@version 2.6.0 @author Rodolfo Berríos A. <http://rodolfoberrios.com/> <*****@*****.**> Copyright (c) Rodolfo Berrios <*****@*****.**> Licensed under the MIT license http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ define('access', 'API'); require_once 'includes/chevereto.php'; /*** Die, die, die my darling ***/ if (chevereto_config('api_key') == 'my_api_key' and chevereto_config('api_mode') == 'private' and !is_localhost()) { chevereto_die(array('Open <code>includes/config.php</code>', 'Edit <code>$config[\'api_key\'] = \'my_api_key\';</code> with a different key.'), 'API key', array('You haven\'t changed the default api key, the API won\'t work until you fix this.')); } $key = $_REQUEST['key']; $to_upload = $_REQUEST['upload']; $to_resize = $_REQUEST['resize_width']; $format = $_REQUEST['format']; $callback = $_REQUEST['callback']; /*** Checks the auth ***/ if (api_mode('private') and api_key() !== $key and !is_localhost()) { $error_key_msg = 'Invalid API key'; $ERROR_AUTH_API = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => $error_key_msg); switch ($format) { default: case 'json': default: json_output($ERROR_AUTH_API, $callback);
/** * proccess_request * Process the request for the public area */ private function proccess_request() { global $lang; $this->template = 404; // Default template $this->pages = $this->get_pages(); // get theme pages // Prepare te request array to use the legacy request (?v=file.ext) if (check_value($_GET['v']) && preg_match("/^\\w*\\.jpg|png|gif\$/", $_GET['v'])) { $this->base_request = '?' . $this->request_array[1]; unset($this->request_array[1]); } @session_start(); if (count($_SESSION['ImagesUp']) > 0) { $_SESSION['ImagesUp'] = array_values($_SESSION['ImagesUp']); self::$uploaded = true; } if (chevereto_config('maintenance')) { $this->base_request = 'maintenance'; } // Switch according the request switch ($this->base_request) { case '': case 'index.php': @session_start(); $_SESSION['last_upload_request'] = time(); $this->template = 'index'; break; case 'json': json_prepare(); // Do a special trick for the json action=login if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') { // Check for user match... $login_user = login_user($_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['keep']); if ($login_user !== false) { $json_array = array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'logged in'); } else { $json_array = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'invalid login'); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'logout') { do_logout(); $json_array = array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'logged out'); } $json_array = check_value($json_array) ? $json_array : array('status' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'unauthorized'); session_write_close(); die(json_output($json_array)); break; case __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__: // View request $id_public = $this->request_array[1]; $this->template = !is_upload_result() ? 'view' : 'uploaded'; self::$is_viewer = true; break; case __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_UPLOADED__: @session_start(); if (count($_SESSION['ImagesUp']) > 0) { $this->template = 'uploaded'; self::$doctitle = $lang['doctitle_upload_complete']; } else { $this->redirect(__CHV_BASE_URL__, 400); } break; case 'error-javascript': chevereto_die(array(get_lang_txt('critical_js_step_1'), get_lang_txt('critical_js_step_2')), 'JavaScript', array(get_lang_txt('critical_js'))); break; case '?chevereto': $this->template = 'bool'; break; // Legacy viewer // Legacy viewer case '?v=' . $_GET['v']: // View request $id_public = $_GET['v']; $this->legacy_redirect = true; break; case 'delete': case 'delete-confirm': //$delete_what = $this->request_array[1]; $id_public = $this->request_array[2]; $deleteHash = $this->request_array[3]; $this->template = $this->base_request; self::$is_viewer = true; break; case 'maintenance': $this->template = 'maintenance'; self::$doctitle = chevereto_config('doctitle'); break; default: // Pages request require_once $this->path_theme . 'pages/pages_config.php'; // We load the special pages config if (in_array($this->base_request . '.php', $this->pages) and $this->request_array[1] == '' and $pages_config[$this->base_request]['live']) { $this->template = 'pages/' . $this->base_request; self::$doctitle = $pages_config[$this->base_request]['title']; } else { $this->template = 'shorturl'; $id_public = $this->base_request; self::$is_viewer = true; } break; } // Ask for the login on index and pages if ($this->template == 'index' || $this->template == 'pages/' . $this->base_request) { if (conditional_config('private_mode')) { if (!is_logged_user()) { $doctitle = get_lang_txt('txt_enter_password') . ' - ' . chevereto_config('doctitle'); include __CHV_PATH_SYSTEM__ . 'login.php'; die; } } } if ($this->template == 'uploaded') { self::$doctitle = get_lang_txt('doctitle_upload_complete'); self::$image_info = $_SESSION['ImagesUp'][0]; self::$uploaded_images = $_SESSION['ImagesUp']; $_SESSION['ImagesUp'] = NULL; unset($_SESSION['ImagesUp']); } if (preg_match('/view|shorturl|delete/', $this->template) || $this->legacy_redirect) { // Test connection if ($this->dB->dead) { self::$doctitle = 'dB connection error'; $this->template = 404; } else { // get image info $imageID = $this->legacy_redirect ? $id_public : decodeID($id_public); self::$image_info = $this->dB->image_info($imageID); self::$id_public = $id_public; if (!is_array(self::$image_info)) { // Record? if ($this->template == 'delete-confirm') { json_output(array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'target image doesn\'t exists')); } else { $this->template = 404; } } else { if ($this->legacy_redirect) { $this->redirect(__CHV_BASE_URL__ . __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__ . '/' . encodeID(self::$image_info['image_id']), 301); } $target = get_image_target(self::$image_info); self::$image_target = $target['image_path']; self::$image_thumb_target = $target['image_thumb_path']; self::$image_url = absolute_to_url($target['image_path']); self::$image_thumb_url = absolute_to_url($target['image_thumb_path']); self::$image_filename = self::$image_info['image_filename']; self::$image_viewer = __CHV_BASE_URL__ . __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__ . '/' . $id_public; self::$delete_image_url = __CHV_BASE_URL__ . 'delete/image/' . self::$id_public . '/' . self::$image_info['image_delete_hash']; $image_delete_proceed = !empty(self::$image_info['image_delete_hash']) && $deleteHash === self::$image_info['image_delete_hash'] ? true : false; switch ($this->template) { case 'delete': if (!$image_delete_proceed) { $this->redirect(__CHV_BASE_URL__ . __CHV_VIRTUALFOLDER_IMAGE__ . '/' . self::$id_public, 301); } self::$delete_image_confirm_url = __CHV_BASE_URL__ . 'delete-confirm/image/' . self::$id_public . '/' . self::$image_info['image_delete_hash']; self::$doctitle = get_lang_txt('doctitle_delete_confirm') . ' ' . self::$image_info['image_filename']; break; case 'delete-confirm': if (!$image_delete_proceed) { json_output(array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'invalid delete hash')); } else { require_once __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_CLASSES__ . 'class.manage.php'; $manage = new Manage(array('id' => self::$image_info['image_id'], 'action' => 'delete')); if ($manage->dead) { $json_array = array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => $manage->error); } else { $json_array = $manage->process(); } } // Make the status_txt more readable... switch ($json_array['status_code']) { case 200: $json_array['status_txt'] = get_lang_txt('txt_image_deleted'); break; default: case 403: $json_array['status_txt'] = get_lang_txt('txt_error_deleting_image'); break; } json_output($json_array); break; default: self::$doctitle = get_lang_txt('doctitle_viewing_image') . ' ' . self::$image_info['image_filename']; break; } } } } if ($this->template == 404) { status_header(404); self::$doctitle = check_value(self::$doctitle) ? self::$doctitle : get_lang_txt('txt_404_title'); } else { status_header(200); } // We load the template if ($this->template == 'bool') { exit(json_encode(true)); } else { $this->load_template(); } }
/** * check_config * This checks the script configuration... Like upload limit, thumbs, etc. */ function check_config() { global $config, $install_errors; if (!defined('HTTP_HOST')) { $install_errors[] = 'Can\'t resolve <code>HTTP_HOST</code>. Please check at the bottom of <code>config.php</code>'; } // Upload limit vs php.ini value -> http://php.net/manual/ini.php $ini_upload_bytes = return_bytes(trim(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) . 'B'); $max_size_bytes = return_bytes($config['max_filesize']); if (!is_numeric($max_size_bytes)) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid numeric value in <code>$config[\'max_filesize\']</code>'; } else { if ($ini_upload_bytes < $max_size_bytes) { $install_errors[] = 'Max. image size (' . $config['max_filesize'] . ') is greater than the value in <code>php.ini</code> (' . format_bytes($ini_upload_bytes) . ')'; } } if (!is_int($config['thumb_width'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid thumb size width in <code>$config[\'thumb_width\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['thumb_height'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid thumb size height in <code>$config[\'thumb_height\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['min_resize_size']) || $config['min_resize_size'] < 0) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid minimum resize size in <code>$config[\'min_resize_size\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['max_resize_size']) || $config['max_resize_size'] < 0) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid maximum resize size in <code>$config[\'max_resize_size\']</code>'; } if (is_int($config['min_resize_size']) && is_int($config['max_resize_size']) && $config['min_resize_size'] > $config['max_resize_size']) { $install_errors[] = 'Minimum resize size can\'t be larger than maximum resize size. Please check <code>$config[\'min_resize_size\']</code> and <code>$config[\'max_resize_size\']</code>'; } if (!conditional_config('multiupload')) { $config['multiupload_limit'] = 1; } else { if ($config['multiupload_limit'] <= 0 || $config['multiupload_limit'] == '') { $config['multiupload_limit'] = 0; } } if (!check_value(chevereto_config('file_naming')) || !in_array(chevereto_config('file_naming'), array('original', 'random', 'mixed'))) { $config['file_naming'] = 'original'; } if (!is_numeric($config['multiupload_limit']) && !is_bool($config['multiupload_limit'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid multiupload limit value in <code>$config[\'multiupload_limit\']</code>'; } if ($config['multiupload_limit'] > 100) { $install_errors[] = 'Multiupload limit value can\'t be higher than 100 in <code>$config[\'multiupload_limit\']</code>'; } if ($config['short_url_service'] == 'bitly') { $bitly_status = fetch_url('http://api.bit.ly/v3/validate?x_login='******'short_url_user'] . '&x_apiKey=' . $config['short_url_keypass'] . '&apiKey=' . $config['short_url_keypass'] . '&login='******'short_url_user'] . '&format=json'); $bitly_json = json_decode($bitly_status); if ($bitly_json->data->valid !== 1) { $install_errors[] = 'The <a href="http://bit.ly/" target="_blank">bit.ly</a> user/api is invalid. bitly server says <code>' . $bitly_json->status_txt . '</code>. Please double check your data.'; } } // Facebook comments if (use_facebook_comments() && !check_value($config['facebook_app_id'])) { $install_errors[] = 'You are are trying to use Facebook comments but <code>$config[\'facebook_app_id\']</code> is not setted.'; } // Virtual folders foreach (array('virtual_folder_image', 'virtual_folder_uploaded') as $value) { if (!check_value($config[$value])) { $install_errors[] = '<code>$config[\'' . $value . '\']</code> is not setted.'; } } // Passwords if ($config['user_password'] == $config['admin_password']) { $install_errors[] = 'Admin and user passwords must be different. Please check <code>$config[\'admin_password\']</code> and <code>$config[\'user_password\']</code>'; } // Flood report email? if (check_value($config['flood_report_email']) && !check_email_address($config['flood_report_email'])) { $install_errors[] = 'It appears that <code>$config[\'flood_report_email\']</code> has a invalid email address'; } // Watermark if (conditional_config('watermark_enable')) { define('__CHV_WATERMARK_FILE__', __CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . ltrim($config['watermark_image'], '/')); if (!is_int($config['watermark_margin'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark margin must be integer in <code>$config[\'watermark_margin\']</code>'; } if (!is_int($config['watermark_opacity'])) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark opacity must be integer in <code>$config[\'watermark_opacity\']</code>'; } if ($config['watermark_opacity'] > 100 or $config['watermark_opacity'] < 0) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark opacity value out of limis (' . $config['watermark_opacity'] . '). <code>$config[\'watermark_opacity\']</code> must be in the range 0 to 100'; } // Watermark position if (!check_value($config['watermark_position'])) { $config['watermark_position'] = 'center center'; } $watermark_position = explode(' ', strtolower($config['watermark_position'])); if (!isset($watermark_position[1])) { $watermark_position[1] = 'center'; } if (preg_match('/^left|center|right$/', $watermark_position[0])) { $config['watermark_x_position'] = $watermark_position[0]; } else { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid watermark horizontal position in <code>$config[\'watermark_position\']</code>'; } if (preg_match('/^top|center|bottom$/', $watermark_position[1])) { $config['watermark_y_position'] = $watermark_position[1]; } else { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid watermark vertical position in <code>$config[\'watermark_position\']</code>'; } if (!file_exists(__CHV_WATERMARK_FILE__)) { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark image file doesn\'t exists. Please check the path in <code>$config[\'watermark_image\']</code>'; } else { $watermark_image_info = get_info(__CHV_WATERMARK_FILE__); if ($watermark_image_info['mime'] !== 'image/png') { $install_errors[] = 'Watermark image file must be a PNG image in <code>$config[\'watermark_image\']</code>'; } } } // Flood limits $flood_limits = array('minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'); $flood_value_error = false; foreach ($flood_limits as $value) { if (!check_value($config['max_uploads_per_' . $value]) || !is_numeric($config['max_uploads_per_' . $value])) { $install_errors[] = 'Invalid config value in <code>$config[\'' . $value . '\']</code>'; $flood_value_error = true; } } if ($flood_value_error == false) { $flood_lower_than = array('minute' => array('hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'), 'hour' => array('day', 'week', 'month'), 'day' => array('week', 'month'), 'week' => array('month')); foreach ($flood_lower_than as $period => $lower_than) { foreach ($lower_than as $value) { if ($config['max_uploads_per_' . $period] >= $config['max_uploads_per_' . $value]) { $install_errors[] = '<code>max_uploads_per_' . $period . '</code> must be lower than <code>max_uploads_per_' . $value . '</code>'; } } } } // dB settings foreach (array('db_host', 'db_name', 'db_user') as $value) { if (!check_value($config[$value])) { $install_errors[] = '<code>$config[\'' . $value . '\']</code>'; } } if (count($install_errors) == 0) { require_once __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . 'class.db.php'; $dB = new dB(); if ($dB->dead) { chevereto_die('<code>' . $dB->error . '</code>', 'Database error', array('The system has encountered a error when it try to connect to the database server.', 'Please note this error and if you need help go to <a href="http://chevereto.com/support/">Chevereto support</a>.')); } else { // Check maintenance mode if ($dB->get_option('maintenance') && !defined('SKIP_MAINTENANCE')) { $config['maintenance'] = true; } } } return count($install_errors) == 0 ? true : false; }
$imageCount = 0; foreach ($image_dir as $image) { if (!$image->isFile() || !in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), array('jpg', 'png', 'gif')) || file_exists(__CHV_OLD_PATH__ . $image->getFilename())) { continue; } $imageCount++; } return $imageCount; } if (!is_admin()) { include __CHV_PATH_SYSTEM__ . 'login.php'; die; } /*** Require the dB ***/ if ($dB->dead) { chevereto_die(array($dB->error), 'dB error', array('There is a problem with the dB. The error reported is:', 'Please check your dB settings in the config file, if the problem persist go to our <a href="http://chevereto.com/support">Tech Support</a> area')); // } // This is actually the update tool if (isset($_GET['ajax-update'])) { if (!$dB->get_option('maintenance')) { die(json_output(array('status_code' => 403, 'status_txt' => 'Maintenance mode is not enabled.'))); } if ($_SESSION['update_info']['update_completed'] >= $_SESSION['update_info']['update_queue']) { die(json_output(array('status_code' => 200, 'status_txt' => 'Update completed', 'completed' => '100%'))); } if (!check_permissions(array(__CHV_OLD_PATH__))) { die('Wrong permissions in ' . __CHV_OLD_PATH__); } define('__CHV_PATH_THUMBS__', __CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . $config['folder_thumbs'] . '/'); $image_dir = new DirectoryIterator(__CHV_PATH_IMAGES__);