Esempio n. 1
 * PXHTML / Chip Binding Layer
 * Performs a parse using the PXHTML library, and adds
 * the chip: specific tags.
// init the framework if the PXHTML class doesn't exist yet
if (!class_exists('PXHTML')) {
$core = chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core;
$cache = isset($core['template_cache']) ? $core['template_cache'] : NULL;
$file = chip($this->route)->getFilePath() . '.php';
$chk = md5(file_get_contents($file));
if ($cache) {
    $_chip_pxhtml_cache_file = chip($cache . '/' . $chk)->getFilePath() . '.php';
} else {
    $_chip_pxhtml_cache_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'pxhtml') . '.php';
define('PXHTML_SIGNATURE_HASH', $chk);
header('X-Chippino-File-Checksum: ' . PXHTML_SIGNATURE_HASH . "\n\n");
// begin output buffering
// check for zlib.output_compression
// open proper output bufer
if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
Esempio n. 2

 * Performs an XSS Clean of the content
 * @param $value the value to clean
$value = $this->value;
$charset = chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['charset'];
// these strings are removed when encountered.
// we don't reduce them to '' to avoid reintroducing a blacklisted word
$blacklist_strings = array('fscommand' => '[removed]', 'seeksegmenttime' => '[removed]', 'document.cookie' => '[removed]', 'document.write' => '[removed]', '.parentNode' => '[removed]', '.innerHTML' => '[removed]', 'window.location' => '[removed]', '-moz-binding' => '[removed]', '<!--' => '&lt;!--', '-->' => '--&gt;', '<![CDATA[' => '&lt;![CDATA[');
// these words, if they are found, will trigger an advanced
// regex search
$blacklist_regex_triggers = array('javascript', 'expression', 'redirect');
// if a trigger is found, these regex will be ran
$blacklist_regex = array("javascript\\s*:" => '[removed]', "expression\\s*\\(" => '[removed]', "Redirect\\s+302" => '[removed]');
// this is a list of words which browsers will render with whitespace
// in them, for example
// java
// script
// these will be collapsed down to their non-spaced version.
$blacklist_whitespace = array('javascript', 'expression', 'script', 'vbscript', 'alert', 'document', 'write', 'cookie', 'window');
// a list of attributes that are not allowed. Anything starting with
// "on"* is caught in a separate filter
$xpath_check_attributes = array('xmlns');
// a list of notes that require special scrutiny
$xpath_check_special_attributes = array('href', 'style', 'src', 'dynsrc', 'lowsrc', 'datasrc');
// a list of known nodes to remove
$xpath_remove_nodes = array('vbscript', 'script', 'applet', 'object', 'embed', 'xss', 'bgsound', 'style', 'link', 'meta');
// first pass normalization
Esempio n. 3

// get all errors
return chipi('#Chippino/Request/_errors')->with();
Esempio n. 4

 * Gets the post handler for our post data
 * @param String handler the handler to match
 * @return String the best matching handler
if (!$this->handler) {
    return FALSE;
// load handler table
$handlers = chipi('#Chippino/Router/HandlerTables')->with();
// if no handler
if (!isset($handlers[$this->handler])) {
    return FALSE;
// handler found
return $handlers[$this->handler];
Esempio n. 5
         $f_part = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/iu', '', $f_part);
     } else {
         $f_part = 0;
     // capture the interger part
     // see getAsInt preg
     $value = preg_replace('/([0-9]+)(.*)$/iu', '\\1', $value);
     $value = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/iu', '', $value);
     // we can use the significant bit calc here, but for now, just return the
     // proper floatval of the safer number
     return $is_negative ? -1 * floatval($value . '.' . $f_part) : floatval($value . '.' . $f_part);
 case 'int':
     // setups
     $has_bc_math = function_exists('bccomp') ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $has_bc_math = chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['force_bc_math'] !== NULL ? chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['force_bc_math'] : $has_bc_math;
     if (chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['max_bit_size'] != 64) {
         $max_int = '2147483647';
         $min_int = '-2147483648';
     } else {
         $max_int = '9223372036854775807';
         $min_int = '-9223372036854775808';
     // detect negative and trim
     $is_negative = strpos($value, '-') === 0 ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $value = trim($value, '-');
     // consider the last non-numeric a decimal place, and truncate
     // this is a cheap way of reducing the dependancy on i18n
     // we can then consider what's left to be the interger part and strip
     // all non numerics
     $value = preg_replace('/(.*)([^0-9][0-9]*?)$/iu', '\\1', $value);
     $value = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/iu', '', $value);
Esempio n. 6

 * Gets the router for a provied path
 * @param String path the path to match
 * @return String the best matching route
$path = trim($this->path, '/');
$routes = chipi('#Chippino/Router/RoutingTables')->with();
$routes = $routes['routes'];
// check for an exact key match in the route array
if (isset($routes[$path])) {
    return $routes[$path];
// attempt preg over our routes
// create search/replace for our preg
$route_preg = array('#all#' => '(.+?)', '#number#' => '([0-9]+?)', '#alpha#' => '([A-Za-z]+?)', '#alnum#' => '([A-Za-z0-9]+?)', '#list#' => '([A-Za-z0-9,\\.\\;]+?)', '#words#' => '([\\w]+?)');
// time to loop
$best_match = NULL;
foreach ($routes as $route_match => $controller_path) {
    $preg_route_match = $route_match;
    $preg_route_match = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $preg_route_match);
    $preg_route_match = str_replace(array_keys($route_preg), array_values($route_preg), $preg_route_match);
    $preg_route_match = '#\\A' . str_replace('#', '', $preg_route_match) . '\\z#';
    $matches = array();
    if (!preg_match($preg_route_match, $path, $matches)) {
        // continue, not a match
    // we found a match. Get a count of wildcards
    $wildcard_count = intval(substr_count($route_match, '#') / 2);
Esempio n. 7
foreach ($route['params'] as $param => $data) {
    if ($data['required'] && !isset($this->params[$param])) {
        throw new Exception('required attr of ' . $param . ' missing');
    if ($data['default'] && !isset($this->params[$param])) {
        $this->params[$param] = $data['default'];
    if ($data['loc'] == 'url') {
        $url = str_replace($data['map'], urlencode($this->params[$param]), $url);
    } elseif (isset($this->params[$param])) {
        $gets[] = urlencode($data['map']) . '=' . urlencode($this->params[$param]);
// make sure our base url ends in a /
$base_url = chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['base_url'];
if (strpos(strrev($base_url), '/') !== 0) {
    $base_url .= '/';
// if it's messy, build as index.php?_= format
// otherwise, attach routing information normally
if (chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['url_mode'] == 'messy') {
    $output_url = $base_url . 'index.php?__=' . $url . '&' . implode('&', $gets);
} else {
    $output_url = $base_url . $url;
    if ($gets) {
        $output_url .= '?' . implode('&', $gets);
// trim any & that came from attaching $_GET
$output_url = trim($output_url, '&');
return $output_url;
Esempio n. 8
 public function loadRoute()
     $urlpath = chip('#Chippino/Router/GetPath')->with(array('mode' => chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['url_mode']));
     $route = chip('#Chippino/Router/GetRoute')->with(array('path' => $urlpath));
     $this->route = $route;
Esempio n. 9

// set an error
return chipi('#Chippino/Request/_errors')->with(array('mode' => 'set', 'field' => $this->field, 'error' => $this->error, 'value' => $this->value));
Esempio n. 10

if (!isset($this->override_route)) {
    $urlpath = chip('#Chippino/Router/GetPath')->with(array('mode' => chipi('#Chippino/Config')->with()->core['url_mode']));
    $route = chip('#Chippino/Router/GetRoute')->with(array('path' => $urlpath));
if ($route['type'] == 'pxhtml') {
    // post Mod: Look for post data. If we have post data, then we do the post handler
    $handler = chip('#Chippino/Router/GetPostHandler')->with(array('handler' => isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : null));
    // var_dump($handler);
    if ($handler) {
        // each handler will redirect if required
        $res = chip($handler['path'])->with(array('POST' => TRUE, 'redirect' => $handler['redirect'] && isset($_POST[$handler['redirect']]) ? $_POST[$handler['redirect']] : null));
    // to arrive here, either the handler had errors (and are set)
    // or there was no posting to begin with
    echo chip('#Chippino/Template/Init')->with(array('route' => $route['path']));
} else {
    $res = chip($route['path'])->with(array('segments' => explode('/', trim($urlpath, '/')), 'POST' => count($_POST) ? TRUE : FALSE));