Esempio n. 1
  * Perform the export.
 function execute()
     global $errors, $lang, $sid;
     $minus = 0;
     $pages = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = " . $this->menuId);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($pages); $i++) {
         $cluster = getDBCell("sitepage", "CLNID", "SPID=" . $pages[$i]);
         $articles = countRows("channel_articles", "ARTICLE_ID", "ARTICLE_ID=" . $cluster);
         if ($articles == 0) {
             importClusterToArticle($pages[$i], $this->channelId, $this->categoryId);
         } else {
             $error = $lang->get("already_imported", "At least one page has not been imported, because it already exists in an channel.");
     if ($errors == "") {
         $this->add(new WZLabel($lang->get("ch_imp_success", "The data was successfully imported to the channel.")));
         if (strlen($error) > 0) {
             $this->add(new WZLabel($error));
         $this->add(new WZLabel($lang->get("num_imp_pages", "Total number of imported pages:") . " " . (count($pages) - $minus)));
     } else {
         $this->add(new WZLabel($lang->get("ch_imp_failed", "There was an error while importing the data to the channel.")));
     $this->parent->finished = true;
     $this->add(new WZLabel($lang->get("back_to_channels", "Back to Article Overview") . " >>", "modules/channels/overview.php?sid={$sid}"));
function parentClusters($clArray, $level = 0)
    $clnids = array();
    if ($level > 5) {
        return $clnids;
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($clArray); $i++) {
        $cl = $clArray[$i];
        // find dynamic clusters....
        $clids = createDBCArray("cluster_content", "CLID", "FKID = {$cl}");
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($clids); $j++) {
            array_push($clnids, getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLNID", "CLID = " . $clids[$j]));
        // find static clusters...
        $clts = createDBCArray("cluster_template_items", "CLT_ID", "FKID = " . $cl);
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($clts); $j++) {
            $clns = createDBCArray("cluster_node", "CLNID", "CLT_ID = " . $clts[$j]);
            $clnids = array_merge($clnids, $clns);
    if (is_array($clnids)) {
        $clnids = array_unique($clnids);
    // traverse down the tree, max 10 levels...
    $parents = parentClusters($clnids, $level + 1);
    $clnids = array_merge($clnids, $parents);
    if (is_array($clnids)) {
        $clnids = array_unique($clnids);
    return $clnids;
Esempio n. 3
  * returns an field containing arrays containg the ids of clusters of this channel.
  * Use cluster->getById() to retrieve the content of the cluster.
  * @param string Name of the cluster
  * @param integer ID of the Variation to query. Leave Blank or set to zero for Page-Variation.
  * @param string name of the column to order the cluster-nodes.
 function getField($name, $variation = 0, $order = "POSITION ASC")
     global $c;
     if ($variation == 0) {
         $variation = $this->variation;
     $name = strtolower($name);
     // get the clti..
     $clid = getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID = " . $this->parent->pageClusterNodeId . " AND VARIATION_ID = {$variation}");
     $clt = getDBCell("cluster_node", "CLT_ID", "CLNID = " . $this->parent->pageClusterNodeId);
     $clti = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTI_ID", "CLT_ID = {$clt} AND UPPER(NAME) = '{$name}'");
     if ($clti == "") {
         return "Field not defined!";
     $type = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTITYPE_ID", "CLTI_ID = {$clti}");
     if ($type == 8) {
         // query parameters...
         $stageIds = createDBCArray("cluster_content", "CLCID", "CLTI_ID = {$clti} AND CLID = {$clid} ORDER BY POSITION ASC");
         $result = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($stageIds); $i++) {
             $result[] = $this->_getArticleClusters($stageIds[$i], $variation);
         return $result;
     } else {
         echo "This field is not a channel-centerstage!";
Esempio n. 4
 * Apply the filter-plugins on a given input
 * @param string Text to filter
function applyFilterPlugins($text)
    $objectParser = new ObjectParser();
    $text = $objectParser->parse($text);
    $plugins = createDBCArray("modules", "MODULE_ID", "MODULE_TYPE_ID=4");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($plugins); $i++) {
        $plugin = createPGNRef($plugins[$i], 0);
        $text = $plugin->parseText($text);
    return $text;
Esempio n. 5
 * Add a page to the Sitemap and start adding the children
function addWebsite($startNode, &$map)
    global $c, $variations;
    $childs = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "PARENT_ID=" . $startNode . " AND VERSION=10 AND DELETED=0");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($childs); $i++) {
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($variations); $j++) {
            if (!isMenuExpired($childs[$i], $variations[$j])) {
                $url = $c["livehost"] . $c["livedocroot"] . getPageURL($childs[$i], $variations[$j]);
            addWebsite($childs[$i], $map);
	function TagEditor($title, $store_table, $pkKey, $pkValue, $fkKey, $values) {
	  $this->title = $title;
	  $this->store_table = $store_table;
	  $this->pkKey = $pkKey;
	  $this->pkValue = $pkValue;
	  $this->fkKey = $fkKey;
	  $this->values = $values;  			
	global $page_state, $page_action, $db;
    if ($page_state == "processing") {  	
		// Get Values form PoST     	
		$this->selectedValues = explode(",", value($this->store_table.$this->pkKey.'selection', "NOSPACES"));     	     	
    } else {
    	if (($page_action == "UPDATE" || $page_action == "DELETE") && $this->cond != "1") {
    		// Load Values from database		    		
    		$this->selectedValues = createDBCArray($this->store_table, $this->fkKey, $this->pkKey.'='.$this->pkValue);   		 
   	// selected values jetzt fett machen....
   	if (is_array($this->selectedValues)) {
   	  $this->selectedValues = createNameValueArrayEx("pgn_recipes_tags", "TAG", "TAG_ID", "TAG_ID IN (".implode(",", $this->selectedValues).")", "ORDER BY TAG ASC");
   	} else {
   	  $this->selectedValues = array();	
   	// extract selected Values from given values
   	$newValues = array();
   	for ($i=0; $i<count($this->values); $i++) {
   		$found = false;   		
   		for ($j=0; $j<count($this->selectedValues); $j++) {   			
   			if ($this->values[$i][1] == $this->selectedValues[$j][1]) 
   			  $found = true;
   		if (!$found)  $newValues[] = $this->values[$i];
   	$this->values = $newValues;
Esempio n. 7
		 * To be used in start file (e.g. index.php) to determine the first pageId
		 * to use.
		 * @param integer ID of the variation the Startpage should be find in.
		 * @returns	integer		Sitepage-ID of the first sitepage to use.
		function getStartPage($variation=0) {
			global $c;
			if ($variation == 0)
			  $variation = $c["stdvariation"];
			$zeroTrans = getDBCell("state_translation", "OUT_ID", "IN_ID=0 AND LEVEL=10");
			if ($this->parent->level < 10) {
				$menues = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "IS_DISPLAYED=1 AND PARENT_ID=0 ORDER BY POSITION");			
			} else {			
				$menues = createDBCArray("sitemap", "MENU_ID", "IS_DISPLAYED=1 AND PARENT_ID=$zeroTrans ORDER BY POSITION");				

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($menues); $i++) {
				$spids = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "MENU_ID = " . $menues[$i] . " ORDER BY POSITION");
				for ($j = 0; $j < count($spids); $j++) {
					if (!$this->isSPExpired($spids[$j], $variation, $this->level))
						return $spids[$j];

			return 0;
Esempio n. 8
		  * standard constructor
		function Configurator() {

			// load the data of the field.
			global $page_state, $page_action, $oid;

			if ($page_state == "processing") {
				$keys = createDBCArray("sys_functions", "FUNCTION_ID", "1");

				$this->configData = array ();

				for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
					if (value($keys[$i]) != "0")
						array_push($this->configData, $keys[$i]);

			} else {
				// fetch values from the database...
				$this->configData = createDBCArray("role_sys_functions", "FUNCTION_ID", "ROLE_ID = $oid");

				if (!is_array($this->configData))
					$this->configData = array ();
	function syncLanguages() {
	  global $db, $auth;
	  $variations = createDBCArray('variations', 'VARIATION_ID');
	  // enable languages in all templates
	  $spms = createDBCArray('sitepage_master', 'SPM_ID', 'VERSION=0');
	  for ($i=0; $i<count($spms); $i++) {
		for ($j=0; $j<count($variations); $j++) {
		  $check = getDBCell("sitepage_variations", "VARIATION_ID", "SPM_ID=".$spms[$i]." AND VARIATION_ID=".$variations[$j]);		  
		  if ($check=="") {		    
		  	$update = new query($db, 'INSERT INTO sitepage_variations (SPM_ID, VARIATION_ID) VALUES ('.$spms[$i].','.$variations[$j].')');
	  // enable languages for all contents
	  $cids = createDBCArray("content", "CID", "VERSION=0");
	  for ($i=0; $i<count($cids); $i++) {
	  	$module = getDBCell("content", "MODULE_ID", "CID=".$cids[$i]);
	    for ($j=0; $j<count($variations); $j++) {
	      $check = getDBCell("content_variations", "VARIATION_ID", "CID=".$cids[$i]." AND VARIATION_ID=".$variations[$j]);
	      if ($check=="") {
		      $fk = nextGUID();
	  		  $sql = "INSERT INTO content_variations (CID, VARIATION_ID, FK_ID, DELETED) VALUES ( $cids[$i], $variations[$j], $fk, 0)";
              $PGNRef = createPGNRef($module, $fk);
              $update = new query($db, $sql);

	  // enable languages for all clusters
	  $clnids = createDBCArray('cluster_node', 'CLNID', 'VERSION=0 AND DELETED=0');
	  for ($i=0; $i<count($clnids); $i++) {
	  	for ($j=0; $j<count($variations); $j++) {
	  	  $check = getDBCell("cluster_variations", 'VARIATION_ID', 'CLNID='.$clnids[$i].' AND VARIATION_ID='.$variations[$j]);
	  	  if ($check=="") {
			$fk = nextGUID();
			$sql = "INSERT INTO cluster_variations (CLNID, VARIATION_ID, CLID, DELETED,CREATED_AT, CREATE_USER ) VALUES ( $clnids[$i], $variations[$j], $fk, 0, NOW()+0, '".$auth->userName."')";
	  	  	$update = new query($db, $sql);
	  // enable languages for all menutexts
	  $spids = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "VERSION=0 AND DELETED=0");
	  for ($i=0; $i<count($spids); $i++) {
	    for ($j=0; $j<count($variations); $j++) {
	      $check = getDBCell("sitepage_names", "VARIATION_ID", "VARIATION_ID= $variations[$j] AND SPID=$spids[$i]");
	      if ($check =="") {
	      	$update = new query($db, 'INSERT INTO sitepage_names (SPID,VARIATION_ID,NAME,HELP,DELETED,VERSION) VALUES ('.$spids[$i].','.$variations[$j].',"","",0,0)');
Esempio n. 10
* Launch a Content-Item
* @param integer CID to launch
* @param integer ID of the level to launch to.
* @param integer ID of the variation to launch.
* @returns integer Translated ID after launch
	function launchContent($in, $level, $variation) {
		global $db, $auth;
		if (!checkACL($in)) {						
			$out = translateState($in, $level);
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM content WHERE CID = $in";
			$query = new query($db, $sql);
			$module = $query->field("MODULE_ID");
			$category = $query->field("CATEGORY_ID");
			$mtid = $query->field("MT_ID");
			$name = addslashes($query->field("NAME"));
			$keywords = addslashes($query->field("KEYWORDS"));
			$description = addslashes($query->field("DESCRIPTION"));
			$delme = $query->field("DELETED");
			$accesskey = $query->field("ACCESSKEY");

			// do some launches
			$mtTrans = launchMetaTemplate($mtid, $level);

			$sql = "DELETE FROM content WHERE CID = $out";
			$query = new query($db, $sql);
			$sql .= "($out, $module, $category, $mtTrans, '$name', '$description', '$keywords', NOW(), '$auth->user', $level, $delme, '$accesskey')";
			$query = new query($db, $sql);
			// launch the content.
			$dbc = createDBCArray("content_variations", "VARIATION_ID", "DELETED=0 AND CID=".$in);
			for ($i=0; $i<count($dbc);$i++) {
			  launchContentVariation($in, $module, $level, $dbc[$i]);
			// launch metas
			$sql = "SELECT MID FROM meta WHERE CID = $in AND DELETED=0";
			$query = new query($db, $sql);

			while ($query->getrow()) {
				launchMeta($query->field("MID"), $level);

			return $out;
		} else
			return translateState($in, $level);
			$handler = new ActionHandler("INSERT");

			// edit the properties of an object.
			$handled = true;

		} else if ($action != "foo" && ($action != "0"  || $view != "0")) {
			if ($action == "") $action = value("acstate");	

			if ($action == "createCluster") {
				$id = value("id");

				$clnid = createClusterNode(value("cluster_node_NAME".$id), $clt);
    		    $variations = createDBCArray("variations", "VARIATION_ID");
                for ($varX=0; $varX < count($variations); $varX++) {
                        $clid = createCluster($clnid, $variations[$varX], $auth->userName);

	   		    $sql = "UPDATE cluster_content SET FKID = '$clnid' WHERE CLCID = '$id';";
				$query = new query($db, $sql);
				// Trying to set action to Edit All, but it obviously doesn't work.
				$action = value("acstate");
			$handled = true;
			$page_action = "UPDATE";
Esempio n. 12
		 * Return an array containing all Meta-Field-Names of this cluster
		function getFieldnames() {
			$clt = getDBCell("cluster_node", "CLT_ID", "CLNID = ".$this->pageClusterNodeId);
			$mt = getDBCell("cluster_templates", "MT_ID", "CLT_ID = $clt");
			return createDBCArray("meta_template_items", "NAME", "MT_ID = $mt", "ORDER BY POSITION ASC");
	  * Query for the selected values
	  function querySelectedValues() {
	  	$this->selectedValues = array();		
		if ($this->cond != "1") {
			$ids = createDBCArray($this->table, $this->idcolumn, $this->cond, "ORDER BY POSITION");	
				for ($i=0; $i < count($ids); $i++) {		        	
	        		$sub[0] = getDBCell($this->lookupTable, $this->lookupName, $this->lookupID." = ".$ids[$i]);
	        		$sub[1] = $ids[$i];
            			$tmp = array();
            			foreach ($this->selectValues as $key) {
            			  if ($sub[1] != $key[1])
            			    $tmp[] = $key;           			  	
            			$this->selectValues = $tmp;
            			$this->selectedValues[] = $sub;
Esempio n. 14
 * Returns an array with the GUIDs of all channels in the system
function getChannels()
    return createDBCArray("channels", "CHID");
Esempio n. 15
			$editPanel->add(new Label("lbl", "<b>Translate: </b>" . getDBCell("internal_resources", "VALUE", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='EN'"), "standardlight", 2));
			$editPanel->add(new TextInput($items[$i], "internal_resources", "VALUE", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='$oid'", "type:textarea,size:2,width:400"));
			$editPanel->add(new TextInput("Tooltip", "internal_resources", "TOOLTIP", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='$oid'", "type:textarea,size:2,width:400"));
			$editPanel->add(new Separator());

		$editPanel->add(new FormButtons(true));
		$editPanel->add(new Hidden("oid", $oid));
		// add the panel to the form and the form to the page.
	} else {
		$form = new Form($lang->get("stats", "Statistics"));

		$page_action = "UPDATE";
		$langs = createDBCArray("internal_resources_languages", "LANGID", "1");

		for ($i = 0; $i < count($langs); $i++) {
			if ($vs != "0")
				syncronizeLanguage ($langs[$i]);

			$langname = getDBCell("internal_resources_languages", "NAME", "LANGID = '" . $langs[$i] . "'");
			$form->add(new Label("lbl", "Statistics for " . $langname, "standard", 2));
			$translated = countRows("internal_resources", "RESID", "LANGID='" . $langs[$i] . "' AND VALUE IS NOT NULL AND VALUE <>''");
			$nottranslated1 = countRows("internal_resources", "RESID", "LANGID='" . $langs[$i] . "' AND VALUE IS NULL");
			$nottranslated2 = countRows("internal_resources", "RESID", "LANGID='" . $langs[$i] . "' AND VALUE =''");
			$nottranslated = $nottranslated1 + $nottranslated2;
			$form->add(new Label("lbl", "Translated: " . $translated, "standardlight"));
			$form->add(new Label("lbl", "Not translated: " . $nottranslated, "standardlight"));
			$form->add(new Separator());
	$page = new page("Compound Groups");

	$filter = new Filter("compound_groups", "CGID");
	$filter->addRule($lang->get("name"), "NAME", "NAME");
	$filter->setAdditionalCondition("VERSION = 0");
	$filter->type_name = $lang->get("cp_group");;
	$filter->icon = "li_cggroup.gif";
	$filtermenu = new Filtermenu($lang->get("cp_group"), $filter);
	$name = getDBCell("compound_groups", "NAME", "CGID = $oid");
	$form = new stdEDForm($lang->get("ed_cpgroup", "Edit Compound Group").":".$name);
	$cond = $form->setPK("compound_groups", "CGID");
	if ($oid != "") {
		$form->headerlink = crHeaderLink($lang->get("ed_cpgroupgeneral", "Edit Group General"), "modules/compoundgroup/compound_groups.php?sid=$sid&oid=$oid&go=update");
	$compoundClts = createDBCArray("cluster_templates", "CLT_ID", "CLT_TYPE_ID=1");
	if (count($compoundClts) > 0 ) {
		$members = createNameValueArrayEx("cluster_node", "NAME", "CLNID", "VERSION=0 AND CLT_ID IN (".implode(", ", $compoundClts).")", "ORDER BY NAME ASC");
	} else {
		$members = array();	
	$form->add(new SelectMultipleInputPos($lang->get("cpg_members_select", "Select members of this compound group"), $members, "compound_group_members", "CGMID", "CGID", $cond, "cluster_node", "CLNID", "NAME", "standardlight", 2));
Esempio n. 17
		 * Called to get the necessary html-headers of the plugins that are used within 
		 * the class on which the page is based
		function _autoInitPlugins() {
		  $clt = getDBCell('cluster_node', 'CLT_ID', 'CLNID='.$this->parent->pageClusterNodeId);		  
		  $ar = createDBCArray('cluster_template_items', 'FKID', 'CLT_ID='.$clt.' AND CLTITYPE_ID IN (1,2,5)');
		  for ($i=0; $i < count($ar); $i++) {
		  	$ref = createPGNRef($ar[$i], 0);
		  	if (is_object($ref)) {
		  		$out = $ref->getHTMLHeader();
		  		if (strlen($out) > 0 )
		  		  $this->header.= "\n".$ref->getHTMLHeader();
			if (count($modules) > 0) {
				$f = 0;

				$module_id = getDBCell("modules", "MODULE_ID", "UPPER(MODULE_NAME) = '" . $modules[$f] . "'");
				$filtersql = " AND (MODULE_ID = $module_id ";

				for ($f = 1; $f < count($modules); $f++) {
					$module_id = getDBCell("modules", "MODULE_ID", "UPPER(MODULE_NAME) = '" . $modules[$f] . "'");
					$filtersql .= "OR MODULE_ID = $module_id ";
				$filtersql .= ")";

		$content = createDBCArray("content", "CID", "VERSION=0 AND DELETED=0 AND CATEGORY_ID = " . $pnode . $filtersql, "ORDER BY NAME");

		for ($i = 0; $i < count($content); $i++) {
			$form->add(new LibraryViewer($content[$i], 1, $linkset, "image"));

		if (count($content) == 0) {
			$form->add(new Label("lbl", "<center>" . $lang->get("no_contents", "No Contents available in this folder."). "</center>", "standard", 3));

		if (isset($topText)) {
			$form->topicon = "ii_success.gif";
Esempio n. 19
 * DEPRECATED! use getLowerLevel instead.
 * Gets the IDs of the child-pages and returns them as linear array.
 * @param 		integer		Sitepage-ID to get the children from.
 * @param		string		Column, to order the results.
	function getChildrenPages($spid) {
		$menuId = getDBCell("sitepage", "MENU_ID", "SPID = $spid");

		$childs = createDBCArray("sitepage sp, sitemap sm", "SPID", "sm.PARENT_ID = $menuId AND sp.MENU_ID = sm.MENU_ID AND sm.IS_DISPLAYED=1 ORDER BY sm.POSITION");
		global $splevel, $v;

		if ($splevel == 10) { // check live-pages for expiration.
			$checked = array ();

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($childs); $i++) {
				// get clid
				$myspid = $childs[$i];

				$clnid = getDBCell("sitepage", "CLNID", "SPID = $myspid");
				$clid = getDBCell("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID = $clnid AND VARIATION_ID = $v");

				if (!isExpired($clid))
					array_push($checked, $myspid);

			return $checked;
		} else
			return $childs;
Esempio n. 20
	 * Loads the source code of all Plugins with input-fields
	function includePGNISources() {
		global $c;
		require_once $c["path"]."plugin/";
		$sources = createDBCArray("modules", "SOURCE", "MODULE_TYPE_ID=1");

		for ($i = 0; $i < count($sources); $i++) {
			require_once $c["path"] . "plugin/" . $sources[$i];
Esempio n. 21
		   * Check, whether an accessor is allowed to perform a special operation on the Object.
		   * @param integer GUID of the user or group
		   * @param string Title of the action to check for.
		function checkAccessToFunction2($guid, $action) {
			global $db, $auth;		
			if ($auth->user == "Administrator") 
			  return true;

			$action = strtoupper($action);
			$result = false;
			$accessor = new Accessor($guid);
			// determine accessors the user is in.
			$accessorGroups = $accessor->isInGroups();			
			$accessorGroupsStr = implode(',', $accessorGroups);
			// check for owner
			if (in_array($this->owner, $accessorGroups)) {				
				if ($accessor->canDoInGroup($action, $this->owner))				
					return true;
			// determine roles, the function is in.			
			$actionRoles = createDBCArray("role_sys_functions", "ROLE_ID", "UPPER(FUNCTION_ID) = '$action'");
			if (! is_array($actionRoles)) {
			  $actionRoles = array();
			array_push($actionRoles, 1); // Administrator Role
			$actionRolesStr = implode(",", $actionRoles);	
			$resourceGroups = array();
			for ($i=0; $i < count($this->accessors); $i++) {
			  if (in_array($this->accessors[$i]["ROLE"], $actionRoles)) {
			    array_push($resourceGroups, $this->accessors[$i]["ACCESSOR"]);	
			$bothGroups = array();
			if (is_array($resourceGroups)) 
			  $bothGroups = array_intersect($resourceGroups, $accessorGroups);
			  if (is_array($bothGroups)) {
			  foreach ($bothGroups as $group) {				
				$sql = "SELECT up.USER_ID FROM user_permissions up, acl_relations r WHERE up.USER_ID = $guid AND up.GROUP_ID = ".$group." AND up.ROLE_ID IN ($actionRolesStr) AND r.ROLE_ID IN ($actionRolesStr) AND r.ACCESSOR_GUID IN ($accessorGroupsStr) AND r.GUID= ".$this->effectiveACLGuid;			
				$query = new query($db, $sql);				
				if ($query->getrow()) {
				  return true;				   
				 } else {				   
			// check for foreign relations....
			if ($accessorGroupsStr != "") {		
				$accessorRolesOnResource = createDBCArray("acl_relations", "ROLE_ID", "GUID = $this->guid AND ACCESSOR_GUID IN ($accessorGroupsStr)");				
				if (in_array(1, $accessorRolesOnResource))  // Admin Rechte
				  $result = true;
				if (is_array($accessorRolesOnResource)) {
					$accessorRolesOnResourceStr = implode(',', $accessorRolesOnResource);										
					$accessorFunctionsOnResource = createDBCArray("role_sys_functions", "FUNCTION_ID", "ROLE_ID IN ($accessorRolesOnResourceStr)");															
					if (is_array($accessorFunctionsOnResource)) {
						if (in_array(strtoupper($action), $accessorFunctionsOnResource)) 
					  		$result = true;				
			return false;
Esempio n. 22
 * Export a cluster-Node with all its variations
 * @param integer GUID of the Cluster-Node (CLNID)
function XmlExportClusterNode($clnid)
    global $db, $xmlExchange;
    $xml =& new XPath(FALSE, $xmlOptions);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cluster_node WHERE CLNID = {$clnid}";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    if ($query->getrow()) {
        $name = urlencode($query->field("NAME"));
        $clt = $query->field("CLT_ID");
        $xmlExchange[] = array("clt" => $clt);
        $xml->appendChild('', "<NX:CLUSTERNODE ID=\"{$clnid}\" NAME=\"{$name}\" CLUSTERTEMPLATE=\"{$clt}\"/>");
        $variations = createDBCArray("cluster_variations", "CLID", "CLNID = {$clnid}");
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($variations); $i++) {
            $cluster = XmlExportCluster($variations[$i]);
            if ($cluster != false) {
                $xml->appendChild('/NX:CLUSTERNODE[1]', $cluster);
        return $xml->exportAsXml('', '');
    return false;
Esempio n. 23
		 * Retrieves the output of a field as defined in Cluster-Template. 
		 * To be used for Items with every cardinality. Returns an array with the results. 
		 * @param string name of the field to query the content from.
		 * @param string additional parameters for this plugin. 
		 * @param integer ID of the Variation to query. Leave Blank or set to zero for Page-Variation. 
		 * @param string Column, you want to order the output of.
		 * @returns string The output of the module.
		function getField($name, $params = null, $variation = 0, $order = "POSITION ASC") {
			global $sid, $lang, $c;			
			$linkadd = "";	
			if ($variation == 0)
				$variation = $this->variation;

			// $myclid = getCLID($this->pageClusterNodeId, $this->variation);
			// determine, if static or dynamic content.
			$clt = getDBCell("cluster_node", "CLT_ID", "CLNID = $this->pageClusterNodeId");
			$clti = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTI_ID", "CLT_ID = $clt AND UPPER(NAME) = UPPER('$name')");

			if ($clti == "") {
				$res[0] = "$name is not defined!";

				return $res;

			$type = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTITYPE_ID", "CLTI_ID = $clti");
			$res = array ();

			if ($type == 1)
				$res[0] = "$name is a static content and therefore not a field!";

			if ($type == 2) { // dynamic field
				$plugin = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "FKID", "CLTI_ID = $clti");

				$field = createDBCArray("cluster_content", "CLCID", "CLTI_ID = $clti AND CLID = $this->pageClusterId ORDER BY $order");

				if (count($field) == 0 && $this->variation != $this->parent->stdVariation)
					$res = $this->getField($name, $params, $order, $this->parent->stdVariation);

				for ($i = 0; $i < count($field); $i++) {
					if ($field[$i] != "" && $plugin != "") {
						$linkadd = "<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"'" . $c["docroot"] . "modules/sitepages/sma_editor.php?sid=$sid&oid=" . $field[$i] . "', 'sma', 'top=100,width=650,height=380,toolbar=no,menubar=no,status=no,location=no,dependent=yes,scrollbars=yes');\"><img src=\"" . $c["docroot"] . "img/icons/sma_edit.gif\" alt=\"" . $lang->get("sma_ext_edit", "Open edit window. Save all inline edited texts before!"). "\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\"></a>";
						$ref = createPGNRef($plugin, $field[$i]);
						$content = $ref->drawLiveAuthoring($param);
						if ($param == "")
							$content .= $linkadd;
						unset ($ref);
						array_push($res, $content);
			}  else if ($type == 5) {
				$plugin = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "FKID", "CLTI_ID = $clti");

				$field = createDBCArray("cluster_content", "FKID", "CLTI_ID = $clti AND CLID = $this->pageClusterId ORDER BY $order");

				if (count($field) == 0 && $this->variation != $this->parent->stdVariation)
					$res = $this->getField($name, $params, $order, $this->parent->stdVariation);

				for ($i = 0; $i < count($field); $i++) {
					if ($field[$i] != "" && $plugin != "") {
						$oid = getDBCell("content_variations", "FK_ID", "CID = ".$field[$i]." AND VARIATION_ID = $this->variation AND DELETED=0");
						$ref = createPGNRef($plugin, $oid);

						$content = $ref->drawLiveAuthoring($params);
						unset ($ref);
						array_push($res, $content);
			} else {
				$res[0] = "$name is not a content-field!";
			return $res;
Esempio n. 24
 * Uninstalls a Plugin
 * @param integer GUID of the plugin to uninstall.
function uninstallPlugin($oid)
    global $db;
    // module uninstall handler
    $modRef = createPGNRef($oid, 0);
    if ($modRef != null) {
        // content deletion
        $delHandler = new ActionHandler("DELETE");
        $sql = "SELECT CID FROM content WHERE MODULE_ID = {$oid}";
        $query = new query($db, $sql);
        while ($query->getrow()) {
            $cid = $query->field("CID");
            $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM meta WHERE CID = {$cid}");
            $delHandler->addDBAction("UPDATE cluster_template_items SET FKID=0 WHERE FKID={$cid}");
            $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM content_variations WHERE CID = {$cid}");
            $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM content WHERE CID = {$cid}");
        // meta-templates deletion.
        $mtid = getDBCell("modules", "MT_ID", "MODULE_ID = {$oid}");
        if ($mtid != 0) {
            $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM meta_template_items WHERE MT_ID = {$mtid}");
            $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM meta_templates WHERE MT_ID = {$mtid}");
        $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM modules WHERE MODULE_ID = {$oid}");
        $delHandler = new ActionHandler("DELETE");
        // cluster deletion.
        $delHandler->addDBAction("UPDATE cluster_template_items SET FKID = 0 WHERE FKID = {$oid} AND CLTITYPE_ID=2");
        $cltis = createDBCArray("cluster_template_items", "CLTI_ID", "CLTITYPE_ID = 2 AND FKID = {$oid}");
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($cltis); $i++) {
            $id = $cltis[$i];
            $delHandler->addDBAction("DELETE FROM cluster_content WHERE CLTI_ID = {$id}");
Esempio n. 25
		 *  Create a form for smart translation and return the form reference.
		function createSmartTranslateForm() {
			global $c, $page_action, $specialID, $page_state;
			$page_action = 'UPDATE';
			if (value('tsaving', '', '') != 'yes')
			  $page_state = '';
			$oldvalues = value('oldfields', '', '0');
			if ($oldvalues != '0') {
			    $commas2 = $oldvalues;
			    $commas = "'" . str_replace(",", "','", $oldvalues) . "'";			    
			} else {				
				$commas = implode(',', $this->smarttranslator);
				$commas2 = str_replace("'", '', $commas);
			$tform = new EditForm('N/X Smarttranslator', '', 'smarttranslator');	
			$oid = $c["smarttranslate"];
			$items = createDBCArray('internal_resources', 'RESID', "LANGID='".$oid."' AND UPPER(RESID) IN (".$commas.")", 'ORDER BY RESID ASC');			
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {		
				$specialID = $items[$i];
				$tform->add(new Label("lbl", "<b>Translate: </b>" . getDBCell("internal_resources", "VALUE", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='EN'"), "standardlight", 2));
				$tform->add(new TextInput($items[$i], "internal_resources", "VALUE", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='$oid'", "type:textarea,size:2,width:400"));
				$tform->add(new TextInput("Tooltip".$items[$i], "internal_resources", "TOOLTIP", "RESID='" . $items[$i] . "' AND LANGID='$oid'", "type:textarea,size:2,width:400"));
				$tform->add(new Spacer(2));
			$tform->add(new Hidden('oldfields', $commas2));
			$tform->add(new Hidden('tsaving', 'yes'));
			return $tform;		
Esempio n. 26
function exportLanguages()
    global $export, $recordsets;
    $variations = createDBCArray("variations", "VARIATION_ID", '1', 'ORDER BY VARIATION_ID ASC');
    $variations2 = createDBCArray("variations", "SHORTTEXT", '1', 'ORDER BY VARIATION_ID ASC');
    $export = 'TYPE|KEY1|KEY2';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($variations2); $i++) {
        $export .= '|' . $variations2[$i];
    $export .= "\n";
    // getPluginIds
    $lp = getDBCell("modules", "MODULE_ID", "MODULE_NAME='Label'", false);
    $tp = getDBCell("modules", "MODULE_ID", "MODULE_NAME='Text'", false);
    // export contents
    $cids = createDBCArray("content", "CID", "VERSION=0");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) {
        $module = getDBCell("content", "MODULE_ID", "CID=" . $cids[$i]);
        $moduleTable = '';
        if ($module == $tp) {
            $moduleTable = 'pgn_text';
        if ($module == $lp) {
            $moduleTable = 'pgn_label';
        if ($moduleTable != '') {
            $export .= 'C|' . $cids[$i] . '|';
            for ($j = 0; $j < count($variations); $j++) {
                $fk = getDBCell("content_variations", "FK_ID", "CID={$cids[$i]} AND VARIATION_ID={$variations[$j]}", false);
                $content = getDBCell($moduleTable, "CONTENT", "FKID=" . $fk, false);
                $export .= '|' . preg_replace("/\r|\n/s", "", $content);
            $export .= "\n";
    // export menues
    $spids = createDBCArray("sitepage", "SPID", "VERSION=0 AND DELETED=0");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($spids); $i++) {
        $export .= 'M|' . $spids[$i] . '|';
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($variations); $j++) {
            $menu = getDBCell("sitepage_names", "NAME", "SPID={$spids[$i]} AND VARIATION_ID={$variations[$j]}", false);
            $export .= '|' . $menu;
        $export .= "\n";
    // export cluster-content
    $clnids = createDBCArray('cluster_node', 'CLNID', 'VERSION=0 AND DELETED=0');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($clnids); $i++) {
        $clt = getDBCell("cluster_node", 'CLT_ID', 'CLNID=' . $clnids[$i], false);
        $cltis = createDBCArray('cluster_template_items', 'CLTI_ID', 'CLT_ID=' . $clt . ' AND FKID IN (' . $tp . ',' . $lp . ') AND CLTITYPE_ID=2');
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($cltis); $k++) {
            $module = getDBCell('cluster_template_items', 'FKID', 'CLTI_ID=' . $cltis[$k]);
            $moduleTable = '';
            if ($module == $tp) {
                $moduleTable = 'pgn_text';
            if ($module == $lp) {
                $moduleTable = 'pgn_label';
            if ($moduleTable != '') {
                $export .= 'O|' . $clnids[$i] . '|' . $cltis[$k];
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($variations); $j++) {
                    $clid = getDBCell("cluster_variations", 'CLID', 'CLNID=' . $clnids[$i] . ' AND VARIATION_ID=' . $variations[$j], false);
                    $clcid = getDBCell("cluster_content", "CLCID", "CLID=" . $clid . ' AND CLTI_ID=' . $cltis[$k], false);
                    $content = getDBCell($moduleTable, "CONTENT", "FKID=" . $clcid, false);
                    $export .= '|' . preg_replace("/\r|\n/s", "", $content);
                $export .= "\n";
		  * standard constructor
		 * @param array Name-Value Array for first table
		 * @param array Name-Value Array for second table
		 * @param array String-Array with all the Headlines ("head1, head1_selected, head2")
		 * @param string Name of the table the combinations are stored in.
		 * @param array Keys to select ("name", "value", "datatype") 
		 * @param string Name of column corresponding to values1
		 * @param string Datatype of column1
		 * @param string Name of column corresponding to values2
		 * @param string Datatype of column2
		function CombinationEditor($values1, $values2, $headlines, $table, $keys, $column1, $column1_datatype, $column2, $column2_datatype, $colspan = "3", $css = "standard") {
			global $page_action, $page_state, $formname, $page;
			$this->formname = $formname;

			if ($this->formname == "")
				$this->formname = "form1";


			$this->values1 = $values1;
			$this->values2 = $values2;
			$this->headlines = $headlines;
			$this->table = $table;
			$this->keys = $keys;
			$this->column1 = $column1;
			$this->column2 = $column2;
			$this->column1_dt = $column1_datatype;
			$this->column2_dt = $column2_datatype;
			$this->colspan = $colspan;
			$this->css = $css;

			$whereClause = "";

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
				if ($i > 0)
					$whereClause .= " AND ";

				$whereClause .= $keys[$i][0] . " = ";

				if (strtoupper($keys[$i][2]) == "NUMBER") {
					$whereClause .= $keys[$i][1];
				} else {
					$whereClause .= "'" . $keys[$i][1] . "'";
			} // end for

			$this->row_identifier = $whereClause;

			if ($page_state == "processing") {
				$this->configdata = value("configdata");

				$checklist = array ();

				for ($i = 1; $i < count($values1); $i++) {
					$checklist[$values1[$i][1]] = false;

				if ($this->configdata != "" && $this->configdata != "0") {
					$accessors = explode(";", $this->configdata);

					for ($i = 0; $i < count($accessors); $i++) {
						$entry = explode(",", $accessors[$i]);

						$checklist[$entry[0]] = true;

						for ($j = 1; $j < count($entry); $j++) {
							$this->properties[$entry[0]][$j - 1] = $entry[$j];

				// build the inlist and outlist now.
				$this->outlist1 = array ();

				for ($i = 1; $i < count($values1); $i++) {
					if (!$checklist[$values1[$i][1]])
						array_push($this->outlist1, $values1[$i]);

				$this->inlist1 = array ();

				for ($i = 1; $i < count($values1); $i++) {
					if ($checklist[$values1[$i][1]])
						array_push($this->inlist1, $values1[$i]);
			} else {
				//load from databae;    
				$in1 = createDBCArray($table, $column1, $whereClause);

				$checklist = array ();

				for ($j = 1; $j < count($values1); $j++)$checklist[$j] = false;

				for ($i = 0; $i < count($in1); $i++) {
					$this->inlist1[$i][1] = $in1[$i];

					for ($j = 1; $j < count($values1); $j++) {
						if ($in1[$i] == $values1[$j][1]) {
							$this->inlist1[$i][0] = $values1[$j][0];

							$checklist[$j] = true;

				// filter outlist with help of checklist
				$this->outlist1 = array ();

				for ($i = 1; $i < count($values1); $i++) {
					if (!$checklist[$i])
						array_push($this->outlist1, $values1[$i]);

				$this->configdata = "";

				// now get properties for the inlist....
				for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->inlist1); $i++) {
					$iid = $this->inlist1[$i][1];

					if ($this->configdata != "")
						$this->configdata .= ";";

					$this->configdata .= $iid;

					if ($column1_datatype == "NUMBER") {
						$whereCL = $whereClause . " AND $column1 = $iid";
					} else {
						$whereCL = $whereClause . " AND $column1 = '$iid'";

					$props = createDBCArray($table, $column2, $whereCL);

					for ($j = 0; $j < count($props); $j++) {
						$this->properties[$iid][$j] = $props[$j];

						$this->configdata .= "," . $props[$j];
			// end of fetching data... 
Esempio n. 28
	 * Retrieves the output of a field as defined in Cluster-Template. 
	 * To be used for Items with every cardinality. Returns an array with the results. 
	 * @param string name of the field to query the content from.
	 * @param string additional parameters for this plugin.
	 * @param string Column, you want to order the output of.
	 * @param integer ID of the Cluster-Node to query. Leave Blank or set to zero for Page-Cluster. 
	 * @param integer ID of the Variation to query. Leave Blank or set to zero for Page-Variation. 
	 * @returns string The output of the module.
	function getContentField($name, $param = "", $order = "POSITION ASC", $cclnid = 0, $cvariation = 0) {
		global $clnid, $v, $clid, $c;

		if ($cclnid == 0)
			$cclnid = $clnid;

		if ($cvariation == 0)
			$cvariation = $v;

		$myclid = getCLID($cclnid, $cvariation);
		// determine, if static or dynamic content.
		$clt = getDBCell("cluster_node", "CLT_ID", "CLNID = $cclnid");
		$clti = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTI_ID", "CLT_ID = $clt AND UPPER(NAME) = UPPER('$name')");

		if ($clti == "") {
			$res[0] = "$name is not defined!";

			return $res;

		$type = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTITYPE_ID", "CLTI_ID = $clti");
		$res = array ();

		if ($type == 1)
			$res[0] = "$name is a static content and therefore not a field!";

		if ($type == 2) { // dynamic field
			$plugin = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "FKID", "CLTI_ID = $clti");

			$field = createDBCArray("cluster_content", "CLCID", "CLTI_ID = $clti AND CLID = $myclid ORDER BY $order");

			if (count($field) == 0 && $cvariation != $c["stdvariation"])
				$res = getContentField($name, $param, $order, $cclnid, $c["stdvariation"]);

			for ($i = 0; $i < count($field); $i++) {
				if ($field[$i] != "" && $plugin != "") {
					$ref = createPGNRef($plugin, $field[$i]);

					$content = $ref->draw($param);
					unset ($ref);
					array_push($res, $content);

		if ($type > 2)
			$res[0] = "$name is not a content-field!";

		return $res;
Esempio n. 29
  * Creates an array with all group-ids, the user is in.
  * @return integer scalar array with all group-ids.
 function getGroups()
     global $db;
     return createDBCArray("user_permissions", "GROUP_ID", "USER_ID = {$this->userId}");
Esempio n. 30
	 * Retrieves the CLuster-Node-IDs (CLNID) from included Clusters.
	 * To be used for clusters with any cardinatlity. Returns an array.
	 * @param string name of the field to query the cluster-node-id from.
	 * @param string name of the column to order the cluster-nodes. 
	 * @param integer ID of the Cluster-Node to query. Leave Blank or set to zero for Page-Cluster. 
	 * @param integer ID of the Variation to query. Leave Blank or set to zero for Page-Variation. 
	 * @returns integer CLNID of the included cluster.
	function getContentClusterField($name, $order = "POSITION ASC", $cclnid = 0, $cvariation = 0) {
		global $clnid, $v, $clid, $c;

		if ($cclnid == 0)
			$cclnid = $clnid;

		if ($cvariation == 0)
			$cvariation = $v;

		$myclid = getCLID($cclnid, $cvariation);

		// get the clti..
		$res = array ();
		$clt = getDBCell("cluster_node", "CLT_ID", "CLNID = $cclnid");
		$clti = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTI_ID", "CLT_ID = $clt AND UPPER(NAME) = UPPER('$name')");

		if ($clti == "") {
			$res[0] = "$name is not defined!";

			return $res;

		$type = getDBCell("cluster_template_items", "CLTITYPE_ID", "CLTI_ID = $clti");

		if ($type == 3)
			$res[0] = "$name is a static cluster and therefore not a field!";

		if ($type == 4) {
			$res = createDBCArray("cluster_content", "FKID", "CLTI_ID = $clti AND CLID = $myclid ORDER BY $order");

			if (count($res) == 0 && $cvariation != $c["stdvariation"])
				$res = getContentClusterField($name, $order, $cclnid, $c["stdvariation"]);

		if ($type < 3 || $type > 4)
			$res[0] = "$name is not a cluster-field!";

		return $res;