function write_archive() { $header = shell_exec('php -q ' . ROOT_DIR . '/' . LAYOUT_DIR . '/header.php'); $footer = shell_exec('php -q ' . ROOT_DIR . '/' . LAYOUT_DIR . '/footer.php'); $sidebar = shell_exec('php -q ' . ROOT_DIR . '/' . LAYOUT_DIR . '/sidebar.php'); $content = "{$header}\n\n"; $content .= "<h3>Archives</h3>\n"; $content .= "<br/><br/>\n"; $content .= "<hr/>\n\n"; $archive = create_data_info(NULL); $year = array_reverse(array_keys($archive)); $size = sizeOf($year); for ($y = 0; $y < $size; $y++) { $content .= "<h2 class='archives'><a href='" . URL . "/{$year[$y]}'>{$year[$y]}</a></h2>\n\n"; $archive[$year[$y]] = $archive[$year[$y]]; $month = array_reverse(array_keys($archive[$year[$y]])); $size_month = sizeOf($month); for ($m = 0; $m < $size_month; $m++) { $date = @date('F', @mktime(0, 0, 0, $month[$m])); $content .= "<h3 class='archives'><a href='" . URL . '/' . $year[$y] . '/' . $month[$m] . "'>{$date}</a></h3>\n\n"; $content .= "<ul class='archive-page'>\n"; $day = array_reverse(array_keys($archive[$year[$y]][$month[$m]])); $size_day = sizeOf($day); for ($d = 0; $d < $size_day; $d++) { $day_posts = array_reverse(array_keys($archive[$year[$y]][$month[$m]][$day[$d]])); $size_day_posts = sizeOf($day_posts); for ($p = 0; $p < $size_day_posts; $p++) { $post = $archive[$year[$y]][$month[$m]][$day[$d]][$day_posts[$p]]; if (empty($post)) { continue; } $filetitle = urlencode($post[0]); $title = $post[3]; $filetitle = str_replace('+', '_', $filetitle); $content .= "<li><a href='" . URL . "/{$filetitle}' title='{$title}'>{$title}</a></li>\n"; } } $content .= "</ul>\n\n"; } } unset($archive); $content .= "{$sidebar}\n\n"; $content .= "{$footer}\n\n"; $archive_file = ROOT_DIR . '/' . CACHE_DIR . '/archive.html'; $archive_fd = fopen($archive_file, 'w') or die("can't open file {$archive_file}"); fwrite($archive_fd, $content); fclose($archive_fd); chmod($archive_file, 0755); }
function write_cache() { date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); // Create cache for each year $flat_year = create_data_info("year"); foreach ($flat_year as $year => $data) { create_pages($data, $year); } unset($flat_year); // Create cache for each year/month (the key of the array is yearmonth so we can split it.) $flat_month = create_data_info("month"); foreach ($flat_month as $yearmonth => $data) { $month = substr($yearmonth, -2); $year = substr($yearmonth, 0, 4); create_pages($data, $year . '/' . $month); } unset($flat_month); // Create the cache for each day. $flat_day = create_data_info("day"); foreach ($flat_day as $yearmonthday => $data) { $day = substr($yearmonthday, -2); $month = substr($yearmonthday, 4, 2); $year = substr($yearmonthday, 0, 4); create_pages($data, $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $day); } unset($flat_day); // Create cache per post $flat_post = create_data_info("post"); // Create the index page that will create the "main" pages of the blog create_pages($flat_post, ""); foreach ($flat_post as $post) { $title = urlencode($post[0]); $title = strtolower(str_replace('+', '_', $title)); $filepath = ROOT_DIR . '/' . CACHE_DIR . '/' . $title . "_0.html"; create_page_content($filepath, $post, $GLOBALS["footer"], true); } unset($flat_post); }
function write_feed() { date_default_timezone_set(TIMEZONE); $xml_feed = ROOT_DIR . '/_atom.xml'; $flat_posts = create_data_info("post"); //Check if we need to create the feed or not $last_mtime = 0; $size = sizeOf($flat_posts) - 1; $bound = $size - POST_RSS; for ($i = $size; $i > $bound; $i--) { if (empty($flat_posts[$i])) { continue; } $last_mtime = $flat_posts[$i][4] > $last_mtime ? $flat_posts[$i][4] : $last_mtime; } if (file_exists($xml_feed) && $last_mtime < filemtime($xml_feed)) { unset($flat_posts); return NULL; } $now = date('c'); $content = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n"; $content .= "<feed xmlns=''>\n"; $content .= "<title>" . FEED_TITLE . "</title>\n"; $content .= "<link href='" . URL . "' />\n"; $content .= "<link href='" . URL . "/feed/' rel='self' />\n"; $base_url = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', URL); $base_url = str_replace("#", "/", $base_url); $content .= "<id>tag:{$base_url}," . date("Y-m-d") . ":/</id>\n"; $content .= "<updated>{$now}</updated>\n"; $content .= "<author>\n"; $content .= "<name>" . AUTHOR_NAME . "</name>\n"; $content .= "<email>" . AUTHOR_MAIL . "</email>\n"; $content .= "</author>\n"; for ($i = $size; $i > $bound; $i--) { if (empty($flat_posts[$i])) { continue; } $filename = $flat_posts[$i][2]; $url_name = URL . '/' . $flat_posts[$i][0]; $title = $flat_posts[$i][3]; $date = date("d F Y H:i:s", $flat_posts[$i][4]); $tag_date = $flat_posts[$i][5] . '-' . $flat_posts[$i][6] . '-' . $flat_posts[$i][7]; $content .= "<entry>" . "\n"; $content .= "<title>{$title}</title>" . "\n"; $content .= "<link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='{$url_name}'/>" . "\n"; $content .= "<id>tag:{$base_url}," . $tag_date . ":/" . $flat_posts[$i][0] . "</id>\n"; $content .= "<updated>"; $date_rfc3339 = date('c', $flat_posts[$i][4]); $content .= "{$date_rfc3339}"; $content .= "</updated>" . "\n"; $post_html = post_to_html($flat_posts[$i], False, False); $content .= "<content type='html'>\n<![CDATA[{$post_html}]]>\n</content>" . "\n"; unset($post_html); $content .= "</entry>" . "\n\n"; } $content .= "</feed>\n"; $xml_fd = fopen($xml_feed, 'w') or die("can't open {$xml_feed}\n"); fwrite($xml_fd, $content); fclose($xml_fd); chmod($xml_feed, 0755); }