$sErrors[] = array("result" => "Automatic updates have been turned off.", "type" => "success"); } } if ($sAction == force) { $sSSH = new Net_SSH2(''); $sKey = new Crypt_RSA(); $sKey->loadKey(file_get_contents($cphp_config->settings->rootkey)); if ($sSSH->login("root", $sKey)) { $sOldVersion = file_get_contents('/var/feathur/version.txt'); $sSSH->exec("cd /var/feathur/; git reset --hard; git pull; cd /var/feathur/feathur/; php update.php; rm -rf update.php;"); $sVersion = file_get_contents('/var/feathur/version.txt'); $sLastUpdate = Core::UpdateSetting('last_update_check', time()); $sCurrentVersion = file_get_contents('/var/feathur/version.txt'); if ($sCurrentVersion != $sOldVersion) { $sErrors[] = array("result" => "Force update completed.", "type" => "success"); } elseif ($sCurrentVersion->sValue == $sOldVersion->sValue) { $sErrors[] = array("result" => "Force update failed, no updates available.", "type" => "error"); } else { $sErrors[] = array("result" => "Force update failed, unknown error.", "type" => "error"); } } $sJson = 1; } $sAutomaticUpdates = Core::GetSetting('automatic_updates'); $sUpdates[] = check_updates(); $sContent .= Templater::AdvancedParse($sAdminTemplate->sValue . '/update', $locale->strings, array("AutomaticUpdates" => $sAutomaticUpdates->sValue, "Updates" => $sUpdates, "Outdated" => $sUpdates[0]["update"], "Errors" => $sErrors)); if ($sJson == 1) { echo json_encode(array("content" => $sContent)); die; } unset($sErrors);
} } $parse = $lang; if (file_exists($xgp_root . 'install/') && defined('IN_ADMIN')) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_install_file_detected'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } if ($user['authlevel'] >= 3) { if (@fopen("./../config.php", "a")) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_config_file_writable'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } $Errors = doquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `errors` FROM {{table}} WHERE 1;", 'errors', true); if ($Errors['errors'] != 0) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_database_errors'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } $curr = check_updates(); if ($curr !== false) { $Message .= "<span style='font-size:14px;color:lime;'>Hay una nueva version disponible (<b style='color:skyblue;'>" . $curr . "</b>) <br> Haz click <a href='http://www.ugamelaplay.net/xg/rp/last.zip' style='font-size:14px;'><b><u>aqui</u></b></a> para descargarla</span><br/><br/>"; $error++; } } if ($error != 0) { $parse['error_message'] = $Message; $parse['color'] = "red"; } else { $parse['error_message'] = $lang['ow_none']; $parse['color'] = "lime"; } display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('adm/OverviewBody'), $parse), false, '', true, false);
return '0'; //no updates } elseif ($content_github['tag_name'] != $current_version && $content_github['target_commitish'] == '3.3.5') { return '1'; //update } elseif ($content_github['tag_name'] != $current_version && $content_github['target_commitish'] != '3.3.5') { return 'e2'; //can't find updates for this repo } } } //url to get the lastest version (still dont know how to separate the branches) $url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/FlameNET/FlameCMS/releases/latest'; //call function get_content_from_github($url) $content_github = get_content_from_github($url); $updated = check_updates($content_github, '1.1'); if ($updated == '1') { $update_link = 'https://github.com/FlameNET/FlameCMS/archive/v' . $content_github['tag_name'] . '.zip'; } else { //not counting with errors (e1 && e2) //no updates } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php include MODULO . 'footer.php'; ?> <!-- Cargado archivos javascript al final para que la pagina cargue mas rapido --> <?php
if ($current > $game_config['VERSION']) { return true; } else { return false; } } } $parse = $lang; if (file_exists($xgp_root . 'install/') && defined('IN_ADMIN')) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_install_file_detected'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } if (@fopen("./../config.php", "a")) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_config_file_writable'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } $Errors = doquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `errors` FROM {{table}} WHERE 1;", 'errors', true); if ($Errors['errors'] != 0) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_database_errors'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } if (check_updates()) { $Message .= "<font color=\"red\">" . $lang['ow_old_version'] . "</font><br/><br/>"; $error++; } if ($error != 0) { $parse['error_message'] = $Message; } else { $parse['error_message'] = $lang['ow_none']; } display(parsetemplate(gettemplate('adm/overview_body'), $parse), false, '', true, false);