function event_ParseURL($data) { global $CONF, $manager, $curl_blogid, $blogid, $itemid, $catid; global $memberid, $archivelist, $archive, $query; // initialize $info = $data['info']; $complete =& $data['complete']; if ($complete) { return; } $useCustomURL = $this->getAllBlogOptions('use_customurl'); // Use NP_MultipleCategories ? $mcategories = $this->pluginCheck('MultipleCategories'); if ($mcategories) { $param = array(); $mcategories->event_PreSkinParse($param); global $subcatid; if (method_exists($mcategories, 'getRequestName')) { $subrequest = $mcategories->getRequestName(); } else { $subrequest = 'subcatid'; } } // initialize and sanitize '$blogid' if (!$blogid) { if (getVar('blogid')) { if (is_numeric(getVar('blogid'))) { $blogid = intval(getVar('blogid')); } else { $blogid = intval(getBlogIDFromName(getVar('blogid'))); } } elseif ($curl_blogid) { $blogid = intval($curl_blogid); } elseif ($itemid > 0) { //2008-09-19 Cacher $blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID($itemid); } else { $blogid = $CONF['DefaultBlog']; } //2008-09-19 Cacher } else { if (is_numeric($blogid)) { $blogid = intval($blogid); } else { $blogid = intval(getBlogIDFromName($blogid)); } } if (!$info) { if (serverVar('PATH_INFO')) { $info = serverVar('PATH_INFO'); } elseif (getNucleusVersion() < 330) { if (getVar('virtualpath')) { $info = getVar('virtualpath'); } } else { if (getVar('query')) { $info = serverVar('REQUEST_URI'); } else { return; } //by nekonosippo 2008-04-06 } } // Sanitize 'PATH_INFO' $info = trim($info, '/'); $v_path = explode("/", $info); foreach ($v_path as $key => $value) { $value = urlencode($value); $value = preg_replace('|[^a-zA-Z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:@%]|i', '', $value); $v_path[$key] = $value; } if (phpversion() >= '4.1.0') { $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = implode('/', $v_path); } global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PATH_INFO'] = implode('/', $v_path); // Admin area check $tmpURL = sprintf("%s%s%s", "http://", serverVar("HTTP_HOST"), serverVar("SCRIPT_NAME")); $uri = str_replace('/', '\\/', $tmpURL); $plug_url = str_replace('/', '\\/', $CONF['PluginURL']); $u_plugAction = getVar('action') == 'plugin' && getVar('name'); $UsingPlugAdmin = FALSE; if (strpos($uri, $plug_url) === 0 || $u_plugAction) { $UsingPlugAdmin = TRUE; } // get real blogid $blink = FALSE; if (empty($info)) { $bLink = TRUE; } $linkObj = array('bid' => 0, 'name' => reset($v_path), 'linkparam' => 'blog'); $blog_id = $this->getRequestPathInfo($linkObj); if ($blog_id) { $blogid = $blog_id; $trush = array_shift($v_path); $bLink = TURE; } if ($useCustomURL[$blogid] == 'no') { return; } // redirect to other URL style $useCustomURLyes = $useCustomURL[$blogid] == 'yes'; if ($useCustomURLyes && !$UsingPlugAdmin && !$CONF['UsingAdminArea']) { // Search query redirection // 301 permanent ? or 302 temporary ? $queryURL = strpos(serverVar('REQUEST_URI'), 'query=') !== FALSE; $search_q = getVar('query') || $queryURL; $redirectSerch = $this->getBlogOption($blogid, 'redirect_search') == 'yes'; if ($redirectSerch) { if ($search_q) { $que_str = getVar('query'); $que_str = $this->hsc($que_str); if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $que_str = str_replace('/', md5('/'), $que_str); $que_str = str_replace("'", md5("'"), $que_str); $que_str = str_replace('&', md5('&'), $que_str); } else { $que_str = str_replace('/', md5('/'), $que_str); $que_str = str_replace("'", md5("'"), $que_str); $que_str = str_replace('&', md5('&'), $que_str); } $que_str = urlencode($que_str); $search_path = 'search/' . $que_str; $b_url = createBlogidLink($blogid); $redurl = sprintf("%s%s", $b_url, $search_path); redirect($redurl); // 302 Moved temporary exit; } } $exLink = FALSE; if (!$redirectSerch && $search_q) { $exLink = TRUE; } // redirection nomal URL to FancyURL $temp_req = explode('?', serverVar('REQUEST_URI')); $reqPath = trim(end($temp_req), '/'); $indexrdf = $reqPath == 'xml-rss1.php'; $atomfeed = $reqPath == 'atom.php'; $rss2feed = $reqPath == 'xml-rss2.php'; $feeds = $indexrdf || $atomfeed || $rss2feed; $redirectNormal = $this->getBlogOption($blogid, 'redirect_normal') == 'yes'; if ($redirectNormal && serverVar('QUERY_STRING') && !$feeds && !$exLink) { $temp = explode('&', serverVar('QUERY_STRING')); foreach ($temp as $k => $val) { if (preg_match('/^virtualpath/', $val)) { unset($temp[$k]); } } if (!empty($temp)) { $p_arr = array(); foreach ($temp as $key => $value) { $p_key = explode('=', $value); switch (reset($p_key)) { case 'blogid': $p_arr[] = $CONF['BlogKey'] . '/' . intGetVar('blogid'); unset($temp[$key]); break; case 'catid': $p_arr[] = $CONF['CategoryKey'] . '/' . intGetVar('catid'); unset($temp[$key]); break; case $subrequest: $p_arr[] = $subrequest . '/' . intGetVar($subrequest); unset($temp[$key]); break; case 'itemid': $p_arr[] = $CONF['ItemKey'] . '/' . intGetVar('itemid'); unset($temp[$key]); break; case 'memberid': $p_arr[] = $CONF['MemberKey'] . '/' . intGetVar('memberid'); unset($temp[$key]); break; case 'archivelist': $p_arr[] = $CONF['ArchivesKey'] . '/' . $blogid; unset($temp[$key]); break; case 'archive': $p_arr[] = $CONF['ArchiveKey'] . '/' . $blogid . '/' . getVar('archive'); unset($temp[$key]); break; default: break; } } if (!empty($temp)) { $queryTemp = '/?' . implode('&', $temp); } if (reset($p_arr)) { $b_url = createBlogidLink($blogid); $red_path = '/' . implode('/', $p_arr); if (substr($b_url, -1) == '/') { $b_url = rtrim($b_url, '/'); } $redurl = sprintf("%s%s", $b_url, $red_path) . $queryTemp; // HTTP status 301 "Moved Permanentry" header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $redurl); exit; } } } elseif ($redirectNormal && $feeds) { $b_url = rtrim(createBlogidLink($blogid), '/'); switch ($reqPath) { case 'xml-rss1.php': $feed_code = '/index.rdf'; break; case 'xml-rss2.php': $feed_code = '/rss2.xml'; break; case 'atom.php': $feed_code = '/atom.xml'; break; default: break; } // HTTP status 301 "Moved Permanentry" header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $b_url . $feed_code); exit; } } // decode path_info // decode unofficial Page switch '/page_2.html' /* foreach($v_path as $pathName) { if (preg_match('/^page_/', $pathName)) { $temp_info = explode('page_', $pathName); $_GET['page'] = intval($temp_info[1]); $page = array_pop($v_path); } }*/ // decode TrackBack URL shorten ver. $tail = end($v_path); if (substr($tail, -10, 10) == '.trackback') { $v_pathName = substr($tail, 0, -10); if (is_numeric($v_pathName) || substr($v_pathName, -5) == '.html') { $this->_trackback($blogid, $v_pathName); } else { $this->_trackback($blogid, $v_pathName . '.html'); } return; } // decode other type URL // $bLink = $cLink = $iLink = $exLink = FALSE; $cLink = $iLink = $exLink = FALSE; $i = 1; $NP_ExtraSkinJPFlag = FALSE; $redURI = NULL; $sc = NULL; foreach ($v_path as $pathName) { switch ($pathName) { // decode FancyURLs and redirection to Customized URL // for blogsgetAllBlogOptions($name) case $CONF['BlogKey']: if (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_numeric($v_path[$i])) { if ($useCustomURL[intval($v_path[$i])] != 'yes') { $blogid = intval($v_path[$i]); $bLink = TRUE; } else { $redURI = createBlogidLink(intval($v_path[$i])); } } break; // for items // for items case $CONF['ItemKey']: if (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_numeric($v_path[$i])) { if ($useCustomURL[$blogid] != 'yes') { $itemid = intval($v_path[$i]); $iLink = TRUE; } else { $redURI = createItemLink(intval($v_path[$i])); } } break; // for categories // for categories case $CONF['CategoryKey']: case 'catid': if (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_numeric($v_path[$i])) { if ($useCustomURL[$blogid] != 'yes') { $catid = intval($v_path[$i]); $cLink = TRUE; } else { $redURI = createCategoryLink(intval($v_path[$i])); } } break; // for subcategories // for subcategories case $subrequest: $c = $i - 2; $subCat = isset($v_path[$i]) && is_numeric($v_path[$i]); if ($mcategories && $subCat && $i >= 3 && is_numeric($v_path[$c])) { if ($useCustomURL[$blogid] != 'yes') { $subcatid = intval($v_path[$i]); $catid = intval($v_path[$c]); $cLink = TRUE; } else { $subcat_id = intval($v_path[$i]); $catid = intval($v_path[$c]); $linkParam = array($subrequest => $subcat_id); $redURI = createCategoryLink($catid, $linkParam); } } break; // for archives // for archives case $CONF['ArchivesKey']: case $this->getOption('customurl_archives'): // FancyURL if (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_numeric($v_path[$i])) { if ($useCustomURL[intval($v_path[$i])] != 'yes') { $archivelist = intval($v_path[$i]); $blogid = $archivelist; $exLink = TRUE; } else { $redURI = createArchiveListLink(intval($v_path[$i])); } // Customized URL } elseif (isset($v_path[$i]) && strpos($v_path[$i], 'page') === FALSE) { $archivelist = $blogid; $redURI = createArchiveListLink($archivelist); } else { $archivelist = $blogid; $exLink = TRUE; } break; // for archive // for archive case $CONF['ArchiveKey']: case $this->getOption('customurl_archive'): $y = $m = $d = ''; $ar = $i + 1; if (isset($v_path[$i])) { $darc = preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $v_path[$i]); $marc = preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $v_path[$i]); $yarc = preg_match('/([0-9]{4})/', $v_path[$i]); if (isset($v_path[$ar])) { $adarc = preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $v_path[$ar]); $amarc = preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})/', $v_path[$ar]); $ayarc = preg_match('/([0-9]{4})/', $v_path[$ar]); } else { $adarc = $amarc = $ayarc = NULL; } $arc = !$darc && !$marc && !$yarc; $aarc = $adarc || $amarc || $ayarc; $carc = $darc || $marc || $yarc; // FancyURL if (is_numeric($v_path[$i]) && $arc && isset($v_path[$ar]) && $aarc) { sscanf($v_path[$ar], '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d); if (!empty($d)) { $archive = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d); } elseif (!empty($m)) { $archive = sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m); } else { $archive = sprintf('%04d', $y); } if ($useCustomURL[intval($v_path[$i])] != 'yes') { $blogid = intval($v_path[$i]); $exLink = TRUE; } else { $blogid = intval($v_path[$i]); $redURI = createArchiveLink($blogid, $archive); } // Customized URL } elseif ($carc) { sscanf($v_path[$i], '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d); if (!empty($d)) { $archive = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d); } elseif (!empty($m)) { $archive = sprintf('%04d-%02d', $y, $m); } else { $archive = sprintf('%04d', $y); } $exLink = TRUE; } else { $redURI = createArchiveListLink($blogid); } } else { $redURI = createArchiveListLink($blogid); } break; // for member // for member case $CONF['MemberKey']: case $this->getOption('customurl_member'): // Customized URL $customMemberURL = substr($v_path[$i], -5, 5) == '.html'; if (isset($v_path[$i]) && $customMemberURL) { $memberInfo = array('linkparam' => 'member', 'bid' => 0, 'name' => $v_path[$i]); $member_id = $this->getRequestPathInfo($memberInfo); $memberid = intval($member_id); $exLink = TRUE; // FancyURL } elseif (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_numeric($v_path[$i])) { if ($useCustomURL[$blogid] != 'yes') { $memberid = intval($v_path[$i]); $exLink = TRUE; } else { $redURI = createMemberLink(intval($v_path[$i])); } } else { $redURI = createBlogidLink($blogid); } break; // for tag // for pageswitch // for tag // for pageswitch case 'tag': // if ($this->pluginCheck(TagEx)) $exLink = true; if ($this->pluginCheck(TagEX)) { $exLink = true; } break; //2008-07-28 //2008-07-28 case 'page': $exLink = TRUE; break; // for ExtraSkinJP // for ExtraSkinJP case 'extra': $ExtraSkinJP = $this->pluginCheck('ExtraSkinJP'); if ($ExtraSkinJP) { $NP_ExtraSkinJPFlag = TRUE; } break; // for search query // for search query case 'search': $redirectSerch = $this->getBlogOption($blogid, 'redirect_search') == 'yes'; if ($redirectSerch) { $que_str = urldecode($v_path[$i]); if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) { $que_str = str_ireplace(md5('/'), '/', $que_str); $que_str = str_ireplace(md5("'"), "'", $que_str); $que_str = str_ireplace(md5('&'), '&', $que_str); } else { $que_str = str_ireplace(md5('/'), '/', $que_str); $que_str = str_ireplace(md5("'"), "'", $que_str); $que_str = str_ireplace(md5('&'), '&', $que_str); } $que_str = htmlspecialchars_decode($que_str); $_GET['query'] = $que_str; $query = $que_str; $exLink = TRUE; } break; // for tDiarySkin // for tDiarySkin case 'tdiarydate': case 'categorylist': case 'monthlimit': $tDiaryPlugin = $this->pluginCheck('tDiarySkin'); if ($tDiaryPlugin && isset($v_path[$i])) { $_GET[$pathName] = $v_path[$i]; $exLink = TRUE; } break; case 'special': case $CONF['SpecialskinKey']: if (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_string($v_path[$i])) { $_REQUEST['special'] = $v_path[$i]; $exLink = TRUE; } break; // for trackback // for trackback case 'trackback': if (isset($v_path[$i]) && is_string($v_path[$i])) { $this->_trackback($blogid, $v_path[$i]); } return; break; // decode Customized URL // decode Customized URL default: // initialyze $linkObj = array('bid' => $blogid, 'name' => $pathName); $comp = FALSE; $isItem = substr($pathName, -5) == '.html'; // category ? if (!$comp && !$cLink && !$iLink && !$isItem && !$exLink) { //2007-10-06 $linkObj['linkparam'] = 'category'; $cat_id = $this->getRequestPathInfo($linkObj); if (!empty($cat_id)) { $catid = intval($cat_id); $cLink = TRUE; $comp = TRUE; } } // subcategory ? if (!$comp && $cLink && !$iLink && $mcategories && !$isItem && !$exLink) { //2007-10-06 $linkObj['linkparam'] = 'subcategory'; $linkObj['bid'] = $catid; $subcat_id = $this->getRequestPathInfo($linkObj); if (!empty($subcat_id)) { $_REQUEST[$subrequest] = intval($subcat_id); $subcatid = intval($subcat_id); $sc = $i; $comp = TRUE; } } // item ? if ($isItem) { $linkObj['linkparam'] = 'item'; $item_id = $this->getRequestPathInfo($linkObj); if (!empty($item_id)) { $itemid = intval($item_id); $iLink = TRUE; } if (preg_match('/^page_/', $pathName)) { $iLink = TRUE; } //var_dump($linkObj); } break; } if (preg_match('/^[0-9page]$/', $pathName)) { $exLink = $pathName; } $i++; } if ($NP_ExtraSkinJPFlag) { $this->goNP_ExtraSkinJP(); } // FancyURL redirect to Customized URL if use it // HTTP status 301 "Moved Permanentry" if ($redURI) { if (strpos(serverVar('REQUEST_URI'), '?') !== FALSE) { list($trush, $tempQueryString) = explode('?', serverVar('REQUEST_URI'), 2); } if ($tempQueryString) { $temp = explode('&', $tempQueryString); foreach ($temp as $k => $val) { if (preg_match('/^virtualpath/', $val)) { unset($temp[$k]); } } if (!empty($temp)) { $tempQueryString = '?' . implode('&', $temp); } } header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $redURI . $tempQueryString); exit; } $feedurl = array('rss1.xml', 'index.rdf', 'rss2.xml', 'atom.xml'); $siteMapPlugin = $this->pluginCheck('GoogleSitemap'); if (!$siteMapPlugin) { $siteMapPlugin = $this->pluginCheck('SEOSitemaps'); } if ($siteMapPlugin) { $pcSitemaps = $siteMapPlugin->getAllBlogOptions('PcSitemap'); foreach ($pcSitemaps as $pCsitemap) { if ($pCsitemap) { $feedurl[] = $pCsitemap; } } $mobSitemaps = $siteMapPlugin->getAllBlogOptions('MobileSitemap'); foreach ($mobSitemaps as $mobSitemap) { if ($mobSitemap) { $feedurl[] = $mobSitemap; } } } $feedurl = array_unique($feedurl); $request_path = end($v_path); $feeds = in_array($request_path, $feedurl, true); // finish decode if (!$exLink && !$feeds) { // URL Not Found if (substr(end($v_path), -5) == '.html' && !$iLink) { $notFound = TRUE; if (!empty($subcatid)) { $linkParam = array($subrequest => $subcatid); $uri = createCategoryLink($catid, $linkParam); } elseif (!empty($catid)) { $uri = createCategoryLink($catid); } else { $uri = createBlogidLink($blogid); } } elseif (count($v_path) > $sc && !empty($subcatid) && !$iLink) { $notFound = TRUE; $linkParam = array($subrequest => $subcatid); $uri = createCategoryLink($catid, $linkParam); } elseif (count($v_path) >= 2 && !$subcatid && !$iLink) { $notFound = TRUE; if (isset($catid)) { $uri = createCategoryLink($catid); } else { $uri = createBlogidLink($blogid); } } elseif (reset($v_path) && !$catid && !$subcatid && !$iLink) { $notFound = TRUE; $uri = createBlogidLink($blogid); } else { // Found // setting $CONF['Self'] for other plugins $uri = createBlogidLink($blogid); $CONF['Self'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['BlogURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['ItemURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['CategoryURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['ArchiveURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['ArchiveListURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $complete = TRUE; return; } } else { $uri = createBlogidLink($blogid); $CONF['Self'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['BlogURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['ItemURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['CategoryURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['ArchiveURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $CONF['ArchiveListURL'] = rtrim($uri, '/'); $complete = TRUE; return; } // Behavior Not Found if ($notFound) { if (substr($uri, -1) != '/') { $uri .= '/'; } if ($this->getOption('customurl_notfound') == '404') { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); doError(_NO_SUCH_URI); exit; } else { header('HTTP/1.1 303 See Other'); header('Location: ' . $uri); exit; } } }
/** * Shows the list of categories using a given template */ function showCategoryList($template) { global $CONF, $manager; // determine arguments next to catids // I guess this can be done in a better way, but it works global $archive, $archivelist; $linkparams = array(); if ($archive) { $blogurl = createArchiveLink($this->getID(), $archive, ''); $linkparams['blogid'] = $this->getID(); $linkparams['archive'] = $archive; } else { if ($archivelist) { $blogurl = createArchiveListLink($this->getID(), ''); $linkparams['archivelist'] = $archivelist; } else { $blogurl = createBlogidLink($this->getID(), ''); $linkparams['blogid'] = $this->getID(); } } //$blogurl = $this->getURL() . $qargs; //$blogurl = createBlogLink($this->getURL(), $linkparams); $template =& $manager->getTemplate($template); //: Change: Set nocatselected variable if ($this->getSelectedCategory()) { $nocatselected = 'no'; } else { $nocatselected = 'yes'; } echo TEMPLATE::fill(isset($template['CATLIST_HEADER']) ? $template['CATLIST_HEADER'] : null, array('blogid' => $this->getID(), 'blogurl' => $blogurl, 'self' => $CONF['Self'], 'catiscurrent' => $nocatselected, 'currentcat' => $nocatselected)); $query = 'SELECT catid, cdesc as catdesc, cname as catname FROM ' . sql_table('category') . ' WHERE cblog=' . $this->getID() . ' ORDER BY cname ASC'; $res = sql_query($query); while ($data = sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $data['blogid'] = $this->getID(); $data['blogurl'] = $blogurl; $data['catlink'] = createLink('category', array('catid' => $data['catid'], 'name' => $data['catname'], 'extra' => $linkparams)); $data['self'] = $CONF['Self']; //catiscurrent //: Change: Bugfix for catiscurrent logic so it gives catiscurrent = no when no category is selected. $data['catiscurrent'] = 'no'; $data['currentcat'] = 'no'; if ($this->getSelectedCategory()) { if ($this->getSelectedCategory() == $data['catid']) { $data['catiscurrent'] = 'yes'; $data['currentcat'] = 'yes'; } /*else { $data['catiscurrent'] = 'no'; $data['currentcat'] = 'no'; }*/ } else { global $itemid; if (intval($itemid) && $manager->existsItem(intval($itemid), 0, 0)) { $iobj =& $manager->getItem(intval($itemid), 0, 0); $cid = $iobj['catid']; if ($cid == $data['catid']) { $data['catiscurrent'] = 'yes'; $data['currentcat'] = 'yes'; } /*else { $data['catiscurrent'] = 'no'; $data['currentcat'] = 'no'; }*/ } } $manager->notify('PreCategoryListItem', array('listitem' => &$data)); echo TEMPLATE::fill(isset($template['CATLIST_LISTITEM']) ? $template['CATLIST_LISTITEM'] : null, $data); //$temp = TEMPLATE::fill((isset($template['CATLIST_LISTITEM']) ? $template['CATLIST_LISTITEM'] : null), $data); //echo strftime($temp, $current->itime); } sql_free_result($res); echo TEMPLATE::fill(isset($template['CATLIST_FOOTER']) ? $template['CATLIST_FOOTER'] : null, array('blogid' => $this->getID(), 'blogurl' => $blogurl, 'self' => $CONF['Self'])); }
/** * A link to the archives for the current blog (or for default blog) */ function parse_archivelink($linktext = '') { global $blog, $CONF; if ($blog) { echo $this->_link(createArchiveListLink($blog->getID(), $this->linkparams), $linktext); } else { echo $this->_link(createArchiveListLink(), $linktext); } }