function prep_DB_content() { global $databaseConnection; $admin_role_id = 1; create_tables($databaseConnection); create_roles($databaseConnection, $admin_role_id); create_admin($databaseConnection, $admin_role_id); }
function prep_DB_content() { global $db; $admin_role_id = 1; create_tables($db); create_roles($db, $admin_role_id); create_admin($db, $admin_role_id); }
function setup_db() { global $install; $install->title("Website Installation - Setup Database"); echo '<div class="row">'; echo '<div class="col-sm-12">'; create_tables(); create_roles(); create_admin(); install_finalise(); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
function check_admin() { $nickname = $_POST['nickname']; $email = $_POST['email']; $pass1 = $_POST['pass1']; $pass2 = $_POST['pass2']; if (!$nickname || !$email || !$pass1 || !$pass2) { return array('error' => true, 'message' => LANG_ADMIN_ERROR); } if (!preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\\._-]+)\\.([a-zA-Z]{2,4})\$/i", $email)) { return array('error' => true, 'message' => LANG_ADMIN_EMAIL_ERROR); } if ($pass1 != $pass2) { return array('error' => true, 'message' => LANG_ADMIN_PASS_ERROR); } create_admin($nickname, $email, $pass1); return array('error' => false); }
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../config.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/../common/constants.php'; if (defined("ADMIN_USER") && ADMIN_USER != "" && (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] != ADMIN_USER)) { die("Go away, you evil hacker!"); } include_once __DIR__ . '/query_manager.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/../common/functions.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/../common/upgrade.php'; include_once __DIR__ . '/../capture/common/functions.php'; create_admin(); create_error_logs(); $captureroles = unserialize(CAPTUREROLES); $querybins = getBins(); $activePhrases = getNrOfActivePhrases(); $activeGeoboxes = getNrOfActiveGeoboxes(); $activeUsers = getNrOfActiveUsers(); $lastRateLimitHit = getLastRateLimitHit(); ?> <html> <head> <title>DMI-TCAT query manager</title> <meta charset='<?php echo mb_internal_encoding(); ?> '> <style type="text/css"> body,html { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:12px; }
<?php session_start(); require '../../app/Autoloader.class.php'; App\Autoloader::register(); $config = App\Config::getInstance(); $bdd = App\database\Database::getInstance_bdd($config->get("db_name"), $config->get("db_user"), $config->get("db_pass"), $config->get("db_host")); require '../../functions/functions.php'; if (isset($_POST['login']) && isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['rank'])) { if (create_admin($bdd, $_POST['login'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['rank'])) { $_SESSION['alert'] = "Success"; header("Location: ../index.php"); die; } else { $_SESSION['alert'] = "Error"; header("Location: ../index.php?pg=create_admin"); die; } } else { $_SESSION['alert'] = "Error"; header("Location: ../index.php?pg=create_admin"); die; }
function querybinsPhpToDb() { print "Migrating query bin definitions to new query manager." . PHP_EOL; create_admin(); if (file_exists('../querybins.php')) { print "importing from querybins.php" . PHP_EOL; include '../querybins.php'; if (isset($querybins)) { binsToDb($querybins, 'track'); } $querybins = false; } if (file_exists('../followbins.php')) { print "importing from followbins.php" . PHP_EOL; include '../followbins.php'; if (isset($querybins)) { binsToDb($querybins, 'follow'); } $querybins = false; } if (file_exists('../querybins.php')) { print "importing query archives" . PHP_EOL; include '../querybins.php'; if (isset($queryarchives)) { binsToDb($queryarchives, 'track'); } } // retrieve other tables $dbh = pdo_connect(); $rec = $dbh->prepare("SELECT querybin FROM tcat_query_bins"); $existingTables = array(); if ($rec->execute() && $rec->rowCount() > 0) { $existingTables = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); } $rec = $dbh->prepare("SHOW TABLES LIKE '%_tweets'"); if ($rec->execute() && $rec->rowCount() > 0) { print "Checking to see whether other querybins need to be imported" . PHP_EOL; $otherbins = $onepercentbins = $userbins = array(); while ($res = $rec->fetch()) { $binname = str_replace("_tweets", "", $res[0]); if (array_search($binname, $existingTables) === false) { $phrases = ""; if (strstr($binname, "user_") !== false) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(from_user_id) FROM " . $binname . "_tweets"; $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); if ($rec2->execute() && $rec2->rowCount() > 0) { $phrases = implode(",", $rec2->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)); } $userbins[$binname] = $phrases; } elseif (strstr($binname, "sample_")) { $onepercentbins[$binname] = $phrases; } else { $otherbins[$binname] = $phrases; } } } if (!empty($userbins)) { binsToDb($userbins, "follow"); } if (!empty($onepercentbins)) { binsToDb($onepercentbins, "onepercent"); } if (!empty($otherbins)) { binsToDb($otherbins, "other"); } } print "Moved querybins successfully" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; print "Now verify whether all looks fine in the query manager (BASE_URL/capture/index.php) and in the analysis interface (BASE_URL/analysis/index.php). If it all checks out, you can remove dmi-tcat/querybins.php and dmi-tcat/followbins.php. Enter 'ok' when done." . PHP_EOL; if (trim(fgets(fopen("php://stdin", "r"))) != 'ok') { die('Abort' . PHP_EOL); } return true; }
echo "Table play_in created successfully.<br />"; } else { echo "<span style=\"color: red;\">Error creating table play_in</span><br />"; } if ($bdd->query("CREATE TABLE `webchat_users` (`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,`gravatar` varchar(32) NOT NULL,`last_activity` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,PRIMARY KEY (`id`),UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`),KEY `last_activity` (`last_activity`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8")) { echo "Table play_in created successfully.<br />"; } else { echo "<span style=\"color: red;\">Error creating table play_in</span><br />"; } if ($bdd->query("INSERT INTO `Administrators_ranks` VALUES ('', 'Dieu'), ('', 'Prophette'), ('', 'Ange')")) { echo "Insert into administrators_ranks is good.<br />"; } else { echo "<span style=\"color: red;\">Error when insert into administrators_ranks</span><br />"; } if ($bdd->query("INSERT INTO `Players_grades` VALUES ('', 'Amiral', '4000', '2147483647'), ('', 'Capitaine', '3300', '4000'), ('', 'Commandeur', '2500', '3300'), ('', 'Lieutenant Commandeur', '1800', '2500'), ('', 'Lieutenant', '1200', '1800'), ('', 'Sous-Lieutenant', '700', '1200'), ('', 'Enseigne', '300', '700'), ('', 'Cadet', '0', '300')")) { echo "Insert into players_grades is good.<br />"; } else { echo "<span style=\"color: red;\">Error when insert into players_grades</span><br />"; } if ($bdd->query("INSERT INTO `Type_of_games` VALUES ('', 'Simple', '2', '500')")) { echo "Insert into type_of_games is good.<br />"; } else { echo "<span style=\"color: red;\">Error when insert into type_of_games</span><br />"; } create_admin($bdd, "root", "*****@*****.**", "root", '1'); // if ($bdd->query("INSERT INTO `Players` VALUES ('', 'root', '*****@*****.**', 'root', 0, 2), ('', 'tcarmet', '*****@*****.**', '123456', 0, 2)")) // echo "Insert into players is good.<br />"; // else // echo "<span style=\"color: red;\">Error when insert into players</span><br />"; // create_user($bdd, "tcoppin", "*****@*****.**", "qwerty"); // create_user($bdd, "tcarmet", "*****@*****.**", "123456");
# "create admin" form submitted list($pw_check_error, $pw_check_result) = check_setup_password(safepost('setup_password')); if ($pw_check_result != 'pass_OK') { $error += 1; $setupMessage = $pw_check_result; } if ($error == 0 && $pw_check_result == 'pass_OK') { // XXX need to ensure domains table includes an 'ALL' entry. $table_domain = table_by_key('domain'); $r = db_query("SELECT * FROM {$table_domain} WHERE domain = 'ALL'"); if ($r['rows'] == 0) { db_insert('domain', array('domain' => 'ALL', 'description' => '', 'transport' => '')); // all other fields should default through the schema. } $values = array('username' => safepost('username'), 'password' => safepost('password'), 'password2' => safepost('password2'), 'superadmin' => 1, 'domains' => array(), 'active' => 1); list($error, $setupMessage, $errormsg) = create_admin($values); if ($error != 0) { $tUsername = htmlentities($values['username']); } else { $setupMessage .= "<p>You are done with your basic setup. "; $setupMessage .= "<p><b>You can now <a href='login.php'>login to PostfixAdmin</a> using the account you just created.</b>"; } } } if ($setuppw == "" || $setuppw == "changeme" || safeget("lostpw") == 1 || $lostpw_error != 0) { # show "create setup password" form ?> <div class="standout"><?php print $setupMessage; ?>
function create_new_bin($params) { global $captureroles, $now; $bin_name = trim($params["newbin_name"]); if (table_exists($bin_name) != 0) { echo '{"msg":"Query bin [' . $bin_name . '] already exists. Please change your bin name."}'; return; } $type = $params['type']; if (array_search($type, $captureroles) === false && ($type !== 'geotrack' || array_search('track', $captureroles) === false)) { echo '{"msg":"This capturing type is not defined in the config file"}'; return; } $comments = trim($params['newbin_comments']); // check whether the main query management tables are there, if not, create create_admin(); $dbh = pdo_connect(); // if one percent check whether there already is an active onepercent bin if ($type == "onepercent") { $sql = "SELECT querybin FROM tcat_query_bins WHERE type = 'onepercent' AND active = 1"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); if ($rec->execute() && $rec->rowCount() > 0) { echo '{"msg":"You can only have one active one percent stream at the same time"}'; return; } } // populate tcat_query_bin table $sql = "INSERT INTO tcat_query_bins (querybin,type,active,comments) VALUES (:querybin, :type, '1', :comments);"; $insert_querybin = $dbh->prepare($sql); $insert_querybin->bindParam(':querybin', $bin_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_querybin->bindParam(':type', $type, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_querybin->bindParam(':comments', $comments, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_querybin->execute(); $lastbinid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); // insert a period $sql = "INSERT INTO tcat_query_bins_periods (querybin_id,starttime,endtime) VALUES ('" . $lastbinid . "','{$now}','0000-00-00 00:00:00')"; $insert_periods = $dbh->prepare($sql); $insert_periods->execute(); $e = create_bin($bin_name); if ($e !== TRUE) { logit('controller.log', 'Failed to create database tables for bin ' . $bin_name . '. The error message was ' . $e); echo '{"msg":"Failed to create database tables. Please read the controller.log file for details"}'; return; } if ($type == "track" || $type == "geotrack") { if ($type == "track") { $phrases = explode(",", $params["newbin_phrases"]); $phrases = array_trim_and_unique($phrases); } elseif ($type == "geotrack") { $phrases = get_phrases_from_geoquery($params["newbin_phrases"]); } // populate the phrases and connector tables foreach ($phrases as $phrase) { $phrase = str_replace("\"", "'", $phrase); $sql = "SELECT distinct(id) FROM tcat_query_phrases WHERE phrase = :phrase"; $check_phrase = $dbh->prepare($sql); $check_phrase->bindParam(":phrase", $phrase, PDO::PARAM_STR); $check_phrase->execute(); if ($check_phrase->rowCount() > 0) { $results = $check_phrase->fetch(); $inid = $results['id']; } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO tcat_query_phrases (phrase) VALUES (:phrase)"; $insert_phrase = $dbh->prepare($sql); $insert_phrase->bindParam(":phrase", $phrase, PDO::PARAM_STR); $insert_phrase->execute(); $inid = $dbh->lastInsertId(); } $sql = "INSERT INTO tcat_query_bins_phrases (phrase_id,querybin_id,starttime,endtime) VALUES ('" . $inid . "','" . $lastbinid . "','{$now}','0000-00-00 00:00:00')"; $insert_connect = $dbh->prepare($sql); $insert_connect->execute(); } } elseif ($type == "follow") { $users = explode(",", $params["newbin_users"]); $users = array_trim_and_unique($users); foreach ($users as $user) { // populate the users and connector tables $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO tcat_query_users (id) VALUES (:user_id)"; $insert_phrase = $dbh->prepare($sql); $insert_phrase->bindParam(":user_id", $user, PDO::PARAM_INT); $insert_phrase->execute(); // the user id can already exist here, but this 'error' will be ignored $sql = "INSERT INTO tcat_query_bins_users (user_id,querybin_id,starttime,endtime) VALUES ('" . $user . "','" . $lastbinid . "','{$now}','0000-00-00 00:00:00')"; $insert_connect = $dbh->prepare($sql); $insert_connect->execute(); } } if (web_reload_config_role($type)) { echo '{"msg":"The new query bin has been created"}'; } else { echo '{"msg":"The new query bin has been created but the ' . $type . ' script could NOT be restarted"}'; } $dbh = false; }
if (isset($_POST['fUsername'])) { $fUsername = escape_string($_POST['fUsername']); } if (isset($_POST['fPassword'])) { $fPassword = escape_string($_POST['fPassword']); } if (isset($_POST['fPassword2'])) { $fPassword2 = escape_string($_POST['fPassword2']); } // XXX need to ensure domains table includes an 'ALL' entry. $r = db_query("SELECT * FROM domain WHERE domain = 'ALL'"); if ($r['rows'] == 0) { db_insert('domain', array('domain' => 'ALL')); // all other fields should default through the schema. } list($error, $tMessage, $pAdminCreate_admin_username_text, $pAdminCreate_admin_password_text) = create_admin($fUsername, $fPassword, $fPassword2, array('ALL'), TRUE); if ($error != 0) { if (isset($_POST['fUsername'])) { $tUsername = escape_string($_POST['fUsername']); } } else { print "<p><b>{$tMessage}</b></p>"; echo "<p><b>You can now log in to Postfix Admin.</b></p>"; } } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" || $error != 0) { ?> <div id="edit_form"> <form name="create_admin" method="post"> <table>
$tDomains = array(); } if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if (isset($_POST['fUsername'])) { $fUsername = escape_string($_POST['fUsername']); } if (isset($_POST['fPassword'])) { $fPassword = escape_string($_POST['fPassword']); } if (isset($_POST['fPassword2'])) { $fPassword2 = escape_string($_POST['fPassword2']); } $fDomains = array(); if (!empty($_POST['fDomains'])) { $fDomains = $_POST['fDomains']; } list($error, $tMessage, $pAdminCreate_admin_username_text, $pAdminCreate_admin_password_text) = create_admin($fUsername, $fPassword, $fPassword2, $fDomains); if ($error != 0) { if (isset($_POST['fUsername'])) { $tUsername = escape_string($_POST['fUsername']); } if (isset($_POST['fDomains'])) { $tDomains = $_POST['fDomains']; } } } include "templates/header.php"; include "templates/menu.php"; include "templates/admin_create-admin.php"; include "templates/footer.php"; /* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=3 tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3: */
function tracker_run() { global $dbuser, $dbpass, $database, $hostname, $tweetQueue; // We need the tcat_status table create_error_logs(); // We need the tcat_captured_phrases table create_admin(); $tweetQueue = new TweetQueue(); $tweetQueue->setoption('replace', false); if (defined('USE_INSERT_DELAYED') && USE_INSERT_DELAYED) { $tweetQueue->setoption('delayed', true); } if (defined('DISABLE_INSERT_IGNORE') && DISABLE_INSERT_IGNORE) { $tweetQueue->setoption('ignore', false); } else { $tweetQueue->setoption('ignore', true); } if (!defined("CAPTURE")) { /* logged to no file in particular, because we don't know which one. this should not happen. */ error_log("tracker_run() called without defining CAPTURE. have you set up config.php ?"); die; } $roles = unserialize(CAPTUREROLES); if (!in_array(CAPTURE, $roles)) { /* incorrect script execution, report back error to user */ error_log("tracker_run() role " . CAPTURE . " is not configured to run"); die; } // log execution environment $phpstring = phpversion() . " in mode " . php_sapi_name() . " with extensions "; $extensions = get_loaded_extensions(); $first = true; foreach ($extensions as $ext) { if ($first) { $first = false; } else { $phpstring .= ','; } $phpstring .= "{$ext}"; } $phpstring .= " (ini file: " . php_ini_loaded_file() . ")"; logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "running php version {$phpstring}"); // install the signal handler if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) { // tick use required as of PHP 4.3.0 declare (ticks=1); // See signal method discussion: // logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "installing term signal handler for this script"); // setup signal handlers pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, "capture_signal_handler_term"); } else { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "your php installation does not support signal handlers. graceful reload will not work"); } // sanity check for geo bins functions if (geophp_sane()) { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "geoPHP library is fully functional"); } elseif (geobinsActive()) { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "refusing to track until geobins are stopped or geo is functional"); exit(1); } else { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "geoPHP functions are not yet available, see documentation for instructions"); } global $rl_current_record, $rl_registering_minute; global $last_insert_id; global $tracker_started_at; $rl_current_record = 0; // how many tweets have been ratelimited this MINUTE? $rl_registering_minute = get_current_minute(); // what is the minute we are registering (as soon as the current minute differs from this, we insert our record in the database) $last_insert_id = -1; // needed to make INSERT DELAYED work, see the function database_activity() $tracker_started_at = time(); // the walltime when this script was started global $twitter_consumer_key, $twitter_consumer_secret, $twitter_user_token, $twitter_user_secret, $lastinsert; $pid = getmypid(); logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "started script " . CAPTURE . " with pid {$pid}"); $lastinsert = time(); $procfilename = __DIR__ . "/../../proc/" . CAPTURE . ".procinfo"; if (file_put_contents($procfilename, $pid . "|" . time()) === FALSE) { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "cannot register capture script start time (file \"{$procfilename}\" is not WRITABLE. make sure the proc/ directory exists in your webroot and is writable by the cron user)"); die; } $networkpath = isset($GLOBALS["HOSTROLE"][CAPTURE]) ? $GLOBALS["HOSTROLE"][CAPTURE] : ''; // prepare queries if (CAPTURE == "track") { // check for geolocation bins $locations = geobinsActive() ? getActiveLocationsImploded() : false; // assemble query $querylist = getActivePhrases(); if (empty($querylist) && !geobinsActive()) { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "empty query list, aborting!"); return; } $method = $networkpath . '1.1/statuses/filter.json'; $track = implode(",", $querylist); $params = array(); if (geobinsActive()) { $params['locations'] = $locations; } if (!empty($querylist)) { $params['track'] = $track; } } elseif (CAPTURE == "follow") { $querylist = getActiveUsers(); if (empty($querylist)) { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "empty query list, aborting!"); return; } $method = $networkpath . '1.1/statuses/filter.json'; $params = array("follow" => implode(",", $querylist)); } elseif (CAPTURE == "onepercent") { $method = $networkpath . '1.1/statuses/sample.json'; $params = array('stall_warnings' => 'true'); } logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "connecting to API socket"); $tmhOAuth = new tmhOAuth(array('consumer_key' => $twitter_consumer_key, 'consumer_secret' => $twitter_consumer_secret, 'token' => $twitter_user_token, 'secret' => $twitter_user_secret, 'host' => '')); $tmhOAuth->request_settings['headers']['Host'] = ''; if (CAPTURE == "track" || CAPTURE == "follow") { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "connecting - query " . var_export($params, 1)); } elseif (CAPTURE == "onepercent") { logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "connecting to sample stream"); } $capturebucket = array(); $tmhOAuth->streaming_request('POST', $method, $params, 'tracker_streamCallback', array('Host' => '')); // output any response we get back AFTER the Stream has stopped -- or it errors logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "stream stopped - error " . var_export($tmhOAuth, 1)); logit(CAPTURE . ".error.log", "processing buffer before exit"); processtweets($capturebucket); }
SmartyValidate::register_form('install', true); SmartyValidate::register_validator('v_admin_user', 'admin_user:!^\\w{4,25}$!', 'isRegExp', false, false, 'trim', 'install'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('v_admin_name', 'admin_name', 'notEmpty', false, false, 'trim', 'install'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('v_admin_password', 'admin_password:6:25', 'isLength', false, false, 'trim', 'install'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('v_admin_passwordc', 'admin_password:admin_passwordc', 'isEqual', true, false, 'trim', 'install'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('v_admin_email', 'admin_email', 'isEmail', false, false, 'trim', 'install'); } else { if ($_POST['submit'] == 'next') { SmartyValidate::connect($tpl); if (SmartyValidate::is_valid($_POST, 'install')) { $admin_details = array(); $admin_details['admin_user'] = $_POST['admin_user']; $admin_details['admin_name'] = $_POST['admin_name']; $admin_details['admin_password'] = $_POST['admin_password']; $admin_details['admin_email'] = $_POST['admin_email']; if (create_admin($admin_details)) { SmartyValidate::disconnect(); $step++; @header('Location: index.php?step=' . $step); @exit; } } elseif ($_POST['submit'] == 'back') { SmartyValidate::disconnect(); $step--; @header('Location: index.php?step=' . $step); @exit; } } } $tpl->assign($_SESSION['values']); break;
/** * Check for possible upgrades to the TCAT database. * * This function has two modes. In dry run mode, it tests whether the TCAT (mysql) database * is out-of-date. * In normal mode, it will execute upgrades to the TCAT database. The upgrade script is intended to * be run from the command-line and allows for user-interaction. A special 'non-interactive' * option allows upgrades to be performed automatically (by cron). Even more refined behaviour * can be performed by setting the aulevel parameter. * * @param boolean $dry_run Enable dry run mode. * @param boolean $interactive Enable interactive mode. * @param integer $aulevel Auto-upgrade level (0, 1 or 2) * @param string $single Restrict upgrades to a single bin * * @return array in dry run mode, ie. an associational array with two boolean keys for 'suggested' and 'required'; otherwise void */ function upgrades($dry_run = false, $interactive = true, $aulevel = 2, $single = null) { global $database; global $all_bins; $all_bins = get_all_bins(); $dbh = pdo_connect(); $logtarget = $interactive ? "cli" : "controller.log"; // Tracker whether an update is suggested, or even required during a dry run. // These values are ONLY tracked when doing a dry run; do not use them for CLI feedback. $suggested = false; $required = false; // Check if we have the tcat_status table. // Do not create it on-the-fly here. We want this done on the capture side. $query = "SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tcat_status'"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); if (count($results)) { $have_tcat_status = true; } else { $have_tcat_status = false; } // 29/08/2014 Alter tweets tables to add new fields, ex. 'possibly_sensitive' $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { // require auto-upgrade level 1 or higher if ($aulevel > 0) { $ans = 'a'; } else { $ans = 'SKIP'; } } if ($ans !== 'SKIP') { foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if (!preg_match("/_tweets\$/", $v)) { continue; } if ($single && $v !== $single . '_tweets') { continue; } $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$v}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $columns = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $update = TRUE; foreach ($columns as $i => $c) { if ($c == 'from_user_withheld_scope') { $update = FALSE; break; } } if ($update && $dry_run) { $suggested = true; $update = false; } if ($update) { if ($ans !== 'a') { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Add new columns and indexes (ex. possibly_sensitive) to table {$v}", 1, '639a0b93271eafca98c02e5a01968572d4435191'); } if ($ans == 'a' || $ans == 'y') { logit($logtarget, "Adding new columns (ex. possibly_sensitive) to table {$v}"); $definitions = array("`from_user_withheld_scope` varchar(32)", "`from_user_favourites_count` int(11)", "`from_user_created_at` datetime", "`possibly_sensitive` tinyint(1)", "`truncated` tinyint(1)", "`withheld_copyright` tinyint(1)", "`withheld_scope` varchar(32)"); $query = "ALTER TABLE " . quoteIdent($v); $first = TRUE; foreach ($definitions as $subpart) { if (!$first) { $query .= ", "; } else { $first = FALSE; } $query .= " ADD COLUMN {$subpart}"; } // and add indexes $query .= ", ADD KEY `from_user_created_at` (`from_user_created_at`)" . ", ADD KEY `from_user_withheld_scope` (`from_user_withheld_scope`)" . ", ADD KEY `possibly_sensitive` (`possibly_sensitive`)" . ", ADD KEY `withheld_copyright` (`withheld_copyright`)" . ", ADD KEY `withheld_scope` (`withheld_scope`)"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } } } // 16/09/2014 Create a new withheld table for every bin foreach ($all_bins as $bin) { if ($single && $bin !== $single) { continue; } $exists = false; foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if ($v == $bin . '_places') { $exists = true; } } if (!$exists && $dry_run) { $suggested = true; $exists = true; } if (!$exists) { $create = $bin . '_withheld'; logit($logtarget, "Creating new table {$create}"); $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . quoteIdent($create) . " (\n `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `tweet_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `user_id` bigint(20),\n `country` char(5),\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),\n KEY `tweet_id` (`user_id`),\n KEY `country` (`country`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4"; $create_withheld = $dbh->prepare($sql); $create_withheld->execute(); } } // 16/09/2014 Create a new places table for every bin foreach ($all_bins as $bin) { if ($single && $bin !== $single) { continue; } $exists = false; foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if ($v == $bin . '_places') { $exists = true; } } if (!$exists && $dry_run) { $suggested = true; $exists = true; } if (!$exists) { $create = $bin . '_places'; logit($logtarget, "Creating new table {$create}"); $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . quoteIdent($create) . " (\n `id` varchar(32) NOT NULL,\n `tweet_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `tweet_id`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4"; $create_places = $dbh->prepare($sql); $create_places->execute(); } } // 23/09/2014 Set global database collation to utf8mb4 $query = "show variables like \"character_set_database\""; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $character_set_database = isset($results['Value']) ? $results['Value'] : 'unknown'; $query = "show variables like \"collation_database\""; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $collation_database = isset($results['Value']) ? $results['Value'] : 'unknown'; if ($character_set_database == 'utf8' && ($collation_database == 'utf8_general_ci' || $collation_database == 'utf8_unicode_ci')) { if ($dry_run) { $suggested = true; } else { $skipping = false; if (!$single) { $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { // require auto-upgrade level 1 or higher if ($aulevel > 0) { $ans = 'a'; } else { $skipping = true; } } else { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Change default database character to utf8mb4", 1, '639a0b93271eafca98c02e5a01968572d4435191'); } if ($ans == 'y' || $ans == 'a') { logit($logtarget, "Converting database character set from utf8 to utf8mb4"); $query = "ALTER DATABASE {$database} CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } else { $skipping = true; } } if ($interactive == false) { // conversion per bin requires auto-upgrade level 2 if ($aulevel > 1) { $skipping = false; } else { $skipping = true; } } if (!$skipping) { $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { $ans = 'a'; } foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if (preg_match("/_places\$/", $v) || preg_match("/_withheld\$/", $v)) { continue; } if ($single && $v !== $single . '_tweets' && $v !== $single . '_hashtags' && $v !== $single . '_mentions' && $v !== $single . '_urls') { continue; } if ($interactive && $ans !== 'a') { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Convert table {$v} character set utf8 to utf8mb4", 2, '639a0b93271eafca98c02e5a01968572d4435191'); } if ($ans == 'y' || $ans == 'a') { logit($logtarget, "Converting table {$v} character set utf8 to utf8mb4"); $query = "ALTER TABLE {$v} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $query = "ALTER TABLE {$v} CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); logit($logtarget, "Repairing and optimizing table {$v}"); $query = "REPAIR TABLE {$v}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $query = "OPTIMIZE TABLE {$v}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } } } } // 24/02/2015 remove media_type, photo_size_width and photo_size_height fields from _urls table // create media table $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if (!preg_match("/_urls\$/", $v)) { continue; } if ($single && $v !== $single . '_urls') { continue; } $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$v}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $columns = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $update_remove = FALSE; foreach ($columns as $i => $c) { if ($c == 'photo_size_width') { $update_remove = TRUE; break; } } if ($update_remove) { $suggested = true; $update_remove = false; } if ($update_remove) { logit($logtarget, "Removing columns media_type, photo_size_width and photo_size_height from table {$v}"); $query = "ALTER TABLE " . quoteIdent($v) . " DROP COLUMN `media_type`," . " DROP COLUMN `photo_size_width`," . " DROP COLUMN `photo_size_height`"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); // NOTE: column url_is_media_upload has been deprecated, but will not be removed because it signifies an older structure } $mediatable = preg_replace("/_urls\$/", "_media", $v); if (!in_array($mediatable, array_values($results))) { if ($dry_run) { $suggested = true; } else { logit($logtarget, "Creating table {$mediatable}"); $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " . quoteIdent($mediatable) . " (\n `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `tweet_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL,\n `url` varchar(2048),\n `url_expanded` varchar(2048),\n `media_url_https` varchar(2048),\n `media_type` varchar(32),\n `photo_size_width` int(11),\n `photo_size_height` int(11),\n `photo_resize` varchar(32),\n `indice_start` int(11),\n `indice_end` int(11),\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `tweet_id`),\n KEY `media_url_https` (`media_url_https`),\n KEY `media_type` (`media_type`),\n KEY `photo_size_width` (`photo_size_width`),\n KEY `photo_size_height` (`photo_size_height`),\n KEY `photo_resize` (`photo_resize`)\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } if ($update_remove && $dry_run == false) { logit($logtarget, "Please run the upgrade-media.php script to lookup media data for Tweets in your bins."); } } // 03/03/2015 Add comments column $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM tcat_query_bins"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $columns = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $update = TRUE; foreach ($columns as $i => $c) { if ($c == 'comments') { $update = FALSE; break; } } if ($update && $dry_run) { $suggested = true; $update = false; } if ($update) { logit($logtarget, "Adding new comments column to table tcat_query_bins"); $query = "ALTER TABLE tcat_query_bins ADD COLUMN `comments` varchar(2048) DEFAULT NULL"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } // 17/04/2015 Change column to user_id to BIGINT in tcat_query_bins_users $query = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tcat_query_bins_users"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(); $update = FALSE; foreach ($results as $result) { if ($result['Field'] == 'user_id' && !preg_match("/bigint/", $result['Type'])) { $update = TRUE; break; } } if ($update) { $suggested = true; $required = true; // this is a bugfix, therefore required if ($dry_run == false) { // in non-interactive mode we always execute, because the complexity level is: trivial if ($interactive) { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Change column type for user_id in table tcat_query_bins_users to BIGINT", 0, 'n/a'); if ($ans != 'a' && $ans != 'y') { $update = false; } } if ($update) { logit($logtarget, "Changing column type for column user_id in table tcat_query_bins_users"); $query = "ALTER TABLE tcat_query_bins_users MODIFY `user_id` BIGINT NULL"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } } // 13/08/2015 Use original retweet text for all truncated tweets & original/cached user for all retweeted tweets $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { // require auto-upgrade level 2 if ($aulevel > 1) { $ans = 'a'; } else { $ans = 'SKIP'; } } /* Skip the test during a dry-run if an upgrade has already been suggested, or when the auto-upgrade level is not high enough. */ if ($ans != 'SKIP' && ($suggested == false && $required == false || $dry_run == false)) { /* * After n seconds of testing and no positive results, we assume the bins do not require updating. * Unfortunately MySQL versions below 5.7.4 do not allow us to specify a timeout per query. */ $total_test_time = 5; $t1 = time(); foreach ($all_bins as $bin) { if ($single && $bin !== $single) { continue; } /* * Look for any tweets that have different length than pseudocode: length("RT @originaluser: "******"RT @retweetsuser: "******"select exists ( select 1 from " . $bin . "_tweets A inner join " . $bin . "_tweets B on A.retweet_id = where LENGTH(A.text) != LENGTH(B.text) + LENGTH(B.from_user_name) + LENGTH('RT @: ') or substr(A.text, position('@' in A.text) + 1, position(': ' in A.text) - 5) != B.from_user_name limit 1 ) as `exists`"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($tester); $rec->execute(); $res = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($res['exists'] === 1) { if ($dry_run) { $suggested = true; break; } else { if ($interactive && $ans !== 'a') { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Use the original retweet text and username for truncated tweets in bin {$bin} - this will ALTER tweet contents", 2, 'n/a'); } if ($ans == 'y' || $ans == 'a') { logit($logtarget, "Using original retweet text and username for tweets in bin {$bin}"); /* Note: original tweet may have been length 140 and truncated retweet may have length 140, * therefore we need to check for more than just length. Here we update everything with length >= 140 and ending with '...' */ $fixer = "update {$bin}" . "_tweets A inner join " . $bin . "_tweets B on A.retweet_id = set A.text = CONCAT('RT @', B.from_user_name, ': ', B.text) where (length(A.text) >= 140 and A.text like '%…') or substr(A.text, position('@' in A.text) + 1, position(': ' in A.text) - 5) != B.from_user_name"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($fixer); $rec->execute(); } } } $t2 = time(); if ($t2 - $t1 > $total_test_time) { break; } } } // 22/01/2016 Remove AUTO_INCREMENT from primary key in tcat_query_users $query = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tcat_query_users"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(); $update = FALSE; foreach ($results as $result) { if ($result['Field'] == 'id' && preg_match("/auto_increment/", $result['Extra'])) { $update = TRUE; break; } } if ($update) { $suggested = true; $required = false; if ($dry_run == false) { // in non-interactive mode we always execute, because the complexity level is: trivial if ($interactive) { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Remove AUTO_INCREMENT from primary key in tcat_query_users", 0, 'b11f11cbfb302e32f8db5dd1e883a16e7b2b0c67'); if ($ans != 'a' && $ans != 'y') { $update = false; } } if ($update) { logit($logtarget, "Removing AUTO_INCREMENT from primary key in tcat_query_users"); $query = "ALTER TABLE tcat_query_users MODIFY `id` BIGINT NOT NULL"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } } // 01/02/2016 Alter tweets tables to add new fields, ex. 'quoted_status_id' $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { // require auto-upgrade level 2 if ($aulevel > 1) { $ans = 'a'; } else { $ans = 'SKIP'; } } if ($ans !== 'SKIP') { foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if (!preg_match("/_tweets\$/", $v)) { continue; } if ($single && $v !== $single . '_tweets') { continue; } $query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$v}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $columns = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $update = TRUE; foreach ($columns as $i => $c) { if ($c == 'quoted_status_id') { $update = FALSE; break; } } if ($update && $dry_run) { $suggested = true; $update = false; } if ($update) { if ($ans !== 'a') { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Add new columns and indexes (ex. quoted_status_id) to table {$v}", 2, '6b6c7ac716a9e179a2ea3e528c9374b94abdada6'); } if ($ans == 'a' || $ans == 'y') { logit($logtarget, "Adding new columns (ex. quoted_status_id) to table {$v}"); $definitions = array("`quoted_status_id` bigint"); $query = "ALTER TABLE " . quoteIdent($v); $first = TRUE; foreach ($definitions as $subpart) { if (!$first) { $query .= ", "; } else { $first = FALSE; } $query .= " ADD COLUMN {$subpart}"; } // and add indexes $query .= ", ADD KEY `quoted_status_id` (`quoted_status_id`)"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } } } // 05/04/2016 Re-assemble historical TCAT ratelimit information to keep appropriate interval records (see the discussion on Github: // First test if a reconstruction is neccessary $already_updated = true; $now = null; // this variable will store the moment the new gauge behaviour became effective if ($have_tcat_status) { $sql = "select value, unix_timestamp(value) as value_unix from tcat_status where variable = 'ratelimit_format_modified_at'"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); if ($rec->execute() && $rec->rowCount() > 0) { while ($res = $rec->fetch()) { $now = $res['value']; $now_unix = $res['value_unix']; } } $sql = "select value from tcat_status where variable = 'ratelimit_database_rebuild' and value > 0"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); if (!$rec->execute() || $rec->rowCount() == 0) { $already_updated = false; } $bin_mysqldump = $bin_gzip = null; if ($already_updated == false) { $bin_mysqldump = get_executable("mysqldump"); if ($bin_mysqldump === null) { logit($logtarget, "The mysqldump binary appears to be missing. Did you install the MySQL client utilities? Some upgrades will not work without this utility."); $already_updated = true; } $bin_gzip = get_executable("gzip"); if ($bin_gzip === null) { logit($logtarget, "The gzip binary appears to be missing. Please lookup this utility in your software repository. Some upgrades will not work without this utility."); $already_updated = true; } } } else { // The upgrade script will cause active tracking roles to restart; which may take up to a minute. Afterwards, we can expect the tcat_status table to exist and // to have started recording timezone, gap and ratelimit information in the new gauge style. Because it really neccessary to wait for the tracking roles to behave correctly, // we decide to skip this upgrade step and inform the user. logit($logtarget, "Your tracking roles are being restarted now (in the background) to record timezone, ratelimit and gap information in a newer style."); logit($logtarget, "Afterwards will we be able to re-assemble historical ratelimit and gap information, and new export modules can become available."); logit($logtarget, "Please wait at least one minute and then run this script again."); } if (!$already_updated && $now != null) { $suggested = true; $required = true; // this is a bugfix, therefore required if ($dry_run == false) { $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { // require auto-upgrade level 2 if ($aulevel > 1) { $ans = 'a'; } else { $ans = 'SKIP'; } } else { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Re-assemble historical TCAT tweet time zone, ratelimit and gap information to keep appropriate records. It will take quite a while on long-running servers, though the majority of operations are non-blocking. If you have some very big bins (with 70+ million tweets inside them), you may wish to explore the USE_INSERT_DELAYED option in config.php and restart your trackers before running this upgrade. The upgrade procedure will temporarily render bins being upgraded invisible in the front-end.", 2); } if ($ans == 'y' || $ans == 'a') { global $dbuser, $dbpass, $database, $hostname; putenv('MYSQL_PWD=' . $dbpass); /* this avoids having to put the password on the command-line */ // We need functioning timezone tables for this upgrade step if (import_mysql_timezone_data() == FALSE) { logit($logtarget, "ERROR -----"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - Your MySQL server is unfortunately missing timezone data which is needed to perform this upgrade step."); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - This is usually caused by having a non-root user connecting to the database server."); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - Your current configuration is secure and actually the recommended one (as it is also set-up this way by the TCAT auto-installer)."); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - But you will now have to perform a single superuser (sudo) command manually."); logit($logtarget, "ERROR -"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - For Debian or Ubuntu systems, become root (using sudo su) and execute the following command:"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR -"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - /usr/bin/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --force -u debian-sys-maint mysql"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR -"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - (you can safely ignore the line: Warning: Unable to load '/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list' as time zone. Skipping it.')"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR -"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR - For all other operating systems, please read the MySQL instructions here:"); logit($logtarget, "ERROR -----"); logit($logtarget, "Discontinuing this upgrade step until the issue has been resolved."); } else { // First make sure the historical tweet data is correct $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); foreach ($results as $k => $tweets_table) { if (!preg_match("/_tweets\$/", $tweets_table)) { continue; } $badzone = 'Europe/London'; logit($logtarget, "Fixing timezone for created_at field in table '{$tweets_table}' .."); if (TCAT_CONFIG_DEPRECATED_TIMEZONE && TCAT_CONFIG_DEPRECATED_TIMEZONE_CONFIGURED) { $badzone = TCAT_CONFIG_DEPRECATED_TIMEZONE_CONFIGURED; } /* * NOTE: The MySQL native function CONVERT_TZ(datetimestring, 'badtimezone', 'UTC') helps to undo the bug described * Here: * And here: */ $sql = "SELECT id FROM `{$tweets_table}` WHERE CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') <= '{$now}' ORDER BY CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') DESC LIMIT 1"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); $results2 = $rec2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $max_id = $results2['id']; if (is_null($max_id)) { logit($logtarget, "Table is either empty or does not need to be fixed. Skipping."); continue; } $dbh->beginTransaction(); $binname = preg_replace("/_tweets\$/", "", $tweets_table); $orig_access = TCAT_QUERYBIN_ACCESS_OK; if (in_array($binname, $all_bins)) { $sql = "SELECT `access` FROM tcat_query_bins WHERE querybin = :querybin"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->bindParam(":querybin", $binname, PDO::PARAM_STR); $rec2->execute(); $results2 = $rec2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $orig_access = $results2['access']; $sql = "UPDATE tcat_query_bins SET access = " . TCAT_QUERYBIN_ACCESS_WRITEONLY . " WHERE querybin = :querybin"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->bindParam(":querybin", $binname, PDO::PARAM_STR); $rec2->execute(); } $dbh->commit(); $dbh->beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE `{$tweets_table}` SET created_at = CONVERT_TZ(created_at, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') WHERE id <= {$max_id}"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); if (in_array($binname, $all_bins)) { $sql = "UPDATE tcat_query_bins SET access = :access WHERE querybin = :querybin"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->bindParam(":access", $orig_access, PDO::PARAM_INT); $rec2->bindParam(":querybin", $binname, PDO::PARAM_STR); $rec2->execute(); } $dbh->commit(); } // Start working on the gaps and ratelimit tables $ts = time(); logit($logtarget, "Backuping existing tcat_error_ratelimit and tcat_error_gap information to your system's temporary directory."); $targetfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/tcat_error_ratelimit_and_gap_{$ts}.sql"; if (!file_exists($targetfile)) { $cmd = "{$bin_mysqldump} --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -u{$dbuser} -h {$hostname} {$database} tcat_error_ratelimit tcat_error_gap > " . $targetfile; system($cmd, $retval); } else { $retval = 1; // failure } if ($retval != 0) { logit($logtarget, "I couldn't create a backup at {$targetfile} - perhaps the backup already exists? Aborting this upgrade step."); } else { logit($logtarget, $cmd); $cmd = "{$bin_gzip} {$targetfile}"; logit($logtarget, $cmd); system($cmd); logit($logtarget, "Backup placed here - you may want to store it somewhere else: " . $targetfile . '.gz'); // Fix issue described here $sql = "SELECT id FROM tcat_error_ratelimit WHERE CONVERT_TZ(end, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') < '{$now}' ORDER BY CONVERT_TZ(end, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') DESC LIMIT 1"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); $results2 = $rec2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $max_id = $results2['id']; if (is_null($max_id)) { $max_id = 0; // table is empty. } $dbh->beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE tcat_error_ratelimit SET start = CONVERT_TZ(start, '{$badzone}', 'UTC'), end = CONVERT_TZ(end, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') WHERE id <= {$max_id}"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); $dbh->commit(); /* * First part: rate limits */ /* * Strategy: * * As recording of ratelimit continues in tcat_error_ratelimit, we build a tcat_error_ratelimit_upgrade table. * For the entire timespan _before_ the new gauge behaviour became effective, we do a minute-interval reconstruction in this temporary upgrade table. * Finally we throw away existing tcat_error_ratelimit entries from this era and insert the ones from our temporary table. * */ $sql = "create temporary table if not exists tcat_error_ratelimit_upgrade ( id bigint, `type` varchar(32), start datetime not null, end datetime not null, tweets bigint not null, primary key(id, type), index(type), index(start), index(end) ) ENGINE=MyISAM"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $sql = "select unix_timestamp(min(start)) as beginning_unix from tcat_error_ratelimit"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $beginning_unix = $results['beginning_unix']; if (is_null($beginning_unix)) { $difference_minutes = 0; } else { $difference_minutes = round($now_unix / 60 - $beginning_unix / 60 + 1); } logit($logtarget, "We have ratelimit information on this server for the past {$difference_minutes} minutes."); logit($logtarget, "Reconstructing the rate limit for these now."); // If we have an end before a start time, we are sure we cannot trust any minute measurements before this occurence. // This situation (end < start) was related to a bug in the toDateTime() function, which formatted the minute-part wrong. $sql = "select max(start) as time_fixed_dateformat, unix_timestamp(max(start)) as timestamp_fixed_dateformat from tcat_error_ratelimit where end < start"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $ratelimit_time_fixed_dateformat = $results['time_fixed_dateformat']; $ratelimit_timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $results['timestamp_fixed_dateformat']; $sql = "select max(start) as time_fixed_dateformat, unix_timestamp(max(start)) as timestamp_fixed_dateformat from tcat_error_gap where end < start"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $gap_time_fixed_dateformat = $results['time_fixed_dateformat']; $gap_timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $results['timestamp_fixed_dateformat']; // Compare query results and pick earliest possible moment of distrust. if (!$ratelimit_time_fixed_dateformat && !$gap_time_fixed_dateformat) { // Assume all measurements where hour-based until now. logit($logtarget, "Dateformat fix not found"); $time_fixed_dateformat = $now; $timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $now_unix; } elseif (!$ratelimit_time_fixed_dateformat) { // We have only information in the gap table logit($logtarget, "Dateformat fix solely in tcat_error_gap"); $time_fixed_dateformat = $gap_time_fixed_dateformat; $timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $gap_timestamp_fixed_dateformat; } elseif (!$gap_time_fixed_dateformat) { // We have only information in the ratelimit table logit($logtarget, "Dateformat fix solely in tcat_error_ratelimit"); $time_fixed_dateformat = $ratelimit_time_fixed_dateformat; $timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $ratelimit_timestamp_fixed_dateformat; } else { // Compare table information if ($gap_timestamp_fixed_dateformat > $ratelimit_timestamp_fixed_dateformat) { logit($logtarget, "Dateformat fix learned from tcat_error_gap"); $time_fixed_dateformat = $gap_time_fixed_dateformat; $timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $gap_timestamp_fixed_dateformat; } else { logit($logtarget, "Dateformat fix learned from tcat_error_ratelimit"); $time_fixed_dateformat = $ratelimit_time_fixed_dateformat; $timestamp_fixed_dateformat = $ratelimit_timestamp_fixed_dateformat; } } logit($logtarget, "Dateformat fix found at '{$time_fixed_dateformat}'"); logit($logtarget, "Processing everything before MySQL date {$now}"); // Zero all minutes until the beginning of our capture era, for roles track and follow for ($i = 1; $i <= $difference_minutes; $i++) { $sql = "insert into tcat_error_ratelimit_upgrade ( id, `type`, `start`, `end`, `tweets` ) values ( {$i}, 'track',\n date_sub( date_sub('{$now}', interval {$i} minute), interval second(date_sub('{$now}', interval {$i} minute)) second ),\n date_sub( date_sub('{$now}', interval " . ($i - 1) . " minute), interval second(date_sub('{$now}', interval " . ($i - 1) . " minute)) second ),\n 0 )"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $sql = "insert into tcat_error_ratelimit_upgrade ( id, `type`, `start`, `end`, `tweets` ) values ( {$i}, 'follow',\n date_sub( date_sub('{$now}', interval {$i} minute), interval second(date_sub('{$now}', interval {$i} minute)) second ),\n date_sub( date_sub('{$now}', interval " . ($i - 1) . " minute), interval second(date_sub('{$now}', interval " . ($i - 1) . " minute)) second ),\n 0 )"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); if ($i % ($difference_minutes / 100) == 0) { logit($logtarget, "Creating temporary table " . round($i / $difference_minutes * 100) . "% completed"); } } logit($logtarget, "Building a new ratelimit table in temporary space"); $roles = array('track', 'follow'); foreach ($roles as $role) { logit($logtarget, "Handle rate limits for role {$role}"); /* * Start reading the tcat_error_ratelimit table for the role we are working on. We are using the 'start' column because it contains sufficient information. */ $sql = "select id,\n `type` as role,\n date_format(start, '%k') as measure_hour,\n date_format(start, '%i') as measure_minute,\n tweets as incr_record from tcat_error_ratelimit where `type` = '{$role}'\n order by id desc"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $consolidate_hour = -1; // the hour we are working on to consolidate our data $consolidate_minute = -1; // the minute we are working on to consolidate our data $consolidate_max_id = -1; // the maximum tcat_error_ratelimit ID within the consolidation timeframe while ($res = $rec->fetch()) { // measure_minute will contain the minute we are reading from the table (remember: backwards in time) $measure_minute = ltrim($res['measure_minute']); if ($measure_minute == '') { $measure_minute = 0; } // measure_hour will contain the minute we are reading from the table (again: backwards in time) $measure_hour = $res['measure_hour']; if ($measure_minute != $consolidate_minute || $measure_hour != $consolidate_hour) { /* * We are reading a new entry not inside our consolidation frame (which has the resolution of an hour or minute) * We will consolidate our data, unless we are at the first row. */ if ($consolidate_minute == -1) { // first row received $consolidate_minute = $measure_minute; $consolidate_hour = $measure_hour; $consolidate_max_id = $res['id']; } else { $controller_restart_detected = false; /* * The SQL query below reads the MIN and MAX recorded tweets values for our interval. * * It additionally checks to detect controller resets. Whenever the controller resets itself, because of a crash or server reboot, * the incremental counter will jump to zero. This SQL query recognizes this sudden jump by explicitely verifying the order. * * Note: this query uses max(start) to determine the start parameter to pass to the smoothing function. If we would've used min(start), * we inadvertently include the start column of the NEXT row, and that's not our intention. Because we are using max(start), it is * possible that the difference in minutes between the 'start' and 'end' becomes less than 1 minute. Our smoother function is * aware of this. * */ $sql = "select max(tweets) as record_max,\n min(tweets) as record_min,\n max(start) as start, unix_timestamp(max(start)) as start_unix,\n max(end) as end, unix_timestamp(max(end)) as end_unix\n from tcat_error_ratelimit where `type` = '{$role}' and\n id >= " . $res['id'] . " and\n id <= {$consolidate_max_id} and\n ( select tweets from tcat_error_ratelimit where id = {$consolidate_max_id} ) >\n ( select tweets from tcat_error_ratelimit where id = " . $res['id'] . " )"; $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); // our query will always return a non-empty result, because min()/max() always produce a row (with a possible NULL as value) while ($res2 = $rec2->fetch()) { if ($res2['record_max'] == null) { // The order is NOT incremental. $controller_restart_detected = true; } $record_max = $res2['record_max']; $record_min = $res2['record_min']; $record = $record_max - $record_min; if ($controller_restart_detected) { } elseif ($record >= 0) { ratelimit_smoother($dbh, $timestamp_fixed_dateformat, $role, $res2['start'], $res2['end'], $res2['start_unix'], $res2['end_unix'], $record); } } $consolidate_minute = $measure_minute; $consolidate_hour = $measure_hour; $consolidate_max_id = $res['id']; } } } if ($consolidate_minute != -1) { // we consolidate the last minute $sql = "select max(tweets) as record_max,\n min(tweets) as record_min,\n min(start) as start, unix_timestamp(min(start)) as start_unix,\n max(end) as end, unix_timestamp(max(end)) as end_unix\n from tcat_error_ratelimit where `type` = '{$role}' and\n id <= {$consolidate_max_id}"; $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); while ($res2 = $rec2->fetch()) { $record_max = $res2['record_max']; $record_min = $res2['record_min']; $record = $record_max - $record_min; if ($record > 0) { ratelimit_smoother($dbh, $timestamp_fixed_dateformat, $role, $res2['start'], $res2['end'], $res2['start_unix'], $res2['end_unix'], $record); } } } } // By using a TRANSACTION block here, we ensure the tcat_error_ratelimit will not end up in an undefined state $dbh->beginTransaction(); $sql = "delete from tcat_error_ratelimit where start < '{$now}' or end < '{$now}'"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); logit($logtarget, "Removing old records from tcat_error_ratelimit"); $rec->execute(); $sql = "insert into tcat_error_ratelimit ( `type`, start, end, tweets ) select `type`, start, end, tweets from tcat_error_ratelimit_upgrade order by start asc"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); logit($logtarget, "Inserting new records into tcat_error_ratelimit"); $rec->execute(); /* * The next operation will break the tie between the ascending order of the ID primary key, and the datetime columns start and end. This is not a problem per se. * Rebuilding that order is feasible, but we shouldn't re-run this upgrade step anyway and this will never be presented as an option to the user. * If something goes wrong, restore the original table from the backup instead. */ $sql = "insert into tcat_status ( variable, value ) values ( 'ratelimit_database_rebuild', '1' )"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $dbh->commit(); logit($logtarget, "Rebuilding of tcat_error_ratelimit has finished"); $sql = "drop table tcat_error_ratelimit_upgrade"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); /* * Second part: gaps * * Notice we do all datetime functions in native MySQL. This may appear to be cumbersome but is has the advantage of having to do a minimal ammount of datetime conversions, * and being able to mostly ignore the system clock (OS), with the single exception of the reduce_gap_size() function. * The gap table is not big and this upgrade step should maximally take several hours on long-running servers. */ logit($logtarget, "Now rebuilding tcat_error_gap table"); // Fix issue described here $sql = "SELECT id FROM tcat_error_gap WHERE CONVERT_TZ(end, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') < '{$now}' ORDER BY CONVERT_TZ(end, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') DESC LIMIT 1"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); $results2 = $rec2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $max_id = $results2['id']; if (is_null($max_id)) { $max_id = 0; // table is empty. } $dbh->beginTransaction(); $sql = "UPDATE tcat_error_gap SET start = CONVERT_TZ(start, '{$badzone}', 'UTC'), end = CONVERT_TZ(end, '{$badzone}', 'UTC') WHERE id <= {$max_id}"; logit($logtarget, "{$sql}"); $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec2->execute(); $dbh->commit(); $existing_roles = array('track', 'follow', 'onepercent'); foreach ($existing_roles as $type) { $time_begin_gap = $timestamp_begin_gap = null; // Note: 1970-01-01 is the Unix timestamp for NULL. It was written to the database whenever there was a gap with an 'unknown' start time, // due to the fact that there was no proc/ information available to the controller. This behaviour has changed. $sql = "select min(start) as time_begin_gap, unix_timestamp(min(start)) as timestamp_begin_gap FROM tcat_error_gap where type = '{$type}' and start > '1970-01-01 01:01:00'"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); if ($rec->execute() && $rec->rowCount() > 0) { while ($row = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $time_begin_gap = $row['time_begin_gap']; $timestamp_begin_gap = $row['timestamp_begin_gap']; } } if (!$now || !$now_unix || !$time_begin_gap || !$timestamp_begin_gap) { logit($logtarget, "Nothing to do for role {$type}"); continue; } $difference_minutes = round($now_unix / 60 - $timestamp_begin_gap / 60 + 1); logit($logtarget, "For role {$type}, we have gap information on this server for the past {$difference_minutes} minutes."); $gaps = array(); $sql = "select * from tcat_error_gap where type = '{$type}' and start > '1970-01-01 01:01:00' and end < '{$now}' order by id, start asc"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $ignore_start = $already_recorded_until = null; $trust_minute_measurement = false; while ($row = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($row['start'] == $ignore_start) { continue; } // If we are being told about a gap we already know, skip it if ($already_recorded_until) { $sql2 = "select '" . $row['start'] . "' > '{$already_recorded_until}'"; $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2); $rec2->execute(); $later_in_time = $rec2->fetchColumn(); if ($later_in_time != '1') { // Not registering the gap starting at $row['start'] here, because it is already accounted for. continue; } } // If we know for a fact the minute measurement is accurate, we work with that precision, and otherwise // we try to attain it by searching the real capture data. if (!$trust_minute_measurement) { $sql2 = "select '" . $row['start'] . "' > '{$time_fixed_dateformat}'"; $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2); $rec2->execute(); $later_in_time = $rec2->fetchColumn(); if ($later_in_time == '1') { $trust_minute_measurement = true; } } // The controller could create repeated rows with the same 'start' value if it didn't manage to boot up a role // The next query recognizes this. $sql2 = "select max(end) as max_end from tcat_error_gap where type = '{$type}' and start = '" . $row['start'] . "'"; $rec2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2); $rec2->execute(); $max_end = null; while ($row2 = $rec2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $max_end = $row2['max_end']; break; } if ($max_end) { // Example: '2016-04-19 03:12:44' if (preg_match("/^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\$/", $max_end, $matches_end) && preg_match("/^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) (\\d{2}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})\$/", $row['start'], $matches_start)) { if (!$trust_minute_measurement) { // Drop a distrusted minute measurement due to previous dateformat bug // This first defines the gap as wide as possible (with an hourly precision). Afterwards we prune it by searching the real capture data. $matches_start[5] = '00'; // minutes start $matches_start[6] = '00'; // seconds start $matches_end[5] = '59'; // minutes end $matches_end[6] = '59'; // seconds end $new_start = $matches_start[1] . '-' . $matches_start[2] . '-' . $matches_start[3] . ' ' . $matches_start[4] . ':' . $matches_start[5] . ':' . $matches_start[6]; $new_end = $matches_end[1] . '-' . $matches_end[2] . '-' . $matches_end[3] . ' ' . $matches_end[4] . ':' . $matches_end[5] . ':' . $matches_end[6]; // Now attempt to reduce the gap size $reduced = reduce_gap_size($type, $new_start, $new_end); if (is_null($reduced)) { logit($logtarget, "Erroneous gap report for role {$type} from '" . $new_start . "' to '" . $new_end . "'"); } else { $new_start = $reduced['shrunk_start']; $new_end = $reduced['shrunk_end']; } } else { // Just copy both complete strings $new_start = $matches_start[0]; $new_end = $matches_end[0]; // logit($logtarget, "We trust the next recorded gap without search"); } // logit($logtarget, "Detected possible gap from '" . $new_start . "' to '" . $new_end . "' - now investigating"); logit($logtarget, "Recording gap for role {$type} from '" . $new_start . "' to '" . $new_end . "'"); $duplicate = false; foreach ($gaps as $gap) { if ($gap['start'] == $new_start && $gap['end'] == $new_end) { $duplicate = true; } } if (!$duplicate) { $gap = array('start' => $new_start, 'end' => $new_end); $gaps[] = $gap; } $ignore_start = $row['start']; $already_recorded_until = $new_end; } } } // By using a TRANSACTION block here, we ensure the tcat_error_gap will not end up in an undefined state $dbh->beginTransaction(); $sql = "delete from tcat_error_gap where type = '{$type}' and end <= '{$now}'"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); // Knit gap timespans togheter if they are absolutely sequential. $newgaps = array(); $first = true; $previous_start = $previous_end = null; foreach ($gaps as $gap) { if ($first) { $previous_start = $gap['start']; $previous_end = $gap['end']; $first = false; continue; } $sql = "select timediff('" . $gap['start'] . "', '{$previous_end}') as difference"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $difference = null; while ($row = $rec->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $difference = $row['difference']; break; } // This one second difference will be produced by us widening an hourly measurement as much as possible // (and not finding any real tweet data to shrink it) if ($gap !== end($gaps) && isset($difference) && $difference == '00:00:01') { // Keep on knittin' $previous_end = $gap['end']; } else { $newgaps[] = array('start' => $previous_start, 'end' => $previous_end); $previous_start = $gap['start']; $previous_end = $gap['end']; } } // The knitting won't produce a result in a situation with only a single gap record if (count($gaps) > 1) { $gaps = $newgaps; } foreach ($gaps as $gap) { $sql = "insert into tcat_error_gap ( `type`, `start`, `end` ) values ( '{$type}', '" . $gap['start'] . "', '" . $gap['end'] . "' )"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); } // The final step is to prune tcap_error_gap to remove all gaps lesser than IDLETIME if (!defined('IDLETIME')) { define('IDLETIME', 600); } if (!defined('IDLETIME_FOLLOW')) { define('IDLETIME_FOLLOW', IDLETIME); } if ($type == 'follow') { $idletime = IDLETIME_FOLLOW; } else { $idletime = IDLETIME; } $sql = "delete from tcat_error_gap where time_to_sec(timediff(end,start)) < {$idletime}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); $dbh->commit(); } logit($logtarget, "Rebuilding of tcat_error_gap has finished"); // For ratelimit exports to function, we want to have the tcat_captured_phrases table // As we have not recorded this (yet), we need to reconstruct it from the previous phrases and detect which tweets contain which queries. logit($logtarget, "Creating the tcat_captured_phrases table"); create_admin(); $trackbins = get_track_bin_phrases(); foreach ($trackbins as $querybin => $phrases) { logit($logtarget, "Extracting keyword phrase matches from querybin {$querybin} and inserting into tcat_captured_phrases .."); foreach ($phrases as $phrase => $phrase_id) { if (substr($phrase, 0, 1) !== "'" && strpos($phrase, ' ') !== false) { // The user intends a AND match here, such as: [ scottish AND independence ] // Both words should be in the tweet, but not neccessarily next to each other ( according to the documentation: ) $subphrases = explode(' ', $phrase); $sql = "REPLACE INTO tcat_captured_phrases ( tweet_id, phrase_id, created_at ) SELECT id, {$phrase_id}, created_at FROM " . quoteIdent($querybin . "_tweets") . " WHERE text REGEXP ?"; if (count($subphrases) > 1) { $sql .= str_repeat(" AND text REGEXP ?", count($subphrases) - 1); } $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $i = 1; foreach ($subphrases as $subphrase) { $regexp = "[[:<:]]" . $subphrase . "[[:>:]]"; $rec->bindParam($i, $regexp, PDO::PARAM_STR); $i++; } $rec->execute(); } else { // The user intends an exact string match here, such as: [ 'scottish independence' ] // Or the keyword string is a simple, single-word phrase $phrasematch = str_replace("'", "", $phrase); // replace any occurances of the quoting character $sql = "REPLACE INTO tcat_captured_phrases ( tweet_id, phrase_id, created_at ) SELECT id, {$phrase_id}, created_at FROM " . quoteIdent($querybin . "_tweets") . " WHERE text REGEXP :regexp"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $regexp = "[[:<:]]" . $phrasematch . "[[:>:]]"; $rec->bindParam(":regexp", $regexp, PDO::PARAM_STR); $rec->execute(); } // logit($logtarget, $sql); // print SQL statements for debugging purposes } } // Indicate to the analytics panel we have fully executed this upgrade step and export functions can become available $sql = "update tcat_status set value = 2 where variable = 'ratelimit_database_rebuild'"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($sql); $rec->execute(); logit($logtarget, "Phrases table successfully built. Gap and ratelimit export features have now been unlocked."); } } } } } // 24/05/2016 Fix index of tweet_id on withheld tables $query = "SHOW TABLES"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $results = $rec->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $ans = ''; if ($interactive == false) { // require auto-upgrade level 0 if ($aulevel >= 0) { $ans = 'a'; } else { $ans = 'SKIP'; } } if ($ans !== 'SKIP') { foreach ($results as $k => $v) { if (!preg_match("/_withheld\$/", $v)) { continue; } if ($single && $v !== $single . '_withheld') { continue; } $query = "SHOW INDEXES FROM {$v}"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); $indexes = $rec->fetchAll(); $update = FALSE; foreach ($indexes as $index) { if ($index['Key_name'] == 'tweet_id' && $index['Column_name'] == 'user_id') { $update = TRUE; break; } } if ($update && $dry_run) { $suggested = true; } if ($update && $dry_run == false) { if ($ans !== 'a') { $ans = cli_yesnoall("Fixing index of tweet_id on table {$v}", 0, '2f1c585fac9e2646951bb44f61e864f4488a37e6'); } if ($ans == 'a' || $ans == 'y') { logit($logtarget, "Fixing index of tweet_id on table {$v}"); $query = "ALTER TABLE " . quoteIdent($v) . " DROP KEY `tweet_id`, ADD KEY `tweet_id` (`tweet_id`)"; $rec = $dbh->prepare($query); $rec->execute(); } } } } // End of upgrades if ($required == true && $suggested == true) { $required = true; $suggested = false; // only return the strongest option } if ($dry_run) { return array('suggested' => $suggested, 'required' => $required); } }