Esempio n. 1
function space_viewpro()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $timestamp, $user_arr, $val_arr, $style_user_arr, $diamond, $_MooCookie, $memcached;
    //	$uid = $GLOBALS ['style_uid'];
    $uid = $_GET['other_uid'];
    $is_only_show = true;
    $status = array();
    $and_uuid = isset($_GET['uuid']) ? $_GET['uuid'] : '';
    $userid = $_GET['uid'] = isset($_GET['uid']) ? $_GET['uid'] : '';
    if ($userid) {
        $userid = $mem_uid = $memcached->get('uid_' . $userid);
    $checkuuid = check_uuid($and_uuid, $userid);
    if (!$checkuuid) {
        $error = "uuid_error";
        echo return_data($error, false);
    $user_arr = MooMembersData($userid);
    $user_oth = MooMembersData($uid);
    //note 判断被浏览的会员是否存在
    $status = array_merge(MooMembersData($uid), MooGetData('members_login', 'uid', $uid));
    $user_per_num = getUserinfo_per($user_arr);
    $error = array();
    if ($uid != $userid) {
        $is_only_show = false;
    if (empty($is_only_show)) {
        //if(MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB && $status['is_lock'] != 1){//is_lock默认1不封锁用户,0则封锁
        if ($status['is_lock'] != 1) {
            $error = "此会员已经找到真爱,关闭了个人资料";
            echo return_data($error, false);
        if (!$status) {
            $error = "此会员已经找到真爱,关闭了个人资料";
            echo return_data($error, false);
            //note 判断被浏览的用户是否允许其他会员查看他的资料
        } elseif (!$status['showinformation'] && $status['uid'] != $userid) {
            switch ($status['showinformation_val']) {
                case 1:
                    $error = "此会员已找到正在交往的对象,故资料未公开";
                    echo return_data($error, FALSE);
                case 2:
                    $error = "此会员已找到真爱,即将踏上红地毯,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生";
                    echo return_data($error, false);
                case 3:
                    $error = "此会员最近很忙,无法及时回复邮件,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生";
                case 4:
                    $error = "此会员资料未公开,原因可能是TA已经找到真爱了,转向我的真爱一生";
                    echo return_data($error, false);
    //note 浏览资料页面时候,写入谁浏览谁表,自己浏览自己的除外
    if ($userid && $uid && $userid != $uid) {
        //note 不让屏蔽的会员查看
        if (MooGetScreen($userid, $uid)) {
            $error = "由于特殊原因对方资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生";
            echo return_data($error, false);
        if ($user_oth['gender'] != $user_arr['gender']) {
            //service_visitor 某某会员浏览某某会员记录表
            $visitor = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT vid FROM {$dbTablePre}service_visitor WHERE uid = '{$userid}' AND visitorid = '{$uid}'");
            //note 再次浏览的,更新浏览时间
            if ($visitor['vid']) {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_visitor SET visitortime = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid='{$userid}' AND visitorid = '{$uid}' limit 1");
            } else {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_visitor SET uid = '{$userid}',visitorid='{$uid}',visitortime = '{$timestamp}'");
            if (MooUserIsOnline($uid)) {
                $browser = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT id FROM {$dbTablePre}service_browser WHERE uid = '{$userid}' AND browserid = '{$uid}'");
                //note 再次浏览的,更新浏览时间
                if ($browser['id']) {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_browser SET browsertime = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid='{$userid}' AND browserid = '{$uid}' limit 1");
                } else {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_browser SET uid = '{$userid}',browserid='{$uid}',browsertime = '{$timestamp}'");
    //note 查看会员资料信息
    $c = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $uid) + MooGetData('members_introduce', 'uid', $uid);
    $user =& $status;
    /***创建浏览队列 ***/
    if ($userid && $uid && $userid != $uid) {
        if ($user_oth['gender'] != $user_arr['gender'] && $user['uid'] != $userid) {
            if ($user['usertype'] == 3 && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3 && $user['showinformation'] == 1 && $user_arr['s_cid'] >= 40) {
                $iscan = $GLOBALS['fastdb']->get($userid . '_scan_space');
                $iscan = empty($iscan) ? array() : json_decode($iscan, true);
                $iscan = in_array($uid, $iscan) ? $iscan : array_push($iscan, $uid);
                $GLOBALS['fastdb']->set($userid . '_scan_space', json_encode($iscan));
            if ($user['usertype'] != 3) {
                $scan_i = $GLOBALS['fastdb']->get('scan_space_' . $uid);
                $scan_i = empty($scan_i) ? array() : json_decode($scan_i, true);
                if (!empty($scan_i)) {
                    $scan_s = array();
                    foreach ($scan_i as $k => $scan) {
                        $scan_s[$k] = $scan[0];
                    if (in_array($userid, $scan_s)) {
                        $scan_i[array_search($userid, $scan_s)] = array($userid, time());
                    } else {
                        array_push($scan_i, array($userid, time()));
                } else {
                    array_push($scan_i, array($userid, time()));
                $GLOBALS['fastdb']->set('scan_space_' . $uid, json_encode($scan_i));
    $user_pic = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT imgurl,pic_date,pic_name FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$uid}'");
    $user['pic'] = $user_pic;
    $gender = $user_arr['gender'] == '0' ? '1' : '0';
    $agebegin = date("Y") - $user_arr['birthyear'] - 3;
    $ageend = date("Y") - $user_arr['birthyear'] + 3;
    $workprovince = $user_arr['province'];
    $workcity = $user_arr['city'];
    $search_url = MOOPHP_URL . "/index.php?n=search&h=quick&gender=" . $gender . "&age_start=" . $agebegin . "&age_end=" . $ageend . "&workprovince=" . $workprovince . "&workcity=" . $workcity . "&isphoto=1&imageField=&quick_search=搜索";
    //note 您可能喜欢的人,匹配相同地区
    $able_like = $userid ? youAbleLike(5) : array();
    //note 获取会员认证证件
    //note 当查看其他个人主页时,当前浏览的主页条件是否匹配
    $user2 = false;
    if ($uid != "" && $uid != $user_arr['uid'] && $user['gender'] != $user_arr['gender']) {
        $c2 = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $userid);
        $user2 = MooMembersData($userid);
    //note 获得用户资料的完整度,以百分比显示makui
    $all_len = 0;
    if ($uid == $user_arr['uid']) {
        $all_len = (int) (getUserinfo_per($user_arr) * 100);
    $user['all_len'] = $all_len;
    //note 匹配指数分数得出
    $mark = 0;
    if ($uid && $uid != $user_arr['uid'] && $user['gender'] != $user_arr['gender']) {
        $cho = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $user_arr['uid']);
        $year = isset($cho['birthyear']) ? $cho['birthyear'] : $user_arr['birthyear'];
        if ($year - 5 <= $user['birthyear'] && $user['birthyear'] <= $year + 5) {
            $mark_age = 9;
            $mark += 9;
        } else {
            $mark_age = 6;
            $mark += 6;
        if ($cho['height1'] <= $user['height'] && $user['height'] <= $cho['height2']) {
            $mark_height = 7;
            $mark += 7;
        } else {
            $mark_height = 5;
            $mark += 5;
        if ($cho['weight1'] <= $user['weight'] && $user['weight'] <= $cho['weight2']) {
            $mark_weight = 5;
            $mark += 5;
        } else {
            $mark_weight = 3;
            $mark += 3;
        if ($cho['workprovince'] == $user['province']) {
            $mark_workprovince = 8;
            $mark += 8;
        } else {
            $mark_workprovince = 6;
            $mark += 6;
        if ($cho['workcity'] == $user['city']) {
            $mark_workcity = 16;
            $mark += 16;
        } else {
            $mark_workcity = 5;
            $mark += 10;
        if ($cho['education'] == $user['education']) {
            $mark_education = 8;
            $mark += 8;
        } else {
            $mark_education = 5;
            $mark += 5;
        if ($cho['salary'] == $user['salary']) {
            $mark_salary = 9;
            $mark += 9;
        } else {
            $mark_salary = 7;
            $mark += 7;
        if ($cho['marriage'] == $user['marriage']) {
            $mark_marriage = 8;
            $mark += 8;
        } else {
            $mark_marriage = 5;
            $mark += 5;
        if ($cho['children'] == $user['children']) {
            $mark_children = 8;
            $mark += 8;
        } else {
            $mark_children = 6;
            $mark += 6;
        if ($cho['drinking'] == $user['drinking']) {
            $mark_drinking = 5;
            $mark += 5;
        } else {
            $mark_drinking = 3;
            $mark += 3;
        if ($cho['smoking'] == $user['smoking']) {
            $mark_smoking = 5;
            $mark += 5;
        } else {
            $mark_smoking = 2;
            $mark += 2;
        if ($cho['body'] == $user['body']) {
            $mark_body = 6;
            $mark += 12;
        } else {
            $mark_body = 4;
            $mark += 8;
    $returnurl = 'index.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    //note 检查绑定是否过期
    if ($user['isbind'] == 1) {
        $user['isbind'] = check_bind($user['bind_id']);
    $activity = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT uid,username,regtime,channel FROM {$dbTablePre}ahtv_reguser where  uid='{$uid}' and  isattend=1");
    if ($user_arr['gender'] == 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT id,content  FROM {$dbTablePre}members_sendinfo where type=2 and isShow=1";
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT id,content  FROM {$dbTablePre}members_sendinfo where type=1 and isShow=1";
    $sendinfo = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql);
    $users = array();
    $mainimg = MooGetphoto($status['uid'], $style = "com");
    $status['mainimg'] = $mainimg;
    $users['material'] = $status;
    $users['mating'] = $c;
    $users['inte'] = $user_per_num * 100;
    $users['inte'] = round($users['inte']);
    $users['material']['password'] = '';
    $users['material']['regip'] = '';
    $users['material']['qq'] = '';
    $users['material']['msn'] = '';
    $users['material']['telphone'] = '';
    $users['material']['username'] = '';
    if (empty($error)) {
        echo return_data($users);
    } else {
        echo return_data($error, false);
Esempio n. 2
function sendcontact()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user, $user_arr, $hzn, $serverid;
    $returnurl = 'index.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $userid = $GLOBALS['MooUid'];
    //note 目前默认系统不审核
    $contact_sys_check = '0';
    //note 目前系统默认是委托真爱一生等待对方的回应
    $contact_stat = '1';
    $content = MooCutstr(safeFilter(MooGetGPC('content1', 'string')), 200, '');
    $sendid = MooGetGPC('sendid', 'integer');
    /*if($hzn == "hongniangwang"){
    if ($serverid) {
        MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04');
    if ($sendid == $userid) {
        MooMessage('自己不可委托真爱一生联系自己', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    //note 双方屏蔽不给操作
    if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendid)) {
        MooMessage('因特殊原因,委托失败', "index.php?n=service&h=rose&t=getmorerose", '03');
    $formsubmit1 = MooGetGPC('formsubmit1', 'string');
    $checkuser = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT mid,sendtime FROM {$dbTablePre}service_contact WHERE you_contact_other='{$sendid}' AND other_contact_you = '{$userid}' and receive_del=0 and send_del=0 and is_server=0");
    $checkuser2 = $user_arr;
    //note 委托也要做性别限制
        $user_s = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $sendid);
    } else {
        $user_s = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search WHERE uid = '{$sendid}'", true);
    //note 获得照片总数
    $ret_count = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT count(imgid) as c FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE uid = '{$user_s['uid']}'");
    $pic_total = $ret_count['c'];
    if ($checkuser2['gender'] == $user_s['gender']) {
        MooMessage('同性之间不可委托真爱一生', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    //note 检查绑定是否过期
    if ($user_s['isbind'] == 1) {
        //note 如果被绑定,检测绑定是否到期
        $user_s['isbind'] = check_bind($user_s['bind_id']);
        if ($user_s['isbind'] == 1) {
            MooMessage('不能向绑定中的会员发委托', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    if ($user_s['showinformation'] != 1) {
        MooMessage('发起委托失败,该会员已经关闭资料!', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    //note 如果已经联系他就直接提示
    if ($checkuser['mid']) {
        MooMessage("对不起,您已经委托真爱一生联系TA了", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    //note 如果是今天超过3次就直接提示
    $mtime = date("Ymd");
    $contact_time_Ymd = date("Ymd", $checkuser2['contact_time']);
    if ($contact_time_Ymd == $mtime && $checkuser2['contact_num'] >= 3) {
        MooMessage("今天委托真爱一生已经超过3次", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    if ($formsubmit1 && $content && $sendid) {
        if (!$checkuser['mid']) {
            include_once "./module/crontab/crontab_config.php";
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                $res = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $sendid);
            } else {
                $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select telphone,is_phone,username from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$sendid}'");
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                $send_user_info = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $userid);
                $send_user_info = array_merge($send_user_info, MooFastdbGet('members_choice', 'uid', $userid));
            } else {
                $send_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select b.*,a.* from `{$dbTablePre}members_search` a  left join  {$dbTablePre}members_choice b  on a.uid=b.uid  where a.uid = '{$userid}'");
                $send_user_info = $send_user_info['0'];
            $path = thumbImgPath(2, $send_user_info['pic_date'], $send_user_info['pic_name'], $send_user_info['gender']);
            if (file_exists($path)) {
                $img_path = $path;
            } else {
                if ($send_user_info['gender'] == 1) {
                    $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_woman.gif";
                } else {
                    $img_path = "/public/images/service_nopic_man.gif";
            $send_username = $send_user_info['nickname'] ? $send_user_info['nickname'] : $send_user_info['uid'];
            $send_user_grade = $send_user_info['gender'] == 1 ? "女" : "男";
            $province = $provice_list[$send_user_info['province']];
            $city = $city_list[$send_user_info['city']];
            $height = $send_user_info['height'] ? $height_list[$send_user_info['height']] : "未知";
            require_once MooTemplate('public/mail_space_commissiontpl', 'module');
            $body = ob_get_clean();
            MooSendMail($res['username'], "真爱一生网系统温馨提示", $body, "", false, $sendid);
            /*发送短信提醒   begin
                          $week_time = 24*3600*7;//一周时间秒数
                          $interval_time = $timestamp - $user_arr['last_login_time'];//当前时间-最后登录时间
                          $date1 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("last Monday"));
                          $date2 = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("Sunday"));
                          if($interval_time > $week_time){//不活跃用户每周发一条短信
                               $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" );
                               $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendtoid'  and sendtime>='$date1' and sendtime<='$date2'");
                              if($cos['c'] <= 1){
                                  Push_message_intab($sendid,$res['telphone'],"委托","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$send_user_info['uid'].",".$send_user_grade.",已委托真爱一生联系您,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$send_user_info['uid']);
                             $cos = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}today_send where uid='$sendid' and sendtime='".date("Y-m-d")."'");
                                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}today_send SET uid = '".$sendid."', sid = '".$userid."',phone = '".$res['telphone']."',sendtime = '".date("Y-m-d")."'" );
                                Push_message_intab($sendid,$res['telphone'],"委托","真爱一生网 用户ID:".$send_user_info['uid'].",".$send_user_grade.",已委托真爱一生联系您,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405",$send_user_info['uid']);
            		end */
            //note 今天提交委托真爱一生,表中的委托计数还是昨天的就 update为0
            if ($contact_time_Ymd != $mtime) {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}members_base SET contact_num = 0,contact_time = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
                if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                    $value = array();
                    $value['contact_num'] = 0;
                    $value['contact_time'] = $timestamp;
                    MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $value);
            //note 如果今天提交委托真爱一生次数超过3次不能再发起委托,否则更新次数
            $today_contact_num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT contact_num FROM {$dbTablePre}members_base WHERE uid = '{$userid}'", true);
            //$today_contact_num = $checkuser2;
            $today_contact_num = $today_contact_num['contact_num'];
            //if($user_arr['uid']=='20796965') $today_contact_num=0;
            if ($today_contact_num < 3) {
                $update_sql = '';
                if (empty($user_arr['sid']) && $user_arr['usertype'] == 1) {
                    $update_sql = ',is_well_user=1';
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}members_base SET contact_num = contact_num + 1,contact_time = '{$timestamp}' {$update_sql}  WHERE uid = '{$userid}'");
                if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
                    $oldarr = MooFastdbGet('members_base', 'uid', $userid);
                    $value = array();
                    $value['contact_num'] = $oldarr['contact_num'] + 1;
                    $value['contact_time'] = $timestamp;
                    if ($update_sql != '') {
                        $value['is_well_user'] = 1;
                    MooFastdbUpdate('members_base', 'uid', $userid, $value);
                //note 记录委托真爱一生的内容
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_contact SET content = '{$content}',other_contact_you = '{$userid}',you_contact_other='{$sendid}',stat = '{$contact_stat}',syscheck='{$contact_sys_check}',sendtime = '{$timestamp}'");
                if (in_array($user_arr['sid'], array(1, 52, 123)) && $user_arr['is_well_user'] != 1) {
                //====发送委托彩信   begin  ====
                $sql = "SELECT uid,telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid='{$userid}' and mainimg!='' and images_ischeck=1 and pic_num>0";
                $sendout_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
                //echo $sendid."<br />".$userid;
                $sql = "SELECT s.telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search as s\n\t                       left join {$dbTablePre}members_base as b on s.uid=b.uid\n\t                       where s.uid='{$sendid}' and b.is_phone=1 and s.telphone!='' and s.usertype=1";
                $sendto_user_info = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
                if ($sendto_user_info['telphone'] && $sendout_user_info['uid']) {
                    //SendMsg('18911883821',"真爱一生网 用户ID:".$user_arr['uid'].",".$gender.",已给委托真爱一生 委托您,请及时把握您的缘分!4006780405");
                    send_mms_commission($sendto_user_info['telphone'], 'contact', $sendout_user_info['uid']);
                //====发送委托彩信 end =====
                MooMessage("委托成功", 'index.php?n=service', '05');
            } else {
                MooMessage("今天委托真爱一生已经 超过3次", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
        } else {
            MooMessage("对不起,您已经委托真爱一生联系TA了", 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
        $status = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $userid);
    } else {
        $status = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}certification WHERE uid='{$userid}'", true);
    if (!$status['telphone']) {
        MooMessage("对不起,您没有通过手机验证,请先通过验证再委托", 'index.php?n=myaccount&h=telphone', '02');
    } else {
        $tel = $status['telphone'];
    require MooTemplate('public/service_contact_sendcontact', 'module');
Esempio n. 3
defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
include_once S_ROOT . '/keke_client/sms/d9.php';
$account_info = $kekezu->_sys_config;
$mobile_u = $account_info['mobile_username'];
$mobile_p = $account_info['mobile_password'];
$op and $op = $op or $op = 'config';
$url = "index.php?do={$do}&view={$view}&op={$op}";
switch ($op) {
    case "config":
        if (!isset($sbt_edit)) {
            $bind_info = check_bind('mobile_username');
        } else {
            foreach ($conf as $k => $v) {
                if (check_bind($k)) {
                    $res .= db_factory::execute(" update " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config set v='{$v}' where k='{$k}'");
                } else {
                    $res .= db_factory::execute(" insert into " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config values('','{$k}','{$v}','mobile','','')");
            kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['binding_cellphone_account_successfully'], "index.php?do={$do}&view={$view}&op=config", 3, '', 'success');
    case "manage":
        if ($remain_fee) {
            if ($mobile_p && $mobile_u) {
                $msg = new sms_d9('', '');
                $m = $msg->get_userinfo();
Esempio n. 4
function space_viewpro()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $timestamp, $user_arr, $val_arr, $style_user_arr, $diamond, $_MooCookie, $memcached;
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G') ? MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G') : $userid;
    $skinName = MooGetGPC('skiname', 'string', 'G');
    $is_only_show = true;
    $status = array();
    //note 判断被浏览的会员是否存在
    $status = array_merge(MooMembersData($uid), MooGetData('members_login', 'uid', $uid));
    if ($uid != $userid) {
        $is_only_show = false;
    if (empty($is_only_show)) {
        //if(MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB && $status['is_lock'] != 1){//is_lock默认1不封锁用户,0则封锁
        if ($status['is_lock'] != 1) {
            MooMessage('此会员已经找到真爱,关闭了个人资料,转向我的真爱一生,寻找自己的真爱吧!', 'index.php?n=service');
        if (!$status) {
            MooMessage('此会员已经找到真爱,关闭了个人资料,转向我的真爱一生,寻找自己的真爱吧!', 'index.php?n=service');
            //note 判断被浏览的用户是否允许其他会员查看他的资料
        } elseif (!$status['showinformation'] && $status['uid'] != $userid) {
            switch ($status['showinformation_val']) {
                case 1:
                    MooMessage('此会员已找到正在交往的对象,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
                case 2:
                    MooMessage('此会员已找到真爱,即将踏上红地毯,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
                case 3:
                    MooMessage('此会员最近很忙,无法及时回复邮件,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
                case 4:
                    MooMessage('此会员资料未公开,原因可能是TA已经找到真爱了,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    if ($serverid) {
        $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'");
        $groupid = $result['groupid'];
        $GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60);
        if (in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['system_admin'])) {
            $serverid = null;
    //note 浏览资料页面时候,写入谁浏览谁表,自己浏览自己的除外
    if ($userid && $uid && $userid != $uid) {
        //note 不让屏蔽的会员查看
        if (MooGetScreen($userid, $uid)) {
            MooMessage('由于特殊原因对方资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
        if (empty($serverid)) {
            //service_visitor 某某会员浏览某某会员记录表
            $visitor = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT vid FROM {$dbTablePre}service_visitor WHERE uid = '{$userid}' AND visitorid = '{$uid}'");
            //note 再次浏览的,更新浏览时间
            if ($visitor['vid']) {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_visitor SET visitortime = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid='{$userid}' AND visitorid = '{$uid}' limit 1");
            } else {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_visitor SET uid = '{$userid}',visitorid='{$uid}',visitortime = '{$timestamp}'");
            //MemoryCache('visitor', $userid.'行78, space/index.php');
            	$browsered = MooFastdbGet('members','uid',$uid);
            	$sql="SELECT isOnline FROM {$dbTablePre}members where uid='$uid'";
            if (MooUserIsOnline($uid)) {
                $browser = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT id FROM {$dbTablePre}service_browser WHERE uid = '{$userid}' AND browserid = '{$uid}'");
                //note 再次浏览的,更新浏览时间
                if ($browser['id']) {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_browser SET browsertime = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid='{$userid}' AND browserid = '{$uid}' limit 1");
                } else {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_browser SET uid = '{$userid}',browserid='{$uid}',browsertime = '{$timestamp}'");
    //note 查看会员资料信息
    $c = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $uid) + MooGetData('members_introduce', 'uid', $uid);
    $user =& $status;
    /***创建浏览队列 ***/
    if (empty($serverid) && !empty($userid)) {
        if ($user['gender'] != $user_arr['gender'] && $user['uid'] != $userid) {
            if ($user['usertype'] == 3 && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3 && $user['showinformation'] == 1 && $user_arr['s_cid'] >= 40) {
                $iscan = $GLOBALS['fastdb']->get($userid . '_scan_space');
                $iscan = empty($iscan) ? array() : json_decode($iscan, true);
                if (!empty($iscan)) {
                    $iscan = in_array($uid, $iscan) ? $iscan : array_push($iscan, $uid);
                $GLOBALS['fastdb']->set($userid . '_scan_space', json_encode($iscan));
            if ($user['usertype'] != 3) {
                $scan_i = $GLOBALS['fastdb']->get('scan_space_' . $uid);
                $scan_i = empty($scan_i) ? array() : json_decode($scan_i, true);
                if (!empty($scan_i)) {
                    $scan_s = array();
                    foreach ($scan_i as $k => $scan) {
                        $scan_s[$k] = $scan[0];
                    if (in_array($userid, $scan_s)) {
                        $scan_i[array_search($userid, $scan_s)] = array($userid, time());
                    } else {
                        array_push($scan_i, array($userid, time()));
                } else {
                    array_push($scan_i, array($userid, time()));
                $GLOBALS['fastdb']->set('scan_space_' . $uid, json_encode($scan_i));
    $user_pic = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT imgurl,pic_date,pic_name FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$uid}'");
    $gender = $user_arr['gender'] == '0' ? '1' : '0';
    $agebegin = date("Y") - $user_arr['birthyear'] - 3;
    $ageend = date("Y") - $user_arr['birthyear'] + 3;
    $workprovince = $user_arr['province'];
    $workcity = $user_arr['city'];
    $search_url = MOOPHP_URL . "/index.php?n=search&h=quick&gender=" . $gender . "&age_start=" . $agebegin . "&age_end=" . $ageend . "&workprovince=" . $workprovince . "&workcity=" . $workcity . "&isphoto=1&imageField=&quick_search=搜索";
    //note 您可能喜欢的人,匹配相同地区
    $able_like = $userid ? youAbleLike($l, 0) : array();
    //note 获取会员认证证件
    $usercer = certification($uid);
    /* $sql = "select toshoot_video_time,toshoot_video_url from {$dbTablePre}certification where uid='{$uid}' and toshoot_video_check=2";
    	$get_video = $_MooClass ['MooMySQL']->getOne ( $sql );
    	$cs_path = videoPathEncrypt ( MOOPHP_URL . '/' . $get_video ['toshoot_video_url'] . '/mov_' . $uid . '.flv' ); */
    /* $sql_voi = "select toshoot_voice_time,toshoot_voice_url from {$dbTablePre}certification where uid='{$uid}' and toshoot_voice_check=2";
    	$get_voice = $_MooClass ['MooMySQL']->getOne ( $sql_voi );
    	$voice_path = MOOPHP_URL . '/' . $get_voice ['toshoot_voice_url'] . '/voi_' . $uid . '.flv'; */
    //note 当查看其他个人主页时,当前浏览的主页条件是否匹配
    $user2 = false;
    if ($uid != "" && $uid != $user_arr['uid'] && $user['gender'] != $user_arr['gender']) {
        $c2 = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $userid);
        $user2 = MooMembersData($userid);
    $skin_style = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from {$dbTablePre}members_skin");
    $returnurl = 'index.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    //note 检查绑定是否过期
    if ($user['isbind'] == 1) {
        $user['isbind'] = check_bind($user['bind_id']);
    if ($diamond) {
        $Template = MooTemplate('space_viewpro', 'data');
    } else {
        if (!empty($skinName)) {
            $Template = MooTemplate("public/space_{$skinName}", 'module');
        } elseif ($user['skin']) {
            $Template = MooTemplate("public/space_" . $user['skin'], 'module');
        } else {
            $Template = MooTemplate('public/space_viewpro', 'module');
    if (!empty($userid) && !empty($serverid) && $user['usertype'] == 1) {
        $urlArr = array("ajax.php?n=service&h=sendleer", "ajax.php?n=service&h=addLiker");
        $key = array_rand($urlArr);
        $url = $urlArr[$key];
    if (in_array($user_arr['s_cid'], array(10, 20, 30))) {
        $isMusic = false;
        $sql = "select musicName from web_vipmusic where uid='{$uid}'";
        $music = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
        if ($music['musicName']) {
            $music_url = "data/music/{$uid}/{$music['musicName']}";
            if (file_exists($music_url)) {
                $isMusic = true;
    require $Template;