Esempio n. 1
	$catdata = $xoopsDB -> query( "SELECT categoryID, name, description, total FROM $cat_table WHERE categoryID = '$categoryID'" );

	while (list( $categoryID, $name, $description , $total ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($catdata))
		if ( $total == 0 )
			redirect_header( "index.php", 1, constant("_MD_{$MYDIRNAME}_NOENTRIESINCAT") );
		$singlecat['dir'] = $xoopsModule->dirname();
		$singlecat['id'] = intval($categoryID);
		$singlecat['name'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $name );
		$singlecat['description'] = $myts -> displayTarea( $description,1,1,1,1,1,1);
//		$singlecat['description'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $description );
		// Total entries in this category
		$entriesincat = countByCategory($categoryID);

		$singlecat['total'] = intval($entriesincat);

		// Entries to show in current page
		// Now we retrieve a specific number of entries according to start variable
		$queryB = "SELECT entryID, term, proc, definition, html, smiley, xcodes, breaks, uid FROM $ent_table WHERE datesub < '".time()."' AND datesub > '0' AND submit = '0' AND offline = '0' AND request = '0' AND categoryID = '$categoryID' ORDER BY binary proc ASC";
		$resultB = $xoopsDB -> query( $queryB, $xoopsModuleConfig['indexperpage'], $start );
		while (list( $entryID, $term, $proc, $definition, $html, $smiley, $xcodes, $breaks, $uid ) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($resultB))
			$eachentry['dir'] = $xoopsModule->dirname();
			$eachentry['id'] = intval($entryID);
			$eachentry['term'] = $myts -> makeTboxData4Show( $term );
			if ($proc)
				list($temp,$proc) = explode(",",$proc);
Esempio n. 2
          	<span class="filter_head"> (<?php 
    echo countByCategory("caver");
) <convert>#label=385<convert><!--Spéléologues--></span>
        	<div id="div|caver" class="filter_div">
        	<a href="JavaScript:signOnClick('div|grotto');" class="sign" style="margin-left:10px;">
          	<span id="span|grotto" title="<convert>#label=372<convert>" class="sign_plus"><convert>#label=382<convert></span><!--+-->
        	<label for="grotto">
          	<input type="checkbox" title="<convert>#label=383<convert>" id="grotto" value="" onclick="JavaScript:checkBoxOnClick(this,true,false);" style="border: none;" checked="checked" />
          	<span class="filter_head"> (<?php 
    echo countByCategory("grotto");
) <convert>#label=386<convert><!--Clubs--></span>
        	<div id="div|grotto" class="filter_div">
    <div class ="nearMe">
      <div class="frame_title" style="margin-right:0px;"><?php 
        echo setTitle("#", "filter_4", "<convert>#label=564<convert>", 1);
Esempio n. 3
echo countByCategory("caver");
)</a> - <a href="JavaScript:openWindow('density_<?php 
echo $_SESSION['language'];
.php?type=caver', '', 592, 379);" title="<convert>#label=806<convert>"><convert>#label=806<convert><!--Densité--></a>
            <!--<a href="portlet_<?php 
echo $_SESSION['language'];
.php?type=url" class="nothing"> --><img src="../images/icons/bullet_url.png" alt="<convert>#label=670<convert>" style="height:9pt;" /><!--</a>--> <a href="portlet_<?php 
echo $_SESSION['language'];
.php?type=url"><convert>#label=670<convert><!--Sites partenaires--> (<?php 
echo countByCategory("url");
if (isset($newCaversStr) && $newCaversStr != "") {
        <h3><convert>#label=687<convert><!--Bienvenue aux inscrits du mois--></h3>
        <div class="box"><?php 
    echo getTopBox("ffffff", "C3D9FF", "E4EAEF") . "<div style=\"height:80px;overflow-x:auto;\">" . $newCaversStr . ".</div>" . getBotBox();