function comments_form($atts) { global $thisarticle, $has_comments_preview; extract(lAtts(array('class' => __FUNCTION__, 'form' => 'comment_form', 'isize' => '25', 'msgcols' => '25', 'msgrows' => '5', 'msgstyle' => '', 'show_preview' => empty($has_comments_preview), 'wraptag' => '', 'previewlabel' => gTxt('preview'), 'submitlabel' => gTxt('submit'), 'rememberlabel' => gTxt('remember'), 'forgetlabel' => gTxt('forget')), $atts)); assert_article(); extract($thisarticle); $out = ''; $ip = serverset('REMOTE_ADDR'); $blacklisted = is_blacklisted($ip); if (!checkCommentsAllowed($thisid)) { $out = graf(gTxt("comments_closed"), ' id="comments_closed"'); } elseif (!checkBan($ip)) { $out = graf(gTxt('you_have_been_banned'), ' id="comments_banned"'); } elseif ($blacklisted) { $out = graf(gTxt('your_ip_is_blacklisted_by' . ' ' . $blacklisted), ' id="comments_blacklisted"'); } elseif (gps('commented') !== '') { $out = gTxt("comment_posted"); if (gps('commented') === '0') { $out .= " " . gTxt("comment_moderated"); } $out = graf($out, ' id="txpCommentInputForm"'); } else { # display a comment preview if required if (ps('preview') and $show_preview) { $out = comments_preview(array()); } $out .= commentForm($thisid, $atts); } return !$wraptag ? $out : doTag($out, $wraptag, $class); }
page_open(array('sess' => 'SourceAgency_Session')); if (isset($auth) && !empty($auth->auth['perm'])) { page_close(); page_open(array('sess' => 'SourceAgency_Session', 'auth' => 'SourceAgency_Auth', 'perm' => 'SourceAgency_Perm')); } require 'include/'; require 'include/'; $bx = new box('80%', $th_box_frame_color, $th_box_frame_width, $th_box_title_bgcolor, $th_box_title_font_color, $th_box_title_align, $th_box_body_bgcolor, $th_box_body_font_color, $th_box_body_align); start_content(); $page = 'comments_edit'; if (check_permission($proid, $page)) { top_bar($proid, $page); if (is_not_set_or_empty($type)) { $type = 'General'; } if (is_not_set_or_empty($number)) { $number = 0; } print $t->translate('General comments can be posted') . ' ' . $t->translate('by registered users of the system') . ".\n<br><p>\n"; if (is_not_set_or_empty($submit)) { if (is_set_and_not_empty($preview)) { comments_preview($proid); } comments_form($proid); } else { comments_insert($proid, $auth->auth['uname'], $type, $number, $ref, $subject, $text); } } end_content(); require 'include/'; @page_close();
function comments_form($atts) { global $thisarticle, $has_comments_preview, $pretext; extract(lAtts(array('class' => __FUNCTION__, 'form' => 'comment_form', 'id' => @$pretext['id'], 'isize' => '25', 'msgcols' => '25', 'msgrows' => '5', 'msgstyle' => '', 'show_preview' => empty($has_comments_preview), 'wraptag' => ''), $atts)); assert_article(); if (is_array($thisarticle)) { extract($thisarticle); } if (@$thisid) { $id = $thisid; } $out = ''; if ($id) { if (!checkCommentsAllowed($id)) { $out = graf(gTxt("comments_closed")); } elseif (gps('commented') !== '') { $out = gTxt("comment_posted"); if (gps('commented') === '0') { $out .= " " . gTxt("comment_moderated"); } $out = graf($out, ' id="txpCommentInputForm"'); } else { # display a comment preview if required if (ps('preview') and $show_preview) { $out = comments_preview(array()); } $out .= commentForm($id, $atts); } return !$wraptag ? $out : doTag($out, $wraptag, $class); } }
function comments_form($atts, $thing = null) { global $thisarticle, $has_comments_preview; global $thiscommentsform; // TODO: Remove any uses of $thiscommentsform when removing deprecated attributes from below. // deprecated attributes since TXP 4.6. Most of these (except msgstyle) // were moved to the tags that occur within a comments_form, although // some of the names changed. $deprecated = array('isize', 'msgrows', 'msgcols', 'msgstyle', 'previewlabel', 'submitlabel', 'rememberlabel', 'forgetlabel'); foreach ($deprecated as $att) { if (isset($atts[$att])) { trigger_error(gTxt('deprecated_attribute', array('{name}' => $att)), E_USER_NOTICE); } } $atts = lAtts(array('class' => __FUNCTION__, 'form' => 'comment_form', 'isize' => '25', 'msgcols' => '25', 'msgrows' => '5', 'msgstyle' => '', 'show_preview' => empty($has_comments_preview), 'wraptag' => '', 'previewlabel' => gTxt('preview'), 'submitlabel' => gTxt('submit'), 'rememberlabel' => gTxt('remember'), 'forgetlabel' => gTxt('forget')), $atts); extract($atts); $thiscommentsform = array_intersect_key($atts, array_flip($deprecated)); assert_article(); extract($thisarticle); $out = ''; $ip = serverset('REMOTE_ADDR'); $blacklisted = is_blacklisted($ip); if (!checkCommentsAllowed($thisid)) { $out = graf(gTxt("comments_closed"), ' id="comments_closed"'); } elseif ($blacklisted) { $out = graf(gTxt('your_ip_is_blacklisted_by' . ' ' . $blacklisted), ' id="comments_blacklisted"'); } elseif (gps('commented') !== '') { $out = gTxt("comment_posted"); if (gps('commented') === '0') { $out .= " " . gTxt("comment_moderated"); } $out = graf($out, ' id="txpCommentInputForm"'); } else { // Display a comment preview if required. if (ps('preview') and $show_preview) { $out = comments_preview(array()); } extract(doDeEnt(psa(array('parentid', 'backpage')))); // If the form fields are filled (anything other than blank), pages really // should not be saved by a public cache (rfc2616/14.9.1). if (pcs('name') || pcs('email') || pcs('web')) { header('Cache-Control: private'); } $url = $GLOBALS['pretext']['request_uri']; // Experimental clean URLs with only 404-error-document on Apache possibly // requires messy URLs for POST requests. if (defined('PARTLY_MESSY') and PARTLY_MESSY) { $url = hu . '?id=' . intval($parentid); } $out .= '<form id="txpCommentInputForm" method="post" action="' . txpspecialchars($url) . '#cpreview">' . n . '<div class="comments-wrapper">' . n . ($thing === null ? parse_form($form) : parse($thing)) . n . hInput('parentid', $parentid ? $parentid : $thisid) . n . hInput('backpage', ps('preview') ? $backpage : $url) . n . '</div>' . n . '</form>'; } return !$wraptag ? $out : doTag($out, $wraptag, $class); }