperty('style') . ' "' : '') . ($this->GetBlockProperty('maxlength') != '' ? ' maxlength="' . $this->GetBlockProperty('maxlength') . ' "' : '') . ($this->GetBlockProperty('size') != '' ? ' size="' . $this->GetBlockProperty('size') . ' "' : '') . ' name="' . $this->GetBlockProperty('id') . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->content_obj->GetPropertyValue($this->GetBlockProperty('id'))) . '" />'; } }
<div id="editab1"><?php echo lang('mediatype'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="clearb"></div> <div id="page_content"> <div id="editab0_c"> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('media_query'); ?> :<br/> <div class="pageinput"> <?php echo create_textarea(false, $media_query, 'media_query', 'pageextrasmalltextarea', 'media_query', '', '', '30', '5', '', ''); ?> <br/><?php echo lang('media_query_description'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div id="editab1_c"> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('mediatype'); ?> :</p> <div class="pageinput"> <?php
public static function cge_wysiwyg($params, &$smarty) { if (!isset($params['name'])) { throw new Exceptin('cge_wysiwyg missing parameter: name'); } $name = trim($params['name']); if (isset($params['prefix'])) { $name = trim($params['prefix']) . $name; } $value = ''; if (isset($params['value'])) { $value = trim($params['value']); } $id = ''; if (isset($params['id'])) { $id = trim($params['id']); } $rows = 15; $cols = 80; if (isset($params['rows'])) { $rows = (int) $params['rows']; } if (isset($params['cols'])) { $rows = (int) $params['cols']; } $tmp = create_textarea(true, $value, $name, '', $id, '', '', $cols, $rows); if (isset($params['assign'])) { $smarty->assign($params['assign'], $tmp); return; } return $tmp; }
$smarty->assign('active_sitedown', 0); $smarty->assign('active_setup', 0); $smarty->assign('active_general', $active_tab == 'general' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('active_sitedown', $active_tab == 'sitedown' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('active_setup', $active_tab == 'setup' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('SECURE_PARAM_NAME', CMS_SECURE_PARAM_NAME); $smarty->assign('CMS_USER_KEY', $_SESSION[CMS_USER_KEY]); $smarty->assign('sitename', $sitename); $smarty->assign('global_umask', $global_umask); $smarty->assign('testresults', $testresults); $smarty->assign('frontendlang', $frontendlang); $smarty->assign('frontendwysiwyg', $frontendwysiwyg); $smarty->assign('nogcbwysiwyg', $nogcbwysiwyg); $smarty->assign('metadata', $metadata); $smarty->assign('enablesitedownmessage', $enablesitedownmessage); $smarty->assign('textarea_sitedownmessage', create_textarea(true, $sitedownmessage, 'sitedownmessage', 'pagesmalltextarea')); $smarty->assign('urlcheckversion', $urlcheckversion); $smarty->assign('clear_vc_cache', $clear_vc_cache); $smarty->assign('disablesafemodewarning', $disablesafemodewarning); $smarty->assign('allowparamcheckwarnings', $allowparamcheckwarnings); $smarty->assign('defaultdateformat', $defaultdateformat); $smarty->assign('enablenotifications', $enablenotifications); $smarty->assign('sitedownexcludes', $sitedownexcludes); $smarty->assign('basic_attributes', explode(',', $basic_attributes)); $smarty->assign('thumbnail_width', $thumbnail_width); $smarty->assign('thumbnail_height', $thumbnail_height); $smarty->assign('auto_clear_cache_age', $auto_clear_cache_age); $smarty->assign('pseudocron_granularity', $pseudocron_granularity); $tmp = array(15 => lang('cron_15m'), 30 => lang('cron_30m'), 60 => lang('cron_60m'), 120 => lang('cron_120m'), 180 => lang('cron_3h'), 360 => lang('cron_6h'), 12 * 60 => lang('cron_12h'), 24 * 60 => lang('cron_24h'), -1 => lang('cron_request')); $smarty->assign('pseudocron_options', $tmp); $smarty->assign('lang_pseudocron_granularity', lang('pseudocron_granularity'));
echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /></p> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext">*<?php echo lang('content'); ?> :</p> <p class="pageinput"><?php echo create_textarea($gcb_wysiwyg && $use_wysiwyg, $content, 'content', 'wysiwyg', 'content'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('description'); ?> :</p> <p class="pageinput"><textarea name="description"><?php echo $description; ?> </textarea></p> </div> <?php
$smarty->assign('active_listcontent', $active_tab == 'listcontent' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('active_editcontent', $active_tab == 'editcontent' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('active_sitedown', $active_tab == 'sitedown' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('active_setup', $active_tab == 'setup' ? 1 : 0); $smarty->assign('SECURE_PARAM_NAME', CMS_SECURE_PARAM_NAME); $smarty->assign('CMS_USER_KEY', $_SESSION[CMS_USER_KEY]); $smarty->assign('sitename', $sitename); $smarty->assign('global_umask', $global_umask); $smarty->assign('testresults', $testresults); $smarty->assign('frontendlang', $frontendlang); $smarty->assign('frontendwysiwyg', $frontendwysiwyg); $smarty->assign('nogcbwysiwyg', $nogcbwysiwyg); $smarty->assign('metadata', $metadata); $smarty->assign('enablesitedownmessage', $enablesitedownmessage); $smarty->assign('use_wysiwyg', $use_wysiwyg); $smarty->assign('textarea_sitedownmessage', create_textarea($use_wysiwyg, $sitedownmessage, 'sitedownmessage', 'pagesmalltextarea')); $smarty->assign('checkversion', $checkversion); $smarty->assign('disablesafemodewarning', $disablesafemodewarning); $smarty->assign('defaultdateformat', $defaultdateformat); $smarty->assign('enablenotifications', $enablenotifications); $smarty->assign('sitedownexcludes', $sitedownexcludes); $smarty->assign('sitedownexcludeadmins', $sitedownexcludeadmins); $smarty->assign('basic_attributes', explode(',', $basic_attributes)); $smarty->assign('disallowed_contenttypes', explode(',', $disallowed_contenttypes)); $smarty->assign('thumbnail_width', $thumbnail_width); $smarty->assign('thumbnail_height', $thumbnail_height); $smarty->assign('allow_browser_cache', $allow_browser_cache); $smarty->assign('browser_cache_expiry', $browser_cache_expiry); $smarty->assign('auto_clear_cache_age', $auto_clear_cache_age); $smarty->assign('pseudocron_granularity', $pseudocron_granularity); $smarty->assign('listcontent_showalias', $listcontent_showalias);
echo lang('name'); ?> :</p> <p class="pageinput"><input type="text" id="plugin_name" name="plugin_name" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $plugin_name; ?> " /></p> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext">*<?php echo lang('code'); ?> </p> <p class="pageinput"> <?php echo create_textarea(false, $code, 'code', 'pagebigtextarea', 'code', '', '', '80', '15', '', 'php'); ?> </p> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"> </p> <p class="pageinput"> <input type="hidden" name="userplugin_id" value="<?php echo $userplugin_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="origpluginname" name="origpluginname" value="<?php echo $orig_plugin_name; ?> " />
/** * A smarty plugin to provide a text area */ public static function smarty_function_cge_textarea($params, $smarty) { $name = ''; $wysiwyg = false; $syntax = false; $content = ''; $class = ''; $id = ''; $rows = 10; $cols = 80; $required = false; if (isset($params['prefix'])) { $name = trim($params['prefix']); } if (isset($params['name'])) { $name .= trim($params['name']); } if (isset($params['wysiwyg'])) { $wysiwyg = cge_utils::to_bool(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'wysiwyg')); } if (isset($params['syntax'])) { $syntax = cge_utils::to_bool(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'syntax')); } if (isset($params['required'])) { $required = cge_utils::to_bool(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'required')); } if (isset($params['value'])) { $content = $params['value']; } if (isset($params['content'])) { $content = $params['content']; } if (isset($params['class'])) { $class = trim($params['class']); } if ($name == '') { return; } if ($wysiwyg) { $syntax = false; } // no syntax and wysiwyg at the same time. $id = trim(cge_utils::get_param($params, 'id', $id)); $rows = (int) cge_utils::get_param($params, 'rows', $rows); $rows = max(1, $rows); $cols = (int) cge_utils::get_param($params, 'cols', $cols); $cols = max(1, $cols); $addtext = ''; if (isset($params['required'])) { $required = cge_utils::to_bool($params['required']); if ($required && !$wysiwyg) { $addtext .= ' required'; } } if ($ph = cge_utils::get_param($params, 'placeholder')) { $addtext .= ' placeholder="' . $ph . '"'; } if ($maxlen = (int) cge_utils::get_param($params, 'maxlength')) { $addtext .= ' placeholder="' . $maxlen . '"'; } $output = create_textarea($wysiwyg, $content, $name, $class, $id, '', '', $cols, $rows, '', $syntax, $addtext); if (isset($params['assign'])) { $smarty->assign(trim($params['assign']), $output); return; } return $output; }
<p class="pagetext">*<?php echo lang('code'); ?> </p> <div class="pageinput"><?php echo create_textarea(false, $code, 'code', 'pagebigtextarea', 'code', '', '', '80', '15', '', 'php'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('description'); ?> </p> <div class="pageinput"><?php echo create_textarea(false, $description, 'description', 'pagebigtextarea', 'description', '', '', '80', '15'); ?> </div> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"> </p> <div class="pageinput"> <input type="hidden" name="userplugin_id" value="<?php echo $userplugin_id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" id="origpluginname" name="origpluginname" value="<?php echo $orig_plugin_name; ?> " />
public static function DisplayAttributes(&$content_obj, $one, $adding) { switch ($one) { case 'template': $templateops =& cmsms()->GetTemplateOperations(); return array(lang('template') . ':', $templateops->TemplateDropdown('template_id', $content_obj->TemplateId(), 'onchange="document.Edit_Content.submit()"')); case 'pagemetadata': return array(lang('page_metadata') . ':', create_textarea(false, $content_obj->Metadata(), 'metadata', 'pagesmalltextarea', 'metadata', '', '', '80', '6')); case 'pagedata': return array(lang('pagedata_codeblock') . ':', create_textarea(false, $content_obj->GetPropertyValue('pagedata'), 'pagedata', 'pagesmalltextarea', 'pagedata', '', '', '80', '6')); case 'searchable': $searchable = $content_obj->GetPropertyValue('searchable'); if ($searchable == '') { $searchable = 1; } return array(lang('searchable') . ':', '<div class="hidden" ><input type="hidden" name="searchable" value="0" /></div> <input type="checkbox" name="searchable" value="1" ' . ($searchable == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />'); case 'disable_wysiwyg': $disableWysiwyg = $content_obj->GetPropertyValue('disable_wysiwyg'); if ($disableWysiwyg == '') { $disableWysiwyg = 0; } return array(lang('disable_wysiwyg') . ':', '<div class="hidden" ><input type="hidden" name="disable_wysiwyg" value="0" /></div> <input type="checkbox" name="disable_wysiwyg" value="1" ' . ($disableWysiwyg == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' onclick="this.form.submit()" />'); default: return false; } }
/** * Returns the xhtml equivalent of a textarea. Also takes Syntax hilighter preference * into consideration if it's called from the admin side. * * @param string The id given to the module on execution * @param string The text to display in the textarea's content * @param string The html name of the textarea * @param string The CSS class to associate this textarea to * @param string The html id to give to this textarea * @param string The encoding to use for the content * @param string The text of the stylesheet associated to this content. Only used for certain WYSIWYGs * @param string The number of characters wide (columns) the resulting textarea should be * @param string The number of characters high (rows) the resulting textarea should be * @param string Additional text for the text area tag. * @return string */ function CreateSyntaxArea($id, $text, $name, $classname = '', $htmlid = '', $encoding = '', $stylesheet = '', $cols = '80', $rows = '15', $addtext = '') { return create_textarea(false, $text, $id . $name, $classname, $htmlid, $encoding, $stylesheet, $cols, $rows, '', 'html', $addtext); }
function display_single_element($one, $adding) { switch ($one) { case 'template': $templateops =& cmsms()->GetTemplateOperations(); return array(lang('template') . ':', $templateops->TemplateDropdown('template_id', $this->mTemplateId, 'onchange="document.Edit_Content.submit()"')); case 'pagemetadata': return array(lang('page_metadata') . ':', create_textarea(false, $this->mMetadata, 'metadata', 'pagesmalltextarea', 'metadata', '', '', '80', '6')); case 'pagedata': return array(lang('pagedata_codeblock') . ':', create_textarea(false, $this->GetPropertyValue('pagedata'), 'pagedata', 'pagesmalltextarea', 'pagedata', '', '', '80', '6')); case 'searchable': $searchable = $this->GetPropertyValue('searchable'); if ($searchable == '') { $searchable = 1; } return array(lang('searchable') . ':', '<div class="hidden" ><input type="hidden" name="searchable" value="0" /></div> <input type="checkbox" name="searchable" value="1" ' . ($searchable == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' />'); case 'disable_wysiwyg': $disableWysiwyg = $this->GetPropertyValue('disable_wysiwyg'); if ($disableWysiwyg == '') { $disableWysiwyg = 0; } return array(lang('disable_wysiwyg') . ':', '<div class="hidden" ><input type="hidden" name="disable_wysiwyg" value="0" /></div> <input type="checkbox" name="disable_wysiwyg" value="1" ' . ($disableWysiwyg == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . ' onclick="this.form.submit()" />'); default: if (!in_array($one, $this->_advancedAttribs)) { return parent::display_single_element($one, $adding); # ToDo: here we can hook in to add MLE features for title and menutext etc.) } break; } }
echo lang('name'); ?> :</p> <p class="pageinput"><input type="text" class="name" name="css_name" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $css_name; ?> " /></p> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext">*<?php echo lang('content'); ?> :</p> <p class="pageinput"> <?php echo create_textarea(false, $css_text, 'css_text', 'pagebigtextarea', 'css_text', '', '', '80', '15', '', 'css'); ?> <!-- <textarea class="pagebigtextarea" name="css_text" cols="" rows=""><_?php echo $css_text?></textarea> --> </p> </div> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('mediatype'); ?> :</p> <div class="pageinput"> <?php $existingtypes = array("all", "aural", "braille", "embossed", "handheld", "print", "projection", "screen", "tty", "tv"); $types = ""; $types .= "<fieldset style=\"width:60em;\">\n"; $types .= "<legend>Media type</legend>\n";
return; } if (FALSE == empty($_GET['message'])) { echo $themeObject->ShowMessage(lang($_GET['message'])); } $output = ''; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { @ob_start(); $params = array(); $res = $usertagops->CallUserTag($usertag['userplugin_name'], $params); $tmp = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); if ($tmp) { $output = $tmp; } else { $output = $res; } } $hidden = '<input type="hidden" name="' . CMS_SECURE_PARAM_NAME . '" value="' . $_SESSION[CMS_USER_KEY] . '"/>'; $hidden .= '<input type="hidden" name="userplugin_id" value="' . $udt_id . '"/>'; $smarty->assign('hidden', $hidden); if ($output) { $smarty->assign('output', $output); } $smarty->assign('udt_name', $usertag['userplugin_name']); $usertagops = $gCms->GetUserTagOperations(); $smarty->assign('code', create_textarea(false, $usertag['code'], 'code', 'pagebigtextarea', 'code', '', '', '80', '15', '', 'php', 'readonly="readonly"')); echo $smarty->fetch('runuserplugin.tpl'); echo '<p class="pageback"><a class="pageback" href="' . $themeObject->BackUrl() . '">« ' . lang('back') . '</a></p>' . "\n"; include_once "footer.php"; # vim:ts=4 sw=4 noet
private function _display_text_block($blockInfo, $value, $adding) { $ret = ''; $oneline = isset($blockInfo['oneline']) && cms_to_bool($blockInfo['oneline']); if ($oneline) { $size = isset($blockInfo['size']) ? $blockInfo['size'] : 50; $maxlength = isset($blockInfo['maxlength']) ? $blockInfo['maxlength'] : 255; $ret = '<input type="text" size="' . $size . '" maxlength="' . $maxlength . '" name="' . $blockInfo['id'] . '" value="' . cms_htmlentities($value, ENT_NOQUOTES, get_encoding('')) . '" />'; } else { $block_wysiwyg = true; $hide_wysiwyg = $this->GetPropertyValue('disable_wysiwyg'); if ($hide_wysiwyg) { $block_wysiwyg = false; } else { $block_wysiwyg = $blockInfo['usewysiwyg'] == 'false' ? false : true; } $ret = create_textarea($block_wysiwyg, $value, $blockInfo['id'], '', $blockInfo['id'], '', $this->stylesheet); } return $ret; }
:</p> <div class="pageinput"><?php echo create_textarea(false, $content, 'content', 'pagebigtextarea', 'content', $encoding, '', '80', '15', '', 'html'); ?> </div> </div> <?php if ($templateops->StylesheetsUsed() > 0) { ?> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('stylesheet'); ?> :</p> <div class="pageinput"><?php echo create_textarea(false, $stylesheet, 'stylesheet', 'pagebigtextarea', '', $encoding, '', '80', '15', '', 'css'); ?> </div> </div> <?php } if ($default == 0) { ?> <div class="pageoverflow"> <p class="pagetext"><?php echo lang('active'); ?> :</p> <div class="pageinput"><input class="pagecheckbox" type="checkbox" name="active" <?php echo $active == 1 ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?>
function block2_text() { create_textarea('block2_text', 'Topic introduction blurb.'); }