/** * 登陆,如果失败,返回失败原因(用户名或者密码不正确),如果成功,返回用户信息, * 附带返回系统服务器时间戳 */ public function login() { //查user表 $User = M('User'); check_error($User); $user = $User->field(array('id' => 'userId', 'username' => 'userName', 'name', 'role_id' => 'roleId', 'role'))->where(array('username' => safe_post_param('username'), '_string' => "`password`=MD5('" . safe_post_param('password') . "')"))->find(); if (!empty($user)) { //根据权限查菜单 $Menu = M('Menu'); check_error($Menu); $menu = $Menu->join('`role_privilege` on `menu`.`id`=`role_privilege`.`menu_id`')->join('`user` on `user`.`role_id`=`role_privilege`.`role_id`')->field(array('`menu`.`id`', 'level', 'label', 'icon', 'widget', 'show', 'big_icon'))->where("`user`.`id`='" . $user['userId'] . "'")->order('`level` ASC')->select(); check_error($Menu); //保存session session('logined', true); session('user', $user); session('menu', $menu); //设置返回数据 $data = array(); $data['serverTime'] = time(); $data['user'] = $user; $data['menu'] = $menu; //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('登录', '登录成功', '成功')); //返回结果:用户数据+服务器时间 return_value_json(true, 'data', $data); } else { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('登录', '登录失败:用户名或者密码不正确', '失败:权限不够', '用户名:' . safe_post_param('username'))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', '用户名或者密码不正确'); } }
function dao_open() { global $db, $all_ops_stmt, $operation_stmt, $operation_id_stmt, $code_ref_stmt, $io_stmt, $object_stmt, $io_for_object_stmt, $io_for_parent_io_stmt, $operation_by_name_stmt, $io_for_object_parent_name_stmt; $db = new PDO("sqlite:test.sq3"); # Get all ops $all_ops_stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT operation_id as id, name, parent_id, code_start_id, code_end_id, terminated_time FROM operation ORDER BY operation_id"); # Get operation for a given id $operation_stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT operation_id as id, name, parent_id, code_start_id, code_end_id, terminated_time FROM operation WHERE operation_id = :id"); # Operation id for parent operation $operation_id_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT operation_id as id FROM operation WHERE parent_id = :id'); # get a reference to code by reference id $code_ref_stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT code_id as id, file, line FROM code WHERE code_id = :id"); # Get list of IOs for given operation (only the top-level ones) $io_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT io_id as id, io_time, object_id, operation_id, name, value, readwrite, note, code_id FROM io WHERE operation_id = :id AND parent_id = -1 ORDER BY io_time ASC'); # Get object of given id $object_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT object_id as id, type, deallocated_time FROM object where object_id = :id'); # All parent IOs for object $io_for_object_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT io_id as id, io_time, object_id, operation_id, name, value, readwrite, note, code_id FROM io where object_id = :id ORDER BY io_time ASC'); # All IOs for parent io $io_for_parent_io_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT io_id as id, io_time, object_id, operation_id, name, value, readwrite, note, code_id, parent_id FROM io WHERE parent_id = :id ORDER BY io_id ASC'); # Operation of a given name for parent operation $operation_by_name_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT operation_id as id, name, parent_id, code_start_id, code_end_id, terminated_time FROM operation WHERE name = :name AND parent_id = :parent ORDER BY operation_id'); # All IOs for given object, parent IO and name $io_for_object_parent_name_stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT io_id as id, io_time, object_id, operation_id, name, value, readwrite, note, code_id FROM io where operation_id = :operation_id AND parent_id = :parent_io AND name = :name AND note=:note ORDER BY io_time ASC'); check_error(); }
/** * add操作根据POST数据插入一个分组信息到数据库里,并返回操作结果 */ public function add() { if (!$this->isPost()) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '非法的调用'); } $Department = M('Department'); //数据检查 $name = trim($this->_post('name')); if (empty($name)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '分组名称为空'); } $seq = $this->_post('sequence') + 0; if (empty($seq)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:提交的序号为0或者为空'); } //先更新次序在插入者之后的分组的次序 $condition['sequence'] = array('egt', $seq); $Department->where($condition)->setInc('sequence', 1); check_error($Department); //插入 $Department->create(); check_error($Department); $Department->id = null; if (false === $Department->add()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('添加分组', '添加分组失败:' . get_error($Department), '失败:系统错误', '分组名称:' . $name)); return_value_json(false, 'msg', get_error($Department)); } else { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('添加分组', '添加分组成功', '成功', '分组名称:' . $name)); return_value_json(true); } }
public function getmanage() { $type = $_REQUEST['type']; $departmentId = $_REQUEST['departmentId'] + 0; if (!in_array($type, array('车辆', '人员', '集装箱', '班列', '设备'))) { return_json(true, null, 'targets', array()); } $condition = '1'; $condition .= empty($departmentId) ? '' : " AND `department_id`='{$departmentId}'"; $DB = M(); check_error($DB); if ($type == '车辆') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '车辆' AS `target_type`, `number` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('车辆^', `id`, '^', `number`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `vehicle` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `sequence` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '人员') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '人员' AS `target_type`, `name` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('人员^', `id`, '^', `name`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `employee` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `sequence` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '集装箱') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '集装箱' AS `target_type`, `number` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('集装箱^', `id`, '^', `number`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `container` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `id` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '班列') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '班列' AS `target_type`, `number` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('班列^', `id`, '^', `number`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `train` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `id` ASC"); } else { if ($type == '设备') { $targets = $DB->query("SELECT `id` AS `target_id`, '设备' AS `target_type`, `label` AS `target_name`, " . "CONCAT('设备^', `id`, '^', `label`) AS `type_id_name` FROM `device` WHERE " . $condition . " ORDER BY `id` ASC"); } } } } } check_error($DB); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); return_json(true, null, 'targets', $targets); }
public function log($data) { $Sms = M('Sms'); check_error($Sms); $Sms->create($data); check_error($Sms); if (false === $Sms->add()) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', get_error($Sms)); } }
function get_kartukeluarga_id($nik) { $sql = "select keluarga_id from penduduk where nik = '{$nik}'"; $connection = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $result = $connection->query($sql); check_error($connection); $row = $result->fetch_object(); MysqlManager::close_connection($connection); return $row->keluarga_id; }
function generate_key_pair() { $key_length = '64'; $key_pair = new Crypt_RSA_KeyPair($key_length); check_error($key_pair); $public_key = $key_pair->getPublicKey(); $private_key = $key_pair->getPrivateKey(); $keys = array('public' => $public_key->toString(), 'private' => $private_key->toString()); return $keys; }
public function check_orangtua($nik_ayah, $nik_ibu) { $connection = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $id_ayah = $this->get_penduduk_id($nik_ayah); $id_ibu = $this->get_penduduk_id($nik_ibu); $sql = "select count(*) as count from orang_tua where bapak_id = {$id_ayah} and ibu_id = {$id_ibu}"; $result = $connection->query($sql); check_error($connection); $row = $result->fetch_object(); MysqlManager::close_connection($connection); return $row->count; }
/** * cell操作返回指定边界之内的基站 */ public function cell() { $nlat = $_GET['nelat'] + 0; $elng = $_GET['nelng'] + 0; $slat = $_GET['swlat'] + 0; $wlng = $_GET['swlng'] + 0; if (empty($nlat) || empty($elng) || empty($slat) || empty($wlng)) { return_value_json(false, msg, '边界坐标经度或(和)纬度为空'); } $Cell = M('Cell'); check_error($Cell); $cells = $Cell->field(array('id', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'lac', 'cellid', 'gps_lng', 'gps_lat', 'range', 'offset_lng', 'offset_lat', 'address', 'update_time'))->where("`gps_lng`<{$elng} AND `gps_lng`>{$wlng} AND `gps_lat`<{$nlat} AND `gps_lat`>{$slat}")->limit('250')->select(); check_error($Cell); // Log::write("\n".M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); return_json(true, null, 'cells', $cells); }
function decrypt($encriptedMessage, $privateKey) { ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . S3DB_SERVER_ROOT); require_once 'pearlib/RSACrypt/RSA.php'; $enc_text = $encriptedMessage; $private_key = $privateKey; $key = Crypt_RSA_Key::fromString($private_key); check_error($key); $rsa_obj = new Crypt_RSA(); check_error($rsa_obj); $rsa_obj->setParams(array('dec_key' => $key)); check_error($rsa_obj); $plain_text = $rsa_obj->decrypt($enc_text); check_error($rsa_obj); return $plain_text; }
function pdo_mysql_errorinfo($db, $offset) { try { /* If you create a PDOStatement object through PDO->prepare() or PDO->query() and invoke an error on the statement handle, PDO->errorCode() will not reflect that error. You must call PDOStatement->errorCode() to return the error code for an operation performed on a particular statement handle. */ $code = $db->errorCode(); check_error($offset + 2, $db); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test'); $stmt2 =& $stmt; check_error($offset + 3, $db); check_error($offset + 4, $stmt); $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test'); @$stmt->execute(); check_error($offset + 5, $db); check_error($offset + 6, $stmt, '42S02'); check_error($offset + 7, $stmt2, '42S02'); @($stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM unknown')); check_error($offset + 8, $db, '42S02'); MySQLPDOTest::createTestTable($db); $stmt = $db->query('SELECT id, label FROM test'); check_error($offset + 9, $db); check_error($offset + 10, $stmt); $db2 =& $db; $db->exec('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unknown'); @$db->query('SELECT id, label FROM unknown'); check_error($offset + 11, $db, '42S02'); check_error($offset + 12, $db2, '42S02'); check_error($offset + 13, $stmt); check_error($offset + 14, $stmt2); // lets hope this is an invalid attribute code $invalid_attr = -1 * PHP_INT_MAX + 3; $tmp = @$db->getAttribute($invalid_attr); check_error($offset + 15, $db, 'IM001'); check_error($offset + 16, $db2, 'IM001'); check_error($offset + 17, $stmt); check_error($offset + 18, $stmt2); } catch (PDOException $e) { printf("[%03d] %s [%s] %s\n", $offset + 19, $e->getMessage(), $db->errorCode(), implode(' ', $db->errorInfo())); } }
public function retrieve_data() { $conn = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $sql = "select n.no_pernikahan as nomor_pernikahan, n.tanggal as tanggal,\n n.wali as wali, p.nama as pria, p.wni as wni_pria, a.agama as agama_pria,\n pp.nama as wanita, pp.wni as wni_wanita, aa.agama as agama_wanita from pernikahan n,\n penduduk p, penduduk pp, agama a, agama aa where n.id = {$this->id} and\n n.pria = p.id and n.wanita = pp.id and p.agama_id = a.id and pp.agama_id = aa.id"; $result = $conn->query($sql); check_error($conn); $row = $result->fetch_object(); $this->pria = $row->pria; $this->no_pernikahan = $row->nomor_pernikahan; $this->tanggal_menikah = $row->tanggal; $this->wali = $row->wali; $this->pria_agama = $row->agama_pria; $this->pria_wni = $row->wni_pria; $this->wanita = $row->wanita; $this->wanita_agama = $row->agama_wanita; $this->wanita_wni = $row->wni_wanita; MysqlManager::close_connection($conn); }
public function retrieve_data() { $conn = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $sql = "select p.nik as nik, p.nama as nama, p.tmp_lahir as tempat_lahir, p.tgl_lahir as tgl_lahir, \r\n p.jenis_kelamin as jenis_kelamin, p.wni as wni, \r\n a.no_akta as no_akta, a.created_at as tanggal_pembuatan, pp.nama as ayah, ppp.nama as ibu \r\n from penduduk p, penduduk pp, penduduk ppp, akta_kelahiran a, orang_tua o where p.id = " . $this->id . " and p.id = a.penduduk_id and p.orangtua_id = o.id and o.bapak_id = pp.id and o.ibu_id = ppp.id"; $result = $conn->query($sql); check_error($conn); $row = $result->fetch_object(); $this->nik = $row->nik; $this->nama = $row->nama; $this->tempat_lahir = $row->tempat_lahir; $this->tanggal_lahir = $row->tgl_lahir; $this->jenis_kelamin = $row->jenis_kelamin; $this->wni = $row->wni; $this->no_akta = $row->no_akta; $this->tanggal_pembuatan = $row->tanggal_pembuatan; $this->ayah = $row->ayah; $this->ibu = $row->ibu; MysqlManager::close_connection($conn); }
function generate_key_pair() { set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . S3DB_SERVER_ROOT . '/pearlib/phpseclib'); if (is_file(S3DB_SERVER_ROOT . '/pearlib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php')) { include S3DB_SERVER_ROOT . '/pearlib/phpseclib/Crypt/RSA.php'; define('CRYPT_RSA_SMALLEST_PRIME', 1000); $rsa = new Crypt_RSA(); $createKey = $rsa->createKey(10 * 64); $keys = array('public' => base64_encode($createKey['publickey']), 'private' => $createKey['privatekey']); } else { require_once S3DB_SERVER_ROOT . '/pearlib/RSACrypt/RSA.php'; $key_length = '64'; $key_pair = new Crypt_RSA_KeyPair($key_length); check_error($key_pair); $public_key = $key_pair->getPublicKey(); $private_key = $key_pair->getPrivateKey(); $keys = array('public' => $public_key->toString(), 'private' => $private_key->toString()); } return $keys; }
/** * add操作根据POST数据插入一个分组信息到数据库里,并返回操作结果 */ public function add() { if (!$this->isPost()) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '非法的调用'); } $Driver = M('Driver'); //数据检查 $name = trim($this->_post('name')); if (empty($name)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '司机姓名为空'); } $dpm_id = $this->_post('department_id') + 0; //先更新次序在插入者之后的同一分组的司机的次序 $seq = $this->_post('sequence') + 0; if (!empty($seq)) { $condition['department_id'] = array('eq', $dpm_id); $condition['sequence'] = array('egt', $seq); $Driver->where($condition)->setInc('sequence', 1); check_error($Driver); } else { $condition['department_id'] = array('eq', $dpm_id); $seqs = $Driver->where($condition)->order('`sequence` DESC')->limit('1')->field('sequence')->select(); $seq = empty($seqs) ? 1 : $seqs[0]['sequence'] + 1; } //插入 $Driver->create(); check_error($Driver); $Driver->sequence = $seq; $Driver->id = null; if (false === $Driver->add()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('添加司机资料', '添加司机资料:' . get_error($Driver), '失败:系统错误', '司机名称:' . $Driver->name . ',失败原因:' . get_error($Driver))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', get_error($Driver)); } //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('添加司机资料', '添加司机资料成功', '成功', '车牌号码:' . $Driver->name)); return_value_json(true); }
public function logs() { $SealLog = M('EsealLog'); check_error($SealLog); //根据过滤条件和查询涉及的各个表之间,决定哪些字段有可能会模糊不清,在这里做定义 $ambiguous = array('eseal_id' => 'eseal_log`.`eseal_id', 'bar_id' => 'eseal_log`.`bar_id'); $condition = '1'; $filters = $_REQUEST['filter']; if (!empty($filters)) { $condition .= ' AND (' . $this->_getFiltersCondition($filters, $ambiguous) . ')'; } $total = $SealLog->where($condition)->count(); check_error($SealLog); $SealLog->join('`eseal` on `eseal_log`.`eseal_tb_id`=`eseal`.`id`')->join('`device` on `device`.`id`=`eseal`.`device_id`')->field(array('`eseal_log`.`id`', '`eseal_log`.`eseal_id`', '`eseal_log`.`bar_id`', '`eseal`.`device_id`', '`device`.`target_type`', '`device`.`target_id`', '`device`.`target_name`', '`eseal_log`.`local_time`', '`eseal_log`.`msg_data`', '`eseal_log`.`time`', '`eseal_log`.`power`', '`eseal_log`.`power_pct`', '`eseal_log`.`location`', '`eseal_log`.`latitude`', '`eseal_log`.`longitude`', '`eseal_log`.`speed_kn`', '`eseal_log`.`speed_km`', '`eseal_log`.`direction`', '`eseal_log`.`direction_text`', '`eseal_log`.`gmtime`', '`eseal_log`.`counter_hex`', '`eseal_log`.`counter`', '`eseal_log`.`msg`'))->order('`local_time` DESC')->where($condition); $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; if ($page && $limit) { $SealLog->limit($limit)->page($page); } $logs = $SealLog->select(); // Log::write(M()->getLastSql(), Log::SQL); check_error($SealLog); return_json(true, $total, 'logs', $logs); }
function retrieve_data() { $connection = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $result = $connection->query($this->sql); check_error($connection); $row = $result->fetch_object(); $this->nik = $row->nik; $this->nama = $row->nama; $this->jenis_kelamin = $row->jenis_kelamin; $this->photo = $row->photo; $this->status_nikah = $row->status_nikah; $this->gol_darah = $row->gol_darah; $this->tempat_lahir = $row->tmp_lahir; $this->tgl_lahir = $row->tgl_lahir; $this->agama = $row->agama; $this->pendidikan = $row->pendidikan; $this->pekerjaan = $row->pekerjaan; $this->keluarga_id = $row->keluarga_id; $this->wni = $row->wni; // -- $sql = "select alamat_id from keluarga where id = {$this->keluarga_id}"; $result = $connection->query($sql); check_error($connection); $alamat_id = $result->fetch_object()->alamat_id; $sql = "select a.alamat as alamat, a.rukun_tetangga as rt, a.rukun_warga as rw,\r\r\n kel.nama_kelurahan as kelurahan, kec.nama_kecamatan as kecamatan, kec.kodepos as kodepos \r\r\n from alamat a, kelurahan kel, kecamatan kec where a.id = {$alamat_id} and a.kelurahan_id = kel.id and\r\r\n kel.kecamatan_id = kec.id "; $result = $connection->query($sql); check_error($connection); $row = $result->fetch_object(); $this->alamat = $row->alamat; $this->rt = $row->rt; $this->rw = $row->rw; $this->kelurahan = $row->kelurahan; $this->kecamatan = $row->kecamatan; $this->kodepos = $row->kodepos; MysqlManager::close_connection($connection); }
/** * delete操作根据post数据删除一个用户角色,一并删除相关的角色权限。 */ public function delete() { if (!$this->isPost()) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '非法的调用'); } $roles = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")); if (!is_array($roles)) { $roles = array($roles); } $Role = M('Role'); check_error($Role); $RolePrivilege = M('RolePrivilege'); check_error($RolePrivilege); foreach ($roles as $role) { //删除角色 if (false === $Role->where("`id`='" . $role->id . "'")->delete()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('删除角色', '删除角色失败', '失败:系统错误', '删除角色[' . $role->name . ']时出错:' + get_error($Role))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', '删除角色[' . $role->name . ']时出错:' + get_error($Role)); } //删除角色权限 if (false === $RolePrivilege->where("`role_id`='" . $role->id . "'")->delete()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('删除角色', '删除角色失败', '失败:系统错误', '删除角色[' . $role->name . ']的权限时出错:' + get_error($Role))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', '删除角色[' . $role->name . ']的权限时出错:' + get_error($Role)); } //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('删除角色', '删除角色成功', '成功', '角色名称:' . $role->name)); } return_value_json(true); }
public function savesetting() { $data = array(); $username = $this->_post('username'); $password = $this->_post('password'); if (!empty($username) && !empty($password)) { $data['username'] = $username; $data['password'] = $password; } $refresh_frequency = $this->_post('refresh_frequency'); if (!empty($refresh_frequency)) { $data['refresh_frequency'] = $refresh_frequency; } if (!empty($data)) { $DataImport = M('DataImport1'); check_error($DataImport); $DataImport->where('1')->save($data); check_error($DataImport); } return_value_json(true); }
function create_new_network($_form) { // function checks initial settings for network creation $can_network_be_created = Network::can_network_be_created(); if ($can_network_be_created['error'] == TRUE) { $config_error = TRUE; $error = TRUE; $error_msg = $can_network_be_created['error_msg']; } else { if (!PA::$login_uid) { $config_error = TRUE; } } //form_data is array used for form fields // its initialized by $_form $temp_data['action'] = 'add'; $vartoset = array('address', 'name', 'tagline', 'category', 'desc', 'header_image', 'header_image_option', 'action', 'type', 'network_group_title', 'network_content_moderation'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($vartoset); $i += 1) { $var = $vartoset[$i]; if (!empty($_form[$var])) { $temp_data[$var] = trim($_form[$var]); } if ($var == 'type') { if (isset($_form[$var])) { $temp_data[$var] = $_form[$var]; } } } if (empty($config_error)) { filter_all_post($_form); //filters all data of html $error_post = check_error(); //validation check if ($error_post['error'] == TRUE) { $error = TRUE; $error_msg = $error_post['error_msg']; } if (!$error_post) { //upload file if (!empty($_FILES['network_image']['name'])) { $file_upload_result = do_file_upload(); if ($file_upload_result['error']) { $error = TRUE; $error_msg = $file_upload_result['error_msg']; } else { $header_image = $network_image = $file_upload_result['file']; } } else { //image hidden $header_image = $network_image = @$temp_data['header_image']; } //code to upload the icon image if (!empty($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name'])) { $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name']); $myUploadobj = new FileUploader(); //creating instance of file. $image_type = 'image'; $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'inner_logo_image', true, true, $image_type); if ($file == false) { $error = TRUE; $error_msg = $file_upload_result['error_msg']; unset($data_icon_image); } else { $data_icon_image = array('inner_logo_image' => $file); } } else { unset($data_icon_image); } //...code to upload the icon image $network_basic_controls = PA::$network_defaults; $network_basic_controls['basic']['header_image']['name'] = $header_image; $network_basic_controls['basic']['header_image']['option'] = @$_form['header_image_option'] ? $_form['header_image_option'] : DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_STRETCH; // for title of network group $network_basic_controls['network_group_title'] = ''; $network_basic_controls['network_group_title'] = $_form['network_group_title']; $network_basic_controls['network_content_moderation'] = @$_form['network_content_moderation']; $temp_data['address'] = strtolower($temp_data['address']); $data = array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'], 'name' => strip_tags($temp_data['name']), 'address' => $temp_data['address'], 'tagline' => strip_tags($temp_data['tagline']), 'category_id' => $temp_data['category'], 'type' => $temp_data['type'], 'description' => $temp_data['desc'], 'extra' => serialize($network_basic_controls), 'created' => time(), 'changed' => time()); //add icon image if (!empty($data_icon_image['inner_logo_image'])) { $data = array_merge($data, $data_icon_image); $temp_data['inner_logo_image'] = $data_icon_image['inner_logo_image']; } $network = new Network(); $network->set_params($data); try { $nid = $network->save(); //default_page_setting($network->address); // populate page_default setting } catch (PAException $e) { $error = TRUE; $error_msg = "{$e->message}"; } if (!empty($nid)) { $_extra = serialize(array('user' => true, 'network' => true, 'groups' => array())); Roles::set_user_role_for_network($network->user_id, ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, $network->address, $_extra); $location = "http://" . $temp_data['address'] . '.' . PA::$domain_suffix . BASE_URL_REL . PA_ROUTE_CONFIGURE_NETWORK; } } $msg_array = array(); $msg_array['failure_msg'] = @$error_msg; $msg_array['success_msg'] = 7006; $return_array = @array('msg' => $msg_array, 'redirection_url' => $location, 'query_str' => $query_str); } return $return_array; }
$start = $limit * $page - $limit; if ($start < 0) { $start = 0; } $sql = ""; // TODO: // perbaiki query .. optimize it. if (sizeof($wh) > 2) { $sql = "select k.id, k.kode_keluarga, k.no_formulir, a.alamat,\n a.rukun_tetangga, a.rukun_warga, kel.nama_kelurahan from keluarga k,\n alamat a, kelurahan kel where k.alamat_id = a.id and\n a.kelurahan_id = kel.id and kel.kecamatan_id = {$kec_id} and {$wh} order by {$sidx} {$sord} limit {$start}, {$limit}"; } else { $sql = "select k.id, k.kode_keluarga, k.no_formulir, a.alamat, a.rukun_tetangga,\n a.rukun_warga, kel.nama_kelurahan from keluarga k, alamat a,\n kelurahan kel where k.alamat_id = a.id and a.kelurahan_id = kel.id\n and kel.kecamatan_id = {$kec_id} order by {$sidx} {$sord} limit {$start}, {$limit}"; } // //exit(); $result = $connection->query($sql); check_error($connection); $resp->page = $page; $resp->total = $total_pages; $resp->records = $count; $i = 0; while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $resp->rows[$i]['id'] = $row->id; $resp->rows[$i]['cell'] = array($row->id, $row->kode_keluarga, $row->no_formulir, $row->alamat, $row->rukun_tetangga, $row->rukun_warga, $row->nama_kelurahan); $i++; } echo json_encode($resp); break; case 2: break; } MysqlManager::close_connection($connection);
check_error(); echo "Created RegistryValue objects :{$eol}"; foreach ($keys as $value) { echo "{$tab}" . str_replace("{$eol}", "{$eol}{$tab}", print_r($value, true)); } // 7) Retrieve created key values - You must known the type of each key before doing that, or else use the GetValue() method, // which works only on REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_DWORD and REG_BINARY types. echo "Created values :{$eol}"; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/BinaryValueFromArray : " . $registry->GetBinaryValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'BinaryValueFromArray') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/BinaryValueFromHexString : " . $registry->GetBinaryValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'BinaryValueFromHexString') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/BinaryValueFromString : " . $registry->GetBinaryValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'BinaryValueFromString') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/DWORDValue : 0x" . sprintf("%08X", $registry->GetDWORDValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'DWORDValue')) . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/ExpandedStringValue : " . $registry->GetExpandedStringValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'ExpandedStringValue') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/BinaryValueFromHexString : " . $registry->GetBinaryValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'BinaryValueFromHexString') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/MultiStringValueMultiple : " . implode(', ', $registry->GetMultiStringValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'MultiStringValueMultiple')) . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/MultiStringValueSingle : " . implode(', ', $registry->GetMultiStringValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'MultiStringValueSingle')) . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/MultiStringValueMultiple : " . implode(', ', $registry->GetMultiStringValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'MultiStringValueMultiple')) . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/QWORDBigValue : " . $registry->GetQWORDValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'QWORDBigValue') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/QWORDValue : " . $registry->GetQWORDValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'QWORDValue') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/StringValue : " . $registry->GetQWORDValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'StringValue') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/WShellDWORDValue : 0x" . sprintf("%08X", $registry->GetValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'WShellDWORDValue')) . $eol; // Note that the GetValue() method for WShell does not seem to process variable expansion echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/WShellExpandedStringValue: " . $registry->GetValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'WShellExpandedStringValue') . $eol; echo "{$tab}{$test_key}/WShellStringValue : " . $registry->GetValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'WShellStringValue') . $eol; // 8) Delete a subkey (HKCU\TestRegistry\Values\WShellExpandedStringValue key) $registry->DeleteValue(Registry::HKCU, $test_key, 'WShellExpandedStringValue'); check_error(); // 9) Delete the test subkey - leads to an error, since a key can only be deleted if it has no subkeys - so you'll have to delete TestRegistry manually under HKCU $registry->DeleteKey(Registry::HKCU, 'TestRegistry'); check_error();
$result = $conn->query($sql); check_error($conn); MysqlManager::close_connection($conn); } elseif ($_POST['oper'] == 'del') { $conn = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $id = $_POST['id']; $sql = "delete from pendidikan where id = {$id}"; $result = $conn->query($sql); check_error($conn); MysqlManager::close_connection($conn); } elseif ($_POST['oper'] == 'add') { $conn = MysqlManager::get_connection(); $pendidikan = $_POST['pendidikan']; $sql = "insert into pendidikan (pendidikan) values ('{$pendidikan}')"; $result = $conn->query($sql); check_error($conn); MysqlManager::close_connection($conn); } } elseif (isset($_GET['q'])) { $resp = ""; $req = $_GET['q']; $page = $_GET['page']; $limit = $_GET['rows']; $sord = $_GET['sord']; $sidx = $_GET['sidx']; if (!$sidx) { $sidx = 1; } $wh = ""; $searchOn = Strip($_REQUEST['_search']); if ($searchOn == 'true') {
public function delete() { if (!$this->isPost()) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '非法的调用'); } $users = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")); if (!is_array($users)) { $users = array($users); } $User = D('User'); check_error($User); $ManageTarget = M('ManageTarget'); check_error($ManageTarget); foreach ($users as $user) { if (false === $ManageTarget->where("`user_id`='{$user->id}'")->delete()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('删除用户', '删除用户管理对象失败', '失败:系统错误', '删除用户管理对象时出错:' . get_error($ManageTarget))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', '删除用户管理对象时出错:' . get_error($ManageTarget)); } if (false === $User->where("`id`='" . $user->id . "'")->delete()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('删除用户', '删除用户失败', '失败:系统错误', '删除用户出错:' + get_error($User))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', '删除删除用户出错:' + get_error($User)); } //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('删除用户', '删除用户成功', '成功', '被删除的用户' . $user->name)); } return_value_json(true); }
if (!empty($_POST[$var])) { $form_data[$var] = $_POST[$var]; } if ($var == 'type') { if (isset($_POST[$var])) { $form_data[$var] = $_POST[$var]; } } } // No need to verify category of MotherNetwork if ($network_info->type == MOTHER_NETWORK_TYPE) { $skip_check = array('address', 'category'); } else { $skip_check = array('address'); } $error_post = check_error($skip_check); //validation check if ($error_post['error'] == TRUE) { $error = TRUE; $error_msg = $error_post['error_msg']; } if (!$error_post) { //code to upload the icon image if (!empty($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name'])) { $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name']); $myUploadobj = new FileUploader(); //creating instance of file. $image_type = 'image'; $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'inner_logo_image', true, true, $image_type); if ($file == false) { $error = TRUE;
function checkUser($email, $password, &$errMsgs) { $result = array(); $returnData = ""; $result['success'] = false; $con = connectDatabase(); while (1) { $stmt = $con->prepare("CALL getUser(?)"); $stmt->bind_param("s", $email); $stmt->execute(); if (check_error($stmt->errno, $stmt->error, $errMsgs)) { break; } $stmt->bind_result($returnData); $stmt->fetch(); $returnData = json_decode($returnData, true); if ($returnData['success'] == true) { if (password_verify($password, $returnData['hash'])) { $result['success'] = true; $result['type'] = $returnData['type']; $result['email'] = $email; if ($result['type'] === 'user') { $result['firstName'] = $returnData['firstName']; $result['lastName'] = $returnData['lastName']; $result['nationality'] = $returnData['nationality']; $result['dob'] = $returnData['dob']; $result['middleName'] = getUserMiddleNames($email); $result['aliasName'] = getUserAliasNames($email); } _updateUserLastLogin($result['email']); } else { array_push($errMsgs, "Wrong Username/Password Combination"); } } else { array_push($errMsgs, "Wrong Username/Password Combination"); } $stmt->close(); break; } closeDatabase($con); return $result; }
/** * 区域班列查询 */ public function inarea() { //先获取到参数 $starttime = $this->_get('starttime'); $endtime = $this->_get('endtime'); $points = json_decode($_GET['area']); if (empty($starttime)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间为空'); } if (strlen($starttime) != 19 || strtotime($starttime) === false) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:开始时间格式不正确'); } if (!empty($endtime) && (strlen($endtime) != 19 || strtotime($endtime) === false)) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:结束时间格式不正确'); } if (empty($points) || !is_array($points) || count($points) < 2) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '系统出错:多边形端点数量不够'); } foreach ($points as $index => $point) { $points[$index] = (array) $point; //把对象转成数组 } //首先查询数据库里指定时间内所有的定位信息 $Location = M('Location'); check_error($Location); $condition = array('_string' => " `location`.`time`>='{$starttime}' AND `train`.`number` IS NOT NULL "); if (!empty($endtime)) { $condition['_string'] .= " AND `location`.`time`<='{$endtime}' "; } $Location->join('`device` on `device`.`id`=`location`.`device_id`')->join("`train` on (`train`.`id`=`device`.`target_id` AND `device`.`target_type`='班列')")->join('`department` on `department`.`id`=`train`.`department_id`')->field(array('`location`.`id`', '`department`.`id`' => 'department_id', '`department`.`name`' => 'department', '`train`.`id`' => 'train_id', '`train`.`number`', '`train`.`due_date`', '`train`.`due_time`', '`location`.`device_id`', '`device`.`type`', '`device`.`label`', '`location`.`time`', 'state', 'online', '`location`.`address`', 'baidu_lat', 'baidu_lng', 'speed', 'direction', 'mcc', 'mnc', 'lac', 'cellid', '`location`.`range`'))->where($condition)->order('`department`.`sequence`, `train`.`id`, `time` ASC'); //先按班列id,然后按时间顺序 // $page = $_REQUEST['page'] + 0; // $limit = $_REQUEST['limit'] + 0; // if($page && $limit) $Location->limit($limit)->page($page); //这里不用数据库的分页,而是用我们自己的分页(目前没法分页了) $locations = $Location->select(); check_error($Location); $total = 0; $results = array(); $curTrain = null; //当前在区域内的班列 $alreadyIn = false; //目前是否已经在区域内 $lastLocation = null; foreach ($locations as $location) { $in = Geometry::geoPointInPolygon(array('lat' => $location['baidu_lat'], 'lng' => $location['baidu_lng']), $points); //TODO 考虑当前点与上一个定位点的轨迹线段是否切割多边形? if ($in) { if ($alreadyIn && $curTrain != $location['train_id']) { //已经在区域内,但是现在来了个不同的车(原来的车不知道跑哪里去了,这个车不知道是从哪里来的) //那么我们认为前车的离开点就是他轨迹的最后一个点,并且它现在离开区域了 $lastTrainLocationsCount = count($results[$total - 1]['locations']); if ($lastTrainLocationsCount > 0) { $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $results[$total - 1]['locations'][$lastTrainLocationsCount - 1]['time']; $results[$total - 1]['duration'] = $this->_getFriendlyDurationText($results[$total - 1]['time_in'], $results[$total - 1]['time_out']); $alreadyIn = false; $curTrain = null; } } if (!$alreadyIn && $curTrain === null) { //首次进入 $alreadyIn = true; $curTrain = $location['train_id']; $results[] = array('id' => $location['id'], 'department_id' => $location['department_id'], 'department' => $location['department'], 'train_id' => $location['train_id'], 'number' => $location['number'], 'device_id' => $location['device_id'], 'label' => $location['label'], 'time_in' => $location['time'], 'time_out' => '', 'duration' => '', 'locations' => array(), 'first_isout' => false, 'last_isout' => false); $total++; if ($lastLocation !== null && $lastLocation['train_id'] == $location['train_id']) { $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $lastLocation; $results[$total - 1]['first_isout'] = true; } } $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $location; } else { //出了区域 if ($alreadyIn) { if ($curTrain != $location['train_id']) { //原来的车不知道跑哪里去了 $lastTrainLocationsCount = count($results[$total - 1]['locations']); if ($lastTrainLocationsCount > 0) { $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $results[$total - 1]['locations'][$lastTrainLocationsCount - 1]['time']; } else { //这是不可能的。 $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $location['time']; } } else { //记录班列离开的点 $results[$total - 1]['time_out'] = $location['time']; $results[$total - 1]['locations'][] = $location; $results[$total - 1]['last_isout'] = true; } $results[$total - 1]['duration'] = $this->_getFriendlyDurationText($results[$total - 1]['time_in'], $results[$total - 1]['time_out']); $alreadyIn = false; $curTrain = null; } } $lastLocation = $location; } return_json(true, $total, 'results', $results); }
/** * edit操作根据post数据更新数据库。 */ public function edit() { if (!$this->isPost()) { return_value_json(false, 'msg', '非法的调用'); } $vehicles = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input")); if (!is_array($vehicles)) { $vehicles = array($vehicles); } $Vehicle = D('Vehicle'); foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle) { $Vehicle->create($vehicle); check_error($Vehicle); if (false === $Vehicle->save()) { //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('修改车辆资料', '修改车辆资料失败', '失败:系统错误', '更新车辆[' . $vehicle->number . ']时出错:' . get_error($Vehicle))); return_value_json(false, 'msg', '更新车辆[' . $vehicle->number . ']时出错:' . get_error($Vehicle)); } //保存日志 R('Log/adduserlog', array('修改车辆资料', '修改车辆资料成功', '成功', '车牌号码:' . $Vehicle->number)); } return_value_json(true); }
print "provider {$provider} {\n\tdefinition incomplete;\n\tdbType {$mdb->dbsyntax};\n"; $tables = $mdb->listTables(); check_error($tables); $views = $mdb->listViews(); check_error($views); $tablesViews = array_merge($tables, $views); foreach ($tablesViews as $table) { print "\ttable {$table} {\n"; //NOTE: http://pear.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=15100 $mdb->setOption('quote_identifier', true); $fields = $mdb->listTableFields($table); check_error($fields); foreach ($fields as $field) { //obtain definition $decl = $mdb->getTableFieldDefinition($table, $field); check_error($decl); $decl = $decl[0]; //determine native type if (!array_key_exists($decl['nativetype'], $typeMap)) { perror("WARNING: Unknown nativetype: {$decl['nativetype']}\n"); print "\t\t/*Omitting {$field}: Unknown nativetype: {$decl['nativetype']}*/\n"; continue; } $type = $typeMap[$decl['nativetype']]; $ext = ''; //TODO: skip for now since not supported if ($type == 'Binary') { perror("WARNING: Omitting {$field}: Binary fields not yet supported\n"); print "\t\t/*Omitting {$field}: Binary fields not yet supported*/\n"; continue; }
if (empty($_SESSION['error_msg'])) { $_SESSION['ok_msg'] = __('USER_CREATED_OK', $_POST['v_username'], $_POST['v_username']); $_SESSION['ok_msg'] .= " / <a href=/login/?loginas=" . $_POST['v_username'] . ">" . __('login as') . " " . $_POST['v_username'] . "</a>"; unset($v_username); unset($v_password); unset($v_email); unset($v_fname); unset($v_lname); unset($v_notify); } } // Header include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/templates/header.html'; // Panel top_panel($user, $TAB); // List hosting packages exec(VESTA_CMD . "v-list-user-packages json", $output, $return_var); check_error($return_var); $data = json_decode(implode('', $output), true); unset($output); // List languages exec(VESTA_CMD . "v-list-sys-languages json", $output, $return_var); $languages = json_decode(implode('', $output), true); unset($output); // Display body include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/templates/admin/add_user.html'; // Flush session messages unset($_SESSION['error_msg']); unset($_SESSION['ok_msg']); // Footer include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/templates/footer.html';