echo rtrim($line['extref']) . "\n"; echo "\nLICENSE\n"; echo rtrim($line['license']) . "\n"; echo "\nANCESTORAUTHORS\n"; echo rtrim($line['ancestorauthors']) . "\n"; echo "\nOTHERATTRIBUTION\n"; echo rtrim($line['otherattribution']) . "\n"; if ($line['hasimg'] == 1) { echo "\nQIMGS\n"; $query = "SELECT var,filename FROM imas_qimages WHERE qsetid='{$line['id']}'"; $r2 = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($r2)) { $row[1] = trim($row[1]); echo $row[0] . ',' . $row[1] . "\n"; if ($GLOBALS['filehandertypecfiles'] == 's3') { copyqimage($row[1], realpath("../assessment/qimages") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row[1]); } $imgfiles[] = realpath("../assessment/qimages") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $row[1]; } } } // need to work on include "../includes/tar.class.php"; if (file_exists("../course/files/qimages.tar.gz")) { unlink("../course/files/qimages.tar.gz"); } $tar = new tar(); $tar->addFiles($imgfiles); $tar->toTar("../course/files/qimages.tar.gz", TRUE); exit; } else {
echo "\nQIMGS\n"; $query = "SELECT var,filename FROM imas_qimages WHERE qsetid='{$line['id']}'"; $r2 = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($r2)) { echo $row[0] . ',' . $row[1] . "\n"; } } echo "END QSET\n"; } include "../includes/filehandler.php"; $query = "SELECT DISTINCT filename FROM imas_qimages WHERE qsetid IN ({$qstoexportlist})"; $r2 = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($r2)) { if ($GLOBALS['filehandertypecfiles'] == 's3') { if (!file_exists("../assessment/qimages" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($row[0]))) { copyqimage($row[0], realpath("../assessment/qimages") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($row[0])); } } $imgfiles[] = realpath("../assessment/qimages") . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($row[0]); } } // need to work on /*include("../includes/tar.class.php"); if (file_exists("../course/files/qimages.tar.gz")) { unlink("../course/files/qimages.tar.gz"); } $tar = new tar(); $tar->addFiles($imgfiles); $tar->toTar("../course/files/qimages.tar.gz",TRUE); */ if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) {