function generateUserNewPwd($ID) { $sPwd = genRndPwd(); $sSalt = genRndSalt(); $sQuery = "\n UPDATE `Profiles`\n SET\n `Password` = '" . encryptUserPwd($sPwd, $sSalt) . "',\n `Salt` = '{$sSalt}'\n WHERE\n `ID`='{$ID}'\n "; db_res($sQuery); createUserDataFile($ID); require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'; $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'edit', $ID); $oZ->alert(); return $sPwd; }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode($iLoggedID) { $member['ID'] = (int) $iLoggedID; $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']); if ($_POST['CHANGE_STATUS']) { $sStatus = ""; switch ($_POST['CHANGE_STATUS']) { case 'SUSPEND': if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Active') { $sStatus = "Suspended"; } break; case 'ACTIVATE': if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Suspended') { $sStatus = "Active"; } break; } if (mb_strlen($sStatus) > 0) { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = '{$sStatus}' WHERE `ID` = {$member['ID']}"); } createUserDataFile($p_arr['ID']); reparseObjTags('profile', $member['ID']); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']); } $aData = array('profile_status_caption' => _t("_Profile status"), 'status' => $p_arr['Status'], 'status_lang_key' => _t('__' . $p_arr['Status'])); $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'change_status.php', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'form_change_status'), 'inputs' => array('status' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'CHANGE_STATUS', 'value' => ''), 'subscribe' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'subscribe', 'value' => ''))); switch ($p_arr['Status']) { case 'Active': $aForm['inputs']['status']['value'] = 'SUSPEND'; $aForm['inputs']['subscribe']['value'] = _t('_Suspend account'); $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); $aData['form'] = $oForm->getCode(); $aData['message'] = _t("_PROFILE_CAN_SUSPEND"); break; case 'Suspended': $aForm['inputs']['status']['value'] = 'ACTIVATE'; $aForm['inputs']['subscribe']['value'] = _t('_Activate account'); $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); $aData['form'] = $oForm->getCode(); $aData['message'] = _t("_PROFILE_CAN_ACTIVATE"); break; default: $aData['message'] = _t("_PROFILE_CANT_ACTIVATE/SUSPEND"); $aData['form'] = ''; break; } return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('change_status.html', $aData); }
function _saveCatAdminPassword(&$aData) { $iId = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']; $aAdmin = $this->_oDb->getRow("SELECT `Password`, `Salt` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `ID`= ?", [$iId]); if (encryptUserPwd($aData['pwd_old'], $aAdmin['Salt']) != $aAdmin['Password']) { return MsgBox(_t('_adm_txt_settings_wrong_old_pasword'), $this->_iResultTimer); } $iLength = strlen($aData['pwd_new']); if ($iLength < 3) { return MsgBox(_t('_adm_txt_settings_wrong_new_pasword'), $this->_iResultTimer); } if ($aData['pwd_new'] != $aData['pwd_conf']) { return MsgBox(_t('_adm_txt_settings_wrong_conf_pasword'), $this->_iResultTimer); } $this->_oDb->query("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password`='" . encryptUserPwd($aData['pwd_new'], $aAdmin['Salt']) . "' WHERE `ID`='{$iId}'"); createUserDataFile($iId); return true; }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $site; global $dir; global $tmpl; global $page; global $join_page_check_limit; global $join_pages_num; global $p_arr; global $_page; global $en_aff; global $oTemplConfig; global $newusernotify; $enable_security_image = getParam('enable_security_image'); $autoApproval_ifJoin = isAutoApproval('join'); ob_start(); switch ($page) { // fill inputs with values from precede join pages case $page > 1: $hidden_vals = ''; // inputs with POST values $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes $vals = preg_split("/[,\\']+/", $arrpd['extra'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $p_arr[$fname] = ''; foreach ($vals as $v) { if (strlen(trim($v)) <= 0) { continue; } $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . ($fname . "_" . $v) . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname . "_" . $v] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]); if ($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v] == 'on') { if (strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { $p_arr[$fname] .= ",{$v}"; } else { $p_arr[$fname] .= $v; } } } break; case 'date': $p_arr[$fname] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day']); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_year" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_month" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_day" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day'] . '">'; break; default: if ($arrpd['get_value']) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($func($_POST)); } else { $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]); } break; } } // check values $query = "SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `join_page` ASC"; $respd = db_res($query); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { if (!strlen($arrpd['check'])) { continue; } $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $funcbody = $arrpd[check]; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); if (!$func($p_arr[$fname])) { $add_on .= report_err(_t($arrpd['because'], $arrpd['min_length'], $arrpd['max_length'])); } } $page = !$add_on ? $page : $page - 1; break; break; case 'done': // fill array with POST values $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes $vals = preg_split("/[,\\']+/", $arrpd['extra'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $p_arr[$fname] = ''; foreach ($vals as $v) { if (strlen(trim($v)) <= 0) { continue; } $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . ($fname . "_" . $v) . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname . "_" . $v] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]); if ($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v] == 'on') { if (strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { $p_arr[$fname] .= ",{$v}"; } else { $p_arr[$fname] .= $v; } } } break; case 'date': $p_arr[$fname] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day']); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_year" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_month" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_day" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day'] . '">'; break; default: if ($arrpd['get_value']) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($func($_POST)); } else { $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]); } break; } } // check values if ($enable_security_image) { if (!isset($_POST['securityImageValue']) || !isset($_COOKIE['strSec']) || md5($_POST['securityImageValue']) != $_COOKIE['strSec']) { $page = $join_pages_num; $add_on .= report_err(_t("_SIMG_ERR")); } } $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} AND `join_page` > 0 ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { if (!strlen(trim($arrpd['check']))) { continue; } $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $funcbody = $arrpd['check']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); if (!$func($p_arr[$fname])) { $page = floor($arrpd['join_page'] / 1000); $add_on .= report_err(_t($arrpd['because'], $arrpd['min_length'], $arrpd['max_length'])); } } break; default: break; } switch ($page) { default: global $tmpl; if ($oTemplConfig->customize['join_page']['showPageText']) { $page_text = _t("_JOIN1", $page); } echo $add_on; break; } switch ($page) { case 'done': // new profile creation $cl_values = "INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET "; $cl_first = 0; $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND `to_db` = 1 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $dbname = get_field_name($arrpd); $fval = $p_arr[$fname]; if ($dbname == 'zip') { $fval = strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', $fval)); } switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes // set of checkboxes case 'r': // reference to array for combo box // reference to array for combo box case 'a': // text Area // text Area case 'c': // input box // input box case 'rb': // radio buttons // radio buttons case 'e': // enum combo box // enum combo box case 'en': // enum combo box with numbers // enum combo box with numbers case 'eny': // enum combo box with numbers // enum combo box with numbers case 'date': // date $fval = process_db_input($fval, 0, 1); $cl_values .= " `{$dbname}` = '{$fval}'"; $cl_values .= ", "; break; case 'p': $fval = md5(process_pass_data($fval)); $cl_values .= " `{$dbname}` = '{$fval}'"; $cl_values .= ", "; break; } } $cl_values .= " `LastReg` = NOW()"; db_res($cl_values); $IDnormal = mysql_insert_id(); $IDcrypt = crypt($IDnormal, "secret_string"); // encrypted ID for security purposes setcookie("IDc", $IDcrypt, 0, "/"); $_COOKIE['IDc'] = $IDcrypt; // Affiliate and friend checking if ($en_aff && $_COOKIE['idAff']) { $res = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `aff` WHERE `ID` = {$_COOKIE['idAff']} AND `Status` = 'active'"); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { $res = db_res("INSERT INTO `aff_members` (`idAff`,`idProfile`) VALUES ({$_COOKIE['idAff']}, {$IDnormal})"); } } if ($en_aff && $_COOKIE['idFriend']) { $idFriend = getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']); if ($idFriend) { $res = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `aff_num` = `aff_num` + 1 WHERE `ID` = '{$idFriend}'"); createUserDataFile($idFriend); } } if (strcmp(crypt($IDnormal, 'secret_string'), $_COOKIE['IDc']) != 0) { ob_end_clean(); $_page['header'] = _t("_Error"); $ret = "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4><tr><td align=center class=text2>"; $ret .= _t("_MUST_HAVE_COOKIES"); $ret .= "</td></tr></table>"; return $ret; } if (getParam('autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail') == 'on') { if (getParam('autoApproval_ifJoin')) { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status`='Active' WHERE `ID`='{$IDnormal}'"); $page_text = _t("_USER_ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED") . $ret . $add_on; $message = getParam("t_Activation"); $subject = getParam('t_Activation_subject'); sendMail($p_arr['Email'], $subject, $message, $IDnormal); } else { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status`='Approval' WHERE `ID`='{$IDnormal}'"); $page_text = _t("_USER_CONF_SUCCEEDED") . $add_on; } if ($newusernotify) { $message = "New user {$p_arr['NickName']} with email {$p_arr['Email']} has been confirmed,\nhis/her ID is {$IDnormal}.\n--\n{$site['title']} mail delivery system\n<Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply>\n"; $subject = "New user confirmed"; sendMail($site['email_notify'], $subject, $message); } } else { $page_text = _t("_JOIN3") . $add_on; $page_text .= activation_mail($IDnormal); $page_text .= "<br /><br /><br /><br /><center>" . _t("_UPLOAD_WHILE_WAITING", $site['url']) . "</center>"; } modules_add($IDnormal); if (!$autoApproval_ifJoin) { modules_block($IDnormal); } createUserDataFile($IDnormal); // ---------------------------------------------------------- echo "<div id=\"first_column\">"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=center class=text2>"; echo "<div align=justify>{$page_text}</div>"; break; default: echo "<div id=\"first_column\">"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=center class=text2>"; //----------------------------------------------------------- do { $join_page_limit = 'done' == $page ? " AND join_page > '" . $join_pages_num * 1000 . "'" : " AND join_page > '" . $page * 1000 . "' AND join_page < '" . ($page + 1) * 1000 . "'"; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ProfilesDesc` WHERE `visible` & 2 {$join_page_limit} AND (FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('3',show_on_page))"; $res = db_res($query); $item_num = mysql_fetch_row($res); if ($item_num[0] <= 0 && $page < $join_pages_num) { $page++; } } while ($item_num[0] <= 0 && $page < $join_pages_num); $join_page_limit = 'done' == $page ? " AND join_page > '" . $join_pages_num * 1000 . "'" : " AND join_page > '" . $page * 1000 . "' AND join_page < '" . ($page + 1) * 1000 . "'"; $hidden_vals .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"{$page}\" />"; //----------------------------------------------------------- echo "\n\t <form name=\"jform\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" " . ($join_pages_num == $page ? "onSubmit=\"return validateJoinForm();\">" : ">") . "\n\n\t {$hidden_vals}\n\n\t <input type=hidden name=\"ID\" value=\"{$IDnormal}\" />\n\n\t <div align=justify>{$page_text}</div>\n<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">"; $first_row = 1; $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc\n\t\t\t WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_limit}\n\t\t\t ORDER BY `join_page` ASC"); if ($oTemplConfig->customize['join_page']['show_3rd_col']) { $columns = 3; } else { $columns = 2; } while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); if ($arrpd['get_value'] && $arrpd['to_db'] == 0) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $p_arr[$fname] = $func($p_arr); } $not_first_row = 0; switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes echo print_row_set($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'rb': // radio buttons echo print_row_radio_button($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'r': // reference to array for combo box if ($fname == 'Country') { $onchange = "flagImage = document.getElementById('flagImageId'); flagImage.src = '{$site['flags']}' + this.value.toLowerCase() + '.gif';"; if (strlen($p_arr[$fname]) == 0) { $p_arr[$fname] = getParam('default_country'); } $imagecode = '<img id="flagImageId" src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($p_arr[$fname])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />'; } else { $onchange = ''; $imagecode = ''; } echo print_row_ref($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns, '', 0, $onchange, $imagecode); break; case '0': // divider echo print_row_delim($first_row, $arrpd, "panel", $columns); $not_first_row = 1; $first_row = 1; break; case 'e': // enum combo box echo print_row_enum($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $javascript, 0); break; case 'en': // enum combo box with numbers echo print_row_enum_n($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'eny': // enum combo box with years echo print_row_enum_years($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'date': //date echo print_row_date($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'a': // text Area echo print_row_area($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'c': // input box echo print_row_edit($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'p': // input box password echo print_row_pwd($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; default: $not_first_row = 1; break; } if (!$not_first_row && $first_row == 1) { $first_row = 0; } } echo "</table>"; // show on the last page of join form if ($join_pages_num == $page) { ?> <script language=javascript> <!-- function validateJoinForm() { if ( document.forms['jform'].elements['i_agree'].checked ) return true; alert('<?php echo _t("_CLICK_AGREE"); ?> '); return false; } --> </script> <?php echo "<br /><div class=\"security_image_block\"><center>\n"; if ($enable_security_image) { echo "\n\t\t <img alt=\"Security Image\" src=\"simg/simg.php\" /><br /><br />" . _t("_Enter what you see:") . "<input name=\"securityImageValue\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\"><br /><br />"; } echo "</center>"; $ret = <<<ID \t\t<script type="text/javascript"> \t\t\tfunction id_registration() \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\toCheckBox = document.getElementById( "boonex_id" ); \t\t\t\tif( oCheckBox.checked ) \t\t\t\t\ '', '', 'width=800, height=600, menubar=yes, status=yes, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, toolbar=yes, location=yes') \t\t\t} \t\t</script> ID; echo $ret; echo "\n\t\t <div style=\"text-align:center;\"><input type=checkbox name=i_agree id=i_agree /><label for=i_agree>" . _t("_I AGREE", $site['url']) . "</label> </div>\n"; // BoonEx ID implementation // <div style=\"text-align:center;\"><input type=checkbox name=\"boonex_id\" id=\"boonex_id\" /><label for=boonex_id>" . _t("_ID_CREATE", "" ) . "</label> </div>"; } echo "<br /><center><input onclick=\"id_registration();\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _t("_Join") . "\" /></center></form></div>"; break; } global $memberID; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div id=\"second_column\">"; echo "<div class=\"member_login\">"; $action = "login"; $text = _t('_Member Login'); $table = "Profiles"; $login_page = "{$site['url']}member.php"; $join_page = "{$site['url']}join_form.php"; $forgot_page = "{$site['url']}forgot.php"; $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/join_login_form.html"; echo LoginForm($text, $action, $table, $login_page, $forgot_page, $template); echo "</div>"; if (getParam('enable_get_boonex_id')) { echo "<div class=\"import_boonex_id\">"; $action = "boonex"; $text = '<div class="boonex_id">' . _t('_Import BoonEx ID') . '</div>'; $table = "Profiles"; $login_page = "{$site['url']}member.php"; $join_page = "{$site['url']}join_form.php"; $forgot_page = ''; $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/join_login_form.html"; echo LoginForm($text, $action, $table, $login_page, $forgot_page, $template); echo "</div>"; } echo "</div>"; $ret = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; }
function getProfileInfo($iProfileID, $checkActiveStatus = false, $forceCache = false) { global $aUser; global $dir; global $date_format; $iProfileID = (int) $iProfileID; if (!$iProfileID) { return false; } if (!isset($aUser[$iProfileID]) || !is_array($aUser[$iProfileID]) || $forceCache) { $sCacheFile = $dir['cache'] . 'user' . $iProfileID . '.php'; if (!file_exists($sCacheFile) || $forceCache) { if (!createUserDataFile($iProfileID)) { return false; } } @(include $sCacheFile); } if ($checkActiveStatus and $aUser[$iProfileID]['Status'] != 'Active') { return false; } return $aUser[$iProfileID]; }
function onEventDeleted($iEntryId, $aDataEntry = array()) { createUserDataFile($this->_iProfileId); // arise alert $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('bx_avatar', 'delete', $iEntryId, $this->_iProfileId); $oAlert->alert(); }
function makePrimPhoto($iPhotoID, $bCouple = false) { if ($bCouple > 0) { $aMember = getProfileInfo($this->iProfileID); $sDestID = $aMember['Couple']; } else { $sDestID = $this->iProfileID; } if ($sDestID > 0) { $this->oMediaQuery->setPrimaryPhoto($sDestID, $iPhotoID); } createUserDataFile($sDestID); }
function setLangCookie($sLang) { $iProfileId = getLoggedId(); if ($iProfileId) { $iLangID = db_value("SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_languages` WHERE `Name` = '" . process_db_input($sLang) . "'"); if (!$iLangID) { $iLangID = 0; } db_res('UPDATE `Profiles` SET `LangID` = ' . (int) $iLangID . ' WHERE `ID` = ' . (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']); // recompile profile cache ; createUserDataFile($iProfileId); } setcookie('lang', '', time() - 60 * 60 * 24, '/'); setcookie('lang', $sLang, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, '/'); }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $dir; $member['ID'] = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']; ob_start(); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']); if ($_POST['CHANGE_STATUS']) { switch ($_POST['CHANGE_STATUS']) { case 'SUSPEND': if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Active') { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Suspended' WHERE `ID` = '{$member['ID']}';"); modules_block($p_arr['ID']); } break; case 'ACTIVATE': if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Suspended') { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Active' WHERE `ID` = {$member['ID']}"); // call modules to add user to modules $check_res = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_USE_CHAT); if ($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { modules_unblock($p_arr['ID'], 'chat'); } $check_res = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_USE_FORUM); if ($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] == CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED) { modules_unblock($p_arr['ID'], 'forum'); } } break; } createUserDataFile($p_arr['ID']); reparseObjTags('profile', $member['ID']); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']); } echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4><td align=center class=text2>"; echo _t("_Profile status"); ?> : <b><font class=prof_stat_<?php echo $p_arr['Status']; ?> > <?php echo _t("__{$p_arr['Status']}"); ?> </font></b><br /> <?php switch ($p_arr['Status']) { case 'Active': echo _t("_PROFILE_CAN_SUSPEND"); ?> <br /><br /><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method=post> <input type=hidden name=CHANGE_STATUS value=SUSPEND> <center><input class=no type=submit value="<?php echo _t("_Suspend account"); ?> "></center> </form> <?php break; case 'Suspended': echo _t("_PROFILE_CAN_ACTIVATE"); ?> <br /><br /><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method=post> <input type=hidden name=CHANGE_STATUS value=ACTIVATE> <center><input class=no type=submit value="<?php echo _t("_Activate account"); ?> "></center> </form> <?php break; default: echo _t("_PROFILE_CANT_ACTIVATE/SUSPEND"); break; } echo "</td></table>"; $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; }
function setDefaultGroup($iGroupId) { $this->_oDb->setDefaultGroup($this->_iOwnerId, $iGroupId); createUserDataFile($this->_iOwnerId); }
/** * Perform change of featured status with clearing profile(s) cache * @param int $iProfileId - profile id * @param boolean $bFeature - mark as featured / unfeatured * @return boolean - TRUE on success / FALSE on failure */ function bx_admin_profile_featured_control($iProfileId, $bFeature = TRUE) { $iProfileId = (int) $iProfileId; $iFeatured = $bFeature ? 1 : 0; if ($GLOBALS['MySQL']->query("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Featured` = {$iFeatured} WHERE `ID` = {$iProfileId}")) { createUserDataFile($iProfileId); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
function setLangCookie($sLang) { $iProfileId = getLoggedId(); if ($iProfileId) { $iLangID = getLangIdByName($sLang); if (!$iLangID) { $iLangID = 0; } db_res('UPDATE `Profiles` SET `LangID` = ' . (int) $iLangID . ' WHERE `ID` = ' . (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']); // recompile profile cache ; createUserDataFile($iProfileId); } setcookie('lang', '', time() - 60 * 60 * 24, '/'); setcookie('lang', $sLang, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, '/'); }
/** * Function update new dolphin's profiles table; * * @return : (string) - error message or empty; */ function _updateNewProfiles() { // define the last profile Id from old Db; $sQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` ORDER BY `ID` DESC LIMIT 1"; $rResult = mysql_query($sQuery, $this->rOldDb); $aRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult); $iLastProfileId = (int) $aRow['ID']; $iLastProfileId++; // update current profiles table; $sQuery = "SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles`"; $aProfiles = $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->getAll($sQuery); if ($aProfiles) { foreach ($aProfiles as $iKey => $aItems) { $sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `ID` = '{$iLastProfileId}' WHERE `ID` = '{$aItems['ID']}'"; $this->oMigrationModule->_oDb->query($sQuery); createUserDataFile($iLastProfileId); $iLastProfileId++; } } }
/** * Change profile status * * @param $iProfileId integer * @param $sStatus text * @return text */ function ActionChangeStatus($iProfileId, $sStatus = '') { $iProfileId = (int) $iProfileId; $sOutputCode = ''; $oUserStatus = new BxDolUserStatusView(); if ($oUserStatus->getRegisteredStatus($sStatus)) { //process status $sStatus = process_db_input($sStatus, BX_TAGS_STRIP, BX_SLASHES_AUTO); $sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `UserStatus`='{$sStatus}', `DateLastNav` = NOW()\n WHERE `ID` = '{$iProfileId}'"; if (db_res($sQuery, 0)) { // send system event bx_import('BxDolAlerts'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'edit_status', $iProfileId, $iProfileId); $oZ->alert(); bx_import('BxTemplMemberMenu'); $oMemberMenu = new BxTemplMemberMenu(); $oMemberMenu->deleteMemberMenuKeyFile($iProfileId); createUserDataFile($iProfileId); $sOutputCode = $oUserStatus->getStatusIcon($iProfileId); } } return $sOutputCode; }
foreach ($_POST['members'] as $iId) { createUserDataFile((int) $iId); reparseObjTags('profile', (int) $iId); $aProfile = getProfileInfo($iId); $aMail = $oEmailTemplate->parseTemplate('t_Activation', array(), $iId); sendMail($aProfile['Email'], $aMail['subject'], $aMail['body'], $iId, array(), 'html', false, true); $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'change_status', (int) $iId, 0, array('status' => 'Active')); $oAlert->alert(); } echo "<script>window.parent." . BX_DOL_ADM_MP_JS_NAME . ".reload();</script>"; exit; } else { if (isset($_POST['adm-mp-deactivate']) && (bool) $_POST['members']) { $GLOBALS['MySQL']->query("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status`='Approval' WHERE `ID` IN ('" . implode("','", $_POST['members']) . "')"); foreach ($_POST['members'] as $iId) { createUserDataFile((int) $iId); reparseObjTags('profile', (int) $iId); $oAlert = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'change_status', (int) $iId, 0, array('status' => 'Approval')); $oAlert->alert(); } echo "<script>window.parent." . BX_DOL_ADM_MP_JS_NAME . ".reload();</script>"; exit; } else { if (isset($_POST['adm-mp-ban']) && (bool) $_POST['members']) { foreach ($_POST['members'] as $iId) { $GLOBALS['MySQL']->query("REPLACE INTO `sys_admin_ban_list` SET `ProfID`='" . $iId . "', `Time`='0', `DateTime`=NOW()"); } echo "<script>window.parent." . BX_DOL_ADM_MP_JS_NAME . ".reload();</script>"; exit; } else { if (isset($_POST['adm-mp-unban']) && (bool) $_POST['members']) {
function generateNewPwd($ID) { $sCode = base64_encode(substr(base64_encode(substr(microtime(), 2, 8)), 2, 6)); $sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Password` = '{$sCode}' WHERE `ID`='{$ID}'"; db_res($sQuery); createUserDataFile($ID); }
function updateOnline($sId = "", $sStatus = "", $bOnline = true) { $sOnlineUpdate = $bOnline ? "NOW()" : "(NOW()-" . getParam("member_online_time") * 120 . ")"; $sStatusUpdate = empty($sStatus) ? "" : ", `UserStatus`='" . $sStatus . "'"; getResult("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastNav`=" . $sOnlineUpdate . $sStatusUpdate . " WHERE `ID`='" . $sId . "'"); if (!empty($sStatusUpdate)) { createUserDataFile($sId); } }
function registerMember() { $bEnAff = getParam('en_aff') == 'on'; $oPC = new BxDolProfilesController(); //convert to profile $aProfile = $this->oPF->getProfileFromValues($this->aValues[0]); //create it list($iMemID, $sStatus) = $oPC->createProfile($aProfile); if (!$iMemID) { return array(false, 'Fail'); } if ($this->bCouple) { //convert $aProfile = $this->oPF->getProfileFromValues($this->aValues[1]); //create list($iMem1ID, $sStatus1) = $oPC->createProfile($aProfile, false, $iMemID); if (!$iMem1ID) { $oPC->deleteProfile($iMemID); return array(false, 'Fail'); } } //send new user notification if (getParam('newusernotify') == 'on') { $oPC->sendNewUserNotify($iMemID); } // Affiliate and friend checking if ($bEnAff && $_COOKIE['idAff']) { $vRes = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `aff` WHERE `ID` = {$_COOKIE['idAff']} AND `Status` = 'active'"); if (mysql_num_rows($vRes)) { $vRes = db_res("INSERT INTO `aff_members` (`idAff`,`idProfile`) VALUES ('{$_COOKIE['idAff']}', '{$iMemID}')"); } } if ($bEnAff && $_COOKIE['idFriend']) { $iFriendID = getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']); if ($iFriendID) { $vRes = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `aff_num` = `aff_num` + 1 WHERE `ID` = '{$iFriendID}'"); createUserDataFile($iFriendID); } } reparseObjTags('profile', $iMemID); return array($iMemID, $sStatus); }
function bx_login($iId, $bRememberMe = false, $bAlert = true) { $sPassword = getPassword($iId); $aUrl = parse_url($GLOBALS['site']['url']); $sPath = isset($aUrl['path']) && !empty($aUrl['path']) ? $aUrl['path'] : '/'; $sHost = ''; $iCookieTime = $bRememberMe ? time() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 : 0; setcookie("memberID", $iId, $iCookieTime, $sPath, $sHost); $_COOKIE['memberID'] = $iId; setcookie("memberPassword", $sPassword, $iCookieTime, $sPath, $sHost, false, true); $_COOKIE['memberPassword'] = $sPassword; db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastLogin`=NOW(), `DateLastNav`=NOW() WHERE `ID`='" . $iId . "'"); createUserDataFile($iId); if ($bAlert) { require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolAlerts.php'; $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'login', $iId); $oZ->alert(); } return getProfileInfo($iId); }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $ID; global $ConfCode; global $site; global $newusernotify; global $dir; $autoApproval_ifJoin = isAutoApproval('join'); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($ID); if (!$p_arr) { $_page['header'] = _t("_Error"); $_page['header_text'] = _t("_Profile Not found"); $ret = "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4><td align=center class=text2>"; $ret .= _t('_Profile Not found Ex'); $ret .= "</td></table>"; return $ret; } ob_start(); echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4><td align=center class=text2>"; if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Unconfirmed') { $ConfCodeReal = base64_encode(base64_encode(crypt($p_arr[Email], "secret_confirmation_string"))); if (strcmp($ConfCode, $ConfCodeReal) != 0) { ?> <b><?php echo _t("_Profile activation failed"); ?> </b><br /><br /> <?php echo _t("_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED_EX"); ?> <br /> <center><form action="<?php echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ?> " method=get> <input type=hidden name="ConfID" value="<?php echo $ID; ?> "> <table class=text> <td><b><?php echo _t("_Confirmation code"); ?> :</b> </td> <td><input class=no name="ConfCode"></td> <td> </td> <td><input class=no type="submit" value=" <?php echo _t("_Submit"); ?> "></td> </table> </form></center> <?php } else { if ($autoApproval_ifJoin) { $status = 'Active'; $message = getParam("t_Activation"); $subject = getParam('t_Activation_subject'); sendMail($p_arr['Email'], $subject, $message, $p_arr['ID']); } else { $status = 'Approval'; } $update = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = '{$status}' WHERE `ID` = '{$ID}';"); createUserDataFile($ID); reparseObjTags('profile', $ID); // Promotional membership if (getParam('enable_promotion_membership') == 'on') { $memership_days = getParam('promotion_membership_days'); setMembership($p_arr['ID'], MEMBERSHIP_ID_PROMOTION, $memership_days, true); } echo _t("_EMAIL_CONF_SUCCEEDED", $site['title']); ?> <br /><br /> <center><a href="member.php"><b><?php echo _t("_Continue"); ?> >></b></a></center> <?php if ($newusernotify) { $message = "New user {$p_arr['NickName']} with email {$p_arr['Email']} has been confirmed,\nhis/her ID is {$p_arr['ID']}.\n--\n{$site['title']} mail delivery system\n<Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply>\n"; $subject = "New user confirmed"; sendMail($site['email_notify'], $subject, $message); } } } else { echo _t('_ALREADY_ACTIVATED'); } echo "</td></table>"; $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $ret; }
profile_delete($val); break; case "Confirm Email": activation_mail($val, 0); break; case "Send Message": profile_send_message($val, $_POST['Message']); break; case 'Activate': db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Active' WHERE `ID` = '" . (int) $val . "'"); createUserDataFile((int) $val); reparseObjTags('profile', (int) $val); break; case 'Approval': db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = 'Approval' WHERE `ID` = '" . (int) $val . "'"); createUserDataFile((int) $val); reparseObjTags('profile', (int) $val); break; case 'Ban': if ((int) $val > 0 && (int) $_REQUEST['time_hrs'] > 0) { $iBanTime = (int) $_REQUEST['time_hrs'] * 3600; $sCheckBanSQL = "SELECT * FROM `AdminBanList` WHERE `ProfID`='{$val}' LIMIT 1"; db_res($sCheckBanSQL); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { $sBamSQL = "UPDATE `AdminBanList` SET `Time`='{$iBanTime}', `DateTime`=NOW() WHERE `ProfID`='{$val}'"; } else { $sBamSQL = "INSERT INTO `AdminBanList` SET `Time`='{$iBanTime}', `DateTime`=NOW(), `ProfID`='{$val}'"; } db_res($sBamSQL); } break;
function getBlockCode_Privacy() { $oPrivacy = new BxDolPrivacy('sys_page_compose_privacy', 'id', 'user_id'); $this->aFormPrivacy = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => 'profile_edit_privacy', 'name' => 'profile_edit_privacy', 'action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'pedit.php?ID=' . $this->iProfileID, 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'), 'params' => array('db' => array('table' => '', 'key' => '', 'uri' => '', 'uri_title' => '', 'submit_name' => 'save_privacy')), 'inputs' => array('profile_id' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'profile_id', 'value' => $this->iProfileID), 'allow_view_to' => $oPrivacy->getGroupChooser(getLoggedId(), 'profile', 'view'), 'save_privacy' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'save_privacy', 'value' => _t('_edit_profile_privacy_save')))); $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($this->iProfileID); $this->aFormPrivacy['inputs']['allow_view_to']['value'] = $aProfileInfo['allow_view_to']; $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($this->aFormPrivacy); $oForm->initChecker(); if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) { $iProfileId = (int) $_POST['profile_id']; $iAllowViewTo = (int) $_POST['allow_view_to']; $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($iProfileId); if ((int) db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `allow_view_to`='" . $iAllowViewTo . "' WHERE `ID`='" . $iProfileId . "' LIMIT 1") > 0) { $sStatusText = '_Save profile successful'; createUserDataFile($iProfileId); if (BxDolModule::getInstance('BxWmapModule')) { BxDolService::call('wmap', 'response_entry_change', array('profiles', $iProfileId)); } // create system event bx_import('BxDolAlerts'); $oZ = new BxDolAlerts('profile', 'edit', $iProfileId, 0, array('OldProfileInfo' => $aProfileInfo, 'privacy' => $iAllowViewTo)); $oZ->alert(); } } if ($sStatusText) { $sStatusText = MsgBox(_t($sStatusText), 3); } return array($sStatusText . $oForm->getCode(), array(), array(), false); }
} else { if (!$_POST['ID'] && !$_POST['Password']) { // this is dynamic page - send headers to do not cache this page send_headers_page_changed(); login_form(); } else { $member['ID'] = getID($member['ID']); // Check if ID and Password are correct (addslashes already inside) if (check_login($member['ID'], $member['Password'])) { setcookie("memberID", $_COOKIE['memberID'], time() - 3600, '/'); setcookie("memberPassword", $_COOKIE['memberPassword'], time() - 3600, '/'); setcookie("memberID", $member['ID'], 0, '/'); setcookie("memberPassword", $member['Password'], 0, '/'); //setcookie( 'userArray', 'aUser' . $member['ID'] ); $update_res = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `LastLoggedIn` = NOW() WHERE `ID` = {$member['ID']}"); createUserDataFile($member['ID']); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($member['ID']); //db_arr( "SELECT `NickName` From `Profiles` WHERE `ID` = {$member['ID']}" ); if (!($sUrlRelocate = $_POST['relocate']) or basename($_POST['relocate']) == 'index.php' or basename($_POST['relocate']) == 'join_form.php') { $sUrlRelocate = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } $_page['name_index'] = 150; $_page['css_name'] = ''; $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_Please Wait')); $_page_cont[$_ni]['url_relocate'] = $sUrlRelocate; PageCode(); } exit; } }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode($iID, $sConfCode) { global $site; $ID = (int) $iID; $ConfCode = clear_xss($sConfCode); $p_arr = getProfileInfo($ID); if (!$p_arr) { $_page['header'] = _t("_Error"); $_page['header_text'] = _t("_Profile Not found"); return MsgBox(_t('_Profile Not found Ex')); } $aCode = array('message_status' => '', 'message_info' => '', 'bx_if:form' => array('condition' => false, 'content' => array('form' => '')), 'bx_if:next' => array('condtion' => false, 'content' => array('next_url' => ''))); if ($p_arr['Status'] == 'Unconfirmed') { $ConfCodeReal = base64_encode(base64_encode(crypt($p_arr[Email], CRYPT_EXT_DES ? "secret_co" : "se"))); if (strcmp($ConfCode, $ConfCodeReal) != 0) { $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'profile_activate.php', 'method' => 'post', 'name' => 'form_change_status'), 'inputs' => array('conf_id' => array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'ConfID', 'value' => $ID), 'conf_code' => array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ConfCode', 'value' => '', 'caption' => _t("_Confirmation code")), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'submit', 'value' => _t("_Submit")))); $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm); $aCode['message_status'] = _t("_Profile activation failed"); $aCode['message_info'] = _t("_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED_EX"); $aCode['bx_if:form']['condition'] = true; $aCode['bx_if:form']['content']['form'] = $oForm->getCode(); } else { $aCode['bx_if:next']['condition'] = true; $aCode['bx_if:next']['content']['next_url'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'member.php'; if (isAutoApproval('join')) { $status = 'Active'; $rEmailTemplate = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); $aTemplate = $rEmailTemplate->getTemplate('t_Activation'); sendMail($p_arr['Email'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $p_arr['ID']); $aCode['message_info'] = _t("_PROFILE_CONFIRM"); } else { $status = 'Approval'; $aCode['message_info'] = _t("_EMAIL_CONF_SUCCEEDED", $site['title']); } $update = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = '{$status}' WHERE `ID` = '{$ID}';"); createUserDataFile($ID); reparseObjTags('profile', $ID); // Promotional membership if (getParam('enable_promotion_membership') == 'on') { $memership_days = getParam('promotion_membership_days'); setMembership($p_arr['ID'], MEMBERSHIP_ID_PROMOTION, $memership_days, true); } // check couple profile; if ($p_arr['Couple']) { $update = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status` = '{$status}' WHERE `ID` = '{$p_arr['Couple']}';"); createUserDataFile($p_arr['Couple']); reparseObjTags('profile', $p_arr['Couple']); //Promotional membership if (getParam('enable_promotion_membership') == 'on') { $memership_days = getParam('promotion_membership_days'); setMembership($p_arr['Couple'], MEMBERSHIP_ID_PROMOTION, $memership_days, true); } } if (getParam('newusernotify')) { $oEmailTemplates = new BxDolEmailTemplates(); $aTemplate = $oEmailTemplates->getTemplate('t_UserConfirmed'); sendMail($site['email_notify'], $aTemplate['Subject'], $aTemplate['Body'], $p_arr['ID']); } } } else { $aCode['message_info'] = _t('_ALREADY_ACTIVATED'); } return $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('profile_activate.html', $aCode); }
function createProfileCache($iMemID) { createUserDataFile($iMemID); }
$IDnormal = mysql_insert_id($MySQL->link); createUserDataFile($IDnormal); $result_text .= _t_action("_New profile created") . " ID: <a href='profile_edit.php?ID={$IDnormal}'>{$IDnormal}</a>."; } else { createUserDataFile($ID); if ('Unconfirmed' == $STATUS_CHANGE_TO) { // Send confirmation request to the user. activation_mail($ID); } $result_text .= _t_action('_MODIFICATIONS_APPLIED'); } } if ($ADMIN) { $Featured = $_POST['Featured'] == "on" ? 1 : 0; db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Featured` = '{$Featured}' WHERE `ID` = {$ID};"); createUserDataFile($ID); } if ($MEMBER) { setcookie("memberPassword", $p_arr_new['Password1'], 0, "/"); } if ($send_cupid_mail_id) { cupid_email($send_cupid_mail_id); } // // MODULES [ BEGIN ] // if (!strlen($p_arr_new['Sex']) && (int) $p_arr_new['Sex'] == 0) { $p_arr_new['Sex'] = $p_arr['Sex']; } if ($ADMIN) { if ($_POST[NewProfile] == 'YES' && !$ID) {
function performPhotoUpload($sTmpFile, $aFileInfo, $bAutoAssign2Profile = false, $isMoveUploadedFile = true, $iChangingPhotoID = 0, $iAuthorId = 0) { global $dir; $iLastID = -1; if (!$iAuthorId) { $iAuthorId = $this->_iOwnerId; } $this->oModule = BxDolModule::getInstance('BxPhotosModule'); // checker for flash uploader if (!$this->oModule->_iProfileId) { $this->oModule->_iProfileId = $this->_iOwnerId; } if (!$iAuthorId || file_exists($sTmpFile) == false || !$this->oModule->isAllowedAdd(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) { return false; } $sMediaDir = $this->oModule->_oConfig->getFilesPath(); if (!$sMediaDir) { @unlink($sTmpFile); return false; } $sTempFileName = $sMediaDir . $iAuthorId . '_temp'; @unlink($sTempFileName); if ($isMoveUploadedFile && is_uploaded_file($sTmpFile) || !$isMoveUploadedFile) { if ($isMoveUploadedFile) { move_uploaded_file($sTmpFile, $sTempFileName); @unlink($sTmpFile); } else { $sTempFileName = $sTmpFile; } @chmod($sTempFileName, 0644); if (file_exists($sTempFileName) && filesize($sTempFileName) > 0) { $aSize = getimagesize($sTempFileName); if (!$aSize) { @unlink($sTempFileName); return false; } switch ($aSize[2]) { case IMAGETYPE_JPEG: $sExtension = '.jpg'; break; case IMAGETYPE_GIF: $sExtension = '.gif'; break; case IMAGETYPE_PNG: $sExtension = '.png'; break; default: @unlink($sTempFileName); return false; } $sStatus = 'processing'; $iImgWidth = (int) $aSize[0]; $iImgHeight = (int) $aSize[1]; $sDimension = $iImgWidth . 'x' . $iImgHeight; $sFileSize = sprintf("%u", filesize($sTempFileName) / 1024); if ($iChangingPhotoID == 0) { if (is_array($aFileInfo) && count($aFileInfo) > 0) { $aFileInfo['dimension'] = $sDimension; $iLastID = $this->insertSharedMediaToDb($sExtension, $aFileInfo, $iAuthorId); } else { $sExtDb = trim($sExtension, '.'); $sMedUri = $sCurTime = time(); $sTitleDescTemp = $this->sTempFilename != '' ? $this->sTempFilename : $iAuthorId . '_temp'; if (getParam('bx_photos_activation') == 'on') { $bAutoActivate = true; $sStatus = 'approved'; } else { $bAutoActivate = false; $sStatus = 'pending'; } $sAlbum = $_POST['extra_param_album']; $aAlbumParams = isset($_POST['extra_param_albumPrivacy']) ? array('privacy' => (int) $_POST['extra_param_albumPrivacy']) : array(); $iLastID = $this->oModule->_oDb->insertData(array('medProfId' => $iAuthorId, 'medExt' => $sExtDb, 'medTitle' => $sTitleDescTemp, 'medUri' => $sMedUri, 'medDesc' => $sTitleDescTemp, 'medTags' => '', 'Categories' => PROFILE_PHOTO_CATEGORY, 'medSize' => $sDimension, 'Approved' => $sStatus, 'medDate' => $sCurTime)); $this->addObjectToAlbum($this->oModule->oAlbums, $sAlbum, $iLastID, $bAutoActivate, $iAuthorId, $aAlbumParams); $this->oModule->isAllowedAdd(true, true); } } else { $iLastID = $iChangingPhotoID; $this->updateMediaShared($iLastID, $aFileInfo); } $sFunc = $isMoveUploadedFile ? 'rename' : 'copy'; if (!$sFunc($sTempFileName, $sMediaDir . $iLastID . $sExtension)) { @unlink($sTempFileName); return false; } $this->sSendFileInfoFormCaption = $iLastID . $sExtension . " ({$sDimension}) ({$sFileSize}kb)"; $sFile = $sMediaDir . $iLastID . $sExtension; // watermark postprocessing if (getParam('enable_watermark') == 'on') { $iTransparent = getParam('transparent1'); $sWaterMark = $dir['profileImage'] . getParam('Water_Mark'); if (strlen(getParam('Water_Mark')) && file_exists($sWaterMark)) { applyWatermark($sFile, $sFile, $sWaterMark, $iTransparent); } } // generate present pics foreach ($this->oModule->_oConfig->aFilesConfig as $sKey => $aValue) { if (!isset($aValue['size_def'])) { continue; } $iWidth = (int) $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam($sKey . '_width'); $iHeight = (int) $this->oModule->_oConfig->getGlParam($sKey . '_height'); if ($iWidth == 0) { $iWidth = $aValue['size_def']; } if ($iHeight == 0) { $iHeight = $aValue['size_def']; } $sNewFilePath = $sMediaDir . $iLastID . $aValue['postfix']; $iRes = imageResize($sFile, $sNewFilePath, $iWidth, $iHeight, true, isset($aValue['square']) && $aValue['square']); if ($iRes != 0) { return false; } //resizing was failed @chmod($sNewFilePath, 0644); } $aOwnerInfo = getProfileInfo($iAuthorId); $bAutoAssign2Profile = $aOwnerInfo['Avatar'] == 0 ? true : $bAutoAssign2Profile; if ($bAutoAssign2Profile && $iLastID > 0) { $this->setPrimarySharedPhoto($iLastID, $iAuthorId); createUserDataFile($iAuthorId); } if (is_array($aFileInfo) && count($aFileInfo) > 0) { $this->alertAdd($iLastID, true); } } } return $iLastID; }
function insertMediaToDb($sFileName) { $sMediaType = process_db_input($this->sMediaType); $sFileName = process_db_input($sFileName); $sFileTitle = process_db_input($_POST['title']); $sStatus = getParam("autoApproval_Photo") == 'on' ? 'active' : 'passive'; $iResult = $this->oMediaQuery->insertMedia($this->iProfileID, $sMediaType, $sFileName, $sFileTitle, $sStatus); if (0 < $iResult) { if (getParam("autoApproval_ifPhoto") != 'on') { $sqlQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` set `Status`='Approval' WHERE `ID`={$this->iProfileID}"; db_res($sqlQuery); createUserDataFile($this->iProfileID); reparseObjTags('profile', $this->iProfileID); } return true; } else { return false; } }