public function getGroupAndTagInfos()
     global $user;
     $a = array();
     if (user_access("view alldata", "churchdb")) {
         $a["groups"] = getAllGroups();
     } else {
         $a["groups"] = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, false, true);
     $a["tags"] = getAllTags();
     return $a;
  * @param array $params
  * @throws CTException
 public function sendEMail($params)
     global $user;
     include_once './' . CHURCHDB . '/churchdb_db.php';
     $groups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, false);
     if (empty($groups[$params["groupid"]])) {
         throw new CTException("Group is not allowed!");
     $ids = churchdb_getAllPeopleIdsFromGroups(array($params["groupid"]));
     churchcore_sendEMailToPersonIDs(implode(",", $ids), "[" . getConf('site_name') . "] " . t('message.from.x', "{$user->vorname}  {$user->name}"), $params["message"], null, true);
Esempio n. 3
 * get absent times
 * @param string $year
 * @return string
function churchservice_getAbsents($year = null)
    $txt = '';
    if (user_access("view", "churchdb")) {
        $user = $_SESSION["user"];
        include_once CHURCHDB . '/churchdb_db.php';
        $groups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true);
        $allPersonIds = churchdb_getAllPeopleIdsFromGroups($groups);
        if (count($groups) > 0 && count($allPersonIds) > 0) {
            $sql = "SELECT p_id,, p.vorname, DATE_FORMAT(a.startdate, '%d.%m.') AS startdate_short,\n                DATE_FORMAT(a.startdate, '%d.%m.%Y') AS startdate, DATE_FORMAT(a.enddate, '%d.%m.%Y') AS enddate,\n                a.bezeichnung, ar.bezeichnung reason\n              FROM {cdb_person} p, {cs_absent} a, {cs_absent_reason} ar\n              WHERE AND\n              AND in (" . db_implode($allPersonIds) . ") ";
            if ($year == null) {
                $sql .= "AND DATEDIFF(a.startdate,NOW())>=-1 AND DATEDIFF(a.startdate,NOW())<=31";
            } else {
                $sql .= "AND (DATE_FORMAT(a.startdate, '%Y')={$year} OR DATE_FORMAT(a.enddate, '%Y')={$year})";
            $sql .= "\n              ORDER BY a.startdate";
            $db = db_query($sql);
            $people = array();
            foreach ($db as $a) {
                if (!isset($people[$a->p_id])) {
                    $people[$a->p_id] = array();
                $people[$a->p_id][] = $a;
            if (count($people)) {
                $txt = '<ul>';
                foreach ($people as $p) {
                    $txt .= '<li>' . $p[0]->vorname . " " . $p[0]->name . ": <p>";
                    foreach ($p as $abwesend) {
                        $reason = $abwesend->bezeichnung ? $abwesend->bezeichnung . " ({$abwesend->reason})" : $abwesend->reason;
                        if ($abwesend->startdate == $abwesend->enddate) {
                            $txt .= "<small>{$abwesend->startdate} {$reason}</small><br/>";
                        } else {
                            $txt .= "<small>{$abwesend->startdate_short} - {$abwesend->enddate} {$reason}</small><br/>";
                $txt .= '</ul>';
    return $txt;
Esempio n. 4
function churchcal_getBirthdays($params)
    global $user;
    $all = isset($params["all"]) && $params["all"] == true;
    include_once CHURCHDB . "/churchdb_db.php";
    if (!$all) {
        $gpids = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, false);
        if ($gpids == null) {
            return null;
        $res = db_query("select, gp.geburtsdatum birthday, concat(p.vorname, ' ', as name \n             from {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp \n        where gpg.gruppe_id in (" . implode(',', $gpids) . ") and and \n and p.archiv_yn=0 and gp.geburtsdatum is not null");
        $arrs = array();
        foreach ($res as $a) {
            $arrs[$a->id] = $a;
        return $arrs;
    } else {
        $persons = churchdb_getAllowedPersonData("archiv_yn=0 and geburtsdatum is not null", " p_id,, gp_id, concat(p.vorname, ' ', as name, geburtsdatum birthday");
        return $persons;
Esempio n. 5
function churchdb_getTodos()
    global $user;
    $mygroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true, false);
    $mysupergroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true, true);
    if ($mygroups == null) {
        return "";
    if ($mysupergroups == null) {
        $mysupergroups = array(-1);
    $db = db_query("select, p.vorname,, g.bezeichnung, gpg.status_no, s.bezeichnung status\n           from {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gruppe} g, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gruppenteilnehmerstatus} s \n           where s.intern_code=gpg.status_no and\n  and and and\n           ((gpg.gruppe_id in (" . implode(',', $mygroups) . ") and gpg.status_no<-1) \n           or (gpg.gruppe_id in (" . implode(',', $mysupergroups) . ") and gpg.status_no=-1))\n           order by status");
    $arr = array();
    if ($db == false) {
        return "";
    foreach ($db as $g) {
        if (isset($arr[$g->status_no])) {
            $a = $arr[$g->status_no];
        } else {
            $a = (object) array();
        if (isset($a->content)) {
            $c = $a->content;
        } else {
            $c = array();
        $c[] = $g;
        $a->content = $c;
        $a->status_no = $g->status_no;
        $a->status = $g->status;
        $arr[$g->status_no] = $a;
    $txt = "";
    $entries = "";
    $status = "";
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($arr as $status) {
        $txt .= '<li><p>' . $status->status . ' &nbsp;<label class="pull-right badge badge-' . ($status->status_no == -1 ? "important" : "info") . '">' . count($status->content) . '</label>';
        foreach ($status->content as $g) {
            $txt .= '<br/><small><a href="?q=churchdb#PersonView/searchEntry:#' . $g->id . '">' . $g->vorname . ' ' . $g->name . '</a>';
            $txt .= ' - ' . $g->bezeichnung . '</small>';
    if ($txt != "") {
        $txt = '<ul>' . $txt . '</ul>';
    return $txt;
Esempio n. 6
 * get birthdays (all or from own groups)
 * @param array $params
 * @return
function churchcal_getBirthdays($params)
    global $user;
    $all = isset($params["all"]) && $params["all"] == true;
    //  $all = (bool) getVar("all", false, $params); //TODO: use this, not tested
    include_once CHURCHDB . "/churchdb_db.php";
    if (!$all) {
        $gpids = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, false);
        if (!$gpids) {
            return null;
        $res = db_query("SELECT, gp.geburtsdatum AS birthday, CONCAT(p.vorname, ' ', AS name\n                     FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp\n                     WHERE gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($gpids) . ") AND AND\n              AND p.archiv_yn=0 AND gp.geburtsdatum IS NOT NULL");
        $arrs = array();
        foreach ($res as $a) {
            $arrs[$a->id] = $a;
        return $arrs;
    } else {
        //why 2x
        $persons = churchdb_getAllowedPersonData("archiv_yn=0 and geburtsdatum IS NOT NULL", " AS p_id,, gp_id, CONCAT(p.vorname, ' ', AS name, geburtsdatum birthday");
        return $persons;
 * Holt sich eine Person entweder in den Gruppen in denen ich auch bin oder die Bereiche, wo ich ViewAll habe.
 * @param string $searchpattern 
 * @param bool $withMyDepartemtnt, default=false; search also in my department, even if i dont have view all there?
 * @return array  (name => "surname name", id => 123)
function _churchdb_getPersonByName($searchpattern, $withMyDepartment = false)
    global $user;
    // check for view all permisson
    $auth = user_access("view alldata", "churchdb");
    if ($withMyDepartment) {
        if ($auth) {
            $auth = array_merge($auth, churchdb_getAllowedDeps());
        } else {
            $auth = churchdb_getAllowedDeps();
    $data = null;
    if ($auth) {
        // get matching persons by departement and searchpattern
        $res = db_query("SELECT p.*, gp.imageurl FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_bereich_person} bp \n        WHERE p.archiv_yn=0 AND AND AND bp.bereich_id IN (" . implode(",", $auth) . ") \n        AND (UPPER(name) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%') OR UPPER(vorname) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%')\n              OR (CONCAT(UPPER(vorname),' ',UPPER(name)) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%') )\n        OR (CONCAT(UPPER(spitzname),' ',UPPER(name)) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%') )\n        OR (UPPER(email) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%') )\n        ) ORDER BY vorname, name");
        foreach ($res as $p) {
            $data[$p->id]["id"] = $p->id;
            if ($p->spitzname) {
                $data[$p->id]["name"] = "{$p->vorname} ({$p->spitzname}) {$p->name}";
                $data[$p->id]["shortname"] = "{$p->spitzname} {$p->name}";
            } else {
                $data[$p->id]["name"] = $p->vorname . " " . $p->name;
                $data[$p->id]["shortname"] = "{$p->vorname} {$p->name}";
            $data[$p->id]["imageurl"] = $p->imageurl;
    // get groups i have view permission for
    $g_ids = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, false);
    // get matching persons from this groups
    if (count($g_ids)) {
        $res = db_query("SELECT, p.vorname,, gp.imageurl\n          FROM {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg\n          WHERE p.archiv_yn=0 AND gpg.gemeindeperson_id = AND gp.person_id =\n            AND gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . implode(",", $g_ids) . ")\n            AND (UPPER(p.vorname) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%') \n            OR UPPER(p.vorname) LIKE UPPER('" . $searchpattern . "%')) ORDER BY p.vorname,");
        foreach ($res as $p) {
            if (!isset($data[$p->id])) {
                // if person not already inserted, add them
                $arr = array();
                // TODO: why not $data[$p->id] here? If not important replace with code below
                $arr["id"] = $p->id;
                $arr["name"] = $p->vorname . " " . $p->name;
                $arr["imageurl"] = $p->imageurl;
                $data[] = $arr;
                //       $data[$p->id]["id"] = $p->id;
                //       $data[$p->id]["name"] = $p->vorname. " ". $p->name;
                //       $data[$p->id]["imageurl"] = $p->imageurl;
    $arrs["result"] = "ok";
    $arrs["data"] = $data;
    return $arrs;
  * Move all Meeting data from a group to another
  * @param unknown $params from_g_id, to_g_id, id
 public function moveMeetingDataFromGroupPerson($params)
     global $user;
     $dt = new DateTime();
     $myGroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true);
     if (user_access("administer groups", "churchdb") || isset($myGroups[$params["from_g_id"]])) {
         // Get all data for person and group
         $db = db_query("SELECT gt.*, gp_id FROM {cdb_gruppentreffen} gt, {cdb_gruppentreffen_gemeindeperson} gtgp, cdb_gemeindeperson gp\n                      WHERE gp.person_id=:p_id AND AND", array(":p_id" => $params["id"]));
         foreach ($db as $gt) {
             // check if new gruppentreffen exists
             $to_g = db_query("SELECT * from {cdb_gruppentreffen} WHERE gruppe_id=:gruppe_id AND datumvon=:datumvon", array(":gruppe_id" => $params["to_g_id"], ":datumvon" => $gt->datumvon))->fetch();
             if ($to_g == false) {
                 // copy gruppentreffen
                 db_query("INSERT INTO {cdb_gruppentreffen} (gruppe_id, datumvon, datumbis, eintragerfolgt_yn,\n                           ausgefallen_yn, anzahl_gaeste, kommentar, modified_date, modified_pid)\n                     SELECT :to_g_id as gruppe_id, datumvon, datumbis, eintragerfolgt_yn,\n                           ausgefallen_yn, anzahl_gaeste, kommentar, '" . $dt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "',\n                           {$user->id} as modified_pid\n                           FROM {cdb_gruppentreffen}\n                    WHERE gruppe_id=:gruppe_id and datumvon=:datumvon", array(":gruppe_id" => $params["from_g_id"], ":datumvon" => $gt->datumvon, ":to_g_id" => $params["to_g_id"]));
                 // and get id
                 $to_g = db_query("SELECT * from {cdb_gruppentreffen} WHERE gruppe_id=:gruppe_id AND datumvon=:datumvon", array(":gruppe_id" => $params["to_g_id"], ":datumvon" => $gt->datumvon))->fetch();
             // now move the meeting to the new gruppentreffen_id
             db_query("UPDATE {cdb_gruppentreffen_gemeindeperson} SET gruppentreffen_id=:gruppentreffenneu_id\n                  WHERE gruppentreffen_id=:gruppentreffen_id AND gemeindeperson_id=:gp_id", array(':gruppentreffen_id' => $gt->id, ':gruppentreffenneu_id' => $to_g->id, ':gp_id' => $gt->gp_id));
Esempio n. 9
 * TODO: churchdb_getTodos is not tested (where?)
 * explain, when gpg.status_no < -1 / replace status_nos by speaking constants
 * @return string
function churchdb_getTodos()
    global $user;
    $mygroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true, false);
    $mysupergroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true, true);
    if (!$mygroups) {
        return "";
    if (!$mysupergroups) {
        $mysupergroups = array(-1);
    $groups = db_query("\n      SELECT, p.vorname,, g.bezeichnung, gpg.status_no, s.bezeichnung AS status\n      FROM {cdb_person} p, {cdb_gruppe} g, {cdb_gemeindeperson} gp, {cdb_gemeindeperson_gruppe} gpg, {cdb_gruppenteilnehmerstatus} s\n      WHERE s.intern_code=gpg.status_no AND AND AND\n        AND ((gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($mygroups) . ") AND gpg.status_no<-1)\n          OR (gpg.gruppe_id IN (" . db_implode($mysupergroups) . ") AND gpg.status_no=-1))\n      ORDER BY status");
    if (!$groups) {
        return "";
    $arr = array();
    foreach ($groups as $g) {
        if (!isset($arr[$g->status_no])) {
            $arr[$g->status_no] = (object) array();
        if (!isset($arr[$g->status_no]->content)) {
            $arr[$g->status_no]->content = array();
        // TODO is this the same as the 2 lines above?
        //     if (!isset($arr[$g->status_no])) $arr[$g->status_no] = (object) array ('content' => array());
        $arr[$g->status_no]->content[] = $g;
        $arr[$g->status_no]->status_no = $g->status_no;
        $arr[$g->status_no]->status = $g->status;
    $txt = "";
    $entries = "";
    $status = "";
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($arr as $status) {
        $txt .= "<li><p>{$status->status} &nbsp;<label class='pull-right badge badge-" . ($status->status_no == -1 ? "important" : "info") . "'>" . count($status->content) . "</label>";
        foreach ($status->content as $g) {
            $txt .= "<br/><small><a href='?q=churchdb#PersonView/searchEntry:#{$g->id}'>{$g->vorname} {$g->name}</a> - {$g->bezeichnung}</small>";
    if ($txt != "") {
        $txt = '<ul>' . $txt . '</ul>';
    return $txt;
 * get church service authorisation
 * @return array 
function churchservice_getAuthorization()
    global $auth;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["user"]->auth["churchservice"])) {
        return null;
    $auth = $_SESSION["user"]->auth["churchservice"];
    $user_pid = $_SESSION["user"]->id;
    $res = null;
    // TODO: why not $res = array();
    $res["user_pid"] = $user_pid;
    if (user_access("view", "churchdb")) {
        $res["viewchurchdb"] = true;
    if (user_access("administer persons", "churchcore")) {
        $res["administer persons"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["view"])) {
        $res["read"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["edit events"])) {
        $res["read"] = true;
        $res["write"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["view history"])) {
        $res["viewhistory"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["view history"])) {
        $res["viewhistory"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["export data"])) {
        $res["export"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["edit template"])) {
        $res["edit template"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["edit masterdata"])) {
        $res["admin"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["manage absent"])) {
        $res["manageabsent"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["view facts"])) {
        $res["viewfacts"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["export facts"])) {
        $res["exportfacts"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["edit facts"])) {
        $res["editfacts"] = true;
        $res["viewfacts"] = true;
    if (isset($auth["view song"])) {
        if (isset($auth["view songcategory"])) {
            //use this? if (isset($auth["view song"]) && isset($auth["view songcategory"]))
            $res["viewsong"] = true;
            $res["viewsongcategory"] = $auth["view songcategory"];
    if (isset($auth["edit song"])) {
        if (isset($auth["view songcategory"])) {
            $res["viewsong"] = true;
            $res["editsong"] = true;
            $res["viewsongcategory"] = $auth["view songcategory"];
    if (isset($auth["view servicegroup"])) {
        $res_view = $auth["view servicegroup"];
    } else {
        $res_view = array();
    //check if user is in one of the groups of servicegroup
    $arr = churchcore_getTableData("cs_servicegroup", "sortkey");
    $myTnGroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user_pid, true, false);
    $myLdGroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user_pid, true, true);
    foreach ($arr as $grp) {
        $groups = churchservice_getGroupsOfServiceGroup($grp->id);
        if ($grp->viewall_yn == 1 || array_in_array($groups, $myTnGroups)) {
            $res_view[$grp->id] = true;
    $res["viewgroup"] = $res_view;
    if (isset($auth["edit servicegroup"])) {
        $res["editgroup"] = $auth["edit servicegroup"];
        // Copy edit permission to view permissions!
        // TODO: is there a difference to $res["viewgroup"] = $auth["edit servicegroup"]?
        foreach ($auth["edit servicegroup"] as $key => $a) {
            $res["viewgroup"][$key] = $a;
    } else {
        $res["editgroup"] = array();
    // check if user is leader or at least member of a group
    // this is important for editing entries
    $arr = churchcore_getTableData("cs_service", "sortkey");
    $res_member = array();
    $res_leader = array();
    $res_edit = array();
    foreach ($arr as $service) {
        $groups = churchservice_getGroupsOfService($service->id);
        if (array_in_array($groups, $myLdGroups)) {
            $res_member[$service->id] = true;
            $res_leader[$service->id] = true;
        } else {
            if (array_in_array($groups, $myTnGroups)) {
                $res_member[$service->id] = true;
        // check edit permission for service group
        if (isset($res["editgroup"][$service->servicegroup_id])) {
            $res_edit[$service->id] = true;
    $res["memberservice"] = $res_member;
    $res["leaderservice"] = $res_leader;
    $res["editservice"] = $res_edit;
    if (isset($auth["view agenda"])) {
        $res["view agenda"] = $auth["view agenda"];
    if (isset($auth["edit agenda"])) {
        $res["edit agenda"] = $auth["edit agenda"];
        // copy permissions to view
        // TODO: is there a difference to $res["edit_agenda"] = $res["view agenda"]?
        foreach ($res["edit agenda"] as $key => $edit) {
            $res["view agenda"][$key] = $edit;
    if (isset($auth["edit agenda templates"])) {
        $res["edit agenda templates"] = $auth["edit agenda templates"];
    $auth = $res;
    //$auth is global; TODO: why not use $auth all the way rather then the additional $res?
    return $res;
Esempio n. 11
 * is user leader of person?
 * @param int $leader_id          
 * @param int $person_id          
 * @return boolean
function churchdb_isPersonLeaderOfPerson($leader_id, $person_id)
    $myGroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($leader_id, true, true);
    if (count($myGroups) > 0) {
        return churchdb_isPersonInGroups($person_id, $myGroups);
    return false;
function churchservice_getAbsents($year = null)
    $txt = '';
    if (user_access("view", "churchdb")) {
        $user = $_SESSION["user"];
        include_once CHURCHDB . '/churchdb_db.php';
        $groups = churchdb_getMyGroups($user->id, true, true);
        $allPersonIds = churchdb_getAllPeopleIdsFromGroups($groups);
        if (count($groups) > 0 && count($allPersonIds) > 0) {
            $sql = "SELECT p_id,, p.vorname, DATE_FORMAT(a.startdate, '%d.%m.') startdate_short, DATE_FORMAT(a.startdate, '%d.%m.%Y') startdate, DATE_FORMAT(a.enddate, '%d.%m.%Y') enddate, a.bezeichnung, ar.bezeichnung reason \n                FROM {cdb_person} p, {cs_absent} a, {cs_absent_reason} ar \n              where and and in (" . implode(",", $allPersonIds) . ") ";
            if ($year == null) {
                $sql .= "and datediff(a.enddate,now())>=-1 and datediff(a.enddate,now())<=31";
            } else {
                $sql .= "and (DATE_FORMAT(a.startdate, '%Y')={$year} or DATE_FORMAT(a.enddate, '%Y')={$year})";
            $sql .= " order by a.startdate";
            $db = db_query($sql);
            $people = array();
            foreach ($db as $a) {
                if (isset($people[$a->p_id])) {
                    $absent = $people[$a->p_id];
                } else {
                    $absent = array();
                $absent[] = $a;
                $people[$a->p_id] = $absent;
            if (count($people) > 0) {
                $txt = '<ul>';
                foreach ($people as $p) {
                    $txt .= '<li>' . $p[0]->vorname . " " . $p[0]->name . ": <p>";
                    foreach ($p as $abwesend) {
                        $reason = $abwesend->reason;
                        if ($abwesend->bezeichnung != null) {
                            $reason = $abwesend->bezeichnung . " ({$reason})";
                        if ($abwesend->startdate == $abwesend->enddate) {
                            $txt .= '<small>' . $abwesend->startdate . " {$reason}</small><br/>";
                        } else {
                            $txt .= '<small>' . $abwesend->startdate_short . "-" . $abwesend->enddate . " {$reason}</small><br/>";
                $txt .= '</ul>';
            if ($year == null && user_access("view", "churchcal")) {
                $txt .= '<p style="line-height:100%" align="right"><a href="?q=churchcal&viewname=yearView">' . t("more") . '</a></p>';
    return $txt;
Esempio n. 13
 * is user leader or mitarbeiter of person in one group?
 * @param int $leader_id
 * @param int $person_id
 * @return boolean
function churchdb_isPersonLeaderOfPerson($leader_id, $person_id)
    $myGroups = churchdb_getMyGroups($leader_id, true, true);
    return !count($myGroups) ? false : churchdb_isPersonInGroups($person_id, $myGroups);