<?php if (!cms_is_employee()) { log_msg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Access denied"); Location("../access_denied.php"); } include "cms/db.php"; include "cms/forms.php"; include "cms/pr_template_def.rec"; $form_fields = array("server" => array("pr_template_def", "server", EDIT, OPTIONAL | CHOOSER), "address" => array("pr_template_def", "address", EDIT, OPTIONAL), "freq" => array("pr_template_def", "freq", EDIT, OPTIONAL), "count" => array("pr_template_def", "count", EDIT, OPTIONAL), "yellowtime" => array("pr_template_def", "yellowtime", EDIT, OPTIONAL), "redtime" => array("pr_template_def", "redtime", EDIT, OPTIONAL)); $cms = new DB_CMS(); while ($__act == "submit") { cms_leave_if_canceled(); foreach ($HTTP_GET_VARS as $key => $value) { $fields[$key] = $HTTP_GET_VARS[$key]; } if (!cms_fieldcheck($form_fields, $fields)) { break; } $cms->query("begin"); if ($fields['contact'] < 1) { $fields['contact'] = 1; } $q = sprintf("insert into pr_probe_template set server = '%s', address = '%s', freq = '%s', " . "redtime = '%s', yellowtime = '%s'", $fields['server'], $fields['address'], $fields['freq'], $fields['redtime'], $fields['yellowtime']); $cms->query($q); $pr_probe_templateid = $cms->insert_id(); $newstate = 'running'; cms_add_history($fields['contact'], "CREATE", "pr_probe_template", $pr_probe_templateid, $fields['setup'] . " for " . $fields['contacttext']); $cms->query("commit"); previous_location(); break;
foreach ($extra_fields as $value) { $fields[$value] = $cms->f($value); } form_start("notused"); table(); tr(false); td("class=\"tbl-even\" align=\"left\""); title(_("Probe template") . " " . $cms->f('servertext')); td("class=\"tbl-even\" align=\"right\""); probe_dropdown('template', $id); endtable(); form_end(); table(); foreach ($form_fields as $key => $value) { tr(); td(); cms_showfielddesc($form_fields, $key); // the textual name of the field td(); cms_showfield($form_fields, $key, $fields); } tr(); td("class=\"tbl-even\" colspan=\"2\""); td("class=\"tbl-even\" colspan=\"2\""); if (cms_is_employee()) { tr(); td("class=\"tbl-even\" align=\"center\""); button("edit-pr_template_def.gif", _("Edit Ping Probe"), "site-edit-pr_template_def.php?id={$id}"); td("class=\"tbl-even\" align=\"center\""); } endtable();