function cpabc_appointments_get_public_form() { global $wpdb; $myrows = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_CONFIG_TABLE_NAME . " WHERE id=1"); define('CP_CALENDAR_ID', 1); $button_label = cpabc_get_option('vs_text_submitbtn', 'Continue'); $button_label = $button_label == '' ? 'Continue' : $button_label; $previous_label = __("Previous", 'cpabc'); $next_label = __("Next", 'cpabc'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); $calendar_items = ''; foreach ($myrows as $item) { $calendar_items .= '<option value=' . $item->id . '>' . $item->uname . '</option>'; } $cpabc_buffer = ""; $services = array(); $codes = $wpdb->get_results('SELECT * FROM ' . CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DISCOUNT_CODES_TABLE_NAME . ' WHERE `cal_id`=' . CP_CALENDAR_ID); $quant_buffer = ''; if (CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_ENABLE_QUANTITY_FIELD) { $quant_buffer = __('Quantity', 'cpabc') . ':<br /><select id="abc_capacity" name="abc_capacity" onchange="apc_clear_date();">'; for ($i = 1; $i <= CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_ENABLE_QUANTITY_FIELD; $i++) { $quant_buffer .= '<option' . ($i == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $i . '</option>'; } $quant_buffer .= '</select><br />'; } ?> </p> <!-- this p tag fixes a IE bug --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo plugins_url('TDE_AppCalendar/' . cpabc_get_option('calendar_theme', '') . 'all-css.css', __FILE__); ?> " /> <script> var pathCalendar = "<?php echo cpabc_appointment_get_site_url(); ?> "; var cpabc_global_date_format = '<?php echo cpabc_get_option('calendar_dateformat', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_DATEFORMAT); ?> '; var cpabc_global_military_time = '<?php echo cpabc_get_option('calendar_militarytime', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_MILITARYTIME); ?> '; var cpabc_global_start_weekday = '<?php echo cpabc_get_option('calendar_weekday', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_WEEKDAY); ?> '; var cpabc_global_mindate = '<?php $value = cpabc_get_option('calendar_mindate', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_MINDATE); if ($value != '') { echo date("n/j/Y", strtotime($value)); } ?> '; var cpabc_global_maxdate = '<?php $value = cpabc_get_option('calendar_maxdate', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_MAXDATE); if ($value != '') { echo date("n/j/Y", strtotime($value)); } ?> '; var cpabc_global_close_on_select = <?php $value = cpabc_get_option('close_fpanel', 'yes'); if ($value == '' || $value == 'yes') { echo 'true'; } else { echo 'false'; } ?> ; var cpabc_global_cancel_text = '<?php _e("Cancel", 'cpabc'); ?> '; var cpabc_global_pagedate = '<?php $sm = cpabc_get_option('calendar_startmonth', date("n")); $sy = cpabc_get_option('calendar_startyear', date("Y")); if ($sm == '0' || $sm == '') { $sm = date("n"); } if ($sy == '0' || $sy == '') { $sy = date("Y"); } echo $sm . "/" . $sy; ?> '; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo plugins_url('TDE_AppCalendar/all-scripts.js', __FILE__); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var cpabc_current_calendar_item; function apc_clear_date() { document.getElementById("selDaycal"+cpabc_current_calendar_item ).value = ""; cpabc_updateItem(); } function cpabc_updateItem() { document.getElementById("calarea_"+cpabc_current_calendar_item).style.display = "none"; var i = document.FormEdit.cpabc_item.options.selectedIndex; var selecteditem = document.FormEdit.cpabc_item.options[i].value; cpabc_do_init(selecteditem); } function cpabc_do_init(id) { cpabc_current_calendar_item = id; document.getElementById("calarea_"+cpabc_current_calendar_item).style.display = ""; initAppCalendar("cal"+cpabc_current_calendar_item,<?php echo cpabc_get_option('calendar_pages', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_PAGES); ?> ,2,"<?php echo cpabc_get_option('calendar_language', CPABC_APPOINTMENTS_DEFAULT_CALENDAR_LANGUAGE); ?> ",{m1:"<?php _e('Please select the appointment time.', 'cpabc'); ?> "}); } function updatedate() { if (document.getElementById("selDaycal"+cpabc_current_calendar_item ).value != '') { var timead = ""; var hour = document.getElementById("selHourcal"+cpabc_current_calendar_item ).value; if (cpabc_global_military_time == '0') { if (parseInt(hour) > 12) { timead = " pm"; hour = parseInt(hour)-12; } else timead = " am"; } var minute = document.getElementById("selMinutecal"+cpabc_current_calendar_item ).value; if (minute.length == 1) minute = "0"+minute; minute = hour + ":" + minute + timead; } } </script> <?php $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); define('CPABC_AUTH_INCLUDE', true); @(include dirname(__FILE__) . '/'); }
if (expires == '') { alert('Please enter an expiration date for the code'); return; } var params = '&add=1&expires='+encodeURI(expires)+'&discount='+encodeURI(discount)+'&code='+encodeURI(code); $j('#cpabc_nocodes_availmsg').load('<?php echo cpabc_appointment_get_site_url(true); ?> /?cpabc_app=cpabc_loadcoupons&inAdmin=1&cpabc_item=<?php echo CP_CALENDAR_ID; ?> '+params); $j('#cpabc_dc_code').val(); }); function cpabc_delete_coupon(id) { $j('#cpabc_nocodes_availmsg').load('<?php echo cpabc_appointment_get_site_url(true); ?> /?cpabc_app=cpabc_loadcoupons&inAdmin=1&cpabc_item=<?php echo CP_CALENDAR_ID; ?> &delete=1&code='+id); } function cpabc_updatemaxslots() { try { var default_request_cost = new Array(<?php echo $request_costs_exploded; ?> );
?> "><br /> <?php _e('Comments/Questions', 'cpabc'); ?> :<br /> <textarea name="question" style="width:100%"></textarea><br /> <?php if (cpabc_get_option('dexcv_enable_captcha', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_enable_captcha) != 'false') { ?> <?php _e('Please enter the security code:', 'cpabc'); ?> <br /> <img src="<?php echo cpabc_appointment_get_site_url() . '/?cpabc_app=captcha&inAdmin=1&width=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_width', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_width) . '&height=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_height', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_height) . '&letter_count=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_chars', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_chars) . '&min_size=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_min_font_size', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_min_font_size) . '&max_size=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_max_font_size', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_max_font_size) . '&noise=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_noise', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_noise) . '&noiselength=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_noise_length', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_noise_length) . '&bcolor=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_background', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_background) . '&border=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_border', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_border) . '&font=' . cpabc_get_option('dexcv_font', CPABC_TDEAPP_DEFAULT_dexcv_font); ?> " id="captchaimg" alt="security code" border="0" /> <br /> <?php _e('Security Code (lowercase letters):', 'cpabc'); ?> <br /> <div class="dfield"> <input type="text" size="20" name="hdcaptcha" id="hdcaptcha" value="" /> <div class="error message" id="hdcaptcha_error" generated="true" style="display:none;position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 25px;"></div> </div> <br /> <?php } ?>