/** * 後台權限檢查 * @param $permtype='',目前沒有用戶組概念,權限檢查僅為檢查 verified通過驗證的商家/unverified未經審核通過的商家/isadmin站長。以後考慮按功能來分權限 * @return 是否 */ function pkperm($permtype) { global $_G; if (ckfounder($_G['uid'])) { if ($permtype != 'unverified') { return true; //管理員有所有權限 } else { return false; } } elseif ($permtype == 'isadmin' && $_G['member']['allowadmincp']) { return true; } elseif ($_G['uid'] == 0 || !$_G['myshopid'] || $_G['myshopstatus'] == 'none') { return false; //遊客或者未提交入駐沒有任何權限 } elseif ($_G['myshopid'] > 0 && $_G['myshopstatus'] == 'unverified' && $permtype == 'unverified') { return true; //提交入駐申請未審核的 } elseif ($_G['myshopid'] > 0 && $_G['myshopstatus'] == 'verified') { //入駐通過的權限 switch ($permtype) { case 'verified': return true; break; case 'shoplist': return false; break; case 'swfupload': return true; break; } } return false; //默認為無權限 }
function isfounder() { global $_G, $_SGLOBAL; return ckfounder($_G['uid']); }
deltree($datadir . '/' . $backupdir . '/'); showmessage($alang['list_table_not_exists'] . implode('<br />', $dberrorarr)); } //´ò°ü require_once S_ROOT . './include/zip.lib.php'; $zipfile = new Zip($backupfile); $zipfilestr = implode(',', $zipfilearr); $zipfile->create($zipfilestr, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $datadir . '/' . $backupdir); if (!empty($zipfilearr)) { foreach ($zipfilearr as $tmpvalue) { @unlink($tmpvalue); } } showmessage('model_export_suc', CPURL . '?action=models&op=import'); } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'import') { if (!ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { showmessage('no_authority_management_operation'); } $backupdir = S_ROOT . '/data/model'; $exportlog = array(); $_GET['datafile'] = !empty($_GET['datafile']) ? trim($_GET['datafile']) : ''; $_GET['do'] = !empty($_GET['do']) ? trim($_GET['do']) : ''; if (empty($_GET['do']) || $_GET['do'] != 'start') { $dir = dir($backupdir); while (FALSE !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { $filename = $backupdir . '/' . $entry . '/' . $entry . '.zip'; if (is_file($filename)) { $exportlog[] = array('filename' => $entry, 'size' => filesize($filename), 'dateline' => filemtime($filename)); } } $dir->close();
$query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname($table_name) . ' WHERE itemid=\'' . $itemid . '\' AND allowreply=\'1\''); if (!($item = DB::fetch($query))) { array_push($checkresults, array('message' => $lang['no_permission'])); } $_POST['commentmessage'] = shtmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['commentmessage'])); if ($_POST['commentmessage'] == $_G['setting']['commdefault'] || bstrlen($_POST['commentmessage']) < 1 || bstrlen($_POST['commentmessage']) > 250) { array_push($checkresults, array('commentmessage' => $lang['wordlimited'])); } if (!empty($commentscorestr)) { $rootcatid = getrootcatid($item['catid']); $scorenum = DB::result_first("SELECT cm.scorenum FROM " . tname('categories') . " c\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . tname('commentmodels') . " cm ON cm.cmid=c.cmid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.catid = '{$rootcatid}'"); if (bstrlen($commentscorestr) < $scorenum * 5) { array_push($checkresults, array('score' => $lang['scorelimited'])); } } if (!empty($_G['setting']['commenttime']) && !ckfounder($_G['uid'])) { if ($_G['timestamp'] - $_G['member']['lastcommenttime'] < $_G['setting']['commenttime']) { array_push($checkresults, array('message' => $lang['comment_too_much'])); } } if (!empty($checkresults)) { showmessage('comment_submit_error', '', '', '', $checkresults); } //更新用戶最新更新時間 if ($_G['uid']) { updatetable('members', array('updatetime' => $_G['timestamp'], 'lastcommenttime' => $_G['timestamp']), array('uid' => $_G['uid'])); } $_POST['commentmessage'] = str_replace('[br]', '<br>', $_POST['commentmessage']); $_POST['commentmessage'] = '<div class=\\"new\\"><span name=\\"cid_{cid}_info\\">' . preg_replace("/\\s*\\[quote\\][\n\r]*(.+?)[\n\r]*\\[\\/quote\\]\\s*/is", "<div class=\"quote\"><blockquote>\\1</blockquote></div>", $_POST['commentmessage']) . '</span></div>'; $_POST['type'] = saddslashes($_POST['type']); //關於蓋樓
ssetcookie('shopid', $_GET['itemid'], 3600 * 10); getpanelinfo($_GET['itemid']); if (!empty($_G['cookie']['i_referer'])) { header('Location: ' . $_G['cookie']['i_referer']); } } elseif (!empty($_G['cookie']['shopid'])) { getpanelinfo(intval($_G['cookie']['shopid'])); } if (!empty($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo'])) { echo '<script type="text/javascript" charset="' . $_G['charset'] . '">var leftmenu = $(window.parent.document).find("#leftmenu");leftmenu.find("ul").css("display", "none");$(window.parent.document).find("#menu_paneladd").css("display", "");</script>'; } } elseif (in_array($mname, array('good', 'notice', 'album', 'consume', 'groupbuy')) && $_GET['shopid']) { getpanelinfo($_GET['shopid']); ssetcookie('shopid', $_GET['shopid'], 3600 * 10); } if (!ckfounder($_G['uid'])) { if (!check_itemaccess($_GET['itemid'], $mname)) { cpmsg('no_' . $mname . '_itemaccess', 'admin.php?action=list&m=' . $mname); } } if (empty($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']) && !empty($_REQUEST['shopid'])) { getpanelinfo($_REQUEST['shopid']); } if (!empty($_POST['valuesubmit'])) { $checkresults = array(); if ($mname == "notice" || $mname == "shop") { //標題樣式 empty($_POST['strongsubject']) ? $_POST['strongsubject'] = '' : ($_POST['strongsubject'] = 1); empty($_POST['underlinesubject']) ? $_POST['underlinesubject'] = '' : ($_POST['underlinesubject'] = 1); empty($_POST['emsubject']) ? $_POST['emsubject'] = '' : ($_POST['emsubject'] = 1); empty($_POST['fontcolorsubject']) ? $_POST['fontcolorsubject'] = '# ' : ($_POST['fontcolorsubject'] = '#' . $_POST['fontcolorsubject']);
$itemidstr = simplode($_POST['item']); //用逗号链接所有的操作ID $newidarr = array(); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT itemid FROM " . tname('spaceitems') . " WHERE itemid IN ({$itemidstr}) AND type='news' AND uid='{$_GET['uid']}'"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $newidarr[] = $value['itemid']; } if (empty($newidarr)) { showmessage('space_no_item'); } $itemidstr = simplode($newidarr); deleteitems('itemid', $itemidstr, $_POST['opdelete']); } elseif (submitcheck('actionsubmit')) { //权限 $_POST['uid'] = intval($_POST['uid']); if (!checkperm('managemember') || ckfounder($_POST['uid'])) { showmessage('no_authority_management_operation'); } if ($_POST['uid'] == $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) { showmessage('error_lock_self'); } $itemid = array(); $query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT itemid FROM " . tname('spaceitems') . " WHERE type='news' AND uid='{$_GET['uid']}'"); while ($value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($query)) { $itemid[] = $value['itemid']; } $itemidstr = simplode($itemid); deleteitems('itemid', $itemidstr, 0); //永久删除 deletespace($_POST['uid']); //删除用户
* $Id: common.php 4401 2010-09-13 02:44:25Z fanshengshuai $ */ define('IN_BRAND', true); define('B_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('B_VER', '1.2'); define('B_RELEASE', '20100915'); define('D_BUG', '0'); D_BUG ? error_reporting(E_ERROR) : error_reporting(0); $_SGLOBAL = $_SBLOCK = $_SHTML = $_DCACHE = $_SGET = array(); require_once B_ROOT . './source/function/common.func.php'; require_once B_ROOT . './source/adminfunc/brandpost.func.php'; require_once B_ROOT . './source/class/brand.class.php'; brand::init(); include_once B_ROOT . './language/brand.lang.php'; // 檢查關閉站點 if (!ckfounder($_G['uid']) && $_G['setting']['siteclosed']) { if (ACTION != 'auth' && ACTION != 'seccod') { showmessage($_G['setting']['siteclosed_reason']); } } if (!empty($_G['setting']['gzipcompress']) && function_exists('ob_gzhandler')) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } else { ob_start(); } @header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . $_G['charset']); $newsiteurl = B_URL; if (strpos($newsiteurl, '://') === false) { $newsiteurl = 'http://' . (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . $newsiteurl; } define('B_URL_ALL', $newsiteurl);
function checkclose() { global $_SGLOBAL, $_SCONFIG; //站点关闭 if ($_SCONFIG['close'] && !ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) && !checkperm('closeignore')) { if (empty($_SCONFIG['closereason'])) { showmessage('site_temporarily_closed'); } else { showmessage($_SCONFIG['closereason']); } } //IP访问检查 if ((!ipaccess($_SCONFIG['ipaccess']) || ipbanned($_SCONFIG['ipbanned'])) && !ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']) && !checkperm('closeignore')) { showmessage('ip_is_not_allowed_to_visit'); } }
if (!$managespace || empty($member)) { cpmessage('no_authority_management_operation'); } $setarr = array('name' => getstr($_POST['name'], 20, 1, 1), 'namestatus' => intval($_POST['namestatus']), 'domain' => trim($_POST['domain']), 'addsize' => intval($_POST['addsize']) * 1024 * 1024, 'credit' => intval($_POST['credit'])); //删除保护 include_once S_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; if ($_POST['flag'] == 1) { $result = uc_user_addprotected(array($member['username']), $_SGLOBAL['supe_username']); } else { $_POST['flag'] = 0; $result = uc_user_deleteprotected(array($member['username']), $_SGLOBAL['supe_username']); } if ($result) { $setarr['flag'] = $_POST['flag']; } if ($uid != $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] || ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { if (empty($_POST['groupid'])) { $_POST['groupid'] = getgroupid($_POST['credit'], 0); } $setarr['groupid'] = intval($_POST['groupid']); } updatetable('space', $setarr, array('uid' => $uid)); //附属表 $setarr = array('email' => getstr($_POST['email'], 100, 1, 1), 'emailcheck' => intval($_POST['emailcheck']), 'qq' => getstr($_POST['qq'], 20, 1, 1), 'msn' => getstr($_POST['msn'], 80, 1, 1), 'sex' => intval($_POST['sex']), 'birthyear' => intval($_POST['birthyear']), 'birthmonth' => intval($_POST['birthmonth']), 'birthday' => intval($_POST['birthday']), 'blood' => getstr($_POST['blood'], 5, 1, 1), 'marry' => intval($_POST['marry']), 'birthprovince' => getstr($_POST['birthprovince'], 20, 1, 1), 'birthcity' => getstr($_POST['birthcity'], 20, 1, 1), 'resideprovince' => getstr($_POST['resideprovince'], 20, 1, 1), 'residecity' => getstr($_POST['residecity'], 20, 1, 1)); foreach ($profilefields as $field => $value) { if ($value['formtype'] == 'select') { $value['maxsize'] = 255; } $setarr['field_' . $field] = getstr($_POST['field_' . $field], $value['maxsize'], 1, 1); } //清空
function show_searchfrom_webmaster($mname) { global $_G, $_GET, $_COOKIE, $_SC, $_SERVER, $_SGLOBAL, $catstr, $opcheckstr, $gradestr, $cats; $catstr = $opcheckstr = $gradestr = ''; $typelist = array('shop', 'good', 'consume', 'notice'); $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("shopgroup") . " ORDER BY id ASC;"); while ($result = DB::fetch($query)) { $catstr .= '<option value="' . $result['id'] . '">' . $result['title'] . '</option>'; } foreach ($_SGLOBAL['shopgrade'] as $key => $value) { $opcheckstr .= ' <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opcheck" value="' . $key . '" onClick="showchecktxt(' . $key . ');"> ' . $value . ' '; $gradestr .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . ($_GET['grade'] == $key ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option>'; } //搜索框顯示 echo '<form method="get" name="listform" id="theform" action="' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '">'; echo '<style>input {width:250px;}</style><input type="hidden" name="action" value="list" /><input type="hidden" name="m" value="' . $mname . '" />'; showtableheader($mname . '_search', 'notop'); $search_items[] = $mname . '_subject' . '::<input type="text" name="subject" value="' . $_GET['subject'] . '" size="10" />'; $search_items[] = $mname . '_username' . '::<input type="text" name="username" value="' . $_GET['username'] . '" size="6" />'; $search_items[] = $mname . '_itemid' . '::<input type="text" name="itemid" value="' . (empty($_GET['itemid']) ? '' : $_GET['itemid']) . '" size="3" />'; if ($mname == 'shop') { if (pkperm('isadmin') && !ckfounder($_G['uid'])) { foreach ($cats as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, explode(",", $_SGLOBAL['adminsession']['cpgroupshopcats']))) { unset($cats[$key]); } } } //所屬用戶組 $search_items[] = $mname . '_groupid' . '::<select name="groupid" id="shop_incat"><option value="0">' . lang('please_select') . '</option>' . $catstr . '</select>'; //所屬分類 $search_items[] = $mname . '_catid' . '::' . InteractionCategoryMenu($cats, 'catid', null, null); } else { if ($mname == 'album' && $_GET['from'] == 'addphoto') { //相冊所屬店舖 $search_items[] = $mname . '_shopid' . '::<select name="shopid" id="shop_incat"><option value="' . $_G['cookie']['shopid'] . '">' . $_G['cookie']['shopid'] . '</option></select>'; } else { //所屬店舖 $search_items[] = 'search_shopid' . '::<input type="text" name="shopid" value="' . (empty($_GET['shopid']) ? '' : $_GET['shopid']) . '" size="6" />'; } if ($mname != 'photo') { //所屬分類 $search_items[] = $mname . '_catid' . '::' . InteractionCategoryMenu($cats, 'catid', null, null); } } if ($mname == 'album') { //相冊類型默認相冊還是自定義相冊 $search_items[] = $mname . '_type' . '::<select name="type"><option value="user" selected="selected">' . lang('album_user') . '</option><option value="import">' . lang('album_import') . '</option><option value="default">' . lang('album_default') . '</option></select>'; } elseif ($mname == 'photo') { //none } elseif ($mname == "shop") { $search_items[] = 'mod_recommend' . '::<select id="recommend" name="recommend">' . '<option value="" selected="selected">' . lang('all') . '</option>' . '<option value="yes">' . lang('yes') . '</option>' . '<option value="no">' . lang('no') . '</option>' . '</select>'; } else { $search_items[] = $mname . '_grade' . '::<select name="grade"><option value="-1">' . lang('please_select') . '</option>' . $gradestr . '</select>'; } $search_items[] = 'order' . '::<select id="order" name="order">' . '<option value="itemid">' . lang($mname . '_dateline') . '</option>' . '<option value="lastpost">' . lang('lastpost') . '</option>' . '<option value="viewnum">' . lang('viewnum') . '</option>' . '<option value="replynum">' . lang('replynum') . '</option>' . '</select>'; $search_items[] = 'sc' . '::<select id="sc" name="sc">' . '<option value="ASC">' . lang('ASC') . '</option>' . '<option value="DESC" selected>' . lang('DESC') . '</option>' . '</select>'; if ($mname == 'shop') { showshop_byletter(); } foreach ($search_items as $k => $v) { $tmp = explode('::', $v); showsetting($tmp[0], '', '', $tmp[1]); } // 顯示搜索按鈕 showsetting('', '', '', '<input style="width:50px;" class="btn" type="submit" name="filtersubmit" value="' . lang('search') . '" />'); showtablefooter(); showformfooter(); }
$content = file_get_contents('php://input'); $json = json_decode($content); $uid = $json->uid; $username = $json->username; $message = $json->message; $wallid = $json->wallid; if (inject_check($uid) || inject_check($message) || inject_check($wallid)) { returnResponse(40001, "system is busy 05"); } else { $Query = $_SGLOBAL['db']->query("SELECT uid,wallname,`check` FROM " . tname('wall') . " WHERE id = '{$WallId}' "); if ($Value = $_SGLOBAL['db']->fetch_array($Query)) { $apply = $Value['uid']; $check = $Value['check']; $WallTitle = $Value['wallname']; } $isfounder = ckfounder($uid); if ($check || $isfounder || $uid == 144 || $uid == $apply) { $pass = 1; } $setarr = array('uid' => $uid, 'pass' => 1, 'username' => $username, 'message' => $message, 'wallid' => $wallid, 'ip' => 'weixin', 'timeline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'fromdevice' => 'wechat'); //入库 $newwallid = inserttable('wallfield', $setarr, 1); if ($check > 0 && $pass > 0) { $message = "<a href=\"plugin.php?pluginid=wall&wallid=" . $WallId . "&ac=track\">#" . $WallTitle . "#</a> " . $message; $feedarr = array('appid' => UC_APPID, 'icon' => 'doing', 'uid' => $uid, 'username' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_username'], 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'title_template' => cplang('feed_doing_title'), 'title_data' => saddslashes(serialize(sstripslashes(array('message' => $message)))), 'body_template' => '', 'body_data' => '', 'id' => $newwallid, 'idtype' => 'wallid'); $feedarr['hash_template'] = md5($feedarr['title_template'] . "\t" . $feedarr['body_template']); $feedarr['hash_data'] = md5($feedarr['title_template'] . "\t" . $feedarr['title_data'] . "\t" . $feedarr['body_template'] . "\t" . $feedarr['body_data']); $FeedId = inserttable('feed', $feedarr, 1); if ($FeedId) { updatetable('wallfield', array('feedid' => $FeedId), array('id' => $id)); }
exit('Access Denied'); } $_g_xid = intval($_GET['xid']); $_g_uid = intval($_GET['uid']); if ($_REQUEST['id'] && $_REQUEST['xid']) { $groupbuy = $_BCACHE->getiteminfo('groupbuy', $_REQUEST['xid'], $_REQUEST['id']); $groupbuy['message'] = bbcode2html($groupbuy['message']); if (!$groupbuy) { showmessage('not_found_msg', 'index.php'); } } if (!empty($_GET['do'])) { if (!in_array($_GET['do'], array('markdelstatus', 'marknormalstatus', 'groupbuy_attend_detail'))) { showmessage('system_error', '', 'error'); } else { if (!ckfounder($_G['uid']) && !array_key_exists($_REQUEST['id'], $_G['myshopsarr'])) { showmessage('no_perm', "store.php?id=" . $_GET['id'] . "&action=groupbuy&xid=" . $_g_xid); } } } if (submitcheck('submitgroupbuyjoin')) { @(include_once B_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'); $arr_data = array(); $joininfo = $_POST['join']; $arr_data['itemid'] = $joininfo['groupbuyid']; $arr_data['uid'] = $_G['uid']; $arr_data['username'] = $_G['username']; $arr_data['realname'] = $joininfo['realname']; $arr_data['mobile'] = $joininfo['mobile']; $arr_data['dateline'] = $_G['timestamp']; if ($groupbuy['grade'] < 3 || $groupbuy['close'] == 1) {
<?php /* [UCenter Home] (C) 2007-2008 Comsenz Inc. $Id: inc_debug.php 10784 2008-12-22 07:57:02Z liguode $ */ if (!defined('IN_UCHOME')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (D_BUG && ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { print <<<EOF \t<style> \t.tclass, .tclass2 { \ttext-align:left;width:900px;border:0;border-collapse:collapse;margin-bottom:5px;table-layout: fixed; word-wrap: break-word;background:#FFF;} \t.tclass table, .tclass2 table {width:100%;border:0;table-layout: fixed; word-wrap: break-word;} \t.tclass table td, .tclass2 table td {border-bottom:0;border-right:0;border-color: #ADADAD;} \t.tclass th, .tclass2 th {border:1px solid #000;background:#CCC;padding: 2px;font-family: Courier New, Arial;font-size: 11px;} \t.tclass td, .tclass2 td {border:1px solid #000;background:#FFFCCC;padding: 2px;font-family: Courier New, Arial;font-size: 11px;} \t.tclass2 th {background:#D5EAEA;} \t.tclass2 td {background:#FFFFFF;} \t.firsttr td {border-top:0;} \t.firsttd {border-left:none !important;} \t.bold {font-weight:bold;} \t</style> \t<div id="uchome_debug" style="display:;"> EOF; $class = 'tclass2'; if (empty($_SGLOBAL['debug_query'])) { $_SGLOBAL['debug_query'] = array(); } foreach ($_SGLOBAL['debug_query'] as $dkey => $debug) {
<?php /* [UCenter Home] (C) 2007-2008 Comsenz Inc. $Id: admincp_backup.php 11889 2009-03-30 08:20:43Z xupeng $ */ if (!defined('IN_UCHOME') || !defined('IN_ADMINCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } // Check Permissions if (!checkperm('managebackup') || !ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { cpmessage('no_authority_management_operation_backup'); } //Get sub volume number $volume = isset($_GET['volume']) ? intval($_GET['volume']) + 1 : 1; $backupdir = data_get('backupdir'); $x_ver = X_VER; //Backup file directory if (empty($backupdir)) { $backupdir = random(6); data_set('backupdir', $backupdir); } $backupdir = 'backup_' . $backupdir; if (!is_dir(S_ROOT . './data/' . $backupdir)) { @mkdir(S_ROOT . './data/' . $backupdir, 0777); } // delete Backup files if (submitcheck('delexportsubmit')) { if (!empty($_POST['delexport']) && is_array($_POST['delexport'])) { foreach ($_POST['delexport'] as $value) { $fileext = fileext($value);
if ($result) { $setarr['flag'] = $_POST['flag']; } } if ($uid != $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] || ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { if (empty($_POST['groupid'])) { $_POST['groupid'] = getgroupid($_POST['experience'], 0); } else { $expiration = $_POST['expiration'] ? sstrtotime($_POST['expiration']) : 0; if ($expiration && $expiration <= $_SGLOBAL['timestamp']) { showmessage('time_expired_error'); } } include_once S_ROOT . './data/data_usergroup_' . $_POST['groupid'] . '.php'; $group = $_SGLOBAL['usergroup'][$_POST['groupid']]; if ($group['manageconfig'] && !ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { cpmessage('no_authority_management_operation'); } //有效期 if ($expiration) { $setlogarr = array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'username' => addslashes($member['username']), 'opuid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'], 'opusername' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_username'], 'expiration' => $expiration, 'dateline' => $_SGLOBAL['timestamp'], 'flag' => 1); inserttable('spacelog', $setlogarr, 0, true); } $setarr['groupid'] = intval($_POST['groupid']); } } //实名管理权限 if ($managename) { $setarr['name'] = getstr($_POST['name'], 20, 1, 1); $setarr['namestatus'] = intval($_POST['namestatus']); //实名认证通过奖励积分
} } elseif ($_GET['op'] == 'manage') { $groupidarr = array($member['groupid'] => ' selected'); $groupstr = ''; foreach ($_SGLOBAL['grouparr'] as $value) { if (!(ckfounder($member['uid']) || $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] == $member['uid']) || $groupidarr[$value['groupid']]) { $groupstr .= '<option value="' . $value['groupid'] . '"' . $groupidarr[$value['groupid']] . ' >' . $value['grouptitle'] . '</option>'; } } $avatarstr = avatar($member['uid'], 'middle'); $member['dateline'] = empty($member['dateline']) ? '-' : date('Y-m-d H:i', $member['dateline']); $member['updatetime'] = empty($member['updatetime']) ? '-' : date('Y-m-d H:i', $member['updatetime']); $member['lastlogin'] = empty($member['lastlogin']) ? '-' : date('Y-m-d H:i', $member['lastlogin']); $member['lastsearchtime'] = empty($member['lastsearchtime']) ? '-' : date('Y-m-d H:i', $member['lastsearchtime']); $member['ip'] = empty($member['ip']) ? '-' : trim($member['ip']); if (ckfounder($member['uid']) || $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'] == $member['uid']) { $member['flagstr'] = ''; } else { $member['flagstr'] = empty($member['flag']) ? '<a href="' . CPURL . '?action=member&op=delete&uid=' . $member['uid'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $alang['confirm_the_deletion_user_date'] . '\');">' . $alang['delete_user_date'] . '</a>' : $alang['users_protection_was_not_deleted']; } $member['flagcheck'] = empty($member['flag']) ? array(' checked', '') : array('', ' checked'); } else { $mpurl = CPURL . '?action=' . $action; //处理搜索 $intkeys = array('uid', 'groupid'); $strkeys = array('username'); $randkeys = array(array('sstrtotime', 'dateline'), array('sstrtotime', 'updatetime')); $likekeys = array(); $results = getwheres($intkeys, $strkeys, $randkeys, $likekeys, 's.'); $wherearr = $results['wherearr']; $wheresql = empty($wherearr) ? '1' : implode(' AND ', $wherearr);
function checkperm($permtype, $gid = 0) { global $_SGLOBAL, $_SCONFIG, $channel, $channels; if (!@(include_once S_ROOT . './data/system/group.cache.php')) { include_once S_ROOT . './function/cache.func.php'; updategroupcache(); } $founderprem = array('managetpl', 'managecss', 'managestyletpl'); if (ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { return $permtype == 'allowdirectpost' ? false : true; //´´Ê¼È˲»×öȨÏÞ¼ì²é } elseif (in_array($permtype, $founderprem)) { return false; //·Ç´´Ê¼ÈËȨÏÞ } if (!$gid) { if (empty($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { getmember(); } if (empty($_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid'])) { $gid = 2; //ÓοÍ×é } else { $gid = intval($_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid']); $gid = getgroupid($_SGLOBAL['member']['experience'], $gid); if ($gid != $_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid']) { updatetable('members', array('groupid' => $gid), array('uid' => $_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])); //¸üÐÂÓû§×é } } if (!empty($channel)) { if (!empty($channels['menus'][$channel][$permtype])) { $extgroupid = explode("\t", $channels['menus'][$channel][$permtype]); if (!in_array($gid, $extgroupid)) { return false; } //ûÓÐƵµÀ·ÃÎÊȨ } } } if ($permtype == 'allowmanage') { return true; } return empty($_SGLOBAL['grouparr'][$gid][$permtype]) ? false : true; }
<?php /* [UCenter Home] (C) 2007-2008 Comsenz Inc. $Id: admincp_template.php 12901 2009-07-27 07:59:27Z liguode $ */ if (!defined('IN_UCHOME') || !defined('IN_ADMINCP')) { exit('Access Denied'); } //权限 if (empty($_SC['allowedittpl']) || !checkperm('managetemplate') || !ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid'])) { cpmessage('no_authority_management_operation_edittpl'); } $turl = 'admincp.php?ac=template'; //模板目录 $tpldir = S_ROOT . './template/default/'; if (submitcheck('editsubmit')) { $filename = checkfilename($_POST['filename']); $filefullname = $tpldir . $filename; //复制当前的文件 $d_file = $filefullname . '.bak'; if (!file_exists($d_file)) { if (!@copy($filefullname, $d_file)) { swritefile($d_file, sreadfile($filefullname)); } } $fp = fopen($filefullname, 'wb'); flock($fp, 2); fwrite($fp, stripslashes($_POST['content'])); fclose($fp); //清空模板缓存
<?php /** * [Discuz!] (C)2001-2099 Comsenz Inc. * This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms * * $Id: misc_debug.php 6757 2010-03-25 09:01:29Z cnteacher $ */ if (!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) { exit('Access Denied'); } if (DISCUZ_DEBUG && ckfounder($_G['uid'])) { print <<<EOF \t<style> \t.tclass, .tclass2 { \ttext-align:left;width:900px;border:0;border-collapse:collapse;margin-bottom:5px;table-layout: fixed; word-wrap: break-word;background:#FFF;} \t.tclass table, .tclass2 table {width:100%;border:0;table-layout: fixed; word-wrap: break-word;} \t.tclass table td, .tclass2 table td {border-bottom:0;border-right:0;border-color: #ADADAD;} \t.tclass th, .tclass2 th {border:1px solid #000;background:#CCC;padding: 2px;font-family: Courier New, Arial;font-size: 11px;} \t.tclass td, .tclass2 td {border:1px solid #000;background:#FFFCCC;padding: 2px;font-family: Courier New, Arial;font-size: 11px;} \t.tclass2 th {background:#D5EAEA;} \t.tclass2 td {background:#FFFFFF;} \t.firsttr td {border-top:0;} \t.firsttd {border-left:none !important;} \t.bold {font-weight:bold;} \t</style> \t<div id="uchome_debug" style="display:;"> EOF; $class = 'tclass2'; if (empty($_G['debug_query'])) { $_G['debug_query'] = array();
} else { ssetcookie('_refer', rawurlencode('admincp.php?ac=' . $_GET['ac'])); } // showmessage('to_login', 'do.php?ac='.$_SCONFIG['login_action']); //原始版 showmessage('to_login', 'OpenID.call.php'); //OpenID登陆 } $space = getspace($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); if (empty($space)) { showmessage('space_does_not_exist'); } if (checkperm('banvisit')) { ckspacelog(); showmessage('you_do_not_have_permission_to_visit'); } $isfounder = ckfounder($_SGLOBAL['supe_uid']); $acs = array(array('index', 'config', 'privacy', 'ip', 'spam', 'hotuser', 'defaultuser', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'magic', 'magiclog', 'profield', 'ad', 'userapp'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'event', 'report', 'space'), array('cache', 'network', 'profilefield', 'eventclass', 'click', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron', 'app', 'log'), array('feed', 'blog', 'album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'share', 'poll')); if (!empty($_SC['allowedittpl']) && $isfounder) { $acs[2][] = 'template'; } if ($isfounder) { $acs[2][] = 'backup'; } if (empty($_GET['ac']) || !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[0]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[1]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[2]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[3])) { $ac = 'index'; } else { $ac = $_GET['ac']; } //来源 if (!preg_match("/admincp\\.php/", $_SGLOBAL['refer'])) { $_SGLOBAL['refer'] = "admincp.php?ac={$ac}";
function changeowner($uid = 1, $itemarr = '') { global $_G, $_SGLOBAL, $mname, $cookie_referer, $_BCACHE; if (!empty($itemarr)) { $uid = intval($uid); if ($mname != 'shop') { cpmsg('mod_notinshop', $cookie_referer); //非店舖不能修改所有者 } if ($uid > 0) { require_once B_ROOT . './uc_client/client.php'; $tmp = uc_get_user($uid, 1); $uid = intval($tmp[0]); //讓UC驗證該id是否存在 $username = addslashes($tmp[1]); $email = addslashes($tmp[2]); if (!($uid > 0 && $username)) { cpmsg('no_uid', $cookie_referer, '', '', true, 3); //UC中沒有該用戶 } $thisshopid = DB::result_first("SELECT myshopid FROM " . tname('members') . " WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); if ($thisshopid === false) { //會員表中沒有該用戶,自動插入數據 $insertsqlarr = array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username, 'password' => '', 'groupid' => 12, 'email' => $email, 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'updatetime' => $_G['timestamp'], 'lastlogin' => 0, 'ip' => $_G['clientip']); inserttable('members', $insertsqlarr); } foreach ($itemarr as $itemid) { updatemyshopid($itemid); updatetable('shopitems', array('uid' => $uid, 'username' => $username), array('itemid' => $itemid)); } if (!ckfounder($uid)) { updatetable('members', array('myshopid' => intval($itemarr[0])), array('uid' => $uid)); $_BCACHE->deltype('sitelist', 'shop', $uid); } } else { cpmsg('no_uidanditemid', $cookie_referer); //提交的數據不合法 } } }