function popup_ticket($id, $print = 'false', $search = FALSE)
    /* 7/9/09 - show specified ticket */
    global $istest, $iw_width;
    if ($istest) {
        print "GET<br />\n";
        print "POST<br />\n";
    if ($id == '' or $id <= 0 or !check_for_rows("SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE id='{$id}'")) {
        /* sanity check */
        print "Invalid Ticket ID: '{$id}'<BR />";
    $restrict_ticket = get_variable('restrict_user_tickets') == 1 && !is_administrator() ? " AND owner={$_SESSION['user_id']}" : "";
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE ID='{$id}' {$restrict_ticket}";
    // 8/12/09
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        //no tickets? print "error" or "restricted user rights"
        print "<FONT CLASS=\"warn\">No such ticket or user access to ticket is denied</FONT>";
    $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result));
	<TABLE BORDER="0" ID = "outer" ALIGN="left">
    print "<TD ALIGN='left'>";
    print "<TABLE ID='theMap' BORDER=0><TR CLASS='odd' ><TD  ALIGN='center'>\n\t\t<DIV ID='map' STYLE='WIDTH:" . get_variable('map_width') . "px; HEIGHT: " . get_variable('map_height') . "PX'></DIV>\n\t\t</TD></TR>";
    // 11/29/08
    print "<FORM NAME='sv_form' METHOD='post' ACTION=''><INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='frm_lat' VALUE=" . $row['lat'] . ">";
    // 2/11/09
    print "<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='frm_lng' VALUE=" . $row['lng'] . "></FORM>";
    print "<TR ID='pointl1' CLASS='print_TD' STYLE = 'display:none;'>\n\t\t<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Range:</B>&nbsp;&nbsp; <SPAN ID='range'></SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>Brng</B>:&nbsp;&nbsp;\n\t\t\t<SPAN ID='brng'></SPAN></TD></TR>\n\n\t\t<TR ID='pointl2' CLASS='print_TD' STYLE = 'display:none;'>\n\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='center'><B>Lat:</B>&nbsp;<SPAN ID='newlat'></SPAN>\n\t\t\t&nbsp;<B>Lng:</B>&nbsp;&nbsp; <SPAN ID='newlng'></SPAN>&nbsp;&nbsp;<B>NGS:</B>&nbsp;<SPAN ID = 'newusng'></SPAN></TD></TR>\n";
    print "</TABLE>\n";
    print "</TD></TR>";
    print "<TR CLASS='odd' ><TD COLSPAN='2' CLASS='print_TD'>";
    $lat = $row['lat'];
    $lng = $row['lng'];
    print "</TABLE>\n";
	<SCRIPT SRC='../js/usng.js' TYPE='text/javascript'></SCRIPT>
	<SCRIPT SRC="../js/graticule.js" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

	function isNull(val) {								// checks var stuff = null;
		return val === null;

	var the_grid;
	var grid = false;
	function doGrid() {
		if (grid) {
			grid = false;
		else {
			the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
			grid = true;

	String.prototype.trim = function () {				// 9/14/08
		return this.replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1");

	String.prototype.parseDeg = function() {
		if (!isNaN(this)) return Number(this);								// signed decimal degrees without NSEW

		var degLL = this.replace(/^-/,'').replace(/[NSEW]/i,'');			// strip off any sign or compass dir'n
		var dms = degLL.split(/[^0-9.,]+/);									// split out separate d/m/s
		for (var i in dms) if (dms[i]=='') dms.splice(i,1);					// remove empty elements (see note below)
		switch (dms.length) {												// convert to decimal degrees...
			case 3:															// interpret 3-part result as d/m/s
				var deg = dms[0]/1 + dms[1]/60 + dms[2]/3600; break;
			case 2:															// interpret 2-part result as d/m
				var deg = dms[0]/1 + dms[1]/60; break;
			case 1:															// decimal or non-separated dddmmss
				if (/[NS]/i.test(this)) degLL = '0' + degLL;	// - normalise N/S to 3-digit degrees
				var deg = dms[0].slice(0,3)/1 + dms[0].slice(3,5)/60 + dms[0].slice(5)/3600; break;
			default: return NaN;
		if (/^-/.test(this) || /[WS]/i.test(this)) deg = -deg; // take '-', west and south as -ve
		return deg;
	Number.prototype.toRad = function() {  // convert degrees to radians
		return this * Math.PI / 180;

	Number.prototype.toDeg = function() {  // convert radians to degrees (signed)
		return this * 180 / Math.PI;
	Number.prototype.toBrng = function() {  // convert radians to degrees (as bearing: 0...360)
		return (this.toDeg()+360) % 360;
	function brng(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
		lat1 = lat1.toRad(); lat2 = lat2.toRad();
		var dLon = (lon2-lon1).toRad();

		var y = Math.sin(dLon) * Math.cos(lat2);
		var x = Math.cos(lat1)*Math.sin(lat2) -
		return Math.atan2(y, x).toBrng();

	distCosineLaw = function(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
		var R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km
		var d = Math.acos(Math.sin(lat1.toRad())*Math.sin(lat2.toRad()) +
				Math.cos(lat1.toRad())*Math.cos(lat2.toRad())*Math.cos((lon2-lon1).toRad())) * R;
		return d;
    var km2feet = 3280.83;
	var thisMarker = false;

	var map;
	var icons=[];						// note globals	- 1/29/09
] = "./our_icons/blue.png";		// normal
] = "./our_icons/green.png";	// green
] =  "./our_icons/red.png";		// red
+1] =  "./our_icons/white.png";	// white - not in use

	var baseIcon = new GIcon();
	baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";

	baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
	baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
	baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);

	map = new GMap2($("map"));		// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    // 08/02/09
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
	map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
	map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
	map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl());				// 12/24/08
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {
	map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $lat;
, <?php 
    print $lng;
	var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
	icon.image = icons[<?php 
    print $row['severity'];
	var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
    print $lat;
, <?php 
    print $lng;
);	// 1147
	map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, icon));

// ====================================Add Active Responding Units to Map =========================================================================
	var icons=[];						// note globals	- 1/29/09
	icons[1] = "./our_icons/white.png";		// normal
	icons[2] = "./our_icons/black.png";	// green

	var baseIcon = new GIcon();
	baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";

	baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
	baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
	baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);

	var unit_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
	unit_icon.image = icons[1];

function createMarker(unit_point, number) {
	var unit_marker = new GMarker(unit_point, unit_icon);
	// Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked
	var html = number;
	GEvent.addListener(unit_marker, "click", function() {unit_marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html);});
	return unit_marker;

    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` WHERE ticket_id='{$id}'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $responder_id = $row['responder_id'];
        if ($row['clear'] == NULL) {
            $query_unit = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` WHERE id='{$responder_id}'";
            $result_unit = mysql_query($query_unit) or do_error($query_unit, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            while ($row_unit = mysql_fetch_array($result_unit)) {
                $unit_id = $row_unit['id'];
                $mobile = $row_unit['mobile'];
                if (my_is_float($row_unit['lat']) && my_is_float($row_unit['lng'])) {
                    if ($mobile == 1) {
                        echo "var unit_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                        echo "var unit_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=0&text=RU\";\n";
                        // 4/18/09
                        echo "unit_icon.image = unit_icon_url;\n";
                        echo "var unit_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_unit['lat'] . "," . $row_unit['lng'] . ");\n";
                        echo "var unit_marker = createMarker(unit_point, '" . addslashes($row_unit['name']) . "', unit_icon);\n";
                        echo "map.addOverlay(unit_marker);\n";
                        echo "\n";
                    } else {
                        echo "var unit_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                        echo "var unit_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=4&text=RU\";\n";
                        // 4/18/09
                        echo "unit_icon.image = unit_icon_url;\n";
                        echo "var unit_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_unit['lat'] . "," . $row_unit['lng'] . ");\n";
                        echo "var unit_marker = createMarker(unit_point, '" . addslashes($row_unit['name']) . "', unit_icon);\n";
                        echo "map.addOverlay(unit_marker);\n";
                        echo "\n";
                    // end if/else ($mobile)
                // end ((my_is_float()) - responding units
            // end outer if
        // end inner while
    //	end outer while
    // =====================================End of functions to show responding units========================================================================
    // ====================================Add Facilities to Map 8/1/09================================================
	var icons=[];	
	var g=0;

	var fmarkers = [];

	var baseIcon = new GIcon();
	baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";

	baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30);
	baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 30);
	baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);

	var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
	fac_icon.image = icons[1];

function createfacMarker(fac_point, fac_name, id, fac_icon) {
	var fac_marker = new GMarker(fac_point, fac_icon);
	// Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked
	var fac_html = fac_name;
	fmarkers[id] = fac_marker;
	GEvent.addListener(fac_marker, "click", function() {fac_marker.openInfoWindowHtml(fac_html);});
	return fac_marker;

    $query_fac = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.id AS fac_id, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.description AS facility_description, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.name AS fac_type_name, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.name AS facility_name FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.id LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.status_id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status`.id ORDER BY `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type ASC";
    $result_fac = mysql_query($query_fac) or do_error($query_fac, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_fac = mysql_fetch_array($result_fac)) {
        $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
        // all flavors of eol
        while ($row_fac = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_fac))) {
            $fac_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
            //	10/8/09
            $fac_temp = explode("/", $fac_name);
            $fac_index = substr($fac_temp[count($fac_temp) - 1], -6, strlen($fac_temp[count($fac_temp) - 1]));
            // 3/19/11
            print "\t\tvar fac_sym = '{$fac_index}';\n";
            // for sidebar and icon 10/8/09
            $fac_id = $row_fac['id'];
            $fac_type = $row_fac['icon'];
            $f_disp_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
            //	10/8/09
            $f_disp_temp = explode("/", $f_disp_name);
            $facility_display_name = $f_disp_temp[0];
            if (my_is_float($row_fac['lat']) && my_is_float($row_fac['lng'])) {
                $fac_tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin'  width='{$iw_width}' >";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($facility_display_name, 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($row_fac['fac_type_name'], 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Description:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['facility_description'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Status:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['status_val']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_name']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Email: " . addslashes($row_fac['contact_email']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>As of:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row_fac['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
                $fac_tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin'  width='{$iw_width}' >";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_contact']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security email:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_email']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Access rules:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['access_rules'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security reqs:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['security_reqs'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Opening hours:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['opening_hours'])) . "</TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Prim pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_p']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Sec pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_s']) . " </TD></TR>";
                $fac_tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
//			var fac_sym = (g+1).toString();
			var myfacinfoTabs = [
				new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row_fac['facility_name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
                print $fac_tab_1;
				new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
                print str_replace($eols, " ", $fac_tab_2);
                if ($row_fac['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_fac['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                    // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 7/28/10
                    echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                    echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
                    echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/question1.png\";\n";
                    echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                    echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . "," . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
                    echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon);\n";
                    echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                    echo "\n";
                } else {
                    echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                    echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
		var origin = ((fac_sym.length)>3)? (fac_sym.length)-3: 0;						// pick low-order three chars 3/22/11
		var iconStr = fac_sym.substring(origin);
                    echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_fac_icon.php?blank={$fac_type}&text=\" + (iconStr) + \"\";\n";
                    echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                    echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_fac['lat'] . "," . $row_fac['lng'] . ");\n";
                    echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon);\n";
                    echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                    echo "\n";
            // end if my_is_float - facilities
        // end while
    // =====================================End of functions to show facilities========================================================================
    // kml functions
	function lat2ddm(inlat) {				// 9/7/08
		var x = new Number(inlat);
		var y  = (inlat>0)?  Math.floor(x):Math.round(x);
		var z = ((Math.abs(x-y)*60).toFixed(1));
		var nors = (inlat>0.0)? " N":" S";
		return Math.abs(y) + '\260 ' + z +"'" + nors;

	function lng2ddm(inlng) {
		var x = new Number(inlng);
		var y  = (inlng>0)?  Math.floor(x):Math.round(x);
		var z = ((Math.abs(x-y)*60).toFixed(1));
		var eorw = (inlng>0.0)? " E":" W";
		return Math.abs(y) + '\260 ' + z +"'" + eorw;

	function do_coords(inlat, inlng) {  //9/14/08
		if(inlat.toString().length==0) return;								// 10/15/08
		var str = inlat + ", " + inlng + "\n";
		str += ll2dms(inlat) + ", " +ll2dms(inlng) + "\n";
		str += lat2ddm(inlat) + ", " +lng2ddm(inlng);

	function ll2dms(inval) {				// lat/lng to degr, mins, sec's - 9/9/08
		var d = new Number(inval);
		d  = (inval>0)?  Math.floor(d):Math.round(d);
		var mi = (inval-d)*60;
		var m = Math.floor(mi)				// min's
		var si = (mi-m)*60;
		var s = si.toFixed(1);
		return d + '\260 ' + Math.abs(m) +"' " + Math.abs(s) + '"';

} else {
    if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
        //delete ticket
        if ($_POST['frm_confirm']) {
            /* remove ticket and ticket actions */
            $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE ID='{$id}'") or do_error('edit.php::remove_ticket(ticket)', 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            $result = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}action` WHERE ticket_id='{$id}'") or do_error('edit.php::remove_ticket(action)', 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
            print "<FONT CLASS=\"header\">Ticket '{$id}' has been removed.</FONT><BR /><BR />";
        } else {
            //confirm deletion
            print "<FONT CLASS='header'>Confirm ticket deletion</FONT><BR /><BR /><FORM METHOD='post' NAME = 'del_form' ACTION='" . basename(__FILE__) . "?id={$id}&delete=1&go=1'><INPUT TYPE='checkbox' NAME='frm_confirm' VALUE='1'>Delete ticket #{$id} &nbsp;<INPUT TYPE='Submit' VALUE='Confirm'></FORM>";
    } else {
        // not ($_GET['delete'])
        if ($id == '' or $id <= 0 or !check_for_rows("SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE id='{$id}'")) {
            /* sanity check */
            print "<FONT CLASS=\"warn\">Invalid Ticket ID: '{$id}'</FONT><BR />";
        } else {
            // OK, do form - 7/7/09, 4/1/11
            $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,\n \t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend, \n \t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date, \n \t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,\n \t\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, \n \t\t\t\t`t`.`description` AS `tick_descr`,\n \t\t\t\t`u`.`user` AS `tick_user`\n \t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` `t`\n \t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` `ty` ON (`t`.`in_types_id` = `ty`.`id`)\n \t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}user` `u` ON (`t`.`_by` = `u`.`id`)\n \t\t\t\tWHERE `t`.`id`='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
            // 			snap(__LINE__, $query);
            $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result));
            if (good_date($row['problemend'])) {
				good_end = true;
		else {
		var lh_sep = (document.patientEd.frm_description.value.trim().length>0)? " " : "";
			document.patientEd.frm_description.value+= lh_sep + temp_ary[1] + ' ';		
		}		// end function set_signal()

print $get_action == "add" || $get_action == "update" ? "<BODY onLoad = 'do_notify(); ck_window();' onUnload='GUnload();'>\n" : "<BODY onLoad = 'ck_window();'>\n";
if ($get_action == 'add') {
    /* update ticket */
    $now = mysql_format_date(time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60);
    if ($_GET['ticket_id'] == '' or $_GET['ticket_id'] <= 0 or !check_for_rows("SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE id='{$_GET['ticket_id']}' LIMIT 1")) {
        print "<FONT CLASS='warn'>Invalid Ticket ID: '{$_GET['ticket_id']}'</FONT>";
    } elseif ($_POST['frm_description'] == '') {
        print '<FONT CLASS="warn">Please enter Description.</FONT><BR />';
    } else {
        $_POST['frm_description'] = strip_html($_POST['frm_description']);
        //fix formatting, custom tags etc.
        $post_frm_meridiem_asof = empty($_POST['frm_meridiem_asof']) ? "" : $_POST['frm_meridiem_asof'];
        $frm_asof = "{$_POST['frm_year_asof']}-{$_POST['frm_month_asof']}-{$_POST['frm_day_asof']} {$_POST['frm_hour_asof']}:{$_POST['frm_minute_asof']}:00{$post_frm_meridiem_asof}";
        //  8/15/10
        $query = "SELECT * FROM  `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}patient` WHERE \n     \t\t\t`description` =\t'" . addslashes($_POST['frm_description']) . "' AND\n     \t\t\t`ticket_id` =\t'{$_GET['ticket_id']}' AND\n     \t\t\t`user` =\t\t'{$_SESSION['user_id']}' AND\n     \t\t\t`action_type` =\t'{$GLOBALS['ACTION_COMMENT']}' AND \n     \t\t\t`name` = \t\t'" . addslashes($_POST['frm_name']) . "' AND \n     \t\t\t`updated` =\t\t'{$frm_asof}' LIMIT 1";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        if (mysql_affected_rows() == 0) {
            // not a duplicate - 8/15/10
            if (array_key_exists('frm_fullname', $_POST)) {
                // 6/22/11
function is_closed($id)
    /* is ticket closed? */
    return check_for_rows("SELECT id,status FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE id='{$id}' AND status='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']}'");
function full_scr($sort_by_field = '', $sort_value = '')
    // list tickets ===================================================
    global $now_num, $now_day, $now_mon, $now_year, $monday, $disposition;
    if ($_SESSION['scr_width'] < 1300 && $_SESSION['scr_width'] > 1050) {
        //	4/5/11	sets shorten length depending on client screen width
        $shorten_length = 11;
    } elseif ($_SESSION['scr_width'] < 1050) {
        $shorten_length = 10;
    } elseif ($_SESSION['scr_width'] > 1300) {
        $shorten_length = 15;
    } else {
        $shorten_length = 10;
    $func = isset($func) ? $func : 0;
    global $istest;
    //	$dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');			// 4/2/09
    $cwi = get_variable('closed_interval');
    // closed window interval in hours
    $captions = array("Current situation", "Incidents closed today", "Incidents closed yesterday+", "Incidents closed this week", "Incidents closed last week", "Incidents closed last week+", "Incidents closed this month", "Incidents closed last month", "Incidents closed this year", "Incidents closed last year");
    $pri_buttons_width = (int) get_variable('map_width') * 0.2;
    $fac_buttons_width = (int) get_variable('map_width') * 0.4;
    $units_buttons_width = (int) get_variable('map_width') * 0.4;
    $heading = $captions[$func];
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $group = isset($_SESSION['group']) ? $_SESSION['group'] : 0;
    //	4/11/11
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `status` = {$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']} ";
    // 10/26/09
    $result_ct = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $num_closed = mysql_num_rows($result_ct);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE `status` = {$GLOBALS['STATUS_SCHEDULED']} ";
    // 10/26/09
    $result_scheduled = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $num_scheduled = mysql_num_rows($result_scheduled);
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
    // 6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 6/10/11
    $al_groups = array();
    $al_names = "";
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
        $query2 = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}region` WHERE `id`= '{$row['group']}';";
        // 6/10/11
        $result2 = mysql_query($query2);
        // 6/10/11
        while ($row2 = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result2))) {
            // 6/10/11
            $al_names .= $row2['group_name'] . ", ";
<!-- 3/29/11 DIVS Incident List & Assignments List -->

	<DIV ID = 'inc_list' style='width: 46%; position: fixed; top: 5%; left: 3%; z-index:3; display: block; border: 2px outset #CECECE;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px; '><?php 
    print get_text('Incidents');
<DIV style='float: right'>
	<SPAN id='collapse_ticks' onClick="hideDiv('inc_list', 'collapse_ticks', 'expand_ticks'); CngMenuClass('incs_but', 'right_menu');" style = "display: 'none';"><IMG SRC = './buttons/close.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'></SPAN></DIV></DIV>
	<DIV ID = 'incidents' style='background: #CECECE; width: 100%; max-height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; position: relative; z-index:2; display: block;'></DIV>		<!-- 3/24/11 List of current open incidents -->

	<DIV ID = 'assigns_list' style='width: 46%; position: fixed; top: 5%; right: 3%; z-index:3; display: block; border: 2px outset #CECECE;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Assignments');
<DIV style='float: right'>
	<SPAN id='collapse_ass' onClick="hideDiv('assigns_list', 'collapse_ass', 'expand_ass'); CngMenuClass('assign_but', 'right_menu');" style = "display: 'none';"><IMG SRC = './buttons/close.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'></SPAN></DIV></DIV>
	<DIV ID = 'assignments' style='background: #CECECE; width: 100%; max-height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; position: relative; z-index:2; display: block;'></DIV>		<!-- 3/24/11 List of current assignments -->

<!-- 3/29/11 DIVS for show hide side menu for lists and marker controls -->
	<DIV ID='side_menu_cont' class='right_menu_container' style='position: fixed; top: 10%; right: 0px;'>
	<BR />

	var text_size = window.screen.width > 1000 ? "16" : "12";

	var div_button1 = "<DIV ID='marker_but' CLASS='right_menu' style='font-size:" + text_size + "px' onMouseover=\"showDiv('buttons_sh', 'collapse_buttons', 'expand_buttons'); CngMenuClass('marker_but', 'right_menu_lit');\">M<BR />A<BR />R<BR />K<BR />E<BR />R<BR />S</DIV><BR />";
	var div_button2 = "<DIV ID='incs_but' CLASS='right_menu' style='font-size:" + text_size + "px' onMouseover=\"showDiv('inc_list', 'collapse_ticks', 'expand_ticks'); CngMenuClass('incs_but', 'right_menu_lit');\">I<BR />N<BR />C<BR />I<BR />D<BR />E<BR />N<BR />T<BR />S</DIV><BR />";
	var div_button3 = "<DIV ID='assign_but' CLASS='right_menu' style='font-size:" + text_size + "px' onMouseover=\"showDiv('assigns_list', 'collapse_ass', 'expand_ass'); CngMenuClass('assign_but', 'right_menu_lit');\">A<BR />S<BR />S<BR />I<BR />G<BR />N<BR />M<BR />E<BR />N<BR />T<BR />S</DIV><BR />";
	document.write (div_button1);
	document.write (div_button2);
	document.write (div_button3);

<!-- 3/29/11 Marker controls -->	
	<DIV ID = 'buttons_sh' class='fs_buttons' style='display: none; background: #CECECE; width: 300px; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: hidden; position: fixed; right: 10%; top: 20%; z-index:4; border: 3px outset #505050;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'>Show / Hide Markers<DIV style='float: right'><SPAN id='collapse_buttons' STYLE = 'text-align: right' onClick="hideDiv('buttons_sh', 'collapse_buttons', 'expand_buttons'); CngMenuClass('marker_but', 'right_menu');"><IMG SRC = './buttons/close.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'></SPAN></DIV></DIV>
	<DIV ID = 'incidents_sh' style='display: block; position: relative; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px; ' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Incidents');
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('normal'); hideGroup(1, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_blue.png' STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'BORDER=0>&nbsp;&nbsp;Normal: <input type=checkbox id='normal'  onClick="set_pri_chkbox('normal')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('medium'); hideGroup(2, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_green.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>&nbsp;&nbsp;Medium: <input type=checkbox id='medium'  onClick="set_pri_chkbox('medium')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('high'); hideGroup(3, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_red.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>&nbsp;&nbsp;High: <input type=checkbox id='high'  onClick="set_pri_chkbox('high')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' ID = 'pri_all' class='pri_button' STYLE = 'display: none;' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('all'); hideGroup(4, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_blue.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_green.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_red.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>All <input type=checkbox id='all'  STYLE = 'display:none;' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('all')"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>
	<DIV class='pri_button_fs' ID = 'pri_none' class='pri_button' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('none'); hideGroup(5, 'Incident');"><IMG SRC = './our_icons/sm_white.png' BORDER=0 STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'> None <input type=checkbox id='none' STYLE = 'display:none;' onClick="set_pri_chkbox('none')"/></DIV></b>
	</DIV><BR />
	<DIV ID = 'units_sh' style='display: block; position: relative; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Units');
	<DIV ID = 'boxes' style='position: relative; padding: 3px;'></DIV>		<!-- 2/16/11 Units show and hide -->
	</DIV><BR />
	<DIV ID = 'facs_sh' style='display: block; position: relative; padding: 10px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
	<DIV class='heading' style='text-align: center; height: 20px;' style='z-index:4; padding: 3px;'><?php 
    print get_text('Facilities');
	<DIV ID = 'fac_boxes' style='position: relative; padding: 3px;'></DIV>		<!-- 2/16/11 Facilities show and hide -->
	</DIV><BR />

	<DIV ID = 'bottom_bar' class='td_fs_buttons' style='display: table-cell; position: fixed; bottom: 0%; left: 0%; width: 100%; z-index: 3; height: 5%; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 5px; border-top: 4px outset #CECECE;'>
	<B><NOBR>	<!-- 2/16/11 Change CSS classes -->
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick='maxWindow();'><U>Full screen</U></SPAN>
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick='doGrid()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 60px'><U>Grid</U></SPAN>
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick='doTraffic()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 60px'><U>Traffic</U></SPAN>
    //		if(((!empty($num_closed)) && ($num_closed > 0)) || ($num_scheduled > 0)) {					// 10/26/09  added button, 10/21/09 added check for closed incidents on the database, 3/29/11 added scheduled runs option
    echo "<SPAN class='fs_buttons' STYLE =  'margin-left: 60px'><U>Change display</U>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;</SPAN>";
    echo "\n\t\t <SELECT NAME = 'frm_interval' onChange = 'document.to_all.func.value=this.value; show_btns_closed();'>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='99' SELECTED>Select</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='0'>Current situation</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='1'>Incidents closed today</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='2'>Incidents closed yesterday+</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='3'>Incidents closed this week</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='4'>Incidents closed last week</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='5'>Incidents closed last week+</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='6'>Incidents closed this month</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='7'>Incidents closed last month</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='8'>Incidents closed this year</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='9'>Incidents closed last year</OPTION>\n\t\t\t\t<OPTION VALUE='10'>Scheduled Runs</OPTION>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t</SELECT>\n";
    echo "<SPAN ID = 'btn_go' class='fs_buttons' onClick='document.to_all.submit()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 10px; display:none; color: #006600;'><U>Go</U></SPAN>";
    echo "<SPAN ID = 'btn_can' class='fs_buttons' onClick='hide_btns_closed()' STYLE = 'margin-left: 10px; display:none; color: #FF0000;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN>";
    //			}
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick = "opener.focus()" STYLE =  'margin-left: 60px'><U>Back</U></SPAN>
		<A HREF=""><SPAN STYLE = 'margin-left: 20px; font-size:10px; '><U>Contact us</U> <IMG SRC="mail.png" BORDER="0" STYLE="vertical-align: text-bottom; margin-left: 10px;"></SPAN></A>
		<SPAN class='fs_buttons' onClick = "window.close();" STYLE =  'margin-left: 60px'><U>Close</U></SPAN>
		<FORM NAME='view_form' METHOD='get' ACTION='units.php'>
		<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='func' VALUE='responder'>
		<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='view' VALUE='true'>
		<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='id' VALUE=''>
	<DIV style='position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px, z-index: 1'>
	<TABLE BORDER=1 STYLE= "margin-top:0;">
		<TR CLASS='header'><TD COLSPAN='99' ALIGN='center'><FONT CLASS='header'><?php 
    print get_variable('map_caption') . " - " . $heading;
 <SPAN ID='sev_counts' STYLE = 'margin-left: 40px'></SPAN></FONT></TD></TR>	<!-- 1/17/09 -->

		<TR ID='map_row'>
			<TD COLSPAN='99' CLASS='td_label' width="100%" height="82%">

    $by_severity = array(0, 0, 0);
    // counters
			var map_width = window.screen.width -16;		// 11/6/10
			var map_height = window.screen.height *.82;		// browser-dependent
			var div_style_str = "<DIV ID='map' STYLE='WIDTH:" + map_width + "px; height:" + map_height + "px';></DIV>"
			document.write (div_style_str);
	function show_btns_closed() {
		$('btn_go').style.display = 'inline';
		$('btn_can').style.display = 'inline';
	function hide_btns_closed() {
		$('btn_go').style.display = 'none';
		$('btn_can').style.display = 'none';

		function isNull(val) {								// checks var stuff = null;
			return val === null;
		function to_str(instr) {			// 0-based conversion - 2/13/09
	//		alert("143 " + instr);
			function ord( string ) {
			    return (string+'').charCodeAt(0);
			function chr( ascii ) {
			    return String.fromCharCode(ascii);
			function to_char(val) {
			var lop = (instr % 26);													// low-order portion, a number
			var hop = ((instr - lop)==0)? "" : to_char(((instr - lop)/26)-1) ;		// high-order portion, a string
			return hop+to_char(lop);
		function sendRequest(url,callback,postData) {								// 2/14/09
			var req = createXMLHTTPObject();
			if (!req) return;
			var method = (postData) ? "POST" : "GET";,url,true);
			if (postData)
			req.onreadystatechange = function () {
				if (req.readyState != 4) return;
				if (req.status != 200 && req.status != 304) {
    if ($istest) {
        print "\t\t\talert('HTTP error ' + req.status + '" . __LINE__ . "');\n";
			if (req.readyState == 4) return;
		var XMLHttpFactories = [
			function () {return new XMLHttpRequest()	},
			function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")	},
			function () {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")	},
			function () {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")	}
		function createXMLHTTPObject() {
			var xmlhttp = false;
			for (var i=0;i<XMLHttpFactories.length;i++) {
				try {
					xmlhttp = XMLHttpFactories[i]();
				catch (e) {
			return xmlhttp;
	if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
		$("map").style.backgroundImage = "url('<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
    echo get_variable('map_width');
    echo get_variable('map_height');
    echo get_variable('gmaps_api_key');
		var colors = new Array ('odd', 'even');

		function add_hash(in_str) { // prepend # if absent
			return (in_str.substr(0,1)=="#")? in_str : "#" + in_str;

		function drawCircle(lat, lng, radius, strokeColor, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity) {		// 8/19/09
	//		drawCircle(53.479874, -2.246704, 10.0, "#000080", 1, 0.75, "#0000FF", .5);

			var d2r = Math.PI/180;
			var r2d = 180/Math.PI;
			var Clat = radius * 0.014483;
			var Clng = Clat/Math.cos(lat * d2r);
			var Cpoints = [];
			for (var i=0; i < 33; i++) {
				var theta = Math.PI * (i/16);
				Cy = lat + (Clat * Math.sin(theta));
				Cx = lng + (Clng * Math.cos(theta));
				var P = new GPoint(Cx,Cy);
			var polygon = new GPolygon(Cpoints, strokeColor, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, fillColor, fillOpacity);
		function drawBanner(point, html, text, font_size, color) {        // Create the banner
		//	alert("<?php 
    echo __LINE__;
 " + color);
			var invisibleIcon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON, "./markers/markerTransparent.png");      // Custom icon is identical to the default icon, except invisible

			map.setCenter(point, 8);
			map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
			map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
			var the_color = (typeof color == 'undefined')? "#000000" : color ;	// default to black

			var style_str = 'background-color:transparent;font-weight:bold;border:0px black solid;white-space:nowrap; font-size:' + font_size + 'px; font-family:arial; opacity: 0.9; color:' + add_hash(the_color) + ';';

			var contents = '<div><div style= "' + style_str + '">'+text+'<\/div><\/div>';
			var label=new ELabel(point, contents, null, new GSize(-8,4), 75, 1);
			var marker = new GMarker(point,invisibleIcon);	        // Create an invisible GMarker
		//	map.addOverlay(marker);
			}				// end function draw Banner()		

		function do_landb() {				// JS function - 8/1/11
			var points = new Array();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `line_status` = 0 AND `use_with_bm` = 1";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, $query, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $empty = FALSE;
        $name = $row['line_name'];
        switch ($row['line_type']) {
            case "p":
                // poly
                $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                echo "\n\tvar points = new Array();\n";
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
                    $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
							var thepoint = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $coords[0];
, <?php 
                    print $coords[1];
                // end for ($i = 0 ... )
                if (intval($filled) == 1 && count($points) > 2) {
							var polyline = new GPolygon(points,add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
                    print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $fill_opacity;
                } else {
							var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
            case "c":
                // circle
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $radius = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                $lat = $coords[0];
                $lng = $coords[1];
                $fill_opacity = intval($filled) == 0 ? 0 : $fill_opacity;
                echo "\n drawCircle({$lat}, {$lng}, {$radius}, add_hash('{$line_color}'), {$line_width}, {$line_opacity}, add_hash('{$fill_color}'), {$fill_opacity}, {$name}); // 513\n";
            case "t":
                // text banner
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $banner = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                echo "\n var point = new GLatLng(parseFloat({$coords[0]}) , parseFloat({$coords[1]}));\n";
                $the_banner = htmlentities($banner, ENT_QUOTES);
                $the_width = intval(trim($line_width), 10);
                // font size
                echo "\n drawBanner( point, '{$the_banner}', '{$the_banner}', {$the_width});\n";
        // end switch
    // end while ()
    unset($query, $result);
			}		// end function do_landb()
		function URLEncode(plaintext ) {					// The Javascript escape and unescape functions do
															// NOT correspond with what browsers actually do...
			var SAFECHARS = "0123456789" +					// Numeric
							"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" +	// guess
							"-_.!*'()";					// RFC2396 Mark characters
			var HEX = "0123456789ABCDEF";
			var encoded = "";
			for (var i = 0; i < plaintext.length; i++ ) {
				var ch = plaintext.charAt(i);
				if (ch == " ") {
					encoded += "+";				// x-www-urlencoded, rather than %20
				} else if (SAFECHARS.indexOf(ch) != -1) {
					encoded += ch;
				} else {
					var charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);
					if (charCode > 255) {
						alert( "Unicode Character '"
								+ ch
								+ "' cannot be encoded using standard URL encoding.\n" +
								  "(URL encoding only supports 8-bit characters.)\n" +
								  "A space (+) will be substituted." );
						encoded += "+";
					} else {
						encoded += "%";
						encoded += HEX.charAt((charCode >> 4) & 0xF);
						encoded += HEX.charAt(charCode & 0xF);
				} 			// end for(...)
			return encoded;
			};			// end function					

//	Tickets show / hide by Priority functions

	function set_initial_pri_disp() {
		$('normal').checked = true;
		$('medium').checked = true;
		$('high').checked = true;
		$('all').checked = true;
		$('none').checked = false;
		$('buttons_sh').style.display = 'none';
		$('incidents').style.display = '';
		$('assignments').style.display = '';		

	function hideGroup(color, category) {			// 8/7/09 Revised function to correct incorrect display, revised 12/03/10 completely revised
		var priority = color;
		var priority_name="";
		if(priority == 1) {
		if(priority == 2) {
		if(priority == 3) {
		if(priority == 4) {

		if(priority == 5) {

		if(priority == 1) {
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id == priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id != priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {

					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = true;
			$('medium').checked = false;
			$('high').checked = false;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 1
		if(priority == 2) {
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id == priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id != priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {

					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = false;
			$('medium').checked = true;
			$('high').checked = false;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 2
		if(priority == 3) {
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id == priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {
					if ((gmarkers[i].id != priority) && (gmarkers[i].category == category)) {

					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = false;
			$('medium').checked = false;
			$('high').checked = true;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 3
		if(priority == 4) {		//	show All
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if (gmarkers[i].category == category) {
					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = true;
			$('medium').checked = true;
			$('high').checked = true;
			$('all').checked = true;
			$('none').checked = false;
			$('pri_all').style.display = 'none';
			$('pri_none').style.display = '';
			}	//	end if priority == 4
		if(priority == 5) {		// hide all
			for (var i = 0; i < gmarkers.length; i++) {
				if (gmarkers[i]) {
					if (gmarkers[i].category == category) {
					}		// end if (gmarkers[i])
				} 	// end for ()
			$('normal').checked = false;
			$('medium').checked = false;
			$('high').checked = false;
			$('all').checked = false;
			$('none').checked = true;
			$('pri_all').style.display = '';
			$('pri_none').style.display = 'none';
			}	//	end if priority == 5
		}			// end function hideGroup(color, category)

	function set_pri_chkbox(control) {
		var pri_control = control;
		if($(pri_control).checked == true) {
			$(pri_control).checked = false;
			} else {
			$(pri_control).checked = true;

//	End of Tickets show / hide by Priority functions		

// 	Units show / hide functions				
	function set_categories() {			//	12/03/10 - checks current session values and sets checkboxes and view states for hide and show.
		var curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_category_butts());
		var cat_sess_stat = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_session_status());
		var hidden = <?php 
    print find_hidden();
		var shown = <?php 
    print find_showing();
		var number_of_units = <?php 
    print get_no_units();
		if(hidden!=0) {
			$('ALL').style.display = '';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('ALL').checked = false;	
		} else {			
			$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL').checked = false;
		if(shown!=0) {
			$('NONE').style.display = '';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('NONE').checked = false;	

		} else {
			$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE').checked = false;
		if(number_of_units==0) {
			$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL').checked = false;
			$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE').checked = false;				
		for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
			var catname = curr_cats[i];
			if(cat_sess_stat[i]=="s") {
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == catname)) {
				$(catname).checked = true;
			} else {
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == catname)) {
				$(catname).checked = false;

	function do_view_cats() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('go_can').style.display = 'inline';
		$('can_button').style.display = 'inline';
		$('go_button').style.display = 'inline';

	function cancel_buttons() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('go_can').style.display = 'none';
		$('can_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('ALL').checked = false;
		$('NONE').checked = false;

	function set_chkbox(control) {
		var units_control = control;
		if($(units_control).checked == true) {
			$(units_control).checked = false;
			} else {
			$(units_control).checked = true;

	function do_go_button() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories
		var curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_category_butts());
		if ($('ALL').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
				$(category).checked = true;				
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category!="Incident")) {				
				$('ALL').checked = false;
				$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
				$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';				
				$('NONE').style.display = '';
				$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('can_button').style.display = 'none';				

		} else if ($('NONE').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);	
				$(category).checked = false;				
				for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
					if((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category!="Incident")) {
				$('NONE').checked = false;
				$('ALL').style.display = '';
				$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
				$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';					
				$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('can_button').style.display = 'none';
		} else {
			var x = 0;
			var y = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				if (category!="Incident") {
					if ($(category).checked == true) {
						var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
						var url = "persist2.php";
						sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
						$(category).checked = true;			
						for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
							if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == category)) {	
//								alert("Showing gmarker " + j + " in Category " + category);
			for (var i = 0; i < curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var category = curr_cats[i];
				if (category!="Incident") {				
					if ($(category).checked == false) {
						var params = "f_n=show_hide_" +URLEncode(category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
						var url = "persist2.php";
						sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
						$(category).checked = false;
						var y=0;
						for (var j = 0; j < gmarkers.length; j++) {
							if ((gmarkers[j]) && (gmarkers[j].category) && (gmarkers[j].category == category)) {
//								alert("Hiding gmarker " + j + " in Category " + category);							

		$('go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('can_button').style.display = 'none';

		if((x > 0) && (x < curr_cats.length)) {
			$('ALL').style.display = '';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('NONE').style.display = '';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
		if(x == 0) {
			$('ALL').style.display = '';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
		if(x == curr_cats.length) {
			$('ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('NONE').style.display = '';
			$('NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';

	}	// end function do_go_button()

	function gb_handleResult(req) {							// 12/03/10	The persist callback function

// Facilities show / hide functions		

	function set_fac_categories() {			//	12/03/10 - checks current session values and sets checkboxes and view states for hide and show.
		var fac_curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_fac_category_butts());
		var fac_cat_sess_stat = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_fac_session_status());
		var fac_hidden = <?php 
    print find_fac_hidden();
		var fac_shown = <?php 
    print find_fac_showing();
		if(fac_hidden!=0) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL').checked = false;	
		} else {			
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_ALL').checked = false;
		if(fac_shown!=0) {
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE').checked = false;
		} else {
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE').checked = false;
		for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
			var fac_catname = fac_curr_cats[i];
			if(fac_cat_sess_stat[i]=="s") {
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if (fmarkers[j].category == fac_catname) {
				$(fac_catname).checked = true;
			} else {
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if (fmarkers[j].category == fac_catname) {
				$(fac_catname).checked = false;

	function do_view_fac_cats() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('fac_go_can').style.display = 'inline';
		$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'inline';
		$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'inline';

	function fac_cancel_buttons() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories, Showing and setting onClick attribute for Next button for category show / hide.
		$('fac_go_can').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_ALL').checked = false;
		$('fac_NONE').checked = false;

	function set_fac_chkbox(control) {
		var fac_control = control;
		if($(fac_control).checked == true) {
			$(fac_control).checked = false;
			} else {
			$(fac_control).checked = true;

	function do_go_facilities_button() {							// 12/03/10	Show Hide categories
		var fac_curr_cats = <?php 
    echo json_encode(get_fac_category_butts());
		if ($('fac_ALL').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
				$(fac_category).checked = true;				
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if(fmarkers[j].category != "Incident") {				
				$('fac_ALL').checked = false;
				$('fac_ALL').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';				
				$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
				$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';

		} else if ($('fac_NONE').checked == true) {
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];
				var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
				var url = "persist2.php";
				sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);	
				$(fac_category).checked = false;				
				for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
					if(fmarkers[j].category != "Incident") {
				$('fac_NONE').checked = false;
				$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
				$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';				
				$('fac_NONE').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';					
				$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
				$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';
		} else {
			var x = 0;
			var y = 0;
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {

				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];
				if ($(fac_category).checked == true) {
					var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
					var url = "persist2.php";
					sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
					$(fac_category).checked = true;			
					for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
						if(fmarkers[j].category == fac_category) {			
			for (var i = 0; i < fac_curr_cats.length; i++) {
				var fac_category = fac_curr_cats[i];				
				if ($(fac_category).checked == false) {
					var params = "f_n=show_hide_fac_" +URLEncode(fac_category)+ "&v_n=h&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(__LINE__);
					var url = "persist2.php";
					sendRequest (url, gb_handleResult, params);
					$(fac_category).checked = false;
					var y=0;
					for (var j = 0; j < fmarkers.length; j++) {
						if(fmarkers[j].category == fac_category) {			

		var hidden = <?php 
    print find_hidden();
		var shown = <?php 
    print find_showing();

		$('fac_go_button').style.display = 'none';
		$('fac_can_button').style.display = 'none';

		if((x > 0) && (x < fac_curr_cats.length)) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';
		if(x == 0) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = '';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
		if(x == fac_curr_cats.length) {
			$('fac_ALL').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_ALL_BUTTON').style.display = 'none';
			$('fac_NONE').style.display = '';
			$('fac_NONE_BUTTON').style.display = '';

	}	// end function do_go_button()

	function gfb_handleResult(req) {							// 12/03/10	The persist callback function

// end of facilities show / hide function

		function hideDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/29/11, function forhiding DIVS for control areas
			var divarea = div_area 
			var hide_cont = hide_cont 
			var show_cont = show_cont 
			if($(divarea)) {
				$(divarea).style.display = 'none';

		function showDiv(div_area, hide_cont, show_cont) {	//	3/29/11, function for showing DIVS for control areas
			var divarea = div_area
			var hide_cont = hide_cont 
			var show_cont = show_cont 
			if($(divarea)) {
				$(divarea).style.display = '';
		var starting = false;

		function check_sidemenu() {
			if($('inc_list').style.display=="block") {
			if($('buttons_sh').style.display=="block") {
			if($('assigns_list').style.display=="block") {
		function myclick(id) {					// 3/29/11	For incident list clicks to launch infoWindow
			GEvent.trigger(gmarkers[id], "click");
			location.href = "#top";
		function do_mail_fac_win(id) {			// Facility email 9/22/09
			if(starting) {return;}					
			var url = "do_fac_mail.php?fac_id=" + id; (url, 'Email_Window',  'titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=300,width=600,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=50,top=150,screenX=100,screenY=300');
			if (isNull(newwindow_in)) {
				alert ("This requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
			starting = false;
		function do_show_Units() {
			var params = "f_n=show_hide_unit&v_n=s&sess_id=<?php 
    print get_sess_key(basename(__FILE__) . __LINE__);
";					// flag 1, value s
			var url = "persist.php";
			sendRequest (url, s_handleResult, params);	// ($to_str, $text, $ticket_id)   10/15/08
			}			// end function do notify()
		function s_handleResult(req) {					// the 'called-back' persist function - show
		function createMarker(point, tabs, color, stat, id, sym, category) {					// Creates marker and sets up click event infowindow
			points = true;
			var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
			var icon_url = "./our_icons/gen_icon.php?blank=" + escape(icons[color]) + "&text=" + sym;				// 1/6/09
			icon.image = icon_url;
			var marker = new GMarker(point, icon); = color;				// for hide/unhide
			marker.category = category;		// 12/03/10 for show / hide by status	
			marker.stat = stat;				// 10/21/09
			GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {					// here for icon click
//				if (ticket_ids[(id-1)]) {
//					open_tick_window (ticket_ids[(id-1)]);
//					}
//				else {
					which = id;
					setTimeout(function() {											// wait for rendering complete - 11/6/08
						if ($("detailmap")) {				// 10/9/08
							var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
							var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
							detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
							detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);  						// larger # = closer
						else {
						},3000);				// end setTimeout(...)
					});				// end function(marker, point)
			gmarkers[id] = marker;							// marker to array for side_bar click function
			infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
			if (!(map_is_fixed)){
			return marker;
			}				// end function create Marker()
		function createdummyMarker(point, tabs, id) {					// Creates dummymarker and sets up click event infowindow for "no maps" added tickets and units. 7/28/10 
			points = true;
			var icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
			var icon_url = "./our_icons/question1.png";				// 7/28/10
			icon.image = icon_url;

			var dummymarker = new GMarker(point, icon);

			GEvent.addListener(dummymarker, "click", function() {

				which = id;

				setTimeout(function() {
					if ($("detailmap")) {
						var dMapDiv = $("detailmap");
						var detailmap = new GMap2(dMapDiv);
						detailmap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
						detailmap.setCenter(point, 17);
					else {
	//					alert($("detailmap"));
					},3000);				// end setTimeout(...)

			gmarkers[id] = dummymarker;							// marker to array for side_bar click function
			infoTabs[id] = tabs;							// tabs to array
			if (!(map_is_fixed)){
			return dummymarker;
			}				// end function create dummyMarker()			
		var the_grid;
		var grid = false;
		function doGrid() {
			if (grid) {
			else {
				the_grid = new LatLonGraticule();
			grid = !grid;
			}			// end function doGrid
	    var trafficInfo = new GTrafficOverlay();
	    var toggleState = true;
		function doTraffic() {				// 10/16/08
			if (toggleState) {
			else {
	        toggleState = !toggleState;			// swap
		    }				// end function doTraffic()
		var icons=[];						// note globals
		icons[0] = 											 4;	// units white
+1] = 1;	// blue
+1] = 2;	// yellow
+1] =  3;	// red
+2] =  0;	// black
		var map;
		var center;
		var zoom;
		var points = false;
    $dzf = get_variable('def_zoom_fixed');
    print "\tvar map_is_fixed = ";
    print $dzf == 1 || $dzf == 3 ? "true;\n" : "false;\n";
    $kml_olays = array();
    $dir = "./kml_files";
    $dh = opendir($dir);
    $i = 1;
    $temp = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $temp[count($temp) - 1] = "kml_files";
    $server_str = "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . implode("/", $temp) . "/";
    while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
        if (!is_dir($filename)) {
            echo "\tvar kml_" . $i . " = new GGeoXml(\"" . $server_str . $filename . "\");\n";
            $kml_olays[] = "map.addOverlay(kml_" . $i . ");";
    //	dump ($kml_olays);
	function do_mail_win() {			// 6/13/09
		if(starting) {return;}					
		starting=true;'do_unit_mail.php', 'E_mail_Window',  'titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=640,width=800,status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=50,top=150,screenX=100,screenY=300');
		if (isNull(newwindow_um)) {
			alert ("This requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
		starting = false;
	function open_tick_window (id) {				// 4/12/10
		var url = "single.php?ticket_id="+ id;
		var tickWindow =, 'mailWindow', 'resizable=1, scrollbars, height=600, width=600, left=100,top=100,screenX=100,screenY=100');
	function do_add_note (id) {				// 8/12/09
		var url = "add_note.php?ticket_id="+ id;
		var noteWindow =, 'mailWindow', 'resizable=1, scrollbars, height=240, width=600, left=100,top=100,screenX=100,screenY=100');
	function do_track(callsign) {		
		if (parent.frames["upper"].logged_in()) {
	//		if(starting) {return;}					// 6/6/08
	//		starting=true;
			var width = <?php 
    print get_variable('map_width');
			var spec ="titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=640,width=" + width + ",status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300";
			var url = "track_u.php?source="+callsign;, callsign,  spec);
			if (isNull(newwindow)) {
				alert ("Track display requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
	//		starting = false;
		}				// end function do track()
	//function do_popup(id) {					// added 7/9/09
	//	if (parent.frames["upper"].logged_in()) {
	//		map.closeInfoWindow();
	//		var width = <?php 
    print get_variable('map_width');
	//		var spec ="titlebar, resizable=1, scrollbars, height=590,width=" + width + ",status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=0, left=100,top=300,screenX=100,screenY=300";
	//		var url = "incident_popup.php?id="+id;
	//, id, spec);
	//		if (isNull(newwindow)) {
	//			alert ("Popup Incident display requires popups to be enabled. Please adjust your browser options.");
	//			return;
	//			}
	////		starting = false;
	//		newwindow.focus();
	//		}
	//	}				// end function do popup()
		var ticket_ids = [];
		var gmarkers = [];
		var fmarkers = [];
		var infoTabs = [];
		var facinfoTabs = [];
		var which;
		var i = 0;			// sidebar/icon index
		map = new GMap2($("map"));		// create the map
    $maptype = get_variable('maptype');
    // 08/02/09
    switch ($maptype) {
        case "1":
        case "2":
        case "3":
        case "4":
            print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
//		map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());					// 8/25/08
		map.setUIToDefault();									// 8/13/10

		map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
		map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
		mapBounds=new GLatLngBounds(map.getBounds().getSouthWest(), map.getBounds().getNorthEast());		// 4/4/09
		var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();						// create  bounding box
    if (get_variable('terrain') == 1) {
		do_landb();				// 7/3/11 - show lines		
		var baseIcon = new GIcon();
		baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";		// ./markers/sm_shadow.png
		baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(20, 34);
		baseIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(37, 34);
		baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(9, 34);
		baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
		baseIcon.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);
		GEvent.addListener(map, "infowindowclose", function() {		// re-center after  move/zoom
    $order_by = !empty($get_sortby) ? $get_sortby : $_SESSION['sortorder'];
    // use default sort order?
    //fix limits according to setting "ticket_per_page"
    $limit = "";
    if ($_SESSION['ticket_per_page'] && check_for_rows("SELECT id FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`") > $_SESSION['ticket_per_page']) {
        if ($_GET['offset']) {
            $limit = "LIMIT {$_GET['offset']},{$_SESSION['ticket_per_page']}";
        } else {
            $limit = "LIMIT 0,{$_SESSION['ticket_per_page']}";
    $restrict_ticket = get_variable('restrict_user_tickets') == 1 && !is_administrator() ? " AND owner={$_SESSION['user_id']}" : "";
    $time_back = mysql_format_date(time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60 - $cwi * 3600);
    if (!isset($_POST['frm_group'])) {
        $x = 0;
        $where2 = "AND (";
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        $where2 = "AND (";
        foreach ($_POST['frm_group'] as $grp) {
            $where3 = count($_POST['frm_group']) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    switch ($func) {
        //9/29/09 Added capability for Special Incidents 10/27/09 changed to bring scheduled incidents to front when due.
        case 0:
            $where = "WHERE (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_OPEN']}' OR (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_SCHEDULED']}' AND `booked_date` <= (NOW() + INTERVAL 2 DAY)) OR \n\t\t\t\t\t(`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']}'  AND `problemend` >= '{$time_back}')){$where2}";
            //	11/29/10, 6/10/11, 6/10/11
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:
        case 7:
        case 8:
        case 9:
            $the_start = get_start($func);
            // mysql timestamp format
            $the_end = get_end($func);
            $where = " WHERE (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']}' AND `problemend` BETWEEN '{$the_start}' AND '{$the_end}') {$where2} ";
            //	6/10/11, 6/10/11
        case 10:
            $where = "WHERE (`status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_SCHEDULED']}' AND `booked_date` >= (NOW() + INTERVAL 2 DAY)) {$where2}";
            //	11/29/10, 6/10/11, 6/10/11
            print "error - error - error - error " . __LINE__;
            //				default: $where = "WHERE `status`='{$GLOBALS['STATUS_OPEN']}' OR (`status`='3'  AND `booked_date` <= (NOW() - INTERVAL 6 HOUR))"; break;
    // end switch($func)
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS `problemstart`, \n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS `problemend`,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS `date`,\n\t\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.updated) AS `updated`, \n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id` AS `ticket_id`, \n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`severity` AS `severity`, \t\t\t\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types`.type AS `type`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types`.`id` AS `t_id`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.street AS `tick_street`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.city AS `tick_city`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.state AS `tick_state`,\t\t\t\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.lat AS `lat`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.lng AS `lng`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.lat AS `fac_lat`,\n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.lng AS `fac_lng`, \n\t\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`name` AS `fac_name` \n\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.id=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`resource_id`\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.in_types_id=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types`.`id` \n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.rec_facility=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`id` \n\t\t\t{$where} {$restrict_ticket} \n\t\t\t GROUP BY ticket_id ORDER BY `status` DESC, `severity` DESC, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id` ASC";
    // 2/2/09, 10/28/09
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $curr_incs = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $sb_indx = 0;
    // note zero base!
    // major while ... starts here
//	3/29/11 Incident List sidebar header
			var sidebar_line = "<DIV style='width: 100%;'>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_space odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";	
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_space odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_1 odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Incident</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_type odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Type</B></DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_1 odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Addr</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_date odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Start</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'in_dur odd'><DIV CLASS = 'incs'><B>Duration</B></DIV></DIV></DIV><BR />";			
    $evenodd = array("even", "odd");
    // CLASS names for alternating table row colors
    if ($curr_incs > 0) {
        $z = 0;
        while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
            $z == 0 ? $background_col = "even" : ($background_col = "odd");
            print "\t\t ticket_ids.push({$row['ticket_id']});\n";
            switch ($row['status']) {
                //10/27/09 to Add star to scheduled incidents on current situation screen
                case 1:
                    $sp = "";
                case 2:
                    $sp = "";
                case 3:
                    $sp = "*";
                    $sp = "";
            print "\t\tvar scheduled = '{$sp}';\n";
		//		var sym = i.toString();						// for sidebar and icon
				var sym = scheduled + (<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
+1).toString();					// for sidebar and icon
            $the_id = $row[0];
            if ($row['tick_descr'] == '') {
                $row['tick_descr'] = '[no description]';
            // 8/12/09
            if (get_variable('abbreviate_description')) {
                //do abbreviations on description, affected if neccesary
                if (strlen($row['tick_descr']) > get_variable('abbreviate_description')) {
                    $row['tick_descr'] = substr($row['tick_descr'], 0, get_variable('abbreviate_description')) . '...';
            if (get_variable('abbreviate_affected')) {
                if (strlen($row['affected']) > get_variable('abbreviate_affected')) {
                    $row['affected'] = substr($row['affected'], 0, get_variable('abbreviate_affected')) . '...';
            switch ($row['severity']) {
                //color tickets by severity
                case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']:
                    $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
                case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
                    $severityclass = 'severity_high';
                    $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
            $street = empty($row['tick_street']) ? "" : $row['tick_street'] . "<BR/>" . $row['tick_city'] . " " . $row['state'];
            $todisp = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;<A HREF='routes.php?ticket_id=" . $the_id . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>";
            // 8/2/08
            $now = now();
            if ($row['status'] == $GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED']) {
                $strike = "<strike>";
                $strikend = "</strike>";
            } else {
                $strike = $strikend = "";
            $index_no = $sb_indx + 1;
				//	3/29/11 Incident List sidebar				
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_space <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('* means the incident is a scheduled one')\"><?php 
            print $strike;
            print $index_no;
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_space <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('* means the incident is a scheduled one')\"><?php 
            print $strike;
            print $sp;
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_1 <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print $row['scope'];
            print $strike;
            print shorten($row['scope'], $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_type <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print $row['type'];
            print $strike;
            print shorten($row['type'], $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_1 <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print $row['tick_street'] . " " . $row['tick_city'] . " " . $row['tick_state'];
            print $strike;
            print shorten($row['tick_street'] . ' ' . $row['tick_city'] . " " . $row['tick_state'], $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_date <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print format_date($row['problemstart']);
            print $strike;
            print shorten(format_date($row['problemstart']), $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='in_dur <?php 
            print $background_col;
            print $severityclass;
'><DIV class='incs' onClick = 'myclick(<?php 
            print $sb_indx;
);' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
            print my_date_diff($row['problemstart'], $now);
            print $strike;
            print shorten(my_date_diff($row['problemstart'], $now), $shorten_length);
            print $strikend;

            $rand = $istest ? "&rand=" . chr(rand(65, 90)) : "";
            // 10/21/08
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>{$strike}" . shorten($row['scope'], 48) . "{$strikend}</B></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            if (good_date($row['booked_date'])) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Booked Date:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['booked_date']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Reported by:</TD><TD>" . shorten($row['contact'], 32) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Phone:</TD><TD>" . format_phone($row['phone']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Addr:</TD><TD>" . $row['tick_street'] . ' ' . $row['tick_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
            $end_date = intval($row['problemend']) > 1 ? $row['problemend'] : time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
            $elapsed = my_date_diff($row['problemstart'], $end_date);
            // 5/13/10
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='left'>Status:</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_status($row['status']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;({$elapsed})</TD></TR>";
            // 3/27/10
            if (!empty($row['fac_name'])) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Receiving Facility:</TD><TD>" . shorten($row['fac_name'], 30) . "</TD></TR>";
            $utm = get_variable('UTM');
            if ($utm == 1) {
                $coords = $row['lat'] . "," . $row['lng'];
                // 8/12/09
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>UTM grid:</TD><TD>" . toUTM($coords) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            // 11/6/08
            $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin'  width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            // 8/12/09
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD ALIGN='left'>Description:</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . replace_quotes(shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['tick_descr']), 48)) . "</TD></TR>";
            // str_replace("\r\n", " ", $my_string)
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'>\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text('Disposition') . ":</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . replace_quotes(shorten($row['comments'], 48)) . "</TD></TR>";
            // 8/13/09, 3/15/11
            $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD ALIGN='left'>911 contact:</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . replace_quotes(shorten($row['nine_one_one'], 48)) . "</TD></TR>";
            // 6/26/10
            $locale = get_variable('locale');
            // 08/03/09
            switch ($locale) {
                case "0":
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD>USNG:</TD><TD>" . LLtoUSNG($row['lat'], $row['lng']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                case "1":
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD>OSGB:</TD><TD>" . LLtoOSGB($row['lat'], $row['lng']) . "</TD></TR>";
                    // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                case "2":
                    $coords = $row['lat'] . "," . $row['lng'];
                    // 8/12/09
                    $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'>\t<TD>UTM:</TD><TD>" . toUTM($coords) . "</TD></TR>";
                    // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                    print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
            //		$tab_2 .= "<TR>					<TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "<TR>\t\t\t\t\t<TD COLSPAN=2>" . show_assigns(0, $the_id) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
            // 11/6/08
            $query = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}action WHERE `ticket_id` = " . $the_id;
            $resultav = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql_query', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $A = mysql_affected_rows();
            $query = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}patient WHERE `ticket_id` = " . $the_id;
            $resultav = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql_query', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $P = mysql_affected_rows();
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
            print nl2brr(shorten($row['scope'], 12));
", "<?php 
            print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
            print str_replace($eols, " ", $tab_2);
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
				var point = new GLatLng(<?php 
            print $row['lat'];
, <?php 
            print $row['lng'];
);	// for each ticket
				if (!(map_is_fixed)){																// 4/3/09
				var category = "Incident";

				var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs,<?php 
            print $row['severity'] + 1;
, 0, i, sym, category);	// (point,tabs, color, id, sym) - 1/6/09
				var the_class = ((map_is_fixed) && (!(mapBounds.containsLatLng(point))))? "emph" : "td_label";
					i++;				// step the index				
            if (intval($row['radius']) > 0) {
                $color = substr($row['color'], 0, 1) == "#" ? $row['color'] : "#000000";
                // black default
		//		drawCircle(				38.479874, 				-78.246704, 						50.0, 					"#000080",						 1, 		0.75,	 "#0000FF", 					.2);
				drawCircle(	<?php 
                print $row['lat'];
, <?php 
                print $row['lng'];
, <?php 
                print $row['radius'];
, "<?php 
                print $color;
", 1, 0.75, "<?php 
                print $color;
", .<?php 
                print $row['opacity'];
            // end if (intval($row['radius'])
            $z == 0 ? $z = 1 : ($z = 0);
        // end tickets while ($row = ...)
    } else {
				sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='even' style='width: 100%;'><DIV style='text-align: center; color: #FF0000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;'>No Current Incidents for selected time period</DIV></DIV><BR />";
    $sev_string = "Severities: normal ({$by_severity[$GLOBALS['SEVERITY_NORMAL']]}), Medium ({$by_severity[$GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']]}), High ({$by_severity[$GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']]})";
			$('sev_counts').innerHTML = "<?php 
    print $sev_string;
			$('incidents').innerHTML = sidebar_line;	//	incident list to sidebar

var sidebar_line = "";
    // ========================================== 3/29/11 ASSIGNMENTS start    ================================================
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewed_groups'])) {
        //	6/10/11
        $curr_viewed = explode(",", $_SESSION['viewed_groups']);
    if (!isset($curr_viewed)) {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "AND (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "AND (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($curr_viewed as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($curr_viewed) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(as_of) AS as_of,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`id` AS `assign_id` ,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`comments` AS `assign_comments`,\n\t\t`u`.`user` AS `theuser`, `t`.`scope` AS `tick_scope`,\n\t\t`t`.`description` AS `tick_descr`,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`t`.`problemstart`) AS `tick_pstart`,\n\t\t`t`.`problemstart` AS `problemstart`,\t\t\n\t\t`t`.`status` AS `tick_status`,\n\t\t`t`.`street` AS `tick_street`,\n\t\t`t`.`city` AS `tick_city`,\n\t\t`t`.`state` AS `tick_state`,\t\t\t\n\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`,\n\t\t`r`.`name` AS `unit_name` ,\n\t\t`r`.`type` AS `unit_type` ,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`as_of` AS `assign_as_of`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`clear` AS `clear`\t\t\n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` `t` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id` = `t`.`id`)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}user` `u` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`user_id` = `u`.`id`)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder`\t`r` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id` = `r`.`id`)\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\t\n\t\t\tWHERE (`clear` IS NULL OR DATE_FORMAT(`clear`,'%y') = '00') {$where2}   \n\t\tGROUP BY `unit_id` ORDER BY `severity` DESC, `tick_pstart` ASC";
    //			dump($query);
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $curr_calls = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $guest = is_guest();
    $user = is_user();
    $doUnit = $guest || $user ? "viewU" : "editU";
    // 5/11/10
    $doTick = $guest ? "viewT" : "editT";
    // 06/26/08
    $now = time() - get_variable('delta_mins') * 60;
    $items = mysql_affected_rows();
    $tags_arr = explode("/", get_variable('disp_stat'));
    // 8/29/10
    $TBL_INC_PERC = 50;
    // incident group - four columns  -  50 percent as default
    $TBL_UNIT_PERC = 35;
    // unit group,
    $COLS_INCID = 18;
    // incident name -  18 characters as default
    $COLS_OPENED = 16;
    // date/time opened -  0 characters as default
    $COLS_DESCR = 32;
    // incident description -  32 characters as default
    $COLS_ADDR = 32;
    // address -  32 characters as default
    $COLS_UNIT = 15;
    // unit name
    $COLS_ASOF = 9;
    // call as-of date/time -  9 characters as default
    $priorities = array("", "severity_medium", "severity_high");
    if ($curr_calls > 0) {
//	3/29/11 Assignments List sidebar header
			sidebar_line += "<DIV style='font-size: 12px; color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF;'>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'c1 odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Incident</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'cdate odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Inc Start</B></DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'c1 odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Synopsis</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'c1 odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Addr</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'cspace odd'><DIV class='incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'unit_n odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Unit</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'unit_d odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>&nbsp</B></DIV></DIV>";
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS= 'unit_s odd'><DIV class='incs'><B>Unit St</B></DIV></DIV>";			
			sidebar_line += "</DIV><BR />";
        $w = 0;
        $unit_ids = array();
        $i = 1;
        $evenodd = array("even", "odd");
        // CLASS names for alternating table row colors
        while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
            //	While for Assignments
            //	============================= Regions stuff
            $query_un = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 2 AND `resource_id` = '{$row['unit_id']}' ORDER BY `id` ASC;";
            // 5/4/11
            $result_un = mysql_query($query_un);
            // 5/4/11
            $un_groups = array();
            while ($row_un = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_un))) {
                // 5/4/11
                $un_groups[] = $row_un['group'];
            //				dump($row);
            $inviewed = 0;
            //	5/4/11
            foreach ($un_groups as $un_val) {
                if (in_array($un_val, $al_groups)) {
            //	============================= end of Regions stuff
            $w == 0 ? $bg_color_class = "even" : ($bg_color_class = "odd");
            $in_strike = !empty($row['scope']) && $row['tick_status'] == $GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED'] ? "<STRIKE>" : "";
            // 11/7/08
            $in_strikend = !empty($row['scope']) && $row['tick_status'] == $GLOBALS['STATUS_CLOSED'] ? "</STRIKE>" : "";
            if ($inviewed > 0) {
                //	Tests to see whether assigned unit is in one of the users groups 5/4/11
                if (!empty($row['scope'])) {
                    $the_name = addslashes($row['tick_scope']);
                    // 9/12/09
                    $the_short_name = shorten($row['tick_scope'], $shorten_length);
                    $the_descr = empty($row['tick_descr']) ? "&nbsp;" : addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['tick_descr']));
                    $the_short_one = empty($row['tick_descr']) ? "&nbsp; " : shorten(addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['tick_descr'])), $shorten_length);
                    $address = empty($row['tick_street']) ? "&nbsp;" : $row['tick_street'] . ", ";
                    // 8/10/10
                    $address = addslashes($address . $row['tick_city'] . "&nbsp;" . $row['tick_state']);
                    $short_addr = shorten($address, $shorten_length);
//	3/29/11 Assignments List sidebar					
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c1 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('[#<?php 
                    print $row['ticket_id'];
] <?php 
                    print $the_name;
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print $in_strike;
                    print $the_short_name;
                    print $in_strikend;
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='cdate <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('Opened: <?php 
                    print format_date($row['tick_pstart']);
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print substr($row['problemstart'], 0, $shorten_length);
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c1 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
                    print $the_descr;
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print $in_strike;
                    print $the_short_one;
                    print $in_strikend;
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c1 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
                    print $address;
')\" ALIGN='left' onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><?php 
                    print $in_strike;
                    print $short_addr;
                    print $in_strikend;
                } else {
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='c0 <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs'>135[#<?php 
                    print $row['ticket_id'];
						sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='cspace <?php 
                print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs'>&nbsp;</DIV></DIV>";	
                //  UNITS			3 col's	- 9/12/09
                if (is_date($row['clear'])) {
                    // 6/26/08
                    $strike = "<STRIKE>";
                    $strikend = "</STRIKE>";
                    // strikethrough on closed assigns
                } else {
                    $strike = $strikend = "";
                if (!($row['unit_id'] == 0)) {
                    // 5/11/09
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types`\tWHERE `id`= '{$row['unit_type']}' LIMIT 1";
                    $result_type = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                    $row_type = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_type)) : "";
                    $the_bg_color = empty($row_type) ? "transparent" : $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_BG'][$row_type['icon']];
                    // 3/15/10
                    $the_text_color = empty($row_type) ? "black" : $GLOBALS['UNIT_TYPES_TEXT'][$row_type['icon']];
                    $unit_name = empty($row['unit_id']) ? "[#{$row['unit_id']}]" : addslashes($row['unit_name']);
                    // id only if absent
                    $short_name = shorten($unit_name, 10);
							sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='unit_n <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
' STYLE='background-color:<?php 
                    print $the_bg_color;
;  opacity: .7; color:<?php 
                    print $the_text_color;
;'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('#<?php 
                    print $row['unit_id'];
                    print $unit_name;
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\"><B><?php 
                    print $short_name;
                    $the_disp_str = fs_get_disp_status($row);
                    // 3/25/11
							sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='unit_d disp_stat'><DIV class='incs'<b>&nbsp;<?php 
                    print $the_disp_str;
                    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`t`.`id` AS `type_id`, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`r`.`name` AS `name`,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`s`.`description` AS `stat_descr`,  \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t`r`.`name` AS `unit_name`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON ( `r`.`type` = )\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON ( `r`.`un_status_id` = ) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `r`.`id` = '{$row['unit_id']}' LIMIT 1";
                    $result_unit = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
                    $row_unit = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_unit));
								sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='unit_s' <?php 
                    print $bg_color_class;
'><DIV class='incs' onmouseover=\"Tip('<?php 
                    print substr($row_unit['stat_descr'], 0, 12);
')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">&nbsp;<?php 
                    print substr($row_unit['stat_descr'], 0, 12);
								sidebar_line += "</DIV><BR />";	
            $w == 0 ? $w = 1 : ($w = 0);
    } else {
			sidebar_line += "<DIV CLASS='even' style='width: 100%;'><DIV style='text-align: center; color: #FF0000; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;'>No Current Unit Assignments</DIV></DIV><BR />";
		$('assignments').innerHTML = sidebar_line;	//	assignment list to DIV		
	// ==========================================      RESPONDER start    ================================================
			points = false;
			var j=0;
    $u_types = array();
    // 1/1/09
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` ORDER BY `id`";
    // types in use
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $u_types[$row['id']] = array($row['name'], $row['icon']);
        // name, index, aprs - 1/5/09, 1/21/09
    $categories = array();
    // 12/03/10
    $categories = get_category_butts();
    // 12/03/10
    $assigns = array();
    // 08/8/3
    $tickets = array();
    // ticket id's
    $query = "SELECT `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`responder_id`, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`scope` AS `ticket` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns` LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`.`ticket_id`=`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`";
    $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_as = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_as))) {
        $assigns[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket'];
        $tickets[$row_as['responder_id']] = $row_as['ticket_id'];
    $eols = array("\r\n", "\n", "\r");
    // all flavors of eol
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    $status_vals = array();
    // build array of $status_vals
    $status_vals[''] = $status_vals['0'] = "TBD";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` ORDER BY `id`";
    $result_st = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_st = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result_st))) {
        $temp = $row_st['id'];
        $status_vals[$temp] = $row_st['status_val'];
        $status_hide[$temp] = $row_st['hide'];
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}';";
    // 6/10/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    // 6/10/11
    $al_groups = array();
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        // 6/10/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    if (!isset($_POST['frm_group'])) {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	6/10/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	6/10/11
        foreach ($_POST['frm_group'] as $grp) {
            //	6/10/11
            $where3 = count($_POST['frm_group']) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`a`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `a`.`type` = 2";
    //-----------------------UNIT RING FENCE STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
	var boundary = new Array();	
	var bound_names = new Array();	
    $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` `l`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON ( `l`.`id` = `r`.`ring_fence`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\n\t\t\t\t{$where2} AND `use_with_u_rf`=1 GROUP BY `l`.`id`";
    $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
        $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
        $all_boundaries[] = $row_bn['ring_fence'];
        $points = explode(";", $line_data);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
            $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
			thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[1];
        // end for ($i = 0 ... )
        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
            //	6/10/11
			var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
            print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
        } else {
			var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
    //	End while
    //-------------------------END OF UNIT RING FENCE STUFF-------------------------
    //-----------------------UNIT EXCLUSION ZONE STUFF--------------------6/10/11
	var thepoint;
	var points = new Array();
    $query_bn = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` `l`\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` ON ( `l`.`id` = `r`.`excl_zone`)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = `a`.`resource_id` )\t\n\t\t\t\t{$where2} AND `use_with_u_ex`=1 GROUP BY `l`.`id`";
    $result_bn = mysql_query($query_bn) or do_error($query_bn, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row_bn = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_bn))) {
        $bn_name = $row_bn['line_name'];
        $all_boundaries[] = $row_bn['ring_fence'];
        $points = explode(";", $line_data);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
            $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
			thepoint = new GLatLng(parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[0];
), parseFloat(<?php 
            print $coords[1];
        // end for ($i = 0 ... )
        if (intval($filled) == 1) {
            //	6/10/11
			var polyline = new GPolygon(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, add_hash("<?php 
            print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
            print $fill_opacity;
, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
        } else {
			var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
            print $line_color;
"), <?php 
            print $line_width;
, <?php 
            print $line_opacity;
, , 0, {clickable:false, id:"ringfence"});
            print $bn_name;
    //	End while
    //-------------------------END OF UNIT EXCLUSION ZONE STUFF-------------------------
    //	$query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]responder` ORDER BY `handle`";	//
    //	$query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `$GLOBALS[mysql_prefix]responder` ORDER BY `name`";	//
    $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated`, `r`.`name` AS `unit_name`, `r`.`id` AS `unit_id`, `t`.`name` AS `type_name`, `r`.`type` AS `type`\n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}responder` `r` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` `a` ON ( `r`.`id` = a.resource_id )\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}unit_types` `t` ON ( `r`.`type` = )\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}un_status` `s` ON ( `r`.`un_status_id` = ) \n\t\t{$where2} \n\t\tGROUP BY unit_id ";
    //	4/11/11, 5/4/11
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    $units_ct = mysql_affected_rows();
    // 1/4/10
    $aprs = FALSE;
    $instam = FALSE;
    $locatea = FALSE;
    $gtrack = FALSE;
    $glat = FALSE;
    $i = 0;
    // counter
    // =============================================================================
    $bulls = array(0 => "", 1 => "red", 2 => "green", 3 => "white", 4 => "black");
    $utc = gmdate("U");
    // 3/25/09
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result))) {
        // ==========  major while() for RESPONDER ==========
        $got_point = FALSE;
        $latitude = $row['lat'];
        // 7/18/10
        $longitude = $row['lng'];
        // 7/18/10
        $name = $row['unit_name'];
        //	10/8/09
        $temp = explode("/", $name);
        $index = $row['icon_str'];
        // 4/27/11
        print "\t\tvar sym = '{$index}';\n";
        // for sidebar and icon 10/8/09
        // 2/13/09
        $todisp = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&view=true&disp=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 08/8/02
        $toedit = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 10/8/08
        $totrack = intval($row['mobile']) == 0 || empty($row['callsign']) ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = do_track('" . $row['callsign'] . "');><B><U>Tracks</B></U>&nbsp;&nbsp;</SPAN>";
        $tofac = is_guest() ? "" : "<A HREF='units.php?func=responder&view=true&dispfac=true&id=" . $row['id'] . "'><U>To Facility</U></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 08/8/02
        $temp = $row['un_status_id'];
        // 2/24/09
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        // 2/2/09
        $hide_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_hide) ? $status_hide[$temp] : "??";
        // 10/21/09
        if ($hide_status == "y") {
            $hide_unit = 1;
        } else {
            $hide_unit = 0;
        $temp = $row['un_status_id'];
        // 2/24/09
        $the_status = array_key_exists($temp, $status_vals) ? $status_vals[$temp] : "??";
        // 2/2/09
        if ($row['aprs'] == 1) {
            // get most recent aprs position data
            $query = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(packet_date) AS `packet_date`, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source`= '{$row['callsign']}' ORDER BY `packet_date` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_aprs = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $aprs_updated = $row_aprs['updated'];
            $aprs_speed = $row_aprs['speed'];
            //			if (($row_aprs) && (settype($row_aprs['latitude'], "float"))) {
            if ($row_aprs && my_is_float($row_aprs['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_aprs['latitude'] . ", " . $row_aprs['longitude'] . "); // 677\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_aprs = FALSE;
        //		dump($row_aprs);
        if ($row['instam'] == 1) {
            // get most recent instamapper data
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no. 3/22/09
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_instam = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $instam_updated = $row_instam['updated'];
            $instam_speed = $row_instam['speed'];
            if ($row_instam && my_is_float($row_instam['latitude'])) {
                // 4/29/09
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_instam['latitude'] . ", " . $row_instam['longitude'] . "); // 724\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_instam = FALSE;
        if ($row['locatea'] == 1) {
            // get most recent locatea data		// 7/23/09
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no.
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_locatea = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $locatea_updated = $row_locatea['updated'];
            $locatea_speed = $row_locatea['speed'];
            if ($row_locatea && my_is_float($row_locatea['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_locatea['latitude'] . ", " . $row_locatea['longitude'] . "); // 687\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_locatea = FALSE;
        if ($row['gtrack'] == 1) {
            // get most recent gtrack data		// 7/23/09
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no.
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_gtrack = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $gtrack_updated = $row_gtrack['updated'];
            $gtrack_speed = $row_gtrack['speed'];
            if ($row_gtrack && my_is_float($row_gtrack['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_gtrack['latitude'] . ", " . $row_gtrack['longitude'] . "); // 687\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_gtrack = FALSE;
        if ($row['glat'] == 1) {
            // get most recent latitude data		// 7/23/09
            $temp = explode("/", $row['callsign']);
            // callsign/account no.
            $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS `updated` FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}tracks_hh`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `source` LIKE '{$temp['0']}%' ORDER BY `updated` DESC LIMIT 1";
            // newest
            $result_tr = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $row_glat = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_tr)) : FALSE;
            $glat_updated = $row_glat['updated'];
            if ($row_glat && my_is_float($row_glat['latitude'])) {
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row_glat['latitude'] . ", " . $row_glat['longitude'] . "); // 687\n";
                $got_point = TRUE;
        } else {
            $row_glat = FALSE;
        if (!$got_point && my_is_float($row['lat'])) {
            echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $row['lat'] . ", " . $row['lng'] . ");\t// 753\n";
            $got_point = TRUE;
        //		print __LINE__ . "<BR />";
        $the_bull = "";
        // define the bullet
        $update_error = strtotime('now - 6 hours');
        // set the time for silent setting
        //		echo $update_error;
        if ($row['aprs'] == 1) {
            if ($row_aprs) {
                $spd = 2;
                // default
                if ($aprs_speed == 0) {
                    $spd = 1;
                // stopped
                if ($aprs_speed >= 50) {
                    $spd = 3;
                // fast
            } else {
                $spd = 0;
                // no data
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR=" . $bulls[$spd] . "><B>AP</B></FONT>";
        // end aprs
        if ($row['instam'] == 1) {
            if ($instam_speed > 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
            if ($instam_speed < 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
            if ($instam_speed == 0) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
            if ($instam_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>IN</B></FONT>";
        if ($row['locatea'] == 1) {
            if ($locatea_speed > 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
            // 7/23/09
            if ($locatea_speed < 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
            if ($locatea_speed == 0) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
            if ($locatea_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>LO</B></FONT>";
        if ($row['gtrack'] == 1) {
            if ($gtrack_speed > 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'white'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
            // 7/23/09
            if ($gtrack_speed < 50) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
            if ($gtrack_speed == 0) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'red'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
            if ($gtrack_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>GT</B></FONT>";
        if ($row['glat'] == 1) {
            $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'green'><B>GL</B></FONT>";
            // 7/23/09
            if ($glat_updated < $update_error) {
                $the_bull = "<FONT COLOR = 'black'><B>GL</B></FONT>";
        // end bullet stuff
        // name
        $name = $row['name'];
        //	10/8/09
        $temp = explode("/", $name);
        $display_name = $temp[0];
        // assignments 3/16/09
        $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns`  LEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` t ON ({$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}assigns.ticket_id =\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `responder_id` = '{$row['id']}' AND `clear` IS NULL ";
        //		dump($query);
        $result_as = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        $row_assign = mysql_affected_rows() == 0 ? FALSE : stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result_as));
        switch ($row_assign['severity']) {
            //color tickets by severity
            case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_MEDIUM']:
                $severityclass = 'severity_medium';
            case $GLOBALS['SEVERITY_HIGH']:
                $severityclass = 'severity_high';
                $severityclass = 'severity_normal';
        $tick_ct = mysql_affected_rows() > 1 ? "(" . mysql_affected_rows() . ") " : "";
        $ass_td = mysql_affected_rows() > 0 ? "<TD COLSPAN=2 CLASS='{$severityclass}' TITLE = '" . $row_assign['scope'] . "' >" . $tick_ct . shorten($row_assign['scope'], 24) . "</TD>" : "<TD>na</TD>";
        // status, mobility
        // as of
        $strike = $strike_end = "";
        if ($row['instam'] == 1 && $row_instam || $row['aprs'] == 1 && $row_aprs || $row['locatea'] == 1 && $row_locatea || $row['gtrack'] == 1 && $row_gtrack || $row['glat'] == 1 && $row_glat) {
            // either remote source?
            $the_class = "emph";
            if ($row['aprs'] == 1) {
                // 3/24/09
                $the_time = $aprs_updated;
                $instam = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['instam'] == 1) {
                // 3/24/09
                $the_time = $instam_updated;
                $instam = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['locatea'] == 1) {
                // 7/23/09
                $the_time = $locatea_updated;
                $locatea = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['gtrack'] == 1) {
                // 7/23/09
                $the_time = $gtrack_updated;
                $gtrack = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
            if ($row['glat'] == 1) {
                // 7/23/09
                $the_time = $glat_updated;
                $glat = TRUE;
                // show footer legend
        } else {
            $the_time = $row['updated'];
            $the_class = "td_data";
        if (abs($utc - $the_time) > $GLOBALS['TOLERANCE']) {
            // attempt to identify  non-current values
            $strike = "<STRIKE>";
            $strike_end = "</STRIKE>";
        } else {
            $strike = $strike_end = "";
        //	    snap(basename( __FILE__) . __LINE__, $the_class );
        // tab 1
        //		if (((settype($row['lat'], "float"))) || ($row_aprs) || ($row_instam)) {						// position data?
        if (my_is_float($row['lat']) || $row_aprs || $row_instam || $row_locatea || $row_gtrack || $row_glat) {
            // 5/4/09
            //			dump(__LINE__);
            $temptype = $u_types[$row['type']];
            $the_type = $temptype[0];
            // 1/1/09
            $tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . shorten($row['unit_name'], 48) . "</B> - " . $the_type . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Description:</TD><TD>" . shorten(str_replace($eols, " ", $row['description']), 32) . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Status:</TD><TD>" . $the_status . " </TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Contact:</TD><TD>" . $row['contact_name'] . " Via: " . $row['contact_via'] . "</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of:</TD><TD>" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            if (array_key_exists($row['id'], $assigns)) {
                $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD CLASS='emph'>Dispatched to:</TD><TD CLASS='emph'><A HREF='main.php?id=" . $tickets[$row['id']] . "'>" . shorten($assigns[$row['id']], 20) . "</A></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN = 2>&nbsp;</TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN = 2 ALIGN = 'center' onClick = 'do_mail_win();'><B><U>Email units</U></B></TD></TR>";
            $tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            // tab 2
            $tabs_done = FALSE;
            if ($row_aprs) {
                // three tabs if APRS data
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_aprs['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_aprs['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_aprs['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_aprs['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>Closest city: </TD><TD>" . $row_aprs['closest_city'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Status: </TD><TD>" . $row_aprs['status'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_aprs['packet_date']) . " {$strike_end} (UTC)</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("APRS <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_aprs['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            // end if ($row_aprs)
            if ($row_instam) {
                // three tabs if instam data
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_instam['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_instam['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_instam['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_instam['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_instam['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Instam <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_instam['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_instam)
            if ($row_locatea) {
                // three tabs if locatea data		7/23/09
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_locatea['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_locatea['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_locatea['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_locatea['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_locatea['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("LocateA <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_locatea['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_gtrack)
            if ($row_gtrack) {
                // three tabs if gtrack data		7/23/09
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_gtrack['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>Course: </TD><TD>" . $row_gtrack['course'] . ", Speed:  " . $row_gtrack['speed'] . ", Alt: " . $row_gtrack['altitude'] . "</TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_gtrack['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Gtrack <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_gtrack['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_gtrack)
            if ($row_glat) {
                // three tabs if glat data			7/23/09
                //			dump(__LINE__);
                $tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . $row_glat['source'] . "</B></TD></TR>";
                $tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD>As of: </TD><TD> {$strike} " . format_date($row_glat['updated']) . " {$strike_end}</TD></TR></TABLE>";
                $tabs_done = TRUE;
                //			print __LINE__;
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("G Lat <?php 
                print addslashes(substr($row_glat['source'], -3));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_2;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>") // 830
            // end if ($row_gtrack)
            if (!$tabs_done) {
                // else two tabs
				var myinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
                print nl2brr(shorten($row['unit_name'], 10));
", "<?php 
                print $tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("Zoom", "<div id='detailmap' class='detailmap'></div>")
            // end if(!($tabs_done))
            $temp = $u_types[$row['type']];
            // array ($row['name'], $row['icon'])
            //		dump($temp);
            $the_color = $row['mobile'] == "1" ? 0 : 4;
            // icon color black, white		-- 4/18/09
            $the_group = get_category($row['unit_id']);
            if ($latitude == "0.999999" && $longitude == "0.999999") {
                // check for no maps added points 7/28/10
                $dummylat = get_variable('def_lat');
                $dummylng = get_variable('def_lng');
                echo "\t\tvar point = new GLatLng(" . $dummylat . ", " . $dummylng . "); // 677\n";
				var dummymarker = createdummyMarker(point, myinfoTabs, <?php 
                print $sb_indx;
);	// Plots dummy icon in default position for units added in no maps operation
            } else {
				var the_group = '<?php 
                print $the_group;
				var marker = createMarker(point, myinfoTabs, <?php 
                print $the_color;
, <?php 
                print $hide_unit;
,  <?php 
                print $sb_indx;
, sym, the_group); // 7/28/10
            // end check for no maps added points
        } else {
            // (sidebar, line_no, rcd_id, letter)
            //		dump(__LINE__);
        // zero-based
        print "\t\ti++;\n";
        // 3/20/09
        // zero-based
    // end  ==========  while() for RESPONDER ==========
    $source_legend = $aprs || $instam || $gtrack || $locatea || $glat ? "<TD CLASS='emph' ALIGN='center'>Source time</TD>" : "<TD></TD>";
    // if any remote data/time 3/24/09
		side_bar_html= "<form action='#'>";		//	12/03/10
    if ($units_ct > 0) {
        //	3/15/11
        foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
            //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
            print $value;
: <input type=checkbox id='<?php 
            print $value;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
\")'/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "NONE";
        //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'ALL_BUTTON' class='cat_button' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>ALL</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $all;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'NONE_BUTTON' class='cat_button'  onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>NONE</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $none;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'go_can' style='float:right; padding:2px;'><SPAN ID = 'go_button' onClick='do_go_button()' class='conf_next_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Next</U></SPAN>";
			side_bar_html += "<SPAN ID = 'can_button'  onClick='cancel_buttons()' class='conf_can_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN></DIV>";
			side_bar_html+="</form></TD></TR></TABLE>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
    } else {
        foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
            //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' STYLE='display: none;' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
            print $value;
: <input type=checkbox id='<?php 
            print $value;
' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
\")'/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "NONE";
        //	12/03/10
			side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' style='color: red;'>None Defined ! </DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'ALL_BUTTON' class='cat_button' STYLE='display: none;' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'><input type=checkbox id='ALL' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'NONE_BUTTON' class='cat_button' STYLE='display: none;' onClick='set_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'><input type=checkbox id='NONE' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
			side_bar_html +="</form></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		$("boxes").innerHTML = side_bar_html;										// 12/03/10 side_bar_html to responders div			

	// ====================================Add Facilities to Map 8/1/09================================================

    $fac_categories = array();
    // 12/03/10
    $fac_categories = get_fac_category_butts();
    // 12/03/10
		var icons=[];	
		var g=0;
		var fmarkers = [];
		var baseIcon = new GIcon();
		baseIcon.shadow = "./markers/sm_shadow.png";
		baseIcon.iconSize = new GSize(30, 30);
		baseIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(15, 30);
		baseIcon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(9, 2);
		var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);
		fac_icon.image = icons[1];
	function createfacMarker(fac_point, fac_name, id, fac_icon, type) {
		var fac_marker = new GMarker(fac_point, fac_icon);
		// Show this markers index in the info window when it is clicked
		var fac_html = fac_name;
		fac_marker.category = type;		
		fmarkers[id] = fac_marker;
		GEvent.addListener(fac_marker, "click", function() {fac_marker.openInfoWindowHtml(fac_html);});
		return fac_marker;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` WHERE `type`= 4 AND `resource_id` = '{$_SESSION['user_id']}';";
    //	5/4/11
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    //	5/4/11
    $al_groups = array();
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        //	5/4/11
        $al_groups[] = $row['group'];
    if (!isset($_POST['frm_group'])) {
        //	5/4/11
        $x = 0;
        //	5/4/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	5/4/11
        foreach ($al_groups as $grp) {
            //	5/4/11
            $where3 = count($al_groups) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    } else {
        $x = 0;
        //	5/4/11
        $where2 = "WHERE (";
        //	5/4/11
        foreach ($_POST['frm_group'] as $grp) {
            //	5/4/11
            $where3 = count($_POST['frm_group']) > $x + 1 ? " OR " : ")";
            $where2 .= "`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`group` = '{$grp}'";
            $where2 .= $where3;
    $where2 .= "AND `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.`type` = 3";
    //	5/4/11
    $query_fac = "SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updated) AS updated, `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.id AS fac_id,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.description AS facility_description, \n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.name AS fac_type_name, \n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.name AS facility_name \n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates` ON ( `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`id` = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}allocates`.resource_id )\t\t\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types`.id \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.status_id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_status`.id \n\t\t{$where2} \n\t\tGROUP BY fac_id ORDER BY `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.type ASC";
    $result_fac = mysql_query($query_fac) or do_error($query_fac, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    //	dump($query_fac);
    while ($row_fac = mysql_fetch_array($result_fac)) {
        $fac_id = $row_fac['fac_id'];
        $fac_type = $row_fac['icon'];
        $fac_type_name = $row_fac['fac_type_name'];
        $fac_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
        //	10/8/09
        //	$fac_name = $row_fac['name'];					//	10/8/09
        $fac_temp = explode("/", $fac_name);
        //  11/27/09
        $fac_index = $row_fac['icon_str'];
        print "\t\tvar fac_sym = '{$fac_index}';\n";
        // for sidebar and icon 10/8/09
        $toroute = is_guest() ? "" : "&nbsp;<A HREF='routes.php?ticket_id=" . $fac_id . "'><U>Dispatch</U></A>";
        // 8/2/08
        if (is_guest()) {
            $facedit = $toroute = $facmail = "";
        } else {
            $facedit = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF='facilities.php?func=responder&edit=true&id=" . $row_fac['fac_id'] . "'><U>Edit</U></A>";
            $facmail = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<SPAN onClick = do_mail_fac_win('" . $row_fac['fac_id'] . "');><U><B>Email</B></U></SPAN>";
            $toroute = "&nbsp;<A HREF='fac_routes.php?fac_id=" . $fac_id . "'><U>Route To Facility</U></A>";
            // 8/2/08
        if (my_is_float($row_fac['lat']) && my_is_float($row_fac['lng'])) {
            $f_disp_name = $row_fac['facility_name'];
            //	10/8/09
            $f_disp_temp = explode("/", $f_disp_name);
            $facility_display_name = $f_disp_temp[0];
            $fac_tab_1 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($facility_display_name, 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>" . addslashes(shorten($row_fac['fac_type_name'], 48)) . "</B></TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Description:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['facility_description'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Status:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['status_val']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_name']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Email: " . addslashes($row_fac['contact_email']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['contact_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>As of:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'> " . format_date($row_fac['updated']) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_1 .= "</TABLE>";
            $fac_tab_2 = "<TABLE CLASS='infowin' width='" . $_SESSION['scr_width'] / 4 . "'>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security contact:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_contact']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security email:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_email']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security phone:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['security_phone']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Access rules:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['access_rules'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Security reqs:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['security_reqs'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Opening hours:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes(str_replace($eols, " ", $row_fac['opening_hours'])) . "</TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='odd'><TD ALIGN='right'>Prim pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_p']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "<TR CLASS='even'><TD ALIGN='right'>Sec pager:&nbsp;</TD><TD ALIGN='left'>" . addslashes($row_fac['pager_s']) . " </TD></TR>";
            $fac_tab_2 .= "</TABLE>";
	//			var fac_sym = (g + 1).toString();
				var myfacinfoTabs = [
					new GInfoWindowTab("<?php 
            print nl2brr(addslashes(shorten($row_fac['facility_name'], 10)));
", "<?php 
            print $fac_tab_1;
					new GInfoWindowTab("More ...", "<?php 
            print str_replace($eols, " ", $fac_tab_2);
            if ($row_fac['lat'] == 0.999999 && $row_fac['lng'] == 0.999999) {
                // check for facilities entered in no maps mode 7/28/10
                echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
                echo "var fac_type_name = \"{$fac_type_name}\";\n";
                echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/question1.png\";\n";
                echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . get_variable('def_lat') . "," . get_variable('def_lng') . ");\n";
                echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon, fac_type_name);\n";
                echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                echo "\n";
            } else {
                echo "var fac_icon = new GIcon(baseIcon);\n";
                echo "var fac_type = {$fac_type};\n";
                echo "var fac_type_name = \"{$fac_type_name}\";\n";
                echo "var fac_icon_url = \"./our_icons/gen_fac_icon.php?blank={$fac_type}&text=\" + (fac_sym) + \"\";\n";
                echo "fac_icon.image = fac_icon_url;\n";
                echo "var fac_point = new GLatLng(" . $row_fac['lat'] . "," . $row_fac['lng'] . ");\n";
                echo "var fac_marker = createfacMarker(fac_point, myfacinfoTabs, g, fac_icon, fac_type_name);\n";
                echo "map.addOverlay(fac_marker);\n";
                echo "\n";
				if (fac_marker.isHidden()) {;
				} else {
        // end if my_is_float
    // end while
    // =====================================End of functions to show facilities========================================================================
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($kml_olays); $i++) {
        // emit kml overlay calls
        echo "\t\t" . $kml_olays[$i] . "\n";
	function add_hash(in_str) { // prepend # if absent
		return (in_str.substr(0,1)=="#")? in_str : "#" + in_str;

	function do_landb() {				// JS function - 8/1/11
		var points = new Array();
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}mmarkup` WHERE `line_status` = 0 AND (`use_with_bm` = 1 OR `use_with_r` = 1)";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, $query, mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
        $empty = FALSE;
        $name = $row['line_name'];
        switch ($row['line_type']) {
            case "p":
                // poly
                $points = explode(";", $line_data);
                echo "\n\tvar points = new Array();\n";
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($points); $i++) {
                    $coords = explode(",", $points[$i]);
						var thepoint = new GLatLng(<?php 
                    print $coords[0];
, <?php 
                    print $coords[1];
                // end for ($i = 0 ... )
                if (intval($filled) == 1 && count($points) > 2) {
						var polyline = new GPolygon(points,add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
                    print $fill_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $fill_opacity;
                } else {
				        var polyline = new GPolyline(points, add_hash("<?php 
                    print $line_color;
"), <?php 
                    print $line_width;
, <?php 
                    print $line_opacity;
            case "c":
                // circle
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $radius = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                $lat = $coords[0];
                $lng = $coords[1];
                $fill_opacity = intval($filled) == 0 ? 0 : $fill_opacity;
                echo "\n drawCircle({$lat}, {$lng}, {$radius}, add_hash('{$line_color}'), {$line_width}, {$line_opacity}, add_hash('{$fill_color}'), {$fill_opacity}); // 513\n";
            case "t":
                // text banner
                $temp = explode(";", $line_data);
                $banner = $temp[1];
                $coords = explode(",", $temp[0]);
                echo "\n var point = new GLatLng(parseFloat({$coords[0]}) , parseFloat({$coords[1]}));\n";
                $the_banner = htmlentities($banner, ENT_QUOTES);
                $the_width = intval(trim($line_width), 10);
                // font size
                echo "\n drawBanner( point, '{$the_banner}', '{$the_banner}', {$the_width});\n";
        // end switch
    // end while ()
    unset($query, $result);
		}		// end function do_landb()
	try {
		do_landb();				// 7/3/11 - show lines
	catch (e) {	}

		if (!(map_is_fixed)){
			if (!points) {		// any?
				map.setCenter(new GLatLng(<?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lat');
, <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_lng');
), <?php 
    echo get_variable('def_zoom');
			else {
				center = bounds.getCenter();
				zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);
				}			// end if/else (!points)
		}				// end if (!(map_is_fixed))
		side_bar_html = "";
    if (!empty($fac_categories)) {
		side_bar_html= "<form action='#'>";		//	12/03/10

        function get_fac_icon($fac_cat)
            // returns legend string
            $icons = $GLOBALS['fac_icons'];
            $sm_fac_icons = $GLOBALS['sm_fac_icons'];
            $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}fac_types` WHERE `name` = \"{$fac_cat}\"";
            // types in use
            $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
            $print = "";
            while ($row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) {
                $fac_icon = $row['icon'];
                $print .= "<IMG SRC = './our_icons/" . $sm_fac_icons[$fac_icon] . "' STYLE = 'vertical-align: middle'>";
            return $print;
        foreach ($fac_categories as $key => $value) {
            //	12/03/10
            $curr_icon = get_fac_icon($value);
				side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button_fs' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
            print get_fac_icon($value);
            print $value;
: <input type=checkbox id='<?php 
            print $value;
'  onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
            print $value;
\")'/></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "fac_ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "fac_NONE";
        //	12/03/10
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_ALL_BUTTON'  class='cat_button_fs' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>ALL</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $all;
' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $all;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_NONE_BUTTON'  class='cat_button_fs' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'><FONT COLOR = 'red'>NONE</FONT><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $none;
' onClick='set_fac_chkbox(\"<?php 
        print $none;
\")'/></FONT></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_go_can' style='float:middle; padding:2px;'><SPAN ID = 'fac_go_button' onClick='do_go_facilities_button()' class='conf_next_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Next</U></SPAN>";
		side_bar_html += "<SPAN ID = 'fac_can_button'  onClick='fac_cancel_buttons()' class='conf_can_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN></DIV>";
		side_bar_html+="</form>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		$("fac_boxes").innerHTML = side_bar_html;										// 12/03/10 side_bar_html to responders div			

    } else {
		side_bar_html= "";		//	12/03/10
		side_bar_html += "<DIV class='cat_button' style='color: red;'>None Defined ! </DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
        $all = "fac_ALL";
        //	12/03/10
        $none = "fac_NONE";
        //	12/03/10
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_ALL_BUTTON' class='cat_button' style='display: none;'><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $all;
'/><input type=checkbox id='fac_ALL' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_NONE_BUTTON' class='cat_button' style='display: none;'><input type=checkbox id='<?php 
        print $none;
'/><input type=checkbox id='fac_NONE' style='display: none'></DIV>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		side_bar_html += "<DIV ID = 'fac_go_can' style='float:right; padding:2px; display: none'><SPAN ID = 'fac_go_button' class='conf_next_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Next</U></SPAN>";
		side_bar_html += "<SPAN ID = 'fac_can_button' class='conf_can_button' STYLE = 'display:none;'><U>Cancel</U></SPAN></DIV>";
		side_bar_html+="</form>";			<!-- 12/03/10 -->
		$("fac_boxes").innerHTML = side_bar_html;										// 12/03/10 side_bar_html to responders div			
	// =============================================================================================================
		}		// end if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
	else {
		alert("Sorry, browser compatibility problem. Contact your tech support group.");
				catch(e) {
            // end else
        case 'user':
            print "</HEAD>\n<BODY onLoad = 'ck_frames()'>\n";
            if (array_key_exists('id', $_GET) && $_GET['id'] != '') {
                if (is_administrator()) {
                    // admin or super
                    $id = $_GET['id'];
                    if ($id < 0 or check_for_rows("SELECT id FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}user` WHERE id='{$id}'") == 0) {
                        print __LINE__ . " Invalid user id '{$id}'.";
                    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}user` WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
                    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql_query() failed', mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);
                    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                    // ============================						10/28/10
                    switch ($_SESSION['level']) {
                        case $GLOBALS['LEVEL_SUPER']:
                            $disabled = "";
                        case $GLOBALS['LEVEL_ADMINISTRATOR']:
                            switch ($row['level']) {
                                case $GLOBALS['LEVEL_SUPER']:
                                    $disabled = "DISABLED";
function show_ticket($id, $print = 'false', $search = FALSE)
    /* show specified ticket */
    global $istest, $nature, $disposition, $patient, $incident, $incidents;
    // 12/3/10
    $can_edit = get_can_edit();
    $tickno = get_variable('serial_no_ap') == 0 ? "&nbsp;&nbsp;<I>(#{$id})</I>" : "";
    // 1/25/09
    if ($istest) {
        print "GET<br />\n";
        print "POST<br />\n";
    if ($id == '' or $id <= 0 or !check_for_rows("SELECT * FROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` WHERE id='{$id}'")) {
        /* sanity check */
        print "Invalid Ticket ID: '{$id}'<BR />";
    $restrict_ticket = get_variable('restrict_user_tickets') == 1 && !is_administrator() ? " AND owner={$_SESSION['user_id']}" : "";
    // 1/7/10
    $query = "SELECT *,\n\t\t`problemstart` AS `my_start`,\n\t\tFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart)) AS `test`,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemstart) AS problemstart,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(problemend) AS problemend,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS date,\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(booked_date) AS booked_date,\t\t\n\t\tUNIX_TIMESTAMP(`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`updated`) AS updated,\t\t\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`description` AS `tick_descr`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`street` AS `tick_street`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`city` AS `tick_city`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`state` AS `tick_state`,\t\t\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`lat` AS `lat`,\t\t\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`lng` AS `lng`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`_by` AS `call_taker`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`name` AS `fac_name`,\t\t\n\t\t`rf`.`name` AS `rec_fac_name`,\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`lat` AS `fac_lat`,\t\t\n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.`lng` AS `fac_lng`,\t\t \n\t\t`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id` AS `tick_id`\n\t\tFROM `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket` \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}in_types` `ty` ON (`{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`in_types_id` = `ty`.`id`)\t\n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` ON `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities`.id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.facility \n\t\tLEFT JOIN `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}facilities` rf ON `rf`.id = `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.rec_facility \n\t\tWHERE `{$GLOBALS['mysql_prefix']}ticket`.`id`= {$id} {$restrict_ticket}";
    // 7/16/09, 8/12/09
    $result = mysql_query($query) or do_error($query, 'mysql query failed', mysql_error(), basename(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        //no tickets? print "error" or "restricted user rights"
        print "<FONT CLASS=\"warn\">Internal error " . basename(__FILE__) . "/" . __LINE__ . ".  Notify developers of this message.</FONT>";
        // 8/18/09
    $row = stripslashes_deep(mysql_fetch_array($result));
    if ($print == 'true') {
        // 1/7/10 - 11/16/10
        print "<TABLE BORDER='0'ID='left' width='800px'>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'><TD ALIGN='left' CLASS='td_data' COLSPAN=2 ALIGN='center'><B>{$patient}: <I>" . $row['scope'] . "</B>" . $tickno . "</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Priority") . ":</TD> \n\t\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_severity($row['severity']);
        print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$nature}:&nbsp;&nbsp;" . get_type($row['in_types_id']);
        print "</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Protocol") . ":</TD> <TD ALIGN='left'>{$row['protocol']}</TD></TR>\n";
        // 7/16/09
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Addr") . ":</TD>\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . $row['tick_street'] . "</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("City") . ":</TD>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . $row['tick_city'];
        print "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $row['tick_state'] . "</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'  VALIGN='top'><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Synopsis") . ":</TD>\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . nl2br($row['tick_descr']) . "</TD></TR>\n";
        //	8/12/09
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'  VALIGN='top'><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("911 Contacted") . ":</TD>\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . nl2br($row['nine_one_one']) . "</TD></TR>\n";
        //	8/12/09
        $end_date = intval($row['problemend']) > 1 ? $row['problemend'] : time() - intval(get_variable('delta_mins')) * 60;
        $elapsed = my_date_diff($end_date, $end_date);
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Status") . ":</TD>\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_status($row['status']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$elapsed}</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Reported by") . ":</TD>\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . $row['contact'] . "</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Phone") . ":</TD>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_phone($row['phone']) . "</TD></TR>\n";
        $by_str = $row['call_taker'] == 0 ? "" : "&nbsp;&nbsp;by " . get_owner($row['call_taker']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
        // 1/7/10
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Written") . ":</TD>\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row['date']) . $by_str;
        print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Updated:&nbsp;&nbsp;" . format_date($row['updated']) . "</TD></TR>\n";
        print empty($row['booked_date']) ? "" : "<TR CLASS='print_TD'><TD ALIGN='left'>Scheduled date:</TD>\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row['booked_date']) . "</TD></TR>\n";
        // 10/6/09
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left' COLSPAN='2'>&nbsp;\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'></TR>\n";
        // separator
        print empty($row['fac_name']) ? "" : "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . $incident . " at Facility:</TD>\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . $row['fac_name'] . "</TD></TR>\n";
        // 8/1/09, 3/27/10
        print empty($row['rec_fac_name']) ? "" : "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>Receiving Facility:</TD>\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . $row['rec_fac_name'] . "</TD></TR>\n";
        // 10/6/09
        print empty($row['comments']) ? "" : "<TR CLASS='print_TD'  VALIGN='top'><TD ALIGN='left'>{$disposition}:</TD>\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . nl2br($row['comments']) . "</TD></TR>\n";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD' ><TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_text("Run Start") . ":</TD>\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . format_date($row['problemstart']);
        $elapsed_str = !empty($closed) ? $elapsed : "";
        print "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;End:&nbsp;&nbsp;" . format_date($row['problemend']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;{$elapsed_str}</TD></TR>\n";
        $locale = get_variable('locale');
        // 08/03/09
        switch ($locale) {
            case "0":
                $grid_type = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;USNG&nbsp;&nbsp;" . LLtoUSNG($row['lat'], $row['lng']);
            case "1":
                $grid_type = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;OSGB&nbsp;&nbsp;" . LLtoOSGB($row['lat'], $row['lng']);
                // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
            case "2":
                $coords = $row['lat'] . "," . $row['lng'];
                // 8/12/09
                $grid_type = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UTM&nbsp;&nbsp;" . toUTM($coords);
                // 8/23/08, 10/15/08, 8/3/09
                print "ERROR in " . basename(__FILE__) . " " . __LINE__ . "<BR />";
        print "<TR CLASS='print_TD'><TD ALIGN='left' >" . get_text("Position") . ": </TD>\t\t\n\t\t\t\t<TD ALIGN='left'>" . get_lat($row['lat']) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . get_lng($row['lng']) . $grid_type . "</TD></TR>\n";
        // 9/13/08
        print "<TR><TD colspan=2 ALIGN='left'>";
        print show_log($row[0]);
        // log
        print "</TD></TR>";
        print "<TR STYLE = 'display:none;'><TD colspan=2><SPAN ID='oldlat'>" . $row['lat'] . "</SPAN><SPAN ID='oldlng'>" . $row['lng'] . "</SPAN></TD></TR>";
        print "</TABLE>\n";
        print show_actions($row['tick_id'], "date", FALSE, FALSE);
        // lists actions and patient data, print - 10/30/09
        // =============== 10/30/09
        function my_to_date($in_date)
            // date_time format to user's spec
            //			$temp = mktime(substr($in_date,11,2),substr($in_date,14,2),substr($in_date,17,2),substr($in_date,5,2),substr($in_date,8,2),substr($in_date,0,4));
            $temp = mysql2timestamp($d1);
            // 9/29/10
            return good_date_time($in_date) ? date(get_variable("date_format"), $temp) : "";
        // ==============
        print "\n</BODY>\n</HTML>";
    // end if ($print == 'true')
	<TABLE BORDER="0" ID = "outer" ALIGN="left">
	<TR VALIGN="top"><TD CLASS="print_TD" ALIGN="left">
    print do_ticket($row, max(320, intval($_SESSION['scr_width'] * 0.4)), $search);
    // 2/25/09
    print show_actions($row['id'], "date", FALSE, TRUE);
    /* lists actions and patient data belonging to ticket */
    print "</TR>";
    print "<TR CLASS='odd' ><TD COLSPAN='2' CLASS='print_TD'>";
    //  $lat = $row['lat']; $lng = $row['lng'];
    //	print show_actions($row['id'], "date", FALSE, TRUE);		/* lists actions and patient data belonging to ticket */
    print "</TD></TR>\n";
    print "</TABLE>\n";
	<SCRIPT SRC='../js/usng.js' TYPE='text/javascript'></SCRIPT>
	function isNull(val) {								// checks var stuff = null;
		return val === null;
Esempio n. 8
 case "addloc":
     if ($_SESSION['ticket_user_is_admin'] < 2) {
         print '<FONT CLASS="warn">Not authorized.</FONT><BR><BR>';
     } else {
         if ($debug) {
             print '<p> Checked if user is admin. User is admin';
         if ($_GET['go'] == 'true') {
             if ($debug) {
                 print '<p> $go = true';
             if (check_for_rows("SELECT `field` FROM `options` WHERE 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND `table_data` LIKE 'location' AND `field`='{$_POST['frm_loc']}'")) {
                 print "<FONT CLASS=\"warn\">Location '{$_POST['frm_loc']}' already exists in database. Try again.</FONT><BR>";
                 if ($debug) {
                     print '<p>Going to location_config(0)';
                 // Print "Powered by" and end the HTML page
             if (trim($_POST['frm_loc']) != "") {
                 if ($debug) {
                     print '<p> Location not empty';
                 $query = "INSERT INTO `options` (`orden`, `table_data`, `field`, `value`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES('{$_POST['frm_value']}','location','{$_POST['frm_loc']}','{$_POST['frm_value']}')";
                 if ($debug) {