function validate_form($fields) { $errors = false; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) { echo $key . " Required" . "<br />"; array_push($errors, $key); $errors = true; } } if ($errors) { echo 'create form'; create_form(); } else { $recipient = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = 'Site Submission'; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n"; $body = $GLOBALS['report']; if (mail($recipient, $subject, $body)) { success(); } } }
$container = create_container('alliance_treaties_processing.php', ''); $container['alliance_id'] = $alliance->getAllianceID(); $container['alliance_id_1'] = $db->getField('alliance_id_1'); $container['aa'] = $db->getField('aa_access'); $container['alliance_name'] = $temp[$db->getField('alliance_id_1')]; $container['accept'] = true; $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_button($container, 'Accept'); $container['accept'] = false; $PHP_OUTPUT .= ' '; $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_button($container, 'Reject'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<br /><br />'; } $template->assign('PageTopic', 'Offer A Treaty'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'Select the alliance you wish to offer a treaty.<br /><small>Note: Treaties require 24 hours to be canceled once in effect</small><br />'; $container = create_container('skeleton.php', 'alliance_treaties_processing.php'); $container['alliance_id'] = $alliance->getAllianceID(); $form = create_form($container, 'Send the Offer'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<select name="proposedAlliance" id="InputFields">'; foreach ($temp as $allId => $allName) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="' . $allId . '">' . $allName . '</option>'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</select'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<br />Choose the treaty terms<br />'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_table(); foreach ($types as $checkName => $displayInfo) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><td>' . $displayInfo[0] . '<br /><small>' . $displayInfo[1] . '</small></td><td><input type="checkbox" name="' . $checkName . '"></td></tr>'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><td colspan="2">'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</td></tr></table></form></div>';
<a href="editpics.php?album={$CLEAN['album']}" class="admin_menu">{$lang_modifyalb_php['edit_files']}</a> - <a href="index.php?cat={$ALBUM_DATA['category']}" class="admin_menu">{$lang_modifyalb_php['parent_category']}</a> - <a href="thumbnails.php?album={$CLEAN['album']}" class="admin_menu">{$lang_modifyalb_php['thumbnail_view']}</a> </td> <td class="tableh2" align="right"> {$album_lb} </td> </tr> <form method="post" name="modifyalbum" id="cpgform" action="db_input.php"> <input type="hidden" name="event" value="album_update" /> <input type="hidden" name="aid" value="{$CLEAN['album']}" /> EOT; create_form($data); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" class="tablef"> EOT; if (GALLERY_ADMIN_MODE) { printf($lang_modifyalb_php['notice1'], '<a href="groupmgr.php">', '</a>'); } else { printf($lang_modifyalb_php['notice1'], '', ''); } echo <<<EOT </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" class="tablef"> <input type="submit" class="button" value="{$lang_modifyalb_php['update']}" />
} } } } pageheader($lang_minicms['minicms']); msg_box($lang_minicms['minicms'], $lang_minicms['page_success'], $lang_common['continue'], 'index.php'); } pagefooter(); exit; } pageheader($lang_minicms['minicms']); $signature = 'Coppermine Photo Gallery ' . COPPERMINE_VERSION . ' (' . COPPERMINE_VERSION_STATUS . ')'; //echo "<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<form action=\"" . $CPG_PHP_SELF . '?file=minicms/cms_config' . "\" method=\"post\">"; starttable('100%', "{$lang_minicms['minicms']} - {$signature}", 2); create_form($lang_minicms_config); echo '</table></td></tr>'; echo <<<EOT <tr> <td align="left" class="tablef"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="67%" align="center"> <input type="submit" class="button" name="update_config" value="{$lang_common['continue']}" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> EOT;
<html> <head> <title>XML demo 3: RSS News Viewer</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/baseA.css" /> </head> <body> <?php $feeds = array('', '', '', '', ''); print_r($_GET); ?> <h1>RSS Feeds</h1> <?php create_form($feeds, "feed"); if (isset($_GET['getfeed'])) { handle_form($_GET['feed']); } ?> </body> </html> <?php function handle_form($myfeed) { $rss = simplexml_load_file($myfeed); $title = $rss->channel->title; echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>"; # I would like to do this: # foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) { # or this: # foreach ($rss->item as $item) { # but which one depends on the rss version in use. $items = $rss->channel->item;
$PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<table class="standard"><tr><th>Option</th><th>Name</th><th>Game ID</th>'; while ($db->nextRecord()) { $row = $db->getRow(); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="center shrink"><input type="checkbox" name="entry_ids[]" value="' . $row['entry_id'] . '"></td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $row['player_name'] . '</td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $row['game_id'] . '</td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</table><br />'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form><br />'; } else { $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'You are currently accepting all communications.<br />'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<br /><h2>Blacklist Player</h2><br />'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'message_blacklist_add.php'; $form = create_form($container, 'Blacklist'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nobord nohpad"> <tr> <td class="top">Name: </td> <td class="mb"><input type="text" name="PlayerName" size="30"></td> </tr> </table><br /> '; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
while ($db->nextRecord()) { $row = $db->getRow(); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td class="center shrink"><input type="checkbox" name="word_ids[]" value="' . $row['word_id'] . '"></td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $row['word_value'] . '</td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td>' . $row['word_replacement'] . '</td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</table><br />'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form><br />'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<h2>Add Word To Filter</h2><br />'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'word_filter_add.php'; $form = create_form($container, 'Add'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nobord nohpad"> <tr> <td class="top">Word: </td> <td class="mb"><input type="text" name="Word" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="top">Replacement: </td> <td class="mb"><input type="text" name="WordReplacement" size="30"></td> </tr> </table><br /> '; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
<?php $template->assign('PageTopic', 'Create Alliance'); $container = create_container('alliance_create_processing.php'); $form = create_form($container, 'Create'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nobord nohpad"> <tr> <td class="top">Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="name" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="top">Description: </td> <td><textarea spellcheck="true" name="description"></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="top">Password:</td> <td><input type="password" name="password" size="30"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="top">Members start with:</td> <td>No permissions<input type="radio" name="Perms" value="none"><br /> Basic permissions<input type="radio" name="Perms" value="basic" checked><br /> Full permissions<input type="radio" name="Perms" value="full"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="top">Recruiting:</td> <td>Yes<input type="radio" name="recruit" value="yes" checked><br /> No<input type="radio" name="recruit" value="no">
<?php include 'form.php'; include 'config.php'; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $fname = get("fname"); $mname = get("mname"); $lname = get("lname"); $residence = get('residence'); $parish_affiliation = get('affiliation'); $affiliation = get('affiliate'); $sex = 'male'; alert($parish_affiliation); } else { $fname = input_form("Firstname", "fname", "text"); $mname = input_form("Middlename", "mname", "text"); $lname = input_form("Lastname", "lname", "text"); $residence = input_form("Residence", "residence", "area"); $parish_affiliation = multi("Affiliation", "affiliation", array("Our Lady of Assumption Parish", "Guest"), array("home", "other"), "radio"); $affiliation = input_form("Affiliation", "affiliate", "text"); $submit = input_form("Submit", "submit", "submit"); $form1 = create_form($fname . "" . $mname . "" . $lname . "" . $parish_affiliation . "" . $affiliation . "" . $residence . "" . $submit); $card = create_card("Register New Minister", "{$form1}"); $content = $card; newpage($content); }
echo $roles[$role_id]; } echo '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } echo '</table>'; echo '</div>'; if ($player->alliance_id == 0) { // Newbie alliance is unlimited members, * means no new members allowed if (($member_count < 30 || $alliance_id == 302) && $password != "*") { echo '<br>'; $container = array(); $container["url"] = "alliance_join_processing.php"; $container["alliance_id"] = $alliance_id; $form = create_form($container, 'Join'); echo $form['form']; echo 'Enter password to join alliance<br><br>'; echo '<input type="password" name="password" size="30"> '; echo $form['submit']; echo '</form>'; } } if ($alliance_id == $player->alliance_id) { echo '<br><h2>Options</h2><br>'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'skeleton.php'; $container['body'] = 'alliance_roster.php'; if (!isset($var['action']) || $var['action'] == 'Hide Alliance Roles') { $container['action'] = 'Show Alliance Roles'; print_button($container, 'Show Alliance Roles');
account_id, player_id, player_name, last_active FROM player WHERE game_id=' . SmrSession::$game_id . ' AND alliance_id=' . $player->alliance_id . ' AND account_id<>' . SmrSession::$old_account_id . ' ORDER BY last_active DESC '); echo '<div align="center">'; if ($db->nf() != 0) { $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'alliance_remove_member_processing.php'; $container['body'] = ''; $form = create_form($container, 'Banish \'em!'); echo $form['form']; echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="standard inset"><th>Trader Name</th><th>Last Online</th><th>Action</th>'; while ($db->next_record()) { // we won't exile ourself! if ($player->account_id != $account_id) { // get the amount of time since last_active $diff = time() - $db->f('last_active'); if ($diff > 864000) { $diff = 864000; } // green if ($diff < 432000) { // scale it down to 255 $dec = round($diff / 1694); // make it hex and add leading zero if necessary
<td><input type="text" size="5" name="from" maxlength="5" class="center" value="'; echo $player->sector_id; echo '"></td> <td> To: </td> <td><input type="text" size="5" name="to" maxlength="5" class="center"></td> <td> '; echo $form['submit']; echo ' </td> </tr> </table> </form>'; if (!empty($ship->hardware[HARDWARE_JUMP])) { $container = array(); $container["url"] = "sector_jump_processing.php"; $container["target_page"] = "current_sector.php"; $form = create_form($container, 'Engage Jump (15)'); echo $form['form']; echo ' <br> <h2>Jumpdrive</h2><br> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nobord nohpad"> <tr> <td>Jump To: </td> <td><input type="text" size="5" name="to" maxlength="5" class="center"></td> <td> '; echo $form['submit']; echo ' </td> </tr> </table> </form>';
$template->assign('PageTopic', $alliance->getAllianceName() . ' (' . $alliance->getAllianceID() . ')'); require_once get_file_loc(''); create_alliance_menu($alliance->getAllianceID(), $alliance->getLeaderID()); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<h2>Exemption Requests</h2><br />'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'Selecting a box will authorize it, leaving a box unselected will make it unauthorized after you submit.<br />'; //get rid of already approved entries $db->query('UPDATE alliance_bank_transactions SET request_exempt = 0 WHERE exempt = 1'); //build player array $db->query('SELECT * FROM player WHERE alliance_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance->getAllianceID()) . ' AND game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance->getGameID())); while ($db->nextRecord()) { $players[$db->getInt('account_id')] = $db->getField('player_name'); } $db->query('SELECT * FROM alliance_bank_transactions WHERE request_exempt = 1 ' . 'AND alliance_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance->getAllianceID()) . ' AND game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance->getGameID()) . ' AND exempt = 0'); if ($db->getNumRows()) { $container = create_container('bank_alliance_exempt_processing.php'); $form = create_form($container, 'Make Exempt'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= create_table(); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><th>Player Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Reason</th><th>Amount</th><th>Approve</th></tr>'; while ($db->nextRecord()) { $trans = $db->getField('transaction') == 'Payment' ? 'Withdraw' : 'Deposit'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><td>' . $players[$db->getInt('payee_id')] . '</td><td>' . $trans . '</td><td>' . $db->getField('reason') . '</td><td>' . number_format($db->getInt('amount')) . '</td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<td><input type="checkbox" name="exempt[' . $db->getField('transaction_id') . ']"></td>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</tr>'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</table>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<div align="center">'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</div></form>'; } else { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<div align="center">Nothing to authorize.</div>';
$result = cpg_db_query("SELECT max(priority) FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_SHOP_CONFIG']}"); $temp = mysql_fetch_row($result); $priority = is_numeric($temp[0]) ? ++$temp[0] : 0; mysql_free_result($result); cpg_db_query("INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_SHOP_CONFIG']} (priority) VALUES ('{$priority}')"); photoshop_refresh($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_config'); } elseif (isset($_POST['apply_modifs'])) { photoshop_process_post_data(); } } pageheader($lang_photoshop_config['title']); $signature = 'Coppermine Photo Gallery ' . COPPERMINE_VERSION . ' (' . COPPERMINE_VERSION_STATUS . ')'; //config start echo "<form action=\"index.php?file=photo_shop/photo_shop_config\" method=\"post\">"; starttable('100%', "{$lang_photoshop_config['title']} - {$signature}", 3); create_form($lang_photoshop_admin_data); echo '</table></td></tr>'; echo <<<EOT <tr> <td align="left" class="tablef"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center"> <input type="submit" class="button" name="update_config" value="{$lang_admin_php['save_cfg']}" /> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> EOT; endtable();
if (strpos($sql_query[$i], '_config') || strpos($sql_query[$i], '_filetypes')) { db_query($sql_query[$i]); } } } pageheader($lang_config_php['title']); msg_box($lang_config_php['info'], $lang_config_php['restore_success'], $lang_continue, $PHP_SELF); pagefooter(); } pageheader($lang_config_php['title']); $signature = 'Coppermine Photo Gallery ' . COPPERMINE_VERSION; starttable('100%', "{$lang_config_php['title']} - {$signature}", 2); echo <<<EOT <form action="{$PHP_SELF}" method="post"> EOT; create_form($lang_config_data); echo <<<EOT <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center" class="tablef"> <input type="submit" class="button" name="update_config" value="{$lang_config_php['save_cfg']}"> <input type="submit" class="button" name="restore_config" value="{$lang_config_php['restore_cfg']}"> </td> </form> </tr> EOT; endtable(); pagefooter(); ob_end_flush();
function mynewtheme_admin() { global $themename, $shortname, $options, $spawned_options, $theme_name; if ($_REQUEST['saved']) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . $themename . ' settings saved for this page.</strong></p></div>'; } if ($_REQUEST['reset_all']) { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . $themename . ' settings reset.</strong></p></div>'; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Settings for <?php echo $themename; ?> </h2> <div class="mnt-options"> <?php create_form($options); ?> </div><!-- mnt-options --> </div><!-- wrap --> <?php }
if ($db->f('transaction') == 'Deposit') { print number_format($db->f('amount')); } else { echo ' '; } echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '<tr>'; echo '<th colspan="4" class="right">Ending Balance</th><td class="bold shrink right">'; echo number_format($balance); echo '</td></tr></table></div>'; } else { echo '<br>No transactions have been made on this account.<br>'; } echo '<br>'; echo '<h2>Make transaction</h2><br>'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'bank_anon_processing.php'; $container['password'] = $password; $container['account_num'] = $account_num; $actions = array(); $actions[] = array('Deposit', 'Deposit'); $actions[] = array('Withdraw', 'Withdraw'); $form = create_form($container, $actions); echo $form['form']; echo 'Amount: <input type="text" name="amount" size="10" value="0"><br><br>'; echo $form['submit']['Deposit']; echo ' '; echo $form['submit']['Withdraw']; echo '</form>'; }
function class_form_creator_form_submit($data) { if (count($data['type']) < 1) { natural_set_message('Please select at least one type and try again!', 'error'); exit(0); } foreach ($data['type'] as $k => $v) { if ($v == 'class') { class_creator($data['table_name']); } if ($v == 'form') { create_form($data['table_name']); } } }
</div> <!-- END PAGE HEADER--> <!-- content --> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 "> <!-- BEGIN SAMPLE FORM PORTLET--> <div class="portlet box blue"> <div class="portlet-title"> <div class="caption"> <i class="fa fa-cogs"></i> Nuevo Usuario </div> </div> <div class="portlet-body form"> <?php $forma = array("action" => "admin_new_proc.php", "id" => "admin_new_form", "method" => "post", "enctype" => 0, "edit" => 0, "edit_values" => array(), "submit" => "Guardar"); $fields = array(array("type" => "text", "label" => "Nombre del usuario", "icon" => "fa-user", "required" => true, "name" => "user_fullname", "value" => "", "placeholder" => "Nombre del usuario", "disabled" => false, "data_values" => array(), "editor" => false), array("type" => "text", "label" => "Login", "icon" => "", "required" => true, "name" => "user_login", "value" => "", "placeholder" => "Acceso", "disabled" => false, "data_values" => array(), "editor" => false), array("type" => "email", "label" => "Email", "icon" => "fa-envelope", "required" => true, "name" => "user_email", "value" => "", "placeholder" => "Email", "disabled" => false, "data_values" => array(), "editor" => false), array("type" => "password", "label" => "Contraseña", "icon" => "fa-lock", "required" => true, "name" => "user_passwd", "value" => "", "placeholder" => "Contraseña", "disabled" => false, "data_values" => array(), "editor" => false), array("type" => "password", "label" => "Confirma contraseña", "icon" => "fa-lock", "required" => true, "name" => "user_passwd2", "value" => "", "placeholder" => "Confirma contraseña", "disabled" => false, "data_values" => array(), "editor" => false), array("type" => "dropdown", "label" => "Nivel de acceso", "icon" => "fa-cogs", "required" => true, "name" => "user_level", "value" => "", "placeholder" => "", "disabled" => false, "data_values" => array(array("value" => 2, "option" => "Usuario", "checked" => 0), array("value" => 1, "option" => "Administrador", "checked" => 0)), "editor" => false)); echo create_form($forma, $fields); ?> </div> </div> <!-- end content --> </div> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> </div> <!-- END CONTAINER --> <?php include "includes/footer.php";
$allianceRoles[$roleID]['Name'] = $db->getField('role'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['EditingRole'] = $var['role_id'] == $roleID; if ($allianceRoles[$roleID]['EditingRole']) { $container = create_container('alliance_roles_processing.php'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['WithdrawalLimit'] = $db->getInt('with_per_day'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['PositiveBalance'] = $db->getBoolean('positive_balance'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['TreatyCreated'] = $db->getBoolean('treaty_created'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['RemoveMember'] = $db->getBoolean('remove_member'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['ChangePass'] = $db->getBoolean('change_pass'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['ChangeMod'] = $db->getBoolean('change_mod'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['ChangeRoles'] = $db->getBoolean('change_roles'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['PlanetAccess'] = $db->getBoolean('planet_access'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['ModerateMessageboard'] = $db->getBoolean('mb_messages'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['ExemptWithdrawals'] = $db->getBoolean('exempt_with'); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['SendAllianceMessage'] = $db->getBoolean('send_alliance_msg'); } else { $container = create_container('skeleton.php', 'alliance_roles.php'); $form = create_form($container, 'Edit'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<input type="text" name="role" value="' . htmlspecialchars($db->getField('role')) . '" maxlength="32"> '; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form><br />'; } $container['role_id'] = $roleID; $container['alliance_id'] = $alliance->getAllianceID(); $allianceRoles[$roleID]['HREF'] = SmrSession::getNewHREF($container); } $template->assignByRef('AllianceRoles', $allianceRoles); $container = create_container('alliance_roles_processing.php'); $container['alliance_id'] = $alliance->getAllianceID(); $template->assign('CreateRole', array('HREF' => SmrSession::getNewHREF($container), 'CreatingRole' => true, 'EditingRole' => true, 'WithdrawalLimit' => 0, 'TreatyCreated' => false, 'RemoveMember' => false, 'ChangePass' => false, 'ChangeMod' => false, 'ChangeRoles' => false, 'PlanetAccess' => true, 'ModerateMessageboard' => false, 'ExemptWithdrawals' => false, 'SendAllianceMessage' => false));
function layout_form($use_form) { foreach ($use_form as $form_item) { ?> <li> <?php if (isset($form_item["main_section"])) { ?> <label class="parent-label"><?php echo $form_item["main_section"]; ?> </label> <div class="form-wrap"> <?php if (is_array($form_item["sub_elements"])) { foreach ($form_item["sub_elements"] as $sub_input) { ?> <?php if (isset($sub_input["show_if"]) && ($sub_input["show_if"] && get_option($sub_input["show_if"]["id"]) !== $sub_input["show_if"]["value"])) { $class = "no_display"; } else { $class = ""; } ?> <div id="<?php echo $sub_input["id"]; ?> _div" class="child-form <?php echo $class; ?> "> <label class="child-label"><?php echo $sub_input["label"]; ?> </label> <?php create_form($sub_input, count($form_item), ""); ?> <?php if ($sub_input["description"] !== "") { ?> <span class="tooltip"><?php echo $sub_input["description"]; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } } ?> <?php if (isset($form_item["main_image"])) { ?> <div class="child-form"> <label class="child-label"></label> <img src="<?php echo $form_item["main_image"]; ?> " /> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <label class="parent-label"><?php echo $form_item["label"]; ?> </label> <div class="form-wrap"> <?php if (!isset($label_class)) { $label_class = ""; } create_form($form_item, count($form_item), $label_class); ?> <?php if (isset($form_item["description"]) && $form_item["description"] !== "") { ?> <span class="tooltip"><?php $form_item["description"]; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> </li> <?php } }
} if (!empty($CONFIG['user_field2_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field2_name'], 'user2', 0, 255, 1); } if (!empty($CONFIG['user_field3_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field3_name'], 'user3', 0, 255, 1); } if (!empty($CONFIG['user_field4_name'])) { $form_array[] = array($CONFIG['user_field4_name'], 'user4', 0, 255, 1); } // Check for movies and audio, and create width and height boxes if true. if (is_movie($file_set[1]) or is_audio($file_set[1])) { //Add width and height boxes to the form. $form_array[] = array($lang_admin_php['th_wd'], 'movie_wd', 0, 4, 1); $form_array[] = array($lang_admin_php['th_ht'], 'movie_ht', 0, 4, 1); } // Create the form and echo more instructions. create_form($form_array); // More instructions. if (count($escrow_array) > '1') { form_statement($lang_upload_php['place_instr_2']); } // Make button say 'Continue.' close_form($lang_continue); // Close the table, create footers, and flush the output buffer. endtable(); pagefooter(); ob_end_flush(); // Exit the script. exit; }
<?php if (!isset($var['alliance_id'])) { SmrSession::updateVar('alliance_id', $player->getAllianceID()); } $alliance_id = $var['alliance_id']; $alliance =& SmrAlliance::getAlliance($alliance_id, $player->getGameID()); $template->assign('PageTopic', $alliance->getAllianceName() . ' (' . $alliance->getAllianceID() . ')'); require_once get_file_loc(''); create_alliance_menu($alliance_id, $alliance->getLeaderID()); $container = create_container('alliance_stat_processing.php'); $container['alliance_id'] = $alliance_id; $form = create_form($container, 'Change'); $role_id = $player->getAllianceRole($alliance->getAllianceID()); $db->query('SELECT * FROM alliance_has_roles WHERE alliance_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance_id) . ' AND game_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($player->getGameID()) . ' AND role_id = ' . $db->escapeNumber($role_id)); $db->nextRecord(); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; //$PHP_OUTPUT.=create_echo_form(create_container('alliance_stat_processing.php', '')); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nobord nohpad">'; if ($db->getBoolean('change_pass')) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><td class="top">Password: </td><td><input type="password" name="password" size="30" value="' . htmlspecialchars($alliance->getPassword()) . '"></td></tr>'; } if ($db->getBoolean('change_mod') || $account->hasPermission(PERMISSION_EDIT_ALLIANCE_DESCRIPTION)) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><td class="top">Description: </td><td><textarea spellcheck="true" name="description">'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $alliance->getDescription(); $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</textarea></td></tr>'; } if ($player->isAllianceLeader()) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<tr><td class="top">IRC Channel: </td><td><input type="text" name="irc" size="30" value="' . htmlspecialchars($alliance->getIrcChannel()) . '"> (For Caretaker and autojoining via chat link - works best if you join the channel using the chat link and type "/autoconnect on" as an op)</td></tr>'; } if ($db->getBoolean('change_mod')) {
<?php $db->query('SELECT leader_id FROM alliance WHERE game_id=' . SmrSession::$game_id . ' AND alliance_id=' . $player->alliance_id . ' LIMIT 1'); $db->next_record(); print_topic($player->alliance_name . ' (' . $player->alliance_id . ')'); include get_file_loc(''); print_alliance_menue($player->alliance_id, $db->f('leader_id')); $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'alliance_broadcast_processing.php'; $container['alliance_id'] = $var['alliance_id']; echo '<b>From: </b>'; echo $player->player_name . '(' . $player->player_id; echo ')<br><b>To:</b> Whole Alliance<br><br>'; $form = create_form($container, 'Send Message'); echo $form['form']; echo '<textarea name="message"></textarea><br><br>'; echo $form['submit']; echo '</form>';
* @param Mixed $connection */ function save_field($form_id, $user_email, $field_type, $field_title, $field_name, $order, $options, $connection) { $sql = "INSERT INTO `forms_fields` (`forms_id`, `forms_users_email`, `fields_type`, `field_title`, `field_name`, " . "`form_order`, `options`) VALUES ({$form_id}, '{$user_email}', '{$field_type}', " . "'{$field_title}', '{$field_name}', {$order}, '{$options}')"; $connection->query($sql); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $form_string = null; $form_error = array(); if (!isset($_POST['field_type'])) { $form_error['nofields'] = "Form needs atleast one form field to be generated."; } else { $form_id = null; if (isset($_SESSION['user_email'])) { $form_id = create_form($_POST['form_name'], date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $_SESSION['user_email'], $connection); } $form_string = "<h2>{$_POST['form_name']}</h2><form>"; $form_string .= "<table>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['field_type']); $i++) { $form_string .= get_form_string($i); if ($form_id) { save_field($form_id, $_SESSION['user_email'], $_POST['field_type'][$i], $_POST['field_title'][$i], $_POST['field_name'][$i], $i + 1, $_POST['field_options'][$i], $connection); } } $form_string .= "</table>"; $form_string .= "</form>"; $_SESSION['form_title'] = $_POST['form_name']; $_SESSION['form_string'] = $form_string; } }
} } else { // Nothing set at this category so lets show the current representation instead. if ($modulerepresentation->visible) { if ($islocked) { $visibletd .= create_image_tag($OUTPUT->pix_url('i/hide'), 'hidden'); $visibletd .= $lockedimagetag; } else { $visibletd .= create_form($OUTPUT, $currentmodule->name . "_visible_form", $selfpath, $strhide, 'hide', array('module_name' => $currentmodule->name, 'visible' => 'false', 'sesskey' => sesskey())); } } else { if ($islocked) { $visibletd .= create_image_tag($OUTPUT->pix_url('i/show'), 'visible'); $visibletd .= $lockedimagetag; } else { $visibletd .= create_form($OUTPUT, $currentmodule->name . "_visible_form", $selfpath, $strhide, 'show', array('module_name' => $currentmodule->name, 'visible' => 'true', 'sesskey' => sesskey())); $class = ' class="dimmed_text"'; } } } } $tabledata = array('<span' . $class . '>' . $strmodulename . '</span>'); if ($haseditvisibilitycapability or $haseditsettingscapability) { $tabledata[] = $overridevaluetd; $tabledata[] = $visibletd; $tabledata[] = $overridetd; $tabledata[] = $lockedtd; $tabledata[] = $cleartd; } if ($haseditsettingscapability) { $tabledata[] = $settingstd;
<?php $alliance =& $player->getAlliance(); $template->assign('PageTopic', $alliance->getAllianceName() . ' (' . $alliance->getAllianceID() . ')'); require_once get_file_loc(''); create_alliance_menu($player->getAllianceID(), $alliance->getLeaderID()); $container = create_container('alliance_leadership_processing.php'); $form = create_form($container, 'Handover Leadership'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['form']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= 'Please select the new Leader: <select name="leader_id" size="1">'; $db->query(' SELECT account_id,player_id,player_name FROM player WHERE game_id=' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance->getGameID()) . ' AND alliance_id=' . $db->escapeNumber($alliance->getAllianceID())); while ($db->nextRecord()) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= '<option value="' . $db->getField('account_id') . '"'; if ($db->getField('account_id') == $player->getAccountID()) { $PHP_OUTPUT .= ' selected="selected"'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '>'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $db->getField('player_name'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= ' ('; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $db->getField('player_id'); $PHP_OUTPUT .= ')</option>'; } $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</select><br /><br />'; $PHP_OUTPUT .= $form['submit']; $PHP_OUTPUT .= '</form>';
$residence = input_form("Residence", "residence", "area"); $username = input_form("Username", "username", "text"); $password = input_form("Password", "password", "password"); $retype_password = input_form("Re-type Password", "re-pass", "password"); $submit = input_form("Submit", "submit", "submit"); $section1 = card_break("Login Information", $username . "" . $password . "" . $retype_password); $section2 = card_break("Personal Information", $fname . "" . $mname . "" . $lname . "" . $sex . "" . $residence . "" . $submit); $form = create_form($section1 . "" . $section2); $card = create_card($title, $form); $content = $err . "" . $card; newpage($content); } } else { $title = "Register a new Personnel"; $desc = ""; $fname = input_form("Firstname", "fname", "text"); $mname = input_form("Middlename", "mname", "text"); $lname = input_form("Lastname", "lname", "text"); $sex = multi("Sex", "sex", array("Male", "Female"), array("male", "female"), "radio"); $residence = input_form("Residence", "residence", "area"); $username = input_form("Username", "username", "text"); $password = input_form("Password", "password", "password"); $retype_password = input_form("Re-type Password", "re-pass", "password"); $submit = input_form("Submit", "submit", "submit"); $section1 = card_break("Login Information", $username . "" . $password . "" . $retype_password); $section2 = card_break("Personal Information", $fname . "" . $mname . "" . $lname . "" . $sex . "" . $residence . "" . $submit); $form = create_form($section1 . "" . $section2); $card = create_card($title, $form); $content = $card; newpage($content); }
<?php include 'form.php'; $title = "card1"; $desc = "input1"; $s_titles = array('sub 1', 'sub2', "sub_3"); $s_contents = array('content of sub 1', 'content of sub 2', 'cuntent of sub tre'); $card1 = create_card($title, $desc, $s_titles, $s_contents); //card is a page //$card2 = create_card("title","description",array("sub_ttiles"),array("$contents"));basic //function input_form($input_name,$input_id,$type) $form = create_form(input_form("E-mail", "email", "text")); $form = $form . "" . create_form(input_form("Password", "pass", "password")); $card = create_card("Sample Form", $form, array(""), array("")); $content = $card; newpage($content); ?> </body> </html>
echo '</td>'; echo '<td class="shrink nowrap top">'; echo date('n/j/Y g:i:s A', $db->f('sendtime')); echo '</td></tr>'; } print "</table></div>"; if ($mbWrite || in_array($player->account_id, $HIDDEN_PLAYERS)) { echo '<br><h2>Create Reply</h2><br>'; $container = array(); $container['url'] = 'alliance_message_add_processing.php'; $container['alliance_id'] = $alliance_id; if (isset($var['alliance_eyes'])) { $container['alliance_eyes'] = $var['alliance_eyes']; } $container['thread_index'] = $thread_index; $container['thread_ids'] = $var['thread_ids']; $container['thread_topics'] = $var['thread_topics']; $container['thread_replies'] = $var['thread_replies']; $form = create_form($container, 'Create Reply'); echo $form['form']; echo ' <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nobord nohpad"> <tr> <td class="top">Body: </td> <td><textarea name="body"></textarea></td> </tr> </table><br> '; echo $form['submit']; echo '</form>'; }