require_once $root_path . 'include/inc_test_findings_form_' . $subtarget . '.php'; echo ' <br>'; if ($edit) { echo ' <input type="image" ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'savedisc.gif', '0') . '>'; } ?> <a href="javascript:printOut()"><img <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'printout.gif', '0'); ?> ></a> <?php if (isset($stored_findings['status']) && $stored_findings['status'] != 'done') { echo ' <a href="' . $thisfile . '?sid=' . $sid . '&lang=' . $lang . '&edit=' . $edit . '&mode=done&target=' . $target . '&subtarget=' . $subtarget . '&batch_nr=' . $batch_nr . '&pn=' . $pn . '&user_origin=' . $user_origin . '&entry_date=' . $entry_date . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'done.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDDone . '"></a>'; } ?> <?php if ($edit) { require $root_path . 'include/inc_test_request_hiddenvars.php'; ?> <input type="hidden" name="entry_date" value="<?php echo $entry_date; ?> "> </form> <?php }
?> <a name="iv"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> How to enter information on daily intravenous medication application and dosage?</b></font> <ul> <b>Step 1: </b>Type either the dosage, applicator information, or start/end symbols in the "<span style="background-color:yellow" > Enter the new information here or edit the current entries: </span>" field.<br> <b>Note: </b>If you want to cancel, click the button <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'cancel.gif', '0'); ?> align="absmiddle">.<br> <b>Step 2: </b>Click the button <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'savedisc.gif', '0'); ?> > to save the information.<br> <b>Step 3: </b>If you want to correct any errors, click on the erroneous data and replace it with the correct one and save again.<br> <b>Step 4: </b>If you are finished, click the button <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'close2.gif', '0'); ?> > to close the window and go back to the chart.<br> </ul> <?php } ?> </form>
" /> <!--<input type="hidden" value="asdf" name="pid"/>--> <input name="mode" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['mode']; ?> " /> <input name="pid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['pid']; ?> " /> <input name="encounter_nr" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['encounter_nr']; ?> " /> <!--<input name="addtest" type="image" <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'savedisc.gif', '0'); ?> id="submit" value="Submit" onClick="javascript:return submitForm()"/></td>--> <input type="submit" value="ADD" name="addhistory5" onclick="return submitForm();"/> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> </td> </tr> <tr><td width="643"><a href="eye_history_test4.php<?php echo URL_APPEND; ?> &pid=<?php echo $_GET['pid']; ?> &mode=new" >Go to previous page</a></td> </tr> </table> </fieldset>
?> ></a> <?php } ?> <input type="image" <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'continue.gif', '0'); ?> > </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo $breakfile; ?> "><img <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'cancel.gif', '0'); ?> ></a> </td> <?php if ($artopt == 2) { ?> <td align=right > </td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<?php echo $sid;
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> Ya intenté pulsar el botón <input type="button" value="Alta"> pero no responde. ¿Por qué?</b></font></font> <ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Nota: </b>La caja debe estar marcada como se ve esta: <br> " <span style="background-color:yellow" > <input type="checkbox" name="d" value="d" checked> </span></font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font size="2"><span style="background-color:yellow" > Si, estoy seguro de dar de alta al paciente. </span></font></font><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">". </font> <p> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Paso 1: </b>Dé clic a la caja si no está marcada.</font> <p> </ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Nota: </b>Si desea cancelar, dé clic al botón<img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'cancel.gif', '0'); ?> align="absmiddle">.</ul> <?php } ?> </font> </form>
<ul> <b>Passo 1: </b> Clique no botão <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'barcode_label.gif', '0'); ?> > .<p> <b>Passo 2: </b> Clique nos rótulos gerados para imprimir.<p> </ul> <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> Como fazer pulseiras em código de barras?</b></font> <ul> <b>Passo 1: </b> Clique no botão <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'barcode_wristband.gif', '0'); ?> > .<p> <b>Passo 2: </b> Clique nas pulseiras geradas para imprimir.<p> </ul> <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> A maioria das opções para o paciente está desabilitada (em cinza). Porque?</b></font> <ul> <b>Razão: </b> As opções estão desabilitadas enquanto o paciente não estiver ainda admitido (para um paciente interno), ou para um paciente externo à clínica (para um paciente externo).<p> </ul> <img <?php
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size=3 color="#0000cc"> <b>Test request</b></font> <p> <font size=2 face="verdana,arial" > <a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> How to create a test request?</b></font> <ul> <b>Step 1: </b>Check the "Visit requested" checkbox if physician's visit to the patient is requested.<p> <b>Step 2: </b>Check the "Patient can be ordered" checkbox if patient is mobile and can be ordered to the clinic or department.<p> <b>Step 3: </b>Enter the diagnostic test being requested, the known diagnoses, inquiries, and other supplemental information.<p> <b>Step 4: </b>Enter the requesting physician's name.<p> </ul> <a name="send"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> How to send the test request?</b></font> <ul> <b>Step: </b>Click the <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'abschic.gif', '0'); ?> > button. </ul>
return 0; } } /** * Here begins the search routine */ if ($mode == 'search') { if (!$enc_obj->record_count) { $linecount = 0; } else { $linecount = $enc_obj->record_count; } echo '<p>' . str_replace("~nr~", $linecount, $LDSearchFound) . '<p>'; if ($linecount) { /* Load the common icons */ $img_options = createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'ok_small.gif', '0'); echo ' <table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1> <tr bgcolor="#0000aa" background="' . createBgSkin($root_path, 'tableHeaderbg.gif') . '">'; ?> <td><font face=arial size=2 color="#ffffff"><b><?php echo $LDCaseNr; ?> </b></td> <td><font face=arial size=2 color="#ffffff"><b><?php echo $LDLastName; ?> </td> <td><font face=arial size=2 color="#ffffff"><b><?php echo $LDName; ?>
} echo '></a>'; } if ($target == "search") { echo '<img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'such-b.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDSearch . '">'; } else { echo '<a href="' . $thisfile . $append . '&target=search"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'such-gray.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDSearch . '" '; if ($cfg['dhtml']) { echo 'style=filter:alpha(opacity=70) onMouseover=hilite(this,1) onMouseOut=hilite(this,0)'; } echo '></a>'; } if ($target == "archiv") { echo '<img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'arch-blu.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDArchive . '">'; } else { echo '<a href="' . $thisfile . $append . '&target=archiv"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'arch-gray.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDArchive . '" '; if ($cfg['dhtml']) { echo 'style=filter:alpha(opacity=70) onMouseover=hilite(this,1) onMouseOut=hilite(this,0)'; } echo '></a>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php require $root_path . 'include/inc_passcheck_mask.php'; ?> <p> <!-- <img src="../img/small_help.gif"> <a href="<?php echo $root_path;
echo $edit; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="is_discharged" value="<?php echo $is_discharged; ?> "> <input type="image" <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'savedisc.gif', '0'); ?> > <?php $sTemp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $smarty->assign('sHiddenInputs', $sTemp); } if (($mode == 'show' || $mode == 'details') && !$enc_obj->Is_Discharged()) { $smarty->assign('sNewLinkIcon', '<img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'bul_arrowgrnlrg.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . '>'); $smarty->assign('sNewRecLink', '<a href="' . $thisfile . URL_APPEND . '&pid=' . $_SESSION['sess_pid'] . '&encounter_nr=' . $_SESSION['sess_en'] . '&target=' . $target . '&mode=new&type_nr=' . $type_nr . '">' . $LDEnterNewRecord . '</a>'); if ($mode == 'details') { $smarty->assign('sPdfLinkIcon', '<img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'icon_acro.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . '>'); $smarty->assign('sMakePdfLink', '<a href="' . $root_path . "modules/pdfmaker/medocs/report.php" . URL_APPEND . "&enc=" . $_SESSION['sess_en'] . "&mnr=" . $nr . '&target=' . $target . '" target=_blank>' . $LDPrintPDFDoc . '</a>'); } } if ($mode != 'show' && !$nolist || $mode == 'show' && $nolist && $rows > 1) { $smarty->assign('sListLinkIcon', '<img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'l-arrowgrnlrg.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . '>'); $smarty->assign('sListRecLink', '<a href="' . $thisfile . URL_APPEND . '&pid=' . $_SESSION['sess_pid'] . '&encounter_nr=' . $_SESSION['sess_en'] . '&target=' . $target . '&mode=show&type_nr=' . $type_nr . '">' . $LDShowDocList . '</a>'); } $smarty->assign('pbBottomClose', '<a href="' . $breakfile . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'cancel.gif', '0') . ' title="' . $LDCancelClose . '" align="absmiddle"></a>'); $smarty->assign('sMainBlockIncludeFile', 'medocs/main.tpl'); $smarty->display('common/mainframe.tpl');
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <font face="Verdana, Arial" size=3 color="#0000cc"> <b>Create or edit doctors' list</b></font> <form action="#" > <p><font size=2 face="verdana,arial" > <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> How to add a doctor to the list?</b></font> <ul> <b>Step 1: </b>Find the doctor first using the displayed search function.<p> <b>Step 2: </b>If the doctor is in the resulting list, click its <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'add2list_sm.gif', '0'); ?> > button.<p> </ul> <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> The displayed department is wrong. I want to change to the right department.</b></font> <ul> <b>Step 1: </b>Select the department on the <nobr>"<span style="background-color:yellow" >Change department: </span><select name="s"> <option value="Sample department 1" selected> Sample department 1</option> <option value="Sample department 2"> Sample department 2</option> <option value="Sample department 3"> Sample department 3</option> <option value="Sample department 4"> Sample department 4</option> </select>"</nobr> field. <br> <b>Step 2: </b>Click the button <input type="button" value="Change"> to change to the selected department.
<ul> <b>Passo 1: </b>Clique no botão do artigo <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'info3.gif', '0'); ?> > .<br> <b>Passo 2: </b>Uma janela mostrando a informação completa sobre o produto irá aparecer.<br> </ul> <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> Desejo ver a lista dos pedidos arquivados novamente. O que devo fazer?</b> </font> <ul> <b>Passo 1: </b>Clique no botão <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'back2.gif', '0'); ?> > .<br> </ul> <img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b>Desejo fazer uma nova pesquisa na lista de pedidos arquivados. O que devo fazer?</b></font> <ul> <b>Passo 1: </b> Insira uma informação completa ou as primeiras letras do nome do departamento, ou id, ou data do pedido, ou prioridade ("urgente") no campo <nobr><span style="background-color:yellow" >" Procura palavra-chave: <input type="text" name="s" size=10 maxlength=10> "</span></nobr> .<br> <b>Passo 2: </b>Marque ou desmarque as seguintes caixas de seleção para a pesquisa por categorias: <ul> <input type="checkbox" name="d" checked> Data<br> <input type="checkbox" name="d" checked> Departmento<br> <input type="checkbox" name="d" checked> Prioridade<br>
echo "<td>"; echo " " . ucfirst($row['name_first']); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo " " . formatDate2Local($row['date_birth'], $date_format); echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo " " . $row['selian_pid']; echo "</td>"; if ($_COOKIE[$local_user . $sid]) { echo ' <td> '; } echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"" . $root_path . "modules/nursing/nursing-station-patientdaten-doconsil-" . $target . ".php" . URL_APPEND . "&pn=" . $row['encounter_nr'] . "&edit=1&status=" . $status . "&target=" . $target . "&user_origin=" . $user_origin . "&noresize=1&mode=\">"; echo ' <img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'ok_small.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDTestThisPatient . '"></a> '; if (!file_exists($root_path . "cache/barcodes/en_" . $full_en . ".png")) { echo "<img src='" . $root_path . "classes/barcode/image.php?code=" . $full_en . "&style=68&type=I25&width=180&height=50&xres=2&font=5&label=2&form_file=en' border=0 width=0 height=0>"; } echo '</td></tr>'; } echo ' <tr><td colspan=6>' . $pagen->makePrevLink($LDPrevious, $append) . '</td> <td align=right>' . $pagen->makeNextLink($LDNext, $append) . '</td> </tr> </table>'; if ($linecount > $pagen->MaxCount()) { ?> <table border=0 cellpadding=10 bgcolor="<?php echo $entry_border_bgcolor; ?>
# If currently admitted show button link to admission data display if ($current_encounter) { $smarty->assign('pbShowAdmData', "<a href=\"aufnahme_daten_zeigen.php" . URL_APPEND . "&encounter_nr={$current_encounter}&origin=patreg_reg\"><img " . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'admission_data.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . "></a>"); # Else if person still living, show button links to admission } elseif (!$death_date || $death_date == $dbf_nodate) { $smarty->assign('pbAdmitInpatient', "<a href=\"{$admissionfile}&pid={$pid}&origin=patreg_reg&encounter_class_nr=1\"><img " . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'admit_inpatient.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . "></a>"); $smarty->assign('pbAdmitOutpatient', "<a href=\"{$admissionfile}&pid={$pid}&origin=patreg_reg&encounter_class_nr=2\"><img " . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'admit_outpatient.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . "></a>"); } # Create new button to fresh input form $sNewRegBuffer = ' <form action="patient_register_.php" method=post> <input type=submit value="' . $LDRegisterNewPerson . '"> <input type=hidden name="sid" value="' . $sid . '"> <input type=hidden name="lang" value="' . $lang . '"> </form>'; $smarty->assign('pbRegNewPerson', $sNewRegBuffer); # Assign help links $smarty->assign('sSearchLink', '<img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'varrow.gif', '0') . '> <a href="patient_register_search.php' . URL_APPEND . '">' . $LDPatientSearch . '</a>'); $smarty->assign('sArchiveLink', '<img ' . createComIcon($root_path, 'varrow.gif', '0') . '> <a href="patient_register_archive.php' . URL_APPEND . '&newdata=1&from=entry">' . $LDArchive . '</a>'); $sCancel = "<a href="; if ($_COOKIE['ck_login_logged' . $sid]) { $sCancel .= $breakfile; } else { $sCancel .= 'aufnahme_pass.php'; } $sCancel .= URL_APPEND . '><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'cancel.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDCancelClose . '"></a>'; $smarty->assign('pbCancel', $sCancel); # Assign the page template to mainframe block $smarty->assign('sMainBlockIncludeFile', 'registration_admission/reg_show.tpl'); # Show main frame $smarty->display('common/mainframe.tpl');
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size=3 color="#0000cc"> <b>Selecionando departamento e sala OR</b></font> <p> <font size=2 face="verdana,arial" > <a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"></a> <b>Como selecionar um departamento?</b></font> <ul> <b>Passo:</b> Clique no botão de radio do departamento. </ul> <a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"></a> <b>Como selecionar uma sala OR?</b></font> <ul> <b>Passo:</b> Clique no botão de radio da sala OR. </ul> Clique no botão <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'continue.gif', '0'); ?> > para continuar.
# Note: it is advisable to load this after the inc_front_chain_lang.php so # that the smarty script can use the user configured template theme # param 2 = initialize gui # param 3 = display copyright footer # param 4 = load standard javascripts require_once $root_path . 'gui/smarty_template/smarty_care.class.php'; $smarty = new smarty_care('nursing'); if (!isset($edit) || empty($edit)) { $smarty->assign('edit', FALSE); } $smarty->assign('bgc1', $bgc1); # Title in toolbar $smarty->assign('sToolbarTitle', "{$LDDiagnosticTest} :: {$formtitle}"); if ($user_origin == 'lab' && $edit) { $smarty->assign('pbAux1', $thisfile . "?sid={$sid}&lang={$lang}&station={$station}&user_origin={$user_origin}&status={$status}&target=patho&noresize={$noresize}"); $smarty->assign('gifAux1', createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'newpat2.gif', '0')); } # href for help button $smarty->assign('pbHelp', 'javascript:gethelp(\'request_patho.php\')'); # href for close button $smarty->assign('breakfile', $breakfile); # Window bar title $smarty->assign('sWindowTitle', "{$LDDiagnosticTest} :: {$formtitle}"); $smarty->assign('Name', $station); # Space gif for the input blocks $smarty->assign('gifVSpacer', '<img src="' . $root_path . 'gui/img/common/default/pixel.gif" border=0 width=20 height=45 align="left">'); /** * collect JavaScript for Smarty */ ob_start(); ?>
} else { if ($toggler == 0) { echo '<tr class="wardlistrow1">'; $toggler = 1; } else { echo '<tr class="wardlistrow2">'; $toggler = 0; } } echo '<td ><font face="verdana,arial" size="2" > ' . $bold; $buff = $v['LD_var']; if (isset(${$buff}) && !empty(${$buff})) { echo ${$buff}; } else { echo $v['name_formal']; } echo $boldx . ' </td>'; echo '<td > <a href="' . $fileforward . '&dept_nr=' . $v['nr'] . '&nr=' . $nr . '"> <img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'ok_small.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . ' alt="' . $LDShowActualPlan . '" ></a> </td></tr>'; echo "\n"; } $sTemp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); # Assign the dept rows to the frame template $smarty->assign('sDeptRows', $sTemp); $smarty->assign('sBackLink', '<a href="' . $breakfile . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'close2.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDCloseAlt . '">'); $smarty->assign('sMainBlockIncludeFile', 'or/select_dept.tpl'); /** * show Template */ $smarty->display('common/mainframe.tpl');
if ($sub_level) { $TP_radio_value = $LDYes; } else { $TP_radio_value = $LDNo; } if ($non_grouped) { # Create the submit button $TP_submit_src = $LDUseToGroupItems; } else { $TP_submit_src = $LDAddGroupEncounter; } # Load the template $tp =& $tp_obj->load('drg/tp_drg_group_create_show.htm'); } else { // Create the submit button $TP_submit_src = createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'savedisc.gif', '0'); # Load the template $tp =& $tp_obj->load('drg/tp_drg_group_create.htm'); } eval("echo {$tp};"); ?> <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<?php echo $sid; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="pn" value="<?php
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size=3 color="#0000cc"> <b>Kontrol düðme ve resim temalarýnýn düzenlenmesi</b></font> <p> <font size=2 face="verdana,arial" > <a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> Tema nasýl deðiþtirilir?</b></font> <ul> <b>Adým 1: </b>Temayý seçmeli kutudan seçiniz.<p> <b>Adým 2: </b>Yeni temayý <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'savedisc.gif', '0'); ?> > düðmesine týklayarak etkinleþtiriniz.<p> </ul>
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size=3 color="#0000cc"> <b>Auswählen einer Abteilung</b></font> <p> <font size=2 face="verdana,arial" > <a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"></a> <b>Wie wähle ich eine Abteilung aus?</b></font> <ul> <b>Schritt:</b> licken Sie auf den <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'ok_small.gif', '0'); ?> >-Button der entsprechenden Abteilung. </ul>
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size=3 color="#0000cc"> <b>Date format</b></font> <p> <font size=2 face="verdana,arial" > <form> <a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> How to set the date format?</b></font> <ul> <b>Step 1: </b>Click the radio button of the date format you want to use<p> <b>Step 2: </b>Click the <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'apply.gif', '0'); ?> > button.<p> </ul> </form>
echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'continue.gif', '0'); ?> >.<p> </ul><?php } ?> <b>Nota</b> <ul> Se você decidir cancelar <?php switch ($x1) { case "search": print 'search click the button <img ' . createLDImgSrc('../', 'cancel.gif', '0') . '>.'; break; case "dir": print ' the directory click the button <input type="button" value="Cancel">.'; break; case "newphone": print ' click the button <img ' . createLDImgSrc('../', 'cancel.gif', '0') . '>.'; break; } ?> </ul> </form>
$columns++; } else { $valueBuff == '' ? $valueBuff = '0' : ($valueBuff .= '~' . '0'); $ptrack++; $columns++; } } if ($cols != $columns) { echo "<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"" . ($cols - $columns) . "\" class=\"" . $class . "\"> </td>"; } echo "<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"" . $columns . "\" class=\"" . $class . "\">"; echo doGraph($paramValue, $pName, $valueBuff, $columns) . "</td>"; $valueBuff = ''; echo "</tr>"; $class == 'wardlistrow1' ? $class = 'wardlistrow2' : ($class = 'wardlistrow1'); $columns = 0; } } echo ' </table> </form>'; $sTemp = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $smarty->assign('sLabResultsGraphTable', $sTemp); $smarty->assign('sClose', '<a href="' . $breakfile . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'close2.gif', '0', 'absmiddle') . ' alt="' . $LDClose . '"></a>'); # Assign the include file to main frame template $smarty->assign('sMainBlockIncludeFile', 'laboratory/chemlab_data_results_graph.tpl'); /** * show Template */ $smarty->display('common/mainframe.tpl');
echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000" size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b> ¿Cómo mostrar un reporte diagnóstico?</b></font> <ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Nota: </b>De manera predeterminada, primero aparece el primer reporte en la lista.</font> <p> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Paso: </b>Dé clic en un número particular de reporte en el índice izquierdo para mostrar ese reporte.<br> </font> </ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b> ¿Cómo imprimir el reporte?</b></font></font> <ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Paso: </b>Dé clic al botón <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'printout.gif', '0'); ?> align="absmiddle"> para imprimir el reporte.<br> </font><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> </font> </ul> </form>
?> > . </ul> <a name="send"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> Como entrar com resultados do teste?</b></font> <ul> <b>Passo: </b> Clique no botão <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'enterresults.gif', '0'); ?> > para ir ao módulo de entrada de dados do laboratório. </b> </ul> <a name="send"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> > <font color="#990000"><b></a> Os resultados dos teste estão salvos, o que fazer a seguir?</b></font> <ul> <b>Passo: </b>Clique no botão <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'done.gif', '0'); ?> > para transferir o formulário para o arquivo e sinalizar sua disponibilidade à clínica ou ala. </ul>
/** * Displays the GUI input form */ function display() { global $db, $sid, $lang, $root_path, $pid, $insurance_show, $user_id, $mode, $dbtype, $no_tribe, $no_region, $update, $photo_filename; #, $_FILES $_POST, $_SESSION; extract($_POST); require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_advanced_search.php'; # Load the language tables $lang_tables = $this->langfiles; include $root_path . 'include/inc_load_lang_tables.php'; include_once $root_path . 'include/inc_date_format_functions.php'; include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_insurance.php'; include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_person.php'; $db->debug = FALSE; # Create the new person object $person_obj =& new Person($pid); # Create a new person insurance object $pinsure_obj =& new PersonInsurance($pid); if (!isset($insurance_show)) { $insurance_show = TRUE; } $newdata = 1; $error = 0; $dbtable = 'care_person'; if (!isset($photo_filename) || empty($photo_filename)) { $photo_filename = 'nopic'; } # Assume first that image is not uploaded $valid_image = FALSE; //* Get the global config for person's registration form*/ include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_globalconfig.php'; $glob_obj = new GlobalConfig($GLOBAL_CONFIG); $glob_obj->getConfig('person_%'); extract($GLOBAL_CONFIG); # Check whether config foto path exists, else use default path $photo_path = is_dir($root_path . $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_foto_path']) ? $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_foto_path'] : $this->default_photo_path; if ($mode == 'save' || $mode == 'forcesave') { $search_obj =& new advanced_search(); if (is_array($result_array = $search_obj->get_equal_words("tribe_name", "care_tz_tribes", false, 65, 'tribe_id')) && $name_maiden && !$no_tribe) { $tribe_array = $result_array; } else { $tribe_array = $result_array; } if (is_array($result_array = $search_obj->get_equal_words("name", "care_tz_religion", false, 65, 'nr')) && $religion && !$person_religion_hide) { $religion_array = $result_array; } else { $religion_array = $result_array; } /* if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words("region_name", "care_tz_region", false, 65, 'region_id')) && $email && !$person_email_hide ) { $region_array=$result_array; } else { $region_array=$result_array; } if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words1("district_name", "care_tz_district", false, 65, 'district_id',$email)) && $sss_nr ) { $district_array=$result_array; } else { $district_array=$result_array; } if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words1("ward_name", "care_tz_ward", false, 65, 'ward_id',$sss_nr)) && $nat_id_nr ) { $ward_array=$result_array; } else { $ward_array=$result_array; } */ # If saving is not forced, validate important elements if ($mode != 'forcesave') { # clean and check input data variables if (trim($encoder) == '') { $encoder = $aufnahme_user; } if (trim($name_last) == '') { $errornamelast = 1; $error++; } //if (trim($selian_pid)=='' || !is_numeric($selian_pid) || (!$update && $person_obj->SelianFileExists($selian_pid))) { $errorfilenr=1; $error++;} if ($person_obj->IsHospitalFileNrMandatory()) { if (trim($selian_pid) == '' || !$update && $person_obj->SelianFileExists($selian_pid)) { $errorfilenr = 1; $error++; } } if (trim($name_first) == '') { $errornamefirst = 1; $error++; } if (trim($date_birth) == '') { $errordatebirth = 1; $error++; } if (mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($date_birth, 3, 2), substr($date_birth, 0, 2), substr($date_birth, 6, 4)) > time()) { $errordatebirth = 1; $error++; } //if (is_array($tribe_array) && !$no_tribe) {$errormaiden=1; $error++;} //if (is_array($town_array)) {$errortown=1; $error++;} //if (!$citizenship) { $errortown=1; $error++;} if ($sex == '') { $errorsex = 1; $error++; } } # If the validation produced no error, save the data if (!$error) { # Save the old filename for testing $old_fn = $photo_filename; # Create image object include_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_image.php'; $img_obj =& new Image(); # Check the uploaded image file if exists and valid if ($img_obj->isValidUploadedImage($_FILES['photo_filename'])) { $valid_image = TRUE; # Get the file extension $picext = $img_obj->UploadedImageMimeType(); } //addr_citytown_nr='$addr_citytown_nr', if ($update) { //echo formatDate2STD($geburtsdatum,$date_format); $sql = "UPDATE {$dbtable} SET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t title='{$title}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t selian_pid='{$selian_pid}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_last='{$name_last}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_first='{$name_first}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_2='{$name_2}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_3='{$name_3}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_middle='{$name_middle}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_maiden='{$name_maiden}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t name_others='{$name_others}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t date_birth='" . formatDate2STD($date_birth, $date_format) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t blood_group='" . trim($blood_group) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rh='" . trim($rh) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t sex='{$sex}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t addr_str='{$addr_str}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t addr_str_nr='{$addr_str_nr}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t addr_zip='{$addr_zip}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t addr_citytown_nr='{$addr_citytown_nr}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t addr_citytown_name='{$addr_citytown_name}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t phone_1_nr='{$phone_1_nr}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t phone_2_nr='{$phone_2_nr}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t cellphone_1_nr='{$cellphone_1_nr}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t cellphone_2_nr='{$cellphone_2_nr}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t fax='{$fax}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t email='',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t citizenship ='{$citizenship}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t civil_status='{$civil_status}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t sss_nr='',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t nat_id_nr='',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t religion='{$religion}', insurance_ID='{$insurance_ID}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ethnic_orig='{$ethnic_orig}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t date_update='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "',"; if ($region != "-1" && $district != "-1" && $ward != "-1") { $sql .= "region='{$region}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t district='{$district}',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t ward='{$ward}',"; } //if ($old_fn!=$photo_filename){ if ($valid_image) { # Compose the new filename $photo_filename = $pid . '.' . $picext; # Save the file $img_obj->saveUploadedImage($_FILES['photo_filename'], $root_path . $photo_path . '/', $photo_filename); # add to the sql query $sql .= " photo_filename='{$photo_filename}',"; } # complete the sql query $sql .= " history=" . $person_obj->ConcatHistory("Update " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " " . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . " \n") . ", modify_id='" . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . "' WHERE pid={$pid}"; //$db->debug=true; $db->BeginTrans(); $ok = $db->Execute($sql); if ($ok) { $db->CommitTrans(); # Update the insurance data # Lets detect if the data is already existing if ($insurance_show) { if ($insurance_item_nr) { if (!empty($insurance_nr) && !empty($insurance_firm_name) && $insurance_firm_id) { $insure_data = array('insurance_nr' => $insurance_nr, 'firm_id' => $insurance_firm_id, 'class_nr' => $insurance_class_nr, 'history' => "Update " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " " . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . " \n", 'modify_id' => $_SESSION['sess_user_name'], 'modify_time' => date('YmdHis')); $pinsure_obj->updateDataFromArray($insure_data, $insurance_item_nr); } } elseif ($insurance_nr && $insurance_firm_name && $insurance_class_nr) { $insure_data = array('insurance_nr' => $insurance_nr, 'firm_id' => $insurance_firm_id, 'pid' => $pid, 'class_nr' => $insurance_class_nr, 'history' => "Update " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " " . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . " \n", 'create_id' => $_SESSION['sess_user_name'], 'create_time' => date('YmdHis')); $pinsure_obj->insertDataFromArray($insure_data); } } $newdata = 1; if (file_exists($this->displayfile)) { header("location: {$this->displayfile}" . URL_REDIRECT_APPEND . "&pid={$pid}&from={$from}&newdata=1&target=entry"); exit; } else { echo "Error! Target display file not defined!!"; } } else { $db->RollbackTrans(); } } else { $from = 'entry'; $_POST['date_birth'] = @formatDate2Std($date_birth, $date_format); $_POST['date_reg'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $_POST['blood_group'] = trim($_POST['blood_group']); $_POST['status'] = 'normal'; $_POST['history'] = "Init.reg. " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " " . $_SESSION['sess_user_name'] . "\n"; //$_POST['modify_id']=$_SESSION['sess_user_name']; $_POST['create_id'] = $_SESSION['sess_user_name']; $_POST['create_time'] = date('YmdHis'); # Prepare internal data to be stored together with the user input data if (!$person_obj->InitPIDExists($GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_id_nr_init'])) { # If db is mysql, insert the initial pid value from global config # else let the dbms make an initial value via the sequence generator e.g. postgres # However, the sequence generator must be configured during db creation to start at # the initial value set in the global config if ($dbtype == 'mysql') { $_POST['pid'] = $GLOBAL_CONFIG['person_id_nr_init']; } } else { # Persons are existing. Check if duplicate might exist if (is_object($duperson = $person_obj->PIDbyData($_POST))) { $error_person_exists = TRUE; } } //echo $person_obj->getLastQuery(); if (!$error_person_exists || $mode == 'forcesave') { if ($person_obj->insertDataFromInternalArray()) { # If data was newly inserted, get the insert id if mysq, else get the pid number) if (!$update) { $oid = $db->Insert_ID(); $pid = $person_obj->LastInsertPK('pid', $oid); /* if($dbtype=='mysql'){ $pid=$db->Insert_ID(); }else{ $pid=$person_obj->postgre_Insert_ID($dbtable,'pid',$db->Insert_ID()); }*/ } //if(!$update) $pid=$db->Insert_ID(); # Save the valid uploaded photo if ($valid_image) { # Compose the new filename by joining the pid number and the file extension with "." $photo_filename = $pid . '.' . $picext; # Save the file if ($img_obj->saveUploadedImage($_FILES['photo_filename'], $root_path . $photo_path . '/', $photo_filename)) { # Update the filename to the databank $person_obj->setPhotoFilename($pid, $photo_filename); } } //echo $pid; //echo $citizenship; # Update the insurance data # Lets detect if the data is already existing if ($insurance_show) { if ($insurance_item_nr) { if (!empty($insurance_nr) && !empty($insurance_firm_name) && $insurance_firm_id) { $insure_data = array('insurance_nr' => $insurance_nr, 'firm_id' => $insurance_firm_id, 'class_nr' => $insurance_class_nr); $pinsure_obj->updateDataFromArray($insure_data, $insurance_item_nr); } } elseif ($insurance_nr && $insurance_firm_name && $insurance_class_nr) { $insure_data = array('insurance_nr' => $insurance_nr, 'firm_id' => $insurance_firm_id, 'pid' => $pid, 'class_nr' => $insurance_class_nr); $pinsure_obj->insertDataFromArray($insure_data); } } $newdata = 1; if (file_exists($this->displayfile)) { header("location: {$this->displayfile}" . URL_REDIRECT_APPEND . "&pid={$pid}&from={$from}&newdata=1&target=entry"); exit; } else { echo "Error! Target display file not defined!!"; } } else { echo "<p>{$db->ErrorMsg}()<p>{$LDDbNoSave}"; } } } } // end of if(!$error) } elseif (!empty($this->pid)) { # Get the person�s data if ($data_obj =& $person_obj->getAllInfoObject()) { $zeile = $data_obj->FetchRow(); extract($zeile); //print_r($zeile); # Get the related insurance data $p_insurance =& $pinsure_obj->getPersonInsuranceObject($pid); if ($p_insurance == FALSE) { $insurance_show = TRUE; } else { if (!$p_insurance->RecordCount()) { $insurance_show = TRUE; } elseif ($p_insurance->RecordCount() == 1) { $buffer = $p_insurance->FetchRow(); extract($buffer); $insurance_show = TRUE; $insurance_firm_name = $pinsure_obj->getFirmName($insurance_firm_id); } else { $insurance_show = FALSE; } } } } else { $date_reg = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } # Get the insurance classes $insurance_classes =& $pinsure_obj->getInsuranceClassInfoObject('class_nr,name,LD_var AS "LD_var"'); include_once $root_path . 'include/inc_photo_filename_resolve.php'; $search_obj =& new advanced_search(); if (!$update) { $tribe = $name_maiden; $town = $citizenship; } if (is_array($result_array = $search_obj->get_equal_words("tribe_name", "care_tz_tribes", false, 65, 'tribe_id')) && $name_maiden && !$no_tribe) { $tribe_array = $result_array; } else { $tribe_array = $result_array; } /* if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words("village_name", "care_tz_village", false, 65, 'village_id',$ward)) && $addr_citytown_nr) { $town_array=$result_array; } else { $town_array=$result_array; }*/ if (is_array($result_array = $search_obj->get_equal_words("name", "care_tz_religion", false, 65, 'nr')) && $religion) { $religion_array = $result_array; } else { $religion_array = $result_array; } /* if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words("region_name", "care_tz_region", false, 65, 'region_id')) && $email && !$person_email_hide ) { $region_array=$result_array; } else { $region_array=$result_array; } if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words1("district_name", "care_tz_district", false, 65, 'district_id',$email)) && $sss_nr ) { $district_array=$result_array; } else { $district_array=$result_array; } if (is_array($result_array=$search_obj->get_equal_words1("ward_name", "care_tz_ward", false, 65, 'ward_id',$sss_nr)) && $nat_id_nr ) { $ward_array=$result_array; } else { $ward_array=$result_array; } */ ######## Here starts the GUI output ####################################################### $img_male = createComIcon($root_path, 'spm.gif', '0'); $img_female = createComIcon($root_path, 'spf.gif', '0'); $tbg = 'background="' . $root_path . 'gui/img/common/' . $theme_com_icon . '/tableHeader_gr.gif"'; if (!empty($this->pretext)) { echo $this->pretext; } ?> <script language="javascript"> <!-- function test(){ document.aufnahmeform.action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> "; document.aufnahmeform.submit(); } function forceSave(){ document.aufnahmeform.mode.value="forcesave"; document.aufnahmeform.submit(); } function showpic(d){ if(d.value) document.images.headpic.src=d.value; } function popSearchWin(target,obj_val,obj_name){ urlholder="./data_search.php<?php echo URL_REDIRECT_APPEND; ?> &target="+target+"&obj_val="+obj_val+"&obj_name="+obj_name; DSWIN<?php echo $sid; ?>,"wblabel<?php echo $sid; ?> ","menubar=no,width=400,height=550,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"); } function list_popup(d,chosentype) { if(d.value=="notinlist") { urlholder="<?php echo $root_path; ?> modules/registration_admission/notinlist.php<?php echo URL_APPEND . '&chosentype=" + chosentype + "'; ?> ";,"notinlist","width=500,height=450,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes"); } } function chkform(d) { <?php if ($person_obj->IsHospitalFileNrMandatory()) { echo 'if(d.selian_pid.value==""){ alert("Please enter Hospital File Number"); d.selian_pid.focus(); return false; }else'; } ?> if(d.name_last.value==""){ alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterLastName; ?> "); d.name_last.focus(); return false; }else if(d.name_first.value==""){ alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterFirstName; ?> "); d.name_first.focus(); return false; }else if(d.name_2.value==""){ alert("<?php echo 'Please Enter Father Name'; ?> "); d.name_2.focus(); return false; }else if(d.date_birth.value==""){ alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterDateBirth; ?> "); d.date_birth.focus(); return false; }else if([0]&&[1]&&![0].checked&&![1].checked){ alert("<?php echo $LDPlsSelectSex; ?> "); return false; <?php if ($update) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM care_person where pid=" . $pid; $ergebnis = $db->Execute($sql); while ($person = $ergebnis->FetchRow()) { $region = $person['region']; } } if (!$update or $region == '') { echo '}else if(d.region.value=="-1"){'; echo 'alert("Please select region");'; echo 'd.region.focus();'; echo 'return false;'; echo '}else if(d.district.value=="-1"){'; echo 'alert("Please select district");'; echo 'd.district.focus();'; echo 'return false;'; echo '}else if(d.ward.value=="-1"){'; echo ' alert("Please select Ward");'; echo ' d.ward.focus();'; echo ' return false;'; } else { echo '}else if(d.region.value!="-1"){'; echo 'if(d.district.value=="-1")'; echo '{'; echo 'alert("Please select district");'; echo 'd.district.focus();'; echo 'return false;'; echo '}'; echo 'if(d.ward.value=="-1")'; echo '{'; echo ' alert("Please select ward");'; echo ' d.ward.focus();'; echo ' return false;'; echo '}'; } ?> }else if(d.user_id.value==""){ alert("<?php echo $LDPlsEnterFullName; ?> "); d.user_id.focus(); return false; }else if(d.name_maiden.value=="-1"){ alert ("Select tribe!"); return false; }else if(d.religion.value=="-1"){ alert ("Select religion!"); return false; }else{ return true; } } <?php require $root_path . 'include/inc_checkdate_lang.php'; ?> --> </script> <script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $root_path; ?> js/setdatetime.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $root_path; ?> js/checkdate.js"></script> <script language="javascript" src="<?php echo $root_path; ?> js/dtpick_care2x.js"></script> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $thisfile; ?> " name="aufnahmeform" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return chkform(this)"> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <?php if ($error) { echo "<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script>"; //alert('Information is missing in the input field marked red!') ; ?> <tr bgcolor=#ffffee> <td colspan=3> <center> <font face=arial color=#7700ff size=4> <img <?php echo createMascot($root_path, 'mascot1_r.gif', '0', 'bottom'); ?> align="absmiddle"> <?php if ($error > 1) { echo "<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script>"; //alert('$LDErrorS') echo $LDErrorS; } else { /* echo "<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> alert('Information is missing in the input field marked red!') </script>"; */ echo $LDError; } ?> </center> </td> </tr> <?php } elseif ($error_person_exists) { ?> <tr bgcolor=#ffffee> <td colspan=3> <center> <table border=0> <tr> <td><img <?php echo createMascot($root_path, 'mascot1_r.gif', '0', 'bottom'); ?> align="absmiddle"></td> <td><font face=arial color=#7700ff size=4> <?php echo $LDPersonDuplicate; if ($duperson->RecordCount() > 1) { echo " {$LDSimilarData2} {$LDPlsCheckFirst2}"; } else { echo "{$LDSimilarData} {$LDPlsCheckFirst}"; } echo "<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\"> </script>"; // alert('$LDSimilarData $LDPlsCheckFirst') echo ' </td> </tr> </table> </center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 bgcolor="#000000" width=100%> <tr> <td> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% bgcolor="#ffffff">'; echo ' <tr bgcolor="#66ee66" background="' . $root_path . 'gui/img/common/default/tableHeaderbg.gif">'; echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t<td {$tbg}><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=\"Arial\" color=\"#000066\"><b>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$LDRegistryNr}</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td {$tbg}><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=\"Arial\" color=\"#000066\"><b>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$LDLastName}</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td {$tbg}><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=\"Arial\" color=\"#000066\"><b>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$LDFirstName}</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td {$tbg}><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=\"Arial\" color=\"#000066\"><b>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$LDBday}</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td {$tbg}><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=\"Arial\" color=\"#000066\"><b>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$LDSex}</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t<td {$tbg}><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=\"Arial\" color=\"#000066\"><b>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$LDOptions}</b></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>"; # Show the probable same person while ($dup = $duperson->FetchRow()) { echo ' <tr> <td><font face=arial color=#000000 size=2>' . $dup['pid'] . '</td> <td><font face=arial color=#000000 size=2>' . $dup['name_last'] . '</td> <td><font face=arial color=#000000 size=2>' . $dup['name_first'] . '</td> <td><font face=arial color=#000000 size=2>' . formatDate2Local($dup['date_birth'], $date_format) . '</td> <td>'; switch ($dup['sex']) { case 'f': echo '<img ' . $img_female . '>'; break; case 'm': echo '<img ' . $img_male . '>'; break; default: echo ' '; break; } echo ' </td> <td><font face=arial color=#000000 size=2>:: <a href="person_reg_showdetail.php' . URL_APPEND . '&pid=' . $dup['pid'] . '&from=$from&newdata=1&target=entry" target="_blank">' . $LDShowDetails . '</a> :: <a href="patient_register.php' . URL_APPEND . '&pid=' . $dup['pid'] . '&update=1">' . $LDUpdate . '</a> </td> </tr>'; } echo ' </table> </td> </tr> </table>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($pid) { echo $LDRegistryNr; } ?> </td> <td > <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#800000"> <?php if ($pid) { if (IS_TANZANIAN) { echo $this->showPID($pid); } else { echo $pid; } } ?> </td> <td rowspan=6 class="photo_id" > <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <a href="#" onClick="showpic(document.aufnahmeform.photo_filename)"><img <?php echo $img_source; ?> id="headpic" name="headpic"></a> <br> <?php echo $LDPhoto; ?> <br><input name="photo_filename" type="file" size="15" onChange="showpic(this)" value="<?php if (isset($photo_filename)) { echo $photo_filename; } ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <?php echo $LDRegDate; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#800000"> <?php echo formatDate2Local($date_reg, $date_format); ?> <input name="date_reg" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $date_reg; ?> "> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <?php echo $LDRegTime; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#800000"><?php echo convertTimeToLocal(formatDate2Local($date_reg, $date_format, 0, 1)); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($person_obj->IsHospitalFileNrMandatory()) { $asterik = '*'; } else { $asterik = ' '; } if ($errorfilenr) { echo '<font color="#ff0000">*' . $LDFileNr . '</font><br> Try this one: ' . $person_obj->GetNewSelianFileNumber(); } else { echo $asterik . $LDFileNr; } ?> </td> <td class="reg_input"> <input type="text" name="selian_pid" size=14 maxlength=6 value="<?php echo $selian_pid; ?> " onFocus=";"> </td> </tr> <?php $this->createTR($errornamefirst, 'name_first', ' *' . $LDFirstName, $name_first, '', '', FALSE); $this->createTR($errorname2, 'name_2', ' *' . $LDName2, $name_2, '', '', FALSE); $this->createTR($errornamelast, 'name_last', ' *' . $LDLastName, $name_last, '', '', FALSE); $this->createTR($errornamemid, 'name_middle', $LDNameMid, $name_middle, '', '', FALSE); // This is for balozi if (!$no_tribe) { ?> <tr> <td class="reg_item"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } echo '* ' . $LDNameMaiden; ?> </td> <td class="reg_input" colspan=1> <?php echo '<SELECT name="name_maiden" onChange="list_popup(this, \'tribe\');">'; echo '<OPTION value="-1" >' . $LDPleaseSelectTribe . '</OPTION>'; foreach ($tribe_array as $unit) { //if($update && (strtoupper($name_maiden) == strtoupper($unit[1]))) if (strtoupper($name_maiden) == strtoupper($unit[1])) { $check = 'selected'; } else { $check = ''; } echo '<OPTION value="' . $unit[1] . '" ' . $check . '>' . $unit[0] . '</OPTION>'; } // echo '<OPTION value="notinlist">NOT IN LIST</OPTION>'; echo '</SELECT>'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($errordatebirth) { echo "<font color=red>"; } ?> * <?php echo $LDBday; ?> </font>: </td> <td class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <input name="date_birth" type="text" size="15" maxlength=10 value="<?php if ($date_birth) { if ($mode == 'save' || $error || $error_person_exists) { echo $date_birth; } else { echo formatDate2Local($date_birth, $date_format); } } # Uncomment the following when the current date must be inserted # automatically at the start of each document /*else{ echo formatDate2Local(date('Y-m-d'),$date_format); }*/ ?> " onFocus=";" onBlur="IsValidDate(this,'<?php echo $date_format; ?> ')" onKeyUp="setDate(this,'<?php echo $date_format; ?> ','<?php echo $lang; ?> ');"> <a href="javascript:show_calendar('aufnahmeform.date_birth','<?php echo $date_format; ?> ')"> <img <?php echo createComIcon($root_path, 'show-calendar.gif', '0', 'absmiddle'); ?> ></a> <font size=1>[ <?php $dfbuffer = "LD_" . strtr($date_format, ".-/", "phs"); echo ${$dfbuffer}; ?> ] </font><br> <input name="date_age" type="text" size="15" maxlength=10 value="" onKeyUp="setDatebyAge(this,this.form.date_birth,'<?php echo $date_format; ?> ','<?php echo $lang; ?> ')"> <font size=1> <?php echo $LDAge; ?> </font> </td> <td> </td> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <?php if ($errorsex) { echo "<font color=#ff0000>"; } echo '* ' . $LDSex . '</font>'; ?> :<td> <input name="sex" type="radio" value="m" <?php if ($sex == "m") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo $LDMale; ?> <input name="sex" type="radio" value="f" <?php if ($sex == "f") { echo "checked"; } ?> > <?php echo $LDFemale; if ($errorsex) { echo "</font>"; } # But patch 2004-03-10 # Clean blood group $blood_group = trim($blood_group); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($errorreligion) { echo "<font color=red>"; } ?> * <?php echo $LDReligion; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <?php echo '<SELECT name="religion" onChange="list_popup(this,\'religion\');">'; echo '<OPTION value="-1" >' . $LDSelectReligion . '</OPTION>'; foreach ($religion_array as $unit) { if (strtoupper($religion) == strtoupper($unit[1])) { $check = 'selected'; } else { $check = ''; } echo '<OPTION value="' . $unit[1] . '" ' . $check . '>' . $unit[0] . '</OPTION>'; } // echo '<OPTION value="notinlist">NOT IN LIST</OPTION>'; echo '</SELECT>'; ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (!$person_name_others_hide) { $this->createTR($errornameothers, 'name_others', $LDNameOthers, $name_others); } ?> <!-- TODO: Kompletly not shown, or dependig on who is editing: Doctor, Lab? --> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <?php echo $LDBloodGroup; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <input name="blood_group" type="radio" value="A" <?php if ($blood_group == 'A') { echo 'checked'; } ?> ><?php echo $LDA; ?> <input name="blood_group" type="radio" value="B" <?php if ($blood_group == 'B') { echo 'checked'; } ?> ><?php echo $LDB; ?> <input name="blood_group" type="radio" value="AB" <?php if ($blood_group == 'AB') { echo 'checked'; } ?> ><?php echo $LDAB; ?> <input name="blood_group" type="radio" value="O" <?php if ($blood_group == 'O') { echo 'checked'; } ?> ><?php echo $LDO; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $LDRHfactor; ?> <input name="rh" type="radio" value="pos" <?php if ($rh == 'pos') { echo 'checked'; } ?> ><?php echo $LDRHpos; ?> <input name="rh" type="radio" value="neg" <?php if ($rh == 'neg') { echo 'checked'; } ?> ><?php echo $LDRHneg; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($errorcivil) { echo "<font color=red>"; } ?> <?php echo $LDCivilStatus; ?> </font>: </td> <td colspan=2 class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <input name="civil_status" type="radio" value="single" <?php if ($civil_status == "single") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo $LDSingle; ?> <input name="civil_status" type="radio" value="married" <?php if ($civil_status == "married") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo $LDMarried; ?> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <input name="civil_status" type="radio" value="divorced" <?php if ($civil_status == "divorced") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo $LDDivorced; ?> <input name="civil_status" type="radio" value="widowed" <?php if ($civil_status == "widowed") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo $LDWidowed; ?> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <input name="civil_status" type="radio" value="separated" <?php if ($civil_status == "separated") { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo $LDSeparated; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"> <?php echo $LDInsurance; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <?php // Create array of all insurances for GUI $coreObj->sql = "SELECT DISTINCT parent FROM care_tz_insurance WHERE cancel_flag='0' order by name asc"; $result = $db->Execute($coreObj->sql); $name_insurer_array = array(); while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) { $nr = $row['insurance_ID']; if ($nr != -1) { $coreObj->sql = "SELECT name FROM care_tz_company WHERE insurance_ID={$nr}"; $ergebnis = $db->Execute($coreObj->sql); $row = $ergebnis->FetchRow(); $arrayTemp = array("name" => $row['name'], "id" => $nr); array_push($name_insurer_array, $arrayTemp); } } echo '<SELECT name="insurance_ID">'; echo '<OPTION value="-1" >--select insurance--</OPTION>'; foreach ($name_insurer_array as $row) { if ($insurance_ID == $row[id]) { $check = 'selected'; } else { $check = ''; } echo '<OPTION value="' . $row[id] . '" ' . $check . '>' . $row[name] . '</OPTION>'; } echo '</SELECT>'; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php echo $LDOccupation; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <input type="text" name="title" size=14 maxlength=25 value="<?php echo $title; ?> " onFocus=";"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php echo $LDEducation; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"> <input type="text" name="name_others" size=14 maxlength=25 value="<?php echo $name_others; ?> " onFocus=";"> </td> </tr> <!-- <tr> <td colspan=2> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($erroraddress) { echo "<font color=red>"; } echo $LDAddress; ?> </font>: </td> </tr> --> <?php if (!$person_email_hide) { //{ ?> <tr> <td class="reg_item"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } echo '* ' . 'Region'; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT region_id, region_name FROM care_tz_region region INNER JOIN care_tz_district distrcit ON distrcit.is_additional=region.region_id INNER JOIN care_tz_ward ward ON distrcit.district_id=ward.is_additional ORDER BY region_name, district_name, ward_name"; //$sql="SELECT region_id,region_name FROM view_care_region_district_ward GROUP BY region_id order by region_name "; $catchment_area_obj = $db->Execute($sql); ?> </td> <td class="reg_input" colspan=1> <select name="region" size="1" onChange="redirect(this.options.selectedIndex)"> <option value="-1" id="-1">---select region--------</option> <?php while ($catchment_area_row = $catchment_area_obj->FetchRow()) { echo '<option value="' . $catchment_area_row['region_name'] . '" id=' . $catchment_area_row['region_id'] . '>' . $catchment_area_row['region_name'] . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <?php } ?> </td> <?php if ($update) { ?> <td class="reg_input"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } $sql = "Select * from care_person where pid=" . $pid; $result = $db->Execute($sql); $region = $result->FetchRow(); echo '' . 'Region:<FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#800000"> ' . $region['region'] . '</FONT>'; ?> </td><?php } ?> </tr> <tr></tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } echo '* ' . 'District'; ?> </td> <td class="reg_input" colspan=1> <select name="district" size="1" onChange="redirect1(this.options.selectedIndex)"> <option value="-1" >---select district--------</option> </select> </td> <?php if ($update) { ?> <td class="reg_input"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } $sql = "Select * from care_person where pid=" . $pid; $result = $db->Execute($sql); $region = $result->FetchRow(); echo '' . 'District: <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#800000">' . $region['district'] . '</FONT>'; ?> </td><?php } ?> </tr> <tr></tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } echo '* ' . 'Ward'; ?> </td> <td class="reg_input" colspan=1> <select name="ward" size="1"> <option value="-1" >-select Ward-</option> </select> <?php ?> <script language="javascript"> <?php // fill up all regions, districts and wards: $sql = "SELECT region_id, region_name, district_id, district_name, ward_id, ward_name FROM care_tz_region region INNER JOIN care_tz_district distrcit ON distrcit.is_additional=region.region_id INNER JOIN care_tz_ward ward ON distrcit.district_id=ward.is_additional ORDER BY region_name, district_name, ward_name"; $catchment_area_obj = $db->Execute($sql); $number_of_rows = $catchment_area_obj->RecordCount(); echo "var group=new Array(" . $number_of_rows . ")\n"; echo "for (i=0; i<" . $number_of_rows . "; i++)\n"; echo "group[i]=new Array()\n"; echo "group[0]= new Option(\"---select Region -----\");\n"; echo "group[0][0]=new Option(\"---select district--------\");\n"; echo "group[1][0]=new Option(\"now select this one\");\n"; echo "group[1][0][0]=new Option(\"-select Ward-\");\n"; // define some variables that eclipse will get no trouble by syntax error check... $previous_region_id = -1; $previous_district_id = -1; $region_id = 1; $district_id = 0; $ward_id = 0; // remember if it's the first row... $FIRST_ROW = TRUE; while ($catchment_area_row = $catchment_area_obj->FetchRow()) { // reading out all information of this row and store each to a variable $this_region_name = $catchment_area_row['region_name']; $this_district_name = $catchment_area_row['district_name']; $this_district_id = $catchment_area_row['district_id']; $this_ward_name = $catchment_area_row['ward_name']; $this_ward_id = $catchment_area_row['ward_id']; if ($FIRST_ROW == TRUE) { // it's the first row, the "this" is the same as the "previous" status $previous_region_id = $region_id; $previous_ward_id = $ward_id; $previous_district_id = $district_id; // if its the first row, so we can attach this line directly to the jscript-array: echo "group[" . $region_id . "][" . $district_id . "]=new Option(\"" . $this_district_name . "\");\n"; // "this" is no longer the first row, set it to FALSE $FIRST_ROW = FALSE; } else { // reading out all information of this row and store each to a variable $this_region_id = $catchment_area_row['region_id']; $this_region_name = $catchment_area_row['region_name']; $this_district_name = $catchment_area_row['district_name']; $this_district_id = $catchment_area_row['district_id']; // it is not the first row, so we have to be a bit more carefully if ($this_region_id == $previous_region_id) { // if its the same region ID like the previous one, so check if it's a new district as well: if ($this_district_id == $previous_district_id) { // if its the same district ID like the previous one, then we have a new ward echo "group[" . $region_id . "][" . $district_id . "][" . $ward_id . "]=new Option(\"" . $this_ward_name . "\"); // Ward_id=" . $this_ward_id . "\n"; $ward_id = $ward_id + 1; } else { $district_id = $district_id + 1; $previous_district_id = $this_district_id; $ward_id = 0; echo "group[" . $region_id . "][" . $district_id . "]=new Option(\"" . $this_district_name . "\"); //Region_id=" . $this_region_id . "\n"; } } else { // it's a new region, so reset the value of "this region" $district_id = 0; $region_id = $region_id + 1; echo "group[" . $region_id . "][" . $district_id . "]=new Option(\"" . $this_district_name . "\"); //Region_id=" . $this_region_id . "\n"; $previous_region_id = $this_region_id; } // end of if ($this_region_id==$previous_region_id) } // end of if ($FIRST_ROW==TRUE) } ?> var temp_district=document.aufnahmeform.district var temp_ward=document.aufnahmeform.ward function redirect(x){ // delete all previous entries for (m=temp_district.options.length-1;m>0;m--) temp_district.options[m]=null; // set the new ones to this option list for (i=1;i<group[x].length;i++){ temp_district.options[i]=new Option(group[x][i].text) } temp_district.options[0].selected=true; temp_district.options[0].value=-1; redirect1(0) } function redirect1(y){ for (m=temp_ward.options.length-1;m>=0;m--) temp_ward.options[m]=null; var region_index = document.aufnahmeform.region.options.selectedIndex; var district_index = document.aufnahmeform.district.options.selectedIndex; var i = 0; for (i=0;i<100;i++){ temp_ward.options[i]=new Option(group[region_index][district_index][i].text) } temp_ward.options[0].selected=true temp_ward.options[0].value=-1; } </script> </td> <?php if ($update) { ?> <td class="reg_input"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial,verdana,sans serif"> <?php if ($errormaiden) { echo '<font color="FF0000">'; } $sql = "Select * from care_person where pid=" . $pid; $result = $db->Execute($sql); $region = $result->FetchRow(); echo '' . 'Ward: <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" color="#800000">' . $region['ward'] . '</FONT>'; ?> </td><?php } ?> <tr> <td colspan=2> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($erroraddress) { echo "<font color=red>"; } echo $LDAddress; ?> </font>: </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php echo $LDTownCity; ?> : </td> <td class="reg_input"><input name="citizenship" type="text" value="<?php echo $citizenship; ?> " ></td> <!--<td class="reg_input"> <?php echo '<SELECT name="addr_citytown_nr" onChange="list_popup(this,\'city\');">'; echo '<OPTION value="-1" >-- select location --</OPTION>'; foreach ($town_array as $unit) { if (strtoupper($addr_citytown_nr) == strtoupper($unit[1])) { $check = 'selected'; } else { $check = ''; } echo '<OPTION value="' . $unit[1] . '" ' . $check . '>' . $unit[0] . '</OPTION>'; } // echo '<OPTION value="notinlist">NOT IN LIST</OPTION>'; echo '</SELECT>'; ?> </td>--> <td class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($errorzip) { echo "<font color=red>"; } echo $LDPOBOX . " "; ?> <input name="addr_zip" type="text" size="10" value="<?php echo $addr_zip; ?> " > </td> </tr> <?php if ($insurance_show) { if (!$person_insurance_1_nr_hide) { ?> <!--<tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($errorinsurancecoid) { echo '<font color="' . $error_fontcolor . '">'; } echo $LDInsuranceCo; ?> : </td> <td colspan=2 class="reg_input"><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><?php if ($errorinsuranceclass) { echo '<font color="' . $error_fontcolor . '">'; } ?> <input name="insurance_category" type="radio" value="silver" <?php if ($insurance_category == "silver") { echo 'checked'; } ?> > <?php echo $LDInsuranceSilver; ?> <input name="insurance_category" type="radio" value="gold" <?php if ($insurance_category == "gold") { echo 'checked'; } ?> > <?php echo $LDInsuranceGold; ?> <input name="insurance_category" type="radio" value="friedkin" <?php if ($insurance_category == "friedkin") { echo 'checked'; } ?> > <?php echo $LDInsuranceFriedkin; ?> <input name="insurance_category" type="radio" value="selian" <?php if ($insurance_category == "selian") { echo 'checked'; } ?> > <?php echo $LDInsuranceSelianstuff; ?> </td> </tr>--> <?php } } else { ?> <tr> <td colspan=2 class="reg_item"> <a><?php echo $LDSeveralInsurances; ?> <img <?php echo createComIcon($root_path, 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> ></a> </td> </tr> <?php } if (!$person_phone_1_nr_hide) { $this->createTR($errorphone1, 'phone_1_nr', $LDPhone, $phone_1_nr, 2); } if (!$person_cellphone_1_nr_hide) { $this->createTR($errorcell1, 'cellphone_1_nr', $LDCellPhone, $cellphone_1_nr, 2); } if (!$person_cellphone_2_nr_hide) { $this->createTR($errorcell2, 'cellphone_2_nr', $LDCellPhone . ' 2', $cellphone_2_nr, 2); } if (!$person_religion_hide) { ?> <?php } ?> <!--<tr> <td class="reg_item" valign=top class="reg_input"> <?php echo $LDOtherHospitalNr; ?> </td> <td colspan=2 class="reg_input"> <?php /* $other_hosp_list = $person_obj->OtherHospNrList(); $sOtherNrBuffer=''; foreach( $other_hosp_list as $k=>$v ){ echo "<b>".$kb_other_his_array[$k].":</b> ".$v."<br />\n"; } echo '<SELECT name="other_his_org"> <OPTION value="">--</OPTION>'; foreach( $kb_other_his_array as $k=>$v ){ echo '<OPTION value="$k" $check>$v</OPTION>'; } echo '</SELECT> '.$LDNr.':<INPUT name="other_his_no" size=20><br>'; echo '('.$LDSelectOtherHospital.' - '.$LDNoNrNoDelete.')<br></TD></TR>'; */ ?> </td> </tr>--> <tr> <td class="reg_item"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial" ><FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial"><font color=#ff0000><?php echo $LDRegBy; ?> </font> </td> <td colspan=2 class="reg_input"> <FONT SIZE=-1 FACE="Arial"><nobr> <input name="user_id" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($user_id) && $user_id) { echo $user_id; } else { echo $_SESSION['sess_user_name']; } ?> " size="35" readonly> </nobr> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000"> <input type="hidden" name="itemname" value="<?php echo $itemname; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="<?php echo $sid; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="linecount" value="<?php echo $linecount; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="save"> <input type="hidden" name="insurance_item_nr" value="<?php echo $insurance_item_nr; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="insurance_firm_id" value="<?php echo $insurance_firm_id; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="insurance_show" value="<?php echo $insurance_show; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="ethnic_orig" value="<?php echo $ethnic_orig; ?> "> <?php if ($update) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="update" value=1>'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="pid" value="' . $pid . '">'; } ?> <input type="image" <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'savedisc.gif', '0'); ?> alt="<?php echo $LDSaveData; ?> " align="absmiddle"> <a href="javascript:document.aufnahmeform.reset()"><img <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'reset.gif', '0'); ?> alt="<?php echo $LDResetData; ?> " align="absmiddle"></a> <?php //if($error||$error_person_exists) echo '<input type="button" value="'.$LDForceSave.'" onClick="forceSave()">'; ?> </form> <?php if (!$newdata) { ?> <form action=<?php echo $thisfile; ?> method=post> <input type=hidden name=sid value=<?php echo $sid; ?> > <input type=hidden name=patnum value=""> <input type=hidden name="lang" value="<?php echo $lang; ?> "> <input type=hidden name="date_format" value="<?php echo $date_format; ?> "> <input type=submit value="<?php echo $LDNewForm; ?> " > </form> <?php } }
> <font face=verdana,arial size=2 ><b><?php echo $LDMoreInfo; ?> </b><br></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><font face=verdana,arial size=2 ><?php echo $pinfo["info"]; ?> </font> </td> </tr> --> </table> <p> <a href="javascript:closethis()"><img <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'close2.gif', '0'); ?> alt="<?php echo $LDCloseWindow; ?> "></a> </BODY> </HTML>
<title></title> <?php require $root_path . 'include/inc_css_a_hilitebu.php'; ?> </head> <body> <table border=0> <tr> <td><img <?php echo createMascot($root_path, 'mascot1_r.gif', '0'); ?> </td> <td class="warnprompt"><?php echo $LDNoDiagReport; ?> </td> </tr> </table> <p><br> <a href="<?php echo $breakfile; ?> " target="_top"><img <?php echo createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'back2.gif', '0'); ?> > </a> </body> </html>
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> ></a><font color="990000"><strong>¿Cómo añado a la persona a la lista de empleados?</strong></font> </font> <ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Paso :</b> Dé clic al botón <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'add_employ.gif', '0'); ?> >. </font> </ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a name="sel"><img <?php echo createComIcon('../', 'frage.gif', '0'); ?> ></a><strong><font color="990000">Si la persona ya está empleada, ¿Cómo muestro sus datos de empleo?</font></strong> </font> <ul> <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Paso :</b> Dé clic al botón <img <?php echo createLDImgSrc('../', 'employment_data.gif', '0'); ?> >. </font> </ul> </form>
echo '></a>'; } } if ($target == "search") { echo '<img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'such-b.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDSearch . '">'; } else { echo '<a href="aufnahme_pass.php?sid=' . $sid . '&target=search&lang=' . $lang . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'such-gray.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDSearch . '" '; if ($cfg['dhtml']) { echo 'style=filter:alpha(opacity=70) onMouseover=hilite(this,1) onMouseOut=hilite(this,0)'; } echo '></a>'; } if ($target == "archiv") { echo '<img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'arch-blu.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDArchive . '">'; } else { echo '<a href="aufnahme_pass.php?sid=' . $sid . '&target=archiv&lang=' . $lang . '"><img ' . createLDImgSrc($root_path, 'arch-gray.gif', '0') . ' alt="' . $LDArchive . '" '; if ($cfg['dhtml']) { echo 'style=filter:alpha(opacity=70) onMouseover=hilite(this,1) onMouseOut=hilite(this,0)'; } echo '></a>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php require $root_path . 'include/inc_passcheck_mask.php'; ?> <p>