$copied = copyWUfile(); } } if (is_file($WUcacheFile) and $WUrequest != $thisMonth and $WUrequest < $thisMonth) { // for rebuild incomplete old this month cache; extra if for better performance if (filemtime($WUcacheFile) < $endOfMonth) { // determine if is cache file complete $copied = copyWUfile(); } } if ($tMonthCache and $WUrequest == $thisMonth and @filemtime($WUcacheFile) + $tMonthCacheT * 3600 < time()) { // then create this month cache file $copied = copyWUfile(); } } else { $copied = copyWUfile(); } } else { // without caching $WUcacheFile = $WUsourceFile; } $dayscm = $WUrequest < $thisMonth ? $daysInMonth : date('j'); // Average month Baro if ($calcMbaroAvg && $dataSource != 'mysql') { // create baro output $ambFile = $WUcacheDir . $WUID . '-month-ab-' . $year . $month . '.txt'; // same must be in WUG-parser-d.php if (is_file($ambFile)) { $avgBaro = substr(file_get_contents($ambFile), 0, -1); } else { $avgBaro = "";
// test ./WUG-settings.php in root $pgRoot = substr(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), 0, -10); // eg: /home/dir/www/WUG-settings.php (removed 'wxwugraphs/') $bsErr = is_file($pgRoot . 'WUG-settings.php') ? 'Error: Probably you have file WUG-settings.php in root dir. of your website - this may causing errors in wu graphs.<br>' : ''; // test for "allow_url_fopen" if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && $dataSource != 'mysql') { $baseErr = 'You have disabled allow_url_fopen on your server/webhosting so WU Graphs cannot download graph data. This is critical error. You can try to enable "<i>Alternative URL fopen<i/>" in <a href="configurator.php" target="_blank">WU Graphs configurator</a>'; } // test whole get WU data process if ($writableFlag and $_GET['complex'] == "1") { $unitsLnk = $metric ? 'metric' : 'english'; $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'Cookie: Units=' . $unitsLnk)); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $WUcacheFile = $WUcacheDir . '/test-url-fopen.txt'; $WUsourceFile = 'http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=' . $WUID . '&graphspan=month&year=' . date('j') . '&year=' . date('Y') . '&month=' . date('n') . '&format=1&units=' . $unitsLnk; copyWUfile(); // is cache file empty??? if ('' == @file_get_contents($WUcacheFile)) { // file is empty $aufErr = 'Error: Unspecified error in the data acquisition. You can try set $sendAgent value in WUG-settings.php to <b>true</b>.<br>'; } else { $aufErr = '<span style="color: green;">No error was detected during a comprehensive test.</span><br />'; } } elseif (!$writableFlag and $_GET['complex'] == "1") { $aufErr = 'For this test must be cache directory (configured in WUG-settings.php) writable for PHP. (chmod 777)'; } else { $aufErr = ''; } // PHP version test if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.0.0') >= 0) { $phpVerNfo = '<span style="color: green;"> - O.K.</span>';