$racials[$RACE_GOBLIN] = "69046,69041,69070,69042,69044,69045";
//in case they are not already added
//now generate spells
for ($trace = 0; $trace < 30; $trace++) {
    for ($tclass = 0; $tclass < 30; $tclass++) {
        if ($p_spells[$trace][$tclass]) {
            //get the index for this race class combination
            $get_query = "select `index` from playercreateinfo where class={$tclass} and race={$trace}";
            $get_res = mysql_query($get_query, $dbi) or die(" Q200611231501411 " . mysql_error($dbi));
            list($zindex) = mysql_fetch_row($get_res);
            $vect = convert_line_to_elements($p_spells[$trace][$tclass]);
            $line_index = 0;
            $unk = convert_from_line_to_int8($vect);
            $spell_count = convert_from_line_to_int16($vect);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $spell_count; $i++) {
                $spell_id = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
                $spell_unk = convert_from_line_to_int16($vect);
                echo "insert into playercreateinfo_spells (indexid,spellid) values ( {$zindex},{$spell_id} );<br>";
            //racials ?
            if ($racials[$trace] != "") {
                $spells_vect = explode(",", $racials[$trace]);
                foreach ($spells_vect as $key => $spell) {
                    echo "insert ignore into playercreateinfo_spells (indexid,spellid) values ( {$zindex},{$spell_id} );<br>";
echo "<br> <br>";
//now generate bars
Esempio n. 2
function read_block_data($line, $object_type_id, $guid_start_pos = 0)
    global $line_index, $debug, $out_unk, $bc, $write_A9_decoded, $Player_updatefields_lookup;
    if ($write_A9_decoded && ($object_type_id == 3 || $object_type_id == 4 || $object_type_id == 66)) {
        //note: 66 is uncare update type :P
        $do_a9_human_form = 1;
    } else {
        $do_a9_human_form = 0;
    $upd_mask_len = $line[$line_index++];
    if ($debug == 1 && $object_type_id != 0 && !is_valid_update_mask($upd_mask_len, $object_type_id)) {
        fputs($out_unk, "!!!!!!!block {$bc} does not have a valid mask : mask {$upd_mask_len} object type {$object_type_id} . Dumping portion of the packet (-5 bytes  / +5 bytes) bytes");
        for ($i = -6; $i < 6; $i++) {
            fputs($out_unk, $line[$line_index + $i] . " ");
        fputs($out_unk, "\r\n");
    if ($do_a9_human_form) {
        $a9_humanly_readable = fopen("a9_human_form.txt", "a");
        fputs($a9_humanly_readable, "start createing or updating a new object of type_id={$object_type_id} and 8 bytes for guid (guid is copressed fo there might be more bytes here):");
        for ($i = $guid_start_pos; $i <= $guid_start_pos + 8; $i++) {
            fputs($a9_humanly_readable, $line[$i] . " ");
        fputs($a9_humanly_readable, "\r\n");
    for ($i = 0; $i < $upd_mask_len * 4; $i++) {
        $upd_mask[$i] = $line[$line_index++];
    //	echo "updt mask len $upd_mask_len from index $line_index<br>";
    //now we read all the values that are sent to us
    $data = "";
    $pmindex = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $upd_mask_len * 32; $i++) {
        $mindex = (int) ($i / 8);
        if ($mindex != $pmindex) {
            $pmindex = $mindex;
            $cur_mask = (int) $upd_mask[$mindex];
            //			echo "cur mask index = $mindex and mask $cur_mask <br>";
        $last_bit = (int) ((int) $cur_mask % 2);
        $cur_mask = (int) ($cur_mask / 2);
        //		echo "$last_bit";
        if ($last_bit == 1) {
            $data[$i] = convert_from_line_to_int($line);
            if ($do_a9_human_form) {
                fputs($a9_humanly_readable, $Player_updatefields_lookup[$i] . "=" . $data[$i] . "\r\n");
            //we requested to write to file this A9
        } else {
            $data[$i] = 0;
    if ($do_a9_human_form) {
    return $data;
function extract_states($from)
    global $line_index;
    $vect = convert_line_to_elements($from);
    $line_index = 0;
    $mapid = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $zone = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $area = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $state_count = convert_from_line_to_int16($vect);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $state_count * 2; $i += 2) {
        $ret[$i] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
        $ret[$i + 1] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    return $ret;
 $time = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
 //echo "$line_index<br>";
 if ($f2 & $Parabolic) {
     //echo "Has parabolic<br>";
     $zSpeed = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
     $unk = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
 $count = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
 //echo "$line_index - $count <br>";
 if ($count > 100) {
     echo "Strangely large dest count {$count}. Skipping row {$line}<br>";
 $dx = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
 $dy = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
 $dz = convert_to_float(convert_from_line_to_int($vect));
 echo "{$x}-{$y}-{$z} => {$dx}-{$dy}-{$dz} ( {$time} ) - {$f1} - {$f2}(" . ToHex($f2, 4) . ") {$count} = {$line} <br>";
 //this is twilight zone
 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
     if ($line_index > $line_size) {
         echo "Not enough bytes in packet - {$count} - {$line_index} - {$line_size}. Skipping row {$line}<br>";
         uint32 last_idx = spline.getPointCount() - 3;
         const Vector3 * real_path = &spline.getPoint(1);
         data << last_idx;
         data << real_path[last_idx];   // destination
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
    $Data[$i]["Unk"] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
    $Data[$i]["val1"] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
    $Data[$i]["val2"] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
    $Data[$i]["Type"] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
    $Data[$i]["Id"] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
    $Data[$i]["Flags"] = convert_from_line_to_int($vect);
$SkipReportTypes[0] = 1;
$SkipReportTypes[1] = 1;
//$SkipReportTypes[2] = 1;
$SkipReportTypes[3] = 1;
$SkipReportTypes[4] = 1;
$SkipReportTypes[5] = 1;
$SkipReportTypes[6] = 1;
$SkipReportTypes[7] = 1;
$AlwaysReportTypes[6] = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
    if ($SkipReportTypes[$Data[$i]["Type"]] != 1 || $Data[$i]["Flags"] != 0 && $Data[$i]["Flags"] != 1 || $Data[$i]["Unk"] != 0) {
        if ($AlwaysReportTypes[$Data[$i]["Type"]] != 1) {
            $SkipReportTypes[$Data[$i]["Type"]] = 1;