function const_blocs_language($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr)
    $language = '_MB_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_';
    $blocs_language_file = "blocks.php";
    $blocs_language_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/language/french/" . $blocs_language_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '	
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $champs_total = explode("|", $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_champs"));
        $nb_champs = count($champs_total);
        $nb_caracteres = strlen($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name"));
        $tables_blocs = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar('tables_blocs');
        $language1 = $language . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '_';
        if ($tables_blocs == 1) {
            $text .= 'define("' . $language1 . 'DISPLAY","Afficher");
define("' . $language1 . 'TITLELENGTH","Longueur du titre");
define("' . $language1 . 'CATTODISPLAY","S&#233;lectionner les cat&#233;gories &#224; affich&#233;es");
define("' . $language1 . 'ALLCAT","Toutes les cat&#233;gories");

        //Recuperation des noms des tables
        for ($j = 0; $j < $nb_champs; $j++) {
            //Nom des champs
            $champs1 = explode(":", $champs_total[$j]);
            $champs[$j] = $champs1[0];
            $champs_final[$j] = substr("" . $champs1[0] . "", $nb_caracteres + 1);
            $text .= 'define("' . $language1 . strtoupper($champs_final[$j]) . '","' . UcFirstAndToLower($champs_final[$j]) . '");
        $text .= '
    $text .= '

    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($blocs_language_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($blocs_language_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_LANGUAGE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_LANGUAGE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 2
function const_admin_menu($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr)
    global $xoopsModule, $xoopsConfig;
    $language = '_MI_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_MANAGER_';
    $admin_menu_file = "menu.php";
    $admin_menu_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/admin/" . $admin_menu_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $menu = 0;
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
$adminmenu = array(); 
$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["title"] = ' . $language . 'INDEX;
$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["link"] = "admin/index.php";
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $tables_id = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_id");
        if ($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_display_admin") == 1) {
            $text .= '$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["title"] = ' . $language . '' . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . ';
$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["link"] = "admin/' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '.php";
    $text .= '$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["title"] = ' . $language . 'PERMISSIONS;
$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["link"] = "admin/permissions.php";
    $text .= '
$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["title"] = ' . $language . 'ABOUT;
$adminmenu[' . $menu . ']["link"] = "admin/about.php";

    //Integration du contenu dans admin_header
    $handle = fopen($admin_menu_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($admin_menu_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_MENU . '<br>' . $admin_menu_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_ADMIN_MENU . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_MENU . '<br>' . $admin_menu_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
function const_include_functions($modules, $modules_name)
    $include_functions_file = "functions.php";
    $include_functions_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/include/" . $include_functions_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '	

function block_addCatSelect($cats) {
		$cat_sql = "(".current($cats);
		foreach($cats as $cat) 
			$cat_sql .= ",".$cat;
		$cat_sql .= ")";
	return $cat_sql;

    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($include_functions_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($include_functions_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_INCLUDE_FUNCTIONS . '<br>' . $include_functions_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_INCLUDE_FUNCTIONS . '<br>' . $include_functions_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 4
function const_user_index($modules, $modules_name, $tables_id, $tables_module_table, $tables_name)
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '';
    $language_manager = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_MANAGER_' . strtoupper($tables_name) . '';
    $modules_name_minuscule = strtolower($modules_name);
    $user_index_file = "index.php";
    $user_index_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/" . $user_index_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
include "../../mainfile.php";
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/header.php";

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/footer.php";	
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($user_index_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($user_index_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_INDEX_USER, $tables_name) . '<br>' . $user_index_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_INDEX_USER, $tables_name) . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_INDEX_USER, $tables_name) . '<br>' . $user_index_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 5
function const_blocs($modules, $modules_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_name, $tables_champs, $tables_parametres, $topic)
    $language = '_MB_' . strtoupper($tables_module_table) . '';
    $modules_name_minuscule = strtolower($modules_name);
    $blocs_file = "blocks_" . $tables_name . ".php";
    $blocs_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/blocks/" . $blocs_file;
    $constructor = const_champs($modules_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_name, $tables_champs, $tables_name, 0, 0, 0);
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '	
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/include/functions.php";
function b_' . $modules_name_minuscule . '_' . $tables_name . '($options) {
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/class/' . $tables_name . '.php";
$myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

$' . $tables_name . ' = array();
$type_block = $options[0];
$nb_' . $tables_name . ' = $options[1];
$lenght_title = $options[2];

$' . $tables_name . 'Handler =& xoops_getModuleHandler("' . $tables_module_table . '", "' . $modules_name . '");
$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
    if ($topic == 1) {
        $text .= 'if (!(count($options) == 1 && $options[0] == 0)) {
$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_name . '_topic", block_addCatSelect($options),"IN"));
    $text .= '
switch ($type_block) 
	// pour le bloc: ' . $tables_name . ' recents
	case "recent":
		$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_name . '_online", 1));
		$criteria->setSort("' . $tables_name . '_date_created");
	// pour le bloc: ' . $tables_name . ' du jour
	case "day":	
		$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_name . '_online", 1));
		$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_name . '_date_created", strtotime(date("Y/m/d")), ">="));
		$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_name . '_date_created", strtotime(date("Y/m/d"))+86400, "<="));
		$criteria->setSort("' . $tables_name . '_date_created");
	// pour le bloc: ' . $tables_name . ' aléatoires
	case "random":
		$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_name . '_online", 1));

$criteria->setLimit($nb_' . $tables_name . ');
$' . $tables_name . '_arr = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getall($criteria);';
    $text .= '
	foreach (array_keys($' . $tables_name . '_arr) as $i) 
    $prefix = '$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar';
    $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs);
    $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
    $j = 0;
    $structure_parametres[3] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
        $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
        if ($i != 0) {
            $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
        if ($structure_parametres[3] == 1 || $i == 0) {
            $text .= '	$' . $tables_name . '[$i]["' . $structure_champs[0] . '"] = ' . $prefix . '("' . $structure_champs[0] . '");
    $text .= '
return $' . $tables_name . ';

function b_' . $modules_name_minuscule . '_' . $tables_name . '_edit($options) {';
    if ($topic == 1) {
        $text .= '
	include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/class/topic.php";
	$topicHandler =& xoops_getModuleHandler("' . $modules_name . '_topic", "' . $modules_name . '");
	$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
	$topic_arr = $topicHandler->getall($criteria);
    $text .= '
	$form = "".' . $language . '_DISPLAY."\\n";
	$form .= "<input type=\\"hidden\\" name=\\"options[0]\\" value=\\"".$options[0]."\\" />";
	$form .= "<input name=\\"options[1]\\" size=\\"5\\" maxlength=\\"255\\" value=\\"".$options[1]."\\" type=\\"text\\" />&nbsp;<br />";
	$form .= "".' . $language . '_TITLELENGTH." : <input name=\\"options[2]\\" size=\\"5\\" maxlength=\\"255\\" value=\\"".$options[2]."\\" type=\\"text\\" /><br /><br />";
    $text .= '
	$form .= "".' . $language . '_CATTODISPLAY."<br /><select name=\\"options[]\\" multiple=\\"multiple\\" size=\\"5\\">";
	$form .= "<option value=\\"0\\" " . (array_search(0, $options) === false ? "" : "selected=\\"selected\\"") . ">" .' . $language . '_ALLCAT . "</option>";
	foreach (array_keys($topic_arr) as $i) {
		$form .= "<option value=\\"" . $topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_id") . "\\" " . (array_search($topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_id"), $options) === false ? "" : "selected=\\"selected\\"") . ">".$topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_title")."</option>";
	$form .= "</select>";

	return $form;
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($blocs_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($blocs_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS . '<br>' . $blocs_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_BLOCS . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS . '<br>' . $blocs_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 6
function const_admin_about($modules, $modules_name, $menu)
    global $xoopsModule, $xoopsConfig;
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_ABOUT_';
    $language_manager = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_MANAGER_ABOUT';
    $admin_about_file = "about.php";
    $admin_about_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/admin/" . $admin_about_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '


if ( !is_readable(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php"))	{
' . $modules_name . '_adminmenu(' . $menu . ', ' . $language_manager . ');

echo "<style>
	font-size: 20px;
	color: #1E90FF;
	background: no-repeat left top;
	font-weight: bold;
	height: 40px;
	vertical-align: middle;
	padding: 10px 0 0 50px;
	border-bottom: 3px solid #1E90FF;
} else {
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php";
loadModuleAdminMenu (' . $menu . ', ' . $language_manager . ');

echo "<div class=\\"CPbigTitle\\" style=\\"background-image: url(../images/deco/about.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding-left: 50px;\\"><strong>".' . $language_manager . '."</strong>
</div><br />";

$versioninfo =& $module_handler->get( $xoopsModule->getVar("mid") );

echo "<style type=\\"text/css\\">
		label,text {
			display: block;
			float: left;
			margin-bottom: 2px;
		label {
			text-align: right;
			width: 150px;
			padding-right: 20px;
		br {
			clear: left;

		<legend style=\\"font-weight: bold; color: #900;\\">".$xoopsModule->getVar("name")."</legend>
			<div style=\\"padding: 8px;\\">
				<img src=\\"".XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->getVar("dirname")."/".$versioninfo->getInfo("image")."\\" alt=\\"\\" hspace=\\"10\\" vspace=\\"0\\" /></a>\\n
				<div style=\\"padding: 5px;\\"><strong>".$versioninfo->getInfo("name")." version ".$versioninfo->getInfo("version")."</strong></div>\\n
				<label>".' . $language . 'RELEASEDATE.":</label><text>".$versioninfo->getInfo("release")."</text><br />
				<label>".' . $language . 'AUTHOR.":</label><text>".$versioninfo->getInfo("author")."</text><br />
				<label>".' . $language . 'CREDITS.":</label><text>".$versioninfo->getInfo("credits")."</text><br />
				<label>".' . $language . 'LICENSE.":</label><text><a href=\\"".$versioninfo->getInfo("license_file")."\\" target=\\"_blank\\" >".$versioninfo->getInfo("license")."</a></text>\\n
<br clear=\\"all\\"/>

		<legend style=\\"font-weight: bold; color: #900;\\">".' . $language . 'MODULE_INFO."</legend>
			<div style=\\"padding: 8px;\\">
				<label>".' . $language . 'MODULE_STATUS.":</label><text>".$versioninfo->getInfo("module_status")."</text><br />
				<label>".' . $language . 'WEBSITE.":</label><text><a href=\\"".$versioninfo->getInfo("module_website_url")."\\" target=\\"_blank\\">".$versioninfo->getInfo("module_website_name")."</a></text><br />
<br clear=\\"all\\" />

		<legend style=\\"font-weight: bold; color: #900;\\">".' . $language . 'AUTHOR_INFO."</legend>
			<div style=\\"padding: 8px;\\">
				<label>".' . $language . 'AUTHOR_NAME.":</label><text>".$versioninfo->getInfo("author")."</text><br />
				<label>".' . $language . 'WEBSITE.":</label><text><a href=\\"".$versioninfo->getInfo("author_website_url")."\\" target=\\"_blank\\">".$versioninfo->getInfo("author_website_name")."</a></text><br />
<br clear=\\"all\\" />";

$file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/".$xoopsModule->getVar("dirname")."/changelog.txt";

if ( is_readable( $file ) ){
echo "<fieldset>
		<legend style=\\"font-weight: bold; color: #900;\\">".' . $language . 'CHANGELOG."</legend>
			<div style=\\"padding: 8px;\\">
				<div>".implode("<br />", file( $file ))."</div>
	<br clear=\\"all\\" />";

echo "<br /><br />
<div align=\\"center\\"><a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\"><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"TDM\\" title=\\"TDM\\"></a></div>
    //Integration du contenu dans admin_header
    $handle = fopen($admin_about_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($admin_about_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_ABOUT . '<br>' . $about_menu_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_ABOUT . '<br>' . $about_menu_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
function const_modinfo_language($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr)
    $language = '_MI_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_';
    $modinfo_language_file = "modinfo.php";
    $modinfo_language_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/language/french/" . $modinfo_language_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_INDEX","Index");
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= 'define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_' . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '","' . ucfirst(strtolower($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name"))) . '");
    $text .= '
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_ABOUT","A propos");
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_PREFERENCES","Preferences");
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_UPDATE","Mise a jour");
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_PERMISSIONS","Permissions");

define("' . $language . 'EDITOR","Editeur");
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $tables_name = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name");
        $tables_champs = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_champs");
        $tables_parametres = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_parametres");
        $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
        $nb_champs = count($champs);
        $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
        $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
        $j = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
            $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
            $language1 = $language . strtoupper($structure_champs[0]) . '';
            if ($i != 0) {
                $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
                if ($structure_parametres[0] == 'XoopsFormUploadImage' || $structure_parametres[0] == 'XoopsFormUploadFile') {
                    $text .= '
define("' . $language1 . '_SIZE","Taille autorisee pour ' . $structure_champs[0] . '");
define("' . $language1 . '_MIMETYPES","Types mime autorises pour ' . $structure_champs[0] . '");
    $text .= '

    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $language1 = $language . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '';
        $text .= 'define("' . $language1 . '_BLOCK_RECENT","' . strtolower($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . ' recents");
define("' . $language1 . '_BLOCK_DAY","' . strtolower($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . ' d\'aujourdh\'ui");
define("' . $language1 . '_BLOCK_RANDOM","' . strtolower($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . ' aleatoires");
    $text .= '
    //Integration du contenu dans modinfo
    $handle = fopen($modinfo_language_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($modinfo_language_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_MODINFO_LANGUAGE . '<br>' . $modinfo_language_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_MODINFO_LANGUAGE . '<br>' . $modinfo_language_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
function const_admin_language($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr)
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_';
    $admin_language_file = "admin.php";
    $admin_language_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/language/french/" . $admin_language_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '	
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_INDEX","Index");

    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= 'define("' . $language . 'THEREARE_' . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '","Il y a <span style=\\"color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold\\">%s</span> ' . ucfirst($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . 's dans la Base de donn&#233;e");
define("' . $language . 'THEREARE_' . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '_ONLINE","Il y a <span style=\'color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold\'>%s</span> ' . ucfirst($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . 's en attente");
    $text .= '
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_ABOUT","A propos");
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_PREFERENCES","Preferences");
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_UPDATE","Mise a jour");
define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_PERMISSIONS","Permissions");

    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= 'define("' . $language . 'MANAGER_' . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '","' . ucfirst(strtolower($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name"))) . '");
    $text .= '

define("' . $language . 'FORMOK","Enregistre avec succes");
define("' . $language . 'FORMDELOK","Supprim&eacute; avec succ&egrave;s");
define("' . $language . 'FORMSUREDEL", "Etes-vous s&ucirc;r de vouloir supprimer : <b><span style=\\"color : Red\\"> %s </span></b>");
define("' . $language . 'FORMSURERENEW", "Etes-vous s&ucirc;r de vouloir renevouler : <b><span style=\\"color : Red\\"> %s </span></b>");
define("' . $language . 'FORMUPLOAD","Upload");
define("' . $language . 'FORMIMAGE_PATH","Fichier present dans %s");
define("' . $language . 'FORMACTION","Action");
define("' . $language . 'OFF","Hors ligne");
define("' . $language . 'ON","En ligne");
define("' . $language . 'EDIT","Editer");
define("' . $language . 'DELETE","Supprimer");
    $verif = true;
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $champs_total = explode("|", $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_champs"));
        $nb_champs = count($champs_total);
        $nb_caracteres = strlen($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name"));
        $language1 = $language . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '_';
        //Recuperation des noms des tables
        for ($j = 0; $j < $nb_champs; $j++) {
            //Nom des champs
            $champs1 = explode(":", $champs_total[$j]);
            $champs[$j] = $champs1[0];
            $champs_final[$j] = substr("" . $champs1[0] . "", $nb_caracteres + 1);
            if ($verif == true) {
                $text .= 'define("' . $language1 . 'ADD","Ajouter un ' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '");
define("' . $language1 . 'EDIT","Editer un ' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '");
            $verif = false;
            $text .= 'define("' . $language1 . strtoupper($champs_final[$j]) . '","' . UcFirstAndToLower($champs_final[$j]) . '");
        $verif = true;
        $text .= '
    $text .= '//Blocks.php
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $language1 = $language . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '_';
        $text .= 'define("' . $language1 . 'BLOCK_DAY","' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . 's d\'aujourdh\'ui");
define("' . $language1 . 'BLOCK_RANDOM","' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . 's aleatoires");
define("' . $language1 . 'BLOCK_RECENT","' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . 's recents");
    $text .= '
define("' . $language . 'PERMISSIONS_ACCESS","Permission de voir");
define("' . $language . 'PERMISSIONS_SUBMIT","Permission de soumettre");

define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_RELEASEDATE","Release Date");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_AUTHOR","Author");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_CREDITS","Credits");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_README","Générale Information");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_MANUAL","Aide");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_LICENSE","Licence");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_MODULE_STATUS","Status");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_WEBSITE","Web Site");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_AUTHOR_NAME","Author Name");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_AUTHOR_WORD","Author Word");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_CHANGELOG","Change Log");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_MODULE_INFO","Module Info");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_AUTHOR_INFO","Author Info");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_DISCLAIMER","Disclaimer");
define("' . $language . 'ABOUT_DISCLAIMER_TEXT","GPL Licensed - No Warranty");
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($admin_language_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($admin_language_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_LANGUAGE . '<br>' . $admin_language_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_LANGUAGE . '<br>' . $admin_language_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 9
function const_admin_pages($modules, $modules_name, $tables_id, $tables_module_table, $tables_name, $tables_img, $tables_champs, $tables_parametres, $menu)
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '';
    $language_manager = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_MANAGER_' . strtoupper($tables_name) . '';
    $modules_name_minuscule = strtolower($modules_name);
    $admin_page_file = $tables_name . ".php";
    $admin_page_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/admin/" . $admin_page_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '

if (isset($_REQUEST["op"])) {
	$op = $_REQUEST["op"];
} else {
	@$op = "show_list_' . $tables_name . '";

//Menu admin
if ( !is_readable(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php") ) {
' . $modules_name . '_adminmenu(' . $menu . ', ' . $language_manager . ');
} else {
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php";
loadModuleAdminMenu (' . $menu . ', ' . $language_manager . ');

//Sous menu
echo "<div class=\\"CPbigTitle\\" style=\\"background-image: url(../images/deco/' . $tables_img . '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding-left: 50px;\\">
		<strong>".' . $language_manager . '."</strong>
	</div><br /><br>";';
    $champs_total = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs_total);
    $parametres_total = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    //Recuperation des noms des tables
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
        //Nom des champs
        $champs1 = explode(":", $champs_total[$i]);
        $champs[$i] = $champs1[0];
        //Afficher dans l'admin
        if ($i == 0) {
            $champs_param_display_admin[$i] = '0';
        } else {
            $parametres = explode(":", $parametres_total[$i - 1]);
            $champs_param_type[$i] = $parametres[0];
            $champs_param_display_admin[$i] = $parametres[1];
    $champs_id = $champs[0];
    $champs_name = $champs[1];
    $text .= '
switch ($op) 
	case "save_' . $tables_name . '":
		if ( !$GLOBALS["xoopsSecurity"]->check() ) {
           redirect_header("' . $tables_name . '.php", 3, implode(",", $GLOBALS["xoopsSecurity"]->getErrors()));
        if (isset($_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"])) {
           $obj =& $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->get($_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"]);
        } else {
           $obj =& $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->create();
    $champs_save = const_show_champs_parametres($modules_name, $tables_name, $champs_id, $nb_champs, $champs, $champs_param_display_admin, $champs_param_type, $language, '', 2);
    $text .= '' . $champs_save . '
        if ($' . $tables_name . 'Handler->insert($obj)) {
           redirect_header("' . $tables_name . '.php?op=show_list_' . $tables_name . '", 2, ' . $language . '_FORMOK);
        echo $obj->getHtmlErrors();
        $form =& $obj->getForm();
	case "edit_' . $tables_name . '":
		$obj = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->get($_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"]);
		$form = $obj->getForm();
	case "delete_' . $tables_name . '":
		$obj =& $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->get($_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"]);
		if (isset($_REQUEST["ok"]) && $_REQUEST["ok"] == 1) {
			if ( !$GLOBALS["xoopsSecurity"]->check() ) {
				redirect_header("' . $tables_name . '.php", 3, implode(",", $GLOBALS["xoopsSecurity"]->getErrors()));
			if ($' . $tables_name . 'Handler->delete($obj)) {
				redirect_header("' . $tables_name . '.php", 3, ' . $language . '_FORMDELOK);
			} else {
				echo $obj->getHtmlErrors();
		} else {
			xoops_confirm(array("ok" => 1, "' . $champs_id . '" => $_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"], "op" => "delete_' . $tables_name . '"), $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], sprintf(' . $language . '_FORMSUREDEL, $obj->getVar("' . $tables_name . '")));
	case "update_online_' . $tables_name . '":
	if (isset($_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"])) {
		$obj =& $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->get($_REQUEST["' . $champs_id . '"]);
	$obj->setVar("' . $tables_name . '_online", $_REQUEST["' . $tables_name . '_online"]);

	if ($' . $tables_name . 'Handler->insert($obj)) {
		redirect_header("' . $tables_name . '.php", 3, ' . $language . '_FORMOK);
	echo $obj->getHtmlErrors();
	case "default":

		$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
		$criteria->setSort("' . $champs_id . '");
		$numrows = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getCount();
		$' . $tables_name . '_arr = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getall($criteria);
    if ($tables_name != 'topic') {
        $text .= '
			//Affichage du tableau
			if ($numrows>0) 
				echo "<table width=\\"100%\\" cellspacing=\\"1\\" class=\\"outer\\">
        $champs_colonne_name = const_show_champs_parametres($modules_name, $tables_name, $champs_id, $nb_champs, $champs, $champs_param_display_admin, $champs_param_type, $language, '', 0);
        $text .= '' . $champs_colonne_name . '
						<th align=\\"center\\" width=\\"10%\\">".' . $language . '_FORMACTION."</th>
				$class = "odd";
				foreach (array_keys($' . $tables_name . '_arr) as $i) 
					if ( $' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_pid") == 0)
						echo "<tr class=\\"".$class."\\">";
						$class = ($class == "even") ? "odd" : "even";
        $champs_data = const_show_champs_parametres($modules_name, $tables_name, $champs_id, $nb_champs, $champs, $champs_param_display_admin, $champs_param_type, $language, '', 1);
        $text .= '' . $champs_data . '
									echo "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"10%\\">
										<a href=\\"' . $tables_name . '.php?op=edit_' . $tables_name . '&' . $champs_id . '=".$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("' . $champs_id . '")."\\"><img src=\\"../images/deco/edit.gif\\" alt=\\"".' . $language . '_EDIT."\\" title=\\"".' . $language . '_EDIT."\\"></a>
										<a href=\\"' . $tables_name . '.php?op=delete_' . $tables_name . '&' . $champs_id . '=".$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("' . $champs_id . '")."\\"><img src=\\"../images/deco/delete.gif\\" alt=\\"".' . $language . '_DELETE."\\" title=\\"".' . $language . '_DELETE."\\"></a>
						echo "</tr>";
				echo "</table><br><br>";
    } else {
        $text .= '
			//Fonction qui permet afficher les catégories enfants
			function ' . $modules_name . '_display_children($topic_id = 0, $topic_arr, $prefix = "", $order = "", &$class) 
				$topicHandler =& xoops_getModuleHandler("' . $tables_module_table . '", "' . $modules_name . '");
				$prefix = $prefix."<img src=\\"".XOOPS_URL."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/images/deco/arrow.gif\\">";
				foreach (array_keys($topic_arr) as $i) 
					$topic_id = $topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_id");
					$topic_img = $topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_img");
					$topic_title = $topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_title");
					$topic_weight = $topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_weight");
					echo "<tr class=\\"".$class."\\">";
        $champs_data = const_show_champs_parametres($modules_name, $tables_name, $champs_id, $nb_champs, $champs, $champs_param_display_admin, $champs_param_type, $language, 1, 1);
        $text .= '' . $champs_data . '
								echo "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"10%\\">
									<a href=\\"' . $tables_name . '.php?op=edit_' . $tables_name . '&' . $champs_id . '=".$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("' . $champs_id . '")."\\"><img src=\\"../images/deco/edit.gif\\" alt=\\"".' . $language . '_EDIT."\\" title=\\"".' . $language . '_EDIT."\\"></a>
									<a href=\\"' . $tables_name . '.php?op=delete_' . $tables_name . '&' . $champs_id . '=".$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("' . $champs_id . '")."\\"><img src=\\"../images/deco/delete.gif\\" alt=\\"".' . $language . '_DELETE."\\" title=\\"".' . $language . '_DELETE."\\"></a>
					$class = ($class == "even") ? "odd" : "even";
					$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
					$criteria->add(new Criteria("topic_pid", $topic_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_id")));
					$topic_pid = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getall($criteria);
					$num_pid = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getCount();
					if ( $num_pid != 0 )
						' . $modules_name . '_display_children($topic_id, $topic_pid, $prefix, $order, $class);

			//Affichage du tableau
			if ($numrows>0) 
				echo "<table width=\\"100%\\" cellspacing=\\"1\\" class=\\"outer\\">
        $champs_colonne_name = const_show_champs_parametres($modules_name, $tables_name, $champs_id, $nb_champs, $champs, $champs_param_display_admin, $champs_param_type, $language, '', 0);
        $text .= '' . $champs_colonne_name . '
							<th align=\\"center\\" width=\\"10%\\">".' . $language . '_FORMACTION."</th>		
				$class = "odd";
				$prefix = "<img src=\\"".XOOPS_URL."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/images/deco/arrow.gif\\">";
				foreach (array_keys($' . $tables_name . '_arr) as $i) 
					if ( $' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_pid") == 0 )
						$topic_id = $' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_id");
						$topic_img = $' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_img");
						$topic_title = $' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_title");
						$topic_weight = $' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("topic_weight");
						echo "<tr class=\\"".$class."\\">";
        $champs_data = const_show_champs_parametres($modules_name, $tables_name, $champs_id, $nb_champs, $champs, $champs_param_display_admin, $champs_param_type, $language, 1, 1);
        $text .= '' . $champs_data . '
								echo "<td align=\\"center\\" width=\\"10%\\">
									<a href=\\"' . $tables_name . '.php?op=edit_' . $tables_name . '&' . $champs_id . '=".$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("' . $champs_id . '")."\\"><img src=\\"../images/deco/edit.gif\\" alt=\\"".' . $language . '_EDIT."\\" title=\\"".' . $language . '_EDIT."\\"></a>
									<a href=\\"' . $tables_name . '.php?op=delete_' . $tables_name . '&' . $champs_id . '=".$' . $tables_name . '_arr[$i]->getVar("' . $champs_id . '")."\\"><img src=\\"../images/deco/delete.gif\\" alt=\\"".' . $language . '_DELETE."\\" title=\\"".' . $language . '_DELETE."\\"></a>
						$class = ($class == "even") ? "odd" : "even";
						$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
						$criteria->add(new Criteria("topic_pid", $topic_id));
						$topic_pid = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getall($criteria);
						$num_pid = $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->getCount();
						if ( $num_pid != 0)
							' . $modules_name . '_display_children($topic_id, $topic_pid, $prefix, "topic_title", $class);
				echo "</table><br><br>";
    $text .= '
		// Affichage du formulaire
    	$obj =& $' . $tables_name . 'Handler->create();
    	$form = $obj->getForm();	
echo "<br /><br />
<div align=\\"center\\"><a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\"><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"TDM\\" title=\\"TDM\\"></a></div>
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($admin_page_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($admin_page_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_PAGES, $tables_name) . '<br>' . $admin_page_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_ADMIN_PAGES, $tables_name) . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_PAGES, $tables_name) . '<br>' . $admin_page_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
function const_admin_permissions($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr, $menu)
    $language_manager = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_MANAGER_';
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_PERMISSIONS_';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $admin_permissions_file = "permissions.php";
    $admin_permissions_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/admin/" . $admin_permissions_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '

if( !empty($_POST["submit"]) ) 
	redirect_header( XOOPS_URL."/modules/".$xoopsModule->dirname()."/admin/permissions.php" , 1 , _MP_GPERMUPDATED );


global $xoopsDB;

if ( !is_readable(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php"))	{
' . $modules_name . '_adminmenu(' . $menu . ',' . $language_manager . 'PERMISSIONS);
} else {
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php";
loadModuleAdminMenu (' . $menu . ',' . $language_manager . 'PERMISSIONS);

echo "<div class=\\"CPbigTitle\\" style=\\"background-image: url(../images/deco/permissions.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding-left: 50px;\\">
		<strong>".' . $language_manager . 'PERMISSIONS."</strong>
	</div><br />";

	$permtoset= isset($_POST["permtoset"]) ? intval($_POST["permtoset"]) : 1;
	$selected[$permtoset-1]=" selected";
echo "
<form method=\\"post\\" name=\\"fselperm\\" action=\\"permissions.php\\">
	<table border=0>
				<select name=\\"permtoset\\" onChange=\\"javascript: document.fselperm.submit()\\">
					<option value=\\"1\\"".$selected[0].">".' . $language . 'ACCESS."</option>
					<option value=\\"2\\"".$selected[1].">".' . $language . 'SUBMIT."</option>

$module_id = $xoopsModule->getVar("mid");

		case 1:
			$title_of_form = ' . $language . 'ACCESS;
			$perm_name = "' . $modules_name . '_access";
			$perm_desc = "";
		case 2:
			$title_of_form = ' . $language . 'SUBMIT;
			$perm_name = "' . $modules_name . '_submit";
			$perm_desc = "";
	$permform = new XoopsGroupPermForm($title_of_form, $module_id, $perm_name, $perm_desc, "admin/permissions.php");
	$xt = new XoopsTopic( $xoopsDB -> prefix("' . $modules_name . '_topic") );
	$alltopics =& $xt->getTopicsList();
	foreach ($alltopics as $topic_id => $topic) 
		$permform->addItem($topic_id, $topic["title"], $topic["pid"]);
	echo $permform->render();
	echo "<br /><br /><br /><br />\\n";
	unset ($permform);

echo "<br /><br />
<div align=\\"center\\"><a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\"><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"TDM\\" title=\\"TDM\\"></a></div>
    //Integration du contenu dans admin_header
    $handle = fopen($admin_permissions_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($admin_permissions_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS . '<br>' . $admin_permissions_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_PERMISSIONS . '<br>' . $admin_permissions_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 11
function const_class($modules, $modules_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_name, $tables_champs, $tables_parametres)
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_';
    $modules_name_minuscule = strtolower($modules_name);
    $class_name = $tables_name;
    $class_file = $class_name . ".php";
    $class_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/class/" . $class_file;
    $constructor = const_champs($modules_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_name, $tables_champs, $language, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $champs_total = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs_total);
    $parametres_total = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    //Recuperation des parametres affichage dans le formulaire
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
        $champs = explode(":", $champs_total[$i]);
        //Afficher dans les elements du formulaire et choisir le type
        if ($i == 0) {
            $champs_param_elements[$i] = '0';
            $champs_param_display_form[$i] = '0';
        } else {
            $parametres1 = explode(":", $parametres_total[$i - 1]);
            $champs_param_display_form[$i] = $parametres1[3];
            $champs_param_elements[$i] = $parametres1[0];
            $champs_param_required_field[$i] = $parametres1[6];
            if ($parametres1[4] == 1) {
                $champs_param_main_field = $champs[0];
    $form = const_champs($modules_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_name, $tables_champs, $language, $champs_param_display_form, $champs_param_elements, $champs_param_required_field, 1);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
	if (!defined("XOOPS_ROOT_PATH")) {
		die("XOOPS root path not defined");

	if (!class_exists("XoopsPersistableObjectHandler")) {
		include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/class/object.php";

	class ' . $tables_module_table . ' extends XoopsObject
		function __construct()
    $text .= '
			' . $constructor . '
			// Pour autoriser le html
			$this->initVar("dohtml", XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, 1, false);
    $text .= '	

		function ' . $tables_module_table . '()
		function getForm($action = false)
			global $xoopsDB, $xoopsModuleConfig;
			if ($action === false) {
				$action = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
			$title = $this->isNew() ? sprintf(' . $language . strtoupper($tables_name) . '_ADD) : sprintf(' . $language . strtoupper($tables_name) . '_EDIT);


			$form = new XoopsThemeForm($title, "form", $action, "post", true);
    $text .= '' . $form . '';
    $text .= '
			$form->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden("op", "save_' . $tables_name . '"));
			$form->addElement(new XoopsFormButton("", "submit", _SUBMIT, "submit"));
			return $form;
    $text .= '
	class ' . $modules_name . $tables_module_table . 'Handler extends XoopsPersistableObjectHandler 

		function __construct(&$db) 
			parent::__construct($db, "' . $tables_module_table . '", "' . $tables_module_table . '", "' . $tables_name . '_id", "' . $champs_param_main_field . '");

    //Integration du contenu dans la classe
    $handle = fopen($class_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($class_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_CLASS, $tables_name) . '<br>' . $class_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_CLASS, $tables_name) . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . sprintf(_AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_CLASS, $tables_name) . '<br>' . $class_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
function const_blocs_templates($modules, $modules_name, $tables_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_champs, $tables_parametres)
    $language = '_MB_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_';
    //1er blocks
    $blocs_language_file = '' . $tables_module_table . '_block_day.html';
    $blocs_language_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/templates/blocks/" . $blocs_language_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '	
<table class="outer">
	<{foreachq item=' . $tables_name . ' from=$block}>
		<tr class = "<{cycle values = "even,odd"}>">
    $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs);
    $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
    $j = 0;
    $structure_parametres[3] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
        $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
        if ($i != 0) {
            $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
        if ($structure_parametres[3] == 1 || $i == 0) {
            $text .= '<{$' . $tables_name . '.' . $structure_champs[0] . '}>;
    $text .= '</td>
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($blocs_language_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($blocs_language_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_TEMPLATE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_TEMPLATE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
    //2eme blocks
    $blocs_language_file = '' . $tables_module_table . '_block_recent.html';
    $blocs_language_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/templates/blocks/" . $blocs_language_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '	
<table class="outer">
	<{foreachq item=' . $tables_name . ' from=$block}>
		<tr class = "<{cycle values = "even,odd"}>">
    $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs);
    $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
    $j = 0;
    $structure_parametres[3] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
        $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
        if ($i != 0) {
            $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
        if ($structure_parametres[3] == 1 || $i == 0) {
            $text .= '<{$' . $tables_name . '.' . $structure_champs[0] . '}>;
    $text .= '</td>

    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($blocs_language_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($blocs_language_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_TEMPLATE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_TEMPLATE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
    //3eme blocks
    $blocs_language_file = '' . $tables_module_table . '_block_random.html';
    $blocs_language_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/templates/blocks/" . $blocs_language_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '	
<table class="outer">
	<{foreachq item=' . $tables_name . ' from=$block}>
		<tr class = "<{cycle values = "even,odd"}>">
    $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs);
    $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
    $j = 0;
    $structure_parametres[3] = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
        $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
        if ($i != 0) {
            $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
        if ($structure_parametres[3] == 1 || $i == 0) {
            $text .= '<{$' . $tables_name . '.' . $structure_champs[0] . '}>;
    $text .= '</td>
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($blocs_language_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($blocs_language_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_TEMPLATE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_BLOCS_TEMPLATE . '<br>' . $blocs_language_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 13
function const_admin_index($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr, $menu)
    $language = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_MANAGER_';
    $language1 = '_AM_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '_THEREARE_';
    $myts =& MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();
    $admin_index_file = "index.php";
    $admin_index_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/admin/" . $admin_index_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '


global $xoopsModule;

//Apelle du menu admin
if ( !is_readable(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php"))	{
' . $modules_name . '_adminmenu(' . $menu . ', ' . $language . 'INDEX);
} else {
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/Frameworks/art/functions.admin.php";
loadModuleAdminMenu (' . $menu . ', ' . $language . 'INDEX);
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= '
	//compte "total"
	$count_' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . ' = $' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . 'Handler->getCount();
	//compte "attente"
	$criteria = new CriteriaCompo();
	$criteria->add(new Criteria("' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '_online", 1));
	$' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '_online = $' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . 'Handler->getCount($criteria);
    $text .= '
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/class/menu.php";

	$menu = new ' . $modules_name . 'Menu();
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= '$menu->addItem("' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '", "' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '.php", "../images/deco/' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_img") . '", ' . $language . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . ');';
    //$menu->addItem("Preference" "../../system/admin.php?fct=preferences&amp;op=showmod&amp;mod=".$xoopsModule->getVar("mid")."&amp;&confcat_id=1", "../images/decos/pref.png", '.$language.'NAVPREFERENCES);
    $text .= '
	$menu->addItem("update", "../../system/admin.php?fct=modulesadmin&op=update&module=' . $modules_name . '", "../images/deco/update.png",  ' . $language . 'UPDATE);	
	$menu->addItem("permissions", "permissions.php", "../images/deco/permissions.png", ' . $language . 'PERMISSIONS);
	$menu->addItem("preference", "../../system/admin.php?fct=preferences&amp;op=showmod&amp;mod=".$xoopsModule->getVar("mid").
												"&amp;&confcat_id=1", "../images/deco/pref.png", ' . $language . 'PREFERENCES);
	$menu->addItem("about", "about.php", "../images/deco/about.png", ' . $language . 'ABOUT);
	echo $menu->getCSS();

echo "<div class=\\"CPbigTitle\\" style=\\"background-image: url(../images/deco/index.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: left; padding-left: 50px;\\"><strong>".' . $language . 'INDEX."</strong></div><br />
		<table width=\\"100%\\" border=\\"0\\" cellspacing=\\"10\\" cellpadding=\\"4\\">
				<td valign=\\"top\\">".$menu->render()."</td>
				<td valign=\\"top\\" width=\\"60%\\">";
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= '
					echo "<fieldset>
						<legend class=\\"CPmediumTitle\\">".' . $language . '' . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '."</legend>
						<br />";
						printf(' . $language1 . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . ', $count_' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . ');
						echo "<br /><br />";
						printf(' . $language1 . strtoupper($tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name")) . '_ONLINE, $' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name") . '_online);
						echo "<br />
					</fieldset><br /><br />";
    $text .= '
				echo "</td>
<br /><br />
<div align=\\"center\\"><a href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\"><img src=\\"\\" alt=\\"TDM\\" title=\\"TDM\\"></a></div>

    //Integration du contenu dans admin_header
    $handle = fopen($admin_index_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($admin_index_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_INDEX . '<br>' . $admin_index_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_ADMIN_INDEX . '<br>' . $admin_index_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 14
function const_include_coms($modules, $modules_name, $tables_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_champs, $tables_parametres, $tables_img)
    $coms_file = "comment_new.php";
    $coms_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/" . $coms_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    ////Copie des fichiers coms
    $coms_edit = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/include/comment_edit.php";
    copy($coms_edit, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/comment_edit.php");
    $coms_delete = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/include/comment_delete.php";
    copy($coms_delete, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/comment_delete.php");
    $coms_post = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/include/comment_post.php";
    copy($coms_post, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/comment_post.php");
    $coms_reply = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/include/comment_reply.php";
    copy($coms_reply, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/comment_reply.php");
    $champs_total = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs_total);
    $parametres_total = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    //Recuperation des parametres affichage dans le formulaire
    for ($j = 0; $j < $nb_champs; $j++) {
        $champs = explode(":", $champs_total[$j]);
        //Afficher dans les elements du formulaire et choisir le type
        if ($j != 0) {
            $parametres1 = explode(":", $parametres_total[$j - 1]);
            if ($parametres1[4] == 1) {
                $champs_param_main_field = $champs[0];
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
	include "../../mainfile.php";
	include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/' . $modules_name . '/class/' . $tables_name . '.php";
	$com_itemid = isset($_REQUEST["com_itemid"]) ? intval($_REQUEST["com_itemid"]) : 0;
	if ($com_itemid > 0) {
		$' . $tables_name . 'Handler =& xoops_getModuleHandler("' . $tables_module_table . '", "' . $tables_name . '");
		$' . $tables_name . ' = $' . $tables_name . 'handler->get($com_itemid);
		$com_replytitle = $' . $tables_name . '->getVar("' . $champs_param_main_field . '");
		include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/include/comment_new.php";
    $handle = fopen($coms_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($coms_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_COMS . '<br>' . $coms_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_COMS . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_COMS . '<br>' . $coms_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 15
function const_class_menu($modules, $modules_name)
    $modules_name_minuscule = strtolower($modules_name);
    $class_menu_file = "menu.php";
    $class_menu_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/class/" . $class_menu_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
class ' . $modules_name . 'Menu
	public $Width = 100;
	public $Height = 100;
	public $BgColor = "transparent";
	public $OverBgColor = "#FFF6C1";
	public $BorderWidth = 1;
	public $BorderColor = "#CCCCCC";
	public $OverBorderColor = "#FF9900";
	public $BorderStyle = "solid";
	public $OverBorderStyle = "solid";
	public $Font = "Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica";
	public $FontColor = "#666666";
	public $OverFontColor = "#1E90FF";
	public $FontDeco = "none";
	public $OverFontDeco = "none";
	public $FontSize = 11;
	public $FontWeight = "bold";
	public $FontExtra = "Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica";
	public $FontExtraColor = "#A98952";
	public $OverFontExtraColor = "#0033FF";
	public $FontExtraDeco = "underline";
	public $OverFontExtraDeco = "underline";
	public $FontExtraSize = 9;
	public $FontExtraWeight = "normal";
	public $TextAlign = "center";
	private $_items = array();
	public function addItem($id, $link="", $icon="", $name="", $extra="", $alt=""){
		if (isset($this->_items[$id])) return false;
		$rtn["link"] = $link;
		$rtn["icon"] = $icon;
		$rtn["name"] = $name;
		$rtn["extra"] = $extra;
		$rtn["alt"] = $alt;
		$this->_items[$id] = $rtn;
		return true;
	public function setLink($id, $link){
		if (isset($this->_items[$id])){
			$this->_items[$id]["link"] = $link;
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function setIcon($id, $icon){
		if (isset($this->_items[$id])){
			$this->_items[$id]["icon"] = $icon;
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function setName($id, $name){
		if (isset($this->_items[$id])){
			$this->_items[$id]["name"] = $name;
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function setExtra($id, $extra){
		if (isset($this->_items[$id])){
			$this->_items[$id]["extra"] = $extra;
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function setAlt($id, $alt){
		if (isset($this->_items[$id])){
			$this->_items[$id]["alt"] = $alt;
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function getCSS($ws = true){
		if ($ws) $csscode = "<style type=\\"text/css\\">\\n<!--";
		$csscode .= "div.rmmenuicon{
				margin: 3px;
				font-family: $this->Font;
				text-align: ".$this->TextAlign.";
			div.rmmenuicon a { 
				display: block; float: left;
				height: ".$this->Height."px !important;
				height: ".$this->Height."px; 
				width: ".$this->Width."px !important;
				width: ".$this->Width."px; 
				vertical-align: middle; 
				text-decoration : none;
				border: ".$this->BorderWidth."px $this->BorderStyle $this->BorderColor;
				padding: 2px 5px 1px 5px;
				margin: 3px;
				color: $this->FontColor;
			div.rmmenuicon img { margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; }
			div.rmmenuicon a span {
				font-size: ".$this->FontSize."px;
				font-weight: $this->FontWeight;
				display: block;
			div.rmmenuicon a{
				font-size: ".$this->FontExtraSize."px;
				font-weight: $this->FontExtraWeight;
				text-decoration: $this->FontExtraDeco;
				color: $this->FontExtraColor;
			div.rmmenuicon a:hover{
				background-color: $this->OverBgColor;
				border: ".$this->BorderWidth."px $this->BorderStyle $this->OverBorderColor;
				color: $this->OverFontColor;
			div.rmmenuicon a:hover span{
				text-decoration: $this->OverFontDeco;
			div.rmmenuicon a:hover{
				text-decoration: $this->OverFontExtraDeco;
				color: $this->OverFontExtraColor;
		if ($ws) $csscode .= "\\n-->\\n</style>";
		return $csscode;
	public function render(){
		$ret = "<div class=\\"rmmenuicon\\">";
		foreach ($this->_items as $k => $v){
			$ret .= "<a href=\\"".$v["link"]."\\" title=\\"".($v["alt"]!="" ? $v["alt"] : $v["name"])."\\">".($v["icon"]!="" ? "<img src=\\"".$v["icon"]."\\" alt=\\"".$v["name"]."\\" /> " : "");
			if ($v["name"] != "") $ret .= "<span>".$v["name"]."</span>";
			if ($v["extra"] != "") $ret .= "<span class=\\"uno\\">".$v["extra"]."</span>";
			if ($v["extra"] != "") $ret .= "<span class=\\"uno\\">".$v["extra"]."</span>";
			$ret .= "</a>";
		$ret .= "</div><div style=\\"clear: both;\\"></div>";
		return $ret;
	public function display(){
		echo $this->render();
    //Integration du contenu dans la classe
    $handle = fopen($class_menu_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($class_menu_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_CLASS_MENU . '<br>' . $class_menu_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_CLASS_MENU . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_CLASS_MENU . '<br>' . $class_menu_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
function const_include_install($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr)
    $indexFile = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/include/index.html";
    $include_install_file = "install.php";
    $include_install_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/include/" . $include_install_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
$indexFile = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/TDMCreate/include/index.html";
$blankFile = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/TDMCreate/images/deco/blank.gif";

//Creation du dossier "uploads" pour le module à la racine du site
$module_uploads = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '";
	mkdir($module_uploads, 0777);
	chmod($module_uploads, 0777);
copy($indexFile, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '/index.html");
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $tables_name = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name");
        $tables_champs = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_champs");
        $tables_parametres = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_parametres");
        $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
        $nb_champs = count($champs);
        $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
        $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
        $j = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
            $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
            if ($i != 0) {
                $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
            if ($i == 0) {
                $text .= '
//Creation du fichier ' . $tables_name . ' dans uploads
$module_uploads = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '/' . $tables_name . '";
	mkdir($module_uploads, 0777);
	chmod($module_uploads, 0777);
copy($indexFile, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '/' . $tables_name . '/index.html");
            } else {
                if ($structure_parametres[0] == 'XoopsFormUploadImage' || $structure_parametres[0] == 'XoopsFormUploadFile') {
                    $text .= '
//Creation du dossier "uploads" pour le module à la racine du site
$module_uploads = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '/' . $tables_name . '/' . $structure_champs[0] . '";
	mkdir($module_uploads, 0777);
	chmod($module_uploads, 0777);
copy($indexFile, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '/' . $tables_name . '/' . $structure_champs[0] . '/index.html");
copy($blankFile, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/uploads/' . $modules_name . '/' . $tables_name . '/' . $structure_champs[0] . '/blank.gif");
    $text .= '
    //Integration du contenu dans le bloc
    $handle = fopen($include_install_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($include_install_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_INCLUDE_FUNCTIONS . '<br>' . $include_install_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_INCLUDE_FUNCTIONS . '<br>' . $include_install_path_file . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 17
function const_xoopsversion($modules, $modules_name, $tables_arr)
    $language = '_MI_' . strtoupper($modules_name) . '';
    $xoopsversion_file = "xoops_version.php";
    $xoopsversion_path_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/" . $xoopsversion_file;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
	$modversion["name"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_name") . '";
	$modversion["version"] = ' . $modules->getVar("modules_version") . ';
	$modversion["description"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_description") . '";
	$modversion["author"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_author") . '";
	$modversion["author_website_url"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_author_website_url") . '";
	$modversion["author_website_name"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_author_website_name") . '";
	$modversion["credits"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_credits") . '";
	$modversion["license"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_license") . '";
	$modversion["release_info"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_release_info") . '";
	$modversion["release_file"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_release_file") . '";
	$modversion["manual"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_manual") . '";
	$modversion["manual_file"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_manual_file") . '";
	$modversion["image"] = "images/' . $modules->getVar("modules_image") . '";
	$modversion["dirname"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_name") . '";

	$modversion["demo_site_url"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_demo_site_url") . '";
	$modversion["demo_site_name"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_demo_site_name") . '";
	$modversion["module_website_url"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_module_website_url") . '";
	$modversion["module_website_name"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_module_website_name") . '";
	$modversion["release"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_release") . '";
	$modversion["module_status"] = "' . $modules->getVar("modules_status") . '";
    if ($modules->getVar("modules_display_admin") == 1) {
        $text .= '
	// Admin things
	$modversion["hasAdmin"] = 1;
    $text .= '
	$modversion["adminindex"] = "admin/index.php";
	$modversion["adminmenu"] = "admin/menu.php";
	// Mysql file
	$modversion["sqlfile"]["mysql"] = "sql/mysql.sql";

	// Tables
    $j = 0;
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $text .= '$modversion["tables"][' . $j . '] = "' . $tables_arr[$i]->getVar('tables_module_table') . '";
    $text .= '
	// Scripts to run upon installation or update
	$modversion["onInstall"] = "include/install.php";
	//$modversion["onUpdate"] = "include/update.php";';
    if ($modules->getVar("modules_display_menu") == 1) {
        $text .= '// Menu
	$modversion["hasMain"] = 1;
    if ($modules->getVar("modules_active_search") == 1) {
        $text .= '
	$modversion["hasSearch"] = 1;
	$modversion["search"]["file"] = "include/";
	$modversion["search"]["func"] = "' . $modules_name . '_search";
    $text .= '
	$i = 1;
	include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopslists.php";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["name"]        = "' . $modules_name . '_editor";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["title"]       = "' . $language . '_EDITOR";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["formtype"]    = "select";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["valuetype"]   = "text";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["default"]     = "dhtmltextarea";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["options"]     = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/class/xoopseditor");
	$modversion["config"][$i]["category"]    = "global";
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $tables_name = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name");
        $tables_champs = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_champs");
        $tables_parametres = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_parametres");
        $champs = explode("|", $tables_champs);
        $nb_champs = count($champs);
        $parametres = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
        $nb_parametres = count($parametres);
        $j = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $nb_champs; $i++) {
            $structure_champs = explode(":", $champs[$i]);
            $language1 = $language . '_' . strtoupper($structure_champs[0]) . '';
            if ($i != 0) {
                $structure_parametres = explode(":", $parametres[$j]);
                if ($structure_parametres[0] == 'XoopsFormUploadImage') {
                    $text .= '
	//Uploads : size ' . $structure_champs[0] . '
	$modversion["config"][$i]["name"] = "' . $structure_champs[0] . '_size";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["title"] = "' . $language1 . '_SIZE";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["formtype"] = "textbox";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["valuetype"] = "int";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["default"] = "10485760";
	//Uploads : mimetypes ' . $structure_champs[0] . '
	$modversion["config"][$i]["name"] = "' . $structure_champs[0] . '_mimetypes";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["title"] = "' . $language1 . '_MIMETYPES";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["formtype"] = "select_multi";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["valuetype"] = "array";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["default"] = array("image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png");
	$modversion["config"][$i]["options"] = array(			
										"bmp" => "image/bmp",
										"gif" => "image/gif",
										"jpeg" => "image/pjpeg",
										"jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
										"jpg" => "image/jpeg",
										"jpe" => "image/jpeg",
										"png" => "image/png");
                } else {
                    if ($structure_parametres[0] == 'XoopsFormUploadFile') {
                        $text .= '
	//Uploads : size ' . $structure_champs[0] . '
	$modversion["config"][$i]["name"] = "' . $structure_champs[0] . '_size";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["title"] = "' . $language1 . '_SIZE";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["formtype"] = "textbox";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["valuetype"] = "int";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["default"] = "10485760";
	//Uploads : mimetypes ' . $structure_champs[0] . '
	$modversion["config"][$i]["name"] = "' . $structure_champs[0] . '_mimetypes";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["title"] = "' . $language1 . '_MIMETYPES";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["formtype"] = "select_multi";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["valuetype"] = "array";
	$modversion["config"][$i]["default"] = array("image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/png");
	$modversion["config"][$i]["options"] = array(
										"bmp" => "image/bmp",
										"gif" => "image/gif",
										"ico" => "image/icon",
										"ief" => "image/ief",
										"jpeg" => "image/pjpeg",
										"jpeg" => "image/jpeg",
										"jpg" => "image/jpeg",
										"jpe" => "image/jpeg",
										"png" => "image/png",
										"tiff" => "image/tiff",
										"tif" => "image/tif",
										"wbmp" => "image/vnd.wap.wbmp",
										"ace" => "application/x-ace-compressed",
										"ai" => "application/postscript",
										"aif" => "audio/x-aiff",
										"aifc" => "audio/x-aiff",
										"aiff" => "audio/x-aiff",
										"asc" => "text/plain",
										"asf" => "video/x-ms-asf",
										"asx" => "audio/x-ms-wax",
										"au" => "audio/basic",
										"avi" => "video/x-msvideo",
										"bcpio" => "application/x-bcpio",
										"bin" => "application/octet-stream",
										"cdf" => "application/x-netcdf",
										"class" => "application/octet-stream",
										"cpio" => "application/x-cpio",
										"cpt" => "application/mac-compactpro",
										"csh" => "application/x-csh",
										"css" => "text/css",
										"dll" => "application/octet-stream",
										"dir" => "application/x-director",
										"djvu" => "image/vnd.djvu",
										"djv" => "image/vnd.djvu",
										"dms" => "application/octet-stream",
										"doc" => "application/msword",
										"dcr" => "application/x-director",
										"dvi" => "application/x-dvi",
										"dxr" => "application/x-director",
										"eps" => "application/postscript",
										"etx" => "text/x-setext",
										"exe" => "application/octet-stream",
										"ez" => "application/andrew-inset",
										"gtar" => "application/x-gtar",
										"hdf" => "application/x-hdf",
										"hqx" => "application/mac-binhex40",
										"htm" => "text/html",
										"html" => "text/html",
										"ice" => "x-conference-xcooltalk",
										"iges" => "model/iges",
										"igs" => "model/iges",
										"js" => "application/x-javascript",
										"kar" => "audio/midi",
										"latex" => "application/x-latex",
										"lha" => "application/octet-stream",
										"Log" => "text/plain",
										"log" => "text/plain",
										"lzh" => "application/octet-stream",
										"man" => "application/x-troff-man",
										"me" => "application/x-troff-me",
										"mesh" => "model/mesh",
										"msh" => "model/mesh",
										"mid" => "audio/midi",
										"midi" => "audio/midi",
										"mov" => "video/quicktime",
										"movie" => "video/x-sgi-movie",
										"mxu" => "video/vnd.mpegurl",
										"mpe" => "video/mpeg",
										"mpeg" => "video/mpeg",
										"mpg" => "video/mpeg",
										"mpga" => "audio/mpeg",
										"mp2" => "audio/mpeg",
										"mp3" => "audio/mpeg",
										"ms" => "application/x-troff-ms",
										"m3u" => "audio/x-mpegurl",
										"nc" => "application/x-netcdf",
										"oda" => "application/oda",
										"pbm" => "image/x-portable-bitmap",
										"pdb" => "chemical/x-pdb",
										"pgm" => "image/x-portable-graymap",
										"pnm" => "image/x-portable-anymap",
										"ppm" => "image/x-portable-pixmap",
										"pdf" => "application/pdf",
										"pgn" => "application/x-chess-pgn",
										"php" => "text/php",
										"php3" => "text/php3",
										"ps" => "application/postscript",
										"qt" => "video/quicktime",
										"roff" => "application/x-troff",
										"sgm" => "text/sgml",
										"sgml" => "text/sgml",
										"sh" => "application/x-sh",
										"shar" => "application/x-shar",
										"skd" => "application/x-koan",
										"skm" => "application/x-koan",
										"skp" => "application/x-koan",
										"skt" => "application/x-koan",
										"silo" => "model/mesh",
										"sit" => "application/x-stuffit",
										"smi" => "application/smil",
										"smil" => "application/smil",
										"snd" => "audio/basic",
										"so" => "application/octet-stream",
										"spl" => "application/x-futuresplash",
										"src" => "application/x-wais-source",
										"sv4cpio" => "application/x-sv4cpio",
										"sv4crc" => "application/x-sv4crc",
										"swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash",
										"ra" => "audio/x-realaudio",
										"ram" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio",
										"rar" => "application/x-rar-compressed",
										"ras" => "image/x-cmu-raster",
										"rgb" => "image/x-rgb",
										"rm" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio",
										"rpm" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin",
										"rtf" => "text/rtf",
										"rtx" => "text/richtext",
										"t" => "application/x-troff",
										"tar" => "application/x-tar",
										"tar.gz" => "application/x-gzip",
										"tcl" => "application/x-tcl",
										"tex" => "application/x-tex",
										"texinfo" => "application/x-texinfo",
										"texi" => "application/x-texinfo",
										"tr" => "application/x-troff",
										"tsv" => "text/tab-seperated-values",
										"txt" => "text/plain",
										"ustar" => "application/x-ustar",
										"vcd" => "application/x-cdlink",
										"vrml" => "model/vrml",
										"wav" => "audio/x-wav",
										"wax" => "audio/x-windows-media",
										"wbxml" => "application/vnd.wap.wbxml",
										"wma" => "audio/x-ms-wma",
										"wm" => "video/x-ms-wm", 
										"wmd" => "application/x-ms-wmd",
										"wml" => "text/vnd.wap.wml",
										"wmlc" => "application/vnd.wap.wmlc",
										"wmls" => "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript",
										"wmlsc" => "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc",
										"wmx" => "video/x-ms-wmx",
										"wmv" => "video/x-ms-wmv",
										"wmz" => "application/x-ms-wmz",
										"wrl" => "model/vrml",
										"wvx" => "video/x-ms-wvx",
										"xbm" => "image/x-xbitmap",
										"xpm" => "image/x-xpixmap",
										"xht" => "application/xhtml+xml",
										"xhtml" => "application/xhtml+xml",
										"XM" => "audio/fasttracker",
										"xml" => "text/xml",
										"xsl" => "text/xml",
										//"xls" => "application/excel",
										"xls" => "application/",
										"xwd" => "image/x-windowdump",
										"xyz" => "chemical/x-xyz",
										"zip" => "application/zip",
										"Zip" => "application/zip", 
										"unknown" => "application/octet-stream");
    $text .= '
	$i = 1;';
    foreach (array_keys($tables_arr) as $i) {
        $tables_module_table = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_module_table");
        $tables_name = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_name");
        $tables_blocs = $tables_arr[$i]->getVar("tables_blocs");
        $language = '_MI_' . strtoupper($tables_module_table) . '';
        if ($tables_blocs == 1) {
            $text .= '
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["file"] = "blocks_' . $tables_name . '.php";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["name"] = ' . $language . '_BLOCK_RECENT;
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["show_func"] = "b_' . $tables_module_table . '";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["edit_func"] = "b_' . $tables_module_table . '_edit";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["options"] = "recent|5|25|0";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["template"] = "' . $tables_module_table . '_block_recent.html";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["file"] = "blocks_' . $tables_name . '.php";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["name"] = ' . $language . '_BLOCK_DAY;
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["show_func"] = "b_' . $tables_module_table . '";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["edit_func"] = "b_' . $tables_module_table . '_edit";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["options"] = "day|5|25|0";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["template"] = "' . $tables_module_table . '_block_day.html";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["file"] = "blocks_' . $tables_name . '.php";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["name"] = ' . $language . '_BLOCK_RANDOM;
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["description"] = "";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["show_func"] = "b_' . $tables_module_table . '";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["edit_func"] = "b_' . $tables_module_table . '_edit";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["options"] = "random|5|25|0";
	$modversion["blocks"][$i]["template"] = "' . $tables_module_table . '_block_random.html";
    $text .= '		
    //Integration du contenu dans le fichier xoopsconfig.php
    $handle = fopen($xoopsversion_path_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($xoopsversion_path_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_XOOPS_VERSION . '<br>' . $xoopsversion_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_XOOPS_VERSION . '<br>' . $xoopsversion_path_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
Esempio n. 18
function const_include_search($modules, $modules_name, $tables_name, $tables_module_table, $tables_champs, $tables_parametres, $tables_img)
    $searchfile = "";
    $searchpath_file = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/include/" . $searchfile;
    $en_tete = const_entete($modules, 0);
    //copie de l'image de la table et renommer
    $extension = preg_replace("/^.+\\.([^.]+)\$/sU", "\\1", $tables_img);
    $imgFile = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/images/uploads/tables/" . $tables_img . "";
    $img_search = $tables_name . "_search." . $extension;
    if (file_exists($imgFile)) {
        copy($imgFile, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/TDMCreate/modules/" . $modules_name . "/images/deco/" . $img_search . "");
    $champs_total = explode("|", $tables_champs);
    $nb_champs = count($champs_total);
    $parametres_total = explode("|", $tables_parametres);
    $k = 0;
    //Recuperation des parametres affichage dans le formulaire
    for ($j = 0; $j < $nb_champs; $j++) {
        $champs = explode(":", $champs_total[$j]);
        //Afficher dans les elements du formulaire et choisir le type
        if ($j != 0) {
            $parametres1 = explode(":", $parametres_total[$j - 1]);
            if ($parametres1[5] == 1) {
                $champs_param_search_field[$k] = $champs[0];
            if ($parametres1[4] == 1) {
                $champs_param_main_field = $champs[0];
    function search_field($champs_param_search_field, $options)
        $nb_champs_param_search_field = count($champs_param_search_field);
        $sql = '(';
        for ($l = 0; $l < $nb_champs_param_search_field; $l++) {
            if ($l != $nb_champs_param_search_field - 1) {
                $sql .= '' . $champs_param_search_field[$l] . ' LIKE \'%$queryarray[' . $options . ']%\' OR ';
            } else {
                $sql .= '' . $champs_param_search_field[$l] . ' LIKE \'%$queryarray[0]%\'';
        $sql .= ')';
        return $sql;
    $text = '<?php' . $en_tete . '
	function ' . $modules_name . '_search($queryarray, $andor, $limit, $offset, $userid)
		global $xoopsDB;
		$sql = "SELECT ' . $tables_name . '_id, ' . $champs_param_main_field . ', ' . $tables_name . '_submitter, ' . $tables_name . '_date_created FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("' . $tables_module_table . '")." WHERE ' . $tables_name . '_online = 1";
		if ( $userid != 0 ) {
			$sql .= " AND ' . $tables_name . '_submitter=".intval($userid)." ";
		if ( is_array($queryarray) && $count = count($queryarray) ) 
			$sql .= " AND (';
    $text .= '' . search_field($champs_param_search_field, 0) . '";
				$sql .= " $andor ";
    $text .= '$sql .= "' . search_field($champs_param_search_field, '$i') . '";
			$sql .= ")";
		$sql .= " ORDER BY ' . $tables_name . '_date_created DESC";
		$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql,$limit,$offset);
		$ret = array();
		$i = 0;
		while($myrow = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result))
			$ret[$i]["image"] = "images/deco/' . $img_search . '";
			$ret[$i]["link"] = "' . $tables_name . '.php?' . $tables_name . '_id=".$myrow["' . $tables_name . '_id"]."";
			$ret[$i]["title"] = $myrow["' . $champs_param_main_field . '"];
			$ret[$i]["time"] = $myrow["' . $tables_name . '_date_created"];
			$ret[$i]["uid"] = $myrow["' . $tables_name . '_submitter"];
		return $ret;

    //Integration du contenu dans le fichier xoopsconfig.php
    $handle = fopen($searchpath_file, "w");
    if (is_writable($searchpath_file)) {
        if (fwrite($handle, $text) === FALSE) {
            echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_SEARCH . '<br>' . $searchpath_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>
        echo '<tr>
				<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_OK_SEARCH . '</td>
				<td><img src="./../images/deco/on.gif"></td>
    } else {
        echo '<tr>
					<td>' . _AM_TDMCREATE_CONST_NOTOK_SEARCH . '<br>' . $searchpath_file . '</td>
					<td><img src="./../images/deco/off.gif"></td>