Esempio n. 1
function convac_lite_head()
    global $convac_lite_shortname;
    $convac_lite_favicon = "";
    $convac_lite_meta = '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">' . "\n";
    if (convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_favicon')) {
        $convac_lite_favicon = esc_url(convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_favicon', 'convac-lite'));
        $convac_lite_meta .= "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"{$convac_lite_favicon}\"/>\n";
    echo $convac_lite_meta;
    if (!is_admin()) {
        require_once get_template_directory() . '/includes/convac-custom-css.php';
 Header Author Slider
global $convac_lite_shortname;
$authImageSet = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_author_img');
$author_email = get_the_author_meta('ID');
if (isset($authImageSet) && $authImageSet != "") {
    // Get the image URL using the author ID and image size params
    $imgURL = $authImageSet;
    $authImageSet = "<img src='{$imgURL}' />";
} else {
    $authImageSet = get_avatar($author_email, 200);
$authName = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_author_name');
$authDesp = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . "_author_desp");

		<div class="container">
			<div class="row-fluid">
				<div id="author-slider" class="">
					<ul class="slides clearfix">
							<p class="flex-caption">
echo $authImageSet;

								<span class="slider-title"><?php 
if ($authName) {
    echo $authName;
Esempio n. 3
<!-- #wrapper -->
	<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" title="Back To Top" id="backtop"></a>

$_custom_js = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_custom_js');
// Custom JS
if (!empty($_custom_js)) {
    echo PHP_EOL . '// Custom JS' . PHP_EOL;
    echo $_custom_js;

// [[[[[[[[[[[[  google analytics
if (convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . "_analytics")) {
    echo stripslashes(convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . "_analytics"));
// google analytics ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Esempio n. 4

global $convac_lite_shortname;

<div class="main-wrapper-item">
	<div class="bread-title-holder">
		<div class="bread-title-bg-image full-bg-breadimage-fixed"></div>
		 <div class="container">
			 <div class="row-fluid">
				  <div class="container_inner clearfix">
					 <h1 class="title"><?php 
if (convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_blogpage_heading')) {
    echo convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_blogpage_heading');

	<div class="page-content">
		<div class="container post-wrap">
			 <div class="row-fluid">
				  <div id="container" class="span8">
					<div id="content">
if (have_posts()) {
Esempio n. 5
        get_template_part('content', get_post_format());


    $prev_link = get_previous_posts_link('&larr;Previous');
    $next_link = get_next_posts_link('Next&rarr;');
    if ($prev_link || $next_link) {

							<div class="navigation blog-navigation">	
        if (function_exists("convac_lite_paginate") && convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_show_pagination') === "on") {
        } else {
								<div class="alignleft"><?php 
            previous_posts_link(__('&larr;Previous', 'convac-lite'));
								<div class="alignright"><?php 
            next_posts_link(__('Next&rarr;', 'convac-lite'), '');
<div class="Skt-header-image">
	<!-- header image -->
		<div class="convac-image-post"><img alt="convac-default-slider-image" class="ad-slider-image" src="<?php 
if (convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_frontslider_stype')) {
    echo convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_frontslider_stype');
} else {
    echo get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/header-static-img.jpg';
" ></div>
	<!-- end  header image  -->
$rgb = array();
$rgb = convac_lite_Hex2RGB($bg_color);
$R = $rgb['red'];
$G = $rgb['green'];
$B = $rgb['blue'];
$rgbcolor = "rgba(" . $R . "," . $G . "," . $B . ",.4)";
$sktgbcolor = "rgba(" . $R . "," . $G . "," . $B . ",.2)";
$sktgbcolor2 = "rgba(" . $R . "," . $G . "," . $B . ",.1)";
$bdrrgbcolor = "rgba(" . $R . "," . $G . "," . $B . ",.6)";
$navrgbcolor = "rgba(" . $R . "," . $G . "," . $B . ",.8)";
$_moblie_menu = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_moblie_menu');
$_moblie_menu = $_moblie_menu ? $_moblie_menu : '1024';
$_res_font_color = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_res_font_color');
$_res_bgcolor = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_res_bgcolor');
$_home_map_overlayimg = convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_home_map_overlayimg');

<style type="text/css">

	/***************** THEME *****************/
	.res-button{color: <?php 
if (isset($_res_font_color)) {
    echo $_res_font_color;
if (isset($_res_bgcolor)) {
    echo $_res_bgcolor;
Esempio n. 8
if (convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_flickr_link')) {
<li class="flickr-icon"><a target="_blank" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_flickr_link', 'timeliner'));
"><span class="fa fa-flickr" title="Flickr"></span></a></li><?php 

if (convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_youtube_link')) {
<li class="youtube-icon"><a target="_blank" href="<?php 
    echo esc_url(convac_lite_get_option($convac_lite_shortname . '_youtube_link', 'timeliner'));
"><span class="fa fa-youtube-play" title="Youtube"></span></a></li><?php 

			<!-- Social Links Section -->
	<!-- header image section -->

<div id="main" class="clearfix">