Esempio n. 1
function exploitdb($OPT)
    echo "\n" . cores("g2") . "[ " . cores("g1") . " " . cores("g2") . "]:: ";
    $resultado = NULL;
    $id_pages = 2;
    if (isset($OPT["author"])) {
        $browser = array("url" => "" . $OPT["author"], "proxy" => $OPT["proxy"], "time" => $OPT["time"]);
    } else {
        $browser = array("url" => "{$OPT["find"]}&text=&cve=&e_author=&platform=0&type=0&lang_id=0&port=&osvdb=", "proxy" => $OPT["proxy"], "time" => $OPT["time"]);
    $resultado = browser($browser);
    if ($resultado["http_code"] > 307 or $resultado["http_code"] == 0) {
        echo cores("g2") . "Retrying... ";
        $resultado = browser($browser);
    if ($resultado["http_code"] > 307 or $resultado["http_code"] == 0) {
        echo cores("r") . "Error with the connection...\n\n" . cores("g2");
        goto saida;
    if (preg_match('/No results/i', $resultado["file"]) or empty($resultado["file"])) {
        echo cores("r") . "NOT FOUND\n" . cores("g2");
    } else {
        echo cores("g") . "FOUND\n" . cores("g2") . "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n|\n";
        while ($id_pages < 100) {
            $id_info = 0;
            preg_match_all('#<a href="*?)/">(.*?)</a>#', $resultado["file"], $a, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            while ($id_info < count($a)) {
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "NAME:: " . cores("b") . "" . htmlspecialchars_decode($a[$id_info][2]) . "\n";
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "LINK:: " . cores("b") . "{$a[$id_info][1]}/" . cores("g2") . "\n" . cores("g2");
                $save["title"] = htmlspecialchars_decode($a[$id_info][2]);
                $save["url"] = "{$a[$id_info][1]}/";
                $save = array_merge($OPT, $save);
                if ($OPT["save"] == 1) {
                    echo save($save);
                } else {
                    echo "|\n";
                if ($OPT["save-log"] == 1) {
                    echo save_log($save);
            if (preg_match('/>next<\\/a>/i', $resultado["file"])) {
                $browser["url"] = "{$OPT["find"]}&pg={$id_pages}&text=&cve=&e_author=&platform=0&type=0&lang_id=0&port=&osvdb=";
                $resultado = browser($browser);
            } else {
                goto fim_;
        echo cores("g2") . "'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n";
Esempio n. 2
function CVE($OPT)
    echo "\n" . cores("g2") . "[ " . cores("g1") . " " . cores("g2") . "]:: ";
    $resultado = NULL;
    if (isset($OPT["find"])) {
        $browser = array("url" => "" . urlencode($OPT["find"]), "proxy" => $OPT["proxy"], "time" => $OPT["time"]);
    } else {
        $browser = array("url" => "" . $OPT["cve-id"], "proxy" => $OPT["proxy"], "time" => $OPT["time"]);
    $resultado = browser($browser);
    if ($resultado["http_code"] > 307 or $resultado["http_code"] == 0) {
        echo cores("g2") . "Retrying... ";
        $resultado = browser($browser);
    if ($resultado["http_code"] > 307 or $resultado["http_code"] == 0) {
        echo cores("r") . "Error with the connection...\n\n" . cores("g2");
        goto saida;
    if (preg_match('/There are <b>0<\\/b> CVE entries that match your search./i', $resultado["file"]) or preg_match("ERROR: Couldn't find/i", $resultado["file"]) or empty($resultado["file"])) {
        echo cores("r") . "NOT FOUND\n" . cores("g2");
    } else {
        echo cores("g") . "FOUND\n" . cores("g2") . "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.\n|\n";
        if (isset($OPT["find"])) {
            preg_match_all('/<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">(.*?)<\\/table>/s', $resultado["file"], $source);
            $sourc = explode("</tr>", $source[0][0]);
            foreach ($sourc as $source) {
                preg_match_all('/<td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)<\\/a><\\/td>/s', $source, $link_title);
                preg_match_all('/<td valign="top">(.*?)<\\/td>/s', $source, $descript);
                preg_match_all('/CVE-(.*?)-.*/s', $link_title[2][0], $year);
                $ds = trim($descript[1][0]);
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "AUTHOR:: " . cores("r") . "Not available\n";
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "DATE:: " . cores("b") . $year[1][0] . "\n";
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "CVE-ID:: " . $link_title[2][0] . cores("b") . "\n";
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "DESCRIPTION:: " . cores("b") . $ds . cores("g2") . "\n";
                echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "LINK::" . $link_title[1][0] . cores("g2") . "\n|\n";
                $save["author"] = "Not available";
                $save["date"] = $year[1][0];
                $save["description"] = $ds;
                $save["title"] = $link_title[2][0];
                $save["url"] = "" . $link_title[1][0];
                $save["dbs"] = "CVE";
                if ($OPT["save"] == 1) {
                    echo save($save);
                } else {
                    echo "|\n";
                if ($OPT["save-log"] == 1) {
                    echo save_log($save);
                $id_info = $id_info + 1;
        } else {
            preg_match_all('/<h2>(.*?)<\\/h2>/s', $resultado["file"], $link_title);
            preg_match_all('/<td colspan="2">(.*?)<\\/td>/s', $resultado["file"], $descript);
            preg_match_all('/CVE-(.*?)-.*/s', $link_title[1][0], $year);
            $ds = trim($descript[1][0]);
            echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "AUTHOR:: " . cores("r") . "Not available\n";
            echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "DATE:: " . cores("b") . $year[1][0] . "\n";
            echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "CVE-ID:: " . $link_title[1][0] . cores("b") . "\n";
            echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "DESCRIPTION:: " . cores("b") . $ds . cores("g2") . "\n";
            echo cores("g2") . "| " . cores("g1") . "LINK::" . $link_title[1][0] . cores("g2") . "\n";
            $save["author"] = "Not available";
            $save["date"] = $year[1][0];
            $save["description"] = $ds;
            $save["title"] = $link_title[1][0];
            $save["url"] = "" . $link_title[1][0];
            $save["dbs"] = "CVE";
            if ($OPT["save"] == 1) {
                echo save($save);
            } else {
                echo "|\n";
            if ($OPT["save-log"] == 1) {
                echo save_log($save);
        echo cores("g2") . "'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'\n";
Esempio n. 3
preg_match_all("/([\\w\\d\\.\\-\\_]+)@([\\w\\d\\.\\_\\-]+)/mi", $dados, $possiveis);
$email = array_unique(array_unique($possiveis[0]));
if (empty($email)) {
    echo cores("r") . "\n EMAIL(s) NOT FOUND\n";
    goto sai;
} else {
    echo cores("g") . "\n  " . count($email) . " EMAIL(s) FOUND" . cores("g1") . "\n\n";
foreach ($email as $emails) {
    if (eregi(".", $emails)) {
        echo cores("g1") . "\n EMAIL:: " . cores("g") . "{$emails}";
echo "\n\n";
if (!empty($email) and isset($oo["save"])) {
    if (isset($oo["save"]) and empty($oo["save"])) {
        $name = "e-dump_emails.txt";
    } else {
        $name = $oo["save"];
    if (!file_exists($name)) {
        file_put_contents($name, "EMAIL's LEAKED FROM {$oo["host"]} WITH E-DUMP! " . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL);
    foreach ($email as $emails) {
        file_put_contents($name, "EMAIL: " . $emails . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
    echo "  " . cores("g1") . "EMAILS SAVED IN: " . cores("b") . "{$name}\n";
echo cores("g2") . " -----------------------------------------------------------------\n";
Esempio n. 4
 if (isset($data['autoRestart']) and active_check($data['autoRestart']) and $data['autoRestart'] != $row['autoRestart']) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['autoRestart'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`autoRestart`=?';
     $autoRestart = $data['autoRestart'];
 if (isset($data['minram']) and isid($data['minram'], 10) and $data['minram'] != $row['minram']) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['minram'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`minram`=?';
     $minram = $data['minram'];
 if (isset($data['maxram']) and isid($data['maxram'], 10) and $data['maxram'] != $row['maxram']) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['maxram'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`maxram`=?';
     $maxram = $data['maxram'];
 if (isset($calculatedCores) or isset($data['cores']) and cores($data['cores']) and $data['cores'] != $row['cores']) {
     $updateArray[] = isset($calculatedCores) ? $calculatedCores : $data['cores'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`cores`=?';
     $cores = isset($calculatedCores) ? $calculatedCores : $data['cores'];
 if (isset($data['active']) and active_check($data['active']) and $data['active'] != $row['active']) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['active'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`active`=?';
     $active = $data['active'];
 if (isset($data['port']) and port($data['port']) and $data['port'] != $row['port'] and !in_array($data['port'], $usedPorts)) {
     $port = $data['port'];
 if (isset($data['port2']) and port($data['port2']) and $data['port2'] != $row['port2'] and !in_array($data['port'], $usedPorts)) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['port2'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`port2`=?';